Video Game: Kingdom Hearts SOS: The Road To Light

Discussion in 'Role-Playing Arena' started by Krowley, Nov 28, 2011.

  1. Aelin Best Waifu

    Jun 30, 2011
    British Columbia, Canada
    Karina had let her wall crack a bit to admit that she was glad he was there, but the way that Aux reacted make Karina put those walls right back up and leave her with a stoic expression as she just looked at Aux, and listened to the alarm. "Turns out there are guards here. I was starting to think that they didn't exist." Karina commented before sitting up and turning so her hands were visible to Aux. The manacles she wore were dented to the point where Aux could probably guess that they weren't comfortable for Karina. Some of the spots were dented in at the edges, where the most visible damage could be seen from them cutting into her wrists. Karina didn't seem to acknowledge it though as she glanced over her shoulder at Aux. "Just help get these things off so that I can help you." She snapped at him, hoping to get Aux's mind back to the task at hand and not worrying about the alarm. Her father was in the summit right now, and she imagined he would want to deal with her himself. That meant they might have some time to actually do something. Even if it wasn't escaping, they could possibly send some sort of signal to the others. She couldn't do that if her hands were still locked though.
    Kel mumbled to himself and Aislinn leaned over and scolded him. "Watch your language, there are children around." She told him before turning her attention back to the meeting, smiling when she saw Beuce stand up and talk, asking his questions. She found it interesting, the questions that he was asking, and for the most part agreed with his points. She had been there to fight No Heart herself. She didn't think it would be as easy as these two gentlemen seemed to think it would be. However without being a world leader, she had no right to speak here. At least not until Adrian called for her help, but right now was not the time for him to speak, not with a conversation this heavy at hand. ​
  2. Feliex Merlin's Housekeeper

    Jun 16, 2018
    Glancing over to the side as he heard a familiar voice a few seats over he noticed that Aislinn girl and was sitting there with Kel. It was a slightly pleasant surprise to see that others of the sos had found their way to this summit. It made it seem a whole lot likely a lot of the others may not be too far. As he began to grow more restless he tried once again to tap into his magic only to find it was blocked by something in turn Faust felt his growing as he sat there.

  3. ClearzerO Merlin's Housekeeper

    Nov 9, 2019

    As he spoke with Kaida about the goings of her group, a thought occurred to Quill internally. The normal guard shift was a tad late, normally coming in around now, they'd normally look around for a couple minutes and leave. Now honestly this wasn’t that strange, with the summit going on and more worlds entering the ship, guards were needed in other places. But something about it bugged Quill a tad. From some general gossip from guards who’d keep an eye on him, he’d begun to keep tabs on the dicks who’d come around to shock him. “Hmm, it’s around dinner time so probably...the guy who works in the confiscation room. Huh, wonder if some new cargo came in recently.” Quill mumbled to himself. It wasn’t really pertinent, but just something on his mind, there was little else but waiting to do in here.

  4. Aelin Best Waifu

    Jun 30, 2011
    British Columbia, Canada
    "This is boring... Tell me a story." Zeke complained to Nathan while sitting on the mans lap. Aislinn looked over and tried to shush her nephew. The boy pouted and squirmed before squirming his way off Nathan's lap, having spotted something that could be cool. He ran past Aislinn, and with her hands full with Dayla, she couldn't grab him. "Trick. Show me a trick." The boy was suddenly in front of Faust, who he remembered for the magic trick earlier. He wanted to see more. Aislinn sighed and cringed as she leaned forward and whispered to Faust. "You can say no if you want to."
  5. cstar stay away from my waifu

    Dec 19, 2008
    "I would think the trial would be over but maybe they had to address more charges and Aux didn't fold easily? Or... maybe that summit preoccupied their time. I thought they were overlapping but it seems like this ship doesn't really follow rules. OKAY KAREN?" Kaida yelled up as she stood up and looked towards wherever cameras may be, "YOU DON'T RESPECT LAWS IF YOUR BOOMER EGO IS SABOTAGED!" Kaida paused expecting a shock and never felt one. She placed a hand to her collar and asked, "Uh... are they preoccupied? Aux did you do something...."

  6. Feliex Merlin's Housekeeper

    Jun 16, 2018
    Being pulled out of his thoughts by the calls of the small child he had entrained Faust just looked back at Aislinn with a carefree smile as he lightheartedly whispered back "Oh I don't mind a magician always needs to entrance his audience no?" he really didn't mind putting on small slights of hand for kids he liked putting smiles on peoples faces its really the reason why he learned how to do this cheap magic.. well that and the small amount of money he might make in his travels. he waved his hand lightly waved a Zeke showing his empty hand before with a small flourish of hand as to not draw anyone else's attention but Zeke's form the summit he made it seem like a card had appeared out of nowhere. another flick sent the card spinning sending the card spinning his thumb and pink each time the card rotated the face of the card changing to a completely different card. stopping the card as it changed forma standard playing card to one showing a pile of coins crushing it in his hand he opened it to reveal inst of crumpled piece of paper it was a small handful of copper coins before compressing it again into a single gold coin.

  7. Aelin Best Waifu

    Jun 30, 2011
    British Columbia, Canada
    Zeke began to clap and laugh as Faust was doing the trick for him. "Cool. Show me, show me!" The kid begged wanting to know how to do the magic, but was becoming rather loud in the process, causing a lot of people in the near area to turn and look at them. Aislinn cringed from behind, realizing how loud Zeke was getting. "Zeke, you can watch, but you have to be quieter." She tried to instruct the small child. Zeke nodded and whispered back. "Okay... So can you show me mister?" He continued to ask wanting to learn. ​
  8. ClearzerO Merlin's Housekeeper

    Nov 9, 2019

    “Huh how many charges could he-” Kaida began on tirade tearing this ‘Karen” woman apart. The judge must’ve really hit a nerve with her but she was really going off about her. Not sure what a boomer was but it did seem a little strange. Quill began to say “Hey if you’re trying to get shocked there’s easier- Kaida?” Quill didn’t hear a shock. For the first time in a couple days Quill walked out of the shadows of his cell and stood in full view to look over to Kaida’s cell. He expected to see her curled up on the floor in immense pain, but she wasn’t. She was inspecting her collar and her violent outburst hadn’t caused the collar to go off. This was very strange. Quill whispered “That's very strange, ok don't do anything too flashy. Summoning your Keyblade could still cause external alarms to activate.” Quill considered for a moment. "This might be your chance, magic might work for now. You could try escaping with some subtle shorting of the cell's circuits."

  9. cstar stay away from my waifu

    Dec 19, 2008
    "Iunno. This seems like a setup. I don't want them to claim I tried to escape and so that is proof I did the bad thing." Kaida shook her head in refusal though she did try to see if she could pry the collar off a little. Then she felt a bit of a warning shock

  10. ClearzerO Merlin's Housekeeper

    Nov 9, 2019

    Quill considered “Well your reasoning is fair, it’s your decision to make so I won’t fault you there.. Though unless circumstances change, for the general and this uh..Karen, your innocence might not matter to them much.” Quill looked towards the door again, half expecting the late guard to come through. “Course you have friends on the outside trying to get you help, hell some of them are at the summit. Perhaps you guys will be free sooner than you think.

    Last edited: Apr 30, 2020
  11. CrownMoksha Decimo

    Jan 11, 2011
    On board the DenLiner
    Even if it was for a completely different reason, Kel hadn't thought that anyone would call him out on his muttering. In this instance, he couldn't help but feel apologetic given that he'd completely forgotten that he was sitting next to a child. "Sorry." The floor was opened and Beuce had been the first to ask his question and the answer was given was concerning. It was too simplistic and they sounded too sure that it would succeed without fail. Having first hand seen the might to No Heart was enough to put doubts in this plan, but adding in all of his cohorts, that only made things worse. Another concern formed at the realization that his own father might be participating in this near-suicide mission.
  12. GarrettFinch Hollow Bastion Committee

    Oct 19, 2014


    As he watched the summit he spotted Beuce on the stage. He was asking about different things about No Heart. He was doing a good job keeping them on there tows from what he could tell. Now all that was left was to get up there and tell Beuce what was going on the information that he knew. So he started making his way towards him. At this point he noticed that there did not seem to be many guards at the summit and wondered what that was about. Well It might make things easier later who knew.
  13. Feliex Merlin's Housekeeper

    Jun 16, 2018
    Normally Faust didn't really take time to teach anyone a few tricks, it sometimes ruined the ‘Magic’ of his acts. Though right now it was either that or be probably just as bored as the kid having to sit through bureaucratic nonsense. It took Faust a few second s to think of something simple the first part of his trick required more fine motor control than the kid probably had at his current skill level so maybe the ending of it compressing a coin would be more easy to at least teach the process behind it. Showing Zeke his hand holding a pair of copper coins before turning his hand to his side to better show the movements required. As he clasped his hands he made a big movement of sliding them down the back of his wrist before using his other hand to replace the coins with a larger silver coin. After showing him a few he handed Zeke the three coins. It wasn't that much of his money of his homeworld that he had stashed across his person.
  14. ClearzerO Merlin's Housekeeper

    Nov 9, 2019

    Quill began to grow tired, the ship felt virtually silent. The sounds of marching guards, the echoes from the persons of lost worlds, even the whirling of the machinery felt muted. There must’ve been so many at the summit, the discussions of how to recover from the tragedies they’ve had inflicted. But this was entirely unpleasant, yet to Quill, also felt familiar. It was the calm before a conflict, the serendipity that occurred when one was about to be in the throes of violence. It was familiar, times of near death battles flashed in his memory. It was hopefully just the paranoia from a stir crazy moment..hopefully.

  15. Feliex Merlin's Housekeeper

    Jun 16, 2018
    After handing the kid the coins Faust continued to show off his less noticeable tricks that he had in act. It really didn’t take too much for him to perform his trick. In fact he felt his body going through the motions as he began to think of the day that his master had disappeared after naming him a keyblade master.

    Faust had walked down to the main room of the tavern that Him and Khan had used for the few years that they had known each other. Instead of finding the old man already in his drinks before the sun had even risen all that he had found was a note and metal engraved flask left at the use table that he would have found him at. All that was on the note was three sentences ‘Your a master now brat. Figure out what to do next for yourself. Till we meet again.’
  16. Krowley Moderator

    Jun 18, 2008
    1K Bonus achieved!
    Congratulations players of Kingdom Hearts SOS! You have reached another 1,000 replies.
    All players have been awarded 2,000 Munny for their dedication!

    1,000 Posts - Anora - Nottingham - July 27 2012
    2,000 Posts - Steel - Castle of Dreams - February 25 2013
    3,000 Posts - Etrius - Kingdom of the Sun - September 14 2013
    4,000 Posts - Beuce - Camelot - April 17 2014
    5,000 Posts - Raisor - Central Haven - September 11 2014
    6,000 Posts - Base - Wasteland - January 7 2016
    7,000 Posts - Gwendolyn - San Fransokyo - February 25 2017
    8,000 Posts - Aux - Shibuya - February 28 2018
    9,000 Posts - Kaida - Ohana Island - June 21 2018
    10,000 Posts - Arctus - Monstro - January 21 2019

    11,000 Posts - Aislinn - Sanctuary - April 29 2020


    While the Summit continued and more world leaders were prepared to ask questions, something very off putting happened.

    Everyone's bracelets were deactivate and fell off their wrists.
    Several of the board members noticed and began to recognize the stirring of many audience members. "Remain calm everyone, I'm sure there's just a simple malfunctions. However as a precaution, everyone please return to your rooms as orderly as possible," the Captain ordered.
    Guards began evacuating people from the room, with more then half the audience already gone.

    Board members were were definitely puzzled and beginning to grow concerned.
    What happened next only confirmed their worry.

    The P.A. system blasted with the voice of Sho Minamimoto.
    "Greetings you brain-dead binomials.. This is your new captain; Sho Minamimoto speaking... And you've all just entered the new and improved game of yours truly..."

    All the screens aboard the ship began to flash with a new symbol.


    Several technical engineers began to try and regain control. All however, were subdued as the consols shocked anyone who tried to pinpoint his location.
    "Ah ah ah... Not so fast you zeta sons of digits! For most of you, consider this a small bit of turbulence on your otherwise pleasant voyage... but for a certain band of inferior key slinging hectopascals- The game has just begun.... but first... let's remove any extra pieces from the board..."

    Several dark purple portals appeared around the sip taking several people.

    Iso Zia and her baby have been taken.
    General Xares has been taken.
    Zeke has been taken.
    Nathan Siegend.
    Lucian Kiatespira and Iliana have been taken.



    Vanitas' cell door swung open as he tore off his collar and bracelet. The same happened for everyone else, but their shock collars were still on. They could summon the keyblade again at least.They were still however stuck behind their bars. He cracked his neck as he walked out.

    "About time Pi-face."

    As he looked around, a portal showed up under Meso, causing him to disappear.
    "Well, I held up my end of the bargain... they're all yours guys," he smirked, slowly stepping into a dark corridor.

    The doors opened from both ends of the prison hall.
    Kaizo walked through and looked at Kaida's cell. "We meet again little bird..."
    From the other door, Gilgamesh appeared, strolling nonchalantly. "And I am here also."





    As he heard Sho's announcement, Aux groaned. "Great... this guy again."
    He threw his keyblade at her door mechanism, smashing it, and causing her cell to disable. As he walked towards her, he put his hand under her hair and began to grip her collar. Large shocking bursts surrounded his hand as he made sure it wouldn't make contact with her neck. His thumb was still throbbing in pain as he managed to bend the hinge, and used his keyblade to tear the rest of it off.

    He took his stance in front of her and looked at the door.
    He grew a little more concerned as no one had entered the room yet.

    "Where are all the guards?..."

    "Oh I'm afraid they are quite preoccupied." A puff of smoke appeared as Zulu emerged from the settling dust. "Prepare to meet your doom..."

    Aux squinted at him. It was the overdramatic former SOS member. He still couldn't remember his name. "Lars?"




    Two portals appeared in the auditorium. Guards and board members were busy escorting everyone away from the threat. As more guard reinforcements were rushing to the seen, several bullets were fired from one of the portals. As bullets hailed through, guards were dropping like flies.

    Hotel stepped through one of them as Alex glided through on his electric key glider acting as a skateboard.
    Hotel inhaled his cigar as his hands summoned dual pistols from his keyblade transformation.
    A red 'X" appeared on Kel, AJ, Faust and Aislinn.
    "Think very carefully what you wanna do next, folks..."


    White chains shot through the other portal as Luna and Ananta were wrapped in chains. A woman with long black hair. She seemed very elegant and proper as she glided across the floor in her heels. "Rends le...Fause princesse..." she gritted, speaking french through her controlled rage.


    Before Beuce could jump in to help his friends, Victor stepped through the portal and cut him off.
    "Where do you think you're going?.... Hope you're ready for round two..."


    Sho's voice blared again. "Now that all our data is present... let the rave begin!"


    (yes, this is the fight music he chose)​
  17. GarrettFinch Hollow Bastion Committee

    Oct 19, 2014


    As he ran towards Beuce he lost sight of him for a moment in the mass of people. Meanwhile next to kel: "Well it was nice meating you kel but i have to go" Connie said as she left. Bob stood up and looked at Beuce with a grinn "I have a question." "Sit down Bob." the voice of connie said. She looked at beuce and the learders. "He is not one of the leaders." AJ looked around and spotted Connine and Bob what where they doing here? "Beuce i have something to tell you." Unfortunately he was cut off from saying anything as the summit was divided up in battle areas and everyone's bracelets were deactivate and fell off their wrists and onto the ground.Two portals appeared in the auditorium. Guards and board members were busy escorting everyone away from the threat. As more guard reinforcements were rushing to the seen, several bullets were fired from one of the portals. As bullets hailed through, guards were dropping like flies. Connine punched Bob causing him to fall trough a portal. She looked to xothers and gave a smile before she was transported away as well. AJ just was unsure what to do other then to head to kell and Aislinn. Hotel inhaled his cigar as his hands summoned dual pistols from his keyblade transformation. A red 'X" appeared on Kel, AJ, Faust and Aislinn. 'Think very carefully what you wanna do next, folks...' This was all very typical for the groups luck. Now was to don what Hotel said and think carefully.He noticed that Aisliinn still had a child in her arms well this sucked. "Ok you win hotel." and he slowly walked in front of Aisliin. If what he was planning did not work at least if the gun went off he would be shot and not the kid. He have a quick wink to Aisliin and with one swift motion cast aurgra around the two as he summed his keyblade in a defensive stance. Hopefuly Aisliin would get the child out of here.
    Last edited: May 4, 2020
  18. LadyAzura Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 21, 2012
    Garreg Mach Monastery
    Luna listened in while still forming many, many questions to ask these board members. She looked over to her brother as he was listening intently. Perhaps there was some questions he was formulating as well. There was quite a few problems she had with the board. Did they think that some world leaders were not competent enough to help their people? She couldn't tell and didn't want to assume anything yet. "Something about this whole thing just does not sit well with me, Luci." Luna looked to her brother as unease settled in. Lucian put a hand on his sister's back, hoping to reassure her. "It doesn't sit well with me either, Luna. However, things will get better and we'll get to the bottom of this. I assure you that." Luna placed a hand over her brother's as she nodded her head in thanks.

    Before either of the twins could ask their own questions, the sound of her bracelet caught both of their attentions. "The bracelet..." The captain had then asked everyone to return to their rooms as the people began to stir. Luna turned to Lucian. "I don't have a good feeling about this..." The twins turned to Illiana, Orella, and Soliana. Before either of them could say anything, the P.A. system was blasting with a familiar voice. "No..." Her eyes widened in shock before turning back to the three women. "Illiana!! Soliana!! Get Orella out of here now!!!" The two nodded their head before moving out of the room.

    Sho had started talking about a new game in which sent Luna's worries skyrocketing. He had then spoke of removing extra pieces from this new game. "Extra pieces?!" As if time was in slow-motion, she heard a scream from behind her. A scream belonging to an oh-so familiar face. She turned around to see Illiana sinking down into a dark portal. "!!!!!!" "Soliana! Orella! Go now!!!" Memories from her past started to fill her head. As if to give her mind no reprieve at all, Lucian had let out an outcry. Luna immediately turned around to see her brother start to sink down in that same portal. "Lucian!!" She grabbed his hand and tried to pull him out. She pulled and pulled, with tears filling to the brim in her eyes. Unfortunately, she wasn't strong enough to pull him out and Lucian completely sunk into the portal. Her eyes widening in shock once again, the dam that was holding her tears at bay broke, releasing her tears as she screamed out her dear brother's name. "LUCIAN!!!!!!!!" Luna dropped to her knees and held her arms, bringing her face close to the ground.

    Two more portals had shown up before them. Luna stood up, tears still running down. She had no time to react at all as white chains shot out from the portal. The chains immediately wrapped her up. As she struggled, Luna felt her energy rapidly decrease. A woman had then emerged from the portal, walking over to the princess. The woman had opened her mouth, her attention pointed towards Luna. She had spoke in French, with rage hiding underneath her tone. "Give what back? you...mean...false princess?..." It was almost as if the chains were sucking her energy dry as she gathered enough energy to ask her questions.

  19. ClearzerO Merlin's Housekeeper

    Nov 9, 2019

    Quill was rather perplexed by the intercom’s sudden announcement, this didn’t seem like this group’s doing but someone else's. As the ship began to rumble and explosions echoed to their area, a click was heard from across the hall. The strange man, Vanitas, his cell just swung open and began strolling about. "Well, I held up my end of the bargain... they're all yours guys..." He could rip his own collar off, commenting on his part in this chaos. Quill was annoyed that this prick could act so calm, if he was a little closer Quill would grab by the throat. But suddenly shadowy portals appeared underneath him and disappeared, along with another man in the cells. A silence fell over the room “What did he mean-” The doors on both sides of prison opened. One, a well dressed man who stared daggers at Kaida. The other closer to his own cell...well he was indeed unique looking. Dressed in frilly armor, he was a massive man, with an incredibly muscular body. This was looking bad, but perhaps this was his chance…

    Oh perfect I’ve been looking for someone to get me out of here, hey you guys look like you need help. Mind letting me out?

    The man with a pretentious dress didn’t address him but the large man did. “Oh who’re you young man? A mysterious edgy new ally or mysterious edgy new enemy. Which could it be? And tell me why should I bother slaying one less person here, not much effort one way or another.

    Ah that’s true, but I’m guessing this is your little operation here. Not like I need the companionship but I’m getting pretty bored here. I could use a chance to stretch to old muscles.” Quill stepped forward to the cell bars, his full warped appearance now on display. “I’m guessing from what these guys have said that you’re enemies of them, and if these kid keyblade wielders have trounced you before, the help couldn’t hurt. How about it big guy? Name’s Quill.” Quill would only have this chance, he had to take it.

    The large man pondered for a moment, it was almost comical how much time he took. “Well, he makes a fair point. And the boss wouldn’t want to see these fools escape again.” The large man looked Quill over for a moment. “Call me Alpha, now where’s that unlock switch.” He looked down to see the keypad.

    Oh it’s j-” If a single blink had happened, Quill wouldn’t have seen the blade coming from his other hand. The swift piercing strike was flawless in precision, reaching Quill’s throat in an instant. The blade was long and lithe, yet its sleek red color screamed a deadly intent. It’s ability cut through the collar like paper to reach Quill’s throat was terrifying enough. “You’re really a terrible liar kid.” The man said with a sudden seriousness that was non-existent in his previous demeanor.

    Ha, you're pretty good.” This was his opportunity. “But don’t be cocky.” Quill, forcing his body to move in this terrifying situation, hoped this would work. It took days to even begin using it but it had to work now, Quill’s chitin armor began growing around his hands. Grabbing the blade, his body armor had shifted to have plating on his arms and legs, and allowed for better defensive mobility in this form [Monk Form]. Suspecting his arm would hold his weight, Quill flipped over and used the bars to bend his arm into an awkward position for cutting. The man went back to his other personality “Wait you can do that, pretty sure that’s godmodding!

    The blade stayed in a loose grip, he had to be careful of a quick stab. Quill was using his whole torso to force the bulky arm into its twist and Quill was still struggling. “So I’m guessing as an experienced swordsman you know what a shattered arm will do for your skills. So let's not make any sudden moves now Alpha.” He probably only could hold him like this for a couple dozen seconds, even as Quill’s claws attempted piercing into his skin for leverage, it resisted. His muscles were like a folded metal, flexible yet durable. But if this gave the others a couple moments to do something to get out of their cells, it’d be enough. He still insisted “Wait no, did you get permission to Godmod!?
    Last edited: May 5, 2020
  20. Aelin Best Waifu

    Jun 30, 2011
    British Columbia, Canada
    After Beuce had finished with what he had to say, there was a few more questions before Adrian had stood up. Aislinn silently cheered for her brother-in-law, hoping for the best for him. It wasn't long though before she realized that those hopes were in vein. He was nervous and stumbling all over his words. With a sigh, Ailsinn waited a moment before standing up to interject, much to some of the council's dismay. It was mostly General Xares however that had a problem with her speaking up as a non-world leader. This was overruled, but Aislinn couldn't say that she was surprised by his annoyance. She had once tried to join the guard on the ship, but Xares had made it clear they didn't need her. He had implied that she would be of more use watching children. It was this attitude that brought them to the talking point that she and Adrian had prepared. It was mostly about education for the children in a place where so many cultures collided, and support for those who wished to educate just kids from their own world. It was a bit of a complicated matter, she knew that, but at least it was now being thought about. For that Aislinn was grateful.

    It was moments later that her bracelet fell off and Aislinn looked around concerned. They seemed to not be making a big deal about it, but Aislinn wasn't sure that it wasn't a big deal. Something seemed off and she wanted to find out. Before that was really a possibility a voice came on the intercom and Aislinn cringed. This wasn't good. Suddenly a portal appeared and Zeke was sucked through. Aislinn was on her feet in seconds, Dayla in her arms. "Zeke!" She cried out, looking around to see that Nathan was gone too. "Zeke!" She cried out again as a sudden x appeared on her.

    "You are so noisy. Why don't you just behave?" The man on the skateboard said as she shoved his hands in his pockets looking at the group, and at the girl who was crying out. "Make our jobs easier and surrender, maybe I won't hurt the kid." He said lazily, eyeing the infant that Aislinn was holder.

    Aislinn was not willing to give up that easily. She knew that these guys meant trouble, and she wouldn't get Zeke back by just walking away. A flash of light enveloped Aislinn as her form was now surrounded by brilliant white armour, as she went into her paladin form. With all the sudden changes, Dayla started crying, and Aislinn tried her best to bounce the infant while summoning her keyblade to her free hand. "Zeke is four, if I find out you hurt him in any way, there will be no end to my wrath." Aislinn promised.​