Video Game: Kingdom Hearts SOS: The Road To Light

Discussion in 'Role-Playing Arena' started by Krowley, Nov 28, 2011.

  1. Aelin Best Waifu

    Jun 30, 2011
    British Columbia, Canada
    Karina grabbed the orb that was tossed to her and she watched it flare red. "Well I suppose that Lea rubbed off on me a little bit. Damn it." She mumbled. It wasn't that it was a bad thing, she just didn't want to admit that something to do with Lea actually stuck around. She never thought of it as a primary aura ability. She had for a long time thought of it as something else, something stronger, but this was telling she supposed. "Well are you guys ready for military training. It is going to suck." Karina rolled her eyes as she spoke to Kel and Faust who were apparently with her in this. ​
  2. ClearzerO Merlin's Housekeeper

    Nov 9, 2019

    Quill has little idea what to make of this new man or his previous associations with the group, but there was no doubt he made people uneasy. That was easy enough to follow. Quill skulked in the background of the action to watch how things were progressing. He received some communicator device, fair enough being in touch was important for the coming battles. But the training, that racked Quill's brain. Could he really learn to control the corruption inside him?

    Quill didn't sleep much at all that night, only nodding off for 1-2 hours every now and then. He rested outside, watching the stars mostly and being on guard. Unfortunately this meant he arrived late, he made his way following Faust. "I'll try my best to learn..." Quill went to pick up an orb, and it seemed change color and texture. He could feel the world around him in his hand, the essence of life in the planet. This was EARTH yet something began to break, shatters of rock as a black sludge oozed from the earth. "No, stop it. Please stop!" Quill through the orb to the ground and shattered it, getting strange looks from the group for sure. Quill sweat nervously "Erm it um, it was a bit intense for me." Quill went to go sit down, his orb still emitting both DARK aura and EARTH aura.
  3. Maka Albarn It's called love

    May 7, 2008
    Fairy Tail

    Ven wasn't sure what to really make of this aura training, but he was ready to give it a go. Anything to get back into the swing of things again. He went to go pick up his orb when he heard someone yelling and glanced over to see a guy yelling at his orb. Ventus blinked for a moment. Was he going to get something just as intense? Hesitantly, he picked his up and winced, not daring to look at it at first. Nothing was happening. He opened one eye and looked down at it. Literally, nothing was happening. No glow. No energy. Just dull and lifeless. "Um..." Ventus turned it over in his hand and held it above his face to get a better look at it from another angle, but no light was coming off of it. "I think mine is broken," he announced, giving it a slight shake to be sure.
  4. CrownMoksha Decimo

    Jan 11, 2011
    On board the DenLiner

    Kel wasn't surprised to hear that his aura was ice after watching the orb turn a light blue. He'd figured as much from the times he'd used it and not to mention back on Olympus how ridiculously cold he felt after it had gotten stronger. "Well, it certainly won't be the worst thing I've had to endure." He replied with a quick shrug. Being put in the same class as Karina was expected once strength was mention, but Faust actually was a surprise.
  5. GarrettFinch Hollow Bastion Committee

    Oct 19, 2014


    Ah he held the orb it changed from green to pink to a white color then let out a light before changing back to green. As he waited for Ven to say something Shiro said, 'NOPE! Just to power you up to your max potential. And seeing as how the primal orb you are holding is still green and that puts you in Eraus' class!' He walked over to him and picked him up by the collar. He walked over to Eraqus and dropped the boy down in front of the master. 'Which is great for me, because I don't like answering questions.' He did not even say anything to Shiro. He already knew what class he was in so there was no need for him to say anything. He was already glad that he was not with Shiro. As for not liking answering question if he did not want want to answer any then he should not have asked if they had any. He was talking to Ven and moving him was he was not sure how to put it. Shiro then proceeded to say what each aura forum would be in. From what he had said he would be taking the class by himself. Soon Quill picked up a orb releasing earth while he did not forget about Quill and this met he would be with him he did not think that Quill's aura would be earth. He did not know quill that well but he always thought that Quill would have a more obscure aura. He turned his attention to Quill who seemed to be worried after seeing the display perhaps the orbs could pick up the other auras a person had. Ven was next up and his orb did nothing which was interesting. 'I think mine is broken.' As he thought on what he saw something came to mind. As he made his way back over to Ven. "Maybe you have to unlock your second form of an aura before the orb is able to detect the 3rd form", he suggested. If already had that was not it then he was not sure what it could be. That said he did not know if Ven even had his second form of his aura or not.
    Last edited: Sep 2, 2020
  6. LadyAzura Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 21, 2012
    Garreg Mach Monastery
    Koa escorted Luna to a room since it was getting late. Luna slept on the bed while Koa sat on the floor next to the bed. Luna insisted Koa take the bed but he refused. Suffice to say, Luna did not win that argument. For the first time in awhile, Luna was able to sleep without worry as she held Koa's hand the whole night.

    Morning rose as Luna slowly opened her eyes and saw she was still holding her beloved's hand. A smile graced her face as she sat down and rested her head against his shoulder. After a bit of time, the two finally got up and Luna made her way to the training grounds.

    As she saw Shiro, DJ, Eraqus, and Yen Sid around a large case of what appeared to be crystals. Luna looked at Yen Sid and was happy to see he was safe. "Thank goodness you are alright, Master Yen Sid." Shiro then picked up an orb, calling it a Primal Orb then proceeded to explain its properties. Luna nodded her head as she listened to his explanation. Luna walked forward and picked up an orb. As she held the orb in her hand, the orb had soon turned a shade of pink. Luna looked up at Shiro before asking him a question. "This orb is pink, am I to assume this aura is more of a spiritual one? Will this hinder me from today's training?" Considering the position Luna was in, she had a small feeling she wouldn't be participating in the training the others would undergo.
  7. Beucefilous Kingdom Keeper

    Apr 27, 2011
    Beuce raised an eyebrow at Shiro. He didn't seem to recognize blade as a primary aura. That was...unexpected. "Well, if you say so." Even further to his surprise, he wasn't the only one to be sitting out of today's training. Aux and Ventus as well. Before he could say anything though, Luna took her orb. "Well, it doesn't take a genius to figure out what your Aura is. It's light. And if I had to hazard a guess, that means you'll be hanging out with us today. For being opposites, Light and Darkness are pretty similar. I imagine you'll be sitting out for the same reason Aux is. Speaking of..." Beuce swung his arm in a gathering gesture at Aux and Ventus. "C'mon guys. We'll be in the way here. We can do our own training in the meantime until they figure out what to do with us. Ven needs a rundown of the basics anyway if I remember right." Beuce said, admittedly a bit disappointed that he wouldn't be unlocking his third level aura as quickly as he'd thought. ​
  8. Krowley Moderator

    Jun 18, 2008
    "It is a joy to find you in good health as well Luna..." Yen sid smiled.
    "Seeing as how Ventus has yet to take the mark of mastery... it could be that his lack of elemental training has left him under leveled..." Eraqus assumed out loud.

    "Afraid so," shiro responded in reply to Luna.
    Shiro tossed anorb towards Kaida, who took longer to envelop. It kept mixing between yellow and green before it melded in a soft teal.
    "TIME..." Shiro announced. "Well that does make things tricky... Princess Luna will have to sit out but Master Kaida will be left solo for Yen Sid's class."
    "I see no harm in her taking part in Eraqus course," Yen Sid replied. "While Time is a plague of the mind, it does require a sense of inner peace to master..."

    "RIGHT!" Shiro boasted. "Masters Karina, Kelford and Faustalot shall join me in the obstacle course. Masters Andrew, Quillton, and Kaida will join Eraqus in the Meditation chamber."
    The rest of you may explore the compound to your best wishes. We will do our best to come up with a more suitable regiment for you.

    As Beuce gathered Ven and Aux by the arms and pulled them together. Aux eyes were drawn towards the hand as Beuce was being very chummy dynamic with him. He didnt know how he felt about that yet. He looked at the bright eyed Ventus, still unsure how to properly apologize. "Uh hi," Aux awkwardly waved. There was a brief pause while Aux looked down at the ground unsure of what to say.
  9. ClearzerO Merlin's Housekeeper

    Nov 9, 2019

    Quill saw the group split and he was left with the strange fellow AJ and the distant Kaida. They both seemed rather unsure about this training themselves, Quill couldn't get much of an idea of what to expect from them. Following the white robed man man, Quill felt some uneasiness around him. This Master Eraqus kept looking back at him strangely, more intensely that others. Quill knew that his appearance was rather tainted like a Heartless but he seemed to have some personal hatred toward it. Venturing a guess "Is there some problem Sir? You look at me like I threatened you somehow?" His hand couldn't help but rest on his stone keyblade, Eraqus put Quill at unease.

    The Master didn't seem to say anything at first until he murmured "You don't seem fit for the EARTH aura, I'm rather unsure I'll be the one to train you." Rather strange, Quill couldn't imagine many who he would be like him. Yet Eraqus' stare, the way it projected this fear and anger, it was crushing. "I see, and who would then?" Eraqus looked back, zeroing in on my mutations "If it were my choice you'd leave immediately, but we need all the fighters we can." Unsure how to proceed, Quill looked away as they walked to the chamber. This man had a particular detest for darkness.
  10. Maka Albarn It's called love

    May 7, 2008
    Fairy Tail
    "Second form Aura...?" Ven was unsure what A.J. meant, but everyone was being assigned to groups and soon enough, he wasn't going to be trained by the big masters. But he was going to be trained by a master nonetheless. He wished his orb had glowed or had done something, but seeing others that had glowed and they would be sitting out for the regular training made him wonder if that would have happened to him as well. He looked over to Beuce and smiled a bit, glad he would be with someone he was acquainted with already. He walked over to the small group, his eyes landing on a rather large individual he didn't immediately recognize but they said hello to him. "Hi there. I'm Ventus, but you can call me Ven," he said with a warm smile and held out his hand to Aux to shake. He thought he heard a name so he hazard a guess what it was. "Aux, right?"
  11. Krowley Moderator

    Jun 18, 2008

    "Yeah... Good to see you again..." Aux replied to Ven. There was a brief pause before Aux realized what he said. "I mean... it's good to see you're safe and all because last I saw you were unconscious." There was another beat of awkwardness as he tried again to salvage the explanation."I MEAN- I DID TAKE YOU AND YOU'RE FRIENDS FROM YOUR HOME, BUT YOU'RE ALL STILL ALIVE SO THAT'S GOOD AND I'M GOOD TOO NOW SO IT'S GOOD!" He went in strong but whimpered out as he spewed out his apology. He cleared his throat as his tone returned to normal. "What I mean is... sorry for all of... that..."
  12. Aelin Best Waifu

    Jun 30, 2011
    British Columbia, Canada
    Faustalot? Was that his full name? It sounded ridiculous, but maybe? She could at least believe it for Kel, but Faust? Whatever it didn't matter, apparently they were to run an obstacle course of some kind. Karina stripped off her coat and spaced it to the side before taking off the bag strapped to the side and piling it with that and her necklace. "No need to get this stuff needlessly filthy. At least if it is anything like the courses I have seen back home." Something told her though that it would be worse. Shiro would take pride in making it much, much worse on them. He did say it was meant to break their bodies and Karina was not looking forward to that part. Resilience was by far not her strong suite. She was mighty strong but if Shiro wasn't talking about strength, then she was not too sure how to deal with it. She supposed that was what this was about, it was time to learn to make herself better, stronger, more worth while. They had to deal with No Heart and they needed to be more powerful for that. ​
  13. GarrettFinch Hollow Bastion Committee

    Oct 19, 2014


    He stood there and when Eraqus said, 'Seeing as how Ventus has yet to take the mark of mastery... it could be that his lack of elemental training has left him under leveled...' It kind of made sense. Then Shiro said, 'Masters Andrew, Quillton, and Kaida will join Eraqus in the Meditation chamber.' No one called him by his full name but Bob so something was going on. 'Second form Aura...?' Ven had asked him. "Um yea it might need to be unlocked to unlock the 3rd..." Or something else he thought but he left his voice trail off. "A second form is a more powerful version of a aura." He explained to Ven. Soon Ven went up to Aux and knew his name oh god this could end up badly. Then Aux went and apologized in the worse way possible. This was turning out worse then he would have thought. Dude he thought to himself as he mentally face palmed at Aux. He turned his attention to Ven. "So Ven feel free to join us maybe you will pick up of things on and about auras." He did not see the harm in Ven joining them and he left the offer hang there. Truth be told he was not all that excited about aura training he much rather unlock it him self. He saw how the 3rd aura had affected Shiro in the heartless battle and wondered if it was as painfully as it looked. That said he did not see the harm of what Eraqus had to say. "Come if you want Ven. If you want I will explain more of what I know later." He then left Ven and went after Eraqus. Soon his attention turned to Quill and his questions. 'You don't seem fit for the EARTH aura, I'm rather unsure I'll be the one to train you.' He also did not know what Quill's aura could be other then some off the wall one but as for training he did not see why it mattered if one wanted to be trained then one should help that person. 'If it were my choice you'd leave immediately, but we need all the fighters we can.' What was going on? Was every master out of there mind? That was something that could have been left unsaid. "Well I am glad you are here Quill." He tied to think of what the training could involve. Quill had some unknown past which he might need help with getting through. Maybe that was why he was in this class? If nothing else he might be able to help Quill out with his training and then there was Kaida who had time which would more then likely have her mind look at the possible outcomes of the future which could be helpful if his thoughts were true.
  14. CrownMoksha Decimo

    Jan 11, 2011
    On board the DenLiner

    Beyond the desire to have Shiro stop referring to him as Kelford the idea of an obstacle course to strengthen their auras was unexpected, not that he knew what to expect in the first place. He couldn't picture how one obstacle course was gonna help strengthen them to use thier respective auras, but this was the tried and true method it seemed. Whatever it was that awaited them, it was sure to be instense if the intent was to still 'break thier bodies' as Shiro so fondly put it before. Hopefully the glasses hat DJ had just given him could withstand it as while it made more sense to take them off now, he didn't think it was wise to do so and give Nequa a spying eye again on thier training session.
  15. Maka Albarn It's called love

    May 7, 2008
    Fairy Tail
    Ven nodded to A.J. and then his attention turned to the other man. Ven couldn't help but to raise an eyebrow at Aux's words as the poor guy seemed to fumble over them. He was patient as he listened to him, trying to string together what he was saying. "So... What you're saying is, you were one of my kidnappers?" He looked around the group for a moment, and they seemed okay with him. He stood there for a moment, mulling over the words and then he rubbed the back of his head nervously. "Well... you didn't do the weird, mechanical stuff to me. From what I understand, it was Nequa that did that. And... You didn't make me 'evil' and make me do stuff. And if everyone else is alright with you here, then I guess I should be too." He forced a smile extended his hand out again to Aux. "Just promise me one thing; you'll help me find my other two friends, Aqua and Terra. They mean so much to me. And if I went through those awful things while I was unconscious... I'm worried about them and what happened to them... Or if something is happening to them now. I want to bring them back and make sure they're okay."

  16. Krowley Moderator

    Jun 18, 2008
    "Eraqus!" Yen Sid said, putting his hand on his friends shoulder. "I know you are still weary of the darkness that comes from peoples hearts... but we should not scold those who have yet to conquer theirs..."
    Eraqus sighed looking to his wizard friend. "Perhaps.. you should take over today's session"
    Yen sid nodded. "Agreed...."
    He led the way and took Quill, Kaida and AJ with him. "Please forgive him... darkness has caused him much pain in his lifetime," Yen sid told Quill. Eraqus left ashamed in himself and headed towards the library.

    In the meantime, Shiro had taken Karina, Kel and Faust to a simulated obstacle course. Many giant walls to climbs, along with feats of balance and endurance awaited them as shiro lifted a panel on the wall. "Its one thing to keep your head when keeping physical prowess... but it's another when your environment works against you." He pressed a button as the room got colder. Snow and hail began to rain down as the wind picked up. "Comolete this course five times... no keyblades allowed!" Shiro yelled out.


    Aux was very surprised with how lenient Ventus was towards the whole thing. He felt even more stupid that he revealed his hand in the matter when the kid didn't even know he was involved. It was still a nice weight to have off his broad shoulders at least. "I promise..." he nodded to Ven, before shaking his hand.

    He turned to Beuce and Luna before shrugging. "So... now what?"
  17. ClearzerO Merlin's Housekeeper

    Nov 9, 2019

    Quill still felt some trepidation and shame around the man, it seemed as if Quill was a reminder of shame that hurt the old master. Wasn't this something Quill should expect, he had done just as Eraqus feared and let darkness taint him. His mutated ruined body was proof of just that. Yet why did it hurt so much still?

    Quill nodded to the wizard, this Master Yen Sid had a powerful presence about him. "I can...understand why he fears it." Turning back Quill gave an appreciative smile to the blonde man behind him "That's kind of you to say...AJ...yes AJ. Thank you, but I suppose I should expect this treatment. I'm rather...unsightly." Quill's face returned to a dark moodiness.
  18. cstar stay away from my waifu

    Dec 19, 2008
    It was going to be interesting to be taught by Yen Sid. She at first was excites by the idea before they put her in Eraqus' group. But now she was back with Yen Sid again. So it worked out! Which was good. She figured learning Time from the best person who could teach it to her was great. But Kaida was focused on the gummi phone with a fixation. She had avoided gummi phones in the past, it was a technology just a bit too advances for her to get. But she spent the night focused on it and at rhis rate had the face of a high school girl completely absorbed into conversation. But she wasn't. She was playing Classic Kingdom.

    Kaida was zoned in near completely when she barely heard an apology and just let out a "mhmm" with no visible interest in the outside world. It wasn't until she heard Yen Sid clear his throat and look right at her that she looked at him and quietly closed out the game and put the phone back in her pocket silently while maintaining eye contact.
  19. GarrettFinch Hollow Bastion Committee

    Oct 19, 2014


    As he walked with Quill and Kaida Yen Sid had came up and wanted to take over the class. Were they that bad that no one wanted to teach the group? 'I know you are still weary of the darkness that comes from peoples hearts... but we should not scold those who have yet to conquer theirs...Please forgive him... darkness has caused him much pain in his lifetime,' "Ah darkness. From my understanding you can not have darkness without the light no light without the dark. The same coin two different sides." Soon Eraqus left and headed towards the library and he wondered why he was heading that way. 'I can...understand why he fears it.' Quill had said. "Perhaps he does not fear it but does not understand it? Something unknown is far scarier then something that you understand." 'That's kind of you to say...AJ...yes AJ. Thank you, but I suppose I should expect this treatment. I'm rather...unsightly.' "Humm I think I should tell you a story. It does not matter what others think of you but what you think of your self. One can not move forward with first taking a step." This could be taken literally and figuratively. "Back in my home world there was a rumor of a well The well of delight. This well was said to grat any wish. So at first everyone worked together to find this well but over time this faded until everyone was against each other only wanting one this to wind the well for there own purpose. They wanted my help to figure out the clues left behind. But everyone wanted something for there own selfish reasons. So in the end you need to figure out what step works best for you Quill because you are the only one that can. Just know that there are people here that can and will help you. All you have to do is ask. " He turned his attention to Kaida who was zoned in near completely in a phone game. There was a time and place for that he thought to himself.
    Last edited: Sep 7, 2020
  20. Krowley Moderator

    Jun 18, 2008
    Yen Sid led the group to a pool of glowing water. Beside the poolside were a row of nearly a dozen open sleeping pods.
    "As I understand... these sleeping chambers will help to monitor your health while in deep meditation. Should anything life threatening occur in your dream state.... I shall wake you up." Yen Sid waved his hand over the glowing pool, causing the pool to glow more blue for a split second. "These mystic waters should help transport you to the realm of sleep. While in this realm, you shall be met with your own faults and fears... But the task is simple. Each of you must touch a a crystal of light. Andrew must find his hidden in the clouds. Quill must find his in the depths of the caverns. And Kaida must find hers at the bottom of the ocean. This is a test of land sea and sky..... No one is allowed to use their keyblade.... Good luck to all of you."

    The three wielders each picked a bed and lay on it. It was odd to see them quickly drifting off with no assistance whatsoever.


    The three woke up on the shore of a large, unknown island. To their front, the ocean, and behind them, a thick and dark jungle.