Video Game: Kingdom Hearts SOS: The Road To Light

Discussion in 'Role-Playing Arena' started by Krowley, Nov 28, 2011.

  1. GarrettFinch Hollow Bastion Committee

    Oct 19, 2014


    Faust was talking about the crimes that they were locked up for. He could see how terrorism could be on the list. Kel soon greeted them as they came in. Humm he thought as he was thinking about how to get the group out. 'Its basically as Faust said so I suppose your best chance at appealing for the others would be during the trials.' He really did not think it would be that easy as paying money and getting them out. "I do not think it will be that easy getting everyone out, unfortunately." Nothing ever really was. "It would be a nice change of pace for something to be easy for once." With the way things tended to go for them, he did not think it would be easy. "More then likely we are going to have to probably get everyone out the hard way." He said to no in particular. This met more than likely breaking everyone out or doing something at the trail and getting out of there. Kel also said about helping out the man with white-gray hair.

  2. ClearzerO Merlin's Housekeeper

    Nov 9, 2019

    Quill grew close to the bars “My homeworld...had a different name at one time. It was verdant paradise. But my people were so consumed by destruction and war it was lost to us. So within the last century it took on a new name to describe our fight, The Demonic Front. It’s a tad on the nose I know, but...well it was no joke. I can’t offer much to you but I’d appreciate it if you looked for anyone from my homeworld.” Quill settled back for a moment before a new face caught his attention, this must be Faust. He was more, fancy looking than expected. His hand began to go for the corner where he was carving before, but something stopped him. Fear perhaps, that he had no place to begin anew. Still “Hey uh, Faust? I just wanted to thank you for before..” Quill sidled close enough to the bars that from Faust’s angle, he could get a full look at Quill. His stark gray hair, his pulsating yellow eye, red lines that went across his body, the black chitin that grew from skin. And a humble smile. “I hope you and your group have luck in getting your friends out of here. I suppose since you got out, I’ll owe you a favor at some point.

  3. Aelin Best Waifu

    Jun 30, 2011
    British Columbia, Canada
    Hearing a knock at the door, Karina stiffened from where she now sat on her bed. Had it been half an hour already? It had to have been given the dressing and pimping her mom did, but the time really did go by fast. Karina looked down and waited, whether she said something or not her father would enter.

    Xares opened the door. "You're decent. Good." He moved out of the way and made room for Karina's betrothed to be. Into the room sauntered a rough, handsome looking man. He shot a tender smile towards Karina.
    "She looks simply breath taking," he spoke in a deep voice. "I never thought you'd get her in a dress General," he chuckled to Xares.
    "A little conviction goes a long way," he reassured.
    The man stepped forward and grabbed Karina by the shoulders tenderly. "I, Scott Stomond... Will make you the happiest wife." He caressed her cheek."Don't make it too much of an easy marriage though. I enjoy that spitfire spirit of yours,"

    "Oh is that what you are calling blackmail now?" Karina would have crossed her arms if she could move that much, but the shoulders of the dress was too tight to do much. Karina tried to not show the disgust as Scott touched her, but that didn't work too well. It was clear as she flinched away and then pushed up off the bed to stand up and move away from Scott, glaring at him. "I highly doubt you can make me happy."

    Xares glared at his daughter in disapproval, hoping she would fall back in line.
    "Don't worry," he ran his thumb against the corner of her mouth. "I have my ways," he smiled.

    "As long as I am stuck back in our world and away from my friends, then I will not ever just be the happy little wife of your dreams." She never said she wouldn't do it, but she was not going to be happy about it and just fall in line so easily, despite her fathers wishes.

    "Don't worry sweetie, you can always make new friends. Besides... When you mother our children, you'll be kept plenty busy anyhow."

    Oh that was it, she could feel her hand trembling at her side as it was a struggle to keep it there. "Come closer and tell me that again." She might not have punched him yet, but her temper was getting the better of her at that moment. She couldn't keep her mouth shut.

    He went in closer. "I'm going to give you-"

    Last edited: Apr 18, 2020
  4. Shiki my waifu is better than yours, thanks

    Jun 3, 2007
    The Future

    To say Ananta had been paying attention to Aj would be a lie. She in fact ignored him, wanting to get to the prison floor. At the bottom, she saw Beuce and Kel without Karina. That either ment things were going bad or something else happened. Ananta looked sad,but she shook the feeling away. All she had to do was hope Karina was alright. Now that they were in the cell block, she immediately went to find Kaida. She approached her cell and saw her speak to Vanitas. "So, something about a traitor again? I'm more inclined to believe somebody is bluffing us." She chimed in.

  5. Krowley Moderator

    Jun 18, 2008


    Aux, back to laying down on the floor, shot a sarcastic 'thumbs up' as Faust departed.
    "Let's just say, I don't like spoiling the surprise. Any hate, fear or sadness any of you experience only gives me more power," Vanitas spoke. As Ananta asked her question, his attention turned to her. "Why is it harder for you to not believe it? Maybe there's more than one? You think your so called 'friendship' with each other is legitimate to last? All it takes is one bad move. Just one. And everyone turns on you. Your failures are nothing if not consistent... Central Haven fell. you were all dragged into darkness. And now you're all stuck here. How do you think you keep losing? How do you think we keep finding you?"

    "How do you know when Vanitas is trying too hard?" Aux interrupted. "Trick question. He's always trying too hard."
    "And you... You gave up the remnant. One of the strongest powers of darkness ever created. You're the dumbest of all." Vanitas scoffed.
    "At least I come with a personality..." Aux replied, still looking at the ceiling.
    Vanitas shook his hand. "I'll never understand you... You switched to the losing side just as you were peaking to your highest potential. Now you're stuck with these losers."
    "We'll see," He replied.

    Prompto leaned over towards Noctis. "And I thought WE went through a lot," he whispered.
    Noctis looked around the room. "I don't see either of our friends. Maybe we should try another cell block."
    Prompto looked to Luna. "That alright with you your highness?" He bowed.
  6. CrownMoksha Decimo

    Jan 11, 2011
    On board the DenLiner
    Verdant Paradise and Demonic Front, a stark contrast in names and given the brief insight into Quill's homeworld that he was given, it did well to paint a picture onto it all. Kel committed both names to memory and nodded. "Got it, I'll let you know if I learn anything." He would've tried to decide upon a place for them to meet up, but with all the uncertainly surrounding the trials, it would be best to not set any false expectations. Though he wasn't sure why he had been locked in here. "The same way you ended up here behind those bars if I were to take a guess." This remark had been directed solely at Vanitas after he once again tried to put them on edge again with more mole talk. As much as he did acknowledge the concerns behind it, worrying too much on it with next to nothing to go off of would only be just what they wanted from them.

  7. GarrettFinch Hollow Bastion Committee

    Oct 19, 2014


    As he stood there as Vanitas spoke. He said something about gaining power. Then he said, 'Why is it harder for you to not believe it? Maybe there's more than one? You think your so-called 'friendship' with each other is legitimate to last? Your failures are nothing if not consistent... Central Haven fell. you were all dragged into darkness. And now you're all stuck here. How do you think you keep losing? How do you think we keep finding you?' He looked over to Vanitas. Losing is relative to the people. He thought. As for how they found them. He did not think that it was all that difficult. All one really had to do was find where heartless numbers went down. "And everyone turns on you. Sounds like you are talking about your group more than ours." He said offhandedly. For the time being there was no reason to worry about the mole as whoever it was if there even was one was not doing a good job telling the other side what was going on.

  8. Aelin Best Waifu

    Jun 30, 2011
    British Columbia, Canada
    Scott got closer again, Karina dropped the scissors down so they were no longer in her sleeve but in her hands. She turned and swung them, stabbing the scissors into Scott's neck. As she did so, the back of her dress ripped from the force of her movement. There was a snarl across Karina's face. "I will never mother you children." She wasn't able to stab the scissors in far, her movement was limited, but at least she managed some damage.

    Scott felt a graze from his neck and covered it with his hand in shock.
    Xares immediately dashed forward and grabbed Karina's wrist, twisting it behind her until it dropped.
    Scott picked up the scissors off the ground and held them to her cheek. "I can see you still need some behavioral readjustment." He licked his lips as he almost cut her. "Don't worry,... I can wait. I'm going to enjoy watching you slowly degrade into servitude." He took the scissors and cut a small chunk of her hair. "A small memento for making me wait more..."
    Xares dragged Karina out of the room silently as Scott waved gently to her as they left.
    Xares was silent as her dragged her to the elevator. Pressing his access code as they went down the elevator.

    Karina screamed. She screamed in frustration and anger. Even as he father wrestled her arm behind her back and Scott held the very scissors she cut him with to her cheek. She was not having any of this. She hated every moment of it. "I will never marry you. I will never let myself become your belonging, no matter what you do to me." Her dress ripped more as Karina continued to struggle.

    Her father tried to drag her to the elevator, and as soon as they were in away from any more guards, Karina stomped back onto her fathers foot trying to break it before twisting, using her other free arm to try and elbow him in the throat. She just needed to get him down long enough to get his tablet thing that he was carrying and the keys away so she could get away.

    "Stupid girl." He dodged her attack before dragging her hands down and grabbing a pair of cuffs from his belt, He then took a shock collar and put it around her neck. "Congratulations." The elevator door opened as they went down a long hallway. He threw her into a cell in a large empty prison. "You're the first Sanctuary resident to be sent to Maximum Security. You will stay here and you will fester until you are ready to do as you are told." He reached out his tablet and pushed a few buttons. "But don't worry, you can watch your friends in the meanwhile..."

    A small screen was visible in the center of the room for Karina to see. It was a view of Prison Block G, where all her friends were. "You're going to watch as I prosecute each and every one of them to the maximum penalty."

    How could all her training lead to nothing. She didn't manage to do any damage to her father, instead he simply locked her hands behind her back, immobilizing her. When she couldn't move her hands efficiently anymore, he managed to get some sort of collar around her neck. Karina wasn't sure what it was, but she wasn't liking the look of it.

    Her father pushed her down a long hallway, and the quietness of the area was bothersome to her as he father explained just where she got herself. "I am so glad that I get this privilege." Karina tried to put on a brave voice as she was thrown into a cell. A screen popped up in the middle and Karina stared at all her friends together, some in cells, but some of them free.

    "Don't you dare hurt them!" Karina snarled out at her father. As she did a sharp pain pulsed through her neck, leaving Karina gasping for air. Instinctively she tried to reach up to grab at her collar, but she couldn't with her arms behind her. She struggled against the manacles, trying to get free, but instead they were just cutting into her wrists. "Get this thing off of me!" She called to her father again as it zapped her once more and Karina was forced to her knees. Karina found herself slouched forward with tear in her eyes as she tried to fight off the pain long enough to keep speaking.

  9. ClearzerO Merlin's Housekeeper

    Nov 9, 2019

    You do me a service I don’t frankly deserve Kel, I appreciate it immensely.” Quill slouched back again. The caped man, Beuce, still stared at him at times. Silent, perhaps he saw something else about Quill, perhaps this missing friend they mentioned is particularly important. Quill had no real take on the situation. “If there’s anyone from my world, just-” He wanted to tell them to find him, to try to save him, to go back to their homeworld together. But he knew after what he'd done, it was a false hope. “-Just check if they seem safe here.

  10. Feliex Merlin's Housekeeper

    Jun 16, 2018

    The first stop on His search for this missing member of the group was to find a tavern or something like it. All towns had to have a place for the common folk to wind and gossip, and such a place was usually a great place to put your ear to the ground when you wanted to find something or someone in his experience. Plus if he could find one in a more lower end area you tended to find those discontent with the current status quo. From what little he remembered about this Karina was the discontent could fit her to a tee.

    A few questions here and there was all that he needed to find the kind of place he was looking for, it wasn’t like any of the taverns like what he was use to but it was close enough to what he was looking for so Faust sauntered up to an empty seat at the bar. When he took a seat on a stool a grizzled old man behind the counter asked “what ya want kid?” as he continued to clean a glass.

    “Whatever you would recommend” Faust replied back, setting a few munny on the bar top between them “I trust this works in this world as well”. It only took a few seconds before the barkeep nodded, setting a glass of some kind of whiskey on the counter taking the munny in its place. Faust took a quick glance around the tavern seeing that its mostly empty. Only a few other patrons hanging around the back.

    Last edited: Apr 19, 2020
  11. ClearzerO Merlin's Housekeeper

    Nov 9, 2019

    Down the cell’s hallway this group still dealt with the harassing of this Vanitas character. Though he clearly spoke to them, his words resonated with Quill’s own doubts. "All it takes is one bad move. Just one. And everyone turns on you.” Strange how it could cut so deeply, he hardly knew this freak. But could he really expect any of these people to trust him, to treat him like an ally. He was clearly a danger to any group, so perhaps the sentence they have in store for him would be better. Yet, something still seemed to pull at him. Vanitas spoke of Aux giving up great power, and here he was, able to find forgiveness from close friends. Perhaps there was something Quill still didn’t understand.

  12. Feliex Merlin's Housekeeper

    Jun 16, 2018

    The tavern stirred up old memories for Faust it looked nothing like the ones back in home world that he had grown up around in the chained isles but the smell of hard liquor taking him back to a place that he never liked dwelling on, the past. As he took a slow practiced sip from his glass he could have sworn that he could see an old haggard, dirty, booze ridden form seating beside him at the empty seat to his right. The phantom image faded as he focused his gaze in that direction. Faust could only mutter under his breath as he took another drag of whiskey “Even after all these years I still think you're going to stumble into any tavern that I find myself in. Guess some chains I can't break no matter what I try huh, old man”

  13. Aelin Best Waifu

    Jun 30, 2011
    British Columbia, Canada
    "You brought this on yourself." Her father replied before turning to leave the cell block.

    Karina may have been in pain, but that didn't stop her from making one more comment. It was something she had been holding onto for when she had nothing else to lose. "I may have brought this on myself, but know who else brought something on himself? His name was Uniform, or Hughes something? I can't be bothered to remember. He seemed to know you, well and thought he could use it against me. If felt good when I killed him." Karina taunted her father.

    Her father stopped walking further, as he turned back around slowly. "Is that meant to infuriate me?... That you managed to eliminate one of my former lieutenants?" He began to walk back towards her, his footsteps echoing in the empty corridor. "You killed an old man?- That is your final statement to me?..." He shook his head in disappointment. "I'm holding much resentment towards you right now. Not because you kill that war horse, but because you can't do the one thing I told you to. But I'm done being mad. It's like being angry at a cup or lamp. Blaming something you own is foolish. You either have to get rid of it or throw it away." He leaned over and spoke softly. "Why do you think I'm trying to give you away?" He stood back up, letting that sink in.

    "I know full well that you are trying to get rid of me. I have know from before you first tried to marry me off. If you wanted me gone so bad, then you shouldn't have dragged me back here. I never planned to return home." Karina sat in a cold, simmering anger, nothing that raised her blood pressure or set off the collar. "But that isn't possible is it, because you are such a stuck up *Kupo*hole that you can't stand the thought of anything being out of your control. But guess what, this isn't home. These worlds, these people, my friends, they aren't governed by you. I can't wait to see your face when you lose control of more than just me." It was a threat and a promise. Uniform was just a start.

    "Really should've brought a muzzle with me," he stated before turning to leave again.

    Karina didn't even say anything in response, but her father was making her so frustrated that even without saying anything, her collar shocked her as she tried to scramble towards the bars after her father. If he smacked her it would be less painful than this stupid back and forth they were doing. If he would just be the abusive father she remembered than the manipulative one he was being now, it would at least feel more justified. Now it felt like she was being the bad one and she knew it was just her father not wanting to give her any ounce of satisfaction that she was right about him. He probably had an image to maintain here and beating his daughter to a bloody pulp wouldn't help it. Which only made her want to get under her fathers skin more, reveal his true identity.

    Last edited: Apr 20, 2020
  14. Krowley Moderator

    Jun 18, 2008

    After Prompto and Noctis were dismissed by Luna, they headed for the elevator. "See you at thte summit," Noctis nodded as the both of them departed.
    As they left, General Xares passed them, arriving from the elevator. He approched the rest of the SOS group as he looked at his watch. "Sorry to break up the tearful reunion, but I\m afraid visiting hours are over." He looked to the SOS party members that weren't imprisoned. "If your friends aren't guilty, I'm sure you have nothing to worry about," he reassured.

    He looked to his tablet and then to Kaida."Ms... Kaida? Your trial is scheduled in the next five minutes." He pressed his tablet and de-activated her prison cell. "Come with me, please."
  15. Feliex Merlin's Housekeeper

    Jun 16, 2018

    Faust felt himself slip back into old memories of when his life had changed for the better or worst he hadn’t really cared. It was the first time he had run into his drunken master Khan and the gamble that had set him down this road.

    It was an cold night when he had ran into the keyblade master He had ducked into his usual tavern to get out of the cold and see if he couldn’t win himself a warm meal for the day form an unlucky drunk or two when he stopped what Faust could only call an interesting gamble instead one not for some chump change but one that could easily cost him an arm or two if lady lucky was fickle with him. An old disveled man with a ragged unkempt mop of gray hair and untrimmed beard sat at one of the tables in the back that were kept for games of chance clearly deeply down on his luck from the murmuring of the other regular patrons of the dive he was trying to pay off quite the large tab he had amassed and in the games before Faust had arrived the man had achieved the opposite result. “Look here ya fool! Give me another go, double or nothing and i’ll wipe that smirk off your face!” the old drunk exclaimed slamming his current mug into the table clearly the man had been racking up his tab even as he had been trying to pay it off.

    Faust glanced down at his wallet he hadn't a lot to his name right now ,but he never really did. He could already feel the itch to get in on this bet of the old man just he thought of what this stranger must have had on him winning this bet for him his dress was strange so he must have been from some far off place. Thus something new worth seeing. Walking up to the worn table Faust placed an gold and silver inlaid coin on to the table top reassuring the other party at the table with a smile saying “I’ll cover the debt for the next round if he loses, so why don’t you play again lik he axed?”

    The drunkard turned surprise to his unexpected help with a drunken bite in his voice “and what’d you get out of this brat?”

    Flashing a smile back to the man “All you have to do if I win for you is show me something I've never seen before that sounds fair right, Old geezer?”

    “Well at least you have heart brat. If that’s all you want then it’s fine with me brat if you think you can turn this around then try. But don’t come crying to me if you can’t cut it.” was the last words of the drunk before Faust pulled up a seat at the table. Slowly at first the coins started to change form the other side of the table as Faust steadily raised the drunk out of his debt. Looking over the small pile of coins that the old man had now been left with when all was said and done had lit his face up as he turned to Faust with a slight smile as he downed another tankard before saying “well well didn’t think you would have resolved this peacefully as you did. You must have the devil's luck kid. Names Khan you earn that extra with the next few rounds that you bought me”

    “Faust, you could say lady luck has always favored me” Faust replied back in kind before leaning forward as he pressed “now about your end of the bet?”

    “Yeah yeah, brat I’m getting to that '' Khan scoffed as he waved for another drink “what have ya heard of something called a Keybalde, huh?”

  16. cstar stay away from my waifu

    Dec 19, 2008
    Kaida wasn't surprised Vanitas gave an unhelpful answer, which is why she shouldn't have ever acknowledged him. Not that he necessarily poked anywhere that made the conversation worse. When an older man dressed in some sort of military getup showed and told her it was almost time for her trial she saw no reason to not comply. She looked towards the others and smiled a bit and said, "This'll go fine." and she left the cell ready to follow.

  17. GarrettFinch Hollow Bastion Committee

    Oct 19, 2014


    The person Kel was talking to was saying something about someone they cared about. "From the sound of things your homeworld must be important." he said offhandedly. "I hope you find what you are looking for." General Xares passed them, arriving from the elevator. He approached the rest of the SOS group as he looked at his watch. 'Sorry to break up the tearful reunion, but I\m afraid visiting hours are over.' To say he did not believe him was an understatement. 'If your friends aren't guilty, I'm sure you have nothing to worry about,' yea share he thought to himself. He noticed the tablet in Alexander's hands. If only he could somehow get it he might be able to do something. That said doing so now would be completely stupid. He looked to Kaida who was let out for the trail. "Good luck." He was not sure what else to tell Kaida as he was sure that Alexander had a say in everything that was going on.

  18. Beucefilous Kingdom Keeper

    Apr 27, 2011
    Beuce gave a deep sigh as "bob" left. Why did they always attract people like this? He made a mental note to ask about Quill's homeworld, but Kel seemed to have mostly finished that conversation before he had much chance to interject. He nodded at the man to reaffirm his agreement. Beuce deeply inhaled through his nose. The trials were about to start. He knew there wasn't going to be anything fair about them, but he needed to get his friends out nonetheless. He looked to Kaida, who was first on the chopping block. "We'll be there." He left the room without another word and headed to the elevator, ready to attend the trial.​
  19. CrownMoksha Decimo

    Jan 11, 2011
    On board the DenLiner
    Kel had turned to look at General Xares when he had arrived to inform them of the end to visiting hours, offering his own words that didn't really do anything to reassure him about the trials his friends faced. Before he did leave however there was one thing he decided to ask of Cares before everything started. "How goes the search for your daughter?"

  20. ClearzerO Merlin's Housekeeper

    Nov 9, 2019

    The group seemed like they would honor their agreement, this put Quill at ease partially. But it cut rather short, another man came in but this one he did recognize. Not through name or identity, but Quill remembered this one peering into his cell some days ago. Not saying anything. No quips or insults like the other guards, but a cold concentrated gaze at Quill. His body, and seemingly, his eyes felt as if they pierced the soul. Once the man had asked a question, showing a picture on his tablet, about Quill’s strange keyblade. Quill said nothing, and neither did the man elaborate. How strange he was, but then he stopped coming by the cells. Other matters seemed to take his attention. He came in and immediately this group seemed to concentrate on him, who was he to them? But a particular detail was mentioned, his daughter was missing? Could this and their friend be the same person? It didn’t seem relevant to Quill honestly, but what caught his attention was Kaida’s trial Quill assumed the summit would occur first but it seemed the trials have been accelerated. As she passed by his cell, this was the first time seeing the young girl, she had an assured demeanor that betrayed her youthful appearance. Quill hoped things moved along smoothly, but some remnant of doubt persisted. This man in military uniform offset Quill.
