Kingdom Hearts Oblivion

Discussion in 'Archives' started by Twilight's Rose, Dec 18, 2007.

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  1. Twilight's Rose Banned

    Nov 10, 2007
    between Light and Dark's garden; Twilight Garden
    20 years before every Kingdom Hearts event, a lonely child was borned from the depths of the Underworld. An oblivious child with no love to anyone exept himself. Hes name, Ovnoron, was given in the honor of the legendary drastical event that took place in Betwixt and Between, the middle of the Underworld and Heart's Haven. That event was when the Demons and the Angels declared war between them. The battle was fierce and neverending. The Demons managed to pull a strategy that duplicated their victory chance but, the Angels managed to summon a giant bird that wiped out part of the Demon army. It was a fierce battle, until, a penetrating song begone to affect the heart of the Demons and Angels. They calmed down and managed to stop battling. They runned to their homes and lived there peacefully. But, every fifteen years, an evil Demon is borned to lead the Demons to victory but, since the Underworld's Gate was sealed by The Force, the war plans were rejected. But, this child has hopes to one day create the drastical event that created a disbalance in the life.

    An Oblivious Event Renews

    In the Underworld's Gate, the oblivious child, Ovnoron is practicing with hes mystical knifes, Hade's Torches. He finishes hes daily training and makes a short stop at the Underworlds famous bar, The Drunken Soul...

    "Good day there Ovnoron! What brings you here?" Exclaims and asked the bartender while pooloshing a cup

    "Nothing, just practicing my daily knife training," Replies Ovnoron while waving hes knifes back and forth

    "Those there knifes look pretty dandy, where ya got em?" Asked the bartender while pooloshing a glass

    "I found these while I was at the Underworld's Dock, I just happened to see them and I, well, picked em up," Replied Ovnoron while looking at the knifes

    "Do you know on what those knifes remind me of?" Asked the bartender while looking at the knifes

    "No, what do they remind you of?" Asked Ovnoron while looking at the knifes

    "They remind me of the Underwrold's Key, Oblivion" Replied the bartender while looking at the knifes

    "You know what, they do look alike only smaller," Replied Ovnoron while looking at the knifes

    "Ah, I sure miss the key's anual shine, it was so beautiful," Said the bartender while poolishing a vase

    "Well, remeber that after "The Incident", no one is alloud to actually see its shine until he or she reaches hes "last breath"," Replied Ovnoron while looking at the strange figure that eventually apperead at the far north

    "Hmm, I don't remember that fellow from anywhere," Said the bartender while looking at the fellow at the far north

    "Hmm, he seems quite the mysterious figure, I better get an eye on him," Said Ovnoron while using hes invicibility cape

    Ovnoron leaves north and begins to keep an eye on the mysterious fellow. After close observing, he notices that the fellow is wearing a broken brown hood, a mysterious devil mask and he has a trident. He also notices that the figure has a black, purple, red, white and grey colored sphere. He throws the sphere at the ground, from it comes out an entire army of strange little monsters. Ovnoron desides to run away and warn the others. He arrives at the town but, it was too late. The town was filled with those monsters he saw, they were destroying all in their path. The town was in flames and wrecked. He then sees the fellow that summoned the monsters at the Underworld's City Hall. He then runs toward the direction the fellow is and attacks him. He misses but the fellow reapears...

    A voice that penetrates the ear drums begins to talk in Ovnoron's mind...

    "DO NOT DARE TO ATTACK ME!" Exclaimed the voice

    "Who are you?" Asked Ovnoron


    "Wh-wh-what?" Asked Ovnoron

    "BEGONE MEEDLER!" Yelled the voice

    When Ovnoron opens hes eyes he sees that he is in a vast green mountainside. He notices that hes hands are full of scars. He inmidiently travels to a house that he saw at the far east. He enters the house and finds a young man...

    "Welcome how may I help you?" Asked the man

    At that same moment, Ovnoron faints and the man picks him up...

    "Oh my, you look very injuried, let me help you," Said the man while picking up some medicines

    When Ovnoron wakes up he finds himself in a bed. He stands up but falls t the ground. The man sees him on the ground and rapidly helps him stand up...

    "Ugh, wh-what? Where am I?" Asked ovnoron while looking at the place

    "Your in Heart's Haven's Injury Center," Replied the man

    "WH-WH-WHAT?!" Dramaticly Ovnoron exclaimed and asked

  2. stripy4 Traverse Town Homebody

    Coooooooool! :)
  3. Twilight's Rose Banned

    Nov 10, 2007
    between Light and Dark's garden; Twilight Garden
    Thanks for the honest comment there mate! I sure love some honest comments when needed...
  4. Wisdom Form Guy Hollow Bastion Committee

    Aug 20, 2007
    Sunset Horizons
    It is pretty good.
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