Video Game: Kingdom Hearts SOS: The Road To Light

Discussion in 'Role-Playing Arena' started by Krowley, Nov 28, 2011.

  1. Krowley Moderator

    Jun 18, 2008

    Karina, Kel, AJ, and Faust met bright byt the simulation arena for more data battles. DJ typed away on the keyboard with Shiro trying his best to understand all the commands he was putting in. With his last prompt, DJ stepped away from the keyboard. "That should help with balancing their techniques... Remember. Only run Training Protocol 7. Is that clear?"

    Shiro huffed in an offended shrug. "Master DJ, I understand my technical knowledge is subpar, but at times I think you find me stupid..."
    "Look, I just know you've had... difficulties with the simulator sometimes."
    "In my defense, the EASY and CRITICAL buttons and too close together..."
    "Well Yen Sid took Eraqus and Ven back to the Mysterious Tower for research, so it's just you for today to train these four and keep and eye on Terra- I mean Kurt... Kurterra? Just... Promise me it's the only program you're gonna run, okay?"
    "Yes yes, I know."
    "That means you only push this button RIGHT. HERE." DJ exaggerated as he pointed to the start button. "And if you have any problems-"
    Shiro picked him up effortlessly by the collar as he escorted him away from the control panel. "Yes yes, Thank you for your assistance, but I am perfectly capable of running the course. Good luck and good bye." DJ was yeeted about ten feet, thankfully landing on his own feet. He sighed before making his way to the hangar.

    Shiro greeted the others with a hardy salute as he took a powerful stance. "Alright Master Kelford, Karina, Andrew and Faustian. Today we up the difficulty. I assume you've done your morning 10k runs?"

    Over by the hangar, Quill and Kaida were by the docking bay. Alex met up with them shortly after.
    "You bring it?" DJ asked him.
    "Yeah yeah, just don't ask me to catch it again. Thing was hard enough to keep still. He tossed him a small sphere shaped capsule. "You sure about this?"
    "And the other 30%?"
    "We're trapped in the void." There was an uncomfortable pause. "Seven out of ten is still good!"
    "Ten out of ten is better!" Alex barked.
    "Everyone just get on the ship."
    "Where the hack are we going anyways?"


    Cut to the ship landed down in Deep Jungle. They beamed down into an uninhabited part of the jungle.
    "Either of you been hear before?" DJ asked Quill and Kaida.
  2. ClearzerO Merlin's Housekeeper

    Nov 9, 2019

    Quill awakens, his dreams murky and unclear. This was honestly an improvement over his normal nightmares. Arriving at the ship, he gives a bemused look over at DJ. "So...any chance you're gonna tell me why i'm here? I can't help but feel you just didn't know where to put me..." Quill says with a look down. But DJ and this guy Alex seem pretty convinced they know what they're doing and Quill had nothing better to do.

    They arrive in a heavily forested area, the beauty and immensity of nature taking him aback. Quill answers "I" to DJ's question.
  3. Aelin Best Waifu

    Jun 30, 2011
    British Columbia, Canada
    Arriving to the training area, Karina looked like she had just gotten out of the shower, the dark circles under her eyes more visible than she would have liked them to be, but she tried to appear awake and completely with it. "Yeah, yeah 10k. I was up early. Sure." Karina waved Shiro off. "Please tell me no more obstacle courses. There has to be more efficient ways to train." Karina said, also she didn't think her arms would hold onto a bar when she was weighed down by 5 times her weight, not after spending all night swinging a scythe. ​
  4. CrownMoksha Decimo

    Jan 11, 2011
    On board the DenLiner

    Kel listened as DJ attempted to instruct Shiro on what to do before being promptly thrown out of the room. "Up the difficulty how so?" And by how much if what DJ had said was anything to go off of. Plus with this time the group being an even spilt between both offense and magic, how exactly would they train was something else on his mind.
  5. GarrettFinch Hollow Bastion Committee

    Oct 19, 2014


    He walked around for some time kind of not knowing what to do. The next morning arrived. They were met with DJ typed away on the keyboard with Shiro trying his best to understand all the commands he was putting in. With his last prompt, DJ stepped away from the keyboard. Shiro and DJ were talking about the simulator program. He watched what they were doing closely and looked at all the buttons. He got they uneasy feeling something word go wrong. If something would go wrong it would more then likely knowing there luck. H was only half paying attention to what Shiro was saying. "um sure." He was mostly trying to gather everything together.
  6. Feliex Merlin's Housekeeper

    Jun 16, 2018

    Faust took a drag from his flask as he stood in the training room as he felt the start of a headache. He had spent most of the night going through the top shelf of an abandoned bar and didn't feel like a workout session would end in anything good. Pulling out his deck of cards he couldn’t help but ask as well “I thought today was going to be more of a learning in a free practice way. You know, rather than a 10k.” his carefree smile starting to falter at the thought of another workout like last time. he briefly continued "I mean, I don't know if I could hang on till the end like last my arms might just fold under the pressure" tiring to finish on light hearted note chuckling on his own pun before taking another hair of the dog.
  7. cstar stay away from my waifu

    Dec 19, 2008
    Kaida looked around at the jungle trying to see if she noticed anything familiar about it. But there was nothing, so the blonde shook her head and said, "No I don't believe so. I've been to a few forests but I think I'd remember trees like this." knowing Quill hadn't been here either was a bit of a relief, but she also wondered if that was their intention all along was to find somewhere unfamiliar. She looked to Quill and said, "Maybe they want us to see who can climb trees the fastest. I didn't think you were a speedy guy so I'm sorry if time magic throws you off."
  8. ClearzerO Merlin's Housekeeper

    Nov 9, 2019

    "Time magic? Suppose that explains that insane fight you had on Sanctuary. You and that insecure looking dude just seemed to become a blur and...well it's hard to describe really." Quill down at Kaida and made a face. She seemed much more calm about this training. "To be honest I didn't see myself as speedy either...but I can give you a race. Give a chance to scout the area too."

    Quill walked up to the closest tree and gave a strange look to DJ. What was the purpose of training with Kaida? Aura training had failed miserably. Perhaps her experience could teach him something. And give Quill a chance to figure out this weird 'vertigo'. Positioning himself at a tree, Quill readied himself to hop.
  9. Krowley Moderator

    Jun 18, 2008
    Shiro clapped his hands. "Well lucky for the lot of you today's exercise is more about the element, than the your endurance." He led the four of them to the simulation room. "Today you four have only one tiny task to do." He pressed the buttons that activated data forms of the Olympian titans to manifest. "Defeat these titans using only elemental attacks. Cooldowns on your commands have also tripled in wait time... So be sure to coordinate your more useful attacks!" The titans roared at the party as they loomed closer. "I'm not sure what difficulty they're set to, but I'm sure running will help space them out!" He yelled from the safety of the control room.


    "No speed, no climbing, just using your elemental affinities to open a door." He grabbed Quill by the shoulders and positioned him to an empty part of the area. He did the same to Kaida so whe was across from Quill. "I'm going to try to open the void... Alex and I will be using our auras to try and manifest the dimensional frequency. But we don't have a strong enough signal. That's where you two come in!" DJ seemed more excited about the experiment then training them...

    "Time and space are vital in accessing every realm. If you to can harness your elemental auras long enough, you should be able to project yourself into the void for a short period of time. But in order to do that we need to connect with something form the void. And that's where this conductor comes in." He threw the ball in the center of kaida and Quill as SOK popped out of it like a pokemon. "Yay! New room!" He chimed as he sat cross legged.

    "Basicqlly you both just need to access your second level aura and aim your keyblades at SOK. once you project yourselves into the void, you should still be able to talk to us on the other side. Ready?"

    Alex rolled his eyes as he tuned his blade. "Yeah like its just that easy..."
  10. Aelin Best Waifu

    Jun 30, 2011
    British Columbia, Canada
    Well at least this was going to be easy training. All she had to do was what she normally had to do. Karina let out a bit of a sigh of relief, she was too tired to deal with this anyways. "Leave the ice guy to me." Karina said as she ignited her fire aura. Perhaps it wasn't her preferred aura to use, but it was the one she was told that she had to use, so she would make it work. She just hoped that the ice didn't somehow melt into a water titan, that wouldn't work too well for her. At least for the most part she excelled at simple combo's. Not being able to use her abilities more than once likely wouldn't be an issue, at all, for her. ​
  11. CrownMoksha Decimo

    Jan 11, 2011
    On board the DenLiner

    At least what they were tasked with doing was pretty straight forward. With Karina declaring to take on the ice titan, Kel turned his attention to the wind one. "Guess I'll take the wind one then." His ice aura activating to envelope him as he readied for the fight. Really he was more worried about the other titans than this one. The unknown difficulty aside, for all he knew there was really nothing stopping them from trying to gang up on one of them and with elements being a factor in that, it was potentially another layer of difficulty of them.
  12. GarrettFinch Hollow Bastion Committee

    Oct 19, 2014


    Shiro went on about some sort of element training. He led the four of them to the simulation room. 'Today you four have only one tiny task to do.' He pressed the buttons that activated data forms of the Olympian titans to manifest. 'Defeat these titans using only elemental attacks. Cooldowns on your commands have also tripled in wait time... So be sure to coordinate your more useful attacks!' When they entered the room he was paying attention to everything that Shiro was doing. Of course Shiro did not know what the difficulty was sent to. He let out a sigh. Then before he could say or do anything about it Karina went after one of the titans. The whole point was more so to work together or so he thought. He could see the titans teaming up or at the very least make things difficult. With that in mind he activated his wind aura. As he readied himself for the battle.
  13. Krowley Moderator

    Jun 18, 2008
    Shiro nodded as everyone began to take on their battles. He looked to the system monitor as a notification popped up. "Hmm?" He clicked the window as another appeared. "New system update found. Do you wish to download?" Shiro arched an eyebrow. "Well, I suppose it's important to keep up to date." He clicked confirm as another window appeared. "Are you sure? File has not been recognized or approved by the system software...Oh come on I don't need Master Dwayne's approval all the time!" He clicked confirm as the download began.

    He moved away from the monitor and put in a pair of headphones. He put in an audio tape into his discman titled "KEEPING UP WITH TODAY'S KIDS" he began to do push-ups effortlessly as the audio book began.

    'Hello, and welcome to your first step into the world of young adult culture. We'll begin with a simple greeting. 'WADDUP FAM?' Now you try!'

    "Waddup fam." Shiro repeated.

    "Very good!" The tape replied.
  14. Aelin Best Waifu

    Jun 30, 2011
    British Columbia, Canada
    There was something very unsatisfying about this training. She had expected actual training, instructions. She had hoped that she would have to do things that would challenge her. That would get her thinking and working. She was hoping for something new, and this, this was the same thing she did in every battle and she found herself bored, even though she was tired. Well at least she could keep herself training if no one else was going to properly train her. Karina ducked under the swipe of the ice titan. Thankfully it was slow so she had enough time to stroll to the edge of the room and pick up the scythe that she had leaned against the wall when she came in. To make a point to, she rested her keyblade where it once sat for all to see. Her arms trembled slightly as she heaved the weapon up but she got it up and the fire started wrapping around it like it did her keyblade. After that Karina jumped back in the combat, swinging down at the wrist of the titan as it swiped for her. Her moves were still a bit sloppy and untrained, but no where near as bad as they were hours before. At least this would be some decent training for her.​
  15. LadyAzura Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 21, 2012
    Garreg Mach Monastery
    As Luna strolled around, she had realized she never told Aux of what was to happen the next day. Luna reached i to her pocket and pulled out the gummiphone that was handed to her. She opened up her phone and found Aux’s contact that was given to her. She left him a brief message but left it vague. Apologies for leaving a message this late. I need you to meet me by the ship we used from the Sanctuary at dawn. I would suggest being prepared for a period of time. Luna sent off the message and sat down on a nearby bench, waiting for the sun to rise.

    Luna remained on that bench that whole night and saw daylight break over the horizon. She got up and went back to her room to grab a small bag before walking over to where the ship was being held.

    A loud dinging sound came from Aux's phone to signal he missed a call. His large arm emerged from his blanket as he felt around for the gummi phone. He put it to his ear and played back the message. Upon hearing everything, he hung up the phone and groaned into his pillow.

    He did as instructed and went to meet her at the hangar. Not getting much sleep himself, he had bags under his eyes. He let out a huge yawn as he saw the princess approaching. He looked to see if anyone else was with her. "Where are the others?"

    Luna saw Aux by the hangar, yawning loudly. He looked over at her before asking where the others were. The princess shook her head. “No one else will be going. Originally, I was planning to go alone, but DJ and Shiro insisted that you were to be brought along.” She sighed for a moment before crossing her arms. “I am more than capable of handling myself and this is a more personal matter. But they left before I could argue back.” Luna walked past Aux and climbed aboard the ship.

    Aux blinked each eye separately from the early morning rise. Ignoring his unwanted presence, he was still on board with the plan. "Some one kidnap your boyfriend?" He asked, climbing onto the ship and closing the door behind them.

    Luna shook her head as she started up the ship. “No. Koa is fine. I did a small check in with him a little while ago.” Luna paused as she continued to focus on the starting sequence for the ship. “This is a tad more serious than that, I’m afraid....” The princess took ahold of the controls and the ship started to rise. Steadily, she continued to raise the ship higher into the air until she felt she was okay to open a gate. Luna took her keyblade, pointing it straight ahead, and opened a gate for the ship to pass through.

    His eyes widened ever so slightly as he took a seat next to her at the cockpit. "Well not like I'm going anywhere anytime soon..." he proved his feet on the dashboard, cracking his neck as he leaned back in the chair. He folded his arms and turned to her. He paused for a brief moment before sighing. "Look, I know you're able to take care of yourself. But we've been losing more and more people lately. Having some backup now and then doesn't hurt... Kaida told me that teamwork means people doing smaller jobs to get the big job done faster... so what's the big job?"

    Aux took his seat next to Luna. He then made himself comfortable by putting his feet on the dashboard. Luna immediately moved them off of it. “Do not put your feet on the dashboard. They are not a foot rest.” Aux then sighed before reasoning with the princess. He then asked what needed to be done. Luna had sighed as she continued to steer the ship. “This ‘big job’ is more on my end rather than someone else doing something...” She paused for a few moments. After several silent moments, Luna opened her mouth. “It involves that.” The princess then pointed towards the incoming world. The outside of it had been shattered and what could be seen of the ground was almost an ash grey color. “I will give you at least two guesses as to where we going.

    Aux made a quick whistle as he eyed the broken world. "So are we here to fix it?"

    Luna nodded her head. “Essentially. Yes.” She tightly clenched the steering wheel as the sight of the broken world got closer and closer.

    Aux's eyes narrowed on her tense grip and patted her shoulder. "Hey..." he waited until she looked back at him. "You've got this."

    Luna looked back ahead as she still kept a tight grip. “I have a lot riding on this.” She paused. “A lot is at stake...” Several moments passed as they had reached the broken world. As they entered the world, no color was to be seen for miles and miles. All that filled this world was an ash grey and a sort of dark red tinge to it. Broken houses surrounded the area, dried up lakes and rivers, and the ground was bone dry and dead. It was as if the world was on its last few breaths. Luna looked away as the sight pained her immensely. She took a moment to breathe before looking at Aux. “If you had one guess as to where we are, where would you think?

    After inspecting the broken terrain he shrugged. "Your home?"

    Luna looked back as they were passing a castle slowly breaking apart. “Welcome to what remains of Solara Lua...” She looked forward once more as the ship pressed on further into the world.

    "So, what can I do to help?" He asked cracking his neck as he stretched. He was starting to feel more awake now.

    Luna saw two people just up ahead and prepared to land the ship. “There’s not really much. Like I said, this is more on my end rather than it is yours. That is why I was telling DJ and Shiro I can take care of things.” The ship had landed in front of a young man and a young woman who had crossed her arms. Luna was the first to exit the ship. “Better late than never, Princess.” The young woman said with a hint of annoyance in her voice. “My apologies, Mira. There’s a lot going on right now.” Luna apologized to the woman named Mira. Mira had then sighed before the young man spoke up. “While that is understandable, Your Highness, but this issue needs to resolved quickly. You are running on borrowed time and that borrowed timed is quickly diminishing.” Mira nodded her head in agreement. “Deimos is right, kid. If we don’t get this solved, you and your brother are going to have a lot more to worry about.” Luna nodded her head in silence. She closed her eyes and turned her head away. “I know I have little time left. However, I will do what I can to get this resolved.

    "You two..." he barked, referring to Mira and Deimos. "What can I do to help Luna do this as safely as possible? I know this is something she has to do alone, but there's gotta be some way I can support her."

    Mira walked over to Aux before answering back. “Listen Red-head. First of all, you don’t intimidate me or Bird-Brain over there. Second of all, I’ll be giving the orders around and you’ll treat that with respect. Third of all, there’s nothing we can do but wait.” Mira stepped up towards Aux, showing him she isn’t going to be one to budge. Deimos sighed as Luna scratched her head awkwardly. “What Mira is trying to say is that, there really is nothing we can do on this side, Her Highness will not be having any support once she starts. The only thing we can do is to prevent any intruders who might dare to enter.” Deimos calmly explained to Aux before turning to Luna. “Speaking of Her Highness, I had thought you would be traveling alone.” Luna looked back at Deimos. “A sudden change in plans unfortunately. Though it might be useful should something unexpected arise while I’m in there.” Deimos nodded his head before Mira looked at her. “Alright. Now answer me this, kid. How much does Little Red know?” Luna turned away as she scratched her temple awkwardly in silence. Mira shook her head before sighing. “Well that answers that.

    He walked around them and nearly matched eyesight with Luna. "I'll make sure no one interrupts you from this side." He reached into his pocket and pull out an old folded piece of paper. "Growing up, I never had a lot of confidence in myself. So if you ever feel like you're not enough for the task, read what's on the paper." He put it in her hand and closed it. "You ready?"

    Mira scratched her head. “I’m guessing he knows nothing.” The young woman sighed and shook her head. Luna nodded her head as she put the paper in her pocket. “I’m ready but we’re still waiting for few others.” Mira then interjected. “Not to mention, Lizard Breath’s temple isn’t up yet. We still have time to sort of get ready.” Deimos sighed before elaborating further. “What Mira is saying is that Lord Phobos’ temple must reveal itself first before Her Highness steps in. We are still waiting for three more to be present.” “Nope, we just need the temple to show up now.” The three looked over at the sudden voice. The voice had belonged to Koa’s elder sister, Illiana. Along with her Luna’s twin brother and an orange haired girl appeared alongside Illiana. Luna ran over to her brother before hugging him. “Luci!” Lucien hugged his sister back as he greeted her. “Hey Luna. I’m glad you’re okay.” Mira crossed her arms. “Well now all we need is Lizard Breath to wake up.” She paused. “While we’re waiting, you might as well fill in Little Red here. I don’t know what you’ve kept secret from that group of yours but you’re gonna have to at least come clean to the red head here.” She point her thumb over at Aux before pausing once more. “Unless you rather have me do it for you, Luna.

    "Up to you..." he motioned to Luna.

    Luna pulled away from her brother and remained silent. Mira shrugged her shoulders. “We’ll deal with that later, I guess.” She looked at the three that had arrived. “You guys weren’t followed, right?” Illiana shook her head. “We’re all clear. It should be relatively quiet for now.” Mira nodded her head. At that moment, the ground started to shake violently as something started to rise from the ground from several yards away. A building had started rising from the earth above the hidden building. “Guess Lizard-Breath is awake...” The group tried to keep balance as the ground continued to shake. Once the building had completely risen, the ground stopped. Luna immediately looked at everyone. “Is everyone alright?” The group nodded their heads. “Solana, Deimos, you two take to the skies and get to a vantage point. We need eyes above just in case.” The orange haired girl and Deimos nodded their heads before quickly shifting into a phoenix and the two flew off ahead. Luna then focused her attention on everyone else. “The rest of you guys will stay outside here. However, you guys will decide amongst yourselves on how you will be positioned.” The rest of the group nodded their heads. Luna looked back at the risen temple. She took a deep breath before walking right in. Mira watched as the princess marched ahead before turning back to Aux. “Alright. Since our princess is doing she needs to get done and everything is quiet. Let’s actually bring you up to speed, Little Red.” With one hand on her hip, she pointed in Aux’s face. “Pop quiz! What do you and your group already know about Luna?

    He listed then aloud as he thought to himself. "Princess of heart, she has a brother, something happened to her homeworld..."

    Mira scratched her head before crossing her arms. “So practically nothing. Got it. Grab a chair, Red. You’re gonna be listening for a bit.

    Luna walked up to the entrance of the temple. She hesitated for a few moments before shaking her head. She turned back to look at her friends and family before giving a slight smile and wave. Luna had then turned back towards the temple and ventured in with the door sealing off behind her.

    Illiana crossed her arms before letting out a sigh. “Alright. From here, it’s all on Luna. We’re merely bystanders right now.” Mira shook her head. “I wouldn’t say that, oh niece of mine. You never know what might be lurking around. We have to make sure no ones gets into that temple, otherwise our dear Princess will be grave danger.” Mira placed a hand on her hip as her gaze directed towards the temple. She then looked at Aux. “Can you handle a little guard duty, Little Red?

    "Beats doing nothing I guess." He peered off to where he last saw Luna. "Whatever gets us to that final form."

    Great. Not much arguing with Little Red here. I honestly thought he was the type to rebel or something like that.” Mira shrugged her shoulders before putting both hands behind her head. She looked over towards the temple with a gaze of concern painting her eyes. “Go easy on her, Lizard Breath. She ain’t Selene but she’s her family regardless...” The woman turned back towards Aux. “Well Little Red, we have some time so let’s have a nice long chat. How does that sound?” Illiana rubbed her temple in frustration. “She certainly likes to make light of even the most intense of situations doesn’t she?” Illiana sighed as she looked at the temple before looking behind her for any intruders or individuals that would be trespassing on their home.

    "You know I'm taller than you, right?" He asked regarding being called 'Little Red' so many times. "And it's not like I'm going anywhere anyways..."

    Mira shrugged her shoulders. “And? Everyone here is little to me. Doesn’t matter if you’re tall or short. Everyone is a little kid to me.” She stretched a little hit as she paused. “Unless you’re somehow older than me then you’re staying Little, capiche Little Red?

    Aux kept thinking back to how he would've responded to this a year ago. He simply groaned and glared at her.

    Mira smirked for a moment before looking at Aux. “You can keep glaring all you want but unless you’re over 3000 years old, that name is sticking.” She chuckled before crossing her arms. Illiana sighed as she rubbed her temple again. “You can ignore her but she really is over 3000 years old.

    He looked to Iliana. "So What are you doing back here?"

    Illiana looked back at Aux. “Same reason we’re all here. Protect the princess and bring back our home from the brink of destruction.” Illiana looked at the temple before looking back at Aux. “However, once we bring this back, more problems are gonna come along. There’s only so much the Prince and the others here can do.

    Aux nodded in reply. "What did you say your name was again?"

    Illiana responded to the young man. “Illiana. Illiana Salavic.” She paused for a moment. “Your name is Aux right? If it’s alright with you, I’m just gonna stick with Red.

    "Why? Is Aux really such a hard name to remember?" he replied.

    Illiana shrugged. “Nah. I just get lazy.” She crossed her arms as she responded. “I got too many things to remember and names are the least of my worries.

    "Whatever you say..." he eyed her up and down briefly to try and come up with a color to define her as well. He caught sight of her hair and added; "-Chestnut..."

    Illiana looked at Aux before shaking her head. She sighed for a moment before smacking Aux behind his head. “Chesnut? Really? If you’re gonna throw nicknames back at someone, be a little more creative with it.” She shook her head again as Mira nodded in agreement. “It’s all in the creativity of the names and speed. It was a decent attempt though.” The prince sighed as he rubbed his temple. “Are we really discussing names and comebacks when we’re supposed to be watching for any trouble?” He looked back at the temple. A look of worry spread across his face.

    A portal opened in a flash of light with whiskey stepping through it. Her long, white flowing dress cascading behind her. She summoned her keyblade and began to scatter her chains across the floor. "où est-elle?" She spoke calmly with intimidation as she walked forward.

    "Ahh crap..." Aux replied.

    A small look of annoyance crossed Mira’s face. “Tch…Figured we wouldn’t have some peace and quiet.” Illiana looked over at Mira for a moment. Mira looked back at her and immediately shook her head. Lucien took a step forward and answered. “Malheureusement pour vous, elle n'est pas là.” His expression did not waver as he calmly answered. Illiana and Mira took a step forward behind the Prince. “You are not welcome here. Leave now.

    Whiskey summoned to light chains as she entangled them around Mira and the prince.

    Lucien struggled a bit as Mira remained calm with a smug grin on her face. “Now we see the gimmick live and in person. Those two already filled me in on what you’re about and trust me sweetie, I don’t taste that good.” A faint dark red aura surrounded her as she spoked to Whiskey. Illiana then took this opportunity to speak to Whiskey as well. “You won’t get anywhere if you harm a single hair on either of their heads.” She crossed her arms. “Besides, you can try and kill that one but she’s pretty stubborn for someone over 3000.” Mira looked back. “You know…Fair enough. She has a point.

    "I have adjusted..." she spoke clearly in English. She twisted her wrist as if turning a metaphysical gear, causing the chain on Mira to turn a darker shade. "Any vaccine requires knowledge of the virus to purge it..." The Dark chain began to drain Mira's aura at a rapid rate. "Va avec dieu.." she calmly replied, watching the life drain from Mira.

    Mira dropped to her knee as she felt her energy being sapped. “Alright…she came prepared…” She struggled a bit against the chains. “Wasn’t….expecting that……and….me without a….plan….b…” Lucien struggled against his own chains before dropping onto both knees. “I didn’t….think….she adapt….so quick….” The two felt the energies being drained more and more with each passing minute. Illiana called out to Whiskey. “Stop!! If you think this will get the Princess to you sooner, then you’re sorely mistaken!!!! What good is hurting these two gonna do for you?!?!

    "She took everything from me... now I will return the favor..." she flung a dark chain at Illiana, zooming towards her. Aux spung ahead of her and guarded with his blade, the chain partying off it. "Roturier.." she groaned, glaring at him "MOVE... or DIE." she commanded them.

    Lucien fell to his knees as he continued to struggle. He couldn’t understand what was driving Whiskey to do all of this. He tried to gather as much strength as he could to tilt his head up and look at her. “What could….she possibly have….taken from you?….You two barely…..know each other!” Mira looked over at Whiskey as well. “The princeling….has a point… could she have stolen……everything if you two never really….spoke?” And then it hit Illiana at once, it had started to make sense. “You know Luna is a princess of heart, don’t you?” Illiana gazed right into Whiskey’s eyes. “That must be it. If you have something to do with that, it would make sense why you’re doing this but I’m still not making any sense of it!” Whiskey then shot out a dark chain at her. Illiana braced for impact but before the chain could reach her, Aux immediately blocked it. “Thanks but I could’ve dodged it.” With one hand on her hip, she smirked as she gave her thanks. Illiana looked back at Whiskey. “One more chance. Let the Prince and the woman go. Luna isn’t here. There’s nothing for you to gain here. Release them and leave!! This is your final warning!” Illiana opened her palms at her side as dual pistols were summoned to her hands. She readied herself for to fight, knowing she was most definitely Whiskey was in a league of her own......
    Last edited: Jul 26, 2021
  16. Feliex Merlin's Housekeeper

    Jun 16, 2018

    Looking over at Kel and Karina already Facing off against two of the titans Faust glanced between the two remaining ones. Looking form the moving mountain and the living cascade of lava, He let out a sigh pocketing the bottle in his right while summoning his keyblade into his left. Looking towards Aj Faust called out “Looks like I'll take on heat miser over here. Good luck with luck with the moving mountain.” darting off to clash with the lava titan coating himself in his magic, readying his initial shot of a balloonga centered straight at the mass of molten sludge. This fight wasn’t going to be fun. He could already feel the heat beginning to be unbearable standing close to the simulated titan but given his magic had a tendency to turn mainly to lighting when unfocused living rock seemed to be the worst choice. He didn’t want to get close enough to try hitting it directly instead choosing to try and keep his distance kiting the titan as he waited for his magic to come back to launch another volley.
  17. Aelin Best Waifu

    Jun 30, 2011
    British Columbia, Canada
    Decent training indeed. Karina was unprepared for how difficult the task she had given herself was. Sure she had been practicing how to swing a scythe, but dodging with that extra weight was something entirely different. Karina tried to side step one of the swipes, but was too slow. The icy claw of the titan slammed into Karina sending her off her feet and skidding across the arena. Her scythe was jarred out of her hand as she hit one of the walls, breath knocked from her. As the titan stomped towards her, Karina pushed herself to her knees, grabbing her scythe and using it to help get her up. She was barely on her feet when the titan bore down on her again.

    If she was going to win this she couldn't just dodge, that was quickly becoming obvious. This was something that she could never learn practicing with dummies in the middle of the night. That was why she traded out her keyblade. If this was only going to be a battle then she would learn something from it, with or without anyone else's help. There was a moment that she looked towards where Shiro had gone off to, but she couldn't afford to look away as she tried to outmatch the titan, swiping at it to meet it's blow, but even with all her strength she couldn't match it. The weight of the fist crushed down on her, straining her arms which were already having some trouble keeping up. Karina lost her footing and was forced to roll out of the way to avoid getting crushed. "No... this isn't over yet." Karina had to tell herself because she felt so tired and not ready to get back to her feet yet, but that wasn't an option.

    The fire around her flared slightly as she got back up one more time. This time when she met the titans attack, she pushed back harder. Her arms shook and she barely had the strength for it, but soon the blade slid forward, inch by inch until it melted through the ice. As she felt some leeway, some success with the battle, the other hand came across and smacked her back into the wall. This time being so close, Karina hit the wall as she felt something go off. Her arm hung limp at her side shoulder seeming out of place. A slight bit of blood tricked down the back of her head and neck. and her eyes couldn't focus. For all intents and purposes she knew that she should just stay down. If not that at least summon her keyblade to her. She didn't know how to use a scythe, this wasn't the time to be teaching it to herself, but if no one else was going to so she needed to learn even if it hurt her. At least she wasn't going to be hurt for training on top of this. It was the only comfort she had from it.

    Trying to bring her eyes back into focus, Karina barely noticed the next attack, but managed to just get out of the way before getting up once again. The fire flared brighter this time as she got up, the drive to learn the drive to get through this within the bounds she set for herself instead of taking the easy way out or giving up like she had before. She spit some blood on the ground before taking the only moment of clarity she had in her mind and through the blur of her eyes. There was less defense now that one of it's arms were missing, but she still had to be careful. The titan was slow, but so was she in this state and it was stronger than she was. Holding the scythe above her, Karina caught the arm with the rod of it. The fire in full force now caused it to back off from the heat. The flames of her own determination would push her through. The flames that she didn't ask for, but Lea entrusted her with. They would carry her through, they would be enough just for this.

    The blood that was still flowing from the back of her head sizzled from that heat, but that sizzling was overtaken by the sound of fire on ice. As ice melted and steam filled the air around her, Karina used the arm that she could barely lift to help put force behind the scythe as it was aimed to cut through the center of the titan. Tears filled her eyes that were uncontrolled. It hurt, a lot, but she kept pushing. Every inched gained gave her the determination to push harder. Her right arm became completely useless half way though, but she kept pushing with her left hand. The titan's fist came down one more time to try and stop her but it was too late. As it came down towards her, Karina managed to get through the titan's body. The first ended up falling right beside her head, barely scraping against her damaged arm, but it was enough for her to feel the overwhelming pain as the flames around her died down.

    Staggering forward Karina aimed for the way out of the arena. "I am done." She tried to call to Shiro. She didn't care if he expected her to stay and help the other, it wasn't worth it. She didn't know if she had a concussion, or what she did to her shoulder, but she couldn't keep going. She did what she was told to do, she had fought what she needed to fight and went above and beyond. She didn't just not use any of her special abilities at all, but she did it without her keyblade. The scythe she was using laid a bit bent on the ground where she had been fighting, abandoned completely for the time being. She would come back for it eventually when she was ready to learn again, but for now she just really want to sleep.​
  18. Beucefilous Kingdom Keeper

    Apr 27, 2011
    Beuce trudged up the stairs to the clocktower. Each footstep felt longer than the last as he got closer to having to face this man who was to be his teacher. He furrowed his brow at the doorway as he approached. He didn’t like the man and couldn’t agree with his ideals, but he thought back to when they had fought no heart on the beach. They’d gotten miles stronger since then, but it wasn’t even close to enough. With a breath to steel his resolve, Beuce walked in.

    Orion stood as Beuce entered. "You're late."

    “Yeah well, I had something to take care of. Either way, I’m here now.” Beuce said with a bit of hostility in his voice “So what’s this training you have for me?”

    He waved his hand and opened a portal of light. "After you."

    With a suspicious glance, Beuce stepped through

    As Orion followed suit to the other side, the two were transported to the shattered remains of Beuce's homeworld. "Look familiar?"

    Beuce took a deep inhale through his nose. He didn’t know what to expect, but I certainly wasn’t this. His home was in ruins, but it wasn’t enough to make him waver. “Not as it is. Why did you bring us here?”

    "To remind you of what you lost... and what can still be salvaged. Your resolve differs from mine. Mine came from a place of rage. That can't be yours though." He summoned his blade and pierced it into the ground. "What do you think happened to the souls of those who lost their lives here? Not the hearts... the souls."

    Beuce thought about it. He’d never really paid much mind to the question at hand. “I…I don’t know. I guess if I’m supposed to bring them back eventually, it’d linger here…” A bit of worry washed over Beuce as he clued into what was going on.

    "Their consciousness haunts this place. Most have referred to the isolated soul as a lingering will. A manifestation of one's memory. Tell me... what did you do when your people fell?"

    “I ran.” Beuce stated without hesitation. Even if it had been the plan all along, they’d had to die full of pain and fear. He’d let it happen, and he was willing to bear the responsibility that came with that

    "Are you ready to face your fears then?"

    Beuce nodded and summoned lofty grasp to his hand

    Husks of rusted armor began to glow as they reassembled themselves into full sets

    Hundreds of armors began to glow with bright light as they picked up weapons and began thing battle stance as all their attention turned to Beuce.

    The man lifted his keyblade into a defensive stance as the armors began to close in on him. They were slow and cautious, but sure enough, they were on the offensive. He was lucky enough to not be surrounded, but he'd be overwhelmed if he just let them enclose on him. Finally, the first one reached him. It swung its blade downward, but Beuce deflected it without too much trouble. Swiftly ending it, he brought up the blue end of Lofty grasp into its chin and blasted a shot of fire. Without having time to breathe, he parried another blade and drove his keyblade through the armor's chest. With them beginning to arrive in greater numbers, Beuce took to evasion. Scraping his keyblade along the ground, a hill of ice erupted from the tip and encased several other suits of armor. He leaped up onto it and took to the air. A bolt of lightning traveled out of his weapon and hardened into a line for him to mount. Now that he was above them, he took a few more shots and destroyed several more armors.

    Individually, they weren't any threat to him. However, they were strong enough that they would overwhelm him if he wasn't careful. Beuce leaped off the end of the electricity once he reached the finish and planted his feet firmly into the ground. With a heavy overhead swing, he hurled his keyblade into the crowd and blocked the thrust of a spear with his glass palm. He tightened his grip around the metal and swung his fist into the chest of its wielder. Tossing it into the air to adjust his grip, he hurled it into another combatant and caught his returning weapon to drive it into an oncoming attacker. Beuce continued to parry and counter as many as he could, but he'd only defeated about a third of the armors when a blade found its way to his shoulder and down his back. Beuce winced in pain but managed to avoid the injury being fatal and struck in retribution, but it was going to slow him down. With a deep breath, a silver glow surrounded him.

    He could feel his senses dull and grow sharper at the same time. The pain from his wound didn't stop, but he stopped noticing it. All he could hear was the whoosh of the air as blades cut through it. Slower than before. He brought up his own weapon and cleaved directly through the metal of both the weapon and the armor holding it in one strike. All he could see was the shimmering silver of the spear coming for his chest. He raised the center of his keyblade and the strike went wide above his head, and with a twirl, he brought down his weapon to make sure there wouldn't be a following attack. One after another, he brought low the armors assaulting him. One after another, his blade grew black with the shavings of metal and the soot of fire. One after another...The stones on the ground began to fade from view. He fell deeper into this trance of battle.

    The air on his skin faded from his consciousness. But what he did feel was the blade in his hand. More than ever, he was aware of the connection he had to it. He could feel it. He could feel through it. With each enemy it struck down, he could sense it more. Finally, just like last time, he reached the bottom of his sinking senses. There he stood at the precipice of something beyond his reach. No matter how he stretched, his arm would never be long enough to touch what lay beyond the bottom. Just like last time, he was trapped at the boundary of power. But something was different. Through his daze and faded senses, he was aware of something he wasn't last time. In his hand, he held a blade. A long, slender object with a singular purpose. He'd always known what this purpose was. To make a blade something it wasn't was the quest of a fool. Here he stood, at the precipice of something beyond an obscuring veil.

    A blade's purpose was to cut.
    And so its purpose was fulfilled.
    And so he severed the path and stepped beyond the bottom
    And he grasped the height of power.

    A mirage of his blade spread out before him across the armors. A beautiful myriad of red and blue. His senses began to reach out and leave his body. He felt ahead of himself. Above all else, one of the blades caught his eye. He moved to match it, and his body followed. Lofty grasp aligned with an image of itself. A sword from an armor he never needed to see clanged against it, and his sight drew him to another mirage. He followed them one after another to deliver a perfect, fatal strike to his enemy. He could feel through each of these blades. He willed himself forward and his body danced through them. The blades and the images of them retracted. He felt the air again and heard the hum of the wind. His sight returned, and he saw the mounds of metal, where not a single armor was left. Finally, the man dismissed his keyblade and turned to Orion. "I did it. I found what I needed."
  19. CrownMoksha Decimo

    Jan 11, 2011
    On board the DenLiner

    With nothing else to do but to get started with this training, Kel moved away from the others and focused all of attention on the titan that was looming before him. It was a much easier fight in the coliseum cause there wasn't a restriction on his skill commands so he could just stay at a range for the fight. Now with the limit imposed on them he wouldn't be able to do that as effectively as before. Not to mention his weapon of choice being a shield sword thing wasn't doing him any favors either.

    The wind titan wasn't going to wait for him to figure this out and started to use its wind to blow him away and while he was able to hold his ground, that didn't stop the titan from doing everything in its power to blow him away. This went on with Kel being unable to make any ground towards the titan when the wind titan started spitting out chunks of buildings at him. Where all that came from he couldn't say, but with the wind still keeping him in place dodging was out of the question. One chunk was barreling for him, leaving his only option but to block with the shield part of his weapon. The shield was able to withstand the attack, it still hurt him like hell, but the shield itself was still standing. That very shield shield would be put to the test as more building were being thrown at him.

    As the shield itself held strong, the toll of taking those blows was starting to get to Kel as finally one blow was enough to knock him off balance. In that very instance the wind that was keeping him back reversed its flow, pulling the young wielder into the tornado itself. Disoriented and floating uncontrollably in the middle of the storm, Kel could feel the ice of his aura activate to try and help him. He wasn't sure how that would help and didn't have to worry about it much longer as he was launched into the air by the wind titan. He didn't recall the roof of the training room being this high, but surprisingly enough Kel didn't end up crashing into the roof.

    From his new vantage point he was able to see everything, the battle the others were having with their respective titans, the carnage Karina had wrecked upon the ice titan. He could also see that the wind titan just seemed to be staring back at him before floating over to the severed limb of its frozen titan comrade. Once there it took own properties of the titan, sprouting ice spikes along the the tornado. Once more the titan turned its focus towards the currently free falling Kel and instead of building, a hail of ice spikes were launched at him. Not only did Kel put his shield up in response, but also strengthened his aura to provide some more resistance to the oncoming ice. His body was still in pain from those buildings, but from up here blocking was about all he could do.

    Then Kel had an idea, a stupid one, but it was an idea that just might work. He braced himself and retracted the shield and brought out the blade part of his weapon instead before going into a dive straight for the titan. The hail of ice bounced off him, some of which getting struck to the tip of his blade. In fact more ice collected on the edge of his blade, forging the blade into something stronger version of itself while further mitigating the harm that the ice was doing. Then the decisive moment came and Kel, with his blade of ice, plunged through the titan and crashed into the ground. Landing was not a part of the plan, but the titan itself was slowly disappearing and he just laid there on the ground taking this as a chance to catch his breath.
  20. Krowley Moderator

    Jun 18, 2008
    Shiro continued to do pushups as more phrases were taught to him via the learning tape.
    "Suppose you have a friend feeling down in the dumps and you wish to lift their spirits... Simply announce to them 'Don't swat it homie. Things'll be dank before you' Now you try!"
    Shiro grunted as he was approaching his second set of a hundred. "Don't sweat it homie. Things'll be dank befiore you know it."
    "Very good," the audio replied.

    With Karina and Kel, now finished, Faust and AJ were still remaining. As the download finished onto the simulationm, Gilgamesh digitize into the arena behind Karina. "Hi, excuse me," he tapped her shoulder. "I'm here to apply for a nemesis."