Okay, so I've had this story on my mind for awhile, so I decided to write it down. WARNING: Rated PG-13 for minor swearing and VIOLENCE!! YAY VIOLENCE!! lolz XD so if you dont like it, THEN DONT READ! yea sooo... ONWARD TO ADVENTURE!!! lolz ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ le proulogue lolz ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The small brunette boy cried out as he hit the sand. He looked up, and, seeing the bullies were surrounding him, began to cry. "Awww, wittle Sowa gonna cry like a baby?" asked the biggest one in a mocking voice. The other three snickered at his predicament. The boy procceded to wail louder. They were about to begin taunting him again when a voice behind them called out, "Leave him alone!" They turned to see a platinum-haired boy running toward them with a wooden sword in hand. The bullies exchanged panicked expressions before turning and scampering as quick as they could back up the beach. The small boy still lay cowering on the sand, waiting for a blow that would never come. The older boy reached out to touch the younger boys shoulder, but the brunette cringed at his touch. The older boy, trying to show that he ment no harm, gently grabbed the other boys arm and pulled him to his feet. The smaller boys eyes snapped open and he shivied away from the silver-haired boys touch. The brunette's eyes were full of fear, and he kept them on the older boy as he backed away slowly. Finally, he shyley said "Um... Thanks..." and turned, running towards the small islet with the poupu tree. The silver-haired boy stared after him, bewildered. Then he ran after the small boy. -------------------- When he reached the islet, he saw that the small brunette was leaning against the poupu tree, staring out at the ocean. The older boy snuck up behind him and grabbed his shoulder, whirling him around to face him. The smaller boy gasped and almost tripped. "Why'd you run away from me?" the older boy demanded. The brunette just stared at his shoes. "Your not hurt, are you?" asked the older one. The brunette shook his head and mummbled something. "Huh?" The small boy said something that sounded like, "I was scared..." The older boy stared at him for a moment, then said "Why would you be scared of me?" "Not you." the brunette said softly. "Those other boys. The ones who pushed me." He began to cry. "I... I'm sorry I ran away from you..." "Hey, don't cry." said the older one. "Tell you what, from now on, I'll protect you." The smaller boy looked up. "Really?" "Promise. I won't let anything bad happen to you." He smiled. "I'm Riku. Whats you name?" The small boy smiled shyly. "Sora. I'm Sora." ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ well? is it good? comment if u want more! you know you want to... lolz Random Footnotes: -This is when Riku and Sora are younger. Like, Soras probley about 7, and Riku's probably about 8. -The bullies ran away from Riku cause hes the best fighter on the islands (supposedly) lolz -horrible speller I am (O NOES I SOUND LIKE YODA) lolz -um... I MUST OBEY THE TACO MAN!!! lolz
Nice beginning! I like this new story. It's interesting to see how Sora and Riku met. Keep it up. ^_^
Thanks you guys =D and destined, im not using word on this. i write it in my notebook so i can take it wherever, and then i copy it to here-BY HAND!!! o.O lolz
writers block sucks =P i cant think of anything to write. RAWR! it seems it may be up to a few days before the next chapter, so heres a preview: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ soras pov ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Seven years have passed since that day. Riku has always kept his promise to me. I am happy I finally have two good friends by my side. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Thats all I can think of at the moment =P can you guess who the other friend is? lolz
NEW CHAPTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HUZZAH!!!!!!!!!!! sorry 4 teh wait lolz ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Chapter 1-(insert awsome title here) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~Sora's POV~ 7 years have passed since that day. Riku has always kept his promise to me, never letting any harm befall me. He is my protector, my guardian angel. There is also Kairi. We met when I was 8. Well... more like Riku met her, and he introduced us. I was always much too shy to just go up to people. But Kairi could never protect me the was Riku does. (although shes much better at math) I am greatful for my two friends. I don't know how I could survive without them. ~End Sora's POV~ -------------------- "Sora!" He turned when he heard Kairi calling his name. He smiled at her, but he wished she wouldn't be so loud. Kairi ran up to him, stopping for a moment to catch her breath, before taking Sora's wrist and trying to pull him back the way she came . "What is it, Kairi?" He asked her quietly. Her grin widened. "Riku and I have a surprise for you! Come see! Please?" He smiled. "No need to beg, Kairi." She smiled again and procceded to tow Sora by the wrist back down the beach. Sora passively trailed after her. As they neared Riku, the platinum-haired boy looked up from whatever he was doing and grinned at Sora. He looked a bit excited. "Whats that?" asked Sora, pointing to whatever was conceiled behind Riku's back. Kairi and Riku exchanged excited smiles. "TA DA!" they shouted as Riku brought out from behind his back- ... a pile of sticks. "Umm... What is it?" asked Sora. "An idea." Riku said with a smile as he began to arrange the sticks. He quickly assembled them into a miniature raft. Sora stooped down to take a closer look at it. After a moment he looked up at Riku with confusion. "I don't get it." Riku smiled and patted Sora's head. "Remember how we talked about how cool it would be to go to other worlds?" Sora nodded. "Well, I was thinking we could build a raft and go on an adventure!" Sora was a bit shocked. They had talked about going away to see other worlds, but he had thought Riku had been kidding, that these were merely dreams of adventure by two small island boys. He looked to Kairi to see what she thought of this, but she only smiled. He was a bit skeptical, but he had always been this way. He had always been shy, whereas Riku had always been bold and adventurous. Riku had always come up with a daring and dangerous plans, and Sora helped carry them out. (Although Riku always gave Sora the job that was less dangerous) Sora pondered this new idea for a moment. Riku seemed so excited! He didn't want to make him sad, so Sora just smiled and slowly nodded. A smile lit up Riku's face, and Kairi looked pretty happy too. Sora was glad his friends were happy, but he still didn't think it was such a good idea... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ my hands hurt lolz please ignore my horrid 9th grade spelling and grammer. FEEDBACK PLZ!!! i actually have the next chapter written out. now i just need to type it. oh, my poor hands... Random Footnotes -OMG FORESHADOWING!! -*bandages hands* -super special awsomeness XDDD -...IN AMERICA!!! XD -(insert more random crack here)
yes, this is quite a serious story, but there is a bit of crack later on. but if you cant wait that long then look at my twilight fall story also im working on a story that i have yet to post that is 110% crack XD TAQUITOZ!!!!!!!!!!!!!! XD arigato ^_^
OMFG ANOTHER CHAPTER!! i decied my hands are healed enough to type out another chapter. thats just how special you guys are ^_^ =D *glomps riku* MINE! lolz ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ chapter 2- we all fall down lolz ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Almost a month later, the raft was finally finished. They just needed to gather supplys and they could leave the next day. Kairi (who was in charge of inventory) sent both Riku and Sora out to get food and such. Thats why Sora was up in a tree. He wished he didn't have to be the one to gather cocoanuts. He hated heights. He only needed one more cocoanut. He reached for the last one on the tree. Just a little more... "Hey Sora!" That shout was all it took to make Sora tumble out of the tree. He had the quick sensation of falling, then felt a pair of strong arms catch him. He had hit his head, giving him a wicked headache, but other than that he felt fine. Regardless, he kept his eyes squeezed shut. "Sora! Sora, are you okay?" he heard Riku shout. He sounded so far away... He felt Riku put him down on the ground. Now Sora tried to open his eyes, but found he couldn't. In fact, he couldn't move at all. Riku shook his shoulder. "Sora? Sora, please wake up!" Sora was alarmed at the ever increasing faintness of Riku's voice. He felt Riku pick him up again before he blacked out. -------------------- Riku walked slowly through the small grove of cocoanut trees, looking for Sora, who had gone out to gather cocoanuts. Riku had returned to Kairi with his supplys awhile ago, but the younger boy still had not returned. Kairi began to get worried, and sent Riku out to look for him. Riku would never admit it, but he too was getting pretty worried. He heard a rustling and looked up. There was Sora, reaching for the last cocoanut on the tree. Riku shook his head at the antics of the smaller boy. "Hey Sora!" he shouted. He immediately wished he hadn't said anything as he watched Sora loose his grip and fall. Riku reached out to catch him before he hit the ground. He was relived to see that Sora was alright except for a scrape on his hand. "Sora, are you okay?" he asked. No reply. He gently set him on the ground. It seemed he was unconcious. But just to make sure, Riku shook his shoulder and quietly said "Sora? Sora, please wake up!" Still no response. He sighed and picked up Sora gently. He decided the best this to do would be to carry him back to where Kairi was waiting. He knew she had a first aid kit in her stores. "Sora, why do you always end up in trouble?" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ i think my hands are broken again... ow... cnc? Random footnotes: -i wasnt originaly going to knock sora out. they just kind of took over. and by they i mean sora and riku. *shudders* - sora and riku: BWAHAHA!! -*is scared* -*goes to hospital to treat hands* -i have the top vid song stuck in meh head *sings* -i wanna be a MONGOOSE!! XD
yea, i know =D UPDATE TEIM!!!!!! *dances* HUZZAH!!!!!!!! well, i wont delay you from finding out what happened to sora... *evil laugter* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Chapta 3- there-OMG LOOK A SQUIRRLE!!!!! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sora awoke a few hours later in the Seaside Shack with a major headache. He was relived to find he could now open his eyes, but whenever he did, the world seemed to spin, and whenever he tried to move, pain shot through his body. He turned his head slightly, ignoring the twinge of pain, and saw Kairi and Riku dozing beside him. Sora reached out to shake Kairi, who was closest to him, and saw a bandage on his hand. 'What happened?' he wondered. He reached out again and managed to poke Kairi on the shoulder Before the pain caused him to drop his hand to the ground, sending another wave of pain through his arm. He gave a little moan, waking Kairi up fully. Kairi moved until she was sitting beside Sora and checked his hand and forhead. "You okay?" she asked. He tried to nod, but felt the pain in his neck again. "Don't try to move." Kairi said gently. "You fell pretty hard. You're lucky Riku caught you, or you could have hurt yourself much worse." Sora looked over at the sleeping form of Riku. His protector. Sora smiled. He couldn't ask for a better friend. -------------------- They had decided to postpone the raft trip a few days, to wait for Sora's injurys to heal. He still had a bandaged on his hand and a slight limp, but he was still happy to help in any way he could.Kairi and Riku wanted him to sit and rest, but Sora insisted on doing something to help. So they ended up giving him any jobs that involved not moving much. Sora had taken over Kairi's job of being in charge of inventory (because it involved him not moving),leaving Kairi to help Riku gather extra supplys. She wasn't used to being the one who ran around doing things, and got tired quickly. But she realized Sora was worse off than her and refrained from complaining. After about three days Sora's limp had faded and he no longer needed a bandage on his hand. They decided to set out the next day. Sora was resting on his bed, both too exited and too troubled to sleep. He looked out the window and saw something that troubled him even more. A storm was brewing. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ yay for another finished chapter! =D no worries, the ending is still a long way off =D for those of you who havn't guessed, this is a what if story. meaning, this is what could have happened, but didn't. =D and OMG MY HAND DON'T HURT!!! YAAAY! cnc? Random footnotes: -ummmm... I like pie? -I MUST OBEY THE TACO MAN!!! lolz
ok, just dont strain urself for someone who is wearing a fuzzy, puple and black and white hat shaped like a gumdrop.