Video Game: Kingdom Hearts SOS: The Road To Light

Discussion in 'Role-Playing Arena' started by Krowley, Nov 28, 2011.

  1. Beucefilous Kingdom Keeper

    Apr 27, 2011
    Well, they had successfully defeated the sea themed undead pirates and commandeered the ship, and were now sailing to wherever Jack was. Luna and Marx had a bit of a verbal scuffle, but Beuce didn't see it as wise to get involved. Not long after, they were stopped by a man with a gun pointed at them, accusing them of being pirates. Beuce remained on his guard around the man, as he seemed fairly confident. If he believed he could take on the four of them by himself, he was either grossly overconfident in his own abilities, or they would be in for a fight if it came to it. Beuce sighed as Marx gave Balthier his story.

    "When you're telling a stranger about our activities, even if it's the truth, you need to remember that it'll probably sound like a lie. And when part of it is a lie, you don't want your story to sound like a lie." Beuce said to the blindfolded man with a shake of his head. "Anyways, yeah we've seen him. We had a bit of a deal with him to protect him from some unruly folk after him. He double crossed us, so we're going after him." He even offered to pay them, yet Steel said they weren't interested in Munny.

    "Well now hold on a second. We're not ones to look a gift horse in the mouth. 10,000 munny a piece would be more than ample payment for our assistance in capturing Jack Sparrow." Beuce said, stepping to the front of the group. "Lord knows we need it...That damn moogle's prices are nothing short of highway robbery..." Beuce muttered angrily to himself. "Anyway, he's probably in a bit of a sticky situation right now, so if you want to capture him, we should probably get going."
  2. Krowley Moderator

    Jun 18, 2008
    Balthier shrugged. "Meh, suit yourself." He put away a heavy coin purse that he was prepared to show the group as an enticing offer. He turned to Beuce. "But anyone else who wants a cut of the pie is more than welcome to it..." He looked towards Steel with intrigue. "Still, and Artisian... Never heard of it. But then again, this is the caribbean. Never know what wonders you'll find here, I suppose. We'd best get to splitting up. "Me and the enigmatic fellow over there will head North," he said, pointing to Marx. "Mr and Ms. silver hair can take the east," he said motioning to Beuce and Luna. ""And that leaves the Artisian with the west. Now let's move out..."

    As the groups went their own seperate ways, They would each find themselves in a very distinct meetings with different people.


    Balthier and Marx ran into Sparrow, almost immediately, holding what appeared to be the black box.
    Balthier pointed his pistol at Sparrow. "Well well, that was shorter than I expected. You're coming with me Mr. Sparrow..."
    Jack turned to Marx. "Uhh, Mark.. if you would be so kind as to interject so I may make my escape? I've got the box already and what not..."


    Beuce and Luna ran into Gigamesh, carrying a furious Davy Jones.
    "Hi guys!" Gilgamesh waved. "Man you caught up fast... Plot armor is a good luck on you!"
    "Spare the chit chat!" Jones' spat. "Sparrow is getting away with the box!"
    "Aww, but I wanna fight 'em..." Gilgamesh argued.


    A Steel was left to his own devices, a small oozing black figure emerged from the rocks of the shore.
    "Well well well, if it ain't the group's expendable pal Steel.... Haven't seen you since, what? The wasteland? Man seems like ages ago, huh?" He paused to get something in return. "What you don't recognize me? Oh right, I guess you didn't here the news... It's me! Mortimer Mouse! Had to fuse with the shadow blot to get outta that fictional prison!
    "And you! How the heck you been Mr. Wolf man?"


    With Zulu gone, the three were left, unsure of where Ignis had taken Faris and Jim.
    From out of nowhere, a clanky and mecanical man was running towards them. the robotic machine was rustic, with sparks flying out of his head.
    "Excuse me, hello! Yes.. Umm.. so my new friend Jim sent me looking for his less best friends of Ozz, Ken, Aster and Karen?" Aux looked to the rest of the others.

    "Uuhh.. yes?"
    "Oh that;s fantastic! I just wanna hug you and squeeze you!"
    "Please don't." Aux replied bluntly.
    "Sorry, it's just I've been marrooned so long... I mean, solitude's fine, don't get me wrong. For heaven's sakes after a hunder years... YOU GO A LITTLE NUTS!" He paused before realizing he was getting off track. "Anywyas, I got em hiding in a secret place that only I know about! Unless of course you are pirates, which would be bad. OOF! Don't get me started on pirates." He looked up and down at their clearly pirate attire. "You guys check out though. Just friendly actual carbon based life forms!" he smiled. "OH! Where are my manners! I am..." He shook Kel's hand vigorously. "I'm sorry, I am, umm.." a small cuckoo sound was made as he recalled. "B.E.N.! Of course, l'm B.E.N! Bioelectronic Navigator. Follow me!" He smiled, racing off as quickly as he arrived. Making clanking noises as he raced off.

    Before Aux could even question it, he shrugged accepting that this is just stuff that happen's to them.
    "Still better than Caster."

    The group followed BEN to the hideout where Jim and the others were. Jim saw Aux and immediately started swinging. Aux simply held up his arms and blocked his punches.
    "Just let me know when you're done..."


    Jafar chuckled. "I assure you, I'll soon enough have access to several of Agrabah's treasures." He turned to speak quietly to himself. "Soon as I have access to that cave of wonders..."
    He turned back to Castur and kept his composed demeanor. "And let's just say the power of the keyblade is something my associates and I wouldn't mind grabbing hold of. Should you wish to learn more, find me in the world of Agrabah. And do, come alone... Simply head to the palace once you wish to share your secrets..."

    He turned to leave before stopping. "And to sweeten the pot, here's a bit of incentive... as a sign of good faith."
    Jafar placed a small golden scarab in Castur's hands. "That Scarab will increase your magic greatly..." He summoned a dark corridor, look forward to hearing from you again Castur..." He grinned as he fled through the portal.

    "Woo! Now that's a fellow that know's how to make an exit!" A booming irish voice from behind Castur was heard, as Caster was lugging around his injured arm. "Good to see yah lad... Don't suppose yah know where Jimbo is? Barely made it off that ship alive, I did..."


    Peter looked to the lost boys. "Welp, deal's a deal. To the victor goes the first spoils!" He said, taking off his hat and bowing as he floated in the air.
    the group walked into a circular moat, with a chest in the middle.
    As Stratos and the other two were prepared to open the beaming chase that lay before them in the centre of the room.

    A large gate closed behind them, as Captain Hook emerged from the shadows. "Thankfully the lot of you managed to clear any of the booby traps that lay dormant in this stronghold. That treasure will belong to me, Pan!"
    Peter shook his head. "Sorry Hook, but you weren't part of the came! Now if you want that treasure chest, you'll have to go through us!"
    "The treasure chest?" Hook chuckled before wiping a tear from his eye with his good hand. "You still think this is about riches, boy? I came here for me hand!" He said, holding his hook.
    "Heh, sorry yah olf codfish, but that was eaten by that crocodile a long time ago.."
    "No Peter... The crocodile may have took me hand.. but he didn't eat it. You see, this is the crocodile's home.. When I ventured into these parts, I too wished for the treasure... but the crocodile found me first, and took my hand to add to his treasure trove. Most of my crew lost things dear to them as well. No one walks into the crocodile's lair without losing something.. But I really should drop the ruse now..." He took a necklace around his neck and cracked it with his hook.


    "What?!" Peter said shocked.
    "Their... older?" Zidane said confused.
    "A small illusionary charm from one of my associates.... I just needed to give you incentive to go on this little pleasure cruise.." he laughed, twirling his mustache.
    From the water surrounded the cave, dark green scales could be seen skimming along the surface.
    "Sorry Hooky.. but it's 9 against 1! Give up now and admish your crocodile food. Maybe I'll even spare you life!" Pan said with a cocky tone.

    Hook removed his silver hook and threw it in the waters, "This was about getting even with the crocodile... But defeating Pan and the rest of these keyblade wielding bilge rats makes it all the sweeter." He took a golden hook from his frilled sleeve and locked it in, causing a dark aura to overtake him. "He he he.. With the friends I've made, I'll be more than a match for you brats... As a pirate, I've never been one for playing fair.. But Captain James Hook always keeps his promises... So when this is all over-" he turned to the members of the SOS. "I'll be sure to put your corpses on my vessel, to travel wherever you please" he chuckled.
  3. Feliex Merlin's Housekeeper

    Jun 16, 2018

    Feeling the foreign magic that had coated him since he first realized he was in this world Faust watched as the cave began to shrink slightly before his eyes before he realized that he seemed to have reverted back into his normal state.
    "I can't help but feel slightly cheated" Faust said mostly to himself as he glance over himself, "here i had hoped that it was a magic that had truly reverted one back reversing the clock as it were would have been helpful in the long run so many more sights I could have seen with a trick like that." giving a sigh as he looked over the others that seemed to have reverted back some of them seemed familiar now that he looked at them two of them he could of swore that they had met before in the different worlds he had been to with the SOS. The others he had gotten a glance of back in the giant whale.

    "You know, as much of a embarrassment it was to been reminded of the good old days with that trick of yours." Faust called out to hook as he summoned his keyblade while keeping a carefree stance as he continued as if he was talking to a friend "I did promise you a encore for that opening act on back on your ship if you tried something like this so.." as he was about to continue taking a step forward he had stepped on a loose rock that shifted under his weight causing him to lose his balance and fall onto his back on the floor. the rock clacked across the floor for a second before a cracking sound resounded out into the cavern as a stalactite in the cavern broke loose form the ceiling impaling the ground barely missing him as it stuck the empty space between his legs. Faust lightly rubbed the back of his head as he laid on the ground "Well I guess I'll get to it when I'm done laying down on the job huh? I have a feeling this performance is fated to really bring the house down huh?"
    Last edited: Jun 25, 2019
  4. cstar stay away from my waifu

    Dec 19, 2008
    There was actually quite a bit of relief from Kaida when she was no longer a little kid. If not just to get out of her childish mentalities. Yeah, now she could have her teenage mentalities which were totally better and more mature. Kaida watched the dark aura take Hook and his words and said, "Well that went from 0 to 1000 on the creepiness scale fast. I guess we better take care of him now, huh?" she summoned out her keyblade pretty much ready for a fight already.
  5. Shiki my waifu is better than yours, thanks

    Jun 3, 2007
    The Future

    Ananta was finally her normal self again. Well, save for a few piratey features added to her regular outfit. Such as a neat little bandana around her neck that helped hide the fact she now had two long chains around her neck. Also a neat little pirate hat was on her head. In any case, she wasn't too fazed by Hook's intentions. As a kid, sure she probably was naive enough to get scared, but...well she was her regular old adult self again. So these were just old tactics.

    Looking to the rest of her group, she shrugged. "Honestly, Hook, we're not too scared of you. Sure you got a golden hook now and have darkness literally teeming off of you, but we've been through the realm of darkness. I was trapped in it. I'm not afraid of you!" she spoke as she flourished her two keyblades out ahead of her.
  6. CrownMoksha Decimo

    Jan 11, 2011
    On board the DenLiner
    The headache known as Zulu had soon left and in his stead came a mechanic thing that was definitely more than 'a little nuts'. He watched as B.E.N explained where Jim and the others were after a handshake in which it almost felt like his arm would come outta its socket. Just to be sure Kel moved it around a bit to make sure that it was still in place. Through B.E.N's guidance, they arrived at the hideout where the first thing that occurred was Jims attempts at punching Aux. "Yeah, that figures."
  7. Aelin Best Waifu

    Jun 30, 2011
    British Columbia, Canada
    [/color ]This wasn't going to be annoying at all. When Karina saw the robot thing run up to them with such energy she wasn't a fan of it already. She would have rather swatted it off a building than deal with it. She watched for a long moment as it spoke with Aux and shook Kel's hand. She was grateful that it didn't attempt to make any physical contact with her at all. At least it seemed to know where Jim was, so at least that was a good thing. While Karina didn't know if they should trust it, she couldn't imagine something so happy working for Leo, so it had to be at least somewhat safe, at least in that regard. As they followed it Aux said something about Castur and that made Karina remember. "Crap right. We still haven't found him. Perhaps I should go look for him while you deal with that." Karina said as they arrived and Jim started to punch Aux, and Aux just sat there and took it.,
  8. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007

    Castur's mind kept repeating the name "Agrabah" over and over. As he looked down at the scarab in his hands he could only imagine that there was a catch to holding onto such a thing. It would have been stupid to pocket it but perhaps it was more stupid to not find out where this would lead him. He turned when he heard Silver's voice and slowly pocketed the scarab. "Yeah. What a strange man. Investigating him should be worth my time." Castur spoke casually. "And Jim? Honestly I got separated from the others. I imagine a spacefaring explorer like yourself would have better luck finding him than me."

    "So you really do have a soft spot for the cabin boy don't you?"

  9. CrownMoksha Decimo

    Jan 11, 2011
    On board the DenLiner
    It still amazed Kel at the fact that Castur had gotten lost when they all were standing by each other, not moving, before dealing with Leo's pirate group. "Yeah, just don't get lost looking for him." He would've offered to help, but with Jim still punching Aux, he thought it'd be better if one of them were to stay behind and learn something from B.E.N about this place.
  10. Krowley Moderator

    Jun 18, 2008
    "What he said!" Aux called out to Karina, continuing to block Jim's offensive attempts. The punches got slower and slower as young Jim was tiring himself out.
    "You done?" Aux asked, still unmoved. Jim exhaled, adjusting his coat. "Yeah.. Yeah I'm done," He said slowly turning around. He changed his mind at the last second and turned around to give Aux a quick jab to his cheek. Aux didn't take much damage, but still winced his head in annoyance.

    "Way to go best buddy jim!" B.E.N. cheered.
    Aux turned to Kel.
    "Just once I'd like to go to a world with you people and not get hit."
    At this point, it he was used to the punishment. Couldn't argue much considering he hit the guy first, But still, it was becoming a pattern.
    Stitch attacked him in Ohana Islands.
    Luna slapped him in Atlantica
    And now Jim slugged on the fabled Treasure Planet.

    Silver's robotic eye narrowed at the mention of being soft. "Well, I've taken a shine to the lad... But I ain't gone soft..."
    His last sentence was added with a low gargle to act as a warning of sorts. His robotic parts notified him about someone venturing closer to their location.
    "Best keep yer eye out.. We may be havin' company soon.... Some one is coming on foot..." He changed his arm to a sword and braced himself.
  11. Light-Rune Maven Seer

    Jan 8, 2012
    The Aetherial Sea
    Upon realizing exactly who the newcomer was, Steel promptly began glaring at him. He sighed.

    "Oh well enough I suppose." He placed his head in his hands as he contemplated how long this would take to devolve into a fight over the latest magical mcguffin. He did question the means of his enemies greeting of course. He wasn't sure he had ever said a word to Mortimer, so he couldn't fathom why the mouse personally knew him by name. This probably couldn't mean anything good. "Perhaps a few too many patterns in my life, but I'm still here. Now what pray tell, did you want?"
  12. Krowley Moderator

    Jun 18, 2008


    "Well Geez louise, don't sound too excited... Don't remember you being this much of a drab...." He let out a long obnoxious yawn before flicking off the excess dripping ink off his arms.
    "But to the point I guess." He cleared his throat before continuing. "I am here on behalf of my new friends. See, we were all talkin' bout the kinda folks we wanted workin' for the winnin' team. And I thought; "Hey! what about my good ol' pal Steel. Because you and I, we got lots in common my furry friend. We were instantly drawn to the power of the blot, we both search for our purpose. but most importantly; we're both just collecting dust on the shelf." HE looked to Steel for some sort of reaction. "I guess I should more clear on that one... What I'm sayin' is; nobody is gonna care what happens to you. Sure that sounds mean, but that's why yer perfect for this gig! We're both men of untapped potential looking to find their own story! I found mine... Now you just gotta trade teams to find yours," he grinned. "And before you go all noble and loyal on me, really think about. Who on this wannabe team of losers and jokers will remember you after all this is over? I betcha no one even asked if you wanted to partner up. They just left you all on your lonesome..."

  13. LadyAzura Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 21, 2012
    Garreg Mach Monastery
    With Balthier deciding to split up, Luna went along with Beuce to the east side to look around. Luna nodded her head as she walked off. She kept her eyes peeled for anything that might be interesting. "I wonder what we're suppose to be looking for. Though maybe it might lead us to a clue about how we're suppose to get to Olympus perhaps." It wasn't long before they ran into Gilgamesh along with an angry looking Davy Jones. "You again?!" From Davy Jones' words, Bathier wasn't the only one looking for Jack. "I thought he was off with you. How did you lose him? You're really not that well in keeping people aboard your ship for too long. I'm almost impressed and curious." Luna kept her guard up as Gilgamesh had wanted to start a fight. "What box are you talking about? What does a box have to do with you?"
  14. Aelin Best Waifu

    Jun 30, 2011
    British Columbia, Canada
    Karina gave a wave over her shoulder as she walked away. She didn't need them telling her to be careful or not to get lost. She was going to be fine. Karina didn't have the greatest sense of direction but it would be enough to get her back she was certain. After a while of wandering, Karina heard voices and turned the corner and saw not only Castur but Silver as well. "Well Jim will be happy. Now if you are done hiding from the fights, come on and lets get back sooner rather than later. We really should rescue Aux from that robot guy." She didn't really care for Aux that much, it actually gave her some satisfaction to think about the fact that he had to deal with that. But she didn't want to waste time here. They still needed to get to Olympus. Perhaps if they drop Silver with Jim, it would be fine and they could find a way to leave.
  15. CrownMoksha Decimo

    Jan 11, 2011
    On board the DenLiner
    Kel wasn't quite sure what Aux had gone through in the other worlds, but he couldn't help but let out an amused chuckled at his complaint. "I can't speak for those other times, but you did knock Jim out before we abandoned ship. So at least that you should've seen coming." Everything settled down so Kel turned towards B.E.N, better to get some answers now while they actually could. "So what can you tell us about where we crash-landed."
  16. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007

    "Sure." Castur spoke with disbelief as he narrowed his eyes back at Silver when the cyborg denied being soft on Jim. The pirate turned his hand into a sword and readied to fight something, or someone, coming their way and Castur did the same by summoning his keyblade and turning towards the distant rustling. And out of the thicket came Karina. He lowered his keyblade and smirked. "Long time, no see. While you've been wandering I had to fight that crab guy. Well it was less of a fight and more of a one-sided beatdown and...well we'll never be seeing him again."

    "So uh...Aux needs saving from a robot? You sure you didn't confuse him for the robot?" He teased. "Either way. I'm all set to go."

  17. Light-Rune Maven Seer

    Jan 8, 2012
    The Aetherial Sea
    Steel was ashamed to say that he was at a loss. Honestly, this felt surprisingly left field. He had been running on autopilot for a long time now, really. He mostly just moved from one problem to the next with the rest of the team, and he didn't even see a need for him to be there most of the time. This was a bit of a monkey wrench in his half-awake thinking, and he couldn't help but stare at the mouse before him. Glancing briefly at the ink splatters on the ground, having no small relation to what Mortimer had said, Steel's unfortunately dumbfounded response was merely:

    "You want me?"
  18. Beucefilous Kingdom Keeper

    Apr 27, 2011
    Captain Hook

    Kaida > Kaida > Stratos > Stratos > Faust > Faust > Hook > Hook > AJ > AJ > Ananta

    Kaida's Turn!

    • 133/133 HP

      15/15 MP

      0% CG

      Buff: Valor, Wisdom

      Resistance: None

      Ground Combo - 100% - 5 CG

      Air Combo - 100% - 5 CG





      Fox Taser (4/4)

      Thunderbell (3/3)

      Strikeraid (2/2)

      Red Slash (5/5)



      Cheshire Cat

      Experiment 221

      Tinker Bell

      Magic Lock-On

      Item Boost

      Second Chance

      Lucky Lucky

      Second Wind


      Mp Haste

      Reload Boost

      Mp Rage

      Critical Plus

      Hunters Mist - 200 CG

      Trinity Limit - ??? CG

    • 110/110 HP

      N/A MP

      0% CG

      Buff: Valor
      Resistance: Darkness

      Ground Combo - 425% - 35 CG

      Air Combo - 400% - 40 CG

      AURA 1

      Ground Combo - 550% - 50 CG

      Air Combo - 400% - 40 CG

      **** MAGIC

      Zantetsuken (4/4)

      Power Line (3/3)

      Splatter Combo (3/3)

      Aerial Slam (3/3)

      Reluctancy (11/11)

      Cross Slash (3/3)

      Ether x1

      High af Ether x1

      Balloon Letter x1

      High af Potions x2

      Mega Potion x1


      High Jump


      Dodge Roll (40%)

      Item Boost


      Second Wind

      Lucky Lucky


      Damage Siphon

      Reload Boost

      Counter Attack

      Critical Plus

      Healing Guard


      Auto Aura Lv 1

      Shadow Claws- Uses something something heartless something something bees make claws

      Dank Boost

      Hunters Strike - 100 CG

      Hunters Mist - 200 CG

      Vector to the Heavens - 300 CG

      Trip around the Sun- 300 CG

    • 110/110 HP

      10/10 MP

      0% CG

      Buff:Status Plus, Spell Upgrade

      Resistance: None

      Ground Combo - 100% - 00 CG

      Air Combo - 100% - 00 CG

      AURA 1

      Ground Combo - 150% - 15 CG

      Air Combo - 100% - 5 CG






      Fox Taser (4/4)

      April Showers (3/3)

      Osmose (4/4)


      Cheshire Cat


      Tinker Bell

      High Jump

      Dodge Roll (40%)

      Magic Lock-on


      Second Wind

      Damage Siphon

      Lucky Lucky

      Second Chance

      Mp Haste

      Mp Rage

      Critical Plus

      Final Ragnarok - 300 CG

    • 117/117 HP

      13/13 MP

      0% CG

      Buff: Cure Boost, Brightest Light

      Resistance: None

      Ground Combo - 100% - 5 CG

      Air Combo - 100% - 5 CG






      Faith (4/4)

      Thunderbell (3/3)

      Breaktime (11/11)

      Crystalline (11/11)

      Mega Potion x1

      High af Ether x4

      Fairy Godmother

      Cheshire Cat


      Tinker Bell

      High Jump

      Dodge Roll (20%)

      Item Boosts

      Magic Lock on

      Second Wind

      MP HASTE

      MP RAGE

      Damage Siphon

      Second Chance

      Reload Boost

      Critical Plus

      Lucky Lucky

      Trinity Limit - ??? CG

      Crystalline Shield - 300 CG

    • 121/121 HP

      11/11 MP

      0% CG

      Buff: Blue Action

      Resistance: None

      Ground Combo - 200% - 25 CG

      Air Combo - 175% - 25 CG







      Aqua Splash (3/3)

      White Wind




      Tinker Bell

      High Jump

      Dodge Roll (30%)

      Magic Lock on

      Second Wind

      Damage Siphon

      Lucky Lucky

      Mp Haste

      MP Rage

      Second Chance

      Reload Boost

      Critical Plus

      Mystic Aura - 200 CG

      Rebirth - 300 CG

    • 35% luck increase
      Life Giver
      3x Cheer
    Last edited: Jul 9, 2019
  19. cstar stay away from my waifu

    Dec 19, 2008
    Kaida cast thunderbell x2 and strike raid x2
  20. Skyheart Joker

    May 29, 2013
    Inside Danmaku
    Stratos uses Combo followed by Cross Slash.