Kingdom Hearts: SfE Part 2 - The Final Keyhole and the Mark of Mastery

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Haseo, Oct 1, 2011.

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  1. khmage1918 King's Apprentice

    Mar 2, 2007
    In the Circle
    ooc: And due to time skip...
    bic: Eden had been working for a few hours, at night she had worked harder in a little Asian restaurant to bring in tips. Morning had come, and she was still working for the postal service, trying to earn as much money as she possibly could without passing out in the process.
    oocEDIT: *then just took time to re-read since this post had been done during photography class* Lunet's have that time skip a ew days, eh?
  2. AnimeGirl104 Hollow Bastion Committee

    Dec 17, 2006
    North Carolina
    OOC: The time skip was only from night time to the morning. The night of the festival which was the 6th to the morning which was today-the 7th. So really the time skip was only a few hours, not a few days.
    In the hospital Sora had passed out a few minutes after his baby girl was delivered. Riku was holding her at the moment, despite sore limbs just from the way to the hospital with Sora grabbing tight. The newborn had not yet opened her eyes, but Riku definately noticed the tiny tufts of silver on the baby's head. Sora had decided the name- Kisa Elmyra Jiyataro.

    Sure-Riku was a bit peeved when Sora didn't use his last name.... But Elmyra.... Sora had based that off of the name of Rikus mother. Riku looked over to Sora, noticing the brunette starting to come to. He kept quiet, knowing Sora would want to hold Kisa.

    OOC:and I still got nothing to do really on the Radiant Garden side.XD
  3. khmage1918 King's Apprentice

    Mar 2, 2007
    In the Circle
    ooc: Editted.
  4. AnimeGirl104 Hollow Bastion Committee

    Dec 17, 2006
    North Carolina
    OOC:Okee dokee Loki!:3
    BIC:"You're doing great work, Kupo!"The moogles were glad at Edens hard work. Of course, Moogles weren't the only things in Radiant Garden. The Chocobos had started to come back, barren lands now more life-supporting. Life was probably better than back to normal in radiant Garden....
    Valerie went to where Jeffrey was sleeping, poking his cheek. "Jeffreeeey~ Wake uuup~"she whispered.

    At the hospital Sora sat up, feeling like he was in a dream. Of course, he went back to reality the moment his eyes drifted to Kisa. "I-Is that her...Oh, Riku-let me hold her..."Sora said. Riku nodded, his arms starting to lose feeling. "Be careful with her head now-" "I know how to do it..."Sora huffed and took the pink-wrapped bundle into his arms. "She's so tiny...."he couldn't help but smile.

    A small twitch meant that the newborn was waking up, eyes temporarily open. Pure blue spheres were the first thing Sora and Riku noticed before the eyes closed. "Riku, she has my eyes!"Sora whispered. Riku had to look away for a second, Kisa pulling at his heartstrings in the good kind of way. "Oh my gosh, wait until Kairi sees you..."Sora gave a small giggle at Kisa.

    OOC:....Oh my GAWD, I got a cavity just typing that....
  5. khmage1918 King's Apprentice

    Mar 2, 2007
    In the Circle
    ooc: *shrugs*
    bic: Eden kept working, delivering a few smaller packages by some of the tamed Chocobos at the morning postal service. The Chocobo was free with the job, as long as she took care of him. It was a proud, fire-red bird, though the eyes were blue. It had taken an extreme liking to her, for whatever reason. Maybe Chocobos were more choosy of their riders.
  6. Haseo Knight of Light

    Dec 29, 2007
    Land of Slush and Plateaus
    "Hn..." Jeffrey replied, sleepily opening his eyes slightly. "What is it?"
    Kairi sat outside the room. Though she came with Sora and Riku, she wanted them to decide when she should see the baby.
  7. AnimeGirl104 Hollow Bastion Committee

    Dec 17, 2006
    North Carolina
    Riku joined Kairi, making sure his hand wasn't broken. "Alright, you can come in. But try not to be too loud, we don't want her-"Riku gave a small sigh as a small wail came from little Kisa. "What did you do?"he came inside to check on Sora. "I-I didn't do anything."Sora was gently rocking Kisa in his arms. But the newborn continued to wail, hungry after sleeping. Of course, neither of them understood that just yet....

    "Mrs.Jiyataro said that Sora had the baby! C'mon, we gotta go to the hospital and see Kisa!"Valerie said, shaking Jeffrey. Chester came up right at Valeries side. " okay, little guy?"Valerie picked up Chester. Instead of the usual pure black of most heartless, Chester had become a dark slate color. "Thats weird...I didn't think Heartless could get sick..."Valerie was alittle confused at the change in color.
  8. khmage1918 King's Apprentice

    Mar 2, 2007
    In the Circle
    Eden finished her tenth delivery of the morning, her Chocobo's saddle bags empty. "C'mon, back to the office." To which the Chocobo sat down abruptly, glaring at it's rider. "What?" More glaring. "Look, I need the munny, so get up before I make you." To which it yawned and set it's head down. "What!? Dammit! Be an obedient Chocobo and run to the post office! Maybe they'll have a treat or something like that. I am tired and bitter right now."
    At the post office, Eden had settled down on steady land. The ride, undernourishment, and lack of sleep was making her dizzy. "So, dude likes you? That's nice." she fixed her blurry eyes on some man in front of her, the boss-she presumed.
    "Yeah? I'm not gonna keep him."
    "You should. Makes work more enjoyable. Besides, you're the only one he tolerates enough to not kick off in the deliveries.
    "Yahoo, I am simply ecstatic." The pyro was displeased.
    "Keep him, name him. Besides, you're not from around these parts. It's a gift." With that, the blue-tailored man walked off to do some number crunching, or whatever bosses did. The Wielder of Earth looked to the Chocobo preening his feathers in the stable floors filled with hay.
    "So... name, eh?... Equius. Strong patron troll. Nice little reminder of home... or another planet, I can't tell." she sighed, petting Eq and resting in his fiery red feathers.
  9. AnimeGirl104 Hollow Bastion Committee

    Dec 17, 2006
    North Carolina
    OOC:I hope you know how to fit a chocobo in a gummi ship.XD
    Valerie had made it to the hospital solo, looking at newborn Kisa. Yesterday she was too busy cleaning up after the festival, but today Sora had gotten the okay to leave with his new baby girl. "She's sooo cuuuuute."Valerie gave a small squee at Kisa. Sora gave a small shush at the squee, holding Kisa carefully. "Whats wrong with the Shadow...?"Riku noticed Chester at Valerie side, a bit confused at the change of color.
  10. Haseo Knight of Light

    Dec 29, 2007
    Land of Slush and Plateaus
    "She left on her own, huh?" Jeffrey muttered to himself. He had just woken up a few moments before to find that Valerie had gone to the hospital.
  11. AnimeGirl104 Hollow Bastion Committee

    Dec 17, 2006
    North Carolina
    "Wow, she had silver hair like Riku-pon!"Valerie was holding Kisa, being extremely careful. Riku-pon?Riku was tolerating the name for now, looking through the spell book. "Please be careful, Val..."Sora said in concern. "Don't be such a worry war-"Valerie was cut off by little Kisa whimpering, hunger coming yet again. "That wasn't me!"Valerie said as the infant started to wail. Sora sighed in defeat, taking Kisa in his arms. "I'll be right back..."he went off.

    "Where is he going?"Valerie asked. Riku kept his mouth shut, holding in a chuckle. "What? Kairi, why is he making that face"Valerie noticed Riku trying not to laugh.
  12. Haseo Knight of Light

    Dec 29, 2007
    Land of Slush and Plateaus
    "Well," Kairi began, "he's... well..." She didn't know how to say it casually. "Feeding her."

    "Better head over there, I guess," Jeffrey said to himself, leaving Sora's home.
  13. AnimeGirl104 Hollow Bastion Committee

    Dec 17, 2006
    North Carolina
    Valerie tilted her head, not understanding at first. "Pregnancy hormones made Sora able to nurse Kisa."Riku explained, almost casually. Valerie looked over to where Sora went off too. She giggled, doing a little dance in place. "So, where's Jeffrey?"Riku asked. "oops..."Valerie squeaked. "I knew I was forgetting someone..."she looked behing her, hoping Jeffrey was catching up.

    OOC:Will somebody post PLEASE?!XD
  14. khmage1918 King's Apprentice

    Mar 2, 2007
    In the Circle
    Eden checked off the days. Today was Sunday. Friday was spent with a somber tone. Quietly, the Wielder of Earth hummed a sad little tune, though it was usually a happy one. And even on Sunday, on the day of no packages, she snuggled within Eq's feathers and hummed. "Happy Birthday to me... Happy Birthday to me... Wish my family sincere safety... And everyone to realize, I'm not fighting for me." she sighed and slept, a blank and glassy stare at the scenery The Dark Depths gave. She chose that as her little quiet spot, to think alone.
  15. AnimeGirl104 Hollow Bastion Committee

    Dec 17, 2006
    North Carolina
    "Jeeeeffreeeeeeeey~! We are going to leave you behind if you don't hurry up!"Valerie yelled. Sora rushed back, shushing her. "Be quiet!"he whispered, not wanting to spook Kisa. Kisa gave a small hiccup, calm for now. "Oh, sorry."Valerie whispered. "So who are we waiting for?"Sora asked. "Jeffrey.... Little miss orange here left him behind."Riku said. Valerie just stuck her tongue out at Riku.
  16. Haseo Knight of Light

    Dec 29, 2007
    Land of Slush and Plateaus
    "I'm here," Jeffrey replied. He had just entered the hallway near the hospital when Valerie had yelled his name. Seeing Kisa, he smiled. "She's adorable."
  17. AnimeGirl104 Hollow Bastion Committee

    Dec 17, 2006
    North Carolina
    "Thank you..."Sora blushed. Riku sighed, taking the spell book from his bag. "Alright. Twilight Town or radiant Garden?"Riku asked. "Radiant Garden. That way we can get some last minute training before rescuing Aqua!"Valerie said. Sora nodded at the idea. "Alright, everyone stay close to me."Riku huddled everyone together. Valerie held on to Chester so he didn't get left behind, Sora holding onto Kisa close to himself.

    "Mystith Rhunethic Lenane, Curasten Blartha Nurona.... Mystith Rhunethic Lenane, Curasten Blartha Nurona!"A grey bubble of magic surrounded them, the bright flash as always as they teleported away.
    "Oof...."Once they arrived at Radiant Garden Riku felt weak at the knees, the spell taking alot out of him. "Riku, you did it!"Sora smiled, Kisa still in his arms. "Wow, Radiant Garden has gotten beautiful in the past few years..."Valerie smiled, looking at Radiant Garden. "Thanks for the fix-up, little moogles! I really-"Yuffie came around the corner, seeing everyone. "Whoa..." "Hi Yuffie!"Sora waved. Valerie tried her best to stay calm.
  18. Haseo Knight of Light

    Dec 29, 2007
    Land of Slush and Plateaus
    Jeffrey could see grass growing on the outskirts of the town. "Well, it looks like more than just the town has gotten better..."

    Kairi looked around at the world. Almost as beautiful as it used to be... she thought. She put one of her hands on the side of her head. Wait... I remember...?
  19. khmage1918 King's Apprentice

    Mar 2, 2007
    In the Circle
    Equius raised his head, glancing towards town, feathers sticking out at the static of a large magic spike. "Eq? What is it?" She rose, mounting onto her Chocobo who almost bolted towards town. The rider didn't have to steer or anything, the big bird knew what he was doing.
  20. AnimeGirl104 Hollow Bastion Committee

    Dec 17, 2006
    North Carolina
    "Soraaaaa~"Sora gasped as he could see Yuffie running to them. "Yuffie, wait!"he said, Yuffie skidding to a stop. Kisa whimpered at the noise, squirming. "Aaawww...who'd this?"Yuffie looked at Kisa. "Kisa. She'"Sora wasn't sure how to explain it. Yuffie noticed Riku and Kairi. "Kairi! You grew your hair out!"she hadn't seen Kairi since the time in Maleficents castle. "And Riku.... Wow, you got tall...and you cut your hair!"the same with Riku. "Hey Yuffie..."Riku sighed.

    Valerie was staying quiet, eyes glowing in excitement.
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