KINGDOM HEARTS ReCoded: Gameplay Video

Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by Mike, Jul 9, 2010.

  1. Mike Chaser

    Jan 20, 2008
    New York

    Hey everyone, a gameplay video from KINGDOM HEARTS Re:Coded has been shown on it's official website.

    The video above features Sora attacking some of the heartless in Traverse Town. If you also look at the command, it's sort of similar to KINGDOM HEARTS Birth by Sleep.

    Source: Thanks to Alex856
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Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by Mike, Jul 9, 2010.

    1. Shift
      God, i wish Days gameplay was like that, multiplayer would be so much better >_>

      Thanks for the news Mike.
    2. Clear_so_you_can't_See
    3. Invader Jack
      Invader Jack
      I'm so happy to see Traverse Town again! :)
    4. greater_bloo
      ooo looks like Data Sora has some new tricks up his sleeves...or hard don't really know much about Coded which is a good thing since I spoiled Days and BBS for myself it's nice to have a game that I hardly have any knowledge of XD
    5. SHMeira
      I love it! I gotta say, the gameplay really looks better than Days.
      And i finaly understood what they meant by mixing the BBS sistem.
    6. Gelatinous Ghost
      Gelatinous Ghost
      Looks really good. I love how fast paced it appears. It is sure to be a blast. =] ​
    7. Llave
      I am speechless... the gameplay is so amazing and crazy!! I love Days alot but the leveling up was awkward. whereas the leveling up in Re:Coded is similar to the major console games. Lots of munny, life orbs, sweet moves, I'm ready for it!!!!
    8. Alex856
      duckroll from NeoGafs made these observations:

      This game looks great!
      I'm now anxiously waiting for this game, the gameplay is 1000% better than Days (I loved Days too)
    9. key dragon
      key dragon
      Wonder if Ars Arcanum will make a return?
    10. Shikou
      Looks good! I cant wait :D
    11. key dragon
      key dragon
      YAY for variety! No more smacking stuff constantly. Now I can spin slash something to death.
    12. xkh2x
      whoaaaa!! that looks pretty good!!
      Thanks Mike!!
    13. Aurangzeb56
      Saw this first on youtube and well it looks amazing XD although the battle system kinda looks to me more like 358/2 days ^^"
    14. sora96
      WOW this looks great!
      its good quality for being a nds game.