Kingdom Hearts: Kingdom Hearts: Light Chaser

Discussion in 'Role-Playing Arena' started by Arch, Mar 25, 2017.

  1. cstar stay away from my waifu

    Dec 19, 2008

    Chrono had thought Take was going to tell him something serious and had readied himself for such and the message itself had been heard. Chrono heard it correctly and snickered. Whatever serious thing he was expected had gone completely out the window and in its stead was something light hearted. "An odd thing for the world to tell you, but its not completely wrong." Take tried to stifle a giggle but kind of failed and the breath went through his teeth. He realized what he did and looked away back towards the sunrise and crossed his arms and sighed, "Do... you ever get worried about going back?" he was silent for a moment before expanding, "Your homeworld that is... especially if... well... all that happene- I didn't mean to pry like that. I thought you and Tinarah were going to talk more about the other dimension not something like that."

    Chrono's snickering had come to a close and it was Chrono's turn to sigh.
    "Well we did in regards to the 'me' that had thrown her off a bridge." He was sure to throw up air quote when he's said 'me'. "But yeah, I do. Even if I could magically just go back with Tinarah, it wouldn't be easy to explain all this to our father would not be easy. Not to mention the more...personal problems." Hearing that he had apparently run into a streak of poor luck was good, but he was still allowed to walk free and that was bothered him the most. Take sat silently thinking about Chrono's answer and almost felt himself restrain how he felt but he didn't hold out as long as he'd hoped, "I'm constantly worried about going home..." he side eyed Chrono as he admitted for the first time to him, "Most of the world already hated me when I was there... the fact I'm even less like them now... I don't want to think about more of those I care about pushing me away." he lowered his head a bit as his face clearly looked scared, "But I just... can't keep my emotions in check anymore. I'm not supposed to be this way... how can I go back home and fight the dragons if they can-" he suddenly realized he was talking way too much and cut himself off. Take turned fully to Chrono at this point and took a deep breath, he tried his best to go back to his usual neutral expression but his eyes were betraying him as he tried to redirect the topic back, "I hope that killer is locked up somehow though. And... if it isn't easy I hope you are able to talk with your father and have it at least not have a bad ending..."

    Chrono nodded.
    "I hope so too." Even if he needed to it with his own power, he would see it done. The deal with his father would be a bit trickier, but the thought was good at least. Either way, after everything that Take's sat by and listen too about him, it was only fair if he'd gave the same. Take had his own share of problems too after all. "You can continue venting, I can't give a definite solution or anything, but I can at least let you get it off your chest." Realizing that he's been standing this entire time. Not the best of idea given how his legs were the previous day. He walked over to the couch and sat next to Take. "I'm all ears."

    Take looked at Chrono unsure for a minute before saying,
    "It's just... I've always really liked making people happy and feeling safe. I usually did that by being all smiles and laughter but... that's not good on my homeworld because of the dragons." he crossed his arms and leaned back a bit more on the couch and stared out the window, "It's unnatural for people to be this way on my homeworld. It makes them dangerous to those they love. That's why we try to control our emotions. It's why they put me in an intensive training for it. But here I am... losing that control. I don't like it, losing touch with what my world taught me. I don't want to be that kid standing out anymore. I just want to fade in with the crowd..." he looked at his hand and said, "A keyblade can't help that." he tightened his hand into a fist and said, "As soon as we deal with the Light Chaser and save these worlds... I want to just go back home... I also am afraid everyone I love can't stand me anymore and I can't bare to see that."

    Chrono listened as Take explained his troubles and just as he thought, there wasn't much that he could to help. A repetitive as a problem as this was becoming, this was not the focus right now. Take's troubles were and at the end of it all, he'd placed his hand to his chin to think.
    "I...don't know what to say. Everything I want to say contradicts what you wish. It's usually not a good thing to try and shut out all emotions, but usually you aren't faced with dragons that seek out emotions." That last part was what really made things hard for him. "Soooo, in a effort to actually be helpful maybe give it time and something might happen to make it easier." Take understood Chrono's intent behind his words, but he would be lying to himself if he said it really helped. But he knew he was coming from a good place and trying to be there for support.

    As soon as he finished his venting, the sun finally began to poke out over the horizon and Take looked at it and scoffed a bit, "I hate sunrises, it always means it's time for work."

    "Well for us it probably does me work is ahead."

    The boy nodded at Chrono's response and smiled a bit at him and said,
    "We'll get through this." before he was pretty sure he heard someone else coming out of their room and his smile faded and it seemed to be back to business as usual.
  2. Aelin Best Waifu

    Jun 30, 2011
    British Columbia, Canada
    Nodding back to Boreas she went back to the kitchen to get her own toast and hot chocolate before finding a quiet corner to sit. No one seemed to be in the mood to talk and after the awkwardness that was her conversation with her brother earlier, Tinarah was not eager to have a repeat of that. She found herself sitting staring at her violin in the corner that she had left it. She wanted to play, something to end the silence that rung through her head, but she wasn't feeling up to it. The battle and physical excursion of the day left her unable to really do much, she needed to constantly remind herself even though she wasn't physically injured, she was still recovering from her time in prison. It was weird really, getting back into the swing of things here made it seem so long ago, and yet the memories still were fresh in her mind, and her body showed the evidence of how recent it was. She kept hoping to walk by a mirror and see the glowing, happy young woman that Stamatis raised her into, but instead she only saw a hollow, almost sick looking shell. Would it be wrong to call the other him just to talk? He was on the council and didn't really know her, he probably didn't have time to talk with her, but she was tempted to call anyways, just to hear his calming words. In the end Tinarah decided that it wouldn't help her case later, he wouldn't want to help her if she was too clingy, so she put the thought to the back of her mind and picked herself up to retire to her room for the night. She needed sleep and she needed a place outside her own thoughts, maybe in the morning things would be better.

    Sleep took her almost the moment Tinarah hit the bed, dragging her into a deep dreamless slumber. When morning came she felt more incline to not get out of bed than to keep going. It was a feeling she didn't feel often anymore. It was common those first months with Stamatis. She probably would have fallen into the same routine if Torrin had let her, but after the first few days he began to drag her out to train and put her on a training schedule that didn't allow for her to even think for herself. Today however she stared at the door of the room she claimed her own. She couldn't stay in bed, she knew that, this wasn't her house and they had to leave, but it was a difficult task dragging herself out of bed and out into the living room, where she barely found her way to the couch before just sitting again, waiting for something to happen.
  3. Vladek515 Hollow Bastion Committee

    Mar 12, 2015

    Boreas slept rather peacefully and woke just before first light. He splashed some water in his face and while the skin on his arm was still hurting from Dentro's darkness he didn't let it stop him from doing his routine as he dressed himself, put on the armour with the green cloak of his costume and quietly left his room. Take and Chrono seemed to be up already but Boreas didn't say anything as he quietly walked out the door again just like the day before Boreas went for his morning jog, doing his exercises around the halfway point when he reached a small park. It was nice and cool still perfect for his exercises in the dewy grass, not too busy either with no one disturbing him as he went about it. Shortly after he looped around back towards Edna's mansion the sun already being up.

    As he wandered back inside, a bit sweaty from the exercise he joined the others in the living room. "
    Good morning, did you all get some good rest?" Boreas asked, after a day like yesterday they all could have used it. They were probably going to regroup now that this world had been saved which meant that it may not be such a bad day today but he was going to wait and see how today turned out, if they didn't get much of a break today he'd once more give it his all as he was trained to do, able to fight for consecutive days resting as much as possible in between. Take might be able to hold his own in the same way as a soldier, but whether Chrono and Tinarah could was up for debate.
  4. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007

    "Morning everyone." Torrin walked into the living room while running a hand through his hair to keep it out of his eyes. Looking around he could see that everyone else had gotten up before him. He made a mental note to make an attempt to wake up sooner if he decided to sleep again on this mission. "We should all have something to eat before heading out. I'll make...uh...something. Don't expect any world class cooking though." Torrin headed over towards the kitchen and remembered when pancakes had last been made along with Aria's hot chocolate.

    As Torrin dug through Edna's stash of food and ingredients he began to wonder what he would even prepare. Eggs were an obvious and easy enough choice to prepare but as he pulled out more things onto the counter the task began to look more daunting. In truth, he would rather have been in combat right about now but he knew he had to persevere. "Any requests? Got eggs. And...well I'm just going to start working on these eggs. I'll figure it out from there."


    "Ah...the small creature from earlier. He caught up with us it seems." Thallasa commented upon walking over towards the others.

    Gurgi wiggled himself free from Qamar's grasp after she pulled him off of Fflam and looked ready to jump on him once more, only turning slightly to wave at Aria as his attention was focused more on the bard's food, when Taran came in between the two, glaring at Gurgi. "What are you doing here!?"

    "Gurgi wanted to help friends. Gurgi feel bad for abandoning master..." The small creature backed away and sniffed the air again, this time turning towards Qamar. "You have munchings and crunchings!" He excitedly exclaimed immediately forgetting about Taran. "Munchings and crunchings!"

    "Go away Gurgi! We don't have time for you! We need to find Hen Wen." Taran shooed Gurgi making him retreat behind Qamar.

    "Oh don't be so mean. He's cute!" Eilonwy's voice rang out as she came over to kneel next to Gurgi and pet him.

    "No! I quite agree! He must go!"

    "Gurgi saw tracks today! Tracks from little piggy!" Taran's eyes widened slightly at those words but then he and Fflam both narrowed their eyes at Gurgi, staring at him with disbelief. "Come! Gurgi show you the way!" The creature hopped, pointing towards a path further into the forest.

  5. Maka Albarn It's called love

    May 7, 2008
    Fairy Tail
    "Good morning to you too, Illiana," Aria greeted the grumpy girl in a friendly matter. She listened to the conversation back and forth between those of the world,and then the mention of pig tracks caught her attention. As soon as Gurgi left, she looked at the others with renewed hope in her eyes. "It might be Hen Wen." Aria eagerly fetched her bag from her tent and slung it on her shoulders before coming up to the group once more. "I'm going to go have a look. If it's not Hen Wen, then I'll come back. Unless you want to come along as well." She made sure her communicator was placed in her pocket before she headed off after the fuzzy creature, beaming down at him. "Lead the way, Gurgi."
  6. cstar stay away from my waifu

    Dec 19, 2008

    Take had seen Tinarah come out onto the couch and was looking a little down and he was feeling prepared to walk up to her and ask what was up. But then everything changed when the Boreas attacked. Well, more like asked them if they slept well. The green-eyed boy bit his lip a bit before saying,"Well enough." praying for something to distract and hopefully make Boreas ask to expand on what he said. That's when Torrin came out mentioning breakfast and he used that as a good excuse to get up and head towards the kitchen. He looked over at what Torrin was doing and said, "Well, if you mess up eggs, I just want you to know it's the easiest thing to make and if you fail this there's no pressure. Except for the fact you'll never make your family proud of your cooking."

    He stared for a little bit longer as Torrin was about to cook and his eyes suddenly widened as he yelled, "Wait!"

    After an odd moment of silence Take shifted to go and find bread and a cup and started making holes in them. He pointed towards the hole in toast and explained, "Egg in a basket. Put these on the skillet and crack the egg into the hole. It'll cook it up fried..." he looked around and whispered towards him, "Makes it easy to hide if it's overcooked."
  7. CrownMoksha Decimo

    Jan 11, 2011
    On board the DenLiner
    Chrono had watched as the others awoke and moved to the living room, greeting them rather simply as they each did their respective things. He was not expecting Torrin to be the one to make breakfast, nor was he expecting anything world class. Long as he could make something edible. Eggs were indeed that and would work just fine as a breakfast. He never was picky when it came to that, despite having a few favorites.

    A combination of tapping his fingers on the couch arm in boredom and Take's surprise shouting of 'wait!', Chrono had looked over in Tinarah's direction. She hasn't said much since sitting down, not that that was much of a surprise given recent events. It was odd how she hasn't said anything at all. Perhaps there was something on her mind. "So, how are you feeling?" Mentally, physically, anything really. Long as he got some form of a verbal response from her.
  8. Shiki my waifu is better than yours, thanks

    Jun 3, 2007
    The Future

    "Morning guys." Qamar replied to her party. Gurgi was certainly lively today. He really wanted food and he finally caught on to the fact she had the munchings and crunchings. Though he was now wanting to show them the pig tracks. Qamar stood back and crossed her arms, wondering how to go about this.

    Aria was already heading off with Gurgi. Qamar chuckled and walked onwards, following behind. "Well gurgi, if we find Hen Wen, I've got a delicious munching crunching for you. How's that?" she offered, looking down at the furry guy.
  9. Aelin Best Waifu

    Jun 30, 2011
    British Columbia, Canada
    Torrin was talking about food, but Tinarah couldn't bring herself to particularly care. She needed food, but she didn't want food. She was familiar with this downward spiral, but didn't do anything to fight it. Her mind was rather empty, thinking about mistakes she made, the life she missed, the connections she could make. In the end she found herself just staring off into space as Chrono approached her. He said something but it was barely registering. "I'm fine." If anyone knew how much of a lie it was it would be Chrono, only him, her father, Stamatis, and Fost had really seen how far this could spiral, that had all seen it in the past. Chrono on and off after their mothers death until the point he decided to leave. Even for a few days after he left. It amazed her that it had turned into such fear of losing her brother that she want after him. That was not typical. It was days like this that even picking up her violin seemed difficult. "When are we leaving?" Was all she managed to ask.
  10. CrownMoksha Decimo

    Jan 11, 2011
    On board the DenLiner
    She was lying, it was easy for him to tell that much. "We'll probably leave after we eat, but first come here," Chrono answered, motioning for her to follow him. Slowly she did get up but practically dragged herself along behind him. He started to recognize what was going on and had come up with a few ways to help. He motioned to get Torrin's attention and said, "Save us a plate." once he'd had it. With Tinarah walking at the pace she was, Chrono had plenty of time to make it to the room she had been using and refamiliarize himself with how to use a violin. It had taken just long enough for Tinarah to enter the room for him to have familiarized himself with most of it.

    "Good, now I want you to remember," Chrono said, allowing himself to trail off as he said nothing further. With the violin resting underneath his chin and the bow in his other hand, he started to play.

    His intent itself was simple. As he was currently playing the same song he'd play when he' offered her lesson to keep her happy till their mother actually taught her, maybe with the thing the more pleasant memories they had would return and help with her state of being. In the even this wouldn't be the only thing it could take, he had some follow up ideas in mind that he could fall back on.
  11. Aelin Best Waifu

    Jun 30, 2011
    British Columbia, Canada
    Tinarah followed Chrono because he asked her. She didn't really have any reason not to go with him even if she didn't want to do anything. Following her brother to her room, she found him already with her violin in his hand. She slowly took a seat on the edge of the bed, watching him a little curious. She stayed quiet until her brother started to play. She didn't know what he hoped to achieve, but as he played, her eyes started to water. Everything she worked on essentially forgetting when learning to move on. It all came flooding back to her, everything with her and her brother, all the time he spent helping her through their mothers death, and all the time he spent beside her hospital bed after the attack. She had let herself essentially forget all of it because she felt so betrayed. A sob slipped from her lips and Tinarah just shattered.
  12. CrownMoksha Decimo

    Jan 11, 2011
    On board the DenLiner
    Chrono had found himself becoming engrossed in the music partway through the song. The purpose behind this hadn't been forgotten, but it would be hard to focus on her while playing his song. He continued to play and only stopped when the song itself had reached its ending. That had been when he'd put the violin down and looked to Tinarah. Tears were streaming down her face, the sounds of her cries reaching him loud and clear. Chrono got off the bed and simply strode over to his crying sister and pulled her into a hug. "Just like I said before, I'll be by your side as long as you need me to be." And just like before, he'd meant it when he'd said it now too.
  13. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007

    Torrin blinked and raised an eyebrow at Take in surprise when the boy quickly offered to help. "Ah. A chef in the making? I usually got by hunting or eating in towns with some munny Heartless dropped. When I first came to this realm you wouldn't believe how much of that stuff I threw away because I thought it was junk." He mused as he began to follow Take's instructions. He remembered Mika throwing a fit when she found out about his misunderstanding and complained about how much food he could have bought with what he had been throwing away. Needless to say, Torrin learned his lesson on that day. "I haven't seen a gil in a long time. No one uses that here." He shrugged. Torrin glanced over at the sounds of a violin being played to see Chrono with his sister. Chrono was playing and he was doing it quite well though the musical nuances of the performance were lost on him as it had been some time since he had engrossed himself in the fine arts. When the song was finished Torrin returned his attention towards Take. He lowered his voice and said with some confusion in his voice, "I thought Tinarah was the musical one. ...Does everyone know how to play an instrument?"


    "Yes yes! Gurgi take to piggy!" The small creature excitedly said as he ran after the tracks leaving the others to follow him.

    "Quite excitable isn't he?" The master commented. Eilonwy was the first to chase after Gurgi with Taran not far behind. Fflam grumbled and said something about not wanting to be left behind before reluctantly chasing after them. Once she checked that everyone was out of their tents Thallasa snapped her fingers and returned them to their pocket-sized crystalline form and retrieved them. "You heard him. Let's get moving." She said.

    After several minutes of walking the tracks became clearer and appeared to be fresh the longer they walked until the tracks disappeared into a pond they came across. Thallasa took a few steps around the pond's edge and squinted to see if she could spot tracks on the other side. "The tracks seem to end here...but we should cross to the other side to be sure–"

    Desperate to find his pig, Taran had already begun wading through the pond to cross to the other side. "Come on! It's not so deep!"

  14. cstar stay away from my waifu

    Dec 19, 2008

    Take was still helping out when he heard Torrin ask a question about instruments and the boy shook his head and said,
    "I don't know how to play anything... I don't even know how well I'd sing and I would rather not try." the boy started boiling some water to hopefully start making hot cocoa without any problems. He tapped on the counter patiently before adding, "Well, you don't necessarily need a lot of money. But it's good to have knowledge of the resources you have. I don't know what gil is, from the context you're giving me it's your munny equivalent. Seems... odd for munny to be thrown away- what does gil even look like?" The boy's curiosity peaked as he turned towards Torrin and asked, "Do you happen to still have any on you? Or is this more of a Boreas question?"
  15. Aelin Best Waifu

    Jun 30, 2011
    British Columbia, Canada
    Leaning into her brothers hug more, Tinarah cried harder. The way he held her, just the gentle embrace of her brother was something that she had really needed. Not since she left Fost and Stamatis had someone really hugged her like that. Felt that sort of love from someone and it cracked something, some wall she put up to protect herself from Torrin. "I'm sorry." She whispered. "I am so so sorry." Sorry for pushing him away. Sorry for believe he would ever do such awful things to her. Sorry that she stopped caring for herself so much that her brother was clearly worried sick, but she brushed it off like it was nothing. That it wasn't about him, but her actions affected everyone here, not just herself. She had so much that she wished to sort out but the way she had been acting wasn't acceptable, and she didn't have to protect herself in such a way.
  16. Light-Rune Maven Seer

    Jan 8, 2012
    The Aetherial Sea

    Chrys nodded to her mentor with a look of determination. She leaped back before charging back in with several blows aimed at his extremities, casting a quick Waterga spell to increase the force of the blows. She finished off with a sweeping attack before going to attempt to put distance between herself and the master once more. She didn't particularly think she would be landing any blows on him so soon; even if he deemed her approaching his level, she definitely wouldn't be catching him off guard this early in the fight, not without pulling something really extraordinary. She definitely had a few aces that she would use at opportune moments... as opposed to saving them for the last possible moment as she had done far too often in the past.

    Truly fantastic failures those were. She didn't want to make such mistakes again. Not when there were people counting on her, people who were expecting more of her. Besides, this was the exam, and she should hold nothing back, just as the master said. Even so, there was something of a difference between not holding back and being reckless.

    Also: the fact she was taking this exam in of itself did not mean she was near the masters level just yet.
  17. Shiki my waifu is better than yours, thanks

    Jun 3, 2007
    The Future

    Following along, Qamar was surprised to see the tracks ended at a pond. "Um...what now?" she commented before Taran jumped right in. "Well...I guess it can't be too bad, can it?" she said, shrugging. "My clothes will be totally fine, I swear on it. "she muttered to herself as she stepped into the water. It was cold as heck and she shivered, but she got in and stood there, not sure what else to do. "It's really not deep are we gonna find Hen Wen if her tracks stop here?"
  18. CrownMoksha Decimo

    Jan 11, 2011
    On board the DenLiner
    At present Chrono continued to hold his sister through her tears. His efforts to get through to her had finally bore fruit and he couldn't be happier about it. It had left a warm feeling in his chest to see his attempts to help someone close to him succeed."Take as much time as you need." He wasn't going anywhere anytime soon, nor had anyone come by to let them know that breakfast was ready. Not that he was in any rush for that matter.
  19. Vladek515 Hollow Bastion Committee

    Mar 12, 2015

    "Morning Torrin." Boreas greeted his friend, who then proceeded with making breakfast for everyone starting with eggs. "Make mine scrambled if you would." Boreas said as he took a seat in the kitchen. Take mentioned he had slept well enough and Boreas only nodded, before a grin appeared on his face when Take started to tease Torrin a little bit about cooking eggs. "Yeah, if you can't do eggs, you might as well stop. It's even a decent way to find the recruits that absolutely shouldn't cook." Boreas said jokingly, he didn't really take note of his recruits' cooking skills unless they had a talent for it. Chrono and Tinarah took their leave for a little bit Boreas simply watched them go and then turned his attention to Torrin and Take again.

    It was then that Torrin mentioned something rather curious. "Wait, you mean to say those pieces of junk that remain are money?" Boreas asked raising his eyebrow, he had thought it simply useless rubbish dropped by the heartless around here but it actually passed for money? That was something he hadn't expected at all, if the money came from the Heartless Torrin and him could make a fortune around these parts. "I don't play any instrument but I have picked up on some singing... Great thing when singing with a lot of people at the same time is that you don't have to be good at all, not that it matters too much whether we sound any good at all, it's not stopping us from doing it either..." Boreas said, before turning his attention to Take and laughing at what he said. "If you saw a Gil you'd understand why we wouldn't see munny as money... I might have a couple still..." Boreas said grabbing a small pouch from his belt and putting it on the table in front of him before untying the string that kept it closed. From the small pouch he produced a small golden coin with royal symbols on them. On one side it had the crest of the royal family on it and on the other side was the likeness of a raven, he only had a couple of the coins on him, he handed one to Take so he could take a closer look at it. "This is a gil, on this side you have the crest of the Royal family and on the opposite side a raven, we used to revere them as protectors of the realm, something that is merely regarded as superstition nowadays." Boreas elaborated on the design of the coin.
  20. cstar stay away from my waifu

    Dec 19, 2008

    Take took the coin and looked over it curiously as he moved it around in his hand to get a feel for it. The boy looked amused and reached into his pocket and pulled out one of the coins he managed to grab from the treasure horde in The Etherium and he showed it and said,"It kind of looks like the treasure that Silver was obsessed with. It's interesting... and it... makes more sense I suppose. But I feel like it would be so easy to lose these on the floor or something. Munny at least stands out a bit... but..." Take placed the gold coin back and kept observing the gil and continued, "I could see where the confusion would come. They're so different." he looked at the family crest for some time and said, "I don't think I'll ever truly understand royalty. I've... tried learning about it, it's not something on my world, but it seems odd to mark something like this with a family sign. It's like they're overcompensating for something." he turned it around a bit more to look at it and said, "I don't even know which way is up so I can't tell if I'm looking at this right. But the raven? I can get behind a raven... wait..." Take flipped the coin around to figure out which way the raven was facing upward and then turned the coin back to look at it and said, "There we go... oh... it... it's supposed to be a stag isn't it? That's cool. I like stags. We used to have a lot more of them near my village... maybe we moved too far north or they moved away... I'm rambling." he held the coin back out towards Boreas , "Thanks for letting me look at it."