Kingdom Hearts Merchandise (head Knockers)

Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by Mike, Aug 13, 2011.

  1. Mike Chaser

    Jan 20, 2008
    New York
    <center><a href=""><img src="" alt="" title="Kingdom Hearts Merchandise" width="224" height="300" class="alignnone size-medium wp-image-3013" /></a> <a href=""><img src="" alt="" title="Kingdom Hearts Merchandise" width="240" height="300" class="alignnone size-medium wp-image-3012" /></a></center>

    Hello KH-Vids! Today we have an interesting update. If you were looking for some new Kingdom Hearts merchandise; today is your lucky day...or not.

    Usually our merchandise updates come straight from Hot Topic. Do you remember that? There must of been at least 15-20 updates that we wrote based on all new t-shirts, wrist bands, blankets, necklaces and etc.

    Well to our surprise this isn't an update in regards to Hot Topic and it's on-going products from the Kingdom Hearts series. Today, NECA (National Entertainment Collectibles Association) has recently added some Kingdom Hearts merchandise to their online store. It appears that these "head knockers" are new items, which feature characters such as King Mickey, Goofy, Sora and Riku from Kingdom Hearts I.

    For more regarding this merchandise update, visit the links below. That's all for now. For all the latest on this year's Tokyo Game Show, follow us today at KH-Vids.

    Sora (head knocker):
    Riku (head knocker):
    King Mickey (head knocker):
    Goofy (head knocker):

    Source: Special thanks to our member "gabr" for bringing this to my attention.
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Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by Mike, Aug 13, 2011.

    1. Shinichi Izumi
      Shinichi Izumi
      i think they all look very accurate, except for sora he looks a little bit wierd
    2. Cloud4012
      i think its pretty good but the sora isa little werid
    3. Llave
      I think all of their proportions are off. Sora's face is longer lengthwise, as well as Riku. Mickey's body is too tall, and goofy's face is well, goofy.

      I'm very picky when it comes to action figures and mini statues of these kind. they look professional, but not proportional...

      Thanks for the info Mike and gabr!!!
    4. Mr. Van Whippy ♥
      Mr. Van Whippy ♥
      God, those are awfully horrible! Disproportionate and ugly! Plus, Sora is really creepy!
    5. Namin3
      Wow, i have seen way better. They look horrible. A better job could have been done. Especially on Sora and Rikus'. Their faces look so stretched out.
    6. Mike
      I agree, these do look very odd. Sorry guys, but we needed the news and laugh for today. =)
    7. Heart ❤
      Heart ❤
      Riku and Sora look bad- like worst then bad XD
      Mickey and Goofy look better I guess xD
    8. 61
      I was going to try and make them sound not as bad as they are, but wow, they're awful. The proportions are way off, the colors aren't accurate, Goofy looks like a girl, Mickey looks like a teenager, not a mouse, Riku looks like Johnny Depp. Man, nobody should buy these, they're horrible.
    9. Plums
      Yeah, a lot of these look really creepy looking. ._.
      Especially Sora hnnng
      That face can never be unseen. ;___;
      now i know what to get people as christmas gifts c:<
    10. Sumi
      Sora and Riku are really scary looking. :c Mickey and Goofy are pretty cool though.
    11. Shinichi Izumi
      Shinichi Izumi
      omg i feel like a mini reporter!!

      this,when i gave mike the news i never said it was good...

      ploo,you wouldent!
    12. Baxby
      Hmm, sorta cool.
      And um... you mis-spelled t-shirt....... you may want to check/correct that if possible.
    13. Plums

      Back on topic though, I think that the only one that looks right so far is Mickey. But as Llave pointed out, his body is a bit tall.
      I have to admit, these are kinda beginning to grow on me the more I look at them. ><
      I may even just end up buying one just to have it.
    14. Excasr
      I agree, sora and riku's faces are super weird... i think mickey is the best! =)
    15. Gelatinous Ghost
      Gelatinous Ghost
      The figures are quite unattractive. Oh well. It was worth the laugh. =] ​
    16. Iskandar
      These don't deserve love at all. They're really off in proportion and they're just creepy
    17. kngdmhrts2
      It was all sounding so promising until i clicked the link to Sora's.....
    18. The Twin
      The Twin
      I think Sora's going to wind up as my White Elephant gift for Christmas this year. He's really the only one I don't like out of this bunch.

      It's a shame, really; I like many of the figures NECA has released, but this feels like a failure to me.
    19. Shikou