Kingdom Hearts: SfE Part 2 - The Final Keyhole and the Mark of Mastery

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Haseo, Oct 1, 2011.

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  1. AnimeGirl104 Hollow Bastion Committee

    Dec 17, 2006
    North Carolina
    Looks like Leon doesn't want to lose against an inexperienced fighter again...Yuffie smirked at the battle.
    "C'mon, lets dance nooow!"Valerie had finished eating. "Alright, alright. Just join in the group and copy them."Riku said. Valerie went into the circle of people, giggling. Sora felt a small ache in his stomache, figuring it as him being full. "C'mon, you two. Can't let her have all the fun."Sora smiled. "No thank you. I'll watch."Riku said. "Fine, me and Kairi will have fun on our own. Right Kai?"Sora smiled, the small ache going away.
  2. khmage1918 King's Apprentice

    Mar 2, 2007
    In the Circle
    Eden ducked, trying to bring herself back up but with a greater difficulty as her leg threatened to fail her. With one swoop of her key, though her sweaty hands sent it flying towards Leon, she hoped for a hit.
  3. Haseo Knight of Light

    Dec 29, 2007
    Land of Slush and Plateaus
    The Keyblade cut Leon's arm as it flew past him. His gunblade back in its normal state, he stabbed it into the blue stone ground. He rubbed his fingers over the cut and saw blood on his finger tips. Giving an exasperated sigh, he turned towards Eden. "That'll do. I'll admit, you're a much better fighter than Sora was when we first fought."
    "Uh, alright," Kairi said uncertainly. As she and Sora joined the circle, she gave a worried look towards Riku.
    "I'll stick here," Jeffrey said. "Dancing's not really my thing."
  4. AnimeGirl104 Hollow Bastion Committee

    Dec 17, 2006
    North Carolina
    Valerie recognized what everyone was dancing. Its the dance at the end of the Hetalia movie! Cool! he couldn't help but join along. Riku was watching the circle, smiling at Sora and Kairi. "Glad to know everyones having a good time..."he said. Sora felt a minor pain in his stomach once more, ignoring it. Ha! I haven't had this much fun in a while....
    "That was great, you guys!"Yuffie applauded.
  5. khmage1918 King's Apprentice

    Mar 2, 2007
    In the Circle
    Eden looked a bit queasy at the sight of blood, from both her and Leon, wishing she knew the Cure spell. "That slipped out of my hands... I'm not so much a better fighter, just persistent." She called back her blade, dismissing it to wherever it went when not busy. Her leg was in pain, walking would hurt for a bit. She looked back to Yuffie and Glen to see any signs of emotion on their faces.
  6. AnimeGirl104 Hollow Bastion Committee

    Dec 17, 2006
    North Carolina
    "Is everyone okay?"Yuffie looked to the two, wondering if everything was alright between Leons injury and Edens leg. "Maybe we should take a break to get your leg fixed up."she suggested.
    Meanwhile Sora was having the time of his life at the festival.... Occaisionally, however, he got small pains. Its nothing, Sora....He reassured himself. Riku watched the circle of dancers, concerned for Sora. "Look at him...he could have the baby any day now and he's still stubborn as a goat..."He shook his head. "Hey, Riku! Sure you and Jeffy don't want to join us?"Valerie asked from the circle. "I'm fine..."Riku shook his head, thinking.

    Sora held in a yelp at a pain in his stomach. Okay, now it's starting to hurt... N-No need to worry though, probably fake contractions...He nodded at his reassurance. Riku looked at Sora, realizing something. Sora could have the baby any day now... A baby girl... Our baby girl.... I'd be a father...oh Shiva, I'd be a father...Riku almost stumbled, his legs feeling like jello.
  7. khmage1918 King's Apprentice

    Mar 2, 2007
    In the Circle
    Eden nodded. "If you can fix my leg somehow, that'd be appreciated." She sighed at herself in pity, wishing she could fix her leg, or at least never used shoulder bags in her life.
  8. AnimeGirl104 Hollow Bastion Committee

    Dec 17, 2006
    North Carolina
    "Leon, lets take her to Aerith. She'll be able to fix her up."Yuffie said. "Not to mention those nasty fingers..."she gave a small shudder. If you can still walk, its this way."she went a few steps, making sure Eden could walk or not.
    Sora groaned, the pain going from minor aches to actual cramps. "K-Kairi...I think I need to sit down..."he went out of the circle, sitting on a log placed to be a bench. Valerie noticed this, wondering what was wrong. Riku was regaining the feeling in his legs, noticing Sora sitting down and rubbing his stomach gently. Uh-oh....
  9. khmage1918 King's Apprentice

    Mar 2, 2007
    In the Circle
    Eden nodded, limping a small bit. "I can walk, depending on the distance." She looked around, hoping for her legs to forever be back the way they used to be, what a dream. And some new glasses, her old ones were lost a long long time ago, back when she lost her body after Wesely had tazered her throat. She wondered where he'd been, but dismiss the thought.
  10. Haseo Knight of Light

    Dec 29, 2007
    Land of Slush and Plateaus
    Leon nodded. He winced as he felt the cut on his arm stinging.
    "Do you think she's coming?" Kairi asked Riku, leaving the circle of dancers.
  11. AnimeGirl104 Hollow Bastion Committee

    Dec 17, 2006
    North Carolina
    "Alright! To Aerith!"Yuffie said, striking an adventurous pose. "Oh my, what happened here?"Aerith arrived with some herbs for natural remedies, coming across the group. "Small spar with the new guys. They got alittle carried away."Yuffie explained, pointing to Leon and Eden. "Oh my... Well, nothing alittle first aid can't fix..."Aerith sighed, going over to the two.

    With Leon it took nothing but a cure spell, but for Edens leg- "Oh my...Poor thing..."she reached into her basket, taking out a potion. "Here you go. One wizard made healing ption for broken bones, twisted ankles, or other injuries of the like."she said with a gentle smile. "What would we do without you, Aerith?"Yuffie smiled.
    "I hope not...."Riku went over to Sora. "You feeling alright, Sora?"he asked. "F-Fine...never better..."Sora lied, hiding pain. "Sora..."Riku crossed his arms. Sora wrapped his arms around Riku, whimpering at another cramp. "It's starting to really hurt, Ri..."he said. "Alright... Lets get you to the hospital..."Riku whispered. Valerie saw the concern on everyones faces, leaving the circle. "Whats going on?"she asked, going over to Jeffrey. Sora started to get up, only to end up sitting back down with the pain. "Is Sora okay?"Valerie asked, concerned.
  12. khmage1918 King's Apprentice

    Mar 2, 2007
    In the Circle
    Eden nodded, taking the potion in small sips. "Thank you, it's nothing really. My body is just unbalanced, and my right leg joint gets the brunt of it." She winced as the leg re-adjusted itself to it's old state from years before, but it was slowly healing. It would take time, and maybe multiple doses. "Earthlings don't seep in potions all too quickly I guess..." she mumbled.
  13. AnimeGirl104 Hollow Bastion Committee

    Dec 17, 2006
    North Carolina
    "Thats alright. A few more treatments and you'll be right as rain..."Aerith smiled. "I couldn't help but see the gummi ship landing. Are Sora and Riku here?" "No, apparently these two took their gummi ship and went here for training."Yuffie explained. "is that so...well why leave without Sora?"Aerith asked, looking at Eden.
  14. khmage1918 King's Apprentice

    Mar 2, 2007
    In the Circle
    "Fixing Destiny Islands after helping seal my world. Pregnant. But right now I really don't care about him. He's lucky to be able to have a home to go back to." Eden felt bitter talking about Sora, storming off the direction Aerith came from.
  15. AnimeGirl104 Hollow Bastion Committee

    Dec 17, 2006
    North Carolina
    Aerith took in the information, a bit suprised. "Pregnant...?" "We're confused too. I was pretty sure Sora was a guy."Yuffie said. "Should we make sure she's alright?"Aerith asked. "Not me. Squalleon?"Yuffie looked over to Leon.
    "C'mon, Sora..."Since Sora couldn't get up on his own Riku picked him up bridal style. Sora wanted to protest, but whimpered at a sharp pain. "Sora, what's wrong?"Valerie was very confused. "Stay here, all of you..."Riku said. "But-" "No 'but's!"Riku said. "Ri... At least let Kairi-"Sora winced in pain, the pain not dulling down anytime soon. "Okay, but we need to hurry to the hospital..." "what are me and Jeffrey-"Valerie felt like she was being left in the dark, watching Riku head off while carrying Sora.
  16. khmage1918 King's Apprentice

    Mar 2, 2007
    In the Circle
    Eden went into the main square of Radiant Garden, thankful some places remained unchanged, and watched around the bustling street. She checked around, hoping to find a job to earn munny.
  17. AnimeGirl104 Hollow Bastion Committee

    Dec 17, 2006
    North Carolina
    "Kairi, you'll tell me whats going on, right? Jeffy? Oh come on, stop leaving in the dark."Valerie oblivious idiot to what was wrong with Sora.
    "Hello there, kupo! I couldn't help but notice you were new to this world!"A moogle noticed Eden, flying over to her. "Is there anything I can help you with, kupo?"the moogle asked.
  18. khmage1918 King's Apprentice

    Mar 2, 2007
    In the Circle
    Eden nodded. "Aye, Moogle. I'm new to this world, and need a job." Having never seen a living, breathing moogle, she observed it with calculating, dead eyes.
  19. AnimeGirl104 Hollow Bastion Committee

    Dec 17, 2006
    North Carolina
    "Well the delivery service could use someone to help carry the heavier packages, kupo! Moogles can't carry everything..."The moogle mentioned to another moogle trying to pick up a heavier package.
    -(of for the love of Luna, time skip on Destiny Islands side)-
    Valerie was passed out in the comfort of Sora's home. The festival had ended, morning hours starting to peak. Sora parents, realizing what had happened in the night, left Valerie and Jeffrey to stay at the house while they made sure Sora was okay. Valerie yelped as she rolled off the bed, halfway off when she was sleeping. "Mmmn...that was a good sleep...."she stretched her arms out.

    "Good morning..."Sora's mother came in, chuckling at the brunette. "Morning..."Valerie yawned. "Is Sora still at the hospital...?"she grumbled. "Yes, but only until tommorow. Oh, my little grandbaby was so cute..."Sora's mother left for them to wake up, smiling. "Grandbaby...."It finnaly hit Valerie like a brick to the face. Sora had the baby! Oh my gosh, I wanna see her!
  20. Glen Returned from the dead

    Jan 18, 2011
    OOC: and with that, you just skipped ahead a few days, and given Sora a sore ass.
    IC: Gexln was still tagging along with Eden, not particularly concerned with the moogles.
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