Kingdom Hearts Mini Games: Facebook & Disney

Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by Mike, Sep 19, 2011.

  1. Mike Chaser

    Jan 20, 2008
    New York
    <center><a href=""><img src="" alt="" title="Kingdom Hearts Magical Puzzle Clash" width="500" height="216" class="alignnone size-full wp-image-3201" /></a></center>

    Hello KH-Vids! We hope you all enjoyed the coverage from the Tokyo Game Show this past week. In the next couple of days we are expecting a higher quality trailer from Kingdom Hearts Dream Drop Distance to leak.

    In the mean time, my staff member (DJ Firewolf) from KH-Recharged has stumbled upon two mini games from the Kingdom Hearts series. Although they are not new; many fans from the series may not even be aware of these games on Facebook and even the official Disney website.

    Disney: <strong>Kingdom Hearts Magical Puzzle Clash</strong>
    Facebook: <strong>Kingdom Hearts Re:Coded Gummiship Studio</strong>
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Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by Mike, Sep 19, 2011.

    1. Llave
      Hmm interesting, so it looks like Disney is actually "hosting" Kingdom Hearts on their websites now. I am curious to play them but not sure if i would... Anyways, thanks for the update Mike!
    2. ♥♦♣♠∟uxord♥♦♣♠
      I'm going to check these out. I'm actually glad that Disney is starting to see how much Kingdom Hearts helps and is a part of them. Hope we can get that trailer soon. And hopefully we can put it in the cutscene archive for anyone who wants to use it.

      EDIT: You got them reversed. The Gummyship studio is Facebook and vice versa.
    3. Mike
      Thanks for the heads up on my error.
    4. Scarred Nobody
      Scarred Nobody
      I've actually played the facebook game a few times a couple of months ago. 'Tis very fun. One thing I don't get: Why do they call it the Gummiship Studio when it is never mentioned in Re: Coded?
    5. Mike
      Good question. I was wondering the same thing.
    6. Glen
      Maybe it's a way of including the gummie ship in a game that didn't have it in it?

      This facebook game bored me mostly. To be completely honest those kinds of games i quit right away generally. The only thing that kept me going in it is the fact it's kh related and it had the battle theme for Traverse Town in it.
    7. ♥♦♣♠∟uxord♥♦♣♠
      The puzzle clash is kinda like those Tetris games where you faced off against a computer. Except instead of Tetris it's Bejeweled. The computer though is insane unless Axel is hard. I don't see a real difference between the characters but that'd be my guess. The facebook game is just a get rid of all the blocks that are touching each other and get a high score to continue.
    8. Amaury
      It seems to me that all of this Kingdom Hearts stuff is getting a lot of publicity, which is great.
      The game's definitely something to look forward to.

      Thanks for the update.
    9. phoenixkh93
      Sadly Disney doesn't see fit to let their UK fans play this game, as it just redirects me to the UK homepage which is a shame :/ The facebook game is pretty fun though :)
    10. Stella Nox Fleuret
      Stella Nox Fleuret
      Uh. If it did work in the UK, this would be the only reason I would get a Facebook account.
    11. Mr. Pumpkin
      Mr. Pumpkin
      Hah that Facebook one was entertaining. Liked how they used all the sounds the normal games have. Thanks for the heads up Mike.
    12. Saxima
      I'll have to check these out soon. My teacher is evil, so she'll take my phone, not to mention Facebook is blocked...
    13. Feenie
      I just had a go at the Facebook one. It's pretty nice! I had a lot of fun playing it...though I can never get passed Stage 4 :P
      But yeah this is a nice find, thanks for letting us know Mike!
    14. ♥♦♣♠∟uxord♥♦♣♠
      So yeah the Disney game. I was wrong. Your character isn't a difficulty setting. So character choosing is just for fun. Which means the game is extremely hard from the get go. I can't even beat the shadow.
    15. Excasr
      Yeah, here in Brazil I can't play it too! And I don't have a Facebook so I can't play either game! :(
      Anyway, thanks Mike for it! ^^
    16. phoenixkh93
      I meant that the game on the Disney website doesn't work. The facebook one seems to work fine for me in the UK though :)
    17. Ienzo
      I'm assuming you have to be a member to play the one on the Disney website but I did play the FB one xD It was quite easy to begin with, and then it got hard when the green clocks were introduced. Quite fun- quite thinky as well. I need to figure out the strategy xD
    18. Heart ❤
      Heart ❤
      No You don't need to be a member I played it this morning before school and I'm not a member XD

      The game was quite fun really xD
    19. Shikou
      You mean....... you guys never noticed the link to Kingdom Hearts Re:Coded Gummiship Studio on the NA site of re:Coded?
      I played that game so much since 5 months months ago when it came out xD
      I did not know about the Disney mini-game so its understand able why most never have heard of any of them but oh well :D