Kingdom Hearts: Kingdom Hearts: Light Chaser

Discussion in 'Role-Playing Arena' started by Arch, Mar 25, 2017.

  1. Shiki my waifu is better than yours, thanks

    Jun 3, 2007
    The Future

    Qamar followed along and listened to Aria, knowing her whole life has been vastly different than Qamar's. When she talked about not knowing what she was, Qamar chuckled. She waited for Aria to be finished before she gave her thoughts. "We're pretty similar I think, Aria. We both don't or didn't know something about ourselves until recently. Yours was being a Princess of heart. Mine is...a little more complicated and I haven't figured it out myself." she scratched her head. "I mean, I just got some supressed memories back, so now I'm remembering things that were locked away for so long. Like, I grew up in the Realm of Darkness. That's a really big thing for me, I just...I thought I always lived in the Realm of Light..." She shook her head and continued. "So now we can at least be happy we aren't the only ones with experiences like these. And it kind of makes me relieved knowing that. I hope you feel the same."

    She looked at the woods ahead of them and considered what to say next. "I wouldn't say everyone doesn't trust you by yourself." she started. "I was brought up to protect Princess' of Heart, so at my core, that's what I'll always do. You have fight in you, so you don't need me to worry about you as much, but at the same time, I'd never hear the end of it from Master Gero if you were hurt or captured. That's my biggest mission right now so you're always at the top of the list." she chuckled. "But I know you can handle yourself, you kicked some serious butt when you let Hen Wen go. Obviously you can do it. Sure you've got some weaknesses, but that's more than made up for by everyone else. We all compliment each other in different ways, that relying on others isn't a bad thing. I rely on you when I'm feeling injured, so I hope you don't ever just sit back!" Qamar joked, patting Aria on the back.

    Aria mentioned the demon in her head and Qamar crossed her arms once more. "That's a problem though...faling asleep is scary, but I wonder if there's a way for you to have your nightmares and for somebody else to be there while you're, they're asleep too and they help you fight it? It's really strong, so you'll need help, but now I think I'm being crazy thinking you can just sleep next to somebody and they can be awake in your dreams too." She shrugged.

    "Don't worry, you need to let that stuff out. Obviously it's been eating at you for awhile. I'm the same way and...I feel better, I think." she tapped her head. "I just hope we aren't on this world much longer, I want to meet the others and get back to the Council before long..." She looked a little worried now. "I want to make sure Master Aster is okay..."
  2. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007

    "No. I get it." Avra glanced over at Chrysanthemum. "It's just nice to know that, at least in some way, someone else understands what it's like." She went silent as the group finally approached the mansion. Avra pushed open the gate, covered in overgrowth from the vines that had been left unattended for who knows how long. The gate squeaked loudly as she pushed on it and entered the courtyard. Standing just outside the mansion's entry doors was their master.

    The Light Chaser stepped forward and blue eyes flashed from under his hood. "Good. I trust that you are all prepared for what is at hand then, correct?"

    "But what exactly will be our test, master?" Koa questioned anxiously.

    "There is but one test conducted to attain the Mark of Mastery." The man spoke. "The true nature of a person comes out in the face of adversity or, in this case, through combat with an opponent of equal or superior skill. Those who fail are those who succumb to emotions such as desperation, fear, and anger." The Light Chaser paused and slowly extended his right arm out towards them and pointed his finger right at Chrys. "As my first student, you will have the privilege of being tested first. Given that there are an odd number of you, I will step in to administer this exam myself."

    "She's fighting you!?" Koa exclaimed.

    "The purpose of this test is not to win but merely assess the depths of what you are on a base, almost primal, level." The Light Chaser explained calmly in a quiet tone. "Chrysanthemum, are you ready? When you are you need simply come right at me and attack with everything you have. There are no restrictions. You may use everything at your disposal during the exam." The Master clasped his hands behind his back and awaited his student's response.


    Thallasa placed her hand on Illiana's shoulder when the girl sped up to catch up with her. Thallasa said nothing as she knew that Illiana just needed time to process the sudden knowledge that Glyde was gone. They all did. Now that they had just begun to enter the forest and the sun continued to set she felt that the time for rest was coming. Her ear was kept open to the conversation going on behind her between Aria and Qamar. True to what she had already been thinking of, the group needed rest.

    "It will be dark soon. Qamar be able to see in the dark without magic but the rest of us cannot. We will have better luck finding Hen Wen in the morning." Thallasa paused.
    "Besides, I know we all need rest and time to process what has happened. I will not be forcing all of you beyond what is necessary. That would be cruel."

    "I hope Hen Wen is alright...she's all alone out here." Taran spoke quietly.

    "We're far away from the Horned King. I'm sure she will be okay for the night, Taran." Eilonwy placed her hand on Taran's shoulder. The boy smiled slightly in response and nodded.

    "Well if we're resting then I can set camp here! A bard is always prepared for any occasion! Uh...except getting captured." Without another word, Fflam began to gather dry twigs and stones to set up for a campfire.

    "Well I can conjure some tents up then. I suppose the world order can keep itself together if I allow us this small indulgence." Thallasa smiled faintly. "I think we've all earned some decent rest. So that's..." She counted the group. "Seven of us. Seven tents it is." She withdrew seven small golden crystals from her pocket and began setting them down in a circular pattern around the campfire Fflam was making, giving them all enough room from each other to give each person privacy. Once the crystals were set she snapped her fingers and in a puff of magic smoke seven fully set tents sprouted from the crystals.

    "Whoa!" Taran's eyes widened in amazement.

    "You're quite the master magician, madam!" Fflam complimented, looking away from the growing flames of the fire he had started.


    Dentro had tried to put up some resistance to Boreas's attacks but as the fight wore on it was clear he could no longer keep up and soon Dentro was down and was no longer even resisting the punishment Boreas continued to dish out. Seeing that Dentro's body was beginning to fade to the darkness Torrin stepped in and gripped Boreas by the shoulder to halt his attacks. "That's enough. He's done. You've finished the battle and we won." Torrin spoke calmly. "He's through and he'll be gone in a matter of seconds. I don't feel anything left for us here to fight so we can get out of here already." As he spoke he looked down at Dentro. His wounds were slowly healing but just the sheer effort of it only made the trails of darkness rising from his body thicken.

    "Haha...funny...I only ever wanted to kill more think I became one just to squander this power...What a waste..." Dentro spoke weakly. He struggled to lift his hand and blinked at it now that he could start to see right through it. "The Light Chaser told me that if I joined him we could stop it. All of it. No more Heartless. No more worlds falling...I just had to help him get rid of all the darkness in every realm. It sounded so far-fetched but when I saw his power. If he couldn't stop the Heartless for good then who could? I never really had a family but the other students...they were close's too bad...I never got to tell them that..." His arm was mostly gone now by the time he made a pause to catch his breath.

    "Yo...Torrin? You're an expert on darkness aren't ya? What...what'll h-happen to me?" His eyes were wide and his hands began to shake as he spoke.

    Torrin had not expected an answer like that but, even as much as he had once despised the man before him Torrin felt some pang of empathy for him, however slight. "I don't know. Some say we return to Kingdom Hearts but others say our...souls persist and we are reborn to begin a new life in another place, in another time."

    "Hah...I like the sound of that." Flecks of darkness rose off from his body and Dentro looked away from Torrin and Boreas to gaze at the swirling sky of the world's heart above them. "I wonder what that'll be like... Maybe then...maybe in another life I'd get a chance to tell them...right? Yeah...that'd be good."

    In moments Dentro's body faded away leaving nothing behind. Torrin shook his head and opened a portal for himself and Boreas to leave. Torrin was the first to step through, saying nothing upon his exit as he was unable to express how he felt about it all. When the two headed through the portal they wound up on the same hill as the others, portaling in only several feet away from Takehiko, Tinarah, and Chrono. Torrin was relieved to see the three still alive and well but did nothing to greet them other than give them a slight nod of acknowledgement. His mind turned towards the others off in another world. He wanted to reunite but they all looked tired and were in need of rest before pressing on. Still, he wished to check in on them even if it was just to sate his own growing anxiety.

    Boreas gained 3 Levels! Boreas gained 1 Spell and 2 Upgrades (up to third tier).
    Boreas learned a new keyblade transformation!
    Torrin gained 1 Level!
    Claim your rewards in the OOC Thread!

  3. Maka Albarn It's called love

    May 7, 2008
    Fairy Tail
    Aria smiled a bit when the girl joked about her to please not slack on the healing job. "There was just one time that someone got in my dreams. When Torrin and I were knocked out from Quietus, he got in my dreams somehow... He was there fighting that thing, or at least trying too, but..." She trailed off as her thoughts went to her abdomen. Again, no one really trusted Torrin as far as she knew, so she changed the conversation a bit. "Obviously it's still around... I don't think it's as easy as sleeping next to me. I mean, this is new territory everyone is going into. Who knows what will work and what won't."

    She perked up when Master Thallasa addressed the group, and Aria decided to wrap up this talk.
    "Thanks for letting me talk to you Qamar." She gave the girl a quick hug, and then let go in case she didn't like people touching her all that much. "And thanks for trusting me to tell me what was on your mind..." She smiled a little and then joined up with the rest of the group. "I would offer to make hot chocolate, but I don't exactly have a pan... or the other stuff I need."
  4. Shiki my waifu is better than yours, thanks

    Jun 3, 2007
    The Future

    Qamar was surprised by the hug, but she returned it with a smile. Aria mentioned Torrin being able to go into her dreams because of that Quietus got Qamar thinking if maybe they were both knocked out...? No, that was ridiculous. She shook her head and listened to Thallasa, She mentioned Qamar being able to see in the dark. Qamar scratched her head. "I can definitely see better, that's for sure..." she confirmed Thallasa's statement. Soon there were tents and Aria mentioned hot chocolate again. "MM...." she went, patting her stomach. She reached into her secret hiding pocket and managed to pull out an 3 apples and 4 bananas. How she had that hidden away, she couldn't reveal that secret.

    She tossed the apples to Eilonwy, Taran, and Fflam. The bananas were passed out to Illiana, Aria, and Thallasa. "Potassium will keep cramps away." she mentioned, already eating down on hers as the sky turned dark. Her eyes did their thing and she looked around, keeping an eye out for things. "Sorry I couldn't pull out chocolate and the other stuff for hot chocolate." she joked with Aria. "But you know, you mentioning Quietus got me to think of a question. You trust Torrin a lot, huh?" she asked, biting down on her banana. "I can say I trust him, too. I have to trust him, he's a Prince and aren't we supposed to trust those who rule?" She got serious with that and chuckled. She ended up in the tent next to Aria without thinking. "Actually, I'd like to say that he's proven himself and he IS a Master after all, so I know I can trust he knows what he's doing."

    "But Aria, you gotta tell me, how hard did Quietus hit you? I can't imagine it was a tiny scratch. The thing literally exploded in the direction you guys were coming from when we all met back up." she said. "Did you break anything?"
  5. Maka Albarn It's called love

    May 7, 2008
    Fairy Tail
    Aria took the banana, staring at it a moment before wiping it on the hem of her tunic shirt. "Thanks Qamar," she said with a smile as she peeled the banana. The girl didn't mind there wasn't anything to really make hot chocolate with. Maybe she needed to take a break from the sugary drink for a while. Aria took a seat on a rock close to the fire, eating her banana in peace. She nearly choked when Qamar pointed out that it seemed that Aria put a lot of faith in Torrin, recovering quickly by beating on her chest to get the stuck banana down before focusing on the conversation again. "Princes can be corrupt too," Aria said softly, remembering the storybooks her aunt would read to her. "But Torrin seems alright."

    She looked to the girl as she mentioned the battle during the Quietus' attacks. The glowing eyes were still somewhat unsettling to Aria, but she was getting used to the idea that it was a trait of those from the Realm of Darkness. "Surprisingly, no..." Aria rested her arms on her legs, and then placed her chin on top of her arms.
    "Torrin stepped in front of me and tried to use a dark shield of sorts. It broke apart so quickly... I just remember hugging him, and then this bright light blinded me. After that, I was ripped away from Torrin and I guess I hit my head really hard. And that's when the nightmare started." Aria adjusted her wrist with the Light Chaser's bracelet on, frowning slightly at it. "I think us not being blown to bits had something to do with this, cause it was protecting me before. Now it's broken. But it won't come off." A memory fluttered in the girl's mind and she stared back in the flames again. "Heh, now that I think about it, there was something similar. When I was a kid, my uncle was attacked by some huge wolf-like monsters we called the wrenfel. I saw it happen. I was around seven years old, and there wasn't much I could do. I just remembered screaming at them to leave him alone, and then... poof. They were gone. Maybe it has something to do with the princess of heart thing, I don't know." Aria took another small bite of banana and then thought to the small communicator in her pocket that Torrin gave her. She wondered if it was night time in the world he was in as well. Still, she wasn't sure if she should disturb him. There was a lot of work to be done in that world after all.

    Last edited: Jul 22, 2018
  6. Vladek515 Hollow Bastion Committee

    Mar 12, 2015

    Boreas stopped when he felt that hand on his shoulder and looked to Torrin who stopped him. He sighed, he had let himself go again, not as badly as last time but this wasn't the way a knight should be behaving. He hung his head and got to his feet, remaining quiet as Dentro and Torrin spoke. He had been right in his assesment that Dentro had been deluded, destroying all darkness wasn't the solution to the problem, they had tried to do so before and it had only lead to more problems that cost a lot of lives on both sides of the divide and nearly destroyed them all, but Dentro didn't know the story at least Boreas doubted he did. Dentro mentioning not having any family left but seeing the other students of the Light Chaser as his family, in a way Boreas could sympathise with the man as he slowly faded away, he didn't allow himself to feel too much sympathy for the man as he was still the enemy.

    Boreas turned away from Dentro after Torrin mentioned the possibility of souls persisting and being reborn, he didn't want to think of it as Torrin opened the portal and he quietly glanced one last time at the place Dentro had been laying down. The arrived on the hill close to the manor, Tinarah, Take and Chrono had made it on their part and he turned to Torrin. "
    It's done then? This world is safe now?" Boreas asked, if that was everything to be done in this world perhaps they could regroup. "I shouldn't have lost my cool there... do you think he understood what I meant? No nevermind it doesn't matter we beat him, avenged Adalric restored a semblance of balance to the conflict and I did what I had to to make it happen..." Boreas said, going over it he talked his own doubts down. Back to relative safety he went over his injuries mentally his arm hurt most out of everything, the kick to the chest left him with a dull pain but he was fine, he could still walk and if necessary still fight.
  7. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007

    "You're right. It doesn't matter now. What matters most is that we saved this world from its destruction." Torrin ran a hand through his hair and let out a small sigh of relief. "Don't worry about the whole losing your cool thing. In combat you seem to be able to channel it well." Torrin caught sight of the small woman in black coming out of her mansion to head towards the bunch of them. Before Edna greeted them Torrin chewed on the inside of his cheek while trying to piece together way to transition the topic to something he wanted to ask of his friend. A social master he was not.

    Instead, Torrin chose to simply just ask him directly without wasting time beating around the bush. "You've still got your communicator right? Mind if I hang onto it for a while? I...want to check up on the others. Haven't heard back from them in some time."

    "Gah! I see you're all still wearing those dreadful outfits! I can't believe I allowed my hands to be a part of making such clothes." Edna shook her head and glared at Torrin as she spoke towards the group. "Still, I suppose that since you are all still in one piece at least something good came out of this fashion disaster. You did save the world, did you not? Yes? Good! Come inside! Now is time to rest after your hard work heroing!"

  8. Shiki my waifu is better than yours, thanks

    Jun 3, 2007
    The Future

    Well that was certainly the reaction she was hoping for. Clearly Aria wasn't expecting that kind of a question, but she knew nothing as to why she was acting that way. Aria explained what happened with Quietus and Qamar started to think. "You said you hit your head but your stomach was I don't remember a cut on your stomach when you hugged and leaned on me after regrouping earlier...." her voice trailed off as she shook her head. "Maybe I'm thinking into this too much, but you sure seem to be trying to hide'm prying too much, sorry." She got out of the tent and moved to sit behind Aria. She stared out into the forest and watched the trees and vegetation sway with the winds that blew through them. She leaned back a little bit into Aria and she shrugged.

    "I don't really like people keeping secrets from me, but...I understand that sometimes, keeping things from other is what you have to do." she said, having thought of what to say. "I just hope you can trust me as much as you trust Torrin some day." Glancing down, Qamar grabbed at the grass and yanked out a small field mouse. She held it gently before she gave it a small bit of her banana and put it back down, watching it scurry off. She looked down at her legs and remembered having to do some makeshift stocking fixing back on the other world. Then she realized something.

    "Oh, I wish we could communicate with Torrin and the rest. I wanna know if they finished up yet." she said, turning to Aria. "Do you think Master Thallasa ever got her communicator back from Torrin? I wish I didn't give mine back to her...I could have held onto it and done it myself." She laughed.
  9. Maka Albarn It's called love

    May 7, 2008
    Fairy Tail
    "Maybe I cut myself when I was blasted back," Aria said with a shrug. "I mean, I was knocked out for a while... I didn't feel it when I hit my head either. I just knew it went black, so I assume I hit my head." As much as Qamar was begging for Aria to trust her, the girl couldn't quite do that yet. Not with everyone else's opinion with Torrin and his friend Boreas looming over them. It seemed as if no one liked people from the realm of darkness, and she didn't want that responsibility of Qamar knowing something that could give a bad light to Torrin. Not until the others trusted him and everyone else from the Realm of Darkness helping them now. The fact that Qamar was pushing her to say it was making her want to clam up more about it too, and saying that she trusted Torrin more than Qamar. It wasn't that she wanted to hide what happened to be mean, but more to protect those helping them out from scrutiny.

    She looked over at Qamar when she asked if she thought Master Thallasa got her communicator back.
    "Well, she is a master. I think she needs to have something to communicate with the rest of the masters back at the castle." She thought of the one she had, knowing Torrin gave it to her and set it to a specific channel for just the two of them. If Qamar wanted to talk to someone on another world, she could always ask Master Thallasa. Aria rubbed her head and then patted Qamar on the shoulder before standing up to stretch. "I'm gonna turn in for the night. Thanks for keeping me company and for the banana too," she said with a small smile. She then finished up her banana and tossed the peel in the fire before heading to one of the tents.
  10. Vladek515 Hollow Bastion Committee

    Mar 12, 2015

    Boreas was glad to hear that they had taken care of the darkness and saved the world, if they could take care of this maybe they had a chance of solving the schism back home too even if it was a greater magnitude. "
    Thanks, I'll keep it contained..."Boreas said. He saw Edna coming to them and before she was close enough Torrin asked him whether he still had that communicator. "Yeah, I do, sure thing, but didn't you have one yourself? Also I forgot to ask and you don't have to answer right now, but what happened out there the other day?" Boreas asked in a low voice, he had been curious about it and if Torrin didn't want to talk about it that'd be fine, but there had been some inconsistencies there and he wasn't sure if he wanted to talk about in front of the others. Boreas reached in his pocket and discreetly handed the communicator to Torrin before following Edna who was complaining about the dreadful outfits, his emerald cloak was dusty, had cuts in it and it's edges were singed but still Boreas wore it with pride, especially since the rest of his costume was hidden beneath his armour. He joined Chrono, Take and Tinarah. "You guys alright? If our fight was anything to go by, I'm hazarding a guess you had a tough nut to crack too huh?" He asked them.
  11. CrownMoksha Decimo

    Jan 11, 2011
    On board the DenLiner
    Slowly Chrono trailed behind his sister towards, willing his legs to keep himself standing up until he found a much better and safer place to rest. He managed to get himself moving at a decent pace after the first couple of steps, but as it was still slower than his usual walking pace and took him a while to get to the door. In fact, Edna had already opened the door waiting for them by the time he had gotten there. With a small nod, Chrono had dragged himself into Edna's home and set his sights right for the couch. In hindsight, he should head back to the room he was given and change clothes, but he wouldn't make it that far. It was impressive in itself that he managed to get to her house in the first place. At the moment of reaching the couch, his legs finally gave out on him and down went Chrono. Fortunately, he fell in a sitting position in which that would leave him sitting to not attract worry.

    Boreas had approached them, asking about their well being. "We've been better." It was a safe assumption to that they all were in the same condition after what they had to endure in the fight. "Our fight was in the form of an angry clown that apparently was seeking vengeance." The fact that that was probably the clown that Blower Hat Guy was talking about was the furthest thing on his mind. There was literally no way that they would've gotten any information out of him anyway and after that fight, that didn't bother him in the slightest.
  12. Aelin Best Waifu

    Jun 30, 2011
    British Columbia, Canada
    That certainly was not the greeting that Tinarah wanted to hear. She couldn't even be bothered to roll her eyes before entering the house with the others. She could only watch as Chrono walked over and collapsed on the couch. She felt bad for him but didn't know what to do to help. Maybe hot chocolate... and food. She needed food more than anything. "We... are fine." It was more of an off handed comment towards Boreas as she passed heading towards the kitchen where she knew that she could make some food for everyone.

    There was limited food that Tinarah would allow herself to make. Her hands shook far too badly for her to trust herself with a knife. Something easy like toast would do just fine. Toast and Hot Chocolate before resting might be the best idea for them for the time being. Tinarah was silent in the kitchen, just trying to keep herself busy. Her stomach hurt, she felt dizzy, she still could feel the sting of the burns from the magic that the crazy clown used, but Tinarah didn't want to wait for others to dote on her. Chrono certainly couldn't, it was unfair to Take, and Torrin and Boreas didn't like her. She could at least do this for herself, and everyone else.
  13. LadyAzura Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 21, 2012
    Garreg Mach Monastery
    Illiana kept walking along with the group as they made their way out of the castle. She had then felt a hand on her shoulder. She turned her head and found that the hand had belong to Thallasa. Illiana immediately turned her head away, not wanting to talk about any of the events that she had just been told about. As soon as the group was far away enough from the castle, Thallasa had decided that they should set up camp. Illiana shrugged her shoulders while Thallasa had set up the tents and their camping space for the night. As Taran and Fflam were amazed over the whole thing, Illiana looked over only to see a banana flying right toward her. She caught it in her hand immediately. Illiana walked away as Qamar was explaining why she threw it. She inspected the banana for a moment before beginning to eat it. Once she finished her banana, she immediately reduced the peel to ashes. She looked over to Thallasa for a few moments. It had dawned on her that Illiana had knew little to nothing about this master. The only thing she knew was that she is a Master and that's it. It was as if the curious cat within her was screaming to find out more about Thallasa. Illiana walked over to her and spoke. "Got a minute?" She waited for Thallasa's answer, hoping she could gain any knowledge from their conversation.

  14. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007

    "Hm..." Torrin lowered his voice before answering Boreas. "It's a long story best saved for the morning. But...the abridged version is that I got to know Aria a a little better during" Returning to his usual tone he then addressed the others. "That clown you fought was Kefka. Aria and I were the ones who brought him down the first time. Illiana was there but she was focused on taking out a different target at the time if I recall correctly." Torrin folded his arms and shrugged slightly. "I'm sorry you guys had to face him. But Boreas and I had our own strange encounter. Turns out Dentro had become a Heartless when he fell in battle. At the end of it he seemed to feel regret over how it all turned out. Either way...we should keep in mind that any foes we face in the future, should they be overwhelmed by darkness, might become even stronger in the future and reappear as a Heartless." Or an empty vessel like Kaela. He thought to himself.

    "Anyway...I'm going to turn in for the night. Get your rest. I'm...I'm actually impressed you've all made it this far in such a short amount of time. We'll be heading out in the morning. Good night everyone." Torrin gave the group a short wave as he left the others to head into his own room. Giving them a rousing speech on their efforts today was not something he felt himself capable of doing at this point. Had he his uncle's or his father's charisma or weight in presence, he might have tried but for now he was just glad they all made it back in one piece.

    He sat on his bed and pulled out the communicator Boreas had given him to stare at it for a long moment. Time passed differently from one world to the next and it made him wonder if it was even night where the others were. He switched the settings on his communicator but hesitated to activate it. Torrin thought for a moment over his own self-consciousness about the situation. If he was ever going to be king something as simple as talking should never make him hesitate. Still...even though he had been trying, attempts at socializing had continued to left him feeling awkward and like his efforts amounted to little more than tolerating being around others. For now, he shook off those feelings. He refused to start wallowing in doubt. He turned the device over in his hand and after another minute passed he gave the device a short tap to turn it on. "Hey. It's Torrin. You there?"


    Thallasa had just taken a seat on a log by the fire Fflam had set up and was holding her hands up towards the flames to warm her hands when Illiana approached her. "Oh? Yes, of course." She patted spot beside her on the log for Illiana to have a seat by her. Out of the corner of Thallasa's sight she could spot Fflam stretching his arms out and yawning loudly before crawling into his tent for the night. Soon after both Eilonwy and Taran followed suit by heading to their own tents. "What's on your mind Illiana?"

  15. Maka Albarn It's called love

    May 7, 2008
    Fairy Tail

    Aria sighed out as she rested on top of her sleeping bag. The tent flap was secured shut, and she changed into a dark blue tank-top for the night. She only felt comfortable slipping off her shoes and keeping on her pants, wanting to be prepared just in case there was an emergency they had to run to all of the sudden. The lantern that was in the tent was set to a low glow to make a comfortable environment for herself. She held the communicator in her hand, turning it in her fingers to examine it above her head. Would it be okay to talk now? What if they were still busy-

    "Hey. It's Torrin."

    Aria jumped as it suddenly went off, losing her grip on it as it fell on her face, right between her eyes. "Ow!" The girl fumbled for it and sat up abruptly as she was struggling to get a hold of it.

    "You there?"

    Finally having it back in her hands safe and sound, Aria tapped on it like Torrin showed her how. "H-hi! It's me! I mean, it's Aria! Qamar was actually just wondering about you guys. I was wondering too." The girl chuckled nervously and stared down at the glowing light. "How's it going over there? Did you restore the world order yet?"
  16. Shiki my waifu is better than yours, thanks

    Jun 3, 2007
    The Future

    Qamar waved off to Aria, smiling at the girl and she soon followed into her own tent. She laid on her stomach and stared at the fire in front of the tents. She saw Illiana speaking to Master Thallasa and she turned her face towards Aria's tent. Whether or not Aria liked it, she chose to sleep in a tent next to the girl to keep herself as far from Illiana as possible. Luckily for her, Fflam was passed out in the tent on her opposite side, so at least she had some of her own space for now. Her tent flap was closed tightly and Qamar was having a hard time sleeping. She laid there, staring at the roof of the tent, still fully dressed and shoes on. She didn't care to be caught undressed, so she stayed this way. She closed her eyes a moment before she heard Aria talking to somebody. Of course she heard her exclamation of pain and that made Qamar sit up, a curious look on her face.

    Opening her tent, she crawled out to see Illiana talking to Master Thallasa. She immediately averted her gaze after her eyes met Illiana's. She stood and walked towards Aria's tent, kneeling down by the front flap. She saw the light was on and was going to try to go inside when she heard Aria. "H-hi! It's me! I mean, it's Aria! Qamar was actually just wondering about you guys. I was wondering too." Qamar immediately moved to the back of the tent, leaning down to try and hide from being seen by somebody else. She then sat on a nearby rock and pulled out a pen and scrap piece of paper, trying to pretend to write something, hoping Master Thallasa would pay her no mind. But knowing Thallasa, she'd immediately get scolded and sent away. Shaking her head, she listened in and stayed there, spying on the girl. If Aria wasn't going to tell her everything about what happened with Quietus, then she was going to find out herself.
    Last edited: Jul 24, 2018
  17. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007

    Thallasa waited for Illiana to sit down by her but before the girl could get out a word of what was on her mind out of the corner of her eye she saw movement. Her eyes flicked over to watch Qamar leave her tent. That would have been normal enough as tents were cramped and often people would need to stretch before sleeping. What made her suspicious was Qamar vanishing around the back of Aria's tent. The master raised an eyebrow. Did all masters of the Council inspire paranoia within their students? Perhaps paranoia might not have been the right word but every master she had met from the Council seemed to have a habit of keeping secrets...or the need to find them out. "Excuse me for one moment, Illiana. I apologize. I will return and you may speak your mind when I do. Stay by the fire for a while. The warmth is quite nice." She pushed herself up from the log and began to walk forward.

    "Qamar I think you should give Aria her privacy. Everyone's had a long day. If you want company Illiana and I will be having a chat by the fire. Otherwise you should turn in for the night in your tent." Thallasa pulled gently on Qamar's arm to lead her from Aria's tent. Once the two were far enough she released Qamar. "We don't spy on our own comrades. That only leads to mistrust."


    Torrin took in a deep breath and his heart rate steadied. Still alive. "So–" "...mar...should give..." The sound of someone else's voice was distant on the other end and too muffled for him to make anything out but it was enough to give him pause. He waited, tilting his head and blinking at the communicator. Was someone listening in? Perhaps but when he heard nothing else being said he gave it another couple of seconds before deciding to speak once more.

    "That was weird." He muttered lowly, trying to keep his voice down. Thoughts of people listening in came to mind. He doubted they would be sharing anything top secret but after having been on his own for some time he valued his privacy highly. Perhaps too much. Torrin briefly considered making more conversation with the others another day but even though he knew it would be for the best to communicate with his team, he wasn't comfortable doing it. Would it be forced? Would they be able to tell? Torrin shook his head and decided to drop the thought for the moment. "Everything okay? It's...been...not so bad here. Other than the younger members of this group nearly dying. Everyone's still in one piece though. I hope things have gone better for you."

  18. Shiki my waifu is better than yours, thanks

    Jun 3, 2007
    The Future

    Of course she was caught. Somehow she was always caught whenever she tried these sorts of things. She walked away a bit from the tents before she yanked her arm away from Thallasa. "I'm used to being mistrusted." she said, rubbing her arm. "I don't need to be told about it yet again." She walked towards the fire and sat down by it, pulling her legs to her chest and staring at the fire. Her eyes were still aglow, so it probably wasn't very comfortable for Illiana. it didn't help that Qamar was staring at the girl now, having nothing better to do.
  19. Maka Albarn It's called love

    May 7, 2008
    Fairy Tail

    Aria sat up straight when she heard Master Thallasa's voice and turned to the sound of them. She held the communicator protectively in her hands and listened as it sounded like Qamar was hanging around. Aria rolled her eyes and then held her communicator close to her ear to listen to Torrin. When he mentioned the younger ones, his thoughts went to Take and Tinarah... But hearing everyone was alright, she sighed out silently in relief. "Sorry, apparently Qamar was hovering outside of my tent," Aria said quietly for only Torrin to hear. "We had a talk of sorts earlier and... yeah... Anyways... We rescued a magical oracle pig from a bloodthirsty horned king? Apparently the pig has visions or something, and would reveal a scary weapon to the evil king that would end humanity or something like that. And he literally had horns. It was freaky. His castle was full of darkness, despair, and creepy thugs and bandits."

    She looked over to her bag and saw Glyde's torn cloak sticking out of it. Her cheery countenance fell as she held the communicator in her hand and rested her chin on her knees.
    "We... lost Glyde... He was keeping an eye out for us while we were rescuing the magical pig and... he was killed. Out of our sight... we came just as his light-" Aria felt her throat tighten and paused a moment to regain her composure. "...His light was floating away.... All was left was his keyblade and his cloak... Illiana and Qamar hasn't been getting along with each other... The whole team feels torn apart... I can't wait til we all get together again," Aria muttered the last bit. Her voice sounded drained, and devoid of her usual happiness.
  20. LadyAzura Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 21, 2012
    Garreg Mach Monastery
    Illiana waited for a reply from Thallasa. "Oh? Yes, of course." She warmed her hands up by the fire until she patted the spot next to her on the log. Illiana nodded her head as she walked over to her and sat down. Taran, Fflam, and Eilonwy had just went into their tents for the night. Once they went into their tents, Thallasa then spoke, "What's on your mind Illiana?" The young lady took a deep breath and started to put her thoughts together. What would she ask about first? Thallasa's disappearance? What happened to her students? Why become a keyblade master? So many questions, yet she couldn't keep silent forever. Before she could ask her first question, Thallasa had pushed herself up from the log. "Excuse me for one moment, Illiana. I apologize. I will return and you may speak your mind when I do. Stay by the fire for a while. The warmth is quite nice." Illiana looked over to see Thallasa pull Qamar away from Aria's tent. She shook her head as she rolled her eyes at Qamar's ridiculous little stunt. Once Thallasa returned, Qamar had then sat on the opposite side of the fire. Thallasa had returned back to her spot. As long as Qamar wasn't in her personal space, Illiana would be fine. She didn't mind having Qamar around while she talks to Thallasa.

    I have quite a few questions for you. Considering, I know next to nothing about you. A little background info would help." Illiana had reformed her umbrella before reaching into it. After a few moments of searching, she pulled out a cup and a small pouch of what appeared to be a frozen cherry margarita. She poured some of its content into her cup. She sealed the pouch and put it back into her umbrella. Illiana took a sip of her drink before turning to Thallasa. "How about starting with: Why were you in hiding for so long?" Illiana took another sip as she waited for Thallasa's answer.