Video Game: Kingdom Hearts SOS: The Road To Light

Discussion in 'Role-Playing Arena' started by Krowley, Nov 28, 2011.

  1. Lite The Future

    Jun 6, 2008
    Lars nodded. "I see...Wait a minute, WHAT!?" He yelled, finally figuring out the plan. "You took my Keyblade to use me as bait!?" Lars quickly calmed down and sighed. "Fine. I'll go with your plan. But if things start getting out of hand, I'm taking my Keyblade back and casting Aero on all of us ASAP. Got it?"
  2. "No you will just pop out, then when they run i will throw you your keyblade to you, but makeing you seem paralyzed witn fear will make there gard run down, but i belive that one of them is strong to aero attacks thus you shoud be careful, got that Kidd?"
    to deadpool that will be Lèos nickname for him.
  3. Lite The Future

    Jun 6, 2008
    Lars quickly corrected himself about overreacting. "Oh, I see. My bad. So I just walk in, act scared when I see whoever's there, which will let their guard down, then you come in and ambush them while giving me my Keyblade back." Lars explained, hoping he understood. "Nice plan, Doc."
  4. "Exactly Kidd, nailed it right on the head, everyone will come out safe and sound, no farther surgery should be required."
  5. Lite The Future

    Jun 6, 2008
    Lars nodded, happy the pain was over with. "Alright. Give me the word, and I'll get the job done." he said, ready to move out.
  6. NikkiNoNo Destiny Islands Resident

    Mar 6, 2012
    Homestead, Florida
    Anora looked at Leo and Lars. she was ready to go through with the plan. Though she was going to offer she go in Lar's place. She was a girl and would be a more convincing as bait. "Be careful." she told Lars and nodded.
  7. "Well first i would like to see what the others think, or if they have any opinions they want to share first, Anora, what's your thoughts?" Lèo asked wall gathering some herbs to make a wild-herb potion, just in case. 10 minutes later he handed each of them a stock of 10 Hi-Potion's "Normally I have a bunch of regular Hi-Potions, but i used a large amount of my stock to sterleyes my knifes the rest I had lost in our fall down here, but these will work just as well."
  8. Kross123 Destiny Islands Resident

    Sep 10, 2011
    Kross was a little more worried, if the plan failed, they could all be hurt, Lars in particular since he was the bait. He bit his lip, but went over to Lars and put a hand on his shoulder, looking him in the eye."Lars, are you sure?"He asked, worried for his comrade.
  9. "Would you rather go in his place? The only reason why he is not me is because I cannot work my magic effectively, and have lower defence consiteringly and he has the highest deence of us all, makeing him much more able to take/ heal quickey, Anora cannot go becauseifsomething go's wrong I trust her to be able to handle them wall we try to excape, because she is the stronges in magic, and i the only one able to use cure on us."
  10. NikkiNoNo Destiny Islands Resident

    Mar 6, 2012
    Homestead, Florida
    He had a point... But he missed one important point. "He can't use Aero with out his Keyblade." she said and looked to Leo. "The keyblade is what stores our power and is what releases it." she said. "Its like a Wizard's wand, or Yen Sid's hat." she said and looked between them all. She lifted her hand and the keyblade appeared in her hand. "A keyblade will only appear when it feels like it is needed, or when its summoner needs it." she continued on. She knew this because when she was young she learned about it through experience. She let her keyblad drop to her side, it disappeared again, "I guess what I'm trying to say is if anything goes wrong he's pretty much stuck." She said and looked to Kross and then to the other 2, she thought about their paths and she came up with an idea. "Lars, choosing the path of the guardian your defense and speed are high, right?" She asked. "Then let me go, and when they come at me use aero to push the enemies back." she said "and I'll be taking my keyblade but it will be hidden." she said and touched the bracelet that would disappear when the Keyblade appeared.
  11. Krowley Moderator

    Jun 18, 2008
    (OOC - Path of the Guardian is Defense, Path of the Hunter is speed.
    Also, a Battle System is being perfected, so Stats will help you with that.)
  12. Lite The Future

    Jun 6, 2008
    Lars thought over what Anora had said. She had a point, he couldn't use Aero without his Keyblade. "Alright, if you say so. Just be careful. We wouldn't want to lose ya." Lars said with a smile.
  13. Noroz I Wish Happiness Always Be With You

    Apr 3, 2011
    OOC: Inactivity for a while, but let's say Noroz went by himself, after the "incident," so to speak. Yay.

    Noroz had been walking by himself for quite some time. He preferred it that way. Fuck it. Let's see if I can find this campsite.
    Noroz steps into an overgrown area of the jungle. Alright then, let's go, he thought, as he climbed a tree.
  14. "That is a good point, but i would not send a teammate unarmed, Fearing a case such as this, i had went to a moogle before departure, and purchased a wand, but your plan sounds great as well"
  15. Lite The Future

    Jun 6, 2008
    "Aw, c'mon, Doc. She'll be fine. Besides, if anything does go wrong, we'll be right there waiting." Lars said, trying to keep a positive vibe in the group. "Now how about we get going? The faster we get to this campsite and deal with the trap that's apparently set there for us, the quicker we can complete our mission."
  16. "Good Point Kidd, Anora, be careful out there, I want this operation to run as smoothly as kidd's here did!"
  17. NikkiNoNo Destiny Islands Resident

    Mar 6, 2012
    Homestead, Florida
    Anora nodded. "Then lets go." she said and turned to continue walking down the path hoping it would lead them to the Camp. A little thought came to her head, what if it doesn't go the way its planned...she felt her heart squeeze but she wouldn't think about that. be positive, she thought and grasped the end of her short white dress, her hair swinging long. She would have to try her hardest not to will her keyblade when it threatened to pop out. It would be hard but she had done it a few times before.
  18. Noroz I Wish Happiness Always Be With You

    Apr 3, 2011
    "Holy shit, that's a lot of leaves," Noroz said as he got out of the overgrowth. Before him he spotted a group of people.
    With his hand on his Keyblade, he asked, "Hey, who the hell are you?"
  19. Kross123 Destiny Islands Resident

    Sep 10, 2011
    Anora was not the only one gathering her courage, even when this man had a point, he could not help but feel concerned for their fellow man. It wasn't assuring that he had high defense and some of them knew Cure, it wasn't was the fact that Lars had to go in in the first place. He paused, hearing someone and his keyblade appeared, his eyes turned to see the man, eyeing the keyblade he held."A wielder?"
  20. Léo saw Anora grasp her dress "Anora, I can tell your nervous, don't be, I'v analised this situaion,and you will not even be scratchd."

    Then also hearing a voice asking us who we were, instinctivly, Léo then threw a needle with paralysing potion at this voice without even turning around, which stabbs the newcomer right in the leg, more spicficly, a major artery in the leg "Tell us who yu are quick, or you will never walk again, speak." with is back still turnd to him

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