Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by Mike, Jul 20, 2010.

  1. Mike Chaser

    Jan 20, 2008
    New York

    A new trailer from KINGDOM HEARTS Re:Coded was released. The update for the trailer was shown on the official website ( for KINGDOM HEARTS Re:Coded.

    This title is set for release in Japan on October 2010. No word on a release for North America and Europe at this time.

    Source: Thanks to mchammer and KHInsider
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Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by Mike, Jul 20, 2010.

    1. Alpha Sonix
      Alpha Sonix
      Looks amazing, thanks Mike. I'm loving the battle system with the different kinds like side scrolling and the Turn based one for Olympus Coliseum. Though what's with the wording? "Undo the hurt to unbar the way"?
    2. Always Dance
      Always Dance
      Turn based battles? In MY Kingdom Hearts?
      Looks interesting. Looks like this game is going to have some varitey. I'm even more excited about it now.
    3. Gelatinous Ghost
      Gelatinous Ghost
      I must say, I am loving the way the battle system is looking. It looks fast paced and the abilities look like they will make it fun. And the cutscenes look intriguing in style. Side scrolling and turned based RPG elements are sure to make this an interesting experience. The graphics are far superior than I believed they would be as well. All in all, this is looking to be a good experience. My one issue is the how close in proximity it is being released to BBS. I want time to enjoy that to it's fullest before another KH game hits the market. Due to the long gap that normally comes between KH titles, I have never been confronted with this issue. Is there such a s thing as too much KH all at once? I hope they at least wait till holiday season 2010 to release it stateside. ​
    4. Kubo
      Well... turn-based battles seemed not very occasional, earlier in the video it was normal battles as we know them... maybe it was some kind of mini-game?
      There is one thing though that did make me worry. In the conversation bubbles, the sprites weren't moving but they were just... pictures :/

      "Undo the hurt" might be some kind of hint that says to return to the past, not literally, but metaphorically, and change it so that you can have a future and move on.
    5. Mr. Van Whippy ♥
      Mr. Van Whippy ♥
      It looks awesome! For a moment i wondered whether those graphics was from the DS. Boy they surely kept the quality from the cellphone version.

      Side scroller and turn based battles! lol way to make us excited Square. Seriously after watching this trailer i'm getting hyped about RE: Coded as well. I thought it was gonna be some boring remake but it seems that this is not the case.
    6. Always Dance
      Always Dance
      I actually like it, it reminds me of the World Ends With You. It's a nice style of dialogue. And we've already seen cutscenes that aren't that way.
    7. Kubo
      Yeah, but cutscenes... not bubble boxes :P
    8. Always Dance
      Always Dance
      True, but bubble box scenes are never really of excellent quality anyway.
    9. TheVader74
      In the original coded, each world had a specific gimmick or set of rules to it. Traverse Town was heavily platforming-based, and Olympus Colliseum had a traditional FF-esque turn-based battle system with Hercules, Sora and Cloud as Party Members.

      It doesn't seem much has changed, but I hope this is more polished than coded turned out to be.
    10. Speyeker
      Alright, let's look back on the series. First, Kingdom Hearts came out. Then it was RE-released in Japan with some nifty features as Kingdom Hearts: Final Mix. Then Chain of Memories came out, which basically had you do everything you did in the original but with a different battle system and no exploration/platforming elements (and a few new elements and a few new songs). Chain of Memories itself was remade on the PS2. Kingdom Hearts 2 was mostly original material, and it too was remade as Final Mix+. Then 358/2 Days came out, which again recycled a LOT of material (including layouts, enemies, MUSIC) from Kingdom Hearts and Kingdom Hearts II, although they did manage to keep the gameplay quite fresh. Then Coded came out for cellphones, which once again recycled the first game's content while adding very little to the overall story. BBS was original. Now Re:Coded is coming out, a remake of Coded. And next up is Kingdom Hearts 3D, which once again seems to be almost entirely recycled content. Without taking into account that weird cellphone Kingdom Hearts game that Square-Enix had nothing to do with, how many times is the company going to rehash the same material over and over again with a slightly different packaging and expect us to gobble it up? I mean, for those who have played the original Coded, is there honestly any original music in the game? That itself is one of my biggest complaints. Most of the world and battle themes get annoying when used throughout one game, but when it's spread across the whole series it can become unbearable after eight damn years.

      At least the gameplay does change from time to time to help keep things fresh, and in that department it actually doesn't seem like Re:Coded disappoints. Nonetheless, they really should put more originality into the series. This is getting old fast.
    11. SHMeira
      Oh my god!

      Now i have a real reason to buy this. Amazing!
    12. Ichidan
      Lol, this game reminds me of The Matrix. Looks good though, can't wait.