KINGDOM HEARTS ReCoded: First Look at Screenshots

Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by Mike, Jun 15, 2010.

  1. Mike Chaser

    Jan 20, 2008
    New York
    Hey everyone,

    We hope you are enjoying the coverage from this year's E3 2010 event. Following today's E3 trailer of KINGDOM HEARTS Birth by Sleep, some screenshots from KINGDOM HEARTS ReCoded has now been available for view thanks to Square-Enix.



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Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by Mike, Jun 15, 2010.

    1. Vanitas
      Looks just like 358/2 Days. So the 3DS one is KH1 remake.
    2. Mike
      Who said there is a KH1 remake? I doubt that.
      It's a remake for Coded that released in Japan.
    3. Egypt
      Cool is re:coded 2d with 3d background or is it like Days?
    4. Vanitas
      I said.


      A KH1 remake for 3DS...
    5. Mike
      Okay, but I'm saying that there is no way that they would remake a KH1 title for Nintendo when it was originally on PlayStation II.
    6. Gelatinous Ghost
      Gelatinous Ghost

      Do you have any actual citation, aside from the screen shots? ​
    7. theogary
      Uuuugh. The cutscene graphics are as shiny as ever, but the ingame graphics REALLY eat.
    8. Vanitas
      I actually wrote a long post, but I lost the text, because of a lag.

      So long story short, This is what I think would be the value for remaking the first KH to the 3DS:
      -Improved graphics, glitches, etc.(kh1 is a really old game)
      -3d depth experience
      -Riku mode(one screenshot views Riku being played?)
      -Things to connect KH1 to the newer titles(twilight thorn), because back in the day the kh series wasnt as expanded

      Thanks for reading.
    9. Legoman2672

      Kingdom Hearts is full of win!

      I'm already hyped! ^^
    10. SpazticFantaztic >:3
      SpazticFantaztic >:3
      So Re:Coded is for the DS, and KH3D is for 3DS?
    11. Mike
      That's what it appears to be...
    12. ZackFair1219
      I totally disagree. If this was a remake of the first Kingdom Hearts, why the hell is the Twilight Thorn fighting Sora in Traverse Town when it's supposed to be the Guardian Armor there instead? And Sora never went to Disney Castle in KH1. If anything, I would assume this would be a fan-pleaser like Dissidia an S-E taking thier chance at new tech.
    13. Marxaeus
      Well the picture of the Twilight Thorn is of KH3D, no real info on that, so who knows what it's about. The picture of Sora in Disney Castle on the other hand is from Kingdom Hearts Re:Coded. You seemed to have made an error there. All I know is that KH3D will somehow tie-in with the rest of the story. Lord knows that Nomura will level half of Japan if they try to stop him.
    14. KeybladeSpirit
      My thought is that it might be fanservice to the people who saw the trailer for the original Kingdom Hearts. The plot was way different in that trailer. I'm probably wrong, but I can always hope!
    15. :::the-real-enigma:::
      SQEX_E3, Square Enix's E3 Twitter, said that Kingdom Hearts 3D is indeed a new title.

      Back on topic, regarding the Re:coded gameplay image. The battle system looks new, similar to Birth By Sleep maybe. Anyone agree?
    16. Marxaeus
      Hmm I sort of agree with you there, although I do see a few bits of Days in there, but oh well, guess it saves time using models that were already at your disposal. Like the Soldier Heartless.
    17. Sora3651
      so is this for the ds or what? what system is it for?
    18. Marxaeus
      Yes this is for Nintendo Ds
    19. Noise
      yea its a remake of KH1

      ....with a fricken giant Nobody in Travers town...

      im sorry but u are incorrect.