KINGDOM HEARTS ReCoded: Secret Ending Video

Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by Mike, Oct 6, 2010.

  1. Mike Chaser

    Jan 20, 2008
    New York
    <center><object width="480" height="385"><param name="movie" value=";hl=en_US"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src=";hl=en_US" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="480" height="385"></embed></object></center>

    Hey everyone, did you know KINGDOM HEARTS Re:Coded has finally released released in Japan?

    Did you know the secret ending from KINGDOM HEARTS Re:Coded has leaked thanks to KH13 and Heart Station?

    Now, I don't want to make this sound like a blog or anything, but this secret ending is WORTH the view, unless you don't want to spoil yourself, but at this point if you are a true fan you will have a tough time making your choice.

    Anyway, I had to watch it and it's like the best thing in the world, so if you are interested check it out above and let the theories begin!
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Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by Mike, Oct 6, 2010.

    1. windblade
      Damnit, I wish Ienzo would come back. But, so far, we only know of Xehanorts heartless being destroyed, which means he's the only one coming back. Sorry to all you Axel fans out there. (Unless the Order XIII members's counterpart heartless were just regular ones, not human-esque.)
      But this means that Xehanort is coming back while still inside Terra's body, yes? That would make sense, right? (since Pseudo-Ansem and Xemnas are the heartless and nobody of Terra's body)

      But, if Zexion wont come back in the official story, then I'll just make that a plot point in my Zexion comics on DA. >=]
      He'll at least come back in those.
    2. dirk123
      As I stated 1 page ago, Nomura said in an old interview that Axel/Lea became a somebody again.

      Also, are Yen Sid & Mickey talking about the same Xehanort?
      1. Mickey never saw Master Xehanort (also not Terra iirc)
      2. Yen Sid never saw Apprentice Xehanort/Terranort/Ansem SoD/Xemnas

      They are still looking for Terra, which supports them talking about different Xehanorts without knowing it themselves.

      It's unclear who the 1 master is.
      1. Can't be Yen Sid, since he abandoned the title/post
      2. It can be Aqua since they apparently know where she is
      3. It can be Mickey, depends if he has or has not don the Mastery Exam yet.

      Also, the one working with Xehanort can be 2 things.
      1. Braig, the obvious one
      2. An unknown 3rd party (who might be manipulating everything, even MX, since the beginning), MF or a Keyblade Master from one of the many worlds.
    3. Mixt
      I personally think that Yen Sid was talking about himself when he said they only had one master. We know that he has the rank of master but stepped out of the profession of being a master (though with Mickey it's debatable that he truly stepped down at all). But a key point at the end is that Yen Sid is coming out of retirement. Only a Master can hold a Mark of Mastery Test, So by calling for one he's also saying that he shall once again assume the role of master.

      Also I think they can't have rescued Aqua yet. At the end of BBS it has Aqua talking in the dark realm at the same time that Terra is waking up Ven. Though that is hard to tell for sure because other shots in that scene couldn't be from the present without some really odd strings of events, like Xion eating ice cream with Roxas and Axel.
    4. Mike
      ...It was assumed that the meeting happened when Ansem the Wise was taken by the time machine in KINGDOM HEARTS II, which put him into darkness.
      It was then...that Aqua and Ansem the Wise met up.
    5. Mike
      ...It was assumed that the meeting happened when Ansem the Wise was taken by the time machine in KINGDOM HEARTS II, which put him into darkness.
      It was then...that Aqua and Ansem the Wise met up.
    6. KaiXIII
      So we could assume that KH:3D will be all about the Mastery Test? >.>
    7. Mixt
      Well it had to be after the machine explosion, how long after is anyones guess. It seemed like Ansem the Wise had been there for a good amount of time if you ask me. Although it was his second visit so it wouldn't take him long to get accustomed to the dark realm again.
    8. windblade
      When did he say that? I had already read the interview in which he talked about the "correct order of Heartless and Nobody being destroyed" to bring back Xehanort, but I dont remember him mentioning Axel.
    9. Xemichal

      hmmm... this may confirm some theories of mine.
      i think Xehanort may come back with Eraqus. when Eraqus faded, perhaps his heart found its way into another's such as Terra or Aqua.
      clearing a couple things up...
      they may have figured out that Ven's heart found its way into Sora, explaining their knowing where it is. they may know that Aqua is wandering the Realm of Darkness with Ansem the Wise. oh, and i'm guessing Terra either got his body back, forgot everything, died, or he is still Terranort.
      i can't wait! the next few games may actually shed some light on things...
    10. Autosaver
      Anyone know the requirements to get the ending?
    11. Ectis
      i think he mentioned orr i saw in some reports that the org13 kiled they heatless to be sure that will not go 4 ever but am not sure
    12. lightbeliver3

      if xehanort is not alone how many beings are at his side i wonder
    13. Clawtooth
      I saw this and I was like "OH SNAP!!!" that means that there's going to be complicated stuff to do with Roxas and Sora doesn't it?

      Also, what cutscene should I watch about the "Mark of Mastery" test ... I don't have a PSP, so I can't play BBS.
    14. Invader Jack
      Invader Jack
      I don't want to watch this without trying to unlock it myself when the game comes out here and I get to play it, so...anyone know what the specific requirements are to unlock this?