Video Game: Kingdom Hearts SOS: The Road To Light

Discussion in 'Role-Playing Arena' started by Krowley, Nov 28, 2011.

  1. Aelin Best Waifu

    Jun 30, 2011
    British Columbia, Canada
    Karina could only sit and watch as the boy start to move around in his cell. She was almost surprised when he seemed to start to hear something, if the way he stopped indicated anything. It wasn't long before he started tapping again and Karina had to sit and start to try and translate again. She wasn't sure about the first word. While she believed that she was getting the right letters for the most part, but she didn't understand what it meant. The rest of it however she made out for the most part after hearing it a few times. The missing letters were easy enough to fill in to make it make sense. At least this time it would be an easy response, and she figured she would have to be quick before the guards caught on to what they were doing. -.-- . ... (Yes) was all that Karina managed to reply before it was starting to get bothersome to do. Hopefully he managed to get enough information to provide help.
    Aislinn smiled back at the boy and decided to walk and talk as she started back towards where her brother in law was. "I am Aislinn. I used to travel with the SoS group for a while but I had to come help here with my family." Aislinn explained to the boy before continuing. "Though I can't say I know who this Carbine person is that you speak of. No one by that name or description when I was there. Have you seen Kel or Luna though? Last time I saw them they fell overboard the ship we were traveling on. I have been trying to keep my eye out for any sign of them since, but to no such luck." Aislinn explained to Faust, hoping that he knew who she was talking about. If not, it was likely they never made it back.

  2. Krowley Moderator

    Jun 18, 2008

    Aux watched in confusion continued tapping in a weird pattern. He had to get out of here before he ended up like that guy...
    "You uh.... y'aright there?" Aux asked in concern.



    "And where is master Shiro now? Or any other order member for that matter?" Orion asked. "Lea, Yue, Shiro, Mizu and DJ are nowhere to be found. How convenient for you..."
    The guard brought in Vanitas who stood next to the judge. "Another kid? Seriously... THIS IS THE PROBLEM WITH THIS GENERATION!" She angrily sighed. "Anyone under eighteen with a keyblade thinks they can just run around and do whatever you want! I pity your parents!" She took a breath and started again. "Now... Vanitas. Please explain every action you took during the fall in Central Haven."

    Vanitas shrugged. "Sure. I got nothing to hide..." He turned to Kaida. "I saw lemon head over there with DJ take down the shields allowing us to invade with heartless. Then Aux tried to fight Orion. He lost of course... Nequa took Yue and Lea into the realm of darkness, and Kaida and DJ took out master Shiro. Mizu was kidnapped prior to the invasion... That should all the order folks I think..."

    Judge Campbell turned to Kaida. "This doesn't look good for you kid. As a sign of good faith, even though you barely deserve it, I will ask you three final questions. If you're lying, your collar will shock you."
    She pressed a small button on her consol an waited a few seconds.
    "Question one; during the fall of central haven, did you abandon your post and leave your allies behind?
    Question two; After you left Central Haven, did you at any point try to contact your former members of the order.
    Question three; Have you been in contact with the masked menace known as NO HEART any time during the fall of Haven and now?"
    The tapped her long fingernails along her table waiting for her answer.
  3. Feliex Merlin's Housekeeper

    Jun 16, 2018

    Faust started to think about where everyone was that he know of in the SOS that wasn't missing fro a second before answering "Well Buece and a few others are at the summit thing i guess. then Aux, Kaida, and few others are facing treason and Kel is think is in the infirmary looking over a comatose kid. At least a think thats where the known members are." Faust shrugged before continuing "I'm probably going to head towards the infirmary there isn't much i think i could find about her here. maybe something else would have something that i could use to help find her."

  4. cstar stay away from my waifu

    Dec 19, 2008

    Question one; during the fall of central haven, did you abandon your post and leave your allies behind?

    "I did not abandon my post. But I did leave my allies behind." Kaida responded. There was no shock.

    Question two; After you left Central Haven, did you at any point try to contact your former members of the order.

    "Yes." She didn't feel the need to elaborate further beyond that. She was not shocked.

    Question three; Have you been in contact with the masked menace known as NO HEART any time during the fall of Haven and now?

    There it was. Her no win question. Kaida paused for a second before saying, "If by making contact you mean getting nearly killed by him, yes. I did technically make contact."

  5. ClearzerO Merlin's Housekeeper

    Nov 9, 2019

    Yes, Yes, he definitely heard a Yes. Quill could hardly believe that plan actually worked. It was riding on so many assumptions and he didn’t even know if he remembered the right letters- well it wasn’t important now. If the general and his forces were moving this group fast through trial, and he had his daughter imprisoned, he can’t waste time now. Quill began carving on his last plate, that was meant to be the last part of Faust's gift- but this was more important. He didn’t risk tapping out another code, if Aux was starting to get suspicious, the guards would too. He had to hope she could hold tight until her friends got the message. Carving out the last words was hard enough on this tiny plate but it had to do. Repeating his trick from last time, Quill managed to spin toss the plate inside Aux’s cell, actually a rather impressive throw Quill had to admit to himself. But no time, the guards could come in asking about Quill’s suspicious actions at anytime. Hopefully Aux reads this message.

    Your friend Karina, she’s hearing my tapping cipher. Not know how she is but she’s strong enough for her side of the code to resonate back to me.
    Somewhere in max prisons, code barely audible so must be deep, don’t let guards see this message, her father will move her. Pass this along to your friends.

  6. Krowley Moderator

    Jun 18, 2008

    "Kaida made him mad," Vanitas replied.
    Xares turned to Karen. "That's enough ms. Campbell. Vanitas can't be trusted Kaida has been answering everything fairly and-"
    "EXCUSE ME!" Karen yelled. "Is this your judge plaque?" She lifted her plaque that had her name on it. "Is this your gavel? Is this your courtroom? No, it's mine. My court. My rules. My say. You don't talk unless you're addressed to. If you didn't have the leeway that you do on this ship, I would not be taking any of your crap. I ask the questions and she answers. You provide HER council. Not mine. If you even think about trying that again, I won't hesitate to remove you Mr. Xares."

    Orion raised his hand. "If a more trustworthy witness is requested, I have one on standby."
    "Proceed," Karen waved her arms.
    Orion turned around and waved his hand to one of the guards. The guards brought in a young black haired boy that was roughly Kaida's age.
    "Name?" She asked.
    "Kaizo Yūrei" he replied. It was the young man that Kaida ran into in Neverland.
  7. cstar stay away from my waifu

    Dec 19, 2008

    The blonde was finally beginning to see that on every possible angle this was going to be rigged against her. And with the way this was heading she had no real choice. Kaida mumbled towards Xares, "Well, thanks for the attempt at help." Kaida then took a deep breath and said out loud, "I'm not interested in what this man had to say about me. The last time I saw him he jumped me. And since you're taking everyone's word over mine, I know you won't believe me." she slammed the stand and took the shock she gained from the aggression and said, "Just find me guilty. It's what you wanted from the beginning, so fine. This is a kangaroo court anyway and I quite frankly don't care what you think of me if you're willingly working with these traitors."

  8. Aelin Best Waifu

    Jun 30, 2011
    British Columbia, Canada
    This entire conversation was weird. First off the Summit wasn't for a little bit, or else she would be there now. Then there was the treason thing that Aislinn couldn't possibly fathom. At least at the end was something about Kel. Aislinn tried to process this one thing at a time. "Alright, so some people are getting ready for the summit, but what do you mean that Kaida is on trail? I get Aux, but Kaida?" Aislinn first questioned, but she had been away long enough she knew that there was not much she could do to help on that front. Instead of trying to deal with that Aislinn thought of the third thing. "Well it is good to know that Kel is safe. I have to pick up my niece and nephew, but if you want company to the infirmary, then I will happily join you after. I would like to see and speak to Kel myself anyways." Aislinn admitted. Perhaps it wasn't the best place to take the kids, but she was sure that Zeke would like to just go for a walk anywhere at this point.

  9. Krowley Moderator

    Jun 18, 2008

    Karen leaned over her desk and glared at Kaida.

    "Excuse me?"
    The courtroom fell silent.

    "You do not come in here- YOU DO NOT COME IN HERE AND TELL ME THAT MY SYSTEM IS FLAWED. It's little punks like you that are ruining this system. If I want you in bars, it's because you deserve to be in bars. I am not being prejudice and you are disrespectful for even thinking so. The system is only against you, because it's so obvious you're guilty. I would love to talk with the rest of your order members but unfortunately they aren't here right now. It's just you and him," she motioned to Orion. "He is the adult, you are the child. Do you understand that? Look at me when I'm talking to you. You don't get to talk to me like that and question my bias like that. I have been doing this for longer than you've been alive. Since you've come to this court room, you've been disrespectful, disinterested, and to be frank, just rude. You don't get to claim Kangaroo court because things aren't going the way you want. That is childish and you are being a child. If I wanted to deal with a child, I would be running the ship's daycare centre. But no, I'm a judge. I deal in the law and sentencing of punishment on this ship. If you think you can do a better job, then by all means, study law, work hard for once in your teenage life, and be appointed or elected as a member of the judicial system. But that won't happen when you go around yelling kangaroo court whenever you think the court is being unfair to you. That, missy, is what is known as a bias. It's taking your own subjective opinion and implementing it into a session that is meant to discover the truth through fair and legal process. But I suppose you don't know much about the law, do you Ms. Kaida? You have no last name, you have no courtroom etiquette, and you have NO RIGHT to claim my system is unfair. I mean WHERE THE HELL do you get off telling me what I'm doing an what I'm thinking. I thought by appointing you a defender and providing you legal council was a generous act on my part, but you still have the GAWL to call me out on how I treat this system. You know I can't even say I'm surprised with the way you carry yourself aroudn since you stepped foot in this courtroom. If you don't care about the court hearing, why the hell should I right? I could sentence you to death or send you off floating in space because who cares, right? It's all stupid DUDE. This thing was rigged, MAN! You don't get to just eject yourself from your own judgement just because you don't feel it's worth your time. It's worth Mr. Krowley's time, It's worth Mr. Xares time, and it's just barely enough to be considered MY time. If you weren't a minor, I would send you to the most ruthless, maximum punishment I could. But seeing as how you are just barely saved by the fact you are under eighteen, I'm forced to give you leeway in providing a more lenient sentencing. You say master Shiro is still alive in well, then FINE. I sentence you to stay in that cell block G and stay there until Shiro crawls out from his grave as a reanimated corpse, gains the ability to fly off to the realm between and somehow make it to the sanctuary during that time."

    She banged her gavel to finalize her sentence. "Get this girl out of my sight."
    The guards took Kaida and began leading her back to her cell.



    Aux read the notes that Quill had been passing to him. He thought that Quill was just throwing trash his way butafter reading the notes, things were starting to make a bit more sense. He opened his mouth to reply, but guard started to trail in one after another. He quickly hid away the plate. and watched as they brought in Kaida. from her trial.

    "How'd it go?" he asked. As the guards brought her in.
  10. cstar stay away from my waifu

    Dec 19, 2008

    The rant was absolutely incredible in that it managed to make her experience intrigue, regret, happiness, and every stage of grief to the point where the only retort the girl could manage before being taken away was a slight chuckle and a loud, "Okay boomer."

    Once pulled away, Kaida had been pretty quiet until they were back into an area where there weren't as many bystander. She could hear Vanitas smirking behind her. She quickly turned around and kicked Vanitas as hard as she could. Taking the shock as best she could

    As much as he was writhing in pain from that kick, Vanitas still rejoiced internally, knowing he had gotten to her. And any suffering on Kaida's part was fine by him. "So since you have a lot of time on your hands; what nefarious deeds do you wish to plot, fellow villain?"

    Before she could respond to him the girl was shocked mercilessly and tossed into the cell shaking. She imagined she didn't even need to explain to Aux how bad it went. Kaida slowly picked herself up off the ground, holding her neck. She felt cold a bit, knowing full well all of this was only really feeding Vanitas. But at this rate she wasn't in control. Her back turned completely from Aux as a familiar effect to him surrounded Kaida. But it was not something that he would have ever seen around her.

    As darkness surrounded her she looked Vanitas in the eyes and snarled, "If I ever get my hands on you I will make sure you only ever know pain for the rest of your miserable, pathetic existence."

  11. CrownMoksha Decimo

    Jan 11, 2011
    On board the DenLiner
    In the simplest of terms, that was a complete and utter shitshow. One that there was nothing that they could do besides sit back and watch just how painfully one-sided the whole thing remained. By the end of it all Kaida was sentenced to basically life in the cell and for now, it had been dismissed. He didn't think that he would be able sit through any more of that. "I think I'm actually going to go see my dad after all of that." He said to his friends, taking out his compass and heading in the direction it pointed in. With the compass as his guide, he found his way to the elevator that took him to Level 6. Not long after that he was in section D, namely the room in which his father was. This also just happened to be the point where all the nerves kicked in. A million of questions to ask him and likely the same would be asked back at him and with everything regarding Karina and her father, dealing with his own father had not been something that he prepared for mentally. Still, he took in a deep breath to at least gain some semblance of calmness, then knocked on the door. "Hey dad, it's me."

  12. Krowley Moderator

    Jun 18, 2008


    As Kaida was brought in, Aux still saw the darkness beginning to stir inside her. He had never seen darkness stir in her like it was now. Something Vanitas did or maybe something in the trial. Either way, the second his cell was let down he quickly ruhed forward and threw his arms around Kaida. He used the opportunity to quickly sneak the tin plate from Quill into her pocket. "This anger doesn't define you," he quickly said before getting a harsh shock. Two guards pulled him away from Kaida and pushed her into her cell alon with Vanitas into his. Aux was then slowly dragged away.
  13. GarrettFinch Hollow Bastion Committee

    Oct 19, 2014

    Soon the courtroom started. Then the trail ended and it was a complete waste of time. Big shock there. There was nothing that they could do besides sit back and watch just how painfully one-sided the whole thing was. He turned to Beuce as there was a break until the next trail started. "It is clear that they are going to use everyone here against the others. It seems odd that the judge was arguing with Alexander but maybe that is all apart of the plan." Soon Aux and Stratos would be up and if there was nothing they could do but sit back he did not see the point of it all. Everything considered he was impressed with how Kaida handed the whole thing.

  14. Krowley Moderator

    Jun 18, 2008
    LEVEL 6

    Kel's father stood there for a few seconds, still unsure if it was actually his son. Without even thinking, he quickly grabbed him and pulled him in for a hug.
    He gripped his hands into a fist around his son. There were no words, only a deep sigh of relief that his son was finally returned back to him. The feeling of relief, didn't last however,
    He let go of his son and grabbed him by the shoulder. He took his hand and smacked his son upside the head "Where the hell have you been!"
    His emotions kept switching between joy and rage.
    "You got so much taller..." He switched back to anger. "Why didn't you say anything!" He smacked him upside the head again as his hand trembled , unsure of what to feel next.
    "Start talking!"
  15. Aelin Best Waifu

    Jun 30, 2011
    British Columbia, Canada
    With no more responses coming, Karina tried her best to relax and let the pain finally ease a bit. Between the shocks and her banging her arms against the bar, there hadn't been much chance to let it ease off. That didn't last long however as Karina kept listening to Kaida's trial. It was clearly rigged, as Karina found herself almost appreciating how Kaida replied to that. It meant she probably got in more trouble, but Karina could at least appreciate that Kaida was brave enough to say it. However when Kaida was carted off, Karina looked at the screen and she swore that she saw him smiling at the camera, smiling at her. He knew this was going to be the outcome. The camera quickly switched off of him however and to the prison where Kaida seemed to be off. She couldn't see clearly what it was, but at that point Karina was upset again. Her collar zapped her, but Karina didn't let that stop her simmering rage. She had managed to get through the rest of the trial without getting too upset, but seeing how it effect Kaida. The state she was in now, and the fact that her father had been smiling about it. Karina didn't care about the pain as she threw herself at the cage trying to break out, only to be repelled back and for the collar to go off once more before it stopped. Karina was left on the ground barely able to think straight as she stared at the tv and the jail where Aux was being taken away.

  16. CrownMoksha Decimo

    Jan 11, 2011
    On board the DenLiner
    When he was suddenly pulled in for a hug, Kel didn't do anything to object the sign of affection from his father. He didn't even speak, not that he had any idea on what to say, just stood there in silence. Then he was smacked on the head, rightfully so mind you. It didn't faze him too much as he's been hit by a lot worse since he's left. The same could be said for the next smack and before the hypothetical third one, Kel put up his hands in a mix of defense and to show that he was ready to speak. "It's a bit of a long story, but I had gotten a letter sent specifically to me asking for help because I had the keyblade. I'd show it to you but," He held up his right arm with the bracelet attached. "I didn't tell anyone because I didn't think I'd be gone for as long as I was." And that was true, to a much lesser degree than the actual reason he left.

  17. Feliex Merlin's Housekeeper

    Jun 16, 2018

    “Oh I don’t mind.”
    Faust replied as he started to walk off looking over his shoulder as he added “ If i’m not in the infirmary by the time you make it their check the cell blocks at least most of the others should be there” this search isn't going the best but the scale of this ship the SOS had found themselves on seemed to be off a much larger scale than he had first imagined. He doubted that their would be much that he could find. it might be quite the good idea if he deiced to touch base with some of the other members of the SOS maybe they would have a better idea about how to find her. the only real idea he had if she or a victim of hers wasn't in the infirmary would be to check the highest spot he could find and see if he spot her out of a crowd. As a added benefit maybe if he kept himself moving he wouldn't dwell on his past to much.

  18. Beucefilous Kingdom Keeper

    Apr 27, 2011
    Beuce's frustration grew with every word in the trial. He'd suspected it was going to be rigged, but he never realized just quite how obviously it was going to be rigged. If they were planning on just locking them up and throwing away the key regardless, and being extremely unsubtle about that being their intentions, why bother with the trial at all? Who was this for? He looked to AJ as he spoke. "Seems like Alexander is the only real actor up there. The other two can't be bothered to even try to be subtle about it." The next trial was about to start. At this point, there wasn't a whole lot that could be done during the trial. The most they could do was try and figure out a way to get them out. If he could just summon his keyblade, he could unlock all the doors and get them out of their cells. He could probably even unlock their bracelets. ​
  19. Krowley Moderator

    Jun 18, 2008


    Aux was dragged in front of Judge Campball who stared at him with disdain and disgust.
    He looked around wondering if this was how the trial was supposed to work. "What?" he asked.
    "For similar charges as your blonde friend earlier, you have on top of that; assault, kidnapping, and a mess of other charges. Just who the hell do you think you are?"
    Unsure if it was rhetorical or not, Aux quietly replied. "Faust the travelling magi-" He was shocked by Karen before he could finish.

    "You giant turd, you don't get to sass me in my own courtroom. I swear the nerve of the inmates today... It's like you want me to give you the max penalty!"
    Annoying as this woman was being, max security was where Karina was being held. At last according to that Quill character. He wasn't given a lot of options to exactly doubt his words, so he decided to just try to get sent out as quick as he could.
    "Your defendant will be-"
    "I'm good," Aux interrupted. "I'll defend myself."
    "Excuse me? Did you just interrupt me in MY courtroom?"
    "Yes. But... is there maybe someone else who could take my case."
    "I'm srry, do you have a PROBLEM with the way I run things?"
    "No, I just have a problem with you. I don't think you're going to do a good job with this case."
    "Such an arrogant man... You think you have the right to dismiss me because I'm a woman."
    "No, I'm dismissing you because you're old and won't get the facts straight."
    A large vein began pulsing on Karen's forehead.
    "I've already made up my mind.." Her fingernails began scratching her desk on top of marks she had already left there from previous cases.
    "Give me one... good reason... why I shouldn't send you to max." She looked like she was going to burst.

    Aux took a long sigh. "Because I'm trying to be better. I did alot of things I'm not proud of. Things I thought would help me become stronger and give me more of an identity. But none of those actions helped me. It's only when I started traveling with this group of peple that I started to improve. I mean... I still mess up at being a good person but... I'm somewhat accepted. For the longest time I was against them and now it's just in the past... It no longer defines me. What I do now means more than who I was." Aux had a strange epiphany as he was saying everything out loud. He was silent for a few seconds.

    "Is that all? No even an apology or reasonable defense for your actions?"
    Aux still remained silent as he thought more.
    He snapped out of it and realised he was supposed to try and get himself sent up the river. "Sorry... I was just thinking how that haircut makes you look fat."
    All of Karen's nails scratched against her desk in a loud screech.


    "-AND HE WILL ROT THERE UNTIL HE DIES!" She banged her gavel as Xares ascorted him out.

    LEVEL 6

    His father nodded as he went on. "Well... even though part of my is steaming with unyielding rage.... I can't exactly be mad at a boy trying to follow in his old man's footprints." He chuckled a bit. "Well now that you're here, I'm not letting you out of my sight." He quickly shut the door behind him and locked it as he took his son by the shoulder and patted him on the back. "Sure we got a lot to talk about, but first- Let's get some grub. I'm starving... Y'know there' a place here that has a pretty mean cobbler I've been meaning to try on the food deck.
  20. CrownMoksha Decimo

    Jan 11, 2011
    On board the DenLiner
    As reassuring as it was to hear that approval from his dad, he would actually need to leave so that he could keep his promise to Quill. It should be easy to manage so long as he told him the truth about that in particular. At the very least everything else that he wanted to ask of his father could be done while they actually ate. Not to mention peach cobbler did sound appealing right now. "That's cool, but if we're going to leave now you did kinda just lock the door."
