Kingdom Hearts: Quiet's End

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Lauriam, Nov 11, 2011.

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  1. Lauriam I hope I didn't keep you waiting...

    Jun 4, 2009
    Nonbinary she/he/it?
    Kingdom Hearts: Quiet's End

    It's been ten years since Sora defeated Xehanort and restored light to the worlds, and peace has reigned for those ten years.
    Sora and Kairi settled down and are now raising a family, their daughter Mitsuko and their son Hitomu, twins, are now five.
    Riku spent the last ten years training with Master Yen Sid, and now this hero of darkness is returning home for some long-awaited peace.
    King Mickey lives happily in Disney town with Donald and Goofy by his side, reigning with kindness and strength.
    All over the worlds, light and peace reign over darkness. All is as it should be.

    But now a new threat is rising: A New Order is forming, and the worlds are again growing dark.
    It won't be long before the Keyblade will again become restless, longing to right these wrongs.
    A new Order, a new Darkness, a new Enemy, the threat grows stronger with each passing day.

    The Time of Awakening is not far off.

    A young girl walked slowly down the path, head bent in the moonlight, an aura of darkness surrounding her. All was quiet; her feet barely touching the ground.
    A gentle breeze blew through the land, and as the wind brushed across her face, she stopped and exhaled sharply, a faint blush coming into her cheeks. tilting her head, she saw she had come to a fork in the road, the path split four ways. She looked to each path, and made her decision. Turning to her left, she turned her back on the morning light and walked towards the darkening sky.

    The Time of Awakening grows closer.

    As the tall young man disappeared from veiw, the old Master turned from his window. Breathing deeply, he made his way to the bookcase and reached up, removing an age-old heavy leather-bound volume from the highest shelf. He took it with him to his desk, and opening the book, he turned the fragile pages slowly, careful not to let a single one tear, until he got to the one he had been searching for. The faded writing was difficult to read, almost completely invisible. The old Master leaned over the thousand year-old book, and read the long forgotten words aloud.
    "I fear for what may become of us, I fear for the safety of the world. The sky grows dark, a storm is coming. I cannot foresee what will happen if He is not stopped. He has been dabbling in matters better left untouched; and the outcome could be disasterous, yet I am unable to do anything but sit idly by and watch as he destroys everything our predeccessors worked so hard to build. No, I cannot let such a thing happen! He must be stopped, and if I be the only one willing to do what it takes to protect those I love, then so be it! He has already hurt me, he has already broken my heart, I shall use the pieces he left me to destroy the darkness in him, once and for all!"
    The old Master stood, and still carrying the book, returned to the window, where he looked to the sky. His eyes widened as a star began to flicker. Darkness could not be stopped by one alone, Darkness could only be delayed, and the time was drawing near when darkness, having been delayed for ten years, would again ravage the worlds. Master Yen Sid sighed deeply.

    "The Time of Awakening is come upon us."


    1: No godmodding or powerplay allowed, although I might for plot purposes.
    2: PLEASE use correct spelling, grammer, and punctuation. If you can't write a sentence correctly, this RP is not for you, and I will politely insist that you leave the RP.
    3: Keep romance at a PG level, don't say or do anything that you wouldn't see in a KH game.
    4: You may only have three characters at a time. If you have three characters, and wish to introduce a new one, you must get rid of one of your pre-existing characters.
    5: No cussing, swearing, or other foul language allowed. Keep it clean, guys.
    6: Original Characters only. You may not be a character from one of the games. I will control Sora, Kairi, Riku, Mickey, Donald, Goofy, pretty much, any character from the series.
    7: If you enter this RP, you are commiting to this RP, please do not go days at a time without posting. I realize some of you have lives to live, but I think you should be able to post at least once a day. Don't join if you won't be able to commit. If you do join, and know you will be unable to post for a certain amount of time, say, you're going on vacation, please let me know ahead of time so I know why your character appears frozen. Also, if you know you're going to be gone for some time, try to get your character out of any interactions he/she may be in, so the member your character was interacting with isn't left hanging.

    I reserve the right to edit or add to these rules as I see fit, and I reserve the right to refuse entry to anyone for any reason.

    Character Entry Forms:

    Character Name:
    Faction: (Dark or Light?)
    Other: (Anything else about your character you think we should know)

    Example: My OC:

    Username: Marushi
    Character Name: Kira
    Age: Unknown
    Gender: Female
    Weapon/s: A dark Keyblade with formidible strength and power, good aerial combos.
    Faction: Dark
    Bio: Not much is known about this wielder of Darkness, she turned her back on all she knew to embrace the darkness, and soon became completely overcome with it.
    Darkness is all she knows, she has come to depend upon it, and it has possesed her to the point where she doesn't always have control of herself. And she likes it that way.
    She spends every moment of her life trying to gain more darkness, and when she is not in control, she tries to spread the Darkness to those around her. She is looking for likeminded others to do her bidding and help her achieve this goal, and is calling this new organization the Shadow's Order.
    Other: She knows everything about Xehanort's attempts to achieve ultimate darkness, and has learned from his mistakes. She will have a different strategy completely, so don't expect the same tricks.

    Accepted OC's:

    Username: Smurfasaurus
    Name: Steven Attrosickle
    Age: 14
    Appearance: Black messy scruffy hair that falls down just above his eyes, very pale skin, green eyes, alot of his teeth are sharp (almost like fangs). 5"4 in height, a skinny build. Wears a black shirt and blue pants and has fingerless gloves on his hands.
    Gender: Male
    Faction: Light
    Weapon: Wears fingerless gloves and fights unarmed.
    Personality: Can be cruel at times, enjoys taunting his opponents, stands up for what he thinks is right.
    Bio: Steven was an orphan. His parents died in a car crash and as such grew up without any support from family. As a young child he was exposed to darkness, almost being corrupted by it and often getting into fights. He fought against it, and the darkness, for the most part, lost its hold on him. However, he did not rid himself of it compeltely. A slight urge remained, taking the form of a voice inside his head, always coaxing him to do the evil things, and give in. There was rarely a day he didn't fight. As such, he is an expert at hand to hand combat, though he has been known to use surrounding objects to his advantage. He believes the dark to be evil, and though he likes the idea of supreme power, he opposes it. He will attempt to do anything he can in order to kill all the darkness and all who stand for it.
    Other: Occasionally gets consumed by the darkness within, losing the ability to do the "right" thing for a short amount of time.

    Username: Rienzel
    Character name: Beucefilous
    Age: 22
    Gender: Male
    Appearance: Weapon: A multi purpose/form weapon known as demithor. It changes into a wide variety of weapons including a sword, a gun, a bow, a hammer, gauntlets, a scythe, and a keyblade. as well as a few others not listed. in extreme situations, he can use up to three forms at once. when not in use, it takes the form of a ring.
    Faction: Dark
    Bio: He resides in the dark simply because the light doesn't suit him. He found kira and decided to join her order, though he isn't particularly loyal, but isn't disloyal enough to betray her. He is rather layed back and not serious. During combat, he keeps his foes on the defensive by attacking relentlessly. His moves appear erratic and are hard to read because he shifts weapons and fighting styles. Not much is known about his past.
    Other: Demithor is one of a kind.

    Username: Master of Keyblades
    Character Name: Shane
    Age: 15
    Gender: Male
    Appearence: Weapon/s:
    Faction: (Dark or Light?) Light
    Bio: Eversince he decided to leave his home to see the other worlds, Shane has never looked back on that choice. Being one who would at most times work alone than with others, he would other just wander from one place to the next. Nobody know for sure why he does this, but some say it has something to do with his keyblade.
    Other: He hates to talk about his past.

    Username: . : tale_wind
    Character Name: Sarai
    Age: 16
    Gender: Female
    Appearance: Slightly tanned skin, brown eyes and short brown hair. To her chagrin, she's rather short--roughly 5'4". She likes
    dramatic billowy clothes, so she totes an overlarge jacket to billow dramatically in the wind (when she's not cold/too warm, she'll tie it around her waist); she's been known to use up Aero magic for the sole purpose of making her look cool. She wears a pair of baggy cargo pants as well (secured to her waist by--what else?--no more than three belts. This is KH, after all, and she just likes to look cool).
    Weapon/s: Kīburēdo! Specifically, she currently wields Twilight Blaze.
    Faction: Light
    Bio: Sarai is a tomboy with a flair for the dramatic and "cool." As she felt at a young age that her life was "too boring," she decided that she would make life interesting. And then the Keyblade came along, and she took her theatrics with her to the worlds, exploring and adventuring at her leisure. As she's had no formal training with the Keyblade, her technique is rough and lacking in various departments. Unfortunately, she's a bit reckless and tends to do things without thinking. She's a nice person and all, just...a bit lacking in the common sense department.
    Other: Her favorite color is red. She prefers the city to the country.

    Link to OOC Thread:
  2. Beucefilous Kingdom Keeper

    Apr 27, 2011
    Username: Rienzel
    Character name: Beucefilous
    Age: 22
    Gender: Male
    Appearance: [​IMG]
    Weapon: A multi purpose/form weapon known as demithor. It changes into a wide variety of weapons including a sword, a gun, a bow, a hammer, gauntlets, a scythe, and a keyblade. as well as a few others not listed. in extreme situations, he can use up to three forms at once. when not in use, it takes the form of a ring.
    Faction: Dark
    Bio: He resides in the dark simply because the light doesn't suit him. He found kira and decided to join her order, though he isn't particularly loyal, but isn't disloyal enough to betray her. He is rather layed back and not serious. During combat, he keeps his foes on the defensive by attacking relentlessly. His moves appear erratic and are hard to read because he shifts weapons and fighting styles. Not much is known about his past.
    Other: Demithor is one of a kind.
  3. Lauriam I hope I didn't keep you waiting...

    Jun 4, 2009
    Nonbinary she/he/it?
    You are accepted, but please post any further OOC's in the OOC thread here:
  4. Beucefilous Kingdom Keeper

    Apr 27, 2011
  5. Lauriam I hope I didn't keep you waiting...

    Jun 4, 2009
    Nonbinary she/he/it?
    np, lol, I do the same thing all the time.
  6. Lauriam I hope I didn't keep you waiting...

    Jun 4, 2009
    Nonbinary she/he/it?
    Alright, so we're going to get this RP started, so post when you're ready.

    Sora laughed as Mitsuko, seated on his shoulders, tried to stand, pulling his hair to try and keep her balance. She squealed in excitement, and almost fell off, but he held her in place. Riku had just appeared, walking through a dark portal, and the five-year-old girl couldn't wait to see him. As he approached, she grabbed Sora's arm and swung down to the floor, he lowered her gently and she ran as fast as her small legs could carry her to the tall man. Riku smiled as she ran towards him, and bending down, let her tackle him straight on, picking her up and carrying her the rest of the way until he got to Sora and Kairi. "Sora," he said. "How's it going?" Sora smiled. "Riku!" He said. "It's been way too long!" Kairi smiled, holding Hitomu. He smiled at Riku, but wasn't as excitable as his twin sister, who was chattering away about everything she knew. Riku set her down gently and stood, looking at his childhood friends. "She always talk like this?" He asked. Hitomu nodded his head gravely. "Almost always," he said. "I can't never get some words in edgewise." The three friends laughed, and soon, the two children were laughing as well, as small children are likely to do, even when they don't understand the joke. And so the reunion went on, on the small island home where they had grown up. Laughing, talking, catching up. Somehow, each of them knew deep in their hearts that all was not as fine as they hoped, and that soon they would again be seperated, so they enjoyed each moment they had while they waited for tomorrow.

    Kira walked slowly through the dusty cliffs of the Keyblade Graveyard, her (for lack of a better one) base. The Shadow's Order had gotten off to a slow start, she only had one follower. But, no matter, she would gain a better following as the power of Darkness spread. She could feel it as she walked, the power of darkness taking a hold on her heart, and it filled her with excitement. She was powerful, she had a strength that most could not boast of, that most only dreamed about. She would see to it that every follower of Light would be consumed with the darkness, especially that fool of a Keyblade Master that had rested easy these past ten years. He would be the first to go when she had a strong enough following. For now, however, she could only wait. Wait, and plan.
  7. Beucefilous Kingdom Keeper

    Apr 27, 2011
    Beucefilous too was at the Keyblade Graveyard, only he was leaning back on a rock rather than walking about like his leader Hey Kira! He called to her and ran over as she walked by. The silver ring over his finger dimly shone in the pale brown light. "We really need to get a better pad. This place is kinda dusty..." He said looking around at the endless fields of nothing but dirt, rock, and steel.
  8. Lauriam I hope I didn't keep you waiting...

    Jun 4, 2009
    Nonbinary she/he/it?
    Kira nodded, "Yes," she said. "I am trying to locate the abandoned Castle that Never Was. As soon as I can find it, we'll move there." She looked away and continued talking, almost to herself. "What better place to release the darkness then the very Castle where Darkness once reigned?"
  9. Beucefilous Kingdom Keeper

    Apr 27, 2011
    Beucefilous thought for a moment, trying to recall a rumor he had heard somewhere. "Oh yeah! i remember hearing that this town where it's always mid-afternoon, has an alternate version of itself that leads to some mysterious world." He told her. "Unless you have a better lead, it could be worth checking out."
  10. Glen Returned from the dead

    Jan 18, 2011
    Steven was sitting down at the beach on Destiny Islands, his feet just barely touching the water's edge. The wind swept through his hair as he let out a yawn. "Sure is boring.." he said quietly. He then stood up. "Well, guess i'd better find something to do" he stated bluntly. He put on his shoes once more, and walked off along the beach.
  11. Lauriam I hope I didn't keep you waiting...

    Jun 4, 2009
    Nonbinary she/he/it?
    "Hmm." Kira looked back at Beaucefilous. "Yes, That is a good idea. It's at least worth checking out." She opened a Dark Portal, trusting the darkness to find the right place, and stepped through.

    "look over there!" Hitomu said quietly. The three heroes quieted down and turned and saw a young boy, walking slowly in their direction. "What about him?" Sora asked. Hitomu watched the boy, frowning in concentration. "He's basically good," he finally announced. "But he struggles." Sora looked at Riku, as if to say "See what I mean?" Being the two children born from two pure hearts, Hitomu and Mitsuko had strange abilities, it was almost as if they were able to connect to other hearts, and see what lay inside. So they waited for the young boy to reach them.
  12. Glen Returned from the dead

    Jan 18, 2011
    Steven saw a small group of people, and stopped. He wasn't sure whether he should approach them or not, but shrugged off the thought almost immediately. Danger? On Destiny Islands? Ha, not likely he thought. He continued walking towards them as he let out another yawn. "Man i've gotta sleep more" he said quietly, approaching the small group.
  13. Beucefilous Kingdom Keeper

    Apr 27, 2011
    Beucefilous looked at the portal Kira had opened. "Cool. She knows where to go." He said to himself before following. He stepped out on top of a large clock tower with a view of some train tracks. sure enough, it was mid-afternoon. "This looks like it would be the place." He then descended to the train station and bought some ice cream to eat along the way to their destination.
  14. Lauriam I hope I didn't keep you waiting...

    Jun 4, 2009
    Nonbinary she/he/it?
    Tired of standing and waiting, Mitsuko ran forward to the boy and stopped in front of him, looking up and smiling. "Hello," she said. "Will you be my friend?" Standing next to Sora, Riku looked at the small girl and smiled. She was like a niece to him, and he saw a little bit of himself in Hitomu.

    Kira waited patiently while Beaucefilous bought the ice cream, and looked around at the town. Twilight Town, she thought. A fitting name. It lies on the brink of darkness. Perhaps we can plunge it into midnight. After her follower had purchased his ice-cream, they walked down the hill towards the center of the town. She had seen the top of an old mansion over a faraway wall, and something told her that she would find the alternate pathway there.
  15. Glen Returned from the dead

    Jan 18, 2011
    "Uh....i guess? You don't even know me, nor i you" Steven said, confused. He sighed. This is going to be a long day he thought dryly.
  16. Beucefilous Kingdom Keeper

    Apr 27, 2011
    Beucefilous turned and followed Kira, putting the salty-sweet ice cream in his mouth. it was delicious. As they reached the mansion, he began to look around. If Kira's gut had led her here, then this was probably the right place. He walked up the stairs into a completely white room, filled with drawings. "Aren't these of that Sora guy and his friends?" He said himself. They were all of them except for one drawing. It was of a yellow symbol. Thinking it was rather out of place, he picked it up and carried it back downstairs to where Kira was searching. "I found this drawing. thats about it." He told her.
  17. Lauriam I hope I didn't keep you waiting...

    Jun 4, 2009
    Nonbinary she/he/it?
    OOC: I think I'm going to change their ages from three to five.

    Mitsuko laughed. "That doesn't matter," she said. "Who said we had to know eachother to be friends?" She grabbed his hand and pulled him towards the rest of the group, she wasn't very strong, being so young, but she tried. "That's my Daddy, that's my Mommy, and that's Riku! He's Daddy's best friend. And that's my brother, Hitomu." Hitomu stepped forward and held his tiny hand up for the stranger to shake, like he'd seen grown-ups do before. "Hello," he said. "It's nice to meet you."

    Kira took the picture from Beaucefilous, and smiled. This was very familiar... "Thank you," she said. "I think I know what to do now." Turning, she walked across the foyer and found her way to the first floor library. The same pattern was on the table, but incomplete. "Stay by the door," she said before finishing the drawing. Then she walked back to the door and the floor dissapeared. Over to the side, another staircase led down to a secret basement. Now we're getting somewhere, she thought.
  18. Beucefilous Kingdom Keeper

    Apr 27, 2011
    Beucefilous was pretty surprised at the disappearing floor. "That's a pretty cool trick" He said as he walked down to the staircase. There was quite a bit of technology down there. All sorts of lights and computers. Off to the side a door stood open. "That looks promising."
  19. Glen Returned from the dead

    Jan 18, 2011
    Steven, still confused, shook the youngster's hand. "Oh...kay?" he said, uncertain. "And do mommy and daddy have actual names?" he asked with a small laugh.
  20. CrownMoksha Decimo

    Jan 11, 2011
    On board the DenLiner
    As Shane wander through Twilight Town, he found himself once again heading towards the old mansion. It seemed like out of all the places he's wander to this was the only one that's he gone back to more than once. What am I supposed to be doing here. He wondered to himself as he entered the mansion, completely unaware that there were others already there.
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