Video Game: Kingdom Hearts SOS: The Road To Light

Discussion in 'Role-Playing Arena' started by Krowley, Nov 28, 2011.

  1. LadyAzura Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 21, 2012
    Garreg Mach Monastery
    Luna looked around her surroundings and saw nothing but sand blanketed underneath the cover of the night sky. However, something that had resembled a tiger's head nearby. As the others commented on the strange sight, they all started making their way toward it. Luna continued looking around and felt a strange sense of familiarity. Before she could ponder it any further, a voice boomed through the air. Luna looked back and saw it had been coming from the mysterious tiger head. The silver-haired girl ran over to the group to catch up with them. As she caught up with them, lightning struck across the sky while the wind started picking up. The tiger head was beginning to shrink and almost deteriorate while a man and what had appeared to be a flying carpet bolted through the tiger-like cave before landing behind the party.

    The group went over to the young man to check on him. Karina had looked to Luna as if confirming their actions. Luna looked at the young man before looking back at Karina, she nodded her head in agreement. Beuce was the first to make contact with the young man. He had introduced himself and checked to see if he was okay. The man stood up as he shook his hair to remove any sand that might've gotten on him. Once he had done all that, he had introduced himself as Aladdin. He had then explained that the sand tiger head was something called the Cave of Wonders. Luna looked back at where this cave was before disintegrating back into the sand dunes. She looked back at Aladdin as he motioned to the carpet he had flown in on as well as a golden lamp he had in his pocket. As he was talking about the lamp, he immediately stopped himself and changed the subject. As curious as Luna was, she chose not to pry any further.

    We're actually just visiting but it seems we've gotten quite lost." Luna smiled as she scratched her head. She wanted to keep their reason short and vague as possible. She then proceeded to introduce herself. "I am Lunala, however, Luna is fine with me." Another smiled graced her lips as she looked at Aladdin. She had then noticed a monkey pop out its head from beneath the sand. Carrying what seemed to be a fez in its hand, it climbed up Aladdin's body and placed the fez on his head. Aladdin thanked it and patted its head. The silver -haired girl giggled as she watched on. "How nice of your friend! And who might you be?"
  2. Krowley Moderator

    Jun 18, 2008
    "Just some hired entertainment," he replied jovially. "The gala behind me is being hosted by the very wealthy Mr. Eli La Bouff. He is hosting this masquerade ball in honor of Prince Naveen's arrival from Maldovia. From what the reporters are saying, the prince is always one for street performers. Thus my very prompt employment," he smiled. The bearded man showcased 3 cards to the group. Two black, shuriken-like X cards and one orange circle card. "The game is simple, simply find the Circle card," he instructed politely to Kaida. He placed all three cards face down on his dealer table and began to shuffle them, but not too rapidly. "Now, where is Circle card?" he asked. Thankfully, he wasn't mixing them too rapidly, so it was easier to spot that the circle card had been shuffled to the right most card on the table.


    "This is Abu. Be sure to hold all your jewelry close to the vest. He can get very... curious" Aladdin grinned.
    Abu took notice of Luna and his eyes immediately moved upward to the sparkling tiara on her head. White diamonds shining in his eyes, he leapt off Aladdin and clutched onto Luna, giving her sad, innocent eyes.
    "But I think maybe it's better if we get outta the desert before we freeze overnight." He looked over to the carpet he had ridden on and thought aloud. "I... don't think all of us are gonna fit on carpet though..." he scratched the back of his head as he looked around the group."Don't suppose you guys brought any camels with you?"
  3. Aelin Best Waifu

    Jun 30, 2011
    British Columbia, Canada
    Karina was used to the bizarreness of traveling worlds, but as she learned to deal with people more it became a whole other thing to learn. She usually spoke her mind and then fought things and now trying to figure out how to be more careful with her words came with a bit of trouble. At least Karina knew this much, introductions were almost never wrong. "My name is Karina.... you can call me Karina." It never occurred to her how odd it was that she didn't have a nickname like the rest, but as everyone introduced themselves with a formal name and a nickname Karina tried to play up that she didn't have one, though it felt weird.

    Then there was the matter of the carpet and getting back. While there was the whole world order nonsense to worry about, Karina knew the moment heartless showed up and normality they might have carried would be out the window anyways. Deciding playing coy wasn't worth it, Karina just summoned her glider and got on.
    "We will be fine as long as you lead the way." She said offering no explanation to any of what she had just done and hoped that this Aladdin guy would just go along with it.
  4. LadyAzura Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 21, 2012
    Garreg Mach Monastery
    Luna smiled as Aladdin introduced Abu to the group. Abu had then leaped off from Aladdin and went over to Luna. She noticed the sparkle in his eyes as he gazed at her tiara. The princess giggled as she looked at the jewel-struck Abu. She petted his head before speaking. "Would you like to hold my tiara, Abu?" Luna took the tiara off her head and passed it to Abu. Abu took it from her hands as his eyes filled with wonder over the stunning tiara. The princess giggled once again. "Now, that tiara is very important to me. My father handpicked each of those jewels while my mother designed the crown herself before my father made the whole tiara himself. It's something filled with nothing but my parents' love so I unfortunately can't let you keep it. You can hold it though." She smiled as she looked at the crown herself, picturing the smiling faces her parents must have had as they built and designed the crown for their daughter. Memories flooded in, one after the other, leaving a gentle smile on her face as she reminisced old times with her family. She stroked Abu's head before closing her eyes, picturing her parents once more.

    Aladdin had then pointed out how the night was growing cold. He looked to his carpet before looking to the others. Luna looked at the carpet and agreed with Aladdin. Karina had then got on her glider to reassure Aladdin that they will be fine. Luna looked back at Abu as the small monkey continued to gaze at the crown. She looked back at the others before looking to Aladdin. "If it's alright with you Aladdin, may I join you on your carpet? I have a feeling Abu won't let my tiara go for awhile." Luna giggled as she asked. She knew full well that she had her own method of transportation but she couldn't bear tearing the crown away from Abu so soon. She looked to the others as she wanted to confirm with the others. "Would that be alright with you guys as well? Would you mid if I rode back with Aladdin and Abu on their carpet?"
  5. CrownMoksha Decimo

    Jan 11, 2011
    On board the DenLiner

    Kel didn't have much to contribute regarding why they were here, which was for the best. The simpler the answer, as well as the little answers told would mean less to question later on. Though between the flying carpet, talking lion head and apparent magic lamp, he wasn't sure how much they would have to do to fall under the 'out of the ordinary' spectrum. "You can just call me Kel."

    Now there was definitely a hint of worry when Luna handed her tiara to Abu. It was less out of distrust and more out of worry. Aladdin did warn them about how curious Abu could get after all. Now when the matter of transportation came up, he doubted that they all would fit on it as well. He would've doubted it's ability to carry them all, but somehow he got the feeling that the carpet would've gotten offended if he voiced that. Instead he merely shrugged and brough forth his own glider. It'd be easier for them to travel like this. Before he got on, Kel did give Luna an answer to her question. "I don't see the harm in it since we're going to the same place."
  6. GarrettFinch Hollow Bastion Committee

    Oct 19, 2014

    Soon Beuce went over and checked on the crashed landed person. Soon the person said he was Aladdin. 'That giant sand tiger- err... what's left of it anyways used to be the cave of wonders!' He wondered why this person would have went into such a cave in the first place. 'My guess was they weren't too fond of this little treasure we found and tried to trap us in there. He motioned over to a living carpet that began digging itself out of the sand. 'Luckily we found this magic carpet and flew out to safety. That along with this lamp...' He took out a small golden lamp from his pocket. 'Legend has it whoever has the lamp can summon-' He stopped himself before continuing. AJ eyed the lamp. There were always legends of certain objects wherever he went and even back home if his object was anything like those nothing good was more then likely to come from it. Luna said they had gotten lost which was a good enough reason as any. Aladdin soon said something about getting out to the desert before they froze overnight. Before he could say anything Karina just summoned her glider. He said nothing to this. They sight of magic keyblades popping up did not seem to surprise Aladdin for the time being. "Andrew Jacob Canvasback, You can call me AJ. As for getting out of the desert we will be fine just lead the way." There was nothing to do be to leave so he was just going to wait until every was ready and then head out.
  7. Krowley Moderator

    Jun 18, 2008
    "Whoa, never seen those in the bazaar. You guys really aren't from around here..." Aladdin was taken back at the summoning of their gliders. He tilted his head as he examined the powerful machines Abu also marveling at the newly summoned gliders."Yeah, you can join us on carpet. Just keep an eye on your tiara. Abu can be very... possessive..." Abu at this time was holding the tiara very preciously, gleaning over his several reflections in the many jewels on the crown. Aladdin quickly grabbed Abu and tossed him onto carpet, allowing Luna on the carpet before he gave the rug a quick run of the tassels. They flew forward and quickly through the night, prompting the rest of the party to do the same...


    Jafar began scowering the streets of the dune city of Agrabah. His faithful parrot Iago flying about the bazaar before landing on his shoulder
    "Jafar! I've looked everywhere for Jasmine. She's disappeared like magic!"
    "The girl is more trouble than she's worth," Jafar grimaced.
    From behind him, Maleficent appeared with her staff, showing an expression of disappointment. "Not the first time you've that that...You said you had things under control"
    "Agrabah is full of holes for rats to hide in. But why worry about Princess Jasmine? If she cant be found, There are more than a dozen that can take her place..
    "Despite several, candidates, many are being safeguarded and a world traveling vessel.We my only need two, but there are only a handful within reach. We are running out of time."
    "Well, if the princess is that important, we'll find her.

    "Don't hesitate to call for help if needed. Hades felt he could handle the keybladers on his own, and we all know what became of that scenario..."
    "Your concern is touching, but hardly necessary.I may not be a god, but I know how to deal with the just and righteous... In fact, I'm expecting a package to arrive shortly that could very well turn the tide," he grinned.

    Later that day....

    Aladdin and the rest of the keybladers arrived in Agrbaah. "Well here we are, Agrabah sweet Agrabah. Anywhere you hoping to visit first?"
  8. Aelin Best Waifu

    Jun 30, 2011
    British Columbia, Canada
    Karina just blinked and looked around Agrabah. Aladdin asked where they wanted to go, but truth be told Karina had no clue what they were actually looking for. Trouble tended to find them and she didn't know what Agrabah had to offer. Finally Karina just sighed there was no real direction to go but if they were to look for trouble which would probably lead to the princess then they should go where people were. If trouble didn't find them they would most likely hear at least some rumours that would lead them where they needed to go. Now however there wasn't much to go off of. "I guess the markets." Karina said with a shrug, looking to the others for confirmation.
  9. GarrettFinch Hollow Bastion Committee

    Oct 19, 2014


    Aladdin soon figured out that they were not from there. He would have preferred that particular bit of information was held off as long as possible but there was nothing that could be done about it now. They soon went off on the carpet. As soon as Aladdin took off he summoned his key blade and followed. Aladdin and the rest of the keybladers arrived in the Agrbaah city. Aladdin soon asked where they wanted to go. He thought back to the flight over Agrbaah and thought of what looked like a plaice of some sort. The princess might be there or she could be in the markets as Karina suggested. The sooner they found the princess the better. The plaice was as good as a place as any but if she was not there then they might miss there chance. That said sooner or later they would probably find her regardless of where they went so for now the best place to start was whatever was the closest location. "Why don't you just show us around" He suggested. He did not have a place he wanted to go.
  10. cstar stay away from my waifu

    Dec 19, 2008
    Kaida wasn't particularly excited for it to be a memory card game. In training at Central Haven there happened to be some sort of memory like puzzle where she had to hit the glowing lights in an order. And she was good at it until after she hit the point she needed to remember five. So she felt certain this was a warm up, probably to make her confident before making them shuffle quickly... which somehow drove a fury within her to prove that even if he did, in fact, fall into those expectations, this wasn't going to be the case. She was going to get this bread. Yeah, she knew better, theoretically. So she pointed to the right-most card and said, "It's that one."
  11. Krowley Moderator

    Jun 18, 2008
    The man turned over the card to reveal that Kaida was correct.
    "I see you;ve played three card monte before. You have a keen eye for being able to see that which is not so easily followed." He tipped his hat respectfully before several screams could be heard from inside the venue.
    "It appears our time has run out and the more strategic game will have to wait for another time," Until then, do let me know if you're ever in need of a playing card savant." He shows both his hands before he flips a business card into view to Kaida. The card itself reading 'Lodur" in fancy italics. "I'm also come quite recommended as a carriage transport," he smiled. "Do enjoy the rest of the festivities..." he table folded up into a briefcase after he quickly snaps his fingers. He squats down to pick up the briefcase.

    As several of the party guests could be heard in shock and awe to the party's call to action pushed them to the gate of the party where security had severely died down.
    Inside the event, perhaps the sight of heartless or even one of the group's enemies was causing the panic. But to their surprise, much of the chaos could be seen surrounding a large bloodhound in a spartan helmet chasing two wild, hopping frogs.


    "The markets... of course...." He gently poked his head around the corner of one of the arabian streets to see if the coast was clear. "Just uh... let me know if you see any palace guards. They don't really like me very much here."
    He continued to look around to see if there were any palace officials before quietly making his way into the busy marketplace. "Try to stick together, it's easy to get lost here." As he lead the party and serpentined through the various city folk, several vendors announced their wears, food and accessories. Aladdin's mind looked elsewhere as he was trying to look for someone in the crowd. "I'm supposed to meet some one here. Let me know if you see a beautfiul girl with black hair and a brown hijab."

    His description was not exactly unique in this community, but some of that may have had to be put on hold as a palace guard with a gold sash and white turban spotted Aladdin in the crowd. "You there! Street Rat! Stop right there!" he called as he shoved through the crowd to get to the young man.

    "Wuh-oh! Time to move!" Aladding rushed passed the party, encouraging them to run as the guards were close behind them.
  12. CrownMoksha Decimo

    Jan 11, 2011
    On board the DenLiner

    Kel didn't have much time to ponder on why the palace guards wouldn't like Aladdin that much or what a hijab was either. Making sure not to get lost in the bustling crowd and shouting vendors took most of his attention. It didn't make for the most pleasant experience, even less so with the occasional bumping into people. A sudden shout, a warning and an expeditious retreat from Aladdin changed that quickly. Seeing as how Kel would rather not run the risk of being arrested shortly after arriving in a new world again, thus soon chased after Aladdin. "So why don't the prison guard like you?"
  13. cstar stay away from my waifu

    Dec 19, 2008

    Kaida looked upon the party's chaos with bewildered confusion, mostly due to the fact she didn't understand the confusion over the frogs. She squinted, trying to figure out if maybe the chaos was because of the dog rather than the frogs. But after a bit of pondering... there wasn't actually anything weird about this. Sure, the frogs moved in a not very natural manner for frogs. But Kaida wasn't an expert on frogs, nor was she an expert of the frogs for this specific world. But in any other circumstance, would this be different than a dog freaking out over a mouse getting into a home? She didn't think so. But the way these frogs navigated the tables to get away from the dogs was very fascinating. But she looked to the others and said,
    "This seems a little odd, but we should probably get moving. I don't think we're going to find much here."
  14. Aelin Best Waifu

    Jun 30, 2011
    British Columbia, Canada
    Karina followed the rush but she kept feeling like it was stupid. "Is there a reason we don't just fight these *******s?" Karina asked as she glanced behind them not really wanting to run anymore and keep running. It just seemed silly to her.
  15. ClearZer0 Moogle Assistant

    May 6, 2018

    Quill had watched behind Kaida (well towered over her considering the height difference but what have you) and watched the card flip anxiously. He seemingly expected something,...something to happen as the playing card flipped and yet, no Kaida chose correctly. He shook his head wondering why he got so caught up in the act and turned away when he started to take notice of the many costumes of the patrons at the party. People dressed like creatures, princes, princesses, and every strange fantasy in between. Hm, least I won't look that out of place... And on such a starry night as well, Quill had to ponder how did get we here- CRASH!!! Looking away from the stars, Quill joined his crew's eyes in following the wild frogs causing a fracas across the party. Kaida makes a fair point though, and Quill can't let our party lose focus. Agreed, let's find a place to regroup and get settled in somewhere safe out of sight of the society, then start scouting out the princess. She's a pretty powerful heart so Heartless might be a good track for her. Quill certainly seemed quite sharp as he hashed out a plan, the calico stray standing on his shoulders and resting behind his using his shoulder chitin to scratch their chin notwithstanding.
  16. Feliex Merlin's Housekeeper

    Jun 16, 2018
    As they arrived into this new world Faust's full attention was drawn on to the party venue that they had landed in front of. The full festival-like atmosphere was always a welcome sight to him in fact as far back as he remembered his best luck always seemed to come to him during festivities. The man that Kaida was playing with seemed familiar but just as he was close to remembering he felt a sharp tug from his shadow drawing his focus back onto an adjacent street corner with a few musicians playing some music before a pair of frogs hopping away from some chaos drew his attention next.
    Hearing the group getting ready to set out for this princess or whatever Faust just began to follow after flipping his lucky coin to the beat of a nearby jazz melody. Looking towards the group Faust replied to Quill offhandedly ”Well, with the whole town like this” he paused spreading his arms out “I don’t think there gonna be too many quiet places here. Though i cant help but feel that card dealer was familiar. Oh well, If anything I'd say to find that ‘Princess’ we’d either need to” pausing his coin flipping he showed one side of the coin “Either find the fanciest venue” then showing the worn reversed side “or the most chaotic. Whole group of them seem to be trouble magnets. Nice new friend though Quill they're really giving a Pur-ffect look” Faust Finished giving Quill a thumbs up as he made his pun
  17. Krowley Moderator

    Jun 18, 2008
    "Let's just say the guards and I don't exactly get along," Aladdin admitted.
    "You see, we have this funny little game where I try to steal something and they try to catch me. It's less of a game and more of a survival thing now that I think about it." He halted as the head guard stopped the roguish man in his tracks.

    "No where left to run street rat! The royal vizier wants your head on a platter, and we are more than obliged to fulfil the request..."
    As many of the bazaar patrons saw the guards unsheathing their blades, the market began to clear out, with many of the swords pointing at Aladdin.
    Aladdin turned to face the rest of the group. "Sorry to get you into this mess. I can keep them busy while you run for cover..." Aladdin took out his own blade as he was prepared to fight.


    "Aww you can't be leaving just yet... I hear the desserts are to die for,"
    A very deep voiced man spoke from behind the trio as a tall and lean dark skinned man exited a corridor of darkness portal. He had a thin mustache and dressed in a very slimming black and red suit. He sported a black cane with a small purple orb on top. To finish his ensemble, he had a black top hat with a red band and purple feather in it and a skull and crossbones to fit right in the center.

    "Funny, I thought there'd be more of you... I kept hearing that your band of young gumption was proving to be more of a pest than usual." His attention turned to Faust as he removed his top hat and tucked it under his arm. "I see you've returned to your normal aged self my ivory haired friend. Neverland seems so long ago now..."
  18. LadyAzura Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 21, 2012
    Garreg Mach Monastery
    Luna looked around her surroundings once the carpet arrived at their destination. She looked to Abu and crouched down to his level. “Sorry Abu but I’ll be needing that back now.” Abu looked hesitant to return Luna’s tiara as he looked back between her and the tiara. “I would really appreciate it if I could have that back. It means a lot to me.” The silver-haired girl gave the small monkey a gentle smile as she was asking for her precious tiara back. Abu let out a sigh and looked away as he returned the tiara. Luna took the tiara and petted the monkey’s head. Luna motioned for Abu to climb onto her shoulder as the others were walking into the city. The monkey climbed on as the two returned to the group.

    Luna looked around her new surroundings as Aladdin was looking around the corner as if he was avoiding something. The more Luna looked around Agrabah, the more the city felt familiar. She couldn’t exactly tell why it felt familiar but she just felt as if she had visited before. “
    Something about this city……I feel as though this is not my first time……But when and why?….”Aladdin had mentioned that he was looking for a girl in a brown hijab. She had remembered reading about hijabs during one of her many lessons with her tutors. “I’ll keep my eye out for her.” After walking through the markets, her eyes shined with wonder with each passing vendor. It almost felt similar to the village back in Solara Lua. It was at that moment that a man had called out to Aladdin. Abu jumped back to Aladdin’s shoulder as Luna looked at the gold sash wearing man. Aladdin and the others had then started running from the man that appeared to be one of the royal guards Aladdin had mentioned. Luna started backing up before joining the others in running.

    Aladdin had explained just why the guards and him weren’t exactly all that friendly with one another and it reminded her own people. They hadn’t been in such a situation like Aladdin’s but nonetheless, it got her thinking about those that weren’t lucky to have the opportunities like the princess did. As they continued running, they stopped in their tracks as the group saw more guards in front of them. Aladdin drew out his scimitar and apologized to the group. He then offered to provide cover while they took this chance to escape. The silver-haired princess shook her head as she walked ahead of him and placed her arm in front of Aladdin. “
    There’s no need for you to fight alone, Aladdin. If this is how these “royal guards” act in regards to this city’s citizens, then I cannot walk away from this.

    Luna looked to the others. “
    I am sure I am not alone in feeling this way, right everyone?” She gave the group a smile as she took a few more steps forward toward the head guard. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath. “Hear me now and hear me clearly. The duty of royal guards is not only to protect royal blood but to watch over their people and ensure that they are safe. That they are not fighting for their lives for even a single grain of food.” Her face then shifted to one of frustration and annoyance. “To hunt down this city’s people as if they are nothing but rats….You are not deserving of your titles.” The princess summoned her keyblade and pointed it towards the guards in front of her. “As princess of the distant nation Solara Lua, allow me to instill the true meaning of your roles, firsthand!
  19. GarrettFinch Hollow Bastion Committee

    Oct 19, 2014

    They soon went off to the markets. Aladdin gently poked his head around the corner of one of the arabian streets to see if the coast was clear. To him Aladdin seem like he was hiding something or up to something. Aladdin then said, 'Just uh... let me know if you see any palace guards. They don't really like me very much here.' he wondered why.with the way things more or less work he was sure he find out. He then said, 'Let me know if you see a beautfiul girl with black hair and a brown hijab.' Yea he was sure they were gong to find her or maybe not who was to say. Soon there was a voice, 'You there! Street Rat! Stop right there!' he called as he shoved through the crowd to get to the young man. He was not surprised. He was not really in the mood for fighting or running.

    Aladdin then said,
    'Let's just say the guards and I don't exactly get along. You see, we have this funny little game where I try to steal something and they try to catch me. It's less of a game and more of a survival thing now that I think about it.' So he stole made him think there was always another way then stealing.' He thought for a movement and wondered if Aladdin stole the golden lamp he had on him. For the moment he could not ask him. Before he could do some Luna said, 'There’s no need for you to fight alone, Aladdin. If this is how these “royal guards” act in regards to this city’s citizens, then I cannot walk away from this.' What? welp. The guard had said, 'No where left to run street rat! The royal vizier wants your head on a platter, and we are more than obliged to fulfil the request.' Even if Aladdin had stole something that was not really a reason to kill him over. Luna then, summoned her keyblade and pointed it towards the guards in front of her. Well this was Escalating rather quickly. He stood there for a moment before saying anything. "Excuse me" looking at the guard. "I am sure you are trying to just do your job but can you please explain why you want him dead. Maybe what he did." He said trying to defuse the situation. Killing Aladdin was far expensive there was no point in it. If this did not work there was always the thing where you tell someone that it is better to have someone alive then dead thing. People were well far more useful alive then well dead. That be information or other things.
    Last edited: Sep 28, 2024
  20. Krowley Moderator

    Jun 18, 2008
    After Luna's commanding declaration, one of the guards sheepishly spoke out. "Captain... I don't want to hit a woman..."
    "If the royal vizier says they are to be extinguished from the city, then we WILL comply!" the head guard spoke. Several more guards held up their swords as they prepared for combat.

    "I am sure you are trying to just do your job but can you please explain why you want him dead. Maybe what he did."

    "This man is a common thief that is wanted for questioning by the royal vizier... He is the prime suspect in the disappearance of Princess Jasmine," The captain said in response to AJ.
    "Jasmine..." Aladdin uttered out under his breath "I would never hurt Jasmine!" he lashed out.
    "Really?" The palace rumors say otherwise. They say you actually tried to romance her!" the guard chuckled. "Know your place thief... The heart of a princess is something YOU can never steal..."

    Aladdin took out his blade and was prepared to fight. "We'll see about that!



    "Still, can't have y'all messin' up my home field advantage..." Facilier added. "Now if you'll excuse me, I need to get soon-to-be-rich hands on a pair of slimy little fro-" He paused as he looked around the now abandoned event. He was distractedby the party for only a moment, but the frogs that were causing the huge scene had managed to disappear. "Well don't that just put a stink in the gumbo pot..." He snarled. "I'll deal with you brats later. Thanks to your sudden intrusion, I have to go on a little frog hunt..."

    He snapped his fingers as a group of ghost-like heartless rose up. "Find the frogs and bring them back here! My plan to take over this town can't continue with the prince unaccounted for!" The ghost heartless nodded as they took to the skies in different directions. "Just a little gift from my friends on the other side. You'd be surprised how much darkness can turn a man's soul when he's at his lowest. Speaking of which..." H took his cane and clanged it against a silver cloche that covered some dishes on the food table. "Oh bodyguard! I got a couple of old friends you gotta deal with."

    A dark corridor opened, as A large man in black armor.

    "I believe y'all have been acquainted... Now make like a set of dominoes and topple over!" he grinned, lifting his cane into the air to seal off the area.