Kingdom Hearts True Story

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by John Clay Rice, Jun 29, 2007.

  1. Kairi_and_sora_forever Destiny Islands Resident

    Jun 27, 2007
    jizz in, Minnesota
    Well it's ok lizzy Umm David You do port Royal first and then Lizzy will do Hollow Bastion Sephiroth vs Cloud battle and I'll write were we go after that and on the gummi ship like when we all meet up ok?

  2. Roxas_loverXIII Destiny Islands Resident

    Jun 26, 2007
    over the rainbow
    WOW when was the last time someone call me lizzy.......ok kayla i like ur idea well yeah talk 2 u later than
  3. John Clay Rice Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 14, 2007
    Rupp Arena
    The Boys went together except King Mickey who is still taking care of Minnie to Port Royal to see if they could rescue Jack. When they saw Will and Elizabeth and the Black Pearl gang with Barbossa. They explained about the thing then they are on their way to save Jack. They went down to Davy Jones Locker and there they saw Jack and asked "Did no one came to save me just because they miss me?" Everyone was quiet. Meanwhile Davy Jones now knows that Sora and The gang are back and he knew that they're gonna try to stop him. Then they saw the Flying Dutchman and attacked on it. Then they were fighting Heartless and Will asked Elizabeth "Will you marry me?" And she replied "I don't think now's the best time!" Then David said "You Go ahead and elope here While you can!" Then they did the whole wedding thing and kissed. Then Sora got Jones heart and gave it to Jack. Then he was attacked by Jones then Donald used his firaga then Axel used Chakarams. Then Roxas threw one of his dual Keyblades at Jones until he dropped the heart and Jack shot it then Jones collasped and died. Then Will's dad came and hugged him. Then Jack said thank you for helping me Zola Darren Donald Goofy Roxas and Axel. Both Sora and David groaned "That's Sora and David. Then he said "Sorry but thank you. And as a token. I won't ask for the Keyblade anymore." Meanwhile the girls is... Your turn Liz.
  4. Roxas_loverXIII Destiny Islands Resident

    Jun 26, 2007
    over the rainbow
    ok ill go next but one promble.....i going 2 be gone the whole day and if its ok ill write late sorry im slowing everyone down *sigh* talk 2 u later
  5. Kairi_and_sora_forever Destiny Islands Resident

    Jun 27, 2007
    jizz in, Minnesota
    No Prob at all take your time I'm still thinkin And I have to Read Davids Section ok Lizzy, PS Ashley called you lizzy so I figuered it was safe
  6. Kairi_and_sora_forever Destiny Islands Resident

    Jun 27, 2007
    jizz in, Minnesota
    Well Lizzy Please Can You post soon......
  7. Namine_and_roxas_forever Moogle Assistant

    Jul 29, 2007
    Destiny Islands
    Hey sis I read yr story its Great Hey Lizzy and David I'm Erin Kaylas Sister
  8. Roxas_loverXIII Destiny Islands Resident

    Jun 26, 2007
    over the rainbow
    ok well hi erin sorry i gonna write now i have been soooo busy

    As me,Kayla,Kairi,and Namine got 2 Hollow Bastin it was crawing with heartless and nobodys. Man! these things never give up I yelled. As we got closer 2 the end of yet again another battle later we would just start another one as always. Well...said Namine we better go 2 merlins house 2 find Leon and everyone else. So we walked and battled heartless than finally we made it 2 merlins. Gosh that took long laughed Kayla. As we walked in Cid was working on the computer and Leon and Yuffie were fighting about how 2 work it or something. Well looks like we have companey laughed Cid and turned around How u guys been?? We told them about what we are doing and were the guys are. Kairi sighed I guess things havent changed here?? Aerith smiled Well things did calm down for awhile and then the heartless came back this time and with the nobodys. And by the way who is your new friend?? Everyone looked at me Oh! well my name is Liz and yep im a newbie!! hehe Well where is Cloud i thought he would be here? Leon looked over at me He's around here somewhere looking for Sephiroth as always. I sighed Dang!! i wanted 2 see him he is soooooooo cool........and hot i said that under my breath. (sorry u guys i had 2 put that in im watching ff7 advent children as i write and had 2 say that) Well Kayla, kairi,Namime what should we do?? Im out of ideas. Well said Kairi maybe we should look around and stop the heartless promble. Sounds good?? Yep we all said

    well im done hope i did this ok well kayla or david u guys go crazy now that im done i no i no u r all like finally. i said i was sorry *sniff* *crying* just tell me if i need 2 change anything
  9. Kairi_and_sora_forever Destiny Islands Resident

    Jun 27, 2007
    jizz in, Minnesota
    Well Are you done wit HOllow Bastion if not Then I Cant post yet it sounds like your not
  10. Roxas_loverXIII Destiny Islands Resident

    Jun 26, 2007
    over the rainbow
    well.......sorry right now i have no ideas but i wanted 2 put a cloud and seppy battle but if u have any ideas go 4 it but right now im was late and i couldnt finish sorry
  11. Kairi_and_sora_forever Destiny Islands Resident

    Jun 27, 2007
    jizz in, Minnesota
    Ok "When we got to the great Maw We saw Cloud and liz just about past and started mumbling to herself there he is there he is...hehe. "Hey Cloud"I shout he turns around "Who are you with his wepon Pointed at us. "Well , I'm Kayla this is Kairi"I begin "You too are twins"says Cloud "Yes and this is namine and Liz." I finish "Liz" He says under his breath I know that name
    "Can you wield a keyblade"Says Cloud. "Well I don't know there havn't been many heartless so we havnt really had to fight" You say. "Heartless Liz Watch out then a keyblade pops into her hand imposible unless Liz is Kaylas Nobody wich isnt possible"Says Cloud. "Cloud Behind You"Kairi yells. Cloud turns around and whachs the heartless "lets go." I say. We whack Bunches of heartless. "Now what did You say about liz being a nobody" I asked. "Namine made a little noise like a whimper like she was trying to tell us something.......UK and KH 1 our turn
  12. John Clay Rice Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 14, 2007
    Rupp Arena
    "Kayla turned into a Heartless before she met us. Then David came and saved her before she permantly turned into a Heartless." "Oh yeah. That's when we first met." Liz than said "At first I was about part of the Organization but then that jerk Xemnas said that I wasn't powerful enough and said I couldn't defeat Sora. and then before I left I remember he said something about the other boy who can wield the Keyblade. With he and Sora fight together they can destroy the darkness forever." Said Liz. "Another Keybearer You don't mean...." "Me?" Asked David shockingly who came out of nowhere. He along Sora and The others. "Yes." Said Ansem the Wise. "You and Sora are the only one who can open the door to light." Then All of a sudden something strange happening to David's hand it was another Keyblade? "Two Keyblades? Without a Drive Form?" "Whoa!" he said. Then a Giant Heartless came and David wanted to try his dual Keyblades and he was quite good until he destroyed the Heartless. Meanwhile Xemas came back after he followed Ansem and Axel at the Underworld. And he brought Xigbar Xaldin Vexen Lexuaus Saix and Luxord. "Xemnas how are we gonna kill Sora and David and rule Kingdom Hearts?" Asked Saix. "I don't know but I bet Xehanort's Heartless does." They All laughed evilly. You're turn Lizzy
  13. Kairi_and_sora_forever Destiny Islands Resident

    Jun 27, 2007
    jizz in, Minnesota
    Well Can it be my turn I'm sure liz dont care.

    "Wow" I say. "I Don't like to think about that day that was a long time ago."I say "Well, I never new whose nobody I was"Said Liz. "Well you'll have the chance to prove your strength" I say "Ahh Ow" I put my hand on my head and pass out and have this kind of trance "There in Radient Garden and they have Liz." "That little wimp" says Xemnas "She has figured out whose nobody she is" "That Brat Kayla" He says "Well as long as Sora and David Don't find out they need Kayla and her betrayer of a sister to Open the door to light we will be fine" he says. Evil laughs "Kayla Kayla Kayla" I hear in the distance I sit up and Go straight to Sora and David. "Roxas Watch Liz and Namine" "Ok" He says. "David Kairi and Sora" When I passed out I went into a vision thing where I Could see wat Xemnas was doing. Sora and David you need me and Kairi to help you close the door to Darkness. We cant tell the others." I say "Ok" Says Kairi meanwhile you too think I'm Joking. "Your Kidding right" "NO" I say. "Oh C'mon yes you are" "no I'm not" And I blow fire balls at you two "Woah" Are you two OK" I say Rushing over. "Does anyone have water." I might be able to heal them." I say Kairi Pulls a water bottle out of her bag "Ok" I put the water on the burn and touch my hand against the water it heals "Umm Kayla YOu have fire and Healing powers." Says Kairi "Well you must have some power" Says Me "Concentrate i say. "Put your hand up and point it at something like me." I say So she does next secound I'm blown back by a rush of air. "Air powers" we say together. "C'mon you guys lets go"I say to You and Sora and David.
  14. Roxas_loverXIII Destiny Islands Resident

    Jun 26, 2007
    over the rainbow
    o.o does that mean im a nobody.......OMG YAY!!! 2 cool well should i write next or david do u?? it doesnt matter 2 me??? i met cloud!! kayla that was funny about me i am so stupid lol ok im changeing the subject sorry
    ps. as u people left me am i allowed 2 steal roxas.........*evil laugh* i no im stupid and crazy
  15. John Clay Rice Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 14, 2007
    Rupp Arena
    I will cause I won't be here until Thursday or something. And this will have Sora and Kairi Scene
    Sora was dreaming about the time he sacriced his own heart. Then she saved him. And then when he woke up he was wondering since he's 18. (A/N: We're all 18 in this world if you don't mind) Is it the time for him and her to get married.? He always wanted to marry her. Then he said "After this is over David I'm gonna ask Kairi to marry me." "Good." Said David "How?" "Hmmm I know. " "You know what Sora?" Sora then blushed and said "Uhh that about our date as soon this is over I mean it's our 3 year annvisery since we became a couple." "Aww." She said then kissed him. "I'll tell you about the proposal later David." He whispered. You're turn Lizzy....
  16. Roxas_loverXIII Destiny Islands Resident

    Jun 26, 2007
    over the rainbow
    wait should i continue the sora and kairi........idk im confused HELP ME!!!!! IM SORRY IM SO STUPID *sigh*
  17. Kairi_and_sora_forever Destiny Islands Resident

    Jun 27, 2007
    jizz in, Minnesota
    Do You want me to write next Lizzy?
  18. Kairi_and_sora_forever Destiny Islands Resident

    Jun 27, 2007
    jizz in, Minnesota
    Ok I'll write next
    "Hey are there any worlds left now" "No worlds but we have to beat All of orginization still." I said to Kairi Sora and David. Kairi starts rubbing her Stomache. "Umm Kairi Can I speak to you...Alone"I say "Sure"she says "why is you belly so huge and whenever we mention fighting you complain and look at your belly? are you? are you? "I say "OK you got me. It is triplets and they are Girls yes they are soras Kids. And Theyll be here in four months. "Ok WOW" I say "Why arent you telling Sora. " I ask "I have the feeling hes going to propose to me so I'm going to wait" She answers. "Ok then" Lets go out with the others." I say. Sora and David break apart from talking in a whisper. And Sure enough As soon as we walk out Sora walks over to Kairi Gets Down on One and Says "Umm Kairi" "yes" will you marry me" Yes She says with tears in her eyes So he puts this pure diamond with 7 diamonds on each side. "Oh" Says Kairi. Thenm Sora stands up and they Kiss Me Liz and Namine are crying our eyes out and David and Roxas look happier then ever. "Ok Sora We are going to have three Babies tripletsthat are girls they will be here in 4 months " says Kairi . "What oh my god thats awsome" Says Sora Me and namine and Liz are crying even more. "Well what are we going to name them?" Asks Sora "Oh Mckenzie Maria and Melissa. no noumm Casey Kari Cameron. "Well I was thinking Elizibeth Kayla and Namine" says Kairi Sora Agrees. "weel thats settled then says David " Not Quite says Roxas " Namine will you marry me? " "Yes of course Great we can have a double weding a quite one umm David will you be the Person thing the...What do you call it judge thing. "Sure but dont you need a liscence" No not here only on Earth. "Well ok then"...........Whose turn
  19. John Clay Rice Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 14, 2007
    Rupp Arena
    "Do you Kairi take Sora to be your lawfully wedded husband? Namine same thing." "We do." They both said. "Sora and Roxas do you take Kairi and Namine to be your lawfully wedded wife." "We Do." "Then I prounonce you men and wives. You may kiss the brides." As they kissed and everyone had a after wedding party. David was gonna sing that song like on Family Guy. (A/N: If you seen the Back To The Future parody. You'll know what I'm talking about. When Brian was singing)then Riku was looking at the couple dancing. Then he wonders if he's ever gonna get a girl. And Ansem asked Sora "Can I talk to you for a minute Sora?" Whose turn about what Ansem is talking to Sora about...
  20. Roxas_loverXIII Destiny Islands Resident

    Jun 26, 2007
    over the rainbow
    o.o ill take riku!!....................wait what am i saying!! OMG!!! what am i talking about??? u no what im talking about????..........