Kingdom Hearts Parody

Discussion in 'The Spam Zone' started by Dredica, Jan 18, 2008.

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  1. Dredica SNES was the best.

    Sep 6, 2007
    Press Ctrl+W to find out
    Okay, post your own kingdom hearts parody (Funny stuff) here, let's see what I have:

    1.Riku and Sora are trying to shut kingdom hearts from kh1, Riku slams Sora's fingers in the door

    2.Xemnas, "Heroes...from...the...realm-" Riku, "You know, can you just shut up? You take for ever to talk, let's just fight."

    3.Riku on top of memory skyscrapper, "Wee!" jumps off.

    4.Roxas walks into the room where Sora was sleeping, "WTF, is this a gas chamber?!"

    5.Sora turns dark instead of Riku, and Riku gets the keyblade, "Wtf is this? I want the papou fruit to share with Kairi, not some big key."

    6.Sora finds out about gameshark, "I could have had infinite drive and max strength this whole time?!"

    7.Sora goes to where Terra is in final mix. Terra says, "Wow, that was a nasty fart." When he got up.

    8.Sora sees Donald and Goofy for the first time, "WTF are you things?!"

    9.Riku meets Mickey, Mickey says, "Welp, Riku I guess we'd better find Sora." Riku looks at him, "Okay you over-grown mouse, if you want to hang with me, loose your ******ed vocabulary."

    10.Riku has the log at destiny islands. Kairi asks Riku, "What do you have there Riku?" Riku looks at her, "Wood..." Kairi laughs.

    Those arn't that great. But post your parody of kingdom hearts here. Please make a list, you can make videos too, but I'd prefer list of words. But seriously please post your own kingdom hearts jokes lol, I'm getting sick of not seeing other people's jokes about kingdom hearts.
  2. jafar custom title

    Dec 28, 2007
    *dies of insanity*
  3. Scarred Nobody Where is the justice?

    May 14, 2007
    does this count?

  4. Dredica SNES was the best.

    Sep 6, 2007
    Press Ctrl+W to find out
    What is that supposed to mean? lol. okay here is some more:

    11.Sora sees a heartless for the first time, "Wtf, is that a moving terd?"

    12.A company comes to destiny islands, buying the trees, and making paper out of them. They cut down Riku's tree. That's the real reason Riku turned to darkness. o_O maybe it is...

    13.Sora meets organaztion thirteen, "Why are you guys called organaztion XIII if you don't have thirteen members?"

    14.Donald and Goofy use the restroom while Sora messes around in the gummi ship. Sora crashes it, "Opps..."

    15.Riku comes up out of no where, "Sora, your name comes close to a girl's name Sara, you sure your parents didn't think you were a girl when you were born?" Sora looks at Riku, "How can you talk, your hair is like 3 feet long?!" Riku looks at Sora, "At least its straight..."

    16.Sora sees Riku's dark outfit, "Wow, Nomura thought of a off-brand version of spiderman, arn't you lucky Riku?"

    17.Sora meets Jack, Jack says, "My shoe size is 1." Sora, "My shoe size is fiftheen!" You have to know how small Jack's feet are to understand.

    18.Axel says, "Got it memorized?" To Kairi. Kairi says, "STFU!" And facepalms him.

    19.Sora sees Riku in Xehanort's heartless form, "Wow, Riku, you got a nice tan." Sora wishpers to Kairi, "He looks like a piece of crap with eyes." Riku starts to cry, "Sora, stfu!"

    20.Riku asks Xemnas in final battle, "How many god damn costume changes are you going to make?!"

    I guess, but think about making list like I am.

    21.The reason Riku wears a blind-fold is because he has pink eye.

    22.Sora sees Sephiroth in kingdom hearts II, "Wow, you talk just as slow as Xemnas."

    23.Sora sees Riku, "Hey Riku, since your cool and hardcore, don't you listen to like screamo?" Riku hides his ipod, he was listening to simple and clean.

    24.Sora crys before leaving twilight town for the first time on the train, when they leave Hayner mutters, "Pussies"

    25.Riku takes Sora's keyblade, "Wow, this is the size of my ****." Sora looks at him, "What did you say?!" Riku says, "What? I said my dark."

    26. Sora and Roxas get into a fight, Roxas says, "Well at least I'm smart enough to think of using to keyblades!"

    27.Riku, Sora, and Kairi are swimming on Destiny Islands. A rock falls out of Kairi's braw, Sora and Riku look at her, she says, "Well, this is akward." Sora mutters, "I still think shes hot."

    28.Riku, Sora, and Kairi get into police trouble, the police think they are crazy for killing Mickey Mouse. The cops line the three of them up. The cop says, "It can't be Riku, his cloths actually look real, so does his hair. It has to be that Sora kid, he carrys a big key around with him, and his freinds are dogs and ducks."

    29.Sora and Roxas are fighting, "Who are you?" Sora asks Roxas. Roxas looks at Sora, "Someone from the dark..." Sora stops, "Time out! WTF does that mean?!"

    30.Sephiroth and Riku fight. Riku wins. Riku looks at Sephiroth, "Sorry man, the cancer on your wing made you handicap. I still would have kicked your ass anyway."
  5. リクカイリソラ Banned

    Dec 11, 2007
  6. Dredica SNES was the best.

    Sep 6, 2007
    Press Ctrl+W to find out
    Thanks? If your going to post here, please post your own jokes too.
  7. KaitoX Moogle Assistant

    Jan 20, 2008
    Jefferton, Tri-county Area
    i didnt laugh at all. you are not funny. period.
  8. Dredica SNES was the best.

    Sep 6, 2007
    Press Ctrl+W to find out
    Did anybody even ask you screwed up poke'mon thing? I didn't say I was funny, I was making fun of a game that I love, and it is hard to make fun of something you love, so it was hard to make jokes about it >_< And nobody said you had to laugh. I said post your own jokes, not your opions.
  9. KeybladeSpirit [ENvTuber] [pngTuber]

    Aug 1, 2007
    Girl ️‍⚧️
    I agree.

    Anyway, here's a chapter from Ask Sora.

    Anouncer: Here he is, you know him you love him, it's Sora the Keyblade Master!!
    (Cue screaming fangirls)
    Sora: Yes that's right. It's the first episode and we need questions so PM the Keyblade Spirit with question ideas.
    Me: Sora, remember what I said about breaking the fourth wall?*
    Sora: Fine. :( Anyway now to boot up the computer.
    (Sora turns to the computer and pushes the power button. When it boots up he opens his email.)
    Computer: You have, 50 new messages.
    Sora: Oh man. Delete spa- Hey! A downloadable demo for Birth By Sleep.
    (Sora downloads the file.)
    (Several minutes later)
    On the computer screen:
    Sora: AHH! The blue screen of death! My mortal enemy.** And I think my computer just insulted me.
    On Computer:
    Sora: That's not nice.
    On Computer:
    (Sora smashes computer with Keyblade)
    Sora: Well that's not good. I know! I'll use the Keyblade Master Free Computer Delivery Service. "Keyblade Masters delivering computers to other Keyblade Masters since 2001."***
    (Gets on phone and calls the company with the really long name that I mentioned above.)
    (Seconds later.)
    (Knock on door)
    Sora: (In really high voice) Coming.
    (Goes to door)
    Riku: Here's your computer.
    Sora: Thanks.
    Riku: Yeah whatever.
    (After setting up and booting up the computer and accesing E-mail)
    Computer: Spam auto delete completed.
    Sora: Sweet. Anyway, first question.
    Sora: How should I know? Next question.
    Sora: Castle Oblivian? What's that? And I never lost my memories. Although I do wonder how I got inside that lotus pod. Oh well, we're out of time today. See you next time on, Ask Sora.
    *The fourth wall is the imaginary wall between the characters and audiance. Breaking the fourth wall is when a character notices the reader/audiance and addresses it.
    **This line is from YGO Abridged.
    ***The Keyblade Master Free Computer Delivery Service's motto.

    And a link to the thread:
  10. Dredica SNES was the best.

    Sep 6, 2007
    Press Ctrl+W to find out
    xD Down load of birth by sleep hilarious. That was funny when Xemnas said 'Where's my heart?" Sora:How should I know?" lol it's just like Riku to deliver that, although I thought Mickey might be more sutible, cause Riku is cool...o_O
  11. KeybladeSpirit [ENvTuber] [pngTuber]

    Aug 1, 2007
    Girl ️‍⚧️
    Yeah. I'm working on a Riku Code special. We finally get to find out what happens to Sora when we use codes to play as other characters. He gets locked in a closet.
  12. koolashley King's Apprentice

    Sep 1, 2007
    In a barber shop on Fleet Street.
    Riku sees Sora and Kairi hugging. He asks: "Why can't you two get a room?"

    Riku: "Why? Why do you have the Keyblade? Roxas: "Because I'm a lady."

    Mine also aren't that great. The second one my friend and I got from something off of YouTube. 'Nuff said.
  13. Dredica SNES was the best.

    Sep 6, 2007
    Press Ctrl+W to find out
    o_O Okay...xD not trying to be mean lol

    31.Master Xehanort's apprentice was by himself (master Xehanort, since they split o_O). He looked at his arms, after he watched the movie spiderman. "Hmm, I wonder..." He jumped off the place where master Xehanort and him were standing, and he happened to land on the keyblade he was running on in the secret movie o_O not that funny, I know...And the lightning was actually spider that one isn't that great lol.

    32.Riku and Master Xehanort's apprentice meet. "Wow, I guess the expression when people say you have a twim in the world is true..." Riku said. Master Xehanort looked at him, "Shut up kid." Then he lifted his helment up, it was Itachi...xD these arn't that great, running out.

    33. Riku goes to halloween town, he is in his dark suit when he gets there, "Why don't I get a good costume?" Jack comes up, "You do, your a dark version of spiderman." Riku looks confused, "Wtf?"

    34. Sora and Riku are traveling through the place where Xemnas fought them at. Riku was feeling bad because Sora was grabbing his ass, "Are you bisexual or something?" Riku asks Sora. "What?" Sora asked. "What?" Riku said.

    35.Nomura is watching Rave Master, "Wtf is this?! It's an off brand version of kingdom hearts! It has the organaztion and everything! Even god damn Riku, but with a red blind fold!"

    36.Before Riku found out about the keyblade, he met Sora. Sora showed Riku the keyblade, "Where the hell did you get that from? Payless?" Riku asked Sora. Sora said, "No, it came out of the sky!"

    37.Goofy and Donald and Sora are at hollow bastion, when Goofy got hit on the head, and he came back when everyone thought he was dead. Donald gets pissed at him, and punches him in the place where he should have balls. Goofy dosn't feel anything.Everyone is silent...

    38.Sora is running to destiny islands at the end of kingdom hearts II. He trips up and lands in the salt water with his eyes opened, and he gets pinched in the balls by a crab.

    39.Riku goes to castle oblivion and meets the organaztion, "Okay.Please tell me, is this some offbrand yu-gi-oh?" Marulixa trys to change the subject, "I love flowers...yes, it is..."

    40. Riku and Xemnas fight, "Okay, wth, are you some off-brand darth vader, but with like two lightsabers?"
    Wow, kingdom hearts is off-brand completely...

    Hmm...these jokes wern't good. I lost most of them with the other list, I have nomore v_v
  14. KeybladeSpirit [ENvTuber] [pngTuber]

    Aug 1, 2007
    Girl ️‍⚧️
    I saw that video! XD Anyway, these are pretty good. Can someone please go to my Ask Sora thread? I wanna post the new chapter, but I can't.
  15. Zeftnon - The Superior Hollow Bastion Committee

    Nov 12, 2006
    Press Ctrl+W to find out...
    Terra: Aqua... Ven... Key- *Sora whacks him with Keyblade*
    Sora: That's for kicking my ass a thousand times!

    During Hollow Bastion First Visit...
    Riku: Oh yeah? Well we'll just see about that! *Shoots dark aura at Sora*
    Sora: Aahh!
    *Goofy runs to protect Sora*
    Goofy: Sora ain't gonna go any- *Dark aura blasts through Goofy's shield and kills both*

    DiZ: Rucksack, this man speaks nonsense.
    Axel: Rocks ass, don't let him decieve you!
    DiZ: Rucksack!
    Axel: Rocks ass!

    Donald: Sora, do as you're told!
    Goofy: You're comin' with us whether ya want to or not!
    Donald: Come on, Sora. You gotta be good!
    Sora (mouthing): **** you.
  16. Dredica SNES was the best.

    Sep 6, 2007
    Press Ctrl+W to find out
    I saw that video on youtube when he said **** you.
  17. Wacko Twilight Town Denizen

    Lmao! Those are THE most genius ideas for Kingdom Hearts I have ever heard!!! *laughs uncontrolably*
  18. Shiki my waifu is better than yours, thanks

    Jun 3, 2007
    The Future
    Hmm let em try one or two

    *Sora, Riku, and Kairi are reading "That letter". They reach the bottom and notice something. "PS. Riku, remember all those times in castle oblivion? all those nights together...." Riku: O.O sora: O_O kairi: i thought you weren't gay?
  19. Wacko Twilight Town Denizen

    Wait, I got one... (I haven't done these in so long though...)

    -Riku: Why?! Why do you have the Keyblade?!"

    -Roxas: "I dunno. All I know is that it's shhiiinnnnyyy........"
  20. Dredica SNES was the best.

    Sep 6, 2007
    Press Ctrl+W to find out
    lol. Roxas was a more serious fighter in the secret ending 'Deep Dive', but not in the scene when Riku kicks his ass anyway.
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