Kingdom Hearts: Kingdom Hearts: Light Chaser

Discussion in 'Role-Playing Arena' started by Arch, Mar 25, 2017.

  1. Aelin Best Waifu

    Jun 30, 2011
    British Columbia, Canada
    Tinarah took another minute or two before she finally settled herself the best of her ability. "Things still aren't.... right... but I promise I will try harder to make them right." Tinarah tried to assure her brother. "Hey... Chrono... could you help me... um... well... learn how to talk to Torrin. I- I don't think this is healthy for the group... us avoiding each other and such." She could admit her own mistakes, and it would be hard, but maybe it was the first step into learning how to deal with the people who made her uncomfortable, and letting Chrono in to help with that might be the start in repairing the rift between them. At least she hoped it would.
  2. CrownMoksha Decimo

    Jan 11, 2011
    On board the DenLiner
    Chrono had let his sister go once she had composed herself. "That's fine, don't push yourself though." Seeing as they had just gotten back to a good standing and it would seriously suck for this to get ruined cause she was forcing herself for his sake. He didn't think that the next she would ask him was to help facilitate interaction between herself and Torin. he understood why however and nodded. "Sure, shouldn't be too hard if we can just get you both talking." At the very least, it would be a start.
  3. Maka Albarn It's called love

    May 7, 2008
    Fairy Tail
    Aria nodded her head and then followed after the group. They were met at this large pond like thing, which Aria didn't understand why they just couldn't walk around the bit of land and look for paw prints. Who's to say Hen Wing ended up straight on the other side? What if she went out a different way. Still, Taran was already leading them in the pond, and Aria looked at the others before shrugging her shoulders and joining in to follow after them. "Maybe we can split up and search the other side of the pond for tracks?" Aria suggested as she waded through the water.
  4. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007

    "Yeah. Munny around these parts. Not a very creative name, huh?" Torrin mused as he set aside some eggs to scramble for Boreas and himself. As Take examined the gil Boreas had allowed him to examine Torrin continued to cook, focusing on the sizzling food before him as he tried his best not to burn anything. Torrin chuckled at Take's mention of royalty and family crests and shook his head. "Yeah. Definitely weird. Don't know anyone who'd want to do that." Torrin lowered the flame when he thought the food was near ready and looked over at the others. "Hey come serve yourselves. We've got egg in a basket, scrambled eggs...I think I made enough for several of us..., got some toast, some butter for toast. There's probably some stuff to drink in the fridge..." He gave the egg-heavy breakfast he had prepared with the help of Take a sniff and as he looked down on it he couldn't help but feel a little proud it had not been ruined. Still, he knew the path of the chef was not for him.


    "Oh it's cold!" Eilonwy exclaimed as she waded alongside Taran.

    "As much as I enjoy water...I regret following Taran into this." Thallasa shivered as she spoke. "Aria is right. If we get out and circle the pond perhaps we can find signs of Hen Wen's tracks."

    "But I know she went through here! I just know it!" Taran looked over at Illiana for help but before he could speak again he noticed that the water around them began to swirl around. "What!? W-what's going on?" The water began to swirl ever faster and in an instant Gurgi disappeared under the water's surface before he could cry out for help.

    "Not me too!" Were Fflam's last words before he too was swallowed up by the pond.

    Seconds later and the others were already being sucked up by the spontaneous whirlpool that kept anyone from acting to escape.

    One by one every person was dragged down deeper and deeper...

    By the time they came to they would have found themselves in a dimly lit cavern, the pond magically suspended overhead and their clothes already dry. "Ugh...unpleasant." Thallasa mumbled as she pushed herself up off the ground. "Everyone alright? It seems we fell into some kind of trap. Though..." She looked around and found nothing in sight to show that anyone had been waiting to get the jump on them. "It could have been a natural occurrence?"


    The Light Chaser quickly moved his arms, deflecting each blow dealt towards him from his student until she delivered her sweeping attack which caused him to step back with such a great burst of speed that it appeared like he had teleported backwards just out of her blade's range. The man looked at one of his arms and noticed the cuts on his cloak. "Ah. Much better, Chrysanthemum. Your technique has improved. Of course, I would be disappointed had it not." He tapped a finger against the cloak's fabric and with a slight golden glow the damage done to it began to reverse until it was once more pristine. He straightened out his coat and once he was satisfied that all was better he began to make his move.

    "Now I believe it's my turn." The Light Chaser jumped in the air and leapt over Chrysanthemum where he landed behind her and held out his hand, his fingers outstretched towards her. There was a brief instant where the tips of his fingers began to glow before five beams of light were blasted off and raced towards the girl, each beam tightly homing in on her until they either struck their target or hit something.

  5. Maka Albarn It's called love

    May 7, 2008
    Fairy Tail
    The pond suddenly turning into a whirlpool was certainly frightening. "Gurgi!" Aria cried out to the poor creature, only to realize she and the others too were being sucked down into the depths of the water. There was a moment where she thought she lost the ability to breathe as she was brought under, and then everything went black.

    Aria was coming to when Master Thallasa began to speak. She blinked and groaned, coughing up a bit of water and rubbing her head.
    "That doesn't look very natural to me," Aria groggily chimed in as she pointed to the water-like ceiling.
  6. Aelin Best Waifu

    Jun 30, 2011
    British Columbia, Canada
    Tinarah sat with her brother a moment longer. In Theory it shouldn't be too hard to get her and Torrin talking, but theories tended to not work out as they were planned. "Should we check to see if the food is ready. I uh..." She looked down at her own body and how thin she really was. "I am still working on getting my strength back." It was the less worrisome way of trying to tell her brother she needed food before she hurt her body even more. The toast she made last night had not been enough, but it had stopped the shaking and pain enough for her to fall asleep, but now she knew she had to do something about it, more so when they had time to rest, but for now keeping an eye of her eating habit was a good start.
  7. Shiki my waifu is better than yours, thanks

    Jun 3, 2007
    The Future

    Water swirling and sloshing, Qamar was left to frantically reach towards anything she could grab ahold of. To no avail, she watched Aria get sucked down before she too was sucked away.

    She awoke shortly before Master Thallasa, but she laid there, wondering what had just happened. The watery ceiling was now nothing but a gateway to the world above and they were trapped below. Glancing around, she saw no person waiting for them, so she was left confused. "What the hell just happened?" she blurted out.
  8. CrownMoksha Decimo

    Jan 11, 2011
    On board the DenLiner
    With a nod Chrono had stood up and moved towards the door, he'd tried not to think about it too much lest add it to the list of things running about in his head, but her lack of food was had always been a concern. The smell of breakfast being faint but still made it through the closed door, which could help with that. "Yeah, smells like it is." The smell had become stronger when Chrono opened the door, further emphasizing the point.

    Returning to the living room to the egg breakfast that had been set up for them. He hadn't been expecting to see so many eggs, but still not complaining about it. He merely went about fixing his food and finding himself a place to sit to eat.
  9. Maka Albarn It's called love

    May 7, 2008
    Fairy Tail
    Aria groaned and forced herself to sit up, shaking her head a little to try to get some water out of her ears. She then stood to her feet and offered a hand to help Qamar up. Once that was done, she then went over to the NPC's- uh, meaning, Eilonwy and couched down by her. She placed a hand on the girl's shoulder, gently nudging her. "Hey, are you alright?" Aria wanted to see if she got a response out of her before she summoned her keyblade in attempts to do a Cura spell to see if that would help. Either that, or CPR if necessary.
  10. LadyAzura Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 21, 2012
    Garreg Mach Monastery
    Illiana sighed as she followed along with the group. "Here we go again..." She shook her head before following behind the group. Taran kept running ahead, eventually reaching a body of water. The group started to wade in it as Taran was absolutely sure Hen Wen was further along the current path. Illiana stepped into the water and had immediately felt something was off. Taran looked back at Illiana before the water had started to pull them deeper into its depths. "Taran!" She looked at each person in the group were sinking into the water's depths. "Dammit...." She took a deep breath and tried to remain calm as she let the water dragged her down into its mysterious abyss.

    Illiana opened up her eyes and saw the water just overhead of the group. She sat up and looked around to find herself and the others in some strange cave. She slowly stood up and dusted off her clothes, a little curious as to how her clothes were dry. Illiana decided not to ponder over it as Thallasa addressed the group. "
    What part of any of this is 'natural'? Maybe something the Horned King made?" She looked around her as she made her assumption. Her eyes had then fallen to Taran. Eilonwy was being checked on by Aria so she didn't want to worry too much. She slightly jogged over to the boy. "Taran. Are you alright?" She knelt down to check on the boy to make sure he wasn't too harmed.

  11. Vladek515 Hollow Bastion Committee

    Mar 12, 2015

    Boreas looked at the coin that Take had taken on another world. "Yeah that does look like the gil we use. And not that easy, they are shiny after all and you keep them safe in pouches like this. Larger amounts are stored in chests." Boreas explained gesturing to the pouch he had produced the gil from. "Who's that Silver guy obsessed with that other treasure anyway?" Take understood now why Torrin and himself didn't think of the things left by the heartless as a sort of money. Take's next comment however rubbed him the wrong way and his features darkened a little bit. "It is from them that our wealth comes. Theirs are the decisions that set the course for our people. We follow them and together we forge our fate in this world. They lead us, is it that hard to understand that we mark our money with their family sigil? I know you do not understand these matters simply from the lack of knowledge and therefore do not know better, but most royalty won't suffer such disrespect, I can think of one who'd already be figuring out what the most severe punishment is that can be dealt...." Boreas said with some anger in his voice.

    Boreas breathed calmly for a moment to stop the irritation. "
    There's still stags abound in dragon territory? You'd say they wouldn't want to stick around out there." Boreas said. "And since you are unfamiliar with the way we do things, how are decisions made back home? Who leads your people?" Boreas asked. He took the coin back and put it back in his pouch. "You are welcome." Boreas said. He looked to Torrin who hadn't really said anything about Take's remarks, only placing a sarcastic remark as to who would do that and shook his head for a moment. Boreas didn't waste too much time before grabbing himself a plate with scrambled eggs and toast, it all looked and smelled fine so Torrin had most likely done a good enough job at preparing the food and Boreas started eating his breakfast.
  12. Aelin Best Waifu

    Jun 30, 2011
    British Columbia, Canada
    As her brother opened the door, Tinarah could smell the eggs being cooked. Her stomach grumbled and Tinarah took that as a sign that she should be going to join her brother to get some of the food that Torrin was cooking. Following him into the kitchen, she kept her head down, but wasn't moving as sluggishly as before, a good sign that she was doing better. She just kept her head down because, while she wanted to learn to talk with Torrin, she still didn't know how yet, so she just tried to keep as out of the way as possible as she served herself a larger than normal for her, helping of eggs, and a couple of pieces of toast. "Thank you." She said politely before finding her way to the dining room table and sitting down to dig into her food. She hated how hard it was to get herself eating despite her hunger. It was like she was forcing the food down, nothing appeared appetizing, not that it wasn't well made, but her body just almost saw it as unfamiliar.
  13. cstar stay away from my waifu

    Dec 19, 2008

    Take kind of took a step back from Boreas when he started getting like that and looked genuinely confused why his reaction was the way it was. He was just making an offhand comment on the royal crest. He wasn't trying to shoot down royalty other than that very specific "mark their territory" type deal. Take heard the kettle pop as he went and got out some mugs and said to Boreas,"Uh... I believe Atmos called the system on my homeworld a.. republic? Ya know... people representing each section and making decisions based on what is best for the people." Take found the cocoa powder that Aria pointed out and showed him the day before and he started scooping it in and adding the hot water, "I wasn't meaning any disrespect." he got a spoon and mixed them up and went over to the fridge to add a bit of milk to each one, "But man..." Take kind of had a bit of a giggle slip through as he added whipped cream, "If kings and queens can't handle someone making a comment about how odd they think it is to put their symbols on their money... that's gotta say something about their confidence in their abilities. Or maybe they don't have the staying power to back it up."

    Take sprinkled chocolate flakes over the cocoa and pushed them away from the edge of the counter so they wouldn't fall, he then looked at Boreas and asked clearly with the intent to prod him,
    "So are you royalty?"
  14. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007

    Torrin blinked at the conversation going on beside him. At Boreas's comment on "royalty not suffering such disrespect" he thought back to his uncle and while it was true that blatant disrespect would often end in swift punishment, the punishment itself was never severe. Perhaps before the war the rules were less strict at one point but Torrin had only known a post-war monarchy. "The king of the Realm of Darkness is possibly one of the most powerful keyblade masters alive." Torrin commented in favor of his uncle's position. He said no more on the subject since he did not want to reveal more about himself than he was comfortable with.

    "Thank you." Tinarah spoke quietly causing him to turn. "Oh hey. No problem. Help yourself to as much as you want." He scratched the back of his head as he shifted in place awkwardly. As Torrin gathered his food he immediately took a large swig of the cocoa, ignoring the burning in his mouth and throat as it went down, before heading over to sit down at the dining table by Tinarah. Take's words would likely cause Boreas some frustration and he knew better than to simply tell his friend to calm down. They could sort it out themselves and he would only step in if necessary. His eyes darted towards Tinarah then back towards Boreas and Take as he struggled to find the words to say to the girl. He thought that maybe he should have gone to the couch to eat but if he was going to eat in the presence of company he refused to eat like a boor. "'s the food?"


    Thallasa turned to answer Illiana. "Well natural can be many different things to different worlds. I know of a world where waterfalls go up instead of down. And my own world's rain has healing properties. Perhaps here ponds spontaneously create whirlpools? I do not know."

    "I'm fine. Thank you." Taran tapped his hand against his head as if he felt there was water still in his ears. The boy looked at Illiana and blinked at her. "Are you okay?" Taran slowly pushed himself up to stand and looked up at the ceiling to frown at it. " we're stuck here and no closer to finding Hen Wen..."

    "Mngrmgr..." Eilonwy opened her eyes and squinted up at Aria as she began to come to. The girl sat up and stared blankly at Aria for a moment before she came to her senses. "I'm quite alright, miss Aria." She spoke softly. "Just a little dizzy that's all. Where are we?"

    "Nowhere pleasant, that's where." Fflam grumbled and folded his arms.

    "Doli I thought I told you to fix the whirlpool! It happened again!"

    "Drat! Does nothing ever stay fixed around here!? I'm the one doin' all the work here and all the little ones do is watch me work and laugh!"

    Further down the cave were two very small floating winged men. Fairies. When the red one noticed that the group had begun to wake up he flew over towards those who had fallen into their cave and began to introduce himself. "Oh I hope you all are well. You were dragged here by accident. That pond is supposed to keep outsiders out. I am Eidilleg, King of the Fair Folk and this is my right-hand fairy Doli."

    "And just who are you and why are there so many of you?" Doli glared at the group suspiciously.

  15. Shiki my waifu is better than yours, thanks

    Jun 3, 2007
    The Future

    Thankfully, the others woke up soon after and Qamar was able to walk a tiny bit. She heard voices and saw a yellow and red fairy like creatures floating their way. She stepped backwards and stood beside Aria. "Uh...we....we accidentally fell in?" Qamar said, not sure what else she needed to say. "I don't know...we're trying to find a pig, though? Have you seen one? We saw her tracks come to this pool of water, so maybe...."
  16. Vladek515 Hollow Bastion Committee

    Mar 12, 2015

    Boreas listened to Take answer his questions, while such a system had it's merit it also caused compromise as they all had to agree on the course of action. "
    While it'd be nice to have such a system in peace time, it seems to me that it could lead to significant problems during crisis times if the people in charge can't get a consensus." Boreas said, he eased up a little when Take mentioned he didn't mean any disrespect, but his temper flared right back up again when Take continue with the but. "They are more than capable of backing up their claims." Boreas said as Torrin added the note of the King being one of the most skilled wielders of the keyblade alive. Not to mention their loyal cadre of soldiers and noblemen that helped enforcing the law. Take was goading him into a response and Boreas wasn't gonna let this slide as he slammed his fist on the table. "I am not royalty, nobility at best and if you are implying that I lack the ability or the power to back up my words you are clearly mistaken. I advise you not to try me." Boreas added angrily, he knew deep down that Take was prodding him and he knew it wasn't helping his case to act like this but he wasn't going to let a personal attack slide.
  17. cstar stay away from my waifu

    Dec 19, 2008

    Considering Take was doing this for exactly that kind of a reaction from Boreas, he was amused more than scared. When he clarified Take rolled his eyes and said,
    "Oh, I'm sorry "my lord" I didn't realize I was now being policed about technicalities." Take shrugged and said, "Can you really blame me when you're so defensive about this in particular? I never insulted your King or anything like that. He isn't the one getting offended cause I made an offhand comment about his family symbol being on money. And if this is how hyped up you're getting about it. Honestly at this rate. I think your bark is worse than your bite." he got so intensely into it that he realized right after he probably just challenged Boreas to a fight. Take froze up for a moment before asking almost at a squeak, "D-does anyone want any of the cocoa I just made?"
  18. Aelin Best Waifu

    Jun 30, 2011
    British Columbia, Canada
    Tinarah did her best to ignore what was going on in the kitchen between Take and Boreas. It seemed to be getting pretty heated, but it was an argument that she had no part of and knew better than to make herself a part of it. Torrin seemed to be thinking the same thing as he sat down with his plate of food and started to make conversation with Tinarah, or at least he was trying to. "It's fine... it's good." She tried to correct herself, wondering if Torrin had picked up on the fact she was barely getting the food down and might be offended. She knew that it was nothing to do with the food, but she didn't know how to explain to him that her body almost didn't want to eat much anymore, not after not eating anything for so long. She spent more time pushing around the food on her plate than eating it, but at least she was still trying to consume what was in front of her. "Are eggs... the only thing you know how to make?" There was so many eggs and not much else for breakfast, but then she realized how that sounded. "I mean I don't mind and it isn't like I am not grateful, I am just curious why the meal is so based around eggs." She tried to correct herself and hide her face, as Take seemed to do the same as he asked about cocoa. "Yes please." Tinarah replied quietly trying to hide from her own embarrassment.
  19. Vladek515 Hollow Bastion Committee

    Mar 12, 2015

    Boreas just glared at Take when he said my lord before speaking up. "I'm not a lord, much less yours. And really you were asking whether I am royalty which I am not." Boreas said still quite angry with Take. "Fine, I'll give you that, but now you've made it personal, I warned you, I only warn once." He wasn't gonna let that slide though, especially when Boreas had warned him about it. He wasn't sure whether Take had seen him after the fight with that Chaser but Boreas was more than capable of backing up his words with force. Boreas hit the activator on his armour to make it disappear, the realization of what he had just caused wasn't lost on Take and the kid seemed to regret his choice of words. Boreas restrained himself from outright punching teeth out of Take's mouth instead, put his cutlery down and got up. "You. Me. Outside. Now." Boreas said, in a tone that left no negotiation. He only ever warned once, and it took a lot of restraint for him not to outright punch the kid. Boreas walked away from his half-eaten breakfast, it could wait and went outside, waiting for Take to come out. Boreas prepared himself for the fight, taking off his tunic, no use in getting that damaged even if it was fighting without magic or weapons. With the sun up it was warming up nicely, not that it mattered in a fight if they got going then they'd warm up soon enough.
  20. cstar stay away from my waifu

    Dec 19, 2008

    When Boreas basically told him to take it outside, the boy slowly shifted over to Tinarah to give her the hot cocoa, and dropped one by Torrin and Chrono while he was at it, before he backed up and actually started to head outside. When he got there he saw Boreas... shirtless. He was a bit confused by why... and he probably stared a little longer than he should have before he processed the blond was giving him the stare of a thousand challenges as he started walking closer with his hands up, "Look. I was joking around and I went too far. Could we not throw-down over something this petty?"