KINGDOM HEARTS Re:Coded: Four New Scans

Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by Mike, Jun 25, 2010.

  1. Mike Chaser

    Jan 20, 2008
    New York
    Hey everyone, four new scans from KINGDOM HEARTS Re:Coded has been introduced to us by the latest issue of Famitsu.

    The four new scans (which are in good quality), show off some screenshots and gameplay from the new title.

    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    Source: KHInsider
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Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by Mike, Jun 25, 2010.

    1. SHMeira

      I don't think i can't wait for it to be launched.
    2. KeybladeSpirit
      Looks like they're changing some things. I don't really like it though. I mean, "Their hurting will be mended when you return to end it?" It just doesn't make sense.
    3. Xamad

      this should prove to be an interesting game...I know it explained what happened durring Mickey's absense in the first game, so maybe I'll pick it up...not likely though...
    4. Shikou
      for some reason i think Coded is going to fill us in on what Riku was doing during KH1 because i remember the trailer of Coded Riku is standing on the clock tower in Never Land looking at the moon and Kairi looking dead as she did in KH1
    5. Clear_so_you_can't_See
      It rhymes!!!
      The sentence itself makes sense.
      I guess they would change some things. I mean a DS has more capabilities then a phone so they probably wanted to utilize those abilities.
    6. Umiyuri Papaeyra
      Umiyuri Papaeyra
      Lipflaps, dear. The line's about the same length as the Japanese version of 'We must return to free them from their torment'.