Kingdom Hearts Manga on Sale

Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by Krowley, Aug 21, 2013.

  1. Krowley Moderator

    Jun 18, 2008
    Amazon and Barnes and Noble are having a sale on select manga volumes, giving savings of up to 30% off!
    Below are just a few savings that volumes that give some savings.

    News discovery credited to KingdomHearts530

    Kingdom Hearts Final Mix - Volume 1​
    Kingdom Hearts Final Mix - Volume 2​
    Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories - Both Volumes​
    Kingdom Hearts 2 - Volume 1​
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Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by Krowley, Aug 21, 2013.

    1. Roxas1359
      Huh, I thought that they had stopped printing them. Well I do know that there are other manga as well for the series. There are two volumes for 358/2 Days, and there are a couple of volumes for Birth by Sleep. It's a shame that Tokyo Pop's American branch went under before they could do more of the Kingdom Hearts translations.
    2. Shiki
      I thought that a new company was printing them/rereleasing them, since Tokyopop went out of business?
    3. Krowley
      Yen Press
      They officially took over more than a few months back I believe
    4. Shiki
      That's what I thought. Like I said some other time long ago, I am going to buy all the manga again, because I need them for my KHness.
    5. Heart ❤
      Heart ❤
      Happy I could help!~

      Now let me say, they are REALLY long (Kingdom Hearts Two volume 1 is 500 pages long) and it's totally worth the money! The translations are a bit different from the Tokyopop's editions but overall it's pretty much the same but more manga volumes packed into one big volume (like Chain of Memories is packed into one page big volume)
    6. Glen
      Interesting, i've never before bought any of the KH manage but seeing this sale I think I might today! Thanks for the heads up!
    7. **Blizzard**
      Ahh, the chance I've been waiting for!
      Time for me to replace those old and torn Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories manga volumes.
      Thanx a bunch!
    8. DualBladeRoxas
      What's the difference between the final mix manga vs the regular?
    9. Labrys
      Same here. Not only that, but the manga shows alot of character that the game sometimes lack. It especially shows character on the Organization Xiii.
    10. Heart ❤
      Heart ❤
      The translations are a bit different and I think there MIGHT be some added pages maybe? Don't quote me on that.
    11. wackko300
      There's also a Kingdom Hearts II volume 2 manga coming out on August 27th.