Kingdom Hearts: Striking Midnight

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Scarred Nobody, Jun 28, 2011.

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  1. Britishism Gummi Ship Junkie

    Jun 4, 2011
    Radio Free Wasteland
    "Of course not!" Zen muttered. "I'm not going to leave!" he said.
    He coughed awkwardly. "Just... A trip." he summoned his Keyblade and twirled it. "You know..." he said,"This
    isn't real." Shadows twisted around him. "I want to wake up." And everything got bright.
  2. Glen Returned from the dead

    Jan 18, 2011
    Gexln sighed to himself. As usual, he was bored. "Always bored..always bored unless i get specifically assigned something to do" he said quietly. He kicked at a can that was lying on the streets of Twilight Town. "Something to do..something to do..wait..there's always that one town. Plenty of people were there last time i was there..plenty of potential fights..which means getting stronger. Traverse Town it is" Gexln stated. He held out his left arm, since he was left handed. He opened a dark corridor and calmly walked through it, emerging in the 3rd district of Traverse Town mere moments later.
  3. Noroz I Wish Happiness Always Be With You

    Apr 3, 2011
    Noroz' portal had lead him into the 2nd district of Traverse Town. Huh, where the hell am I? he thought to himself. Well, I think I need an overlook. Noroz climbed on top of the roofs in the 2nd district. Not much to see here, he thought as he jumped from roof to roof. Noroz sensed some dark energy close to where he was. What the hell? he thought, as he sped up towards the dark energy. He noticed someone standing in the middle of the 3rd district. Noroz jumped down to the person and to his surprise, it was Gexln. "Gexln! What are you doing here?" He asked.
  4. Glen Returned from the dead

    Jan 18, 2011
    Gexln was unsure of where the sound had come from at first. He turned around and was shocked to see Noroz. "Finding the cure for boredom. Things are going a little bit slow for me, Noroz" he replied. He took a few paces to his right, slowly. "I was looking for a fight, someone to test my limits. So far i've found nothing" he said. He stopped pacing. "Not a single person that could even compare to my strength. It's somewhat pitiful" he said. He chuckled quietly. "Why are YOU here?" he questioned.
  5. Noroz I Wish Happiness Always Be With You

    Apr 3, 2011
    "I couldn't take it anymore... the memories, I mean." Noroz looked up at the sky. "I needed somewhere new to be. I needed another sky. Also," he said. "I can sense something being wrong, but I'm not sure what it is." Noroz looked back at Gexln. "Have you found the cure yet? You know I'd be able to test your limits, but as of right now, I won't fight. You know I rarely fight unless necessary." Noroz almost looked like he was smiling. "You know just as well as I do that nothing good would come from us fighting, haha." Noroz took his Keyblade of his back and pointed it at Gexln's arm. "And you know you 'ain't got nothin' on my Deutera." Noroz put the blade back on his back.
  6. Glen Returned from the dead

    Jan 18, 2011
    Instinctively Gexln placed his right hand on the upper left of his arm right where a nasty looking scar was. " good" he said, voice trailing off. He shook his head. "Though i still think i could take you down if it came down to it. For once i'm in no hurry to find out though" Gexln said. He stared down at his own blade, Darkness' Sorrow. "It's been a while since i've had to use that anyway. I suspect that's the cause of my boredom. Ah what IS there to do in this town? Everything's boring!" Gexln exclaimed.
  7. Britishism Gummi Ship Junkie

    Jun 4, 2011
    Radio Free Wasteland
    Zen pulled himself out of bed and sighed. "Damn. Another dream." He walked towards the door, summoning the Keyblade on his way out. He looked to the sky, smiling beneath his mask. "Beautiful as ever!" he laughed, jabbing the air fiercely. People waved in the distance, and Zen nodded to them. He walked to the edge of the beach. "I should ignore those dreams..." he thought, running his hands through the cold water. "Because..." he said aloud, "They're not real." he grinned, and walked up to the houses. It seemed to be a normal day.
  8. Scarred Nobody Where is the justice?

    May 14, 2007
    Evol was surprised at how well he was able to suppress his aura in the short amount of time that he had his blades. However, he wasn't able to sense any other presences around him; he wasn't ready to die, not yet. He wasn't sure on what he was fighting for though; in a sense, he was fighting for the greater good, but it was out of anger. If his anger wasn't kept under control, he knew that it would cause him to go bad. Maybe that isn't so bad after all; there's nothing for me here. Evol laughed, knowing that it was just a bad lie he was telling himself. He knew that his sister would never want him to turn away from the light.

    The King was pacing around his office, not wanting to be disturbed by anybody in the Castle. He had sent Minne to do some errands, while everyone one else was busy. By now, he believed that the letter was with Sora and his friends. It was a matter of urgency that they were together again as soon as possible. What he saw in that office was still haunting him; the body of his master and the sign on the wall.
  9. Noroz I Wish Happiness Always Be With You

    Apr 3, 2011
    "Heh, Keep telling yourself that." Noroz replied. "You won't have to use it for a while anyway," he added. "And that's a good question. Although I have sensed some unique people close to here, I guess it wouldn't hurt to explore a bit, would it?" Noroz pointed towards the second district. "I just came from over there, and well... not much happening there. What you say we take a walk? I'm guessing you haven't been here before, like me." Noroz walked past Gexln. "You gonna join me, or just stand here, all lonely? I know how sad you get," he said, jokingly.
  10. Glen Returned from the dead

    Jan 18, 2011
    Gexln nodded. "Sure, i'll go for a walk. I've been here a couple of times before, but not recently. Maybe things have changed, maybe they're the same" he said. He shrugged his shoulders. "But who knows? Only one way to find out" Gexln stated. He yawned. "Getting bored again pretty quickly though, so hurry" he said with a slight laugh.
  11. Britishism Gummi Ship Junkie

    Jun 4, 2011
    Radio Free Wasteland
    OOC: Enter Tifa next post. Noroz, I plan her to be with Cloud. Problems?

    Zen strode through the middle of the neighberhood, nodding at all the townsfolk.
    Why was he being so outgoing today? He sighed. He was usually so shy, but who knows?
    He walked to the edge of the pier, squinting through his mask to the outer worlds."So beautiful..." he whispered. He moved to the edge, balancing on the balls of his feet. The edge of the pier shattered. Zen tumbled
    into the sea.

    He opened his eyes. Where was he? Dark buildings surrounded him, bright lights atop. He glanced at a sign. "Traverse Town..." he muttered aloud.
  12. StardustXtreme Chaser

    Apr 10, 2007
    Sector 7 Slums
    Member Name: Protecter212
    Character Name: Eiji Nagase
    Sex: Male
    Age: 18
    Appearance: Clicky
    Home World: Deep Space
    Keyblade (s): (Can wield two Keyblades, if you wish) Endless Freedom
    Light or Darkness: Light
    Personality: Stubborn, confident but carefree when not fighting.
    Short bio: A wanted space pirate who searches for the greatest treasure in all of the worlds, he has quite a heavy bounty on his head, 15,000 Munny by the Grand Councilwoman by order of a unknown person, he gained his Keyblade when fighting the Heartless in Port Royal during a visit, of course before he had the Keyblade, he is a gifted swordsmaster and gunmaster, prefering to fight with his right hand, a sword or the Keyblade while his left hand contains a magical pistol that fires elemental based rounds with the proper attribute crystals he carries around with him but if the situation calls for it, he’ll dual wield, he has heard rumors from a uncharted world that His Darkness shall rise once more, whatever that meant.
  13. Lauriam I hope I didn't keep you waiting...

    Jun 4, 2009
    Nonbinary she/he/it?
    OOC: Whoa, a lot happened since I was on this morning! BTW, starting this sunday, I'm going to be out of town with no internet access. I'll be back next Thursday, so please try not to get too far ahead. ;D Sorry to be cutting out like this!

    BIC: Hana Kaida had been looking up at the stars when suddenly darkness appeared in front of her. Instinctively, she jumped back onto the balcony she had previously left, Final Strike gleaming silver in the low light. She listened to the stranger's conversation attentivally, not sure wether or not they were threats. They intrigued her. And confirmed her suspicion that there was something bad in the air tonight. Apparently, it had been all across the worlds, not just here. There was something bad going on. They also seemed like they were strong fighters. She would have to move cautiously, find out what they were up to.
  14. Princess Rapunzel Flower, gleam and glow

    Feb 14, 2007
    Member Name: Aerith G.
    Character Name: Lukya Kimonoto
    Sex: Female
    Age: 17
    Appearance: Click here for appearance (ignore the pointy ears)
    Home World: Radiant Garden
    Keyblade (s): (Can wield two Keyblades, if you wish) Brother's Scarifice and Fallen Lover
    Light or Darkness: Light
    Personality: Stubborn, cocky, but loyal and friendly.
    Short bio: Lukya lived with her older brother, Samuel, and her father, Remus, in the city of light, Radiant Garden. She was also in love with a wonderful man who taught her how to use a bow and arrow. But when the Heartless attacked, both her brother and her lover gave their lives to protect their lives to protect her, after witnessing this tragic moment, Lukya obtained her Keyblades and became a Bounty Hunter. She was just getting started on the bounty hunter business when she heard that His Darkness would return, and tries to balance both bounty hunting and fighting Heartless.
  15. Scarred Nobody Where is the justice?

    May 14, 2007
    OOC: Just posting to say that both characters have been added. You both may begin when you are ready.
  16. StardustXtreme Chaser

    Apr 10, 2007
    Sector 7 Slums
    Eiji sat within the cockpit of his Gummi Ship, well when you say his, more like, he stole it from it's previous owner as he gave off a small smirk. "Now, which world will have another hidden treasure?" He asked himself, there was no-one to reply to his question, he was the only crew member and that in itself was lonely, but he knew he'd find a crew somewhere out there, to search for the greatest treasure in the universe as he rougly turned the steering wheel, letting it spiin on before he stopped it as the Gummi SHip was heading to a new world, there was one thing on Eiji's mind and it was bothering him in the back of his head.

    "Something just doesn't feel right today." He thought to himself, usually, he never had anything nagging in the back of his head, he was always the adventurous type, after all, a pirate always looks out one thing, treasure and take what he can with his arms, not to mention he was wearing a bounty on his for execution or jail, 15,000 Munny was strenching it a bit.
  17. Princess Rapunzel Flower, gleam and glow

    Feb 14, 2007
    Lukya sat within her Gummi Ship, staring at the keychains of her Keyblades. "I will avenge you two, I promise........." She whispered softly before turning her attention to a wanted poster in her ship. Being a bounty hunter, Lukya was always looking for a bounty with a good price. At the time being, her bounty was a space pirate named Eiji Nagase and she tried to get info on his current whereabouts.
  18. CrownMoksha Decimo

    Jan 11, 2011
    On board the DenLiner
    Guess it's too late to watch the sun set. Akira thought seeing the sun set. Since he had nothing better to do, he decided to wander around town. It wasn't long before he reach the sandlot, he could tell that some one was either training or having a match with somebody else. Deciding not to get in the middle, he kept on walking through town.

    Riku couldn't believe what he had heard, Master Yen Sid, the man who train the King himself, was killed. What could Xeanort be planing. He thought as he began to wonder what could this mean.
  19. StardustXtreme Chaser

    Apr 10, 2007
    Sector 7 Slums
    Eiji's eyes soon focused upon the world he randomly picked out from sterring the Gummi SHip, it was some islands as he gave a small grin to himself, that world does scream out ideal place for treasure as he proceeded onwards, entering the atmosphere before the clear blue skies took over the heated entrance and now, eh was soaring over an ocena with what he can tell, a small island with trees within it's centre while there was another island but much larger, if he had to guess, it wa sthe mainland and the small island was perhaps a sort of recreational place if heaahd to guess, the distance to cover it by boat wasn't that far so he'd imagine that kids or teenagers like himself would play at.

    "Now then, where should I dock?" He thoughtto himself, he didn't want to cause a huge surprise for the mainland, especially seeing that it was really out of place for a Gummi Ship to be in such a backwater world so that option was out which left him two options, dock behind the small island and climb through from the back or scan for any teleportation points as he pressed a few of the button on the console in front of him, with some luck, there was in fact two points, one came form the shack while another was traced to be outside near the beach of the small island.

    "Now then, time to get to work." He thought with a smile and with careful precison, moved the Gummi Ship in the back of the Island as it made contact with the water as it just floated there as he got out of his seat, pulling off the red coat that hung on the seat and slipped it on as he reached for his pistol and checked his deep inside coat pockets for his gems there were colored differently. "Check." he said and placed them back in then outstrenched his right arm, pausing for a moment as his keyblade materialized within his hand that was held briefly before letting it vanish in a flight of light which resembled wings for a few seconds and gave off a small smirk. "Double check, now, let's get this show on the road!" He said with a smile.

    He walked to the transporter as he punched in the coordinates, appearing within the shack then exiting out ontot he beach itself, hearing the calm ocean waves that eternally moved in and out in rhythm.
  20. Britishism Gummi Ship Junkie

    Jun 4, 2011
    Radio Free Wasteland
    Tifa Lockhart laughed and turned her head. "I guess you can leave." she said, talking to Cloud. "I do think maybe I should come with you this time." She continued. "You were quite a pain to look for last time." She smiled. "Well?" They were sitting in a small house in Radiant Garden. They had recently recieved word from Mickey that Yen Sid was dead. Tifa didn't know him well, and wasn't affected very much. She was discussing the letter with Cloud at the moment.
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