KINGDOM HEARTS Re:Coded: Available Today in North America!

Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by Mike, Jan 11, 2011.

  1. Mike Chaser

    Jan 20, 2008
    New York
    <center><a href=""><img src="" alt="" title="KINGDOM HEARTS Re:Coded" width="300" height="300" class="alignnone size-medium wp-image-1777" /></a></center>

    Hey everyone, KINGDOM HEARTS Re:Coded has finally reached it's release in North America today (January 11th 2011).

    Are you ready to go into digital form and clear Jiminy Cricket's Journal? Get ready for the next KINGDOM HEARTS title, which is exclusive for the Nintendo DS.

    Do you have your copy of the game? Share your thoughts today about your experience.
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Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by Mike, Jan 11, 2011.

    1. Sir Charles of Monocles
      Sir Charles of Monocles
      I would have bought it today, but the roads are kinda dangerous due to snow/ice ( I live in the South, WTF??!?! ).
      I have it. I'm not that far so I don't have much to say. Let's just say it's a DS game. It's better than Days, but I thought Days was the WORST KH out there so far.
    3. Korra
      Picked up a copy for both me and my cousin, drove through snow to get to the mall, lol. I'm busy for the rest of the week so I just started playing it, though the combination of seeing the main introduction and actual plot of it makes the bit I played/watched being played make a lot more sense. xD

      So far it's great, but the most rewarding thing was seeing how happy my cousin was when I dropped it off, she didn't think I'd be coming because of the snow but I did promise her I'd do it, haha.
      Gameplay is definitely an improvement from Days, as are graphics. Hopefully there will be more actual cutscenes this time. >>
    4. Fearless
      Just got it today, had to beg my bro to give me a lift to GameStop.

      I'm only about an hour or so into it, but I definately like it more than Days. And I actually liked Days.
      Gameplay is vaguely reminicent of BBS at this point. The command system looks like something they'll apply in the future games; the handheld ones, at any rate.
      The cutscenes look like they were stolen off a PS2, not gonna lie. In fact, I suspect one or two of the ones I've already seen might have been ripped from the original and re-dubbed. >_>

      Mickey's new voice still grates on the ears after a while though.
    5. Scarred Nobody
      Scarred Nobody
      Got it today; am actually taking a bit of a break from it. It is a lot better than Days, both story-wise and gameplay. I love the new command system as well as the minigames that you play to get new abilities. I'm about 37% into the game (according to the journal) and I am loving it. I was glad that I was able to convince my mom to buy it for me. Today's my last full day at home before I leave to live with my grandmother for college, which starts Thrusday. I guess it was a goodbye gift, so I'm extremely happpy. :D
    6. Heart ❤
      Heart ❤
      I just got it today after school (thank God it hadn't started snowing on Long Island until I got home) I'm on Travers(sp I no XD) Tower second districh and I'm really mad that there's no Guide to go with it T_T
    7. Ventus PSP Aqua
      Ventus PSP Aqua
      I pre-ordered mine and went to pick it up at GameStop the minute they opened (love the Bonus icons stickers:D). Im enjoying the game and to be honest I find it the hardest Kh game that Ive played so farXD.Its really Fun,Funny, and Interesting just like any other kh game. The Fighting is something I have to get a bit used to especially in Olympus Coliseum. Thats the place Im currently in at LV11. Its better than 358/2 days but that game will always be #1 for me:D
    8. MatthewWaller
      I live in the UK, so it's not out until Friday, but I got an e-mail last night saying it's been dispatched, so it should arrive on the release date or if I'm lucky, maybe before. Can't wait to play it.
    9. Mr. Pumpkin
      Mr. Pumpkin
      Okay, so am I the only one who thinks it's ridiculous that we only see recycled stuff from KH1 in terms of outfits, characters and places?
      I for one, have stopped buying KH games, because seriously, this is just milking a cow that died, been brought back to life again and then died again.

      I mean, come on. Even those couple of seconds of that 3DS game look the same as KH1. Release a KH3 or stop the merchandise, jeez.
    10. kingdom_hearts_loverXX
      I'm enjoying the game so far, this is my second time playing this game (first in english) and I'm glad to say that this is a great DS game to have. Looking foward to 3D and hopefully KH3...>.>
    11. Gelatinous Ghost
      Gelatinous Ghost
      I picked up mine as soon as Gamestop opened. I was waiting outside. xD I am also a little peeved there appears to be no guide to go with it. I hope they release one soon, but I am not holding my breath. So far, this game breeds intense nastalgia by how much it resembles the first game. I can picture it just as clearly as I could when I was 11. I have only played a couple hours, but still have about a week before school starts again. I hope to get a decent amount of playtime in. So far not bad though. Definately worth buying. ​
    12. reptar
      This, the only game that came out after KH2 that was worthwhile was BBS. Since they were incorporated into the secret ending. The others were very unnecessary.
    13. Marxaeus
      Marxaeus's a company. I know it's annoying and I agree that I would kill ANYONE if I was offered a real copy of KH3 right this second, but as a company it's pretty obvious they're going to make spin offs to make money, lets face it, people love money. And at least they're making it by giving us something that we want, more Kingdom Hearts.
    14. khfreak123
      I happen to agree with the milking issue...but I don't think cutting off the series will solve anything... Square enix is a company about ridiculous prequals and side storys... I mean take a look at Final Fantasy.. 14 Main storys and who knows how many remakes and side stories. I just wish for the "good ol' days" When square would release a MAJOR kingdom hearts game... then either a prequal to help you understand the next MAJOR release or just a simple remake.... and then ANOTHER MAJOR KINGDOM HEARTS! I can remember what it was like to get Kingdom hearts... it was beautiful... Then COM... and finally the game we had waited for... KINGDOM HEARTS II!!! but alas... Square has changed... and change will be the end of their company...

      Thats all I have to say... :)
    15. EvilMan_89
      i feel the same way too. i'm really tired of the recycled environments and music, but i found that every KH is at least worth playing. they are at least good but not all of them are great.

      with this game, i haven't played enough to judge but i feel the story is a little ridiculous. still, one thing they did right was this: they brought back the original cast of characters. it's nice to be playing as Sora again (even though it's not really him).
    16. KeybladeSpirit
      Having gotten it leaked a few days ago, I must say that I'm very impressed. Got it for legalz today and it's even better on a real DS.
    17. wackko300
      I recently got this game and I like it. I like it just as much as Days!:)
    18. Marxaeus
      This. I loved all the games that came out between KH2 and Re:Coded. But I always had the horrible shouting little monster in the back of my mind saying we need Sora back, because to be completely honest I kept getting annoyed that they were mentioning him in the BBS and days and you can just tell they are building up to something big, and what do they have to show for it? Nothing, just more waiting until we can let the real Sora loose on some Heartless in KH3.

      Sometimes I wish I had that damned door leading to Timeless River. I'm sure with a bit of tweaking I could get it to send me to the release date of KH3, I'll just keep skipping ahead a year or two :P
    19. Scarred Nobody
      Scarred Nobody
      I feel that I"m about half way done with the game now, and I feel like I'm the only one who likes the recycled parts about the game. Yes, they used the same worlds from game 1 (since adding other worlds woulc create a paradox) and fight some of the same battles. It tests my skills from the first game and brings back a good nostalgia. As long as I have fun, the game is doing it's job. And a lot of the maps are re-done for the game, along with some great cutscenes. It also is good to be playing as Sora again, seeing that he is the main focus of the franchise to begin with.