Video Game: Kingdom Hearts SOS: The Road To Light

Discussion in 'Role-Playing Arena' started by Krowley, Nov 28, 2011.

  1. Maka Albarn It's called love

    May 7, 2008
    Fairy Tail
    Ven was distracted for a moment by the cherry petals floating down. It seemed so... pretty. But he sensed something bad was com-


    He barely blinked when he felt something slice him from the abdomen up and Beuce was behind him now. He clutched his stomach and turned around quickly to counter attack, backing off of the man to get some distance. Rule #73, never get distracted by pretty petals in a fight. Where he got that advice from, he wasn't quite sure. He raised his keyblade high in the air and shouted one single word. "Faith!" Soon four blinding pillars of light rained down from the skies and headed straight towards Beuce.
  2. Beucefilous Kingdom Keeper

    Apr 27, 2011
    Beuce was satisfied that he felt his blade connect. A good hit meant that there could be much more left. Immediately following up, he spun it around and held aloft the blue end of it. "Faith!" He called out. Much to his surprise, it was in unison with Ventus who had cast a faith of his own. Twice the normal amount of light beams struck the ground all over the area. ​
  3. Maka Albarn It's called love

    May 7, 2008
    Fairy Tail
    Ven's eyes widened when he saw the mirror image of his attack happening with Beuce. There was a grown up swear word he thought about, but he didn't say out loud. Instead, he gathered the light that was raining down and pushed it all towards Beuce, hoping it would somehow push him back or knock him down.
  4. Beucefilous Kingdom Keeper

    Apr 27, 2011
    Beuce in response aimed his beam at the boy, causing the two beams of energy to clash. The energy met in the center between them, waxing and waning toward each of them. Beuce closed his eyes and concentrated. At his will, a white light enveloped him and his beam grew in power. With the increased strength, it gained headway against the other beam until finally it reached Ventus. ​
  5. Maka Albarn It's called love

    May 7, 2008
    Fairy Tail
    Ven was starting to break a sweat when he was trying his best to put his all into his Faith attack. Or... all his faith into... yeah, everyone gets it. Suddenly, the other side seemed to charge up immensely and blast the light in his face, causing him to cry out. He landed hard on his back and laid there dazed for a moment, blinking as he was seeing tiny stars floating above him. He shook his head quickly to get rid of them and slowly brought himself to stand up, grabbing his head as his ears began to have a slight ring to them. "Whoa... How did you do that?" he asked Beuce, looking at him with eyes of curiosity and bedazzlement.
  6. Krowley Moderator

    Jun 18, 2008
    "Good," Orion exclaimed, stopping his pocketwatch, "And with 11 seconds to spare..." He looked down to Ventus. "You've promising skill, which allows young Beucefilous here to benefit from the experience." He turned to Beuce with dead set eyes. "Now kill him," he responded casually.
  7. Beucefilous Kingdom Keeper

    Apr 27, 2011
    Beuce was taken aback when Orion told him to kill Ven. Though, after thinking about it, he shouldn't have been surprised. This was exactly what he'd known was in store. Beuce looked over to the boy on the ground, and back to Orion. "Why? I said I'd take out as many as I had to. I didn't say I'd take out whoever I had to. I'm willing to sacrifice my own well being for this, but I won't take out the other members of the SOS. That's fine isn't it? After all, you have Blade and there's someone you weren't willing to kill. It's only the number that matters, not who it belongs to, right? "

    Orion peered at him. "I've killed thousands to protect me people... You may have fought dark creatures, but I've taken lives. Human lives with families to get the blade I needed. Not out of pleasure mind you..." He looked down to Ventus. "What if it wasn't this boy you knew? What if it was a random criminal you had no affiliation with. Would you take his life?"

    Beuce grew silent for a moment. How far was he willing to go? He could very well lose himself in the violence. After all that, would the SOS even want him...? How would his people react knowing that this was their king? Beuce took a deep breath. "If I have to be the executioner, I may as well be the judge too. I'll decide which lives I do and don't take. I'll decide which ones I have to and which ones I don't."

    Orion blinked in surprise. He honestly didn't think he would take the high road. He thought for a moment to himself before looking down at Ventus. "Ventus, it seems your life has been spared. But out of curiosity, how fast do you think you can move?"​
  8. Maka Albarn It's called love

    May 7, 2008
    Fairy Tail
    It felt like he was a prey animal watching his short life flash before his eyes. Orion wanted Beuce to kill him?! Ventus scooted back on the ground, prepared to get up and run if he needed to. But it seemed like things died down as fast as they were getting started, until a strange question was asked. "Uh... well we were playing tag earlier, right?" He stood up and brushed himself off, feeling apprehensive being in this man's presence. Was unlocking his first level of aura really this hard? "I guess it all depends how fast I need to move."
  9. Krowley Moderator

    Jun 18, 2008
    Orion looked back to Beuce as he began to pace. "Provided you're lower level, it could benefit Beuce if he fought you as you leveled... Gaining better blade experience as you do. And given your speed, he'd be able to learn at a rapid rate than most others." He stopped to look to Ventus. "Provided your fast enough of course. If young Ventus here can overwhelm you in multiple training sessions, there's a chance you'll be able to gain the stamina required. That would tackle the physical portion. The mental and spiritual however are two entirely different things... And perhaps with enough sparring young Ventus will be able to unlock an aura of his own. How does that sound to both of you?"
  10. Maka Albarn It's called love

    May 7, 2008
    Fairy Tail
    Ventus listened carefully to the proposition. It seemed to make a lot of sense, and it didn't seem like they didn't need to play silly games anymore. Now they were going to get serious and actually train. He nodded his head and looked to Beuce who also seemed to agree to this as well. "Yeah, that sounds like a good idea. We can train each other and learn from one another. Let's do it."

    And then we fade to black to begin the training montageeeee...

    And Be A Man quietly plays in the background and the boys train in their ways as Blade and... whatever Ven is reaching for exactly.
  11. CrownMoksha Decimo

    Jan 11, 2011
    On board the DenLiner

    Karina was trying to eat her snowball when the heat was turned up and turned the snow to water, which was harder to contain in her hand but she tried to get as much in her mouth as possible. "I certainly don't miss my coat now." She mumbled as she looked at Kel and his layers of clothing. Listening to Shiro's explanation a sense of dread filled Karina at the task ahead. It was difficult just to stand up, and now they had to make sure that Faust kept up with them.

    Shiro shouted go, but there was no instant running, instead Karina got to her feet and turned to Faust. "Alright, you need to speed things up despite the heat, come on, lets get started, Kel can go first up the climbing wall and help you at the top, I can give you a boost from the bottom the best I can. All of us have to try and keep up a jog despite the heat and weight. Now lets get going." She said waiting till the other two started so she could pick up the rear.

    Kel's attempts at using the snowball for a source of water had been short-lived when the frozen tundra had suddenly become a scorching desert. He would've attempted to take off at least one layer of his clothing, but the intense pressure made standing up take most of his strength and he didn't want to wear himself out before even getting to the course.

    With a nod Kel attempted to jog forward towards the wall. His body felt like he was trying to run a full sprint even with him just managing to break the pace for a jog. The same amount of effort was needed to actually make it up the wall. Nevertheless with the same effort he managed to reach the top and hold his hand out back down for Faust to grab onto when he got close enough.

    Faust huffed as he got up off the floor after Shiro seemed to turn the snowy environment to its polar opposite as well as seeming to make it twice as hard to move. Giving his aching body a slight stretch and quickly taking a swig form his flask under his hip cape before taking off after Kel. He could really cover his body in lightning after running that long stretch before though he did have an idea. Giving a few test hops as he jogged over to the first wall. Seeing as Kel was all ready at the top of the wall holding a hand for him would really help him in this. when Faust took one small step to jump higher off the wall before he cast a Blizzaga at the floor. A single pillar of ice rising swiftly launching him the rest of the way to grab Kel’s hand. As he struggled with his other to grab the top ledge.

    Well that was an inventive use of magic but it still didn't get him all the way. Kel grabbed him but it wasn't enough, they still had to get Faust up. Karina forced herself to jog, even though her body did not want to cooperate with her as she did. She told Kel and Faust they had to, so she had to as well. When she got to climbing wall, Karina grabbed the rope and fought through the sweat and pain to get up the wall enough to use her shoulder to boost Faust a bit while still keeping all limbs hanging on the wall. She didn't dare let go when the gravity threatened to pull her down almost immediately.

    There had already been once weight on his arm alone from just holding his arm down to catch Faust, but once he had grabbed hold the weight increased significantly until Karina assisted on her climb upward. Both of these factors together allowed for Kel to be able to pull Faust up onto the ledge before reaching down to do the same for Karina despite the immense pressure

    Karina looked up at Kel' hand but didn't reach for it. "Save your strength, this is just the first obstacle, keep going and I will catch up." Let them figure out how to get across the next obstacle. She was already too tired, too sweaty, none of them could afford to waste extra strength they didn't have. She would get over this herself.

    With little choice that he had, Kel nodded before pulling his hand arm up and proceeding to the next obstacle. The monkey bars. What was easy as pie for the last trial was not exponentially harder with the added weight they had on them. Though an idea did spark in Kel's head who turned to looked at Faust. "Do you think you can use your magic to make a bridge across this? I should be able to use my aura to maintain its form and you use your magic to keep it up."

    Looking across the distance that the monkey bars took up wasn't too long, so a pillar of ice wouldn’t be too out of the question. Faust wasn't too sure on how long it would hold in this heat though but if it did it wouldn’t be quite the bad idea. Looking over to Kel as he began to channel his magic he called out “I’ll try but not to sure how long it’ll last” casting out a blizzaga forming a pillar of ice that stretched out across the gap underneath the monkey bars. The ice of the pillar bridge crunched slightly under his feet as he slid across the surface of ice before looking back at Kel waving him over calling out “seems to be fine, pretty slick thinking friend!”

    Karina took a moment to catch up but she did as Kel and Faust seemed to be coming up with a plan. "You guys use the bridge, I will do these properly and utilize the melting ice." It would cool the bars down. She could go faster if she wasn't waiting for them, though the bridge made it hard to actually use the monkey bars properly, she could shimmy her way down the side though. It was hard to keep her grip but Karina started to make her way across, shimmying and gritting her teeth. Something that was once easy now was nearly impossible.

    Faust may have had less added gravity than they did, but Kel was glad to see that the bridge was able to hold up his weight. He gave Faust a quick thumbs up before stepping onto the ice platform himself, the ice immediately started to strain itself underneath his weight. Utilizing his aura here helped to replace where the ice was starting to crack as he stepped further on it. The next step gave him more room to work with as he slid across the ice to the other side. Now to figure out how to conquer the next obstacle while Karina was working her way to join them.

    Karina's arms were shaking as she was half way through. She couldn't do it.... No she had to. She had to keep going or else they would all lose. Pushing forward Karina managed to get her feet on the ground on the other side. She looked at the next obstacle, it shouldn't be that hard for any of them. They just needed to learn to lift their legs high. It was just the tires that they had to run through. Though even that seemed like a challenge. "Think you can do this one yourself Faust." Karina asked. If not she would just carry him.

    Seeing as Kel and Karina had made it past the monkey bars with Karina asking if he thought he could make it. Faust panted slightly as he nodded before taking off through the tires. His body felt weird under the extra stress of the gravity, his legs protesting with the extra effort to lift high as he passed across the tires. when he made it through he gave a tired thumbs up to the other two.

    Faust made it across but taking the time to think through everything they did and question it was getting long. Karina glanced around for indication of how much time they had left, and feared it wasn't enough. She however refused to lose. She needed this extra boost. She wouldn't get defeated again. "Faust, get on my back I am going to push as fast as I can towards the finish." Karina instructed trying to build up the extra strength needed.
    Last edited: Oct 1, 2020
  12. Beucefilous Kingdom Keeper

    Apr 27, 2011
    After some time had passed, Ven and Beuce were out of steam. Orion approached them, looking at the exhaustion of the two of them. "Care to call it a day?" He said to Beuce.
    Beuce took a few heavy breaths. He’d won as many as he could, but each match began to get harder and harder. “You learn fast. Keep that up, and you’ll be a master in no time.” Beuce then turned to the master. “Yeah. That’s about as much sparring as either of us can deal with.”
    "Good." He turned to Ventus. "You're excused Ventus... The rest of Beuce's lessons will be by himself. Perhaps you can further your training in the obstacle course?"
  13. GarrettFinch Hollow Bastion Committee

    Oct 19, 2014

    The pod opened up and he got out. Something felt different he did not feel himself like something was missing. As he got out of the pod and stood up the pod hatch he was in closed and began to glow different colors. This was when he noticed he was holding something in his hand. Then the pod he was in opened up and smoke began to come out and standing there was himself. The pod closed again and open 5 more times. Each time more and more of him was standing there was was going on this had to still be the dream world right? The pod closed once more and this time when it opened the hatch door of the pod flew off nearly hitting him in the head. Hitting the wall behind him and exploding into peaces. He stood there looking at Yen Sid for a moment wondering what was going on. The room began to shake and the AJ started running out of the room over the rocks and peaces of the hatch lid. Two went to the left, to to the right and 2 to the south exit. He opened his hand and notice he was holding a broken crystal. He went over to chase one of them to see what was going on tipping and landing on himself. (dedicated) He put his hand out and touched his shoulder then there was a light. and he disappeared leaving behind a fragment of a crystal. He picked it up and it fused with the one he already had. He looked around the semi destroy room from the pod exploding lid. While he would normally stay around he had work to do. He wanted to ask Beuce something too but there was time for that another time. "I will be back to clean this up after i get myself?" It came out as a question only because he was not sure what was going on. He headed off to find the others.
    (1/7 found) {dedicated}

    Tryhand heading towards the training area were (Karina, kel and fust were) studious went towards the roof and the rest went to other locations.

    Studious made his way to the roof. Beuce, Ven, Aux and luna would find AJ standing there with a notpad and a penal writing thing down glancing up for a second only to look down again and continue to wright on the note pad.
    Last edited: Sep 29, 2020
  14. Maka Albarn It's called love

    May 7, 2008
    Fairy Tail
    Ventus was out of breath. Beuce proved to be a challenging foe to say the least and it was very daunting to keep up with him. Nevertheless, lessons that he learned with Aqua and Terra came back to him and he learned some new tricks too working with his new mentor. "Oh, that's it?" He looked to Beuce and smiled at him, wiping the sweat off his brow. "Thank you for training me. I really learned a lot, and I really appreciate it." He bowed to the keyblade master and then headed off to where the obstacle courses would be at.

    He then saw A.J. with a notepad, writing things down. He waved to the boy with a smile. "Hi A.J!" And then continued on until he came to the entrance of the obstacle course. It seemed like it was not ready for new visitors yet, so Ventus stood there with his arms folded and waited patiently.
  15. GarrettFinch Hollow Bastion Committee

    Oct 19, 2014


    AJ ran out of the pod area and turned a few corners. He found himself in abandoned part of the castle. Standing there was another one of himself. With another one of him self this one taking off right away in the opposite direction. tossing anything they could in his way. The one was smart crafty this one seemed farsighted. He was not sure how he would go about getting this one but he tried not to think of it to much a he chased after Farsighted. Continuing thought the castle ruining and running. The other AJ always one step a head of him. Knowing what he would do or what path he would take.

    Studious looked up when Ventus said something but it was not really acknowledging him. He was far to busy writing down notes so looked back down writing down every detail of there training after all knowledge was power.
  16. Feliex Merlin's Housekeeper

    Jun 16, 2018

    Giving himself a light stretch as he looked at the final part of the course he only shook his head replying “thanks but on thanks I think I got this one I still have a couple tricks up my sleeves” as readied himself for a final push of effort. Taking a run up on the climbing wall he started to channel his magic through his legs. The lightning magic caused his legs to forcibly flex propelling him up flinging him over the wall cleanly even with the enhanced gravity. The whole experience felt weird for him as if instead of moving his body of his own will normally he instead had to manipulate it like a puppet. His legs stung as he tucked his body into a roll landing on the other side of the wall and tumbled across the finish line arcs of electricity bleeding off of him as he did.
  17. Aelin Best Waifu

    Jun 30, 2011
    British Columbia, Canada
    Well if Faust could handle himself, then they could finish this. Karina put all her her effort into another aura, her power aura. It would give her the extra boost that she needed to finish the course even though she was already sore from what they had done up until now. Karina took a moment to stretch out her arms before running forward. She kept speed with Faust, even though he was using his magic, she just was determined not to lose this, she had to get stronger, she had to get a better aura. Soon Karina found herself stumbling over the finish line as she looked at the new guests, but didn't bother actually acknowledging them. She was just too tired to bother as she flopped on her back trying to catch her breath.
  18. CrownMoksha Decimo

    Jan 11, 2011
    On board the DenLiner

    Unfortunately Kel didn't really have any magic that would help him climb up the wall and the auras he did have wouldn't be of much assistance here either, thus meaning he would have to do things the old fashion way to make it across the finish line. He took in a breath and tried to stretch as best he could underneath all the additional weight and sprinted towards the wall. The climb started immediately after and Kel focused on a singular thought. Make it to the top. Don't think about the extra weight, how tired he was, or anything else. Everything was focused on that one task and eventually paid off as he reached the top and literally fell across the finish line. Well despite how wore out he felt, he made it and that was good enough found him while gave his body a much-needed break for as long as he could.
  19. Beucefilous Kingdom Keeper

    Apr 27, 2011
    "So... learn anything of value?"

    “Well, I’ve never been much one for an extended fight...but I feel like I’ve got a bit more stamina now.” Beuce looked to the door where ventus had exited through. “Though, he’s gotten better way faster than I expected.”

    He watched as Ven departed. "Indeed... something unique about that boy I can't put my finger on... but back to you. This next test will be more of a battle of wits."
    "No heavy offense, just a test of your ability to react and adapt."

    Beuce straightened his posture and resumed eye contact with Orion. “I’m ready.”

    Orion smirked. "I see your very keen and focused when you need to be. You've reached a comfortable level where you can stay in control. Lets see what happens when i take that away.." he pointed his keyblade to Beuce. "Blackout."

    Beuce clutched his face as his sight was taken from him. He summoned Lofty Grasp and began to listen for any changes in the area around him. He didn’t know if the test would be another battle, but he needed to be alert no matter what.

    "Rule number one. Never show fear when caught off guard. Fear is weakness and will be exploited." He examined Beuces stance and back to his eye level. "Im going to attack you from the front now. Ready?"

    Inhaling through his nose, Beuce took up a stance and entered his blade aura, heightening the senses he had left. With only a moments pause, he spoke. “Ready.”

    Orion sunk into the ground through darkness

    A black hole of darkness appeared under Beuce and kept his ankles locked.

    Orion shot up behind him and pulled lofty grasp close to his neck, nearly choking him. "Rule number two. Never let your opponent dictate the rules." He left go and kicked Beuce's back so he'd fall over.

    Beuce felt the impact on his back and stumbled forward. “I should’ve expected that. Honestly, I really should have expected that” He pushes himself off the ground and readied himself for another attack. This time, he held onto his key blade with both hands, ready to change his stance at a moments notice. “Again.”

    Orion began with an overhead strike.

    Beuce shifted lofty grasp in time to knock his key blade to the side

    He struck to the side

    Beuce went to deflect the next strike, but without his sight he was unable to line his blade up in time. He winced in pain, but remained standing. “Again...”

    Orion summoned two knights made from light as they swung their swords, attacking both sides of him.

    Beuce heard attacks coming at him from both sides. Unable to block both of them at once, he waited until the attacks were just about to connect, and ducked underneath them. Not wasting a second he drove the red end of the key blade into one knight, and fired a blast of ice out the blue end to strike both of them at once

    The knights of light faded as did Beuce's blindness. Orion paid closer inspection to his arm. "What happened there?"

    Beuce looked down at the arm Orion asked about. "Toward the beginning of our journey, we had to fight against a pretty big horde of heartless. One of them was a lot stronger than the rest, and only got stronger by eating the others. I tried to take it on, but I lost. My arm was the cost. Lucky me, I had someone watching out for me, and I got a replacement."

    He grabbed the arm and examined it. "Where did you get the replacement?"

    "I have a lot of hearts resting in mine. Some of which are the gods of my world. They made it for me"

    "Hmm..." Orion murmured. He turned the wrist again before dropping. "Thats enough for today."
  20. GarrettFinch Hollow Bastion Committee

    Oct 19, 2014


    He followed Farsighted into some sort of storage area with junk pilled everywhere. Ruining and ruining until this point he probably could not out smart this other him he was not really trying to. Getting this one of himself would require luck more then anything. He crashed into many different thing on his way through this storage area. Crashing could be heard in the next area over as different things were knocked over. He could see the exit of the storage area and ran out into the next area. some kind of training area running into the area he could see Ven standing there waiting for someone as Farsighted was getting past Ven. He was not sure how he was going to explain there being two of him but that did not matter now as he was now in the open area of where Ven was.