Kingdom Hearts: Time Matters

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Ansem59, Aug 30, 2008.

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  1. Xert Traverse Town Homebody

    Nov 5, 2007
    Xert heard shouting in the castle, "glad to hear it. But if you don't mind I'd like to see who elce is here."
  2. Amasha Merlin's Housekeeper

    Aug 27, 2008
    Where do you think... ^_~
    Her eyes turned to Junkie, "I'm really unsure about why they keep doing that, I'm thinking most the books are trying to hide the secrets from the living... After all, this is a library for the dead... We may be the first two living beings in the library in centuries" Melody said to him, she stopped the ball green ball from dancing. "I'm sure there's books about smithy, maybe you should read some?" she said curiously, she wasn't sure if there were such books as the power seemed rare.

    A dark portal opened up from above as she fell out, she landed on her feet and stood up looking around. It looked to be the land of dragons to Ioxykku but she found many worlds like that one, she begun to walk away as the portal closed behind her and uncovered her hood as she looked around. The only thing bothering her was there was no people in site, it was almost like they all had disappeared without any struggle or fight. She picked up a news paper and begun to read it, the heartless had been in this realm it seemed but she didn't see any yet. She was ready if they tried to attack, she finally walked into what looked to be a bar of some sort.
  3. Haiena.Koinu Traverse Town Homebody

    May 10, 2008
    Oblivion Castle Basement...
    Okayaki turned his head and stared at Sasuga Mimi a moment, he said nothing. Really, he didn't have much to say to her, he thought sparing her was a waste of his time though. Okayaki didn't forget his words from before either...
    "Sasuga..." He mumbled lightly under his breath.

    Sasuga Mimi stared at him, and sensed what he was plotting, she bit her lip, then gulped in worry. She quickly turned around, facing away from Okayaki and leaped down from the tree as she fell from the tree branch, she turned into her wolf shift and landed. Then she began to dash off in tempt to get away alive. 'If I make it, I swear no one... NO ONE will kill you... Just me, I will slay you... You stupid jerk!' she bitterly thought to herself. Okayaki watched her fall for a moment before making two clones of himself. By the time made she had landed, Okayaki sent them to chase after her and kill her off. His clones, unlike most where hard to make since they were also harder to destroy then most clones. He thought of sending some dusks after her as well... But figured if she beat his clones, he'd kill her at some point in time. Okayaki simply sighed softly to himself as he watched Sasuga run away, then he entered the dark abysmal portal...

    Sasuga Mimi glanced behind her and saw the two clones of Okayaki, which were floating after her. She could tell they were catching up and she snarled to herself as she tried to run faster. Sasuga looked around unsure where to head, she could always just open a portal and enter another world. Yes, that's it, a portal it would surely ditch the twin Okayakis chasing after her. But she didn't know what world to head to. She glanced back again, she didn't see anything... But, that did not fool her, the scent Okayaki's clones gave off was not smelled by a human's. but, by a wolf on the other hand, for sure! They had a nice scent of passion fruit, which came from his hair so she figured it was his shampoo. It didn't matter she knew, she turned into normal shift and whirled her hand, summoning a portal and running into it. The clones stopped chasing her as the portal vanished, the clones stood there dumbly a moment before simply turning into a white haze and disappearing...
  4. Maka Albarn It's called love

    May 7, 2008
    Fairy Tail
    Tai shrugged her shoulders. "Mind if I tag along then?"
  5. Ansem59 Chaser

    Sep 7, 2007
    twilight town mansion
    Sora ran and didn't look back he searched all over the castle until he came to a corner... where there was a staire case going left and down... Sora walked towards a shield... that looked to be Goofy's... covered in cobwebs, Sora knew Goofy was gone... on the left was the downward stairecase and on his right, Sora found a hole in the wall where he saw Donald's staff, covered in dirt... it was beaten up and a worm was sticking out of one side... Sora picked it up and held it close to him... he looked around to look for the kings keyblade or some clue to the king's survivel or death... but all Sora saw besides Donald's weapon... was two headstones... one enscribed "goofy" and the other enscribed "donal" someone either was attacked or didn't have time to finish Donald's name... Sora got down to his hands and knees and started to cry... he then let out a wail "NNNNNNNNNNNNNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO"
    The portal closed after Okayaki had come out of the other side and had arrived at Villains Vale... "Welcome" said the voice of a witch "I hear your quite the strong one... how would you like to work for me, Malificent" said the voice again... Malificent turned around and looked at the boy brought before her "THAT'S THE GUY THAT BEAT ME UP!!!!!!!!" yelled Pete as he pointed striate at Okayaki "QUITE! YOU OPH!" yelled Malificent silencing Pete imediatly... "Now, I hear that there is something you want... We can help you get it... all you have to do... is destroy this boy!" Said Malificent as a hologram of Sora came into view of Okayaki.
  6. riku1186 Destiny Islands Resident

    Mar 5, 2007
    ooc: Hey ansem, can I have a recap.
  7. Ansem59 Chaser

    Sep 7, 2007
    twilight town mansion
    ooc: good god, I have to have a reasource page... alright... basically, Jafar has been busy recruting villains to terminate Sora and do what there instructed to do... Claton, Hook, and the MCP are in the middle of an asult against Xert and his nobodies... that battle is pretty much over becuase Xert put a shield around what's left of The World That Never Was... Sora has just discovered that his two pals (Donald and Goofy) are dead... and is weeping by thier graves at Disney Castle... meanwhile, Hades is gathering a group of people to rebel Malificent and bring her rain of terror to an end...
  8. riku1186 Destiny Islands Resident

    Mar 5, 2007
    ooc: Thanks, i will find a place to post.
  9. Ansem59 Chaser

    Sep 7, 2007
    twilight town mansion
    ooc: okay! I'll be waiting...
  10. riku1186 Destiny Islands Resident

    Mar 5, 2007
    ooc: Were is malificent.
  11. Ansem59 Chaser

    Sep 7, 2007
    twilight town mansion
    ooc: sorry... Malificent, Jafar, and some other villains are stationed at Villains Vale... Hollow Bastion...
  12. Ventez Twilight Town Denizen

    Sep 1, 2008
    Xentus roamed around the castle of The World That Never Was. He was all alone in the middle of this crazy mess.
    "What was Malificent thinking?" Xentus said "Why would she send me to this old place?"
    Not seeing the point in staying, Xentus decided to disobey the old witch's orders. He put on his hood so that it was covering his face, and walked toward the large castle gates.
  13. riku1186 Destiny Islands Resident

    Mar 5, 2007
    ooc: Thats were I will start.
    Bic: Clara walked into the villians vale.
    Clara: Were are you? I need to tell you what I found.
  14. Ansem59 Chaser

    Sep 7, 2007
    twilight town mansion
    "Don't use that tone of voice with me!" yelled Malificent "I have been here the entire time... it was you who failed to find me in the most obvious place... now, what did you find?"

    A clone of Malificent appeared infront of him "YOU DARE DISOBAY MY ORDERS?!?!?!?!" she yelled "When I found you, you were nothing! I made you something... and this is how I get repaid?!"
  15. riku1186 Destiny Islands Resident

    Mar 5, 2007
    Clara: I found two time fixers, they only just arrived and are in town.
  16. Mixt The dude that does the thing

    Oct 18, 2006
    Riku saw all of this and was sad for Sora, having not known Donald and Goofy well himself, but he refused to show his grief and simply placed a hand on Sora's shoulder. He wanted to give Sora a reassuring smile but it would not come.

    Xemit was leaning on a nearby wall. "Don't act so surprised. I told you that this had probably happened. If you're going to go down memory lane every five minutes then you won't have a chance of completing your goal"
  17. Ansem59 Chaser

    Sep 7, 2007
    twilight town mansion
    "What are time fixers?" asked Pete
  18. Ventez Twilight Town Denizen

    Sep 1, 2008
    "You have done none of that for me." Xentus said in a more relaxed tone than Malificent. "All you have done is tried to convince me that darkness is supreme."
    With that being said, Xentus walked past the clone, still attempting to reach the castle gates.
  19. Ansem59 Chaser

    Sep 7, 2007
    twilight town mansion
    Sora didn't think of Xemit or Riku's hand on his shoulder... he only thought of the pain he was going through... suddenly, he was awaken by something hitting his hand... it was a letter!

    The clone Malificent extended her staff and pointed it towards Xentus. She fired an electrical blast to show him who was in command
  20. riku1186 Destiny Islands Resident

    Mar 5, 2007
    Clara: They live in a far of world and worship the time god, when there is a disturbance in time, they come and fix it, I just can't think of what would bring them here though.
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