Kingdom Hearts: Shattered Promises

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Nymph of Destiny, Aug 22, 2007.

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  1. EraserRain Banned

    May 28, 2007
    Lucario's Pants
    Kyo walked around and saw kairi and the gang

    Kyo:hmm well im bored...............ill see wats up......

    Kyo walked over too the strangers

  2. Dawn King's Apprentice

    OOC: Sure.
    BIC: Sora happily holds Namine's hand as they head back towards home. "Uh... is there anything else you want to discuss with me?" He asks ackwardly.
  3. Nymph of Destiny Chaser

    Jul 23, 2007
    Just listen to your heart for me...
    Larxene stiffened at his embrace, startled that he was so...affectionate. She could feel a strange emotion - at least, something that felt like one - stir up inside of her, but she couldn't quite tell what it was. All she knew that it made her smile genuinely at Roxas without any trace of disdain or hidden motives.
    Realizing what she was doing, she scolded herself mentally, Fool, what are you doing? Letting yourself succumb to these petty feelings that's virtually impossible to even experience. Besides, allowing yourself to trust him will prove to be a fatal mistake, which I know all too well...
    Brushing off any tenderness she was feeling, her usual assertiveness returned.
    "Roxas, don't cry," she said, gently brushing away his tear with her finger. "You don't want Namine to see how pathetic you look, do you? If you're going to strive to win her heart - figuratively speaking - you're going to have to be stronger than this. Show her the beauty within your eyes when they sparkle..." She brushed the eyelashes of his right eye very slightly. "Entice her with your alluring words..." She traced the outline of his lips almost sultrily. "...that pour from your luscious lips..." Keeping her finger lingering on his bottom lip for a moment, she then pulled her hand away from him. "Make her crave for have the burning desire, the passion, to be with you, and only you again...the same ardent love she felt before with you..."

    Namine had been holding Sora's hand affectionately, lost in thoughts of him, when his voice interrupted her reverie. "Oh...w-what?" she said. "Oh,"

    OOC: Right now, Larxene, Kadaj, Kairi, and Roxas are in the World That Never Was, while Namine and Sora are walking back home to Destiny Islands I believe...oh, and I'm not boring everyone by writing so long, am I? I'm really sorry if I am...I couldn't help it. lol
  4. EraserRain Banned

    May 28, 2007
    Lucario's Pants
    OOC:yes u are i never read that full to lazy to read all that.........

    Kyo was walking towards kadaj kairi and roxas

  5. Soku Hollow Bastion Committee

    Feb 25, 2007
    Heaven's Dawn
    OOC: Well then FF, you don't wanna read my posts.XD Most of them are huge, especially my first one.

    Demyx stared at Larxene and Roxas, scratching his chin infact, and he had on a grin.

    " Oh my god...."

    Roxas felt like he was in a trance when she started talking, and moving her hand around his face. Shaking his head, he did another smile, and stepped away from Larxene.

    "Hmm, i'll be sure to do that."

    Suddenly Demyx came between them, and was shaking his hands.

    " Are you seriously gonna take a womans advice on how to get the ladys? A pro will teach you now."

    Roxas smiled again, pushing Demyx away before Larxene could do anything. He just never learns....Looking over at Kyo, he had a puzzled look.
  6. EraserRain Banned

    May 28, 2007
    Lucario's Pants
    Kyo:how to get ladys huh?i can help you there dude!
  7. Nymph of Destiny Chaser

    Jul 23, 2007
    Just listen to your heart for me...
    Kadaj stepped towards Kyo and put his hand on his shoulder, pushing him away from the others so that he wouldn't bother them. "Let me take care of this," he said, glancing at the four from over his shoulder, before turning back to the boy. "Who are you?" he demanded. "And how did you get here?"

    Larxene raised an eyebrow at Demyx's actions, barely paying attention to the intruder. "A woman, however, knows what a girl wants in a man," she said, eyeing the Melodious Nocturne coolly. "What they would want them to to behave like...while on the other hand, a man - even a 'pro' - would not." A complacent smirk played across her lips, almost challenging the Nobody to retort.

    OOC: I'm glad I'm not the only one who writes really long. lol
  8. EraserRain Banned

    May 28, 2007
    Lucario's Pants
    Kyo:my name is kyo.........and no one every touches me............

    Kyo summoned his rapture keyblade

    Kyo:you shouldnt have layed a finger on me!
  9. Soku Hollow Bastion Committee

    Feb 25, 2007
    Heaven's Dawn
    Demyx crossed his arms, eyeing Larxene also at the moment, but looking like he was about to burst out laughing didn't help.

    " Whatever savage, the ladys all want me, and my mullet."

    Demyx fixed up his mullet using his hands, and sticked a certain finger up at Larxene.

    Roxas gasped, and slapped his forehead.

    " Demyx, do you seriously want to stay alive?"

    Demyx crossed his arms, as if he was thinking hard, and tapped black boots on the stone floor aswell.

    " Uhh.....yeah."

    Roxas grabbed Demyx by the hood, and put it over his face.

    " Then shut up."
  10. Nymph of Destiny Chaser

    Jul 23, 2007
    Just listen to your heart for me...
    Larxene scoffed and crossed her arms. "Oh yeah," she said, "truly, I want you so badly that I'd just love to tear your fingers off, one by one, relishing your screams as they echoed into the night, your blood dripping onto the ground like rain." She paused, letting Demyx imagine this vividly, as a malicious smirk etched her face. "Doesn't that just sound delicious?"

    Kadaj raised an eyebrow and said, "I don't want a fight...a simple touch did not mean if you would please, lower your weapon and let us discuss this like honorable, civilized men..."
  11. Soku Hollow Bastion Committee

    Feb 25, 2007
    Heaven's Dawn
    For about a minute, Demyx had pictured everythin, his face getting sicker, and to just complete fear. Getting behind Roxas, he stood a great distance from Larxene, and he seemed to be shivering alittle. If you looked at him for abouit five minutes, he would be bound to suck his thumb, or just completely runaway. Roxas let out a small smile, and faced towards Larxene.

    " So.......I want to ask you's Axel been doing?"

    Before they set off for a mission of love, he wanted to know about one of his best pals, and it wouldn't kill to know what the rest were doing. When Roxas had asked, Demyx looked towards Larxene, and waited for her answer.

    OOC: Man, it's sleep time. G'Night!
  12. Nymph of Destiny Chaser

    Jul 23, 2007
    Just listen to your heart for me...
    At the mention of Axel's name, Larxene stiffened. That little traitor, she thought, her fists clenched, her eyes darkening. Tilting her head up towards Roxas, she kept her voice controlled, but you could still hear an amount of anger in her tone. "I've been dead, Roxas," she said, frowning. "You truly expect me to know how Axel's been doing?" Just then, she realized something. "But...I suppose since you're asking about him...he's faded away already, hasn't he?" She looked up, looking over Roxas's shoulder, her gaze landing on Axel's glowing red grave.
    "He has..." she murmured, her whole body relaxing, but her eyes still in contemplation.
    Suddenly, she gave a dry laugh, as she shook her head, mumbing to herself, "Axel, Axel, Axel..."
    Steadying herself, she turned her attention back to Roxas.
    "Now, seriously, Roxas, if he's faded away, it's not like he can be doing anything," Larxene said, crossing her arms. "So now if you're done with the interrogation, I've got a question of my own to ask: Where have you been living at?"
  13. EraserRain Banned

    May 28, 2007
    Lucario's Pants
    Kyo lowered his weopen

  14. Soku Hollow Bastion Committee

    Feb 25, 2007
    Heaven's Dawn
    Roxas folded arms over his chest, looking at Larxene as if she was dumb, but you really wouldn't want to do that most of the time.

    " On Destiny Islands of course, with Sora, Riku, Kairi,........and Namine."

    Putting his arms down, he looked at Axels grave, a sad expression on his face ounce again, but he smiled only alittle.

    " Well, I miss him, and it would be good to have him back ya know? Plus, I thought you liked him."

    Right then, Roxas wasn't even afraid to say that, because he thought it was true.

    Demyx, gasping, hid behind his stone grave, and laughed slightly.

    " Now where would you get a crazy idea like that?"

    Roxas looked back at him, alittle confused, and Demyx looked like he was about to cry.

    " Eh? You of course. Also Xigbar said it was true also. You two would always say how flirty she was with him, but he never really felt the same way......sorry Larxene, but I think he liked you though. He seemed to not be that bummed out when he heard about a mission with you."

    Doing a smile, Roxas stared at her, not knowing what the most possible outcome would be. Demyx on the other hand, was bringing out his sitar, and stood in some kind of defensive postion.
  15. Xephos Neko, gamer, animelover, and artist :3 *purrs*

    Apr 2, 2007
    San Jose, CA
    Geryl sighed. Are we going yet?
  16. Twilight_Wish Destiny Islands Resident

    Jun 26, 2007
    "Stop being so impatient, Geryl." Kairi teased him quietly. If she had remembered one thing when she'd met Geryl, it was that he got impatient pretty easily.
  17. Xephos Neko, gamer, animelover, and artist :3 *purrs*

    Apr 2, 2007
    San Jose, CA
    I can't help it. Geryl answered.
  18. Nymph of Destiny Chaser

    Jul 23, 2007
    Just listen to your heart for me...
    Larxene stared at him, a frown upon her face. Clenching her fists, she tried to control herself as she gave a small, forced laugh and said, "Roxas, Roxas, Roxas...whatever do you mean?"
    She wanted to punch him in the face, give him a good kick, or even eletrocute him...but she knew that it would probably cause a commotion, or who knows what else...all she knew was that most likely, the outcome would turn ugly.
    "I don't feel anything for that Nobody, understand, squirt?" she said, unable to keep the anger out of her voice. "Now, let me ask you something...why would you stay with our enemies on Destiny Islands?"
    Being in the Oblivion Castle most of the time, she had never known that Roxas had decided to turn traitor on them, going against the Organization.

    "If you must know, Larxene," Kadaj said, at last speaking from his long silence, "your plan has failed...the Organization's plans, that this means that you, or Demyx, are not to continue your previous goals in raising Kingdom Hearts...otherwise..." He walked over to Roxas and slid his hand onto his shoulder. "Roxas, here, can just turn you back...into utter, complete nothingness." A smirk flashed across his face, as he knew that the boy was not the reason for their resurrection but him - Roxas had only helped slightly.

    Larxene stared at Kadaj for a moment, before looking at Roxas again, her eyes showing no emotion, although her fists were still tightly clenched. "You mean to say that the reason you brought us back...was to help you get your precious girlfriend back?" she said. "And that you have no intent on helping the Organization anymore? In fact, it almost seems that you've become a're working with our enemies, the rest of the Organization is gone...and if you didn't need our assistance with Namine, you would never have brought us back! Unbelievable..."
  19. Xephos Neko, gamer, animelover, and artist :3 *purrs*

    Apr 2, 2007
    San Jose, CA
    Are we goin or not!?
  20. Soku Hollow Bastion Committee

    Feb 25, 2007
    Heaven's Dawn
    Roxas slapped his forehead, and sighing as he did.

    " One word Larxene, evil. I would rather have the world at peace, but what you guys had to do to get hearts......It doesn't matter, I know you guys wouldn't actually want to see me right? Other than Axel. Plus, it wasn't exactly my idea to bring you guys into this."

    Right then, Roxas blue eyes wandered over towards Kadaj, and he slightly frowned. There is no way he would take full credit, Roxas didn't even know the mean of bringing them back, but then he actually kinda wanted to see them all again, including Larxene.

    " You guys want hearts so bad, but you don't need them. Ounce you have them, what would you do? You'd still be the same, except you would be able to say you have feelings. Well Larxene, you don't need a heart for that, especially if all you have is a soul. A heart would just be an extra bonus really, everything you feel right now is real, and you don't need a heart to prove yourself you are somebody, instead of a nobody."

    Roxas had been looking at her clenched fists, and he had his guard up.

    " Plus, you guys wanted to betray US all the time. Yeah, I know what went down in Castle Oblivion, and I know how you died.....i'm sorry. It was your own fault though, trying to hold Namine hostage just to get to Sora, but then it's her fault too......she corrupted his memories. The only reason I didn't want to bring you guys back, is because I knew you'd want to bring more havoc to these parts, and I like it rather with some peace Larxene."

    Crossing his arms, he stood closer to Larxene, and stared at her straight in the eye. It was true though, he never planned on bringing the evil Organization back, but being on the team, Roxas did miss them.......especially when he was alone without Namine.

    " Y'know though, i'm not perfectly clear why you, Kadaj, wanted to bring the Organization into this......he kept saying you guys could help......"
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