Kingdom Hearts: The Story of Twilight (Sequel to Story of Darkness)

Discussion in 'Archives' started by keylbader_twilight, May 2, 2007.

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  1. keylbader_twilight Traverse Town Homebody

    Apr 19, 2007
    Ontario, Canada
    Hey everyone! K_T here with my sequel to my famous, amazing, incredible (someone throws a brick and it hits K_T) Okay, maybe it wasn't THAT good. Anyway, here is the sequel to that story. For those of you who haven't read it, please read it since this is a continuation and has changes to people which you guys won't understand.

    Anyway, here is the first chapter, complete with a name. (Instead of just Chapter 1)

    Chapter 1: First Day Back home

    Riku slept soundly in his bed, his black curtains blocking all light from entering. Out of no where, a blast of light hit his eyes. "Riku! Wake up! It's time to go," the voice of his mother said. "You better be dressed and downstairs in ten minutes," she said in a mom-like tone.

    Riku groaned and lazily got out of bed. He dressed quickly and checked his hair. It still looked the same. There was no way it was going to change back to straight sivler-blue. Instead, there was black steaks in it and his previously sea-blue eyes were now fired with dark purple.

    Riku walked down the stairs, rubbing his tired eyes. He plopped down on a chair in the kitchen and looked around. Before he could ask why she made him get up so early when even school for the 'normal kids' didn't start for another hour, there was a knock on the door.

    Sora's mother walked in with a very tired Sora. Riku supressed a chuckle. Last night, he, Kairi and Sora went to Hollow Bastion as it's called now, Radiant Garden. Using Riku's ability to teleport, it was easy to get there and back. They had a huge party to celebrate their victory over the Organization since they hadn't celebrated after Xemnas' defeat.

    The problem was, that they hadn't come home till around 3 in the morning and had to sneak into their homes.

    Sora's mother sat down beside Riku's mother and the two boys sat beside each other. "Now, boys. We have decided on something very important to your future," Sora's mother started.

    "We have you enrolled at the same place Kairi goes to so you won't feel completely lost also," Riku's mother continued.

    Riku chuckled. "That's really great but what exactly are you talking about?"

    Sora's mother put her hands in front of her. "Well, after hearing what you two did while you were gone," at this Riku shot and angry glance at Sora. It was his idea to tell their parents what happenned. Riku was all for syaing that they just stayed at the island for two years but Sora would have it. "We have decided that fighting monsters with legendary weapons and saving worlds does not count as an education."

    Riku gulped, knowing what the words would be. Sora looked at him nervously. Riku's mother stood up. "We have decided that you two will go to school, whether you want to or not."

    Riku and Sora jumped up. "SCHOOL!?!" they shouted at the same time.

    Sora's mouth was open. "Come on! The last thing we want to do is work on our vacation."

    Sora's mother looked at him with a cold stare and he sat down. So did Riku. "Vacation? I thought this was a permenent stay? After all, the worlds are safe, so you will do exactly what we tell you or you can go without seeing each other for two weeks."

    Riku smiled. "That doesn't matter. I can do that, easily. A break from Sora would be good." Sora looked at him.

    Riku's mother smiled which made him stop smiling. "Than you will go without keyblades for one month and without powers."

    Riku opened his mouth to protest. "That's not fair! You can't do that!" he said angerly.

    "We can and we will," Riku's mother said coldly. Riku stopped talking instantly. That was one thing that the two keyblade masters could never pocess. The ability to make people do what you wanted them too.

    Sora and Riku looked at each other. They had no choice. "Alright. We'll go but we won't enjoy it," Sora said, pouting.

    Riku scoffed. "Fine. We'll go but we're still aloud to use keyblades and powers right?" he asked desperately. The two mothers nodded. Riku sighed and stood up form the table and walked back up to his room. Sora and the mothers could see black flames exploding from the floor of Riku's room.
  2. JellyBeing ALL. THE. BUTTS.

    Mar 24, 2007
    HA! Sora and Riku have to go to school! Nananananaaaaa! hehehehe...

    Riku: Aww come on! School!
    Sora: Cheer up, Riku. ::smiles:: It won't be that bad.
    Riku: Shut-up Sora! You just want to go so you can see Kairi in her preppy uniform with the mini skirt... ::smacks Sora in head::
    Sora: HEY!
    Me: Stop fighting! ::yanks them apart::
    ::takes ahold by their ears::
    ::smacks head together:: <--- I've done this to two of my friends before... it works!

    Sora and Riku: OW!
  3. keylbader_twilight Traverse Town Homebody

    Apr 19, 2007
    Ontario, Canada
    Chapter 2: School or Torture?

    After 45 minutes of destorying things outside with his powers (making sure no ne was watching part from his mom), Riku finally went to school. He walked down the path and saw Sora run out of his house.

    They walked together in silence. " nervous?" Sora sked, breaking the silence.

    Riku rolled his eyes. "Sora, we've been gone for two years, not mentioning what we did during those two years. Not only that, my changed...appearance." He sighed. "Why did you try to convince me to come home? We could have left and come back for visits during the summer break."

    Sora shrugged. "Seemed like a good idea at the time."

    The two walked into the school, attempting to avoid people. It didn't work. Questions bombarded them like a tidel wave. 'Riku, do you look different?, 'What happenned?' but most of all, 'Where have you guys been for two years?'

    After dodging people, they finally made it to their first class. History. Most people thought Riku was a year older than Sora and Kairi when actually, Sora's birthday is in December and Riku's is in January so Riku and Sora would be the same age for a couple weeks and than Riku would be older again.

    So they had the same history class together and Grade 10 history is very boring at their highschool. The two managed to find two seats at the back corner, away from questions.

    They sat down and looked up. Thank Kingdom Hearts that its only one day into school, Riku thought, relieved.

    After around ten minutes, the two realized that it didn't matter that school was only into the year by one day. They were completely lost. Sadly, the history of how the heartless and nobodies were created doesn't count.

    Sadly, they couldn't say exactly where they were since no one knew about Kingdom Hearts and other worlds and keyblades. Instead, they had to pretend that they had been home-schooled. It was going to be a long day.
  4. JellyBeing ALL. THE. BUTTS.

    Mar 24, 2007
    Good job.

    It was going to be a long day.

    Boy do I ever know that feeling!
  5. keylbader_twilight Traverse Town Homebody

    Apr 19, 2007
    Ontario, Canada
    Ha ha. Same. Happens at least once a month. Anyway, here's the update. I had to go for a couple hours so I wasn't able to post.

    Chapter 3: A Shocking SurpiseU]

    Sora and Riku sat almost at the edge of their seats and as soon as the bell rang they ran out of the class, avoiding the lunch rush. They grabbed their lunches and found Kairi in the cafeteria, buying her lunch. She sat down with them and couldn't help but smile. Finally something she was better at than the boys.

    "So, had a good morning?" she asked lightly.

    Riku didn't answer. Sora just ate his sandwitch. He stopped for a minute to answer. "I'ts good for you, Kairi. You don't have a hard time keeping up. Us...well, right now I'd rather be out fighting heartless," he finished with a whisper.

    Riku nodded. Kairi noticed that he wasn't talking. "Riku, are you a mute or something?"

    Riku didn't answer but kept staring at the table. Sora sighed. "He's trying not to talk so he can focus on keeping his emotions down. See, in history, Riku got kinda frustrated with the work and well...flames started to appear but no one saw them. So he asked to go to the bathroom but he actually went outside and destroyed a tree," he whispered to Kairi so Riku couldn't hear.

    Kairi nodded. "Oh, I get it. What have you guys got next?" she asked now talking at a normal volume.

    "Art," Sora replied and packed up his stuff as the warning bell rang. They had ten minutes to get to class before they were late.
    In art class...

    "Excellent, sora. That's an amazing painting. I've never seen anything like it before," their teacher commented.

    Sora chuckled and looked at Riku. Riku rolled his eyes. Thankfully, he was done his work. He did a painting of Hollow Bastion, leaving out people, just the houses. Sora on the other hand decided that it wouldn't matter to paint a picture of the door to Kingdom Hearts. He was right though; no one would guess what it actually was.

    After class...Riku's house...

    After school, the three went over to Riku's house since his mom was out. It was the perfect time to unwind and relaxe.

    BANG! CLASH! The two keyblades met on full force, pushing their wielders backwards a few feet.

    "Is that all you got, Sora?"

    "I'm just warming up!"

    "You said that 10 minutes ago."

    Sora and Riku had decided to practice their fighting since neither wanted to do homework and so they would be ready for adventure. Kairi watched from a comfy chair as the two battled on.

    Just as they were about to go at it again someone made a sound from behind them. "Ahem!" Sora and Riku turned around. It was Riku's mom. "If you two are done, I'd like you to come into the kitchen and put those keyblades away!" she said walking off.

    Sora and Riku sighed, dismissing their blades. "So much for relaxing," Sora said with a chuckle. Riku nodded and the three went inside.

    Riku walked in first and they sat around the table. Riku's mom walked in, with a boy, aorund the age of 12, following her. He had short brown hair that stood straight up, so he looked a little like Sora, except shorter and not as spikey hair. Also, he had bright green eyes. He wore a plain green shirt and brown pants that seemed to match him perfectly.

    Riku chuckled and so did Sora. Kairi shot them a look. Riku's mother alos did the same. "I'd like you three to meet the newest member of our family, Felix."
  6. keylbader_twilight Traverse Town Homebody

    Apr 19, 2007
    Ontario, Canada
    Chapter 4: Felix​

    Sora and Kairi looked at each other. "Uh...hi," Sora said weakly. "Uh...we gotta go and do that thing, right Kairi?" he said nudging her.

    Kairi nodded. "Uh yeah. That thing," she said and they stood up, leaving the house in a hurry.

    Riku didn't even notice they were gone. He was still focused on Felix. He stood up and pulled his mom outside, making sure the door was shut. "Mom, what are you doing? We're not runnign an orphanage here?" he said angerly.

    Riku's mother smiled. "I know that. I found him on the streets about a month after you left."

    Riiu lost it again. "So now you're trying to replace me?" he said, and flames sprouted out of the ground at his words.

    Riku's mother gave him a look. "Calm down. I'd never replace you. He had no home and I expect you," she pointed a finger at him, "to treat him kindly. His parents were killed two years ago so try not to be too rude," she said in a mother-like tone.

    Riku calmed down instantly, knowing he'd be in trouble if he didn't.

    Riku didn't go back inside the house but went out to a hill that was past his house. From there, he could see everything. It was soothing, watching the sun set and twilight came.

    "Um...Riku?" a small voice said from behind him. Riku looked up and turned around. It was Felix. Brave kid, Riku thought with a silent chuckle. "Your mom wants you to come home now. And she says sorry."

    Riku sighed. "She doesn't have too. Come on, I'll walk home with you," he said standing up. Felix nodded weakly as they started walking.

    They walked down the main path on the way home, not talking. They seemed to be looking at the other, tryin to figure out what they were thinking.

    They turned a corner and Felix grabbed Riku's arm. "Let's not go this way," he said looking forward.

    Riku looked at him. "Why?" Felix didn't reply but pointed forward. Standing there was a gang of guys from Riku's school that picked on little kids. They were in the same grade as he but they had a lot of muscle, making them look intimidating.

    Riku shrugged and walked forward, Felix hidding behind him. He walked up and past the bullies without giving them a glance.

    Then the leader saw them. He ran in front of them, his group surrounding them. "You guys aren't going this way. Unless you got munny."

    Riku shurgged. "We don't. I guess you'll have to move then." Felix pulled at his arm, trying to leave.

    The leader and his buddies laughed. "Yeah right. If you don't got munny, then we'll have to beat it out of you," he said and cracked his knuckles.

    Riku sighed, shaking his head. "That's too bad. I was hoping that I wouldn't have to do anything tonight." Felix looked at him. Was Riku actually going to fight these guys. They were twice the size of him.

    The leader was apparantly confused too. "What? Gone crazy when you were away?" he asked and the others laughed.

    "No but I have gotten stronger and you weaklings don't scare me one bit," he replied. Felix gained a little more confidence. Maybe Riku did more than he was letting on when he was away.

    The leader shrugged. "Alright but don't get mad at me when you go home all black and purple," he said and threw a punch.

    Riku easily moved his head out of the way as if the bully was moving in slow motion. "I think the saying is black and blue," he added and walked off, past the broup. Felix trailed behind him, hardly believing it.

    The leader got mad. "Alright wise guy," he said under his breath. He ran up and tried to hit Riku again.

    Riku dodged again. "Attacking someone when they're back is turned? That's not the sign of a honorable bully, is it?" he said and faster and any human, swung his leg down, knocking the leader on his back. Riku brushed himself off and kept walked, Felix smiling.

    "Oh, by the way, you're shoes are on fire," he called back. The leader stood up and took off his shoes. Surrounding them was black flame. He started to panic and so did the other guys but Riku put out the flame before they cuased any disturbance.

    They got home within ten minutes and Felix ran into the house. "Mom, you won't believe it! Riku just stood up to the toughest guys in school. He didn't even pay to get home," he said excited.

    Riku's mother looked up and started at him. "Really? Well, that is surprising, she said, almost knowing what happenned.

    Felix nodded. "Yeah. Then he told the guy his shoes were on fire and they were! It was the most amazing thing I had ever seen!" he said, jumping up and down.

    Riku's mother sighed and looked at Riku. She knew that he caused all of it but didn't comment in front of Felix.
    Chapter 5: Telling the Truth

    The next day, Sora and Riku were battling with their keybldes in the backyard of Riku's house. He had already told them the tale and Kairi immediatly told him it was risky.

    "Come on Kairi. It was for the good of many. I'm sure the King wouldn't mind," Riku said blocking an attack from Sora.

    "Yeah but still, you could have been discovered," the princess of heart replied as Sora rolled out of the way from a blast of energy from Riku.

    Sora nodded. "Give it a break, Kairi. It's over and done, we can't change what will happen," he said and jumped high in the air, bringing down his keyblade.

    Riku met with his and Sora's went flying across the yard. He brought it to Sora's neck. "You really need to practice more Sora. This is getting too easy," he said helping his friend up.

    Sora laughed and said goodbye as he and Kairi went home. Riku gave one last wave and went inside. Little did he know, a 12 year old boy had watched that entire scene.
    In his room, Riku played with a fire ball, tossing it around the room. He'd toss it to his door than summon it back to his hand. It was pitch black in his room but he didn't mind. Nothing was too dark for his eyes now.

    A knock came form the door. Riku put out the fireball, "Come in," he said.

    Felix opened the door, letting in a burst of light. He stepped inside, closing the door behind him. "Hey, Riku. Just wanted to thank you for yesterday," he said smiling.

    Riku smiled back bu doubted Felix could see him. "No prob. Those guys bugged me anyway."

    Felix laughed and went to sta down in a chair but tripped and fell down. He stood up quickly and sta on the chair. Riku surpressed a laugh becuase he saw the enitre scene. "Um...why is it so dark in here?" Felix asked, curious.

    Riku shurgged. "It may be dark to you but it's almost day-time to my eyes," he said.

    Felix shuffled in his seat. "Um...earlier, I saw you outside. With Sora and Kairi. You were...battling with Sora with...I don't know what," he said, finishing quietly.

    Riku sighed and turned on the lights for Felix. "Felix, did mom tell you why I was gone for two years?" Felix shook his head. "Well...we aren't alone. There are more world's out there than this one. I've seen them and fought in them. I was gone for two years because I was fighting these things called heartless and nobodies," he admitted sitting back down.

    Felix was instantly curious. " did you leave here? It's not like you flew away, did you?"

    Riku looked down at his hands. "That's the hard part to tell you. Do you know how your parents died?" he asked out of no where.

    Felix blushed. "Um...all I know is one night, there was a huge storm, two years ago. These black creatures came to my house and..." he couldn't continue.

    Riku looked down. "Felix, that was me." Felix looked up, confused. "That day, I opened a door on the island. I wanted to leave so bad so that was how I did it. When I did, those black creautres that are called heartless came and took over this world. I managed to escape but it cost me. A lot more than you can imagine."

    Felix was stunned. "What? But...what did you do there? In the other places, I mean," he asked, simply astounded.

    Riku bit his lip. "Felix, there is something you have to understand about me. When I was finally free, Sora, Kairi and I got seperated. I looked for Kairi and so did Sora but we did it seperately. Sora and I...fought each other because I thought that he didn't want to save Kairi. I lost so I found a way to make myself stronger by opening myself up to the darkness," he turned away from Felix.

    "And when I did, I became this. I am tied to the darkness. So closely linked that even if I lose control for one second," a burst of flame exploded from the floor and Felix backed off against the wall.

    The flames died down and Felix relaxed, knowing Riku wouldn't hurt him. "So what were those sword things that you and Sora were using earlier?" he asked, wanting to know more.

    Riku chuckled. "What, the keyblades?" he said and his keyblade appeared in his hand. "It's said that the keyblade is supposed to save the worlds or destroy them. So far, it's saved the worlds so hopefully it will continue," Riku said showing the youth his keyblade.

    Felix looked at it wide eyed. "Can I hold it?" he asked.

    Riku chuckled. "Sure but you might want to be carefull. It's kinda heavy," he said and handed it to him. Felix held it for around two seconds before the keyblade went back to Riku's hand.

    Felix shrugged. "Okay, I guess I can't hold it," he said and laughed.

    Riku laughed too and dismissed the keyblade. "So, you're okay with all this?" he asked, unsure.

    The youth smiled. "Of course. I always knew that there was more to this universe than this place," he said and ran out of the room, excited.
    "Riku is doing well."

    "Indeed and the appearance of this boy may give us the edge we require against him."


    "Riku's jealousy is well hidden behind a fake image of confidence. He claims that he can control the darkness and he is okay with it when really he fights against it with every fibre in his body, nonstop."

    "Will he join us?"

    "With what I have planned, he will join us of his own free will."
  7. JellyBeing ALL. THE. BUTTS.

    Mar 24, 2007
    Good job. And nice cliff hanger, makes me want more! :D
  8. keylbader_twilight Traverse Town Homebody

    Apr 19, 2007
    Ontario, Canada
    Yeah but I'm not even sure what the plan is. LOL. What am I going to do? Most of the time I have no idea what will happen. I just make stuff up as I go. The whole Felix thing was my friend's idea. He read this and thought of it and for that I thank him! Anyway, here's the next chapter. Hopefully something will develop and I'll be able to think of an ending to this story.

    Chapter 6: Babysitting

    The next day, Riku bolted downstairs. It was finally the weekend! He, Sora and Kairi had planned to go to Hollow Bastion and help out Leon and the gang with a couple heartless problems they've been having.

    His mother walked in and Felix jumped into the room, landing on a chair. Riku rolled his eyes. He didn't mind Felix as much now. When he thought of it, it would be great to have a little brother. Either way, what his mom was about to tell him, made him want the exact opposite.

    "I'm going into town today with Sora's mother to do some shopping, so Riku," Riku looked up. "I want you to take care of Felix for the day, alright?"

    Riku groaned. "But, mom! I already have plans! And Felix can't come! We're doing...older teen stuff," he complained.

    Riku's mom shot him a fierce look. "I don't care if you're off to save the universe again! You will look after your brother and there will be no arguing or no battles for a week."
    Once Riku's mom left Felix laughed. "I guess you're stuck with me," he said grinning.

    Riku sighed. "And what a thrill it will be," he said sarcasticly. He stood up and looked out the window. Sora and Kairi knocked on the door. Felix ran up excitedly and opened it.

    "Hey Felix!" Kairi said, rustling up his hair. Felix smiled and let them inside.

    Sora sat down on the couch in the living room. "All set, pal?"

    Riku sighed again. "Guys, we got a little problem," he said and pointed at Felix. "I've got to take him with me, everywhere I go," he said and Felix looked down.

    Kairi shot him a look that said 'don't be mean'. "Well, then. We'll have to take him with us," she said and Sora nodded.

    "Why not? It'd be great. Felix could hang out with Donald's little nephiews while we go help Leon and the others," Sora suggested.

    Felix nodded beside Riku. "Yeah! I won't cause any trouble. I promise," he said and looked up.

    Riku rolled his eyes. "Alright. You can come," he said and smiled at Felix. "Only if you be good and don't cause any trouble for me? Got it?" Felix nodded, excitedly.

    Sora jumped up to his feet. 'Let's go then!" Riku nodded and opened a Corridor to Darkness.
  9. JellyBeing ALL. THE. BUTTS.

    Mar 24, 2007
    Riku's mom shot him a fierce look. "I don't care if you're off to save the universe again! You will look after your brother and there will be no arguing or no battles for a week."
    Lol.. laying down the law. Good job. :)
  10. keylbader_twilight Traverse Town Homebody

    Apr 19, 2007
    Ontario, Canada
    LOL. That's how my mom talks to me. I had to put that in there. A classic family argument. It was kinda funny because I had to look up in the ditcionary how to spell nephiew. So much for highschool education. LOL. Anyway, here's the next chapter.

    Chapter 7: Hollow Bastion​

    Riku stepped out of the portal first, followed by Sora and Kairi and lastly Felix. The youth looked around, excited, taking in all the foriegn scenery.

    Riku chuckled at his enthusiasm. He was just a little kid. He remembered well when he first set eyes on Hollow Bastion. A day that he won't forget any time soon. They headed towards the castle, where they were set to meet Leon and the others.


    As they approached the castle, the ground started to shake and all of them lost their balance. At once, everyone looked at Riku. "Hey, it wasn't me," he said defensively. Am I that out of control of my powers? he thought to himself.

    Unfortuanately, it wasn't him. The rumbling came from another source. A cold laugh came from high above them and the four looked up.

    High on a platform was a man wearing an Organization XIII coat. At once, Sora, Riku and Kairi summoned their keyblades while Felix backed up behind them.

    The man laughed again, as if enjoying their panic and raised a hand. Sor and Kairi didn't know what was going on but someone did. Riku dove into his two friends, knocking them out of the way as a blast of energy hit the ground where they last stood.

    Sora stood up, shaking. "Thanks for that," he said weakly, looking at the scorch mark. Riku nodded and looked up. The man was gone.

    "Well, someone sure left in a hurry," Riku commented, looking around.

    "Guess we scared him off," Kairi said, smiling.

    "Are you sure?" came a hard voice from behind them. Their the man stood, Felix in his grasp. Felix squirmed in the man's arms attempting to get free but it was no use. The boy was just not strong enough.

    "Let him go!" Riku shouted and took a step towards the man. The man laughed again and disappeared in a flash, taking Felix with him.

    Riku ran to the spot where they disppeared unable to accept it. Some guy had just came and stole his brother. Out of no where.

    Sora came and stood beside him. "That was...unexpected. We have to go find him," he said confidently.

    Kairi wlaked up from behind. "But how? They could be anywhere and the universe is pretty big."

    "I know where they are," Riku said at once. "That guy was wearing an Organization cloak and where do all Nobodies go at some point in their lives?" he said turning to the other two.

    Sora gulped. He really didn't want to go back there.
  11. JellyBeing ALL. THE. BUTTS.

    Mar 24, 2007
    Nice. Riku go save your little bro! WEEEEEEEEE! :)
  12. keylbader_twilight Traverse Town Homebody

    Apr 19, 2007
    Ontario, Canada
    Well then...I guess riku is going to save his little bro! I was watching this thing, you might ant to watch. It is hillarious!!! That's the link. Anyway on to the next chapter and the World That Never Was!!! By the way, the chapter title is very related to Matrix Reloaded when Neo and that architect guy are talking and then Neo has to choose which door and anyway! Here is the chapter!!!

    Chapter 8: The Problem is Choice​

    The three appeared in the twilight world, gazing around. The former moon that had once been Kingdom Hearts was now gone. All traces that a battle for the heart of all worlds and the fate of all that existed was erased and the city and castle looked the same.

    Sora, riku and Kairi walked out of the alley in which they had appeared in and stepped out of the area and into another section. They could see Memory's Scyscraper peek out of the buildings.

    As they were starting to approach the clearing, Riku stopped. Sora and Kairi turned around to look at him. "What's up, Riku?" Sora asked.

    Riku shook his head. "I'm sure it's nothing but...I've got this strange feeling," he said looking at them.

    Kairi smiled. "It's probably this place. Remember this is a twilight realm. It's closer to the darkness than home is," she reminded him.

    Riku nodded but wasn't convinced. "I guess you're right," he said and looked behind him. This's as though I was made to live here, he thought to himself. But, last time I was here, I didn't feel like this. I need to calm down. I'm closer to the darkness now which means that this place being different should come to no surprise.

    They walked out to the base of the skyscaper, lightening crashing around in the clouds. Riku looked at the huge building and saw a familiar face, laying face down at the top of the stairs. "Felix!" he shouted and ran up to his brother.

    Felix weakly opened his eyes. "Riku? You shouldn't have come to save me," he said weakly.

    Riku looked at him, confused. "But why? We're family which means we look out for each other."

    Felix shook his head. "No. I know you care about me but you odn't understand. This whole thing is a-"

    "A trap," a voice came from behind them. Huge black pillars fell out of the sky and crashed in a circle. Sora pushed Kairi out of the way of an incoming one and she was pushed out of the area.

    Sora attempted to run to her but was thrown backwards by a forcefield that was unseeable. He stood up, looing around. It was only him, Riku and the now unconscious Felix in the cirlce now.

    A cold laughed came from above them and the man appeared. The one who kidnapped Felix. Around him, more Corridors to Darkness appeared and 11 other poeple stood atop Memory's Skyscaper.

    Riku's heart stopped at that moment. He knew who these people were the moment the last one appeared and stood at the front. He could sense the man with perfect accuracy. After all, Riku and the man's heartless had been linked together for two years.

    Riku pulled out his keyblade, as did Sora. The group chuckled at their enthusiasm. "I wouldn't be so eager," said the leader and the group disappeared and reappeared outside of the circle, opposite from Kairi.

    The leader lowered his hood and silver hair fell out. His fiery orange eyes burned through the dark city. It was Xemnas. The Organization was back.

    Sora readied his keyblade and Riku tensed beside him. "How are you alive?" Sora asked confused.

    Xemnas smiled. "A very interesting story, to be sure but you won't be around long enough to know,' he said and one of his group disppeared for a second and a scream was heard from behind them.

    The man who had disappeared was holding Kairi in a firm grasp. He lwoered his hood to reveal Saix. Another member they wouldn't forget.

    Sora turned around and tried to run to Kairi again only to be thrown backwards, landing a few feet away from Riku.

    Xemnas laughed again and disappeared along with all the other Organization members except for Saix and another man. The man lowered his hood and it was Luxord.

    Luxord smiled, enjoying himself. "I hope you boys can play," he said, confidently.

    Riku slashed his keyblade in front of himself. "We're not here to play, Luxord."

    The nobody shrugged. "There is always time to play, keyblade bearers."

    Sora sighed. "Fine. we'll play your game as long as you release Kairi."

    Luxord smiled. "Very well then. The game is simple. You two will fight. The winner stays here, unable to leave and the loser is free to go."

    "No way! There is no way we're fighting each other," Sora said, instantly.

    Riku turned to his friend. "Sora, we have no choice. We have to remember Kairi," he said.

    Sora looked at him. "But...whoever wins has to stay," he said weakly, knowing what Riku meant.

    Riku nodded. "Yeah. That's why I have to win. Sora, you can come back and together we can beat these guys but right now, we have to play by their rules."

    Sora nodded, unable to breath. "Fine but promise you'll be alright?"

    Riku smiled at him. "I promise. Now come on Sora," he said, raising his keyblade. "Let's show these losers how to fight and don't go easy on me, or it'll cost you," he said with a chuckle.

    Sora smiled. "Alright. You asked for it," he said and moved to attack Riku.

    Sora jumped high in the air and brought his keyblade down. It would have been easy for Riku to move but instead he brought his own keyblade up and the two legendary weapons met with sparks. Riku jumped back but Sora kept on the offensive. The keyblade master used complex moves only to be stopped by Riku every time.

    Then, Riku saw the opening. He brought his keyblade across and hit Sora with a blast of keyblade and dark energy. Sora flew through the air and hit the ground while Riku hit Sora again with black fire, sending him across the ground and int othe barrier.

    Sora tried to stand up but his energy was gone. Riku stood over him and Sora looked up. Riku gave him a litle wink and Sora understood.

    Luxord stepped into the ring and the two looked over at him. The Nobody nodded and the pillars disappeared, leaving no marks on the ground where they once stood.

    A Corridor to Dakrness appeared beside them. "As promised, sora. there is your way home," Luxord said, pointing to the passage. Behind them, Saix disappared with Kairi in his grasp.

    Sora jumped up. "I thought you said Kairi was going to be released," he said angerly.

    Luxord put up his hands defensively. "I did but I didn't say when," he said and darkness engulfed Sora, sending him back to Destiny Island. Behind them, Felix also disappeared.

    Riku whipped around, bringing his keyblade to Luxord's throat. "Let her go," he said, furious.

    Luxord laughed. "You think you can harm us?" he said raising an eyebrow.

    Riku fell to his knees, dropping the keyblade, as pain erupted form his head. It was like someone was choking his mind. He felt his strength leave him as he slipped into unconsciousness.

    Luxord chuckled. "What a foolish boy," he siad to himself.

    "But far more obediant then expected," came Xemnas' voice form behind him.

    Luxord nodded. "Yes. He showed no hesitation in fighting Sora, which is surprising."

    Xemnas smiled. "It seems the darkness inside of him is not done."

    Luxord was in shock. "But how is that possible? Surely that power would have eaten away at him. He should have been consumed by it long ago."

    "But he was not. Instead he gave into it and attempted to use it for his own will. Something that will surely aid us. Take him to the castle and put him in the dungeon. Contact me as soon as he wakes up," Xemnas finished.

    Luxord bowed. "As you wish, Superior," he said and Xemnas vanished.


    Chapter 9: The Keys to Kingdom Hearts​

    Riku's eyes blurred as he opened his eyes. He waited for his vision to clear when he realized that he was lying on the ground in a room. He looked around, while still lying there. He appeared to be in a purple room that had bars on the one open side.

    A dungeon? I thought Xemnas would be above that, he thought to himself. He stood up, brushing himself off. I wonder how long I've been out...and what was that? What did Lurxord do to me? Clearly it wasn't him becuase he's not that powerful... maybe Xemnas...but how?

    Riku walked over to the bars and looked out. It was just a plain white hallway. "So, you're finally awake?" came a voice from the left.

    A man with flaming red hair walked up to the bars. "You could have slept longer, you know?"

    Riku sighed and turned away from him. "Axel, how long have I been out?" he asked.

    Axel shrugged. "About half a day. I was starting to worry about you."

    "You don't have a heart. You can't worry."

    "I was trying to be nice," Axel said with a slight chuckle. "But, if you want bad news, I'll give it to you."

    Riku turned around. "What's happenned? Is Sora okay? And where's Kairi?"

    Axel sighed. "Calm down. Okay? Right. Sora is on Destiny Island, wondering what is going on. The King is going to visit him in a bit so they can come up with some plan to save you and Kairi. Kairi is..." the nobody stopped.

    Riku looked at him. "What happenned to Kairi?" he asked, angerly, black flames starting to surround him.

    Axel laughed. "A little jealous?" Riku didn't answer. "Kairi's upstairs. Xemnas has her locked up with some spell."

    At once Riku made to create a Corridor to Darkness. Nothing happenned. "Axel, what has Xemnas done to me? He's done something because some of powers aren't working."

    Axel shook his head. "Well, he made it so you wouldn't be able to leave. and I wouldn't even try to rescue Kairi. They've got every type of protection the Organization could come up with. It'd be suicide, Riku."

    Riku punched the wall next to him. "But I can't do nothing. Not while my friends are in trouble."

    "Awake at last?" came another voice. It was Xemnas. He walked up and stood beside Axel. "Axel, leave at once," he said coldly and Axel vanished with a wink to Riku.

    Riku turned and looked at him, his violet eyes flashing with hatred. "What have you done to me? And why isn't Kairi free?" he demanded.

    Xemnas laughed. "Your ability to teleport as we do has been nutrilized. we can't have you leaving. As for Kairi, well, I am going to give you the chance to save her."

    Riku stared at him. "Save her? Like I'm supposed to believe that?"

    Xemnas raised an eyebrow. "Well, that would be the only option you have now, unless you'd rather sit in this cell until your brave keyblade hero comes to rescue you."

    Something rose in Riku. It was like something was driving his emotions. I don't need Sora to come rescue me. I'm perfectly capable of saving myself and Kairi. "Fine. What exactly do you want me to do?"

    Xemnas smiled. "Your job is to retrieve four keys and bring them to me."

    "Four keys? That doesn't help much."

    "Ah but these keys are special," Xemnas said and turned away from him. "These four keys are said to open Kingdom Hearts and give the one who does open it, power and knowledge beyond that of any living thing."

    Riku chuckled. "Still trying to do that?"

    "I have not lost sight of my objective. You would do well to do so also," Xemnas said and a Corridor to Darkness appeared behind Riku. "That will take you to the world where the first key lies. I warn you: failure to complete this could mean that your little princess won't be around any more, if you know what I mean," he finished and disappeared.

    Riku's heart skipped a beat. I'm sorry, Sora but if I don't do this, Kairi will die. So you had better hurry and come save Kairi so I can kill Xemnas.
  13. keylbader_twilight Traverse Town Homebody

    Apr 19, 2007
    Ontario, Canada
    Since there are no is the next chapter...

    Chapter 10: The First Key​

    Riku looked around as he entered the world. He had been here before though so nothing was really new. If he remembered right, it was called The Land of the Dragons and right now he was the mountain.

    Riku chuckled. He could leave right now and look for Sora. Than together they would defeat the Organization and save Kairi. That would not be wise, came a voice from no where.

    Riku whipped aorund, looking for Xemnas. We have Kairi right here so do not forget, you belong to us now. The first key is located in a cave. So hurry up. The keyblade master is already here.

    Riku growled in anger. Why did this always happen to him? Oh, a little gift. I'm sure your good friend would not want to know that it is you fighting against him, Xemnas' voice said and a black pillar of fire surrounded Riku. When it fell back to the earth, he wore an Organization cloak. Have fun.

    Riku threw up his hood and proceded down the mountain.
    ((Switching over to Sora for a bit))

    Sora, Donald, Goofy and King Mickey walked up the mountain. Sora lead while the others trailed behind him, head down. He still couldn't believe Riku would do that. They could've found another way but Riku always jumped in head first.

    Mickey caught up with Sora and walked beside him. "Aw, cheer up. Riku wouldn't have wanted you to go around all sad while he's countin' on ya," the King said.

    Sora nodded, feeling better. "Yeah, I guess so. I'm just worried about him and Kairi."

    Mickey sighed. "Yeah. Me too but we gotta keep our heads up. Let's look for those keys. That should help us since the Organization wants 'em too. So if we run into them, we might run into Riku or Kairi."

    Sora nodded. "Thanks your magesty. That makes me feel a little better,"he said with a slight chuckle.

    The walked through the small mountain town and peered into the cavern. "It sure is dark in there," Goofy said nervously.

    "Maybe we should turn back," Donald agreed.

    Sora laughed. "You guys scared? Come on, we've faced worse than a dark cave."

    Donald stood up straight. "Yeah! We're heros!" he said and started to walk Sora. He stopped at the entrance and looked inside.

    Sora snuck up behind him. "Boo," he whispered in Doanld's ear. The poor duck jumped up, shaking. The rest laughed and walked inside, feeling more confident, donald trailing at the very back.

    They walked in and saw a white key floating above a platform. It had a very intricate design on the handle and the key part was very fancy, mkaing it seem priceless. Unfortuantely, an Organization member was reaching out his hand to grab it.

    Sora pulled out his keyblade. "Hey! Don't touch that!" he said and his firneds behind him drew their weapons.

    The man looked at them, as though wondering what to do. He took a step away from the key and snapped his fingers. Black flames blocked the entrance and surrounded them into a large circle.

    Sora looked around nervously. The guy raised his hand and the room went pitch black. "Guys? Where are you?" he called to the darkness.

    His three friends walked up. "We're fine," Mickey said and looked around. "But where are we?"

    "Somewhere we won't be disturbed," a voice came from behind them. Sora turned around, recognizing the voice. The man lowered his hood and it was Riku.

    Sora ran up to him and jumped on him. "Riku! You're okay!"

    Riku laughed and pushed him off. "Somewhat. How about you guys? Xemnas didn't pull some trick?" he asked, concerned.

    Sora shook his head. "Nope. I got straight home and then the King came for me. Then he explained something about four keys and Kingdom Hearts. Know anything about it?"

    Riku nodded. "Yeah. Xemnas has me going from world to world to get them."

    Sora took a step back. "And you're actually doing it?"

    Riku looked at the ground. "I kinda have no choice," he muttered to his friend.

    "No choice? Do you even care what Xemnas will do when he gets those keys?"

    "Do you even care about Kairi's life?" Riku snapped back. Sora looked at the ground and Riku turned away from him. "I'm sorry Sora," he said sadly. "I's hard. Every hour, fighting him gets harder and harder. The darkness doesn't help either."

    Sora sighed. "I know. I'll hurry! I promise. We'll be there in no time and save Kairi."

    Riku smiled, turning around. "Alright then. I leave it in your hands," he said, nodding. "But I have to take the key back with me. If I don't, Xemnas will..." he couldn't finish but Sora understood.

    The keyblade master nodded. "Alright but hopefully this won't happen again," he said.

    Riku nodded. "Oh, Sora. I kinda have to make it look like something happenned. If I came back with the key and you guys were here watching me take it, Xemnas might get suspiscious," he said smiling.

    Sora gulped. "So that means-?"

    Riku chuckled. "I'm just going to knock you out. Come on, Sora. You won't even feel a thing," he said, trying to convince him.

    Sora stood there with his mouth open. "I'm not gonna let you hit..." he stopped as wearyness took over. It felt as though he just wanted to pass out and let things keep going in the world.

    Riku smiled as his friend hit the ground. "Nighty night," he said, laughing.

    The darkness around them melted away and it was only Riku left conscious in the cavern. He walked over to the key and grabbed onto it, pulling it away from its pedestal.

    Excellent work. I didn't think you had it in you but I was proven wrong, yet again, Xemans' voice said and a Corridor to Darkness appeared near him and Riku walked inside.

    Chapter 11: The Darkness Has You...​

    Riku appared in The World Tghat Never Was and he walked up to the castle. Once again he got the feeling that he was more powerful here. He walked inside and Xemans appeared in front of him. Riku took a step back and the key in his hand floated out of his grasp and into Xemnas'.

    The Nobody pocketed it. "I was a little worried that you forgot but now I realize that you never will."

    Riku looked at him confused. "What are you talking about?" he snapped, angerly.

    Xemnas shook his head, as though disappointed. "I think you know. The feeling this world gives you. The sense of power. The taste of..."

    Riku looked at the ground. "Darkness," he finished and growled in anger at himself for even thinking that answer. "Whatever. Where's the next key that you want me to find?"

    Xemans raised a hand. "Now now. Do not be so eager."

    Riku raised an eyebbrow. "You have no idea where it is, do you?" he said, confidence raising.

    Xemans nodded. "True but we will have the information for you tomorrow. You have the rest of the day and night to rest. You'll need it," he said and disappared.

    Riku ran upstairs to his room. At least, it was the same room as he was in last time he stayed in the castle. He walked inside and closed the door, making sure that no one or thing was near his room. He fell onto his bed. What's happenning to me?

    Organization meeting room...

    Xemnas looked down at Zexion. "You still haven't found the next key?"

    Zexion shook his head. "No. The light of it makes it harder for me to sense it."

    Axel almost gave a sigh in relief but manages to contain it. Xaldin looked up at the Superior. "I do not see why you are making the boy do this. Any one of us could do it faster than he could."

    Larxene looked at him, rolling her eyes. "Becuase, idiot: the longer Riku is with us, the more he'll give into the darkness," she snapped.

    Xaldin shot her a look and was about to say something but Marluxia interuptered him. "Then why not just keep him in the castle?"

    Xemnas didn't answer him but Vexen did. "Becuase if Riku gets into the darkness to much, his emotions of hate and jealousy will overpower him and he might get rid of Sora for us, saving us the trouble."

    Marluxia sat back in his chair, deep in thought. No one said anything for a fwe minutes as they were all thinking the same thing. What if Riku destroyed them instead? He hated them as much as he was jealous of Sora.

    "Axel," Xemnas said, "It will be your job to make sure that Riku does not get any thoughts of betraying us. Remind him that we still control that which he loves."
  14. JellyBeing ALL. THE. BUTTS.

    Mar 24, 2007
    Sweetness. I had a lot to read ^_^
    I really liked the very end of that last chapter.
  15. keylbader_twilight Traverse Town Homebody

    Apr 19, 2007
    Ontario, Canada
    Thanks! Here's the next chapter(or chapters. I'm not sure how far I'll write today)

    Chapter 12: Blowing Away​

    Riku didn't dare fall asleep for fear that Xemnas might do something while he was sleeping. He sat awake for what seemed like hours when a light knock came on his door. He looked up and knew it was Axel. "Get lost, Axel! Unless your here to tell me that Kairi is okay, than buzz off," he said angerly.

    Axel pushed the door open. "Whoa. Calm down there. I was just checking up on you," he said walking inside.

    Riku raised a hand and the door closed behind Axel. He put his head back down on his bed. "What do you want? And tell me the truth. Don't make up some stupid story," he demanded.

    Axel shook his head. "A little depressed aren't we? Forget I said that," he added hastingly. "Anyway, I was just coming to tell you that Xemnas still hasn't foind any other keys but Sora and his little group have found two."

    Riku looked up hopefully. "Really? That's great," he said excited.

    Axel nodded. "Yeah. I'm just jumping for joy," he said sarcasticly. "Anyway, just warning you not to go all the way upstairs because Xemnas is freaking out. Oh, and I also came to tell you that you can go see Kairi," he said, remembering.

    Riku jumped up. "Great! Is she okay?" he asked, wlaking up to him and opening the door.

    Axel chuckled. "Why don't you go see for yourself?" he said and pushed him out the door.

    Riku followed Axel's directions and came to a door. Four samuri Nobodies stood gaurding it and let him pass without Riku even saying anything. He walked into the room and saw Kairi laying on a bed, reading a book.

    "Kairi?" Riku said unsure of what else to say.

    Kairi looked up. "Riku! You're okay! How's Sora?" she said running up to him and giving him a hug.

    Riku returned it and smiled as she pulled away and sat down on a chair. "I thought you'd be chained up or...something," he said, looking at the room. It was a white room that had a comfy bed and a desk that had a notebook with pencil crayons.

    Kairi laughed. "So did I but then Axel came to see me and he fixed up my room a bit so it didn't look like a cell. Anyway, what's going on? Are you okay? what bout Sora?" she asked, concerned.

    Riku rolled his eyes. Leave it to Kairi to be worried. "Kairi, calm down. Everyone's fine. At least, somewhat," he added to himself.

    Kairi looked up at him. "Somewhat? Riku what's Xemnas making you do?"



    "Fine!" Riku jumped up and turned away from her. "He's making me go and fetch a bunch of keys so he can take control of Kingdom Hearts."

    Kairi frowned. "How many does he have?"

    "Only one. Sora and the King have two," he replied and looked down at the ground.

    "Riku, what's wrong?" Kairi asked putting a hand on his shoulder. She gave a small gasp as she felt dark energy that covered her friend.

    Riku sighed and walked out of her reach. "Kairi, I can't do anything about it."

    "Yes you can. There's still light in you. I know it and so does Sora," she replied, hopefully.

    He shook his head. "No. Not any more. I'm just...just another darkling," he said and left the room.
  16. JellyBeing ALL. THE. BUTTS.

    Mar 24, 2007
    Aww... poor Riku. Find your light Riku. I know you can.
    ;_ ;
  17. keylbader_twilight Traverse Town Homebody

    Apr 19, 2007
    Ontario, Canada
    Okay, just a little sidenote here: There WILL be another story after this one and I'm sure you can all guess what it'll be called. Yes, The Story of Light. That will be the last story of this trilogy. (Yay! I have my own trilogy!) Anyway, here's the next chapter .

    Chapter 13: A Dark Descision

    Riku ran into his room, slamming the door behind him. He fell onto his bed, feeling completely miserable. Is it really true? Have I fallen into the darkness again, only to be controlled by it?

    He sat up. Even if it's not, I can't let Kairi get hurt because of my stupid mistakes, he thought and stood up, getting an idea. Riku bolted downstairs and snuck into Marluxia's garden.

    Meanwhile, Kairi stood in her room, unable to believe what she had just heard. Riku had gone back to the darkness though Kairi wasn't sure if he did it on his own free will.

    A shimmer hovered beside her and Namine's transparent form appeared. "I'm worried," she said with a sigh.

    Kairi nodded and sat on her bed. "So am I. What if Riku has..." she couldn't finish it.

    Namine shook her head. "I don't know. But we will hope. We have to hope."

    Night came or at least, most people in the castle were resting. Riku crept downstairs and peered into Axel's room. He gave a light tap on the door and it opened, revealing Axel, playing with a small fireball. He stopped playing with it as Riku walked inside.

    "I need your help, Axel," Riku said before Axel could even say anything.

    Axel sighed. "And then I would get fired. Literally."

    Riku groaned in frustration. "Please. It has to do with Kairi. I need to get her out of here and safe," he said, forcfully.

    Axel shook his head. "I dunno...alright! I'll do it but you have to do something for me," he said with a grin.

    Riku took a step back. "What?" he asked, nervously.

    Axel stood up. "Well, I've noticed lately that Vexen has become very cocky and I'd like to teach that ice breather a leason but I'll need your help to do it."

    Riku laughed. "Fine. But we save Kairi first."

    Axel nodded. "Yeah. What do you got in mind?"

    Axel walked downstairs and turned a corner to Kairi's room. He walked up to the door and the Nobodies moved aside for him to enter. In the room, Kairi was asleep.

    Axel moved, according to their plan and summoned a corridor of darkness which Riku entered through. The teen looked around, making sure everything was clear before he quietly walked up to Kairi.

    Riku took the flower which he stole from Marluxia's garden and sprinkled some of it on Kairi's eyes. This way, she wouldn't wake up when they took her back to Sora.

    Axel turned and opened another portal. "There you go, Riku. That will take you to Disney Castle," he said and relaxed.

    Riku nodded and picked up Kairi, making sure she didn't hit her head on anything. He wlaked towards the portal. "Riku," Axel called one more time.


    "Nothing. I'll tell you when you get back," Axel said, shaking his head.
    Riku appeared in Disney Castle, carrying Kairi in his arms. Thankfully, Axel had some sense to put the portal in an unoccupied room. He looked over to see a bad to his left and layed Kairi down on it.

    Riku stopped and looked down at her, a million thoughts running through his head. What if Kairi resented him for this? She always said that she felt left out of their adventures. No, he thought forcefully. Kairi belongs here, with Sora. It's where she wants to be.

    Riku pulled a piece of paper out of his pocket and slipped it under Kairi's hands. It was a letter, explaining a bit at least. They'd work out the finer details later. He turned around and heard voices on the other side of the wall.

    Since his abilities were now at an incredible scale, Riku could sense who was coming. It was Sora and King Mickey. He was aobut to walk to the door to say a quick hello when something behind him grabbed onto him.

    Not so fast. I am not finished with you yet, Xemnas' voice said from within his mind.

    Riku saw Sora turn the corner. "Riku-?" he started but Riku was already engulfed by the darkness that Xemnas controlled.

    Chapter 14: The Letter​

    Sora turned the corner to see his best friend standing there, with the girl he loved laying on a bed. "Riku-?" he started but Riku had disappeared. He ran to Kairi to see she was perfectly fine.

    "Kairi? Kairi, wake up!" Sora said, a little concerned. Kairi's eyes fluttered open. "You're okay!" he shouted and hugged her.

    Kairi hugged him back. "Yeah, I'm fine. What about Riku?" she asked, rubbing her eyes.

    Sora looked down at the ground and Kairi understood. She stood up and a slip of paper fell on the ground. Sora bent down and picked it up. "'s from Riku," he said a little surprised.

    Sora, Kairi,

    By the time you read this, I may already be under the control of darkness. I think I have been, these past few days. I know it's hard for you guys to understand, you know, me being like this and whats been going on. This is harder to write than I thought. I wanted to give you guys an idea of whats been happenning to me these past couple days, that way you'll understand what I did and why. Also, it may help you guys defeat the Organization.

    Sora paused. The unthinkable had happenned. Riku had given in, once again. At his left side, Kairi started to cry. On his right, Mickey just looked at the floor. He continued reading aloud.

    When we parted at Memory's Skyscraper, my first thought was that I was going to be pulled in, once again, to the darkness. It's even harder knowing that it's happenned. Anyway, I arrived at the castle, and instantly, Xemnas had me locked up. I was out for around five hours from what Axel tells me. When I awoke, Xemnas gave me my first instructions: to find the first key. He also told me something that I think might help. He said that the keys would open the door to Kingdom Hearts. It seemed like he needed them pretty bad. I hear you guys have two keys already. Awsome.

    You know what happenned after that. I didn't want to leave you but something drew me back. I'm not sure whether it was the darkness, or Xemnas' threats of killing Kairi that did it. When I got back to the castle, I was allowed to rest but I couldn't sleep.

    The next day, I visited Kairi. Kairi, I really hope you're ready this. When I left you alone in your room, you can't imagine the thoughts that ran through my head. I thought you expected me to burst in there and save you when all I did was tell you how know. Anyway, at that moment, I realized that you were in great danger in the castle so Axel and I came up with a plan to get you out. I hope it worked.

    There's something else...something that will be the hardest thing for me to write. When we got back to Destiny Island, Sora, I saw you and Kairi kiss for the first time. I hate to tell you this pal, but right then, I wanted to hit you so hard...but I didn't. That day, I realized that there is no one for me. I'll always be seperate. It isn't your fault, guys. It's just the way it was meant to be.

    I have to hurry up and end this becuase I can here Zexion coming upstairs to probably check on me once again. He never stops and niether does Vexen. You'd think I was going to destroy the place the way they act. (I set Vexen's hair on fire though last time he did it. That was payment for Axel's services. Pretty good payment too Axel told me.)

    First of all, thanks guys. I don't deserve friends like you. The last thing I have to write is this and I know you'll be a little surprised to read this and hopefully you won't think badly of me when you do. I have given into the darkness and if I could change that, I wouldn't. I guess I was always destined to. While you guys live in the light...I'll live in the darkness.


    P.S. Sora, when you come to save me, don't burst into the castle like last time. You ran through the fornt door, man. C'mon. They so saw you coming.

    Sora couldn't help but give a weak little chuckle. That was Riku. Always giving 'constructive critisism'. At this point, Kairi was on the bed, her face covered by a pillow. Tears fell on the bed.

    Mickey shook his head, as though he thought it was a lie and left the room.

    Sora dropped the letter onto a table and sat beside Kairi. "It's okay Kairi. Riku will be fine. We know him. He won't give up without a fight," Sora said hoping to cheer both of them up.

    Kairi shook her head. "No Sora. He's gone. When I talked with him at the castle, I touched his shoulder," she paused and looked up at him. "It was someone had just filled me with everything negative; despair, hate, anger. And Riku...he didn't say it but it felt like he almost welcomes the darkness. I don't think I have ever seen comeone like that before."

    Sora stopped. What Kairi said made him think it was true. When they met near the first key, Riku seemed like he wanted to distance himself, like he wanted to get back to that in-between world.

    The two sat on the bed for what seemed like hours, thinking about the fate of their best friend.
  18. JellyBeing ALL. THE. BUTTS.

    Mar 24, 2007
    Aww... ;_ ;
    I know how to fix this... hehehe
    :: pulls out a flashlight ::
    ::hits Riku over the head with it::
    Light! Light! Light!
  19. keylbader_twilight Traverse Town Homebody

    Apr 19, 2007
    Ontario, Canada
    Ha ha ha.
    *Riku grabs flashlight*
    "Give me that!"
    *breaks it in half and throws it at a wall*
    *K_T watches in amazement*
    *K_T grabs the spotlight and shines it on herself*
    "Anyway, let's get on with the story..."

    Chapter 15: More Than I Can Take​

    Riku felt himself being pulled back into the darkness and for a few moments it was black. Than, his vision began to clear and he was back in the World That Never Was.

    Riku looked behind himself, half expecting Xemnas to come out of nowhere but no one was near him. Since he only had one choice, he proceded to wlak up to the castle.

    Riku entered the front doors without a problem and saw that no one was even here. He sighed in relief but foot steps came from behind him.

    "Hey, if it isn't little Riku." It was a females voice and there was only one girl in the Organization. Larxene walked up from behind him and fell into step with him.

    "Get lost, Larxene," Riku said, uncaring.

    Larxene laughed coldly. "Not very nice today are we? Anyway, I didn't come to chat to you like a nice person," she said and stepped in front of him. "I hear from the others that Xemnas has you under his control again. Is it true?"

    Riku pushed her out of the way and continued to walk. "I said get lost," he said angerly.

    Larxene walked behind him. "It is true! How positively sad," she said mockingly. Riku didn't say anything. "So what did it?" Larxene continued. "Was it your attachment to the darkness?"

    Riku growled under his breath. "I'm warning you, Larxene."

    Larxene shook her head. "Was that a threat, little Riku?" she laughed coldly. "Or was it some other way that Xemnas manged to do it? Maybe it was your weak heart?"

    In a flash, Riku had his keyblade out on her throat, black flames surrounding them. "Don't ever say that again!" he shouted at her.

    Larxene took a step back, her eyes wide with fear. "Y-you wouldn't dare. Xemnas w-would kill you," she said nervously.

    Riku pushed his keyblade up so blood was coming from Larxene's kneck. "There's nothing I wouldn't do now," he said and the flames sparked at his anger.

    "Is that so?" a calmer voice came from above them. Xemnas stood high on a platform, watching the scene.

    The flames died down around them and Riku lowered his keyblade. He ignored Xemnas and walked up to his room, slamming the door behind him.

    The Organization sat in their respective chairs in the meeting room. "This is crazy," Larxene said at once. "There is no way that kid is staying here."

    "What's wrong, Larxene?" Xigbar said, raising an eyebrow. "Afraid because someone is stronger than you?"

    Larxene jumped up. "He tried to kill me!" she shouted.

    Xemans raised a hand. "Larxene, contain yourself. We have no reason to fear Riku now."

    Saix looked up. "And why is that? Riku has more power than any of us."

    Xemnas nodded. "He does but he has finally given in. If you all recall, as soon as I arrived upon the scene, Riku showed no hesitation in doing what he was told. Alos, if we can manipulate his anger, his jealously, his pain, than he will do what we wish him to."

    Axel looked down, unable to believe it. He muttered the only words that he didn't want to hear. "You'll send Riku to kill Sora."

    Riku fell onto his bed, his heads throbbing. What just happenned? I could feel something...rising in me. Every moment of hatred, pain, jealously, just poured into my keyblade.

    Riku stood up and looked out the window of his room and down into the dark city. What's happenned to me? I've never felt so...seperate. Like I'm completely apart from the world. Well, for one thing, I don't have Sora or Kairi here. They probably don't even want to talk to me, he thought sadly.

    Or do I want to talk to them? a little voice said in his head. After all, Sora walks around with his keyblade, barely does anything and then I have to endure years of pain and battles and all I get is seeing my best friend kiss the girl I used to love.

    Used to...the words rang in his head with a defening tone. Did he really care about his friends at all, anymore? A part of him did but anotehr wanted to see them fall at his feet. Riku pounded a hand into the wall. It felt like his head was being torn in two. He had to make a choice.

    After half an hour of thinking, Riku finally made a decision. I'll stay here and see how things play out. Eventually Sora will come to the castle. Until then, I'll just have to do as Xemnas tells me.
  20. JellyBeing ALL. THE. BUTTS.

    Mar 24, 2007
    Bah! No Riku! No darkness!
    :: pulls out big ace spotlight ::
    ::runs toward Riku::
    ;_ ;

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