Kingdom Hearts: Shackles of Destiny Demo

Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by Sanya, Nov 25, 2007.

  1. Sanya Orussia’s 586th Fighter Regiment

    Oct 13, 2006
    Hey guys, our forum member XxxXehanortxxX has released a demo for the new mugen game. The below is his description and details about the game. Enjoy.

    No matter what is said in the upcoming paragraphs and notes, I STRONGLY encourage you to download the game and play.

    I became very sick 2 weeks ago, and I am still a little sick right now. I could have finished Marluxia, started Sora, and finished the screen pack in that time. But that obviously didn't happen. I missed a lot of school work as well, so I cannot work for a little while. Hopefully next week this problem will be solved. A few notes:

    1. This is a very alpha demo.
    2. There are no Kingdom Hearts stages yet.
    3. There are few characters, that have little progress.
    4. The screen pack (Menu, Select, Vs., and Option screen) will not be like that in the actual game to come. Everything will be Kingdom Hearts related.
    5. The screen is small, it will always be like that. Deal with it. It is for the best quality.
    6. There will be none of that writing when you play.
    7. The actual game will be closed (you will not be able to add or take stuff from the game).
    8. The life bars are not the actual life bars, the real ones will be Kingdom Hearts Style.
    9. Have fun. Although this very small demo is only for you to see what characters are like (since I had a hard time explaining how you would play).
    10. The characters will have move lists, later on.

    For playing:

    1. You use the arrow keys to move. Right arrow key moves you right. Left moves left. Down is a crouch (there aren't really crouches however). Up is a jump. You can jump two times in a row.
    2. For most of you (depending on your keyboard), the buttons A S D and underneath them Z X C are the keys you will use to fight/do whatever.
    3. There is a way to make the demo full screen. I forgot how. I believe it is ALT + Enter.


    1. This game cannot ruin your computer/laptop or anything that you play it on. It is impossible.
    2. There are no system requirements, you should be able to play no matter system/memory/space (well, as long as you have enough space) you have, you should be able to play.


    1. If you wish to join, pm me, also provide samples of your work. We REALLY need sound rippers the most. Followed by music arrangers. And by ripping sounds, I mean extracting the sounds of characters frmo the actual ps2 disc.


    Axel says BURN BABY! in the game when you are fighting him. Rip the sound off the disc, so it is just him screaming BURN BABY! when I open it in windows media player (or something that plays sounds).

    Yes, it IS legal.

    Everything done is legal.

    !!!!!!!!!!!!!HOW TO OPEN THE FILE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    1. I compressed it using Winrar. Please google Winrar, and download it.
    2. Install Winrar. Right click the file (the game), and hit "extract to".
    3. The game will extract, and a folder should appear. Go into the folder.
    4. Keep going until you see a bunch of files, including folders such as Characters, Stages, Data, etc.
    5. Scroll down until you see a .exe file called "Kingdom Hearts Shackles of Destiny".
    6. Double click it.
    7. You do not use your mouse/touch pad on the mugen screen. You use the enter key to select things and the arrow keys to move up/down/left/right.
    8. Enjoy.

    Now go play. The demo would have been a LOT better, but I became really sick, so I am sorry. I, along with the team, will really pick up on the work, soon. I have more team members, they just haven't been listed in the Credits because they didn't work yet. They are getting started however.

    Thanks to:

    XxxXehanortxxX/SharinganUchiha777 - Leading the game, coding Marluxia.
    ScytheofPetals/Hyuga_Neji - Co-leader, coding Axel.
    Xaldin - Arranging music.
    Deathspank - Making, and allowing this to be hosted on his wonderful site.

    p.s. - If someone claims to be me or any member on the team, please, be careful. I will most likely get imposters on sites such as youtube.

    Kingdom Hearts Shackles of Destiny ~
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Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by Sanya, Nov 25, 2007.

    1. Poki#3
      Yeah, it is awesome, but the game itself..., I can't even call it an "Alpha". I was expecting at least 1 or 2 characters to be something like 80% but I got 2 that had unbalanced attacks, no specials and where missing frames and floating... If I remember, Axel used to have legs while walking... and crouching... don't even get me started on that.

      So yeah... still a preee-ty long way to go, but if motivation keeps up there's a chance of something really good.

      PS: just curious, what resolution is it in? 320x240? my screen in 1680x150, so that was almost the size of a post stamp (and fullscreen is out of the question, since the aspect ratios don't fit :/). If possible, think about changing that to 640x480, 800x600, or having it in the options menu sometime in the future (probably by the time Beta 1 comes out).
    2. Desmonic
      Awsome!!! I've been wanting to play this, for quite some time now.


      Although it's not finished yet, it's really fun to play. I'm really looking forward to the final version!!
    3. Alpha Sonix
      Alpha Sonix
      I've downloaded it and it's great, though Marluxia's attacks are kind of weak, but still can't wait for the full version.
    4. Chernabogue54
      Very nice game ! And it's only the Alpha Version !!

      You talked about ripping some SFXs and voices from the game (KHII on PS2). I ripped many games and I think it'll be very very hard to rip the characters' voice (besides, I'm french so my game is french LOL). Do you need SFXs like Keyblade/Weapon smashes, teleport sounds or magic spells SFXs ? (They don't need any language ^^)
      But I'll try to rip it because your game is so awesome that I want help you to make it better !
    5. XxxXehanortxxX

      Aside from voices, the keyblades sounds, teleports, and magic stuff are sounds we need. That would be very helpful.
    6. hrabbit
      AWESOME! Its really neat =P cant wait until its finished and all pretty-ful and stuff. Its really nice to have fans this dedicated to kh ^^
    7. Planet399

      do i have to pay to download winrar?
    8. Titanguy654
    9. Scribble Cloud
      Scribble Cloud
      looks pretty awesome so far! <3

      Will the complete version have background music during the battles?
    10. EvilMan_89
      i recommend using Fighter Maker instead of MUGEN btw. it's just that you can do much more with Fighter Maker and the games i've played on MUGEN are all pretty mediocre
    11. XxxXehanortxxX
      Fighter Maker is horrible in my opinion. Mugen is better. But that's because I've played good mugen games. Plus a lot more can be done with mugen if you know what you are doing.

      Yes there will be background music. It's included in the stages.

      To block, press the opposite direction. If you're facing right, hold left, and vice versa.
    12. Advent
      UGH a Megaupload... Well it'll be worth it.
    13. Firechakram
      When I try to extract the file it says the file is corrupt.
    14. The Twin
      The Twin
      Fantastic work so far, guys. *scampers off to play it*
    15. Chernabogue54

      OK, I'll see what I can do.
      As my game is a french game, it is a problem to have French voices ??
      And do you need me to rip some background music ?
    16. Mielé
      awwwww...mine wont let me play it >< it wont let me select a axel or marluxia no fair, i wanna hear them! D:
    17. Bmario17
      does it work on macs?
    18. koibito813
      did you try pressing A when one of them is selected?
    19. Laxan

      I can rip voices from the kh videos on the internet (like youtube videos). I can also compose original music. check out my freewebs at
    20. Bmario17
      doesnt work for me when i try to open it it is just a lot of letters and numbers