Also enjoy. This is the edited chapter one, and I love it! Enjoy! Alright, I'm gonna take a shot at this. here we goooo...! A/N: So, i edited the absolute keyblade out of this. Enjoy! one more thing... Larxene: Blader 25 does not own Kingdom Hearts, Final Fantasy or any other companies mentioned hereforth. Got it? A/N: chill, Lar... Larxene: No! Did I mention I'm in an extremly foul mood? -summons knives- A/N: no. No, you didn't. Moving on... O_O CHAPTER ONE: Some people have Dreams. Others have Nightmares. Sora and Kairi have both. It was a calm and peaceful evening on Destiny Islands, which would be either blissful or slightly odd, depending on your point of view. Sora was about to fall asleep and thought to himself, "I wonder what Kairi is doing..." Roxas chirped in, "The same thing you are." "What? Falling asleep?" "No, she's probably thinking of you, smart one." "Hey!" "Hey yourself." "Whatever, master blah-blah-blah. And, besides I'm usually right about these things. I am a nobody, after all." "Right. Perhaps if this was elsewhere then yes, but here, no." "Well, you maybe right. You going to sleep, Sora? "Yeah, I'm exhausted..." "You slept nearly all the afternoon!" "Yes, but that doesn't mean I'm not tired..." "But you still are? Jeez, Sora, You would think you be able to stay awake on normal day for less than eight hours..." "What? And YOUR able to go 24/7 without sleep? "Well, no. It's just- that I don't understand why you sleep so much." "I guess... I just do. I've be doing ever since I was a little kid." "The only person I knew that slept more than you was Axel. And it seemed that he slept nearly every day, even on vacation." '"The Organization had Vacations?" "Yeah... You going to sleep?" " Yeah." Sora yawned."G'd Night." "Night." Meanwhile at Kairi's house, Kairi was going over what seemed to be an endless list of things to do, with about five minutes to do them all, or at least it felt way... "Exam 3, Drama Class after lunch, Projects due soon, Sora leaving AGAIN!" Kairi mentally noted. "Why does always leave when we just get back TOGETHER!" "I mean, it's not like I don't have a Keyblade or anything, oh no, it's just that I'm weak, that's the whole problem!" "Maybe he's trying to protect you, or save you. You know how romantic Sora can be... " replied Namine, staring out the window overlooking the bay. "And exactly how romantic is that?" "Rather... a bit much sometimes..." Namine said, twiriling her hair. You're right. He just thinks I'm important. Are you blushing Namine?" "Why? I'm not-blushing- am I?" she said, cheeks crimson. "Um... You are. Goodnight, Namine." "Night." And with that, she faded off into her dream... -Sora's mind- In Sora's dream, like, he was on the beach with Kairi, and then, as if out of nowhere, he was on this, weird, stained glass, cylinder? There was someone in a cloak, no, wait, an Organization 13 cloak? Oddly enough, it's as if there was no voice, but yet a voice that was coming in piece by piece... "Hello! Are even here or not?" The Voice rang out at Sora. "Hey! There's no to be upset now... Who are you, and what do you want?" Sora replied back, being confused as to: A, who this was, and B, whatever this persona wanted, it wanted it five minutes ago. "Me? My name? What do I want? Why would you care about this puppet? But, if want to see my face I might as well..." the Voice trailed off as if it was pausing for something. Something very, very important. In-between the split seconds when the persona pulled down the hood, and very surprising, showed her face, Sora saw something else. It was if, he knew there was something, different about her... but, he couldn't place it... "Her eyes! Look at her eyes!" A voice cried out at Sora. He looked at her and saw... They were golden yellow. "Now, What's your name?" Sora said, eying the figure up and down. "The name is Xion, fool. Remember this puppet well." She looked liked Kairi, but her hair was black, and she held what looked like a Kingdom Key, but instead of a crown, the teeth form an XIV, symbol or something like that. "Oh really?", Sora replied back, doubting this person for some reason, but, he just couldn't place it yet... The next thing Sora saw struck him like a crazed Heartless. Xion's form shimmered and became slightly transparent. The next thing Sora knew, there were two people in place were Xion had been. One was Xion herself, on her hands and knees, breathing irregularly. The other was what looked to be a figure, dressed in a full body suit similar to Riku's dark armor from a year ago. His face was covered by a black, reflective mask. "Well, well, well. You're still as weak as ever, Sora." the masked figure said, probably smirking behind his mask. The next thing he knew, Sora had a kneecap hit him straight in his face. He was able to keep his composure for a little longer. "Why? Why... did you do that?", Sora said, half-exhausted from pain, nearly causing his vision to blur. Void Gear hit Sora square in the stomach, giving the hero enough pain to make him collapse to his knees in a moment. And with that Xion, no, the other boy gave a smile, and then Sora blacked out... Vanitas raised Void Gear above Sora's chest, ready to extract his heart and break between his gloved hands with all the force he could muster. Just as he was ready to thrust the black and red blade down, his focus was broken by something. More like something thrown by someone... Xion had gotten to her feet, Levithan in hand. She gave Vanitas the worst glare she could give. "Don't. Even. Think. About. Touching. His. Heart!" she said, putting stress on each word, and even more on the last one. Vanitas turned around,"probably laughing in that horrid helmet of his," Xion thought. "So," Vanitas began, chuckling. "You think a puppet, like you, can even try to beat me? What a utter waste of talent. Pure waste. But then again, you are just like him, so I wouldn't expect any less. Xion was furious now, one, for Vanitas tearing her to shreds, insulting Roxas and Sora and saying she couldn't fight. She decided it was time for rage to translate to action. Xion rushed Vanitas, as a battle cry escaped her lips. Vanitas readied himself, bracing for a ground attack... But he had it all wrong. Xion jumped into air. A slash to left. A slash to the right. And the final move, Xion's personal favorite. She spun around like a buzz-saw, hiting Vanitas multiple times. She back-flipped and landed on her feet. She ran a hand through her black hair. "Ready to give up?", She taunted, smirking. "Not even-" Vanitas didn't finish his sentence, Xion lauching into yet another combo. She slashed him across his head three times, twice across on torso, then set in with yet another front-flip. Vanitas was trying to block her attacks, to no or even little sucess. He instead went higher in the air, drew Void Gear to his side, yelling, "Suffer!" as black lightning arced from the blade towards Xion. The lightning hit sapphire-eyed girl dead-on, causing to plummet slightly. But Xion didn't fall. She dashed higher towards Vanitas re-starting the combo. Three slashes left. He blocked. Five slashes right. Vanitas dodged each one, effortlessly. A front-flip. He dived towards the ground, Xion following close behind. Another two slashes left. Contact, against black mesh ingrained with, red, the red nearly looking like veins. The thrid strike spiked Vanitas down-ward, the masked boy impacting on the hard glass, face first. "That should shatter that mask of his..." Xion thought to herself triumphantly. Xion landed on the floor, Leviathan still drawn in her hand. Vanitas pulled himself off the ground, aching. The 'puppet' had a number on him, more than he thought she could. His only thought was voiced. "Very impressive. I'd thought you'd be worse of a fighter." "Why did you think that?" Xion spat, still rather ticked off about what Vanitas had said about her friends. "Oh, you know. Always gotta have a back-up plan." Vanitas spoke, opening a Dark Corridor behind him. "See ya round, Puppet." He spat, walking into the "Wait! You get back here!" Xion yelled, running at him... Only for the portal to close, mere inches from her face. "Roxas. I'm gonna need some more time... Before I wake up." That was last thing said, before Sora woke up. *
not bad. i like the idea of Sora finally meeting Xion. hey, i like the idea of Xion coming back period. i do suggest starting a new paragraph in between speakers, example at bottom. also, in case you dont know, double space your paragraphs. this makes it easier to read. your grammer isnt bad, but you should check your sentence structure. try typing chapters in a word processer like Microsoft Word or something before posting it. it will definitely help.
Also enjoy. This is the edited chapter one, and I love it! Enjoy! Rushing air, little to no light, walking endlessly. These are but a few of the words, things, or otherwise ideas of the Realm of Darkness. Kairi was there, but yet not there, similar to a ghost-like state. She absently stared at herself, pale and transparent. She thought she could pass through objects, but she attemped to go through a rock, only to end up stubbing her toe. There was a beach, with the ocean moving in and out, quite relaxing after a while, and these two people sitting there, one on a rock the other on the sand. The one on the rock had on a thick, long, black cloak with a hood to cover his face. The other person was a familar, distant, caring, saddened girl. She had blue hair stopping at her neck, robes to cover her arms, pants, and what seemded to be a skirt. A skirt made in pieces. "Seriously, who would wear, that?", Kairi thought to herself, trying to listen in on the two persona's conversation, but for some reason she could only get bits here and there, some full sentences, others mere words or pharses. "Perhaps... it was a way... of clearing my conscience..., You see I... hid... data... within... the heart...", said the Hooded Man. "Whose heart?, Mine, Sora's or Riku's... WHOSE HEART ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT?" Kairi screamded Kairi at the two people. No response. "whose. heart...", she was about to start to sob, when she heard the girl say: "Sora." "Sora? The Sora?", Kairi mused to herself, "He must be very important for some reason." At that moment the girl with blue hair began to cry, no, weep tears of joy, for Sora as if he was her savior, or something of that note. A boy, hidden in a mask, watching from the shadows, flexed his at that moment, a swirling vortex of darkness appeared behind Kairi and began to suck her in, slowly, but with increasing strenghth, becoming stronger as it grew. Meanwhile in that same spot, Aqua was overjoyed at the fact that she had someone who could rescue her from this never-ending darkness. In a flash, it seemed as if she sensed something, wait, someone who was hidden from her and the myterious man next to her, like they where here, but not here. Then, she saw it, the ever-growing expanding vortex, trying to suck in some, girl? "She looked almost like... no, it couldn't be... but the hair, and that face..." Staring closer, Aqua reached towards the girl and she reached back, they almost had each others hands and when they touched, a bright, brilliant flash of light erupted! A few seconds, later they both were standing still holding each other's hands. They both let go, and Aqua, replied saying, "Who are you? You look familar to me, but I can't place your name..." "The name's Kairi. What's yours?", Kairi fluttered back, "Oh! thanks for saving me. I was almost lost if hadn't come to help me." "Your Welcome... wait a minute! You said your name was Kairi! You're all... grown up. I remember when you were much, much younger, and shorter, too." "I can sense you have something that feels familar to me..." "Do you have a weapon of some sort?" "Yes, and no." Yes, I do have a keyblade, I can use it, but nobody has offerded to train me to use to it's full potential yet... It's rather saddening...", Kairi's voice trailed off, deep in thought somewhere.. who knows where being the better question. At that second, an evil laughter filled the air and darkness. The laugh of the one man who had tried to destory the universe by unlocking Kingdom Hearts. Master Xehanort. He stood there overlooking the trio, giving a smirk as to how utterly pitiful they were. Added to all this there came another person walking up he had on a costume like Riku's Dark Armor,his face covered in a blck helmet. "You... you're both-..." Aqua said "Alive-", Xehanort said, "And ready to be rid of you!" ,the boy in the mask said, hurling a bright blue fireball at them, with such force and speed that it would be nearly impossible to dodge unless... "No room to run, hardly any cover, we'll have to block it...thought Aqua to herself... "I'm gonna die, by a fireball... Tragic, and sad, at the same time.", thought at Kairi, staring at the blue flames clearing in bit by bit at a astounding rate of speed... "Hmmmp. They're finshed.", said the boy, overly confident in himself. "So it seems Vanitas, but, then again, things are not always as they seem. Look and see now what is happening!", Xehanort chortled to his apprentince. Like a blur, two keyblade formed a X blocked the fireball, and with one hit sent it straight back to Vanitas, burning bright white. Unluckly, he blocked it. Truth be told, there was a person behind those keyblades, he had white pants with gold, going down the sides of them, black on the kneecaps and a white shirt with a vest on. He bore a resemblance to Sora, but his hair formed a single front-facing flat-topped right triangle. To put in easy terms, his hair was mostly falt except for the part sticking straight out near his forehead. His keyblade had the Kingdom Hearts' heart for teeth, a solid white blade, the part attached to the hilt was light blue, like clear ocean water. the hilt was white with a black dot in each corner, the inside of the hilt being gold, the handle were simple white, black shaft , white. The chain was medium length, the keychain forming the letters: XIV. "Thanks and all, but who are you?", Kairi said, rather stunned at the fact that someone could wear so much white and be comfortable walking around... "My name, m'lady, is Christopher. You can call me Chris for short." "okay this good to know and all, but Xehanort is right there you two...", Aqua motioned, still wondering who this was. "Vanitas!", Chris yelled, obviously wanting his attention. "You." "You, too." "You know we're polar oppisites, right?" "All the more reason to fight you. I like a challenge every once in while, you know, to keep you loose and limber." "You're annoying me..." "I am? I never even noitced!", Chris shot back, getting his foe's sight on him. The two rushed towards each other,gripping each other hands in a full on tackle of the adversary. Xenahort and Aqua both noted the darkness and light beginning to build, surround, and fight for them. Vanitas shoved hard against Chris' hands, trying to force him to be out of his way. "You really think that's gonna work?" Chris smirked. "Try again,bub." He growled, light pulsing from him as he spoke. "Idiot. You think you can stop-"Vanitas started, "Yes I do." Chris growled back, cutting Vanitas off. "Really?" Vanitas said, mocking. "Really." Chris spat. The pair shoved at each other again, and with a burst of energy never seen on any scale such as this before, everything went black and white, followed by gray, and then full color... Kairi woke up to see... that same guy. Outside on the lawn, waiting for her to get done dressing. Is it real, or not? Name of the chapter is Destai. Nuff' said.
Okay, so, I haven't had three replies, but I have had multiple ratings and views. Thank you for the feedback. However, please don't be afraid to leave a comment. Trust me, I'm not going to flare up and completely ignore your advice. Let's get started! Chapter Three: A Fresh, clean, start Kairi quickly got dressed and raced down the stairs as fast she could, nearly falling on her face twice. After hurriedly eating a light fruit salad, she rushed out the door to find Chris, just, standing there. He had one thumb in his right pocket, causally standing on the front lawn. "You know, you could have tried not to hurt yourself getting ready so quickly...†he said, having a slight light tone to his voice. "Well, that would be easier if-, humph!†Kairi stopped herself mid-sentence to give Chris a stern look. And if looks could kill, this one might leave a bruise or two. "Pardon me, then. Back to the matter at hand...†"There's a matter at hand? What exactly is that?" "Hmmm...†Chris paused, apparently in thought. "You see I am here, but not here, at the same time. I am merely projecting my image to your mind. I'll explain later, say, 10'o'clock?†Chris replied his voice raising into a more light-hearted tone. "Um, yeah... I kind of have school then. So, maybe 3-ish?†Kairi said back, her voice dropping with hesitation, her face slightly leaning towards the ground. "Oh, I had already figured you would say something like that." "You did?" Kairi did a quick mental double-take and thought, "How did he know that?" "He just did, I hope, said Namine, if there is another reason, he won't be here much longer..." "Namine! Have a bit more... less of killing theme?" "Right." Namine gave a small chuckle, "Says the princess of heart." "! I ought to, but I won't and can't due to being a princess of heart...†Unfortunately, the last sentence came flying out of her mouth in a very hurried manner. "I, uh, didn’t, um say that. You were just... imaging things, and thought I said that, right?" Kairi's face turned as red as the sun is in the sky. And, mind you, that's a pretty deep shade of red now. "Lemme guess. You have one of that have-somebody-in-your-head-who's-a-part-of-you-but-annoys-the-living-daylights-out-of-you-and-you-can-do-almost-nothing-about-it, problems? Hmm? I am, correct?" "How, the heck, did you know that?!?" Kairi voice shrilled, hands clenched, teeth almost bared, mentally wondering why she done any of that, hoping she gone about it, gentler than she had. "Now, now no need to have fake anger and all, just relax. I can see Nobodies too, if you need to know." "You can?" "I can." You said 10:00ish, right?" "I did. So, 10:15, daresay, 10:20?" "Deal!" "Fine, then. 10:00ish it is." School passed by slowly until 10, which had Kairi and her stomach in more knots than Xaldin has in his hair. Luckily, Destiny Islands History was next. "Excuse me, class. But your History Teacher had to leave on notice so you will be having a substitute teacher for the rest of the week. That is all.†The vice principal’s voice clicked off the PA system. The door opened and... In walked the EXACT same guy, (Exact same, mind you, reader...) Kairi had been talking with earlier in the morning. The class was rather shocked as well, some gasping, others sighing relief, others puzzled as to who this was. Varied response lit up: "He's our Sub?" "Him?" "He's the captain of the fencing team. Ekkkk!! I love him!!!!" "He's also the resident myth expert." "Really? "Yeah, he's also our local DJ." "We have a DJ?" "Guess so." "Class, class, settle down, please. Do I need to write 'don't panic' in large friendly letters?†Chris said. The class laughed at this statement. It was the laugh that says, “laugh, he's the teacher and if we don't laugh we could be in trouble type laugh." Okay, since each of seem to be so... hyper, why don't we find what your names mean? The whole class let out a long groan, followed by multiple sighs. "Tell you what. We'll do six names today, pulled out this hat. All of the names are in there. Tomorrow and the rest of week I tell myths and you guys draw or listen or even sleep. Is that a Fair deal?†Chris replied. He obviously had their attention. "Alright, first name. Selphie! Please stand and make your way to the front of the class." She did. "Now, write your name on the board and return to your seat." "Okay to break this down, he said, "the name breaks down into... self-versed, i think. "Next, Tidus!" "Hmmm... quick-paced person. Neat." "Wakka!" "Mm. Brother." Okay let's see... Riku! 'Your name means land. Related to Latin by the word Terra, meaning earth." "Really?" The sixteen year-old silver wonder had never heard someone say anything particular like this before, but hey, it might be worth a shot. "Really. Next is.... um.... let's see here... Sora! Ah yes, come to the front and write your name...." All of this mind you, except for the explanation of the names was done in Circus Ringmaster voice, sounding serious, it hard not to laugh at something that was waaaaaay overly dramatic. "Hmmm.... Your name means... sky. Nice. Related to Latin, the word being Ventus, meaning wind. Whoever named you,†Chris said pointing his finger at Sora, "must a have had their head in the clouds." "Very funny." The spiky brown hair hero shot him a look that said, "If I ever get my hands on you I'll... I'll.... I'll do something really mean!" "You know, I was being serious for five seconds there...' "Right..." "Anyways, moving on. And the last name is, drum roll possibly included on this one..." Some of students began drumming on their desks. "And apparently High School students still give drum rolls," With that the class laughed actually genuine laughter this time. "The last name is..... Is.... is! Kairi. Well, what are you waiting for? Come on up here." Kairi walked ever so slowly as not to make this moment go by any quicker... After writing her name on the board she turned to face Chris. He had a smile on his face. “Your name means sea. Latin relation, Aqua or in English, water." And right at that point, the bell rang. Luckily, it was a free period for the trio. Unlucky because, "Sora, Riku and Kairi. I want to have a word with after class." All three of them groaned as their 'teacher' had a gleeful look in his eyes. His eyes? Light brown, like fresh cocoa. "Yes, Teacher?†Riku's voice was practically dripping, no, flooded with sarcasm. It was almost enough to make anyone shudder. But, Chris didn't. He did the exact opposite. He smiled. So, Riku thought to himself, he has a sense of humor. This is going to be fun." Riku wasn't the type to pull pranks, more the type to insult verbally and still be smiling. "Drop the whole... teacher thing. It's unnerving. Chris said, closing the door behind him. Sora shot him a look that said, don't even think about messing with or my friends AND DON'T EVEN THINK ABOUT MOVING TOWARDS KAIRI. Ever. "Jeez. Impatient much?†Chris spat out. "No, you?" "Sora, or to better call you, Sora and Roxas..," Sora's mouth fell open in shock,†Is... Today...†Chris had stop speaking in order to stifle a laugh. "your time of the..." again, He had to stop, only to bite his lip.â€Month!" Sora's mouth fell open even father, the complete look of shock, surprise covering his face. Chris bit his lip further, but to no avail. His eye shined and shimmered, almost like they were. Laughing. "What?" Kairi said, her face growing bright red. Complete, shock. "Um, Sora, you see, what he meant was..." and she had to whisper the rest of her sentence in his ear. "You didn't!†Sora was of course, ticked off. Riku, rather, hadn't stopped grinning since Chris first uttered his joke. "This guy... has got good taste in humor." "To make a point, all three of you see your names, correct, Chris said pointing to the blackboard. The three nodded in agreement.†And, you see the Latin names, right?" "Previous keyblade wielders, each name connected to an element. Understand?" Kairi nodded, Sora stood back to take it in, but it was Riku who spoke. "So, we each are connected to an element?" "Yes, by your name, and by you, yourselves, I mean...†“Huh? What on earth does that mean?†Sora thought to himself. "Well, wish we could know more, but we have to get of to our next class? Right, Guys?†Kairi said perking up, and more or less, wanting to get out of there. "Wait. I think we should know more. And besides, when have we ever had someone explain this much to us in non-cryptic words?†Riku shot back, trying to convince Kairi and Sora to stay. Sora was simple, if he wouldn't stop looking so perplexed, Kairi, on the other hand, could be a bit stubborn. "Fine. I'll stay.†Kairi said back, breathing out a light sigh of exhaustion. "Okay, since you're all done deciding on whether to stay or not, can we continue?†Chris retorted, sounding rather upset about being interrupted. "Now, why don't we take a mini field trip?" "What-! Why would you....†Kairi and Sora's jaws both dropped, nearly instantly as Chris had said those words. Roxas and Namine on the other hand, couldn't stop smiling. In fact, Roxas tried, very, very, hard not laugh. It didn't work. "Ah ha... Oh...oh.....I don't think I've seen you two react that way before. But, your faces,"Roxas had to stop a second to keep from laughing again, "look so hilarious! And, with that, he burst out laughing again. Even Namine smiled cheerfully. She wasn't one to show emotion much, but, you have to admit, if you could have seen the look of pure shock and joy blended together on Sora and Kairi's faces, you'd be laughing right along with them. "Come on! Here. We. Go!†Chris, spoke with delight and they left the room and headed outside. Three Nobodies, however, stayed in the class room. Well, more like two, and another who hadn't been noticed yet. "So.", said Roxas, trying to make conversation. "What's with Namine? It's like... she's staring at someone, or something. She looks. Unnerved. Weird." "So." "Why? WHY? Why don't I remember that, that person? Or is it something else? Above everything, why don't I remember?!?!??†Namine said back, staring at the teacher's desk in front of them. "Namine, what, better yet, who, are you looking at?†Roxas replied, only to be cut off "That." Namine pointed and Roxas followed her finger. There someone sitting on the desk. Someone in a cloak. But not just any cloak. It was the Organization 13 cloak. "Great. Someone else to ruin my existence. But, guess what? Not today, not now, not ever. Never.†he thought this, but what came out was, "Who, or what, are you? Why do you wear that cloak? Why are you here?†Roxas stood, standing in front of Namine, indenting to protect her at all costs. Namine also stood, pulling herself of the desk she had been sitting on. After a few rather tense moments, the figure spoke. "Who. Who am I? My name? Why am I here? Simple. My name is Xion. X-i-o-n. Shi-on. Who am I? Number XIV. Why am I here? Because, Roxas, I can finally, truly, exist. Its voice was high and "familiar? Like a girl's voice...†the two nobodies both thought, almost able to read each other's thoughts. However, exactly when Xion said her name, Roxas, Sora, and Riku started clutching their head as pain, no, memories flooded their sub-conscious at a rate to fast to comprehend, let alone keep up. "My Keyblade is not a sham! What gives you the right to say that?" "Is it that I'm not supposed to exist?" "I want... I want to be... with you two." "I'm sorry but... I can't go with you. It's my friends-- they need me. And I need them too. "I've decided that I have to go back where I belong." "It's time for this puppet to play her part." Sora started to clutch his head, as if he had a headache? No, it wasn't a headache, it was searing pain. His head pounded, heart raced, and he felt this burning pressure in his head, slowly building, bit by bit. And as it went it became worse, to the point that he could see nothing but white. One knee fell, then the other knee, until he was lying on the sand, holding his head in his hands, sweat pouring down his face and back. Riku felt the pain but, he resisted it as he long could. He clenched his fists in agony, gritted his teeth and fought as hard as he could to not hit the ground like Sora did. He didn't. For five minutes at least. His left knee touched the ground, but Riku still held his composure. Then the right knee, but the memories, no, the sheer name caused him to remember those days, wearing a blindfold, trying to save some girl with black hair, and keeping clear of the Organization. He simply kneeled there; let the memories run their course, nearly blacking out in the process. He felt the sweat on his face, and even more memories rushed into his head. Unfortunately, he and Sora both screamed, birds rushing for the treetops as they did. "Ah, ah. AHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!" Oddly, both Roxas and Namine fell towards the floor tightly gripping their heads in raw pain. Namine fell first, having to throw her hand to catch herself. She held herself up, struggling to understand, why she, the one who could control memories, have a sudden overflow of them? Roxas, on the other hand, hit the floor, curled up in a ball, and gripped his head even tighter, hoping to ease the pain. It didn't. He saw her, no he saw Xion, and, Axel, and they were together, on the clock tower. He then saw his two friends fight. He saw when he fought Xion in Halloween Town, Axel having to stop them both, he saw all the times they talked together, and finally, he saw that when he left the Organization, Xion came, and made him fight her. And when she was defeated, she lay there, and just... dissolved into light, right before his eyes. That particular memory hurt the worst, having Roxas break into tears, fell the pain go from his head to where should be, no where his heart was. Kairi, however, was unaffected by any of this and was deeply worried for her friends. "What's...? What's happening?†she said the concern in her voice nearly causing it to crack. "Memory relapse.†Chris spoke, his eyes moving towards the ground. "You see, it's what happens when either something your sub-conscious remembers memories or memories you've forgotten come to the surface. It's like an electrical overload, except,†he pointed at his head, "right here. However, I had never thought it would be on this level... It has to be utter torture. Utter...†He tried to speak, but his words trailed off.. Cut quiet by sadness for those in pain. "Is there something I can do to help?" "I...I don't know. Yet.... Well, actually, yes, you can help." "By?†Kairi responded, waiting on his suggestion for anything. "Simple. Draw your Keyblade." She did, and she was surprised, by the fact that as she did, tiny balls of light spread at the top of the blade to form a sphere, no, dome that surrounded her, Riku, Sora, and Chris. What she saw next nearly shocked her. Chris started to rise, covered in white-gold aura; he floated higher, and then stops. He opened his eyes that were closed, and they, they were... having light flow out of them... like he has true concern from them, and for others. Chris gripped his hands and magic began to gather in them, it circled, grew, and formed a ball, in each hand, and flew towards Riku and Sora, then three more flew to the school. They had white light around the edges, a gold layer under that, an even thinner layer of light blue under that, then white again. It's what was in the center of them that shocked Kairi. A green leaf, emitting green light, just like a Cure spell, except... different... A ring of green light encased the two teens, forming around them, and raining, gentle, light, green leaves on them, soothing there ache and pain, almost like, they were at... peace. "Yes, they're different. Why? I can control the energy behind them.†Chris replied back, almost like, he had read her thoughts? Ha! She was probably just showing too much emotion on her face or something like that? Reading thoughts, though? Not a chance... "I did.†Chris said back, only in her head? "WHAT?!?" "Uh-huh. Another thing I learned to do, it's actually rather funny, but it can be a real pain someday. You know how depressing you people get? Oy. If your thoughts dictated the weather, it'd be rain and lightning, 24/7. Jeez. Although, if Selphie had her way, we'd all be sun-burnt like over-done cookies." "That was rather, funny." "Thanks." "So, you are talking. In my head?" "Correction. In our heads." "Our heads?" "Yes. It's called a mental connection. It's all the rage 2 years from now." "How exactly do you know that?" "Time travel." "Right..." "I wasn't joking." "You weren't?" "No. I'll explain later... when there's more time. As for right now, I have an idea. "What idea? "It involves this, and Sora and Riku." "You wouldn't!" "I might, I mean, I just might...†A third voice entered the conversation, blissfully, un-aware of what was about to happen... "Man, Kairi looks really nice today... I wonder if I could take her somewhere... But then again, everything has to Re-connect... "That's nice for you to think, Sora. I'm glad you have feelings for me." "What- I... I... I didn't say that, so how did Kairi know what I thought?' "Easy, Sora. We're mentally connected." "You're kidding me. It's like being with Roxas, except waaaaaaaay worse." The dynamic duo stood up, brushed off the sand and Sora saw Riku's face. He was smirking. "Sora, you just got played. Big-time." "Thanks, Riku." "No prob." "Back to my point, before you two collapsed in an incomprehensible fit of pain, you are each connected to a particular element. So, the best to demonstrate this, you each are going to connect to your element." "Okay, so exactly are we going to do this? I'm a little confused...†Sora said, holding his arms in his laid-back pose. "Well, I'll start with Riku," "Great. Use the older kid as the guinea pig..." "I heard that." "Alright, Riku. Stand here on this hill." Riku stood there, wondering what was going to happen next... "Relax. Chill and just go with it. No need to super-up-tight about this..." "You're right. So, what next?" "Okay, Riku, now I need to draw your blade.†Riku drew Way To Dawn, it's angelic and demonic presence giving the 'teacher' sheer awe at the look of the weapon. "Whoa. I mean, whoa, as in whoa-that-thing-could-go-through-Heartless-like-hot-butter-whoa. Sick nasty awesome." "Weapon worship much?" "Nah, just know a good blade when I see one." "Now, kneel on one knee and the feel the earth. You might have to hold your keyblade in a reverse grip...†"Don't need to.†the silver haired teen said, already kneeling. He relaxed and felt the earth. Nothing. Or so he thought. He could feel the earth, the steps of the people, the vibrations of the land, and the itty-bitty feelings of every inch of the islands." It was... absolutely amazing. "Well, what do you feel?" "I feel... everything...†Riku's voice drifted off, thoroughly enjoying this new sensation. "Next, Sora." "Okay, stand here and point your blade up." "Like this?" Sora said, pointing Kingdom Key towards the sky. "Just like that." Sora did so, but he didn't feel anything. And then it hit him. He felt the wind, the air, the people breathing, and every little wisp of air moved by someone walking. He felt it all. And you know what? He loved that feeling. "I don't even need to ask. Your face is overjoyed with this." "Yeah...." Sora said dreamily... utter unaware of anything else. "Ready, Kairi?" "Ready as I can be..." "Good enough. Step into the ocean.' "Won't I get wet?" "I did say I can control energy, right? So if I can, why worry about getting wet?" "Good point. So, what do I do?" "Feel the water, and watch what happens. Use your heart to feel, and you'll feel it all." "Alright. Here goes nothing..." She just stood there in the water, feeling just that. Water. "No, no, no, no. Put your keyblade," Chris had to move her hand holding Destiny's Embrace into the water,†in the element." Then she felt it. An overcoming ripple? Wave? No, ocean! Any entire ocean and she could each wave, every current, one with water, and one with waves. If a fish moved half an inch, she felt it. And then looked at her, and gasped. A little stream of water started to trickle up the blade becoming larger and bigger and covering her body, her whole self. "But I'm not wet. I'm dry. This feels. Amazing!" Meanwhile, back at the ranch, ahem, school (please excuse the old joke there), Roxas and Namine had felt these balls of what seemed to be Cure magic heal them. Xion sat on the desk, head held in her hands muttering, "I'm sorry... I'm so sorry... I....I didn't mean to cause all this pain.... I'm so sorry..." "Jeez, Xion. Of all the people to give me a migraine, it had to be you.†A voice said, coming from outside the classroom. A familiar voice... And the door opened, and he stood there. "Rule no. 45, never give me a migraine. Got it memorized?" Roxas couldn't believe his eyes. "Axel!" End chapter 3. Sorry folks, but this was huge and i couldn't really fit all into one chapter without blowing up. But, a promise is a promise. And I am going to keep it. Don't worry next chapter already started going, this will work out fine. Plug time! (What's a plug you ask? a free advertisement for a company or brand usually done via media) Alright go check out this uber-awesome-epic fan-fic on It's called Body and Soul written by No Heart's throne. (Sound familar, BBS fans?) And yes, I'll get to the pairings and I'm really hoping to expand this into two or three separate arcs that all tie back together, along with a AU (alternate universe)/ What if? Story I’m going to try and pick up. So, in English, or whatever your current language is, It's going to be a while to get all this up and running. Oh, one more thing. THANKS FOR ALL THE VIEWS GUYS (AND POSSIBLE GIRLS INCLUDED IN THAT)!!!!!!! Don't forget to leave a review, cause without it; I'm utterly clueless as to what you guys want to see. Interactive story, you might say. So drop a review. Disclaimer: the only thing i own is my character and story. Any and all Disney, Kingdom Hearts, Or Final Fantasy titles are not mine. Song in future chapter goes to the band Nickel Back. Thank you. Blader, out!
Hello again. i will be editing you work. enjoy! Spoiler k, your punctuation is off, like, a lot. For this ^ one, proper punctuation would be 'Chris, just standing there.' only one comma. again, punctuation. dont put a comma after a quotation mark. there should be a space in between these two paragraphs. Different speaker and all. since there isnt a change in speakers or ideas, it shouldnt be 2 paragraphs, only one. Also, thoughts should be italicized. Like this: ugh. i forgot. qutations automatically italicize. im going to bold it, but read it as italics, ok? technically, Namine and Kairi are 2 different speakers, so put an extra space in there as well. both the period and the comma in the first sentence are unnecessary. first sentence: 'now now, no need...' last sentence: you forgot a quotation mark. And, since i dislike repeating myself, this is the last ill bring up punctuation, unless its really necessary. Also, why did Kairi agree? Just cause he can see Nobodies? this has nothing to do with edits, but it must be said: AHAHAHA HAHA AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! HITCHHIKER'S GUIDE TO THE GALAXY REFERENCE!!!! there, done. the sixteen year old wondered, or the sixteen year old silver-haired-wonder. Something like that. That^ is an incomplete sentence as is. WHOA! Is that OPEN HOSTILITY? Did NOT expect that from Sora. interesting place to bring up his eye color, but hey! It works. NEXT!! question mark after month, not exclamation mark. Or both if you wish. this ^ part doesnt make sense to me. Explain? what, theyve never been on a mini field trip before? Whats so exciting and shocking that Sora and Kairi are so freaked about it? again, italicize thoughts. Otherwise, it seems like hes voicing his thoughts aloud, which doesnt make sense in context. oddly? It isnt odd if Riku and Sora both did it too. And you said, a few paragraphs ago, “However, exactly when Xion said her name, Roxas, Sora , and Riku started clutching their head as pain, no, memories flooded thei sub-conscious at a rate to fast to comprehend, let alone keep up.”, which justifies Roxas and Namine's pain. ok, i know i said i wouldnt repeat myself, but this is really bugging me. dont use commas after quotation marks. Before maybe, but not after. for 'yes theyre different' and 'i can control the energy behind them', dont use a question mark. It sounds like hes second guessing himself. ellipses, those dot-dot-dot things (...) use 3 dots, not 2. wow. Great KH3 reference there. No seriously, no sarcasm here, its a really good one. Blatant, but good. Although, the thought makes Sora seem very scatterbrained. i dont understand this one either. Explain please? incomprehensible? Im pretty sure it was comprehended. They collapsed because they were having a memory lapse. 'silver teen'? Again, silver-haired teen maybe. That ^ sentence just reminds me of the silver surfer. excused OMG ITS AXEL!!!!! ok, so, beyond my edits, i think this was a really great chapter. I didnt mention the spelling mistakes, but there was a LOT of them. I could probably list them, but im too lazy to do that. My advice? Use a word processor, like Microsoft Word or the Mac equivalent of Microsoft Word (sorry Mac users for my ignorance) or pretty much anything that has spell check. If you get a good one, it can also correct your grammar, but i didnt see many grammar mistakes. Its mostly just punctuation and spelling. The story is great, the ideas are presented clearly and the story has good 'flow', i suppose youd call it. if you think im being hypocritical because of the times when i mentioned the commas after quotes, then used them myself, the way i used them was grammatically correct, your way, not so much. You used it to separate a quotation from the speaker. I used it to separate a quote from a different idea, or to signify a pause in reading. If you dont know what m talking about, id sugest reading some of the other fanfics on the site, like The Flurry or ~Destiny Unlocked~. Actually, id suggest reading them anyways because theyre very good fanfics. Keep going cause id love to see the end of this story.
... ... ... ... Besides spelling error, punctuation, capitalisation, and etc. Your pretty much packed and ready to go! It is a very interesting story and I would love to hear more. :)
Update report! So, it's been a while... Yeah..., (shrugs) sorry. Sorta hit a writer's block realizing I'm outta canon, when I'm supposed to be in canon. HOO-boy. So, who's up for a contest? Okay, so I need two names for my characters. The first a combination of Xion and Xigbar. The second, a combination of Xion and Demyx. Rules: 1) keep a X. (orgXIII) 2) make it feminine(of course) 3) be creative! Take out or switch letters, add Latin or Japanese! Show me, something unique. Two winners will be chosen from this chapter and the other arc. The final four will narrowed to two names, one for each character. The winners will recurve a kingdom hearts fan-fic or seris written by me(as per their direction)personally. So either reply, or PM me on these. Leave your name submission, and good luck!
Dang, this the newest one. If you want more, come over to, . That's my fan-fic profile. Why am I adversting them? Because they have very good authors, and somebody "borrowed" Destiny Force's Switched Fan-Fic...(being serious here...) Anywho, here's my latest chap. Enjoy the love that is Larexl. Kairi was sitting on the palm tree on smaller play island. She decided to pull her sketchbook out of her bag. "Feel like drawing?" she thought to herself. "Yeah. It helps, and it passes the time." Namine said, quickly (albeit rather painfully) separating herself from Kairi. She ran a shimmering hand through her transparent hair. Even though she was separate from Kairi, she wasn't fully separate yet... She just sat there on the tree sketching. Kairi noted that she was drawing what appeared to be Chris, with seven hooded girls behind him. "Namine? What are you drawing?" Kairi asked inquisitively. "Just something I picked up…" the blonde nobody said, grinning. Before Kairi could voice her thoughts any further, she and Namine were both interrupted. "Looks like you two could use some company." A voice spoke, feminine in nature. Kairi and Namine looked over their shoulders to see who had spoken. It was none other than Xion, strolling over to where the two were perched onto the tree. "You're Xion, right? It is weird to be alive? You know… being… well, dead, and all that?" Kairi questioned as the raven-haired girl took her seat next to Namine on the tree. Xion let a coy smile escape show on her face. She chuckled lightly. "It seems there's a few things I need to clear up. One," Xion said "I'm actually not Xion, or at least the original Xion. I'm… I should say we," Xion said, gesturing to her heart. Kairi and Namine both blanched, Kairi's jaw dropping slightly. Namine just had a puzzled a look on her face. "We," 'Xion' continued, ignoring the pair's reactions. "are clones, or copies, of Xion." She said, placing her hand over her heart. "So where's Xion, if you're not her?" Kairi wondered out loud. "Simple. She's with Roxas inside Sora, who has someone else inside him. Namine replied, smiling. "Where's Sora and Riku? Where's Chris?" Xion asked, cocking her head to one side. "There busy 'talking' with him at this moment." Kairi affirmed, making air quotes as she said talking. "Well, well. Isn't that just so cute…" A voice said, high-pitched and feminine interrupting the trio. The group of girls slid off the tree, Xion being first, followed by Kairi and Namine. They saw what seemed to be two hooded figures standing on the bridge in front of them, denying access to their friends or help. The first figure was slender, pulling off her hood, to reveal a young woman with blonde hair with what seemed to be two antennas made out of her hair, smirking at them. The other figure pulled off his hood, showing a face all too familiar to Xion and Namine: Xigbar. Namine clutched her sketchbook in her hands, trying her best not to look scared. It was working apparently. "Hey Xiggy." the blonde woman said, grinning from ear to ear. "As if, Larxene. How many times do I have told you, its Braig now, not that name! Got it?' He spoke. The only response he earned was "Stupid Heart only gives me trouble." From Larxene muttered under her breath. "Guess what?" Xion spat back, smirking at the duo. Both of them had not yet noticed her hand had moved over her heart. "What, Poppet?" Braig taunted, grinning. "I won't. Give. In!" Xion yelled the last word as light engulfed her, so bright, that the other people around her had to shield their eyes for fear of being blinded. When the light died down, four hooded Xion's stood where the other Xion had been standing. There was different about their appearance though… Braig was the first to notice the differences. "A-four-in-one-Poppet. Interesting." He thought. The first girl pulled off her hood, black hair intermingling with red spiky locks. She stretched her arms out to her sides' orbs of flame pulsating at her finger-tips, forming two orange-and red spiked wheels of fire. They were Chakrams, Axel's model, named Prominence. She held one by two finger in her right hand, swaying it back and forth. "Name's Nialox. N-i-a-l-o-x. . Got it memorized?" She spoke, pressing her hand up to her temple. "A Poppet like Flamesilocks. Wonderful." Braig thought to himself. The second Xion merely shuffled a deck of cards between her hands, leaving five cards in her hand. "Care for a round?" She said voice thick with a British accent. "A Luxord ." The third Xion drew two Arrowguns, Cupid's arrow, combined them into a single sniper arrow gun, and tossed it in the air, letting it spin twice, before catching it mid-air. "Eh? A Poppet… like me?" Braig stuttered, unable to contain the surprise on his face. "Name's Arxiba." She said, flipping a hand through her black and partially gray hair. 'At least I know where my skills came from, sans good looks." She said, smirking. The fourth Xion didn't speak. She simply hefted a red, curved, axe-sword over her left shoulder, giving Larxene and Braig a rather nasty glare, her face twisted in knots. "A squirt like Five? Wonderful." Larxene pondered bitterly to herself. "Let's just get this over already" Braig muttered, drawing Sharpshooter, while Larxene summoned Fourde. "Yes, let's get this over with." The Savage Nymph said, cracking her knuckles. A Dark Corridor opened up behind Braig, and to his surprise, and most of everyone's complete shock, Larxene attacked him! She ran two knives into his left arm, three into his right shoulder, and followed up with a thunder-infused kick to his torso. A slow groan left Braig's mouth as hurled towards the portal, becoming then a muffled groan, followed by a muffled Thump, as he collided with an object. Since it was Larxene who summoned the portal, five says ten it was wall. She is the Savage Nymph, right? A rain of pink darts flew out the corridor, heading towards the group… Only to be shattered by blue darts. "That was really cheap. And a waste of ammo." Arxiba said, blowing smoke off the top of the barrel of her arrowgun. "Hey, Nialox?" Arxiba questioned. "Yeah?" the black and redhead responded. "Could you, you know, give Braig a 'house-warming' gift from us?" Arxiba spoke, air quoting 'house-warming'. "No problem, Xiba." Nialox said as she threw her two chakrams into the open portal. A few seconds passed, proceeded by a muffled explosion, another groan, and the portal glowing a shade of orange. The two chakrams returned glowing red. "You made him collapse into a pillar of flame, and then hit the ceiling?" Larxene asked as her eyebrows rose. "How did you know?" Nialox shot back, laughing. "Incoming!" Someone yelled. They were all interrupted as sand and dirt was kicked up around, somebody crashing into the ground a few inches from them. Kairi and Namine were stunned to see it was Chris, looking rather beaten, his white outfit stained with dirt. "Ow.", He moaned. "That really took several Cure's off me.", he said, sitting up. "Mind if I ask how you got over here so quick?" Kairi asked, leaning forward, putting her hands on her knees. "See the red blur on the horizon?" Chris said, pointing. "Yeah. What about it?" Namine spoke up, still scared that Larxene was here. "Sora, as we were at the point of my story where I was part of the Organization, promptly lost it. Didn't even give me a chance to say I left, or that I helped blow up their castle upon Xemnas' death. Oi." The red blur flew up, and landed right where Chris was lying. It was Sora in Valor form. And he was defiantly ticked. "Traitor." He spoke, before a bright enveloped him, going back to Sora and Riku. Sora still stood over Chris, Kingdom Key at his Adam's apple. "Did I ever mention the fact that I betrayed, and left the Organization with them?" Chris spoke pointed his thumb, towards the Xion's. He face was calm, even with beads of sweat pouring off his brow. "No. No, you didn't." Sora sputtered, astonished, and a little embarrassed at his sudden fit of rage. A quick blur of light later, Valor form was split into Sora and Riku, respectively. "Next time, Sora, don't jump to conclusions so quickly. Okay?" Riku said rather calmly. "Sorry about that." Sora said offering an out-stretched hand to Chris. "No problem. You had reasons to doubt me." Chris spoke, standing up. "I'm going to guess we need to go to Yen Sid?" Chris asked the group. "I'm in." Kairi said. "Sora! You are not leaving me here this time, okay?" Kairi stood him playfully. "I'll go." Namine spoke. "You already know what our answer is." Nialox said, before a flash of light enveloped her and the other three, leaving just Xion. "Yes." She said, eyes gleaming. "Sure." Larxene said, rolling her eyes. "Yeah, I'll go." Riku answered cool and collected. "Don't forget us!" Someone else yelled. The group turned around to Roxas, Axel, and two other blonde men, all in black cloaks, standing near the shack behind them. "Okay. So it's settled. Everybody get some rest. We leave at sunrise tomorrow." Everyone nodded, agreeing. Larxene nodded, and then threw herself at Axel. "Axel-kins!" She yelled. Axel returned the favor by taking two steps back. "No." he said flatly, watching as Larxene landed face-first in the sand. "Why not Axel-kins?" Larxene whined at the pryo. "No, Lar." Axel said, rolling his eyes. "But why?" Larxene whined even louder, eyes starting to fill with tears. "Oh quit the-"Axel took a look at Larxene's face. He couldn't help himself. He leaned down, and Larxene gave him a smooch on the cheek. "Better Axel-kins?" Larxene asked, her voice humming with delight. "Maybe." Axel said his voice still flat. "AHEM." Chris cleared his throat. "We're all still right here you know." Larxene stuck her tongue out at him. Chris merely resisted the urge to slap his forehead. "Oi vey." He said, moaning. "Anyways," Chris continued, his back turned from Axel and Larxene's longing stares at each other, "Off to Yen Sid's tomorrow?" "If it's not a mission I'll go." One the blonde men spoke his hair standing straight up. "Demyx, you'd go just to go." Roxas kidded with him. "I'll take a bet at it." The other man said, shuffling cards through his hands. Luxord was always ready for a risk. "Sora?" Chris asked. "I was ready to go anyways. But having all the extra help is greatly appreciated. "He said soft-spoken. "We leave at dawn, at my house. Go past the Mayor's house, it's the third one on the left. Okay?" They all nodded. The sun was beginning to set in sky, casting reds, oranges, and yellows over the sea and main island. Sora left out a brief sigh. "This place is always home." Preview: "You've never know much about technology, have you?" "Rule number 57- Always, clear out of Larxene's way. Got it memorized?"
Guess what? I've two new chapters! Chapter Five: Chapter Five- A/n: okay so there's multiple songs, singing, (yes, singing.) and a fun time! What's not to enjoy? Roxas: Being stuck in this… A/N: killjoy. Roxas: I am not! A/N: Right….. Sigh from both. A/N: Don't worry Rox, you can torment Sora later. As for right now… Riku: Blader 25 doesn't own Kingdom Hearts… Axel: Got it memorized? Roxas: (pointing at Riku) Hey! You're that pickpocket! A/N: lol, rofl, lol….. Axel: Really? A/N: yep. Am I going on to much? Oh! One last thing. I am going to have a one-shot as an interview for my OC's and the casts of Project replica, the change, Re:boot, and Nexrav. So leave your questions in a review or message and I'll get back to you. The maximum number of questions you ask is four, minimum of two. Okay? Sora: Are you done rambling? A/N: as if! All: O_O Moving on…. It was a clear, cloudless dawn on Destiny Islands, sun creeping over the sea, changing the ocean from a deep blue to a kaleidoscope of red, orange, yellow, purple, and blue. And it was 7:15 A.M. Riku was not pleased with being up at such a distasteful hour, but it was for the better good. He still wasn't a morning person. Sora had tried to start some conversation on the way to Kairi's house, only for Riku to tell him, "Sora, not right now." He mumbled. "What, you not all Mr.-Happy face right now?" Sora teased Riku grinned. "Was that you, or Roxas?" "Both of us." The brunette said sheepishly. "Not half. For a sap." Riku said back. "Riku! Will you ever cut me a break?" Sora said back, playfully hitting his friend on the arm. "Maybe. If you ever get any better…" The silver haired wonder spoke back. He earned an "Aw! Come on!" for that one. As the two neared Kairi's house, Chris was underneath his house. Where? Chris was busy on the underside of a vehicle, a large car to be precise. "Okay, Arxiba, give it some gas…" The car roared with a mighty Fah-room-pah! There was then the sound of a window rolling down, as the engine of the car merely purred contently. "That good enough?" Arxiba "One more time, just to check." Chris said, rolling himself from out underneath the car. Vaaaaaa-Rooom-wpah! "Oh yeah. I do such a good job when it comes to cars…" The car was rather large, dark metallic blue with two white stripes painted on the sides. There was a little metal sign engraved on the side of the car. It said, "HEMI. 6.4L." The back of the car had only two words, DODGE and Charger, as well as the brake lights. "I'm glad we only got two…" Arxiba said, grinning. "Benefit of time travel and dimensional crossing. Plus, you just have to love a Dodge Charger." Maya-ha-he!Maya-hu! Maya-oh! Maya-ah-ha! "Two says five, Nydexm found the P.A. system." Chris muttered, sighing. Arxiba simply shrugged. Techno beats flooded the area, or at least that's what Chris could call the space beneath the house. It was more like a combination of garage, hangar, and training area. Multi-functional. I sold my songs, my dreams, and bought some paint to match the colors of my love…. Every word of love I used to say; now I paint it every day….. Maya-ya-hi! Maya-ya-ho! Maya-oh! Maya-ya-ah-ha! When you leave my colors fade to gray…. Little lonely stain, all my colors fade away… The music burst into another round of Maya's. Arxiba slapped her forehead. "She's going to be like this all the time, isn't she?" she asked Chris. "With her and Demyx, anything music related could possible." Arxiba muttered something. "Start up 'Energetic' Okay?" Chris asked. Arxiba grinned from ear. "Should I get Nialox?" She asked. "I don't care. Just get it done. Kay? Oh. Get my guitar, please. " he said. Arxiba nodded before jumping up, running on the ceiling. "I still wonder how she does that…" Chris mused. Kairi, Sora and Riku all stood the door. Kairi had knocked, Sora rang the doorbell, and Riku was deciding on whether or not to have Sora or himself just unlock the door. He decided to be polite and wait. It was a good move. Chris opened the door in a rush, nearly falling into Kairi, tripping over the bottom door-frame. He let out an exasperated sigh. "Sorry about that. Didn't mean to keep you guys waiting so long. Please, please come in." The trios hastily entered the house, and were led to a bookcase. "12, 34, 8." Chris said, pulling books off the shelves. It looked as if he had done this enough to where he could do it blindfolded. The bookcase slid open, revealing a shaft that led downward. A platform carefully descended, coming to a rest at the opening. "Ladies first," Chris said, beckoning with his hand. "Why, thank you." Kairi said, giving a small curtsy. "So what about us?" Sora asked. "Us?" Chris said out loud. "We jump, land on the platform and ride it down." He said monotone. Sora gaped, Riku smirked. "You're kidding." The brunette said. "That sounds awesome!" he said, fist-pumping. Riku's look turned to amusement. "Ready?" Chris said, motioning the duo towards the shaft. It was peppered with white lights, making nearly in-impossible not find the descending platform. He took a few steps back, and then sprinted towards the open shaft. He merely gave a challenge to the duo: "Last one down is a shadow Heartless!" Chris said, chuckling. "Come on! Not even a fair chance?" Sora whined. He shook his head, and jumped down the shaft, following close behind. "How do we manage to get into these situations?' Riku mused out loud. The room provided no response. He ran towards the open descent, savoring a few seconds, before falling face first into the shaft. Kairi stood on the platform letting the time pass by smoothly, wandering in her own thoughts. She was interrupted by Sora, Chris and Riku landing on the platform. They landed smoothly behind her, the only noise being when their shoes touched the metal exterior of the platform, causing a slight tap on the floor. She turned around, seeing Sora and Chris panting, desperate for breath. Riku stood, trying not to show his lungs burning, craving air. "What happened to you guys?" she asked, head cocked. "Sora…and…I tried to get down here quickly….but then Riku just had to pass us, and we had to spar….on the way down….but I challenged them to it, so it's more my fault…."Chris said, in between gulps of air. "Than theirs…..I would have asked you to join….but your outfit….." "My outfit what?" Kairi said back. "Well….um….."Chris started, only to stare at the floor and blush, checks turning a slight tint of red. "your-outfit-is-a-little-short….and-I-thought-you-would-maybe-blind-someone…." He ran the words together into one sentence, eyes fixed on the floor. "Huh?" Kairi said, not understanding what Chris had said. "He said your outfit's a little short, Kairi." Riku said, "If you understand what he means by 'short' and 'blind someone', Kai." He snorted. "Oh." Kairi paused for a second, taking the words in. "Oh! That was…rather considerate of you…." she blushed slightly. The platform hit the ground and let a puff of air, signaling the end of descent. The three teens stared in awe. A ship, no more like a plane taken straight from a movie, was sitting in the underground area; guns bristled off the front, top, and bottom of the ship. Two four-wheeled vehicles were being loaded into the ship, making roaring noises. Dark green stripes decorated the wings, and gold lined the edge. "I call it…. The Flying Wing II. Like the name?" Chris asked. "Uh….Yeah." Sora said, jaw slack. He hadn't stopped staring. "Impressed?" Chris asked Riku and Kairi. "Why, of course. Looks suitable to hold a full team, and be strong enough to provide protection. Perfect." Riku said. "I like it. It could use….some friendliness, though." She stated. "That can be arranged. Step inside; we must be on our way. I have heard Yen Sid does not like his guests being late…" Chris motioned. Inside the flying wing II, the trio was amazed at the interior. Two curved staircases led from the lower to upper deck, the lower deck containing separate halls for the boy and girls, a full stocked kitchen, a recreation room, and multiple training simulators. The last thing was a three-monitor communications suite, underneath the twin staircases. The upper decks housed the front and rear cockpits, a captain's desk and four rooms. Chris had explained the rooms were for axel, Larxene, Demyx, and Luxord, four nobodies of Organization XIII who, with the promise of receiving their hearts, had joined Chris. The front cockpit was a two seater, with Chris piloting while one of Xion clones, Nialox, helped him navigate. "Ready for take-off?" Chris spoke over the intercom. "All clear." Kairi said calmly. On the inside, she was so excited that she couldn't see straight. 'I'm set." Riku said coolly. "Ready." Sora spoke. Axel groaned, hand rising in the air. He had been lying on a row of four chairs, just big enough to make a quick sleeping spot. He was roused by the sounds of someone yelling in his ear, and he felt damp. No….He was soaked. Why? He opened his eyes to see Demyx and Larxene albeit, younger, laughing their heads off. It took him five seconds to realize this. "DEMYXXXXXXXX! I'm going to…. Wait. Why does my voice sound weird? Why is everything so big?" He looked at his hands; they didn't even fit in his cloak! They merely were blobs on the black fabric. "Larxene. Hand me a mirror." Axel said, reaching through the Black Coat. He observed himself in the reflective surface, and came to a conclusion. He was younger. The Black Cloak slipped off his figure revealing his khaki pants, orange vest, white shirt and green bandanna tied around his neck. "Well, Lea. It's been what, ten years?" Larxene called to the teen. "More like eleven, Arlene." Lea shot back, eyes narrowed. "Got it memorized?" Lea said, pulling his hand to his temple. Arlene threw the cloak away tossing it behind her. She was wearing blue jeans, a yellow and white blouse above the jeans. She held her knives, Fourde, at the ready. "Still dashing as ever, Lea. But, don't think of ditching me at the next dance, okay?" she winked at him, before climbing one of the staircases. "Okay. We are clear for lift-off!" Chris yelled. The Flying Wing II's engines roared and the ship left the hangar, pickup speed as it went. It passed through a tunnel, then a glass tube in the ocean, before rocketing into the sky. Chris spoke to himself." Rule number 57, stay out of Larxene's way. Especially at lunch breakfast, and dinner. And the midnight snack. Got it memorized?" he chuckled. 'Axel…" Sora was pounding at a keyboard, furious with no results. "Why. " –Pound- "Won't." –pound pound- "You." -pound pound pound- "WORK." –pound pound pound thump- Kairi and Riku gave him distressed looks. "You've never been good with technology, have you?" Chris asked. He appeared in flash of white light. "I am not, but computers hate me." Sora said, pouting, his bottom lip sticking out. "Okay… Why don't you pilot? I'll manage com duty. Sound like a fair deal?" Chris bargained. Sora perked up at this. "Really? I would love to!" he rushed off to the cockpit, eager to fly the ship. "Sheesh. I thought he would never quit hitting the screen." Chris said out loud. He turned towards Kairi and Riku. "How long was he doing that?" "Five minutes. Before you showed up." Kairi said monotone. Chris gave a low whistle. '"Well. Impressive, nonetheless." A song began playing over the speakers: "NYDEXM!" Chris yelled. "I'm going to... Wait a sec! I know this song. It's nineteen eighties, I think." A black guitar appeared in his hands. "Guess there's nothing better to do…" He began to play, strumming the notes with ease. When you close your eyes And go to sleep And it's down to the sound Of a heartbeat I can hear the things That you're dreamin' about When you open up your heart And the truth comes out You tell me that you want me You tell me that you need me You tell me that you love me And I know that I'm right 'Cause I hear it in the night I hear the secrets that you keep When you're talking in your sleep I hear the secrets that you keep When you're talking in your sleep When I hold you in my arms at night Don't you know you're sleeping in the spotlight And all your dreams that you keep inside You're telling me the secrets That you just can't hide You tell me that you want me You tell me that you need me You tell me that you love me And I know that I'm right 'Cause I hear it in the night I hear the secrets that you keep When you're talking in your sleep I hear the secrets that you keep When you're talking in your sleep I hear the secrets that you keep When you're talking in your sleep I hear the secrets that you keep When you're talking in your sleep When you close your eyes And you fall asleep Everything about you is a mystery You tell me that you want me You tell me that you need me You tell me that you love me And I know that I'm right 'Cause I hear it in the night I hear the secrets that you keep When you're talking in your sleep I hear the secrets that you keep When you're talking in your sleep I hear the secrets that you keep When you're talking in your sleep I hear the secrets that you keep When you're talking in your sleep I hear the secrets that you keep When you're talking in your sleep I hear the secrets that you keep When you're talking in your sleep… The song ended, on a note. "So, onward to Twilight Town?' Riku and Kairi, said. "Yes. On to Twilight Town." Chris said. Demyx, waltzing in on the trio unexpectedly, brought starling news. "Chris…" he said, voice filled with nervousness. "Yes?" Chris said. "Axel's now younger. And his name's Lea." The mullet nobody (or was it somebody?) replied. "And your point is…." Chris said, unaffected, by his appearance. "Just thought you'd like too know…" Demyx said… poking his two index fingers together. "Is it me or do you sound younger?" Chris asked. 'Maybe…" Demyx trailed off. "I'll get to it later." Chris said, dismissing with a wave of his hand. He turned back towards Kairi and Riku. "Well, we have some time to kill… So why don't you guys take a break or something like that, okay?" the pair nodded, before heading in different directions. Riku headed towards the male bedrooms, while Kairi joined up with Arlene to train. More like Arlene grabbed her by the ear and dragged her down the hall kicking and screaming. Lea followed close behind, giving threats. They didn't seem to work. Chris sighed. "Maybe…. Maybe if this works out right, they'll pull it off. Maybe." A/N: Okay, it's been a bit, hasn't it? So… Note: I don't own Dragesto tin tie by O-Zone, (aka Numa Numa.) and "Talking in Sleep" by the Romantics.(the numa numa is modern, talking in your sleep, 1980's. YouTube the songs. Also I used the English numa numa on my I-Phone.) Also I need some help with my OCs. Yes, READERS I need help. Which is why I'm asking you. Okay here's the OCs I need help with: the Xion Replicas, names. The names are combinations of Xion and member combined with. The number are the following, One.(Xemnas) Three.(Xaldin) Four.(Vexen) Five.(Lexaeus) Six.(Zexion) Seven.(Saix) Eleven.(Marluxia) Twelve.(Larxene) If you want to do something fun, or challenge yourself, try these names: Terra. Xenahort. Lingering Will. Terra-Xenahort. No heart. Ansem, Seeker of Darkness.(Yes, that whole last name.) so please help me! I'm now begging... And on my knees! Please help with the names! I still would love some feedback! Chapter Six: Chapter six- Asteroid ambush A/N: I have taken way to long to do this! And by this, I mean review responses! (disregard the names, they don't exist on here, there're on First, Overactiveteenagemind- You had to re-read to remind yourself? Wow. I must write some long chapters… XRichtofenx- Uh…. No. Although that is a good idea, it's not it the plot. I did say in the summary, the story lines up with 3-D. So, uh…. No. Good guess, though. Jedi Alex Colbent- YAY! Now just finishing reading! Just kidding. Finish when you need to. NoOneXII- Sorry, I tried to make it funny. Can't make everyone laugh at the same thing, some people don't think it's funny. FM13- yes, I am and currently fixing the dialogue. Oh, for everybody else, FM's all the pieces lie where they fell, SEQUEL, Betwixt and Between, has started. YAY! Something to occupy me! Besides my writing, that is. I don't try and disappoint my fans. Um… let's see…. I think that should cover most of them. I love responding to feedback, I just… some how never get around to responding. Well, I actually respond via PM, but, I should do this more, and you readers should write back more, and it'll be a mutual feedback. So, I got the interview posted, and volia, they left a review. Apparently the persona's name is "m", or its anymous. I won't say the review for two reasons: 1, I have respect for privacy. 2, the reviewer replaced the Come, in Kingdom Come, with a…. similar sounding word. Yeah…. Not really T rated. But, as an excerpt from that review, they said "KC is a waste of bandwidth." Yeah, waking up at 6:00 Am, to read that, put me in a fine mood. It didn't bother me. Then I found another review by the same person on a different story I was reading. Let's say… the review trashed every aspect of it. It was only four chapters. But….. I won't worry about it. Haters are….. Haters. I'm more of an optimist though. I guess I should say if you see this person leave a review…. Be careful. Okay, I'm rambled far to much, I have a draft and interview set up, let me know if you want a OC of yours to host or ask questions. I'll save the rest of my monologue for after the chapter. Arlene was amazed with herself, it seemed simply inspiring to see how you could take one 15 year old red-head Princess that can use a keyblade, have your former nobody's crush's somebody try and stop you, and then spar with them. "Better than his normal pryo state. Axel- I mean Lea is easier to hit than Axel. Probably because he's younger. As for little miss red-head, she's way too much of a push-over." Arlene laughed in her head, sprinting towards Kairi and Lea once more. "I mean, look at her. It hasn't been, what, Five minutes? And she's covered in scratches she wouldn't last ten seconds against-" Arlene stopped mid-stride, losing balance. She leaned to one side as Lea rushed at her with his Frisbees in hand. He smirked at her. "What the matter, Arlene?" He prodded. "Get lost in a haywire of that brain of yours?" He chuckled, hurling a Frisbee towards her. She ducked as it hit the wall and rebounded to its owner. "No, you hothead, I was thinking. I was trying to remember this guy and-" she cut off, as electricity started to spark from her body, the jolts and sparks blacking the floor wherever they touched. Lea's eyes grew wide in shock. "Arlene…" he said cautiously. Sparks continued to fly from the blonds, striking Kairi and Lea. Kairi was shaken from the pain. "Arlene!" Lea yelled, as flames encircled him, before the flames covered him whole. Kairi began to back away towards the door, finally leaving. A look of worry crossed over her face as she ran towards the stairs, turning on a dime and rushing up to cockpit. Back in the training room, the flames and electricity subsided as black-clad figures emerged from the clearing chaos. The shorter one began popping her knuckles. "Ah… I wondered how long we'd be those brats. I hated myself then, and still." Larxene said to the other figure. "You know, Larxene, you didn't have to go and get me all hyped up over nothing. Makes it rather pointless." Axel retorted back. "What? You don't like this form?" She giggled, smiling coyly at Axel. "I didn't say anything about like." Axel said. "I know. That's why I did." Larxene smiled. "Huh? What-what do you mean?" Axel asked. "Oh, come on. I thought you knew as well as I did." She then uttered those three words: "You like me. Don't you?" "What- I-I-I don't know…" Axel said, rubbing the back of his head. "I mean, we were nobodies after all…" "But… We're somebody's now…" Larxene said as she stroked Axel's chin. "Right?" she questioned. "W-w-w-w Well, yes… but-" Axel started… "Oh, shut up and kiss me already, Sherlock." Larxene said. Axel grinned. "Yes, your Highness." They kissed, at the worst of times. Chris had just walked in the room, saw the pair and turned straight for the door. The two turned and saw their unexpected visitor. "Uh… I'll leave you two…. to spar….." Chris said as continued towards the door. "It-it-It's not what it looks like!" Axel said quickly. He dropped Larxene to floor and held his hands in the air. Chris just raised an eyebrow, and then shook his head laughing. "Axel… I don't hold anything against you two. Oh, you dropped something." Chris left the room, heading towards the captain's desk. Axel looked at the ground. "Larxene! I'm so sorry…" "Get off me, pryo!" she yelled. "You dropped me!" I'm going to hurt you for that, if it's the last thing I do! But before I get to that do you remember a guy with pink hair?" She cocked her head to one side. "Because I can see his face, but don't remember the name." Axel shrugged. "Beats me." He summoned Eternal Flames in his hands. "Care to have a go-round?" Larxene laughed. "The pleasure's all mine." Back in the cockpit, Sora was busy navigating when he felt a pair of arms wrap themselves around him. "Oh. Hi Kairi. What are you up to?" "Being with you." She said. "Sora?'she asked. "Yes, Kairi?' he said. "How long will you be gone? How will I know how to be… without you again?" Sora turned around as she said this, getting a full view of her. Scratches covered her arms, part of her was frizzed, and Sora thought he could see tears welling in her eyes. "Kairi, what happened?" he asked concern in his voice. "Training." She said, sniffling. "With who?" Sora said. "Axel and that blonde lady…" Kairi said her complexion sad. "Well, it's okay. My first training session wasn't so great either…" Sora said, rubbing the back of his head. "Leon nearly beat me to a pulp." Kairi looked at him expectantly. "Really?" She said. "Yeah, really." Sora said back. He turned back towards the monitor. 'Since we're almost at Twilight Town, why don't you go ahead and clean yourself up?" Sora said. "Sora, do you see me? This could take hours not a few sec-"Kairi started. Sora interrupted her by saying, "Cura." Green vines circled Kairi and her hair and skin retuned to normal. "Better?" he asked. She hugged him. "Yeah. Thanks." "Oh, Kairi…" Sora said. "Hmm?" "I'll try not to be gone for long. And besides, you'll do fine without me." Sora said. "You sure?"Kairi said. "Of course, Kairi." Sora said. Kairi smiled, leaving the cockpit happier than when she went in. Chris was at the captain's desk, waiting for Demtry and Lux to finish their card game, a deck in the center and five cards in each hand. "Got any two's Demtry?" Lux asked. Demtry groaned as he handed over four of his five cards to Lux. "Do you always have to win every game?" he whined. "Do you always have to four of the same card?" Lux asked, putting four pairs on the desk. "Well…no… but, that doesn't mean you don't cheat." Demtry said. 'Okay, I really hate to interrupt, but I need to use this desk to talk to someone, you two. By the way Lux, how many rounds have you won?" Chris said. "Fifty." Lux said blankly. Chris nodded. "Wow... No wonder you use cards." "Well, where are we going to play now?" Demtry asked. "You could use the male rooms." Somebody called. "Well, you're right- Whoa, you have new hair!" Demtry said. "Thanks. It's better this way." The person said. He kept walking towards the cockpit. Chris could practically hear Sora. "Whoa! Riku! I see you got a new haircut! Are you trying to impress someone? A secret admirer, perhaps?" Sora asked. Riku laughed. "Sora, that was years ago. And besides, it was Selphie, after all." He said. "Is that Twilight Town?" Riku asked. "Yes, yes it is." Sora said. Kairi popped on the bridge at that moment. "Are we here?" she asked Chris. "That would be correct. And if I'm right…" he paused, looking around. "We should be leaving right about… now." He looked tense, and then looked around again. "Huh. My timing's off again. Maybe I counted wrong. Oh we-" He was interrupted as Arxiba and Nialox landed next to him, and then everything went white- And Kairi, Chris, Arxiba, Nialox, Axel, Larxene, Demtry, Lux, Five and Nydexm were at the bottom floor of Yen Sid's tower. "Wow…" Kairi said, taking in the features. "Impressive. When do we meet this Yen Sid guy?" Larxene said, filing her nails. "When we're called, that's when." Chris said. An agile mouse landed behind Axel. The pryo turned on his heels to face the enemy, and found it was King Mickey. "I believe the term is, Your Majesty?" he asked. "Ah-ha! Whelp, you'd be correct on that. But most people call me Mickey!" He offered his had at the red-head. He turned, looking over the rest of group. "Kairi!" He said upon spotting the red-head. "How are you?" he asked. "I'm good, your majesty, how are things with Sora and Riku going?" she asked. "There takin' the Mark of Mastery test, although Yen Sid made it rather odd… but anyways, he asked to see you guys up to his study. Oh!" Mickey said on seeing Chris. "And who are you?" he asked. "My name is Christopher, although, you can call me Chris. This Larxene, Luxord, Demyx, Arxiba, Five and Nialox. Mickey, group. Group, Mickey." He said. And with that they headed up the stairs. After walking up countless steps, the group arrived at Yen Sid's study. Mickey eyed the rest of group. "You fellas wait out here, I'll go inside and talk with Yen Sid." As if on cue, the doors to the study opened without a sound. "Or not." Chris said. "You two!" he said, motioning towards Demtry and Lux. "Be... Your old selves, okay?" he whispered to them. "On it." Lux said, as five cards surrounded them. A burst of light flooded the cards, and as they lowered Demyx and Luxord stood where the two kids had been. "Man... I don't want to do this..." Demyx whined. "Oh, let's just get this over with." Chris said. Mickey led them into the study, saying, "Ladies and Gentlemen, Master Yen Sid." Yen Sid rose from his chair. "Welcome, guests. Mickey, I see we have more guests than just Kairi. Nevertheless, you are welcome here." "Thank you, Yen Sid, but where are Sora and Riku?" Kairi asked. "They are in the realm of sleep. A year ago when Sora restored the worlds, all the worlds were restored, but some were still in darkness. These worlds lied in sleep, waiting for their awakening. If they come back I will consider them Masters." Yen Sid said. "So, what about the remaining worlds in the realm of light? And Xenahort? You do need to keep track of he's doing? And... Kairi needs someone to teach her how to use the keyblade, and I can only teach her so much, so she needs a Master to teach her, correct?" Chris stated. "Is this your way of offering to protect the Realm of Light? And who is this Master you speak of?" Yen Sid asked Chris back. Chris looked at Yen Sid sternly before saying "Aqua. And yes, I intend to keep the Realm of Light safe, train Kairi until Aqua arrives, and keep track of Xenahort. There are only two favors I ask. One, that the four nobodies behind me can work with light. Two, that you can give Kairi a new outfit, let Roxas join us, and I can take only and only one piece of Sora's memory to bring some one back." "I will grant your provisions, provided you fetch Roxas and that memory painlessly and quickly. Understood?" Yen Sid said. "Yes sir! Thank you very much, Master!" Chris said gleefully. "Sorry sir. I got...carried away" he said. "Very well then." Yen Sid said. "Kairi, head to the room off to the right, that's where you will get your new outfit. Donald, Goofy and the rest of you, leave us." Yen Sid said. The rest of the group left except for Mickey. Chris opened a small door of light near his hand. He then drew his keyblade, and shot a beam of light into the door. A amibient sound of a lock clicking open was heard, as somebody's yell replaced the noise. Roxas hurtled through the door, stretching the size. A glowing piece threw itself into Chris' arms, sealed in a jar made of Light. "Oh.. What's that memory of?" Mickey asked. "It's a memory of somebody important."Chris said. "Ooh...My aching head..." Roxas said, rubbing his noggin. "Welcome back, to the land of living." Chris said, closing the Door to Light with a lock. A/N: See you next chapter! Review please, and here's a question I want the readers to answer. Does this story have any humor, and if so, what and when? It's 2am. Ciao. Review, please. Please. I'll get on my knees if have to, but just review the story for Pete's sake! :D
Chapter Seven- A/N: Hohohoho... Meeeeerrrrrrryyyyy ... Oh. It's December, isn't it? O_O Sorry! I didn't mean to take so long...Midterms reaaaalllllllly "cramp" a writer's style... Heh-heh... In news of the best news ever, Kingdom Hearts 3-D (warning! SPOILER! AVOID AND GO PAST THE LINE BELOW THIS IF YOU DONT WANT TO BE SEEING THIS!) Axel shows up, and throughtout the game, even though he calls himself Lea, he stays as Axel. Oh dern, doesn't that sound like EVERY post-KH II story! High-five yourselves Axel-fans and writers, because you just made a piece of FanFiction become canon! What's next, official Xion shipping? Eh? What? A fan can dream, can't he? okay, okay... I'm get this chapter underway! LET THE SHOW BEGIN! I don't own Kingdom Hearts, or else most or some of the charecters from Dissida 012 would in there! Genius, right? Yes, I'm moving on Xirulo! Jeez. By the way, The Xion Replicas arer on FaceBook! They're either torturing me, or Soul, or Xion from Soul Embrace 2010, but they're always willing to talk. They are Xion Replicas (Kingdom Come) So...go bug them! they love to answer questions. Kairi opened the door to study, watching as dust slowly circled in wake of the new air, seeming as if the room had been untouched for ages. Her violet eyes scanned the room, checking, double-checking, and even triple-checking for surprises, ever since Axel had decided to "grab" her the last time she was in Twilight Town, she had reason to be to cautious. Or overly-cautious. She saw five mirrors, walking over to the first, she simply looked near the cloth, and a image took root, budded, and bloomed within her own mind: the sight of herself using her own keyblade to her fullest potential, unleashing devastating blows to her enemies. The next mirror, shorter than the previous mirror, felt more soothing and relaxing. Kairi almost smelt the air, feeling a warm feeling run up and down her spine, tickling, prodding it's way into her, almost like...magic? It then hit her, that this mirror must be focused on magic, and the last one on strength. Then what did the other three focus on? Some great unknown power? She stepped closer to the window, closer to the third mirror, the cool air, and a mixed warmth and what seemed a adrenaline rush took over her, opening her senses onto a feeling of seemed a beach at the point when the tide pulls back into the ocean, pulling her nearly senseless. She had step back two steps as her mind was overcome with images flying quicker, faster, more than she could handle, the magic and the Keyblade intertwined into a single force, sublime yet stronger, warm but cool. It felt like cold sunshine. The next mirror was the tallest, standing a few millimeters over head, which meant it wasn't even a inch or inches above her. She felt a different warmth, this one feeling better than the warmth from magic, more familiar, more friendly, inviting to her, but feeling distant, like something she had known before. She gazed longingly at the mirror looking at the star cloth covering that mirror and the other mirrors. The last mirror was the shortest, but the second Kairi walked near it, she was flooded with a image of light, more than she could handle, wrapping itself in her mind, covering her, until all she saw was white and gold, gold and white. Two words summed up the whole experience: simply exhilarating. A chuckle came across the room, not from Kairi or Namine's lips. Kairi turned towards where the sound had come from, to find three fairies, one red, the next one dressed on green, and last one, the shortest, dressed in blue. The red one spoke first, tilting her slightly as a sign of respect. "I'm sorry if we interrupted Miss..." she paused, waiting to hear Kairi's name. "Kairi. It's Kairi. Nice to meet you..." "Why of course! We never introduced ourselves! I'm Merryweather." the blue fairy piped up. "Flora, dear. just look like you just absolutely need a change of clothes. Those just won't do for fighting." Flora said, dressed in green. "And I'm Fauna." the fairy in red spoke. "I'll agree with the others. That outfit will just not do for fighting. How about this?" Fauna said as she shook her wand in Kairi's direction. Kairi stared at her clothes, as they turned a rich shade of bright red. "Um..." she started. "No. It needs more earthy colors, Fauna." Flora protested, hitting Kairi's clothes with a jolt of magic. The clothes changed from the red to a dark, grassy green. "I think I won't look at red, green and blue the same way for a while..." Kairi thought. "Try having your dress go from white to bright red and then to dark green. It's not so much fun as it sounds." Namine added, speaking softly. "Sounds as if you're in agreement with me, Namine." Kairi thought. "I am." Namine said. "I think it needs more blue." Merryweather said, hitting the red-head's outfit with another blast of magic. The whole outfit was now a deep blue, contrasting Kairi's red hair. Flora snapped to attention, realizing what had happened. "I should have seen this! We did this to Sora before we gave him his new clothes. We must have doing the same to you. We're sorry for that, and hope that this can make up for the trouble." The trio of fairies hit Kairi with magic at the same time, and brilliant plume of light burst from Kairi, changing, shifting, and growing. As the light subsided, Kairi left out a small gasp at the different clothes. Her pink top had become a vest, the sleeves reaching close to her elbow, her white under-shirt now fitting to her neck, the skirt spilt in half down the middle, and white capris, reaching from her waist to her knees. She gleefully spun one foot, taking in the whole outfit, piece by piece. To her surprise, the door to the room opened, and in strode Chris, holding what seemed to be a jar with a little, blue, glowing puzzle piece in it. The second he entered the room, the jar attempted to forcibly throw itself out of his arms and into Kairi. The jar then lifted it self out of Chris' hands and floated near his face. The piece buzzed in high tone, like someone screaming at him. "Yeah. Yeah. Uh-huh. I get it, you can-" Chris said. The piece was apparently not satisfied by this response, lost all of the floating, dropping like a lead weight onto Chris' left foot. "Ye-OWWWW!" he screamed, hopping on one foot. He frantically picked up the jar, which then flew out of his grasp, off to one mirrors, in which it turned side to side' like it was examining itself, which for a jar, seemed strange. "I know I told you that I walk on the bottom of my foot, but slamming onto does not help the situation!" Chris said, still hopping on one foot. He hopped near the jar, reached with both arms...and caught air. He looked at his arms, and then looked to the right. The jar tilted from side to side, as if a person was teasing Chris. Chris' face went blank, and he stared at the floating jar. "Really? I mean, really? You just have to go there?" He spoke, annoyed by the jar's antics. The jar buzzed around the room, past Kairi, close to fairies, and back around the room. Chris followed closely, rushing past on one foot, then switching to both feet as he passed Kairi. "You look good in that outfit." he said as he ran past, causing Kairi to blush a little. "S'cuze me ladies, got a jar to catch. Now there's something you don't hear everyday!" Chris chuckled. "I think you're right. How's your foot feel?" Fauna asked. "Good, except for the throbbing. Other than that, I'm good." Chris said, rushing by, spinning on the balls of his feet to resume chase of the jar. "Urgh. Get back here!" Chris moaned. Kairi heard someone else laugh from the doorway, seeing blonde tips brush past the door, she recognized the figure, the blonde hair, the blue eyes, the smile. Roxas. Nialox and Axel had somehow found their way into their company, both laughing. "Priceless, Eh, Roxas?" Axel asked, still chuckling. He saw Kairi and froze for a moment, trying not to stare at the new clothes. A low whistle passed his lips. "Well well...Aren't you just cute? Got it memorized?" the pryo asked. Roxas elbowed Axel in the chest, making the red-head stagger forward. "Easy, partner. No need in over-reacting, right? Can't have your heart go kill itself can we?" Roxas grinned at Axel. Axel decided not to respond and scowled instead. "Roxas." Kairi questioned. "Huh? Me?" Roxas said bewildered. "Your name is Roxas, right?" Kairi said. "Yeah... What about it?" Roxas responded. "Namine says hello." Kairi said. "Oh. Hi...Namine." Roxas said, flustered. "There's one last thing to give you, Kairi." Flora piped up, walking towards Kairi. Chris stopped in the middle of running, turned on his feet, nearly falling over in the process, and ran over next to Kairi. "Are you okay? You look a little worked up." Kairi said. "I'm fine." Chris said. "Regardless, this is for you, Kairi." Fauna said, holding her hand out. Inside was a spinning orb, gold and bright. "Would you mind if put my personal spin on this?" Chris asked Flora. She nodded. Chris simply touched the orb with two fingers, let the orb flash for a bit, then let go. "I'm not meaning to be rude, but can I get two more of those?" Chris winced as he asked the question. "Why certainly, dear." Flora said. "Fauna, Merryweather...", as she said this, the two fairies clicked their wands together, and two more orbs appeared in Flora's hand, resting in her palm. Chris touched the two, before letting them return to her hand. Kairi took the first orb, and felt it as it disappeared inside her. She rocked back on right foot, and as she did her body went limp as light engulfed her clothes. When she touched back down, her clothes were bright red, white flames ingrained on the legs of her capris, her sleeves, and on her vest. "Whoa..." Kairi said in awe. Flames crackled and danced along her body, swaying and shifting to every movement she made. She stared down. "Whoa...AHHHH! Flames! Flames on me! Get em' off get em' off get em'off!" Kairi yelled as she jumped up and down, trying to shake the flames off. "I think she'll get over it." Chris said to Flora. "Can these be stored?" he asked. "Why of course, dear." Flora said. "Best of luck to you all!" Fauna cried. "We're gonna need it!" Chris said, exiting out the door, Roxas, Axel, Nialox and Kairi, who was trying not to burn the tower down, following behind. "Master Yen Sid", Chris said, stopping to bow, as he opened a Door to Light. "Thank You!" Chris said, before he ran through the Door to Light. "Master..." Axel said, following behind. "Thank you, sir." Roxas gave a salute as he passed by. "Master, Thanks for everything!" Nialox said cheerfully as she ran towards the portal. "Thank you, Yen Sid, for everything!" Kairi said, stopping to give a curtsy to the former Master. "No, thank you. Thank you for all that you do." Yen Sid said back, waving back. The Jar merely floated on by into the Door, then the Door closed. Onboard the Flying Wing II Kairi ran through the Door to Light only to run into something. She looked down to see her clothes were normal once again, and Chris' Keyblade embedded itself where her heart was. She looked back at him, he looked at her, his eyes heavy with tears. "I'll...I'll make it quick, okay?" Chris said, his voice shaking. The blade turned, and the next Kairi could comprehend, Namine was next to her, sitting on the floor. "Hey? Namine?" Kairi asked. "Hgh...what? Me? I'm fine...Kairi." "Okay, Namine. Come with me. You...I should say we...have got work to do." Chris said, taking the blonde Nobody by the hand. "Arxiba! Set course for Radiant Garden!" he yelled. "If you are wondering, I only separated you and Namine because we need her. You're still you, she's still all her, one person, two entities. See? Painless, right?" Chris said to Kairi, who was rising to her feet, still a little shaky. "O...Okay." she said, propping herself on Roxas' shoulder, as he followed Chris and Namine. Chris held onto Namine's hand tight, forgetting his grip. He nearly threw Namine down a hallway when they rounded a corner. They rushed into what was a hospital-styled room on the same hallway as the kitchen, off the male dorms. Chris and Namine came near one of the nine beds and stopped. Chris held the jar in his hand, yanked off the lid, reaching into the vessel to grab blue piece. He took it out, and set it on the bed. He pulled other pieces out of his pockets, setting them on the bed, putting them together. Namine saw they spelled the word Xion, in elegant silver letters. "I'm guessing the pieces are memories?" she asked. "Yes, that would be them. I picked them up while Kairi was getting new clothes." Chris put the last of the pieces together. " "Okay. That should do it." Chris said, dusting his hands off. "Now, for the fun part." Chris placed his hands on Namine's shoulders, and sighed. "Showtime." he said. Light began to radiate from Namine, glowing, shining, glimmering. "What...What's going on?" she asked Chris. " I am making the job much, much, simpler by increasing the light in you, in order to speed up the process." Chris said. "What process?" Namine questioned. "The process...of Xion being able to live." Chris said calmly. Namine gasped, but her face then turned to a look of determination. "I'll do it. I...we all owe her for what she did." she said. Namine stretched her hands forward, as Light shot from them, and began to form the outline of XIV's body, light tracing the curves and shape of her frame. It was like watching a drawing come to life. The light began to go faster and faster, lines crossing and doubling over themselves, other lights forming black threads, others flushing out the brilliant blue eyes, some curving, twisting, bending taking the shape of each individual raven hair in her hair, while the rest did their jobs, forming metal, zippers, gloves, feet, hands, boots. The final touch were elegant silver threads sown into the left shoulder, forming the letters XIV. Thin silver lines ran down the cloak, on the middle of the sleeves, and the sides of the pants. The boots were pinched with a touch of sliver at the points. The silver trickled down the cloak, forming a edge on the bottom. More silver pooled at the cuufs and a image of a mouse head with circular ears formed on the outside of the gloves. The whole outfit gleamed and brightened, reflecting every last ray of Light from Chris and Namine. Namine nearly collapsed, physically spent from the ordeal. Chris caught her under her arms, letting her rest herself against him. "Remind me to see if we could go into the fashion business. We'd make a killing on the clothing." He said. "Sure. Whatever you say..." Namine said weakly, eyes fluttering. "Okay... Definitely over-used your abilities. That's going to come back and bite me, I feel." he said. "Let's just get you up on this bed..." he said, as he picked Namine up, "...And let you catch some z's. Good Deal?" he asked Namine. "Sleep is good..." Namine sounded very tired from the way she spoke. The second her slender frame hit the white sheets, her body burst into little white orbs, flying out of the room. Chris' face blanched. "Huh." he shrugged. "Must headed back to Kairi. I can't really blame her, because if had that happen to me, and I was a Nobody, I would do the same thing." Chris mused out loud. Xion bolted straight up, eyes full of tears, black cloak already on, halfway out the door before even speaking. Her eyes were wild with emotion, a walking bomb, some might say. She sprinted down the hallway, tackling Roxas, while avoiding Kairi. "Roxas! Roxas! You have to stop me! I'll...I'll take all you! Stop..." Xion began, arms over Roxas' shoulders, but then started to cry, tears pooling on her face. Roxas put a finger to her lips. "Xion it's okay. We're fine. Okay?" Roxas said. Xion rose off Roxas and helped him get back on his feet. "Hey Xion! Catch!" Chris yelled, over-hand baseball pitching one the orbs Flora has given him at her. Xion caught it, and was surprised when it sunk into her. "Whoa. What does this do?" Her question was drowned out as light covered them, and she, Roxas, Kairi, Chris, Larxene, Axel, Luxord, Demyx, Arxiba and Nialox found themselves staring at a small marketplace, the ruins of a castle in the distance. The sky was a cheerful red and blue. Chris looked at the rest of the group. "Everyone...Welcome to..." he began. "Radiant Garden." Kairi finished.
Phew. Finally finished your edits. Here you go! Changes are made in red, general notes in blue. Spoiler Kairi opened the door to study, watching as dust slowly circled in wake of the new air, seeming as if the room had been untouched for ages. Her violet eyes scanned the room, checking, double-checking, and even triple-checking for surprises. Ever since Axel had decided to "grab" her the last time she was in Twilight Town, she had reason to be to cautious. Or overly-cautious. She saw five mirrors, walking over to the first, she simply looked near the cloth, and a image took root, budded, and bloomed within her own mind: the sight of herself using her own Keyblade to her fullest potential, unleashing devastating blows to her enemies. The next mirror, shorter than the previous mirror, felt more soothing and relaxing. Kairi almost smelt the air, feeling a warm feeling run up and down her spine, tickling, prodding it's way into her, almost like...magic? It then hit her, that this mirror must be focused on magic, and the last one on strength. Then what did the other three focus on? Some great unknown power? She stepped closer to the window, closer to the third mirror, the cool air, and a mixed warmth and what seemed a adrenaline rush took over her, opening her senses onto a feeling of seemed a beach at the point when the tide pulls back into the ocean, pulling her nearly senseless. She had step back two steps as her mind was overcome with images flying quicker, faster, more than she could handle, the magic and the Keyblade intertwined into a single force, sublime yet stronger, warm but cool. It felt like cold sunshine. The next mirror was the tallest, standing a few millimeters over head, which meant it wasn't even a inch or inches above her.(Use only one of these, millimeters or inches.) She felt a different warmth, this one feeling better than the warmth from magic, more familiar, more friendly, inviting to her, but feeling distant, like something she had known before. She gazed longingly at the mirror looking at the star cloth covering that mirror and the other mirrors. The last mirror was the shortest, but the second Kairi walked near it, she was flooded with a image of light, more than she could handle, wrapping itself in her mind, covering her, until all she saw was white and gold, gold and white. Two words summed up the whole experience: simply exhilarating. A chuckle came across the room, not from Kairi or Namine's lips. Kairi turned towards where the sound had come from, to find three fairies, one red, the next one dressed on green, and last one, the shortest, dressed in blue. The red one spoke first, tilting her slightly as a sign of respect. "I'm sorry if we interrupted Miss..." she paused, waiting to hear Kairi's name. "Kairi. It's Kairi. Nice to meet you..." "Whycomma here of course! We never introduced ourselves! I'm Merryweather." the blue fairy piped up. "Flora, dear. just look like you just absolutely need a change of clothes. Those just won't do for fighting." Flora said, dressed in green. "And I'm Fauna." the fairy in red spoke. "I agree with the others. That outfit will just not do for fighting. How about this?" Fauna said as she shook her wand in Kairi's direction. Kairi stared at her clothes, as they turned a rich shade of bright red. "Um..." she started. "No. It needs more earthy colors, Fauna." Flora protested, hitting Kairi's clothes with a jolt of magic. The clothes changed from the red to a dark, grassy green. "I think I won't look at red, green and blue the same way for a while..." Kairi thought. "Try having your dress go from white to bright red and then to dark green. It's not so much fun as it sounds." Namine added, speaking softly. "Sounds as if you're in agreement with me, Namine." Kairi thought. "I am." Namine said. "I think it needs more blue." Merryweather said, hitting the red-head's outfit with another blast of magic. The whole outfit was now a deep blue, contrasting Kairi's red hair. Flora snapped to attention, realizing what had happened. "I should have seen this! We did this to Sora before we gave him his new clothes. We must be doing the same to you. We're sorry for that, and hope that this can make up for the trouble." The trio of fairies hit Kairi with magic at the same time, and brilliant plume of light burst from Kairi, changing, shifting, and growing. As the light subsided, Kairi left out a small gasp at the different clothes. Her pink top had become a vest, the sleeves reaching close to her elbow, Note: vests don't cover the arms. her white under-shirt now fitting to her neck, the skirt spilt in half down the middle, and white capris, reaching from her waist to her knees. She gleefully spun one foot, taking in the whole outfit, piece by piece. To her surprise, the door to the room opened, and in strode Chris, holding what seemed to be a jar with a little, blue, glowing puzzle piece in it. The second he entered the room, the jar attempted to forcibly throw itself out of his arms and into Kairi. The jar then lifted it self out of Chris' hands and floated near his face. The piece buzzed in high tone, like someone screaming at him. "Yeah. Yeah. Uh-huh. I get it, you can-" Chris said. The piece was apparently not satisfied by this response, lost all of the floating, dropping like a lead weight onto Chris' left foot. "Ye-OWWWW!" he screamed, hopping on one foot. He frantically picked up the jar, which then flew out of his grasp, off to one mirrors, in which it turned side to side' like it was examining itself, which for a jar, seemed strange. "I know I told you that I walk on the bottom of my foot, but slamming on the top does not help the situation!" Chris said, still hopping on one foot. He hopped near the jar, reached with both arms...and caught air. He looked at his arms, and then looked to the right. The jar tilted from side to side, as if a person was teasing Chris. Chris' face went blank, and he stared at the floating jar. "Really? I mean, really? You just have to go there?" He spoke, annoyed by the jar's antics. The jar buzzed around the room, past Kairi, close to fairies, and back around the room. Chris followed closely, rushing past on one foot, then switching to both feet as he passed Kairi. "You look good in that outfit." he said as he ran past, causing Kairi to blush a little. "S'cuze me ladies, got a jar to catch. Now there's something you don't hear everyday!" Chris chuckled. "I think you're right. How's your foot feel?" Fauna asked. "Good, except for the throbbing. Other than that, I'm good." Chris said, rushing by, spinning on the balls of his feet to resume chase of the jar. "Urgh. Get back here!" Chris moaned. Kairi heard someone else laugh from the doorway, seeing blonde tips brush past the door, she recognized the figure, the blonde hair, the blue eyes, the smile. Roxas. Nialox and Axel had somehow found their way into their company, both laughing. "Priceless, Eh, Roxas?" Axel asked, still chuckling. He saw Kairi and froze for a moment, trying not to stare at the new clothes. A low whistle passed his lips. "Well well...Aren't you just cute? Got it memorized?" the pryo asked. Roxas elbowed Axel in the chest, making the red-head stagger forward. "Easy, partner. No need in over-reacting, right? Can't have your heart go kill itself can we?" Roxas grinned at Axel. Axel decided not to respond and scowled instead. "Roxas?" Kairi questioned. "Huh? Me?" Roxas said bewildered. "Your name is Roxas, right?" Kairi said. "Yeah... What about it?" Roxas responded. "Namine says hello." Kairi said. "Oh. Hi...Namine." Roxas said, flustered. "There's one last thing to give you, Kairi." Flora piped up, walking towards Kairi. Chris stopped in the middle of running, turned on his feet, nearly falling over in the process, and ran over next to Kairi. "Are you okay? You look a little worked up." Kairi said. "I'm fine." Chris said. "Regardless, this is for you, Kairi." Fauna said, holding her hand out. Inside was a spinning orb, gold and bright. "Would you mind if put my personal spin on this?" Chris asked Flora. She nodded. Chris simply touched the orb with two fingers, let the orb flash for a bit, then let go. "I'm not meaning to be rude, but can I get two more of those?" Chris winced as he asked the question. "Why certainly, dear." Flora said. "Fauna, Merryweather...", as she said this, the two fairies clicked their wands together, and two more orbs appeared in Flora's hand, resting in her palm. Chris touched the two, before letting them return to her hand. Kairi took the first orb, and felt it as it disappeared inside her. She rocked back on right foot, and as she did her body went limp as light engulfed her clothes. When she touched back down, her clothes were bright red, white flames ingrained on the legs of her capris, her sleeves, and on her vest. "Whoa..." Kairi said in awe. Flames crackled and danced along her body, swaying and shifting to every movement she made. She stared down. "Whoa...AHHHH! Flames! Flames on me! Get em' off get em' off get em'off!" Kairi yelled as she jumped up and down, trying to shake the flames off. "I think she'll get over it." Chris said to Flora. "Can these be stored?" he asked. "Why of course, dear." Flora said. "Best of luck to you all!" Fauna cried. "We're gonna need it!" Chris said, exiting out the door, Roxas, Axel, Nialox and Kairi, who was trying not to burn the tower down, following behind. "Master Yen Sid", Chris said, stopping to bow, as he opened a Door to Light. "Thank You!" Chris said, before he ran through the Door to Light. "Master..." Axel said, following behind. "Thank you, sir." Roxas gave a salute as he passed by. "Master, Thanks for everything!" Nialox said cheerfully as she ran towards the portal. "Thank you, Yen Sid, for everything!" Kairi said, stopping to give a curtsy to the former Master. "No, thank you. Thank you for all that you do." Yen Sid said back, waving back. The Jar merely floated on by into the Door, then the Door closed. Onboard the Flying Wing II Kairi ran through the Door to Light only to run into something. She looked down to see her clothes were normal once again, and Chris' Keyblade embedded itself where her heart was. She looked back at him, he looked at her, his eyes heavy with tears. "I'll...I'll make it quick, okay?" Chris said, his voice shaking. The blade turned, and the next Kairi could comprehend, Namine was next to her, sitting on the floor. Question: Why is Chris crying if the process is painless? "Hey? Namine?" Kairi asked. "Hgh...what? Me? I'm fine...Kairi." "Okay, Namine. Come with me. You...I should say we...have got work to do." Chris said, taking the blonde Nobody by the hand. "Arxiba! Set course for Radiant Garden!" he yelled. "If you are wondering, I only separated you and Namine because we need her. You're still you, she's still all her, one person, two entities. See? Painless, right?" Chris said to Kairi, who was rising to her feet, still a little shaky. "O...Okay." she said, propping herself on Roxas' shoulder, as he followed Chris and Namine. Chris held onto Namine's hand tight, forgetting his grip. He nearly threw Namine down a hallway when they rounded a corner. They rushed into what was a hospital-styled room on the same hallway as the kitchen, off the male dorms. Chris and Namine came near one of the nine beds and stopped. Chris held the jar in his hand, yanked off the lid, reaching into the vessel to grab blue piece. He took it out, and set it on the bed. He pulled other pieces out of his pockets, setting them on the bed, putting them together. Namine saw they spelled the word Xion, in elegant silver letters. "I'm guessing the pieces are memories?" she asked. "Yes, that would be them. I picked them up while Kairi was getting new clothes." Chris put the last of the pieces together. "This quotation mark doesn't belong here "Okay. That should do it." Chris said, dusting his hands off. "Now, for the fun part." Chris placed his hands on Namine's shoulders, and sighed. "Showtime." he said. Light began to radiate from Namine, glowing, shining, glimmering. "What...What's going on?" she asked Chris. â€I am making the job much, much, simpler by increasing the light in you, in order to speed up the process." Chris said. "What process?" Namine questioned. "The process...of Xion being able to live." Chris said calmly. Namine gasped, but her face then turned to a look of determination. "I'll do it. I...we all owe her for what she did." she said. Namine stretched her hands forward, as Light shot from them, and began to form the outline of XIV's body, light tracing the curves and shape of her frame. It was like watching a drawing come to life. The light began to go faster and faster, lines crossing and doubling over themselves, other lights forming black threads, others flushing out the brilliant blue eyes, some curving, twisting, bending taking the shape of each individual raven hair in her hair, while the rest did their jobs, forming metal, zippers, gloves, feet, hands, boots. The final touch were elegant silver threads sown into the left shoulder, forming the letters XIV. Thin silver lines ran down the cloak, on the middle of the sleeves, and the sides of the pants. The boots were pinched with a touch of sliver at the points. The silver trickled down the cloak, forming a edge on the bottom. More silver pooled at the cuffs and a image of a mouse head with circular ears formed on the outside of the gloves. The whole outfit gleamed and brightened, reflecting every last ray of Light from Chris and Namine. Namine nearly collapsed, physically spent from the ordeal. Chris caught her under her arms, letting her rest herself against him. "Remind me to see if we could go into the fashion business. We'd make a killing on the clothing." He said. "Sure. Whatever you say..." Namine said weakly, eyes fluttering. "Okay... Definitely over-used your abilities. That's going to come back and bite me, I feel." he said. "Let's just get you up on this bed..." he said, as he picked Namine up, "...And let you catch some z's. Good Deal?" he asked Namine. "Sleep is good..." Namine sounded very tired from the way she spoke. The second her slender frame hit the white sheets, her body burst into little white orbs, flying out of the room. Chris' face blanched. "Huh." he shrugged. "Must headed back to Kairi. I can't really blame her, because if had that happen to me, and I was a Nobody, I would do the same thing." Chris mused out loud. Xion bolted straight up, eyes full of tears, black cloak already on, halfway out the door before even speaking. Her eyes were wild with emotion, a walking bomb, some might say. She sprinted down the hallway, tackling Roxas, while avoiding Kairi. "Roxas! Roxas! You have to stop me! I'll...I'll take all you! Stop..." Xion began, arms over Roxas' shoulders, but then started to cry, tears pooling on her face. Roxas put a finger to her lips. "Xion it's okay. We're fine. Okay?" Roxas said. Xion rose off Roxas and helped him get back on his feet. "Hey Xion! Catch!" Chris yelled, over-hand baseball pitching one the orbs Flora has given him at her. Xion caught it, and was surprised when it sunk into her. "Whoa. What does this do?" Her question was drowned out as light covered them, and she, Roxas, Kairi, Chris, Larxene, Axel, Luxord, Demyx, Arxiba and Nialox found themselves staring at a small marketplace, the ruins of a castle in the distance. The sky was a cheerful red and blue. Chris looked at the rest of the group. "Everyone...Welcome to..." he began. "Radiant Garden." Kairi finished. That's pretty much it. Good job!!!
A couple things. Most errors were mis-spelling or a stray grammar error. As for Chris, he doesn't really like the method used to get Namine out, which is why he's sad, being sad for Kairi. The vest. It or the shirt under has sleeves. I can fix that. Thank you!