Kingdom Hearts: Kingdom Hearts: Light Chaser

Discussion in 'Role-Playing Arena' started by Arch, Mar 25, 2017.

  1. CrownMoksha Decimo

    Jan 11, 2011
    On board the DenLiner
    The magic that this guy was using against them was already on a different level than anything he's seen before, top it off with the fact that he's been dropping these high level spells on them rather consistently made things even worse. There was a limit to how much of this that they would be able to handle and they would reach it soon if nothing was done. Amidst the flames that rained down upon them, Chrono had done his best to not only move it to attack Kekfa, but to avoid the scorching hot flames.

    HP: 85/85
    AP: 26/56
    MP: 17/30
  2. Light-Rune Maven Seer

    Jan 8, 2012
    The Aetherial Sea

    It was rather obvious to Chrys that the subject of Avra's sisters was something of a sore subject for her. She supposed she had some vague semblance of understanding, given her own troubled relationship with her brother. However, she could tell quite clearly that Avra's situation was far from the same. Still, the girl had been right at the forefront of trying to cheer Chrys up not too long ago. The day she had blabbed all of her problems, she had been told that they were a team and that the others were going to stick by her. She remembered how she had laughed at Dentro and Avra's behavior that day. Now though, Dentro was gone. She didn't know if there was anything she could have done, but there was something she could do now. The problem was figuring out what. Unfortunately, she had a pretty hard time of knowing when the best way to help somebody was to back off or push further, but at the very least she could try to express a desire to be there for her friend.

    "Of course... but if you ever do feel like talking about it, we'll be here for you. After all, we're a team, right?"
  3. Maka Albarn It's called love

    May 7, 2008
    Fairy Tail
    Nothing was ever easy on this journey. Aria placed her hand over her heart as Qamar charged into battle. "Give me strength, Master Choma..." She was going to need all the help she could get. She knew she wasn't quite herself in this place, and every ounce of help would be appreciated. She felt flow of strength radiate through her and then raised her keyblade high in the air, sending her Rainbow Glow over everyone as well as a spell. "Cura!" A radiating green light washed over herself and Illiana. Between herself and the other two girls (not counting Master Thallasa), Illiana looked worse for the wear more so than Qamar. And although Aria was doing better than the two of them, she knew she couldn't afford to be down. Not with how the previous fight went.

    She was going to risk it, but they needed to clear the way as fast as they could. She collected her composure and cast
    Watera as well on herself and then charged into battle. One thug, two thugs, three thugs. That was all she could manage to do. There were many of them, but they had to get through this. Hen Wen was out there, and she needed Taran. They had to get out of here and reunite everyone once more somehow.

    HP: 58/95 [+15 from Cura]
    AP: 8/(78) [+10 from Watera, +20 From D Link]
    MP: 5/30
    DP: 2/3

    Spells Cast: Cura (on herself and Illiana), Watera (on herself)

    Ability/D-Links Activated:
    Rainbow Glow Activated 3/3 Turns
    Master Coma's Link Activated 4/4 Turns

    Enemies Defeated: 3
    Enemies Left: 32/40

    Last edited: Jul 16, 2018
  4. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007

    Torrin eyed the new emblem on Dentro's arm and raised an eyebrow. "You're a Heartless now? Can't say I'm surprised. From the moment I met you I could smell how rotten you really were."

    "I s'pose it's ironic I became one, huh?" Dentro grinned and flexed his arms back. "But I ain't complainin'. I gots all sorts of new power now! I've never felt better and I don't even need my keyblade to kill you and your friend there! So bring it on!" A dark aura surrounded Dentro and continued to grow until it towered over him. Even if he was cocky the strength he began to put on display for Torrin and Boreas was anything but a farce. In the blink of an eye he closed the distance between himself and the two before creating an explosion of dark energy that sent both of them flying backwards. "Now let's play! First one to die loses!"

    Kefka cackled as the battle went on. "Round and round the cycle goes where it ends nobody knows!" He bounced around, hopping around the trio as he laughed wildly, clutching his gut as he ran and hovering every couple of steps as he glided along his path. "How long do you kids think you can keep it up? You'll be dead soon so why keep trying?"

    • Dark Kefka
      HP: 527/1,000
      Attack Power: 19
      Break Gauge: 70 / 100%

      Chrono took 26 Damage! (59/85HP)
      Tinarah took 18 Damage! (41/85HP)
      Takehiko took 24 Damage! (59/120HP)
      MP Rage activated!


    Avra's face softened when Chrys approached her and the girl gave a slight nod in response. "Yeah...of course. I know that." She spoke lowly. "It feels so far away now, you know? When the Light Chaser recruited me he had just saved me from Heartless that were drawn to my keyblade. I wasn't a stranger to them because both of my sisters had keyblades but they weren't home and I was. My home was nearly destroyed and if he hadn't shown up...well you get the gist." She sighed. Now that they were back in town and the dark mansion loomed in the distance, her eyes fixed on their destination. "I wanted to tell them I was alive but it was either that or follow the Master on his mission. They would have never have approved of the Light Chaser's methods but I made my choice and I wouldn't change it but it hasn't been easy. Maybe once the Heartless are all gone for good they'll accept that I made the right choice."

  5. cstar stay away from my waifu

    Dec 19, 2008

    Take felt a lot more calm when he realized that Tinarah and Chrono were still up and doing alright, though based on Kefka's taunts he wasn't too sure how far they'd gotten into hurting this clown. Feeling a surge of power as if he was fully recharged, he knew there was one thing he could do that could keep the other's safe and possibly end this faster. The boy started glowing a white aura as he activated paladin form and a shield formed on his hand. He put most of his AP into a large attack to grab Kefka's attention before grinning a bit, "We're not the one's dying today."

    HP: 59/120
    AP: 14/44
    MP: 5/30
    DP: 3/3
  6. Aelin Best Waifu

    Jun 30, 2011
    British Columbia, Canada
    "You'd be surprised how well we can keep up, especially when I have my music." With that music burst forth and filled the air around them. Tinarah smiled a bit feeling a little more invigorated as music notes swirled around her. "I think we will be just fine now." She couldn't help but smile a bit as she felt like they actually had a chance to win this. The green energy that was almost always around her keyblade turned from green to a frosty blue. Magic gathered at the tip and came out as a large ice shard, followed by several smaller ones that came out behind it. With the blizzard attack in effect, Tinarah launched herself after the attack letting her mind go blank, following the instincts that were drilled into her mind by Torrin.
    Tinarah used Blizzara doing 45 Damage + 15 for drive + 15 for the magic bullets = 75AP
    HP: 48/85
    AP: 20/58
    MP: 13/30
    DP: 0/3
  7. LadyAzura Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 21, 2012
    Garreg Mach Monastery
    Illiana was about to ask Thallasa again to fill her in on anything she missed. However, the sounds of several footsteps echoed from the end of the hall. "Oh you have got to be kidding me...." Illiana sighed again before raising her voice a bit. "Goddammit!!" Thallasa had then told Eilonwy, Fflam, and Taran to stay back and hide from the Horned King's men. Taran had looked like he really wanted to fight. As the other sprung into action, Illiana backed up toward Taran. "Alright so I need you to do me a favor. That sword in your hand?" She paused as she pointed to the sword in his hands. She then continued. "If any of these thugs somehow get past us, I'm gonna need you to take care of them. Can you do that for me?" A corner of Illiana's had lifted up as she ruffled Taran's hair. "I'm counting on you, alright? Don't let me or those two down!!" Illiana had then run off into battle.

    As Illiana toward them, she felt her breathing getting a bit heavy. "
    Crap. I forgot...That last fight took a lot out of me...Alright.....Time to improvise Illiana..." Illiana spun around, grabbing her keyblade in the process, readying it for battle. Before she could move, she felt a healing light flow through her and a familiar aura surround her. Illiana looked over to see Aria heal her. She gave Aria a thumbs up before charging toward a thug. The thug looked behind him and immediately charged for the girl. Illiana jumped up and swung her blade down, cutting the thug down with one fell swoop. She stood up before immediately dodging out of the way of an incoming attack. Illiana back-sprung out of the way of the attack. As she stood up, she looked at the thug before a smirk graced her lips. With another fell swoop, the thug collapsed to the ground while Illiana wiped away any dirt that might have gotten on her blade with one swipe. Illiana immediately rose her blade and stood defensively, just in case another thug had the bright idea to go and attack her.

    Illiana took down 2 thugs! Illiana used Dodge Roll! Illiana is now guarding!

    HP: 38/60
    AP: 15/60
    MP: 13/30
    DP: 3/3

  8. CrownMoksha Decimo

    Jan 11, 2011
    On board the DenLiner
    "We wouldn't have gotten this far if we couldn't handle this much." Chrono remarked, feeling still somewhat fatigued despite all of the healing he had gotten over the course of the battle. However just as he'd said, this wasn't the worse that he's been thrown. On another level, no doubt about that, but he was still standing and that wasn't going to change anytime soon. With keyblade in hand he rushed in to attack with his keyblade. The first blow had struck its target true and was followed up by a Vicinity Break.

    HP: 59/85
    AP: 26/56
    MP: 17/30
  9. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007

    "O-of course!" Taran nodded quickly at Illiana, nervously gripping at his sword. "You can count on me to keep them safe!" As the battle between the keyblade wielders and thugs went on only one of the thugs made it past them. Fflam cried out and cowered behind Taran while Eilonwy shouted, "Taran look out!" The boy held the sword out in front of him and with no effort on his part the sword glowed brightly and tugged him forward, cutting the thug's sword in half like it was little more than wet paper and when it came in for another swing the thug screamed in pain upon being cut before turning and fleeing the battle.

    "Woah...I did it! Did you see? Haha! I did it!" The boy exclaimed happily. Eilonwy rolled her eyes and Fflam gave a nervous thumb's up from several feet further back into the tunnel. "Oh come on. I'll keep you safe!" He pointed proudly at himself.

    "N-n-no thank you! I think I shall wait here until the battle is finished!" The bard called out.

    Meanwhile, Thallasa had already struck down several bandits on her own, deftly taking each one out with a single blow.

    HP: 150/200
    AP: 0/100
    MP: 45/90

    Enemies Defeated: 6 (1 by Taran)

    • Enemies Remaining:
      24 Thugs (20 AP)

      Aria took 17 Damage! (41/95HP)
      Illiana took 19 Damage! (19/60HP)
      Qamar took 19 Damage! (13/70HP)
      Thallasa took 28 Damage! (122/200HP)

  10. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007

    "THAT IS IT. I HAVE HAD ENOUGH OF YOU MEASLY MORTALS. THERE WILL BE NO MORE CHILD'S PLAY!" Kefka screeched. Dark magic began to flow from his fingers and black bolts of magic shout out from his fingertips striking both Chrono and Tinarah. The magic did no damage but caused pain to surge within their arms which would have reduced their ability to guard against Kefka's attacks. "NOW DIE!!!" The clown leapt high into the air and pointed his palms at the group before unleashing an onslaught of elemental magical attacks that rained down fire, ice, and lightning on the trio.

    • Dark Kefka
      HP: 299/1,000
      Attack Power: 19
      Break Gauge: 80 / 100%

      Chrono and Tinarah were inflicted with Pain!
      Chrono was critically hit for 57 Damage! (2/85HP)
      Tinarah took 32 Damage! (16/85HP)
      Takehiko took 26 Damage! (40/120HP)
      MP Rage activated! 12 Damage stored by Bad Karma!

  11. Vladek515 Hollow Bastion Committee

    Mar 12, 2015

    Torrin remarked on the fact that Dentro now sported the mark of the Heartless, Boreas had missed it but it only gave him more reason to destroy him. Boreas already wished to destroy Dentro for what he had done, now that he was a Heartless. Boreas wasn't going to back down from the challenge that Dentro had given him and Torrin. With Dentro charging them as his aura grew Boreas utilized the closed distance in an attempt to stab Dentro but the explosion of Darkness robbed him of the opportunity blasting him back Boreas landed in a low crouch, skidding to a halt, glaive-guisarme in a guarding position close. "Oh it's a great little game that I have been playing for the past five years. Didn't know you enjoyed playing it too!" Boreas said shouting the last part as he shifted his keyblade to the repeating crossbow and unleashed a volley of magical bolts at the heartless before charging him again with the Glaive-guisarme going for a quick jab followed by a low slash aimed at the ankles.
  12. cstar stay away from my waifu

    Dec 19, 2008

    Take held up his shield in defense with gritted teeth as he watched Tinarah and Chrono take quite a bit of damage and have... something cast on them. He had no idea what though, but he knew he couldn't really wait any longer for it. Take pointed his keyblade at Kefka and cast blizzara at him, then ran in for a charge as she threw his keyblade back, which made his body sway more towards the side. Using that off balance motion for just a second, Takehiko took the shield and pushed it with all his energy at the clown and smashed it into him. The glowing shield shattered on impact loudly as it burst into a thousand shards of light.

    HP: 40/120
    AP: 0/44 + 40 + 12 + 15 + 20
    MP: 5/30
    DP: 0/3
  13. CrownMoksha Decimo

    Jan 11, 2011
    On board the DenLiner
    Clearly someone wanted to test just how much he could handle and the faith pain in his arms from the dark lightning coursed through his arms. It was just enough to distract him from the onslaught of elements that rained down onto him. Needless to say it hurt, a lot, but he was still standing. Despite all of the pain that was just screaming at him to stop, Chrono moved forward as fast as he could and struck at the clown with as much force he could muster. The effort was followed by a Ruinra spell that shot off three orbs directly into the clowns face.

    HP: 2/85
    AP: 0/56 + 30
    MP: 8/30
  14. Shiki my waifu is better than yours, thanks

    Jun 3, 2007
    The Future

    Qamar coughed as the Thug that was strangling her let go of throat as Thallasa defeated him. Qamar slid down the stone wall and placed her hand on her side, groaning as she looked down at her hand. No blood, but she was still in pain. Reaching upwards, she grabbed onto her hairbow and sighed. "I was saving this for later..but I'd rather end this now." she stood up and yanked the hairbow down, a glow eminating from it. She tied it around her throat and closed her eyes as an aura overtook her. She opened her eyes, her hair now in a bun and her clothes changed. For good measure, she turned her keyblade into the two halved version of itself.

    Running forward, she slashed at 2 thugs and took them down with ease. 2 more tried to attack her, but she dodged their attacks and struck them down. She swung her blades and disposed of any fluids with a cloth she found on the ground. "You're up." she said, her eyes gazing towards Aria and Illiana. "I..I'm not doing too hot, but I"m alive."

    HP: 13/70
    AP: 20/110(60+10+20+20=110)
    MP: 5/30
    DP: 0/3

    Activated Domination!

    Rainbow Glow in effect
    Serenity in effect
    Offender activated from her drive

    4 Thugs defeated
  15. LadyAzura Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 21, 2012
    Garreg Mach Monastery
    Illiana had gotten knocked back by a few thugs. She stood bavk up but she wasn't exactly feeling so hot again. She looked back to see Taran cut down a thug. "Good he's holding his own." She smiled a bit before turning back. The young lady took a deep breath before raising her blade. "Alright. This'll have to do for now. I call you here!" She closed her eyes bring a fist to her heart. In an instant, it was if she had felt Atmos right beside her. Illiana opened her eyes and felt a bit of her spirit rejuvenate. Five thugs had then started running toward her. She held onto her keyblade with both arms. "Five is just a mob but two is a definite party!" Her blade started to glow as she pulled it apart. Her blade had separated and shaped shifted itself into two identical fans. Fire had started to burn on top of her fan. She spun around with her fans causing for the fire to split into five.
    with one flick of her fan, she sent the balls of fire speeding down to each of the five thugs. "
    Still cold? A greedy bunch aren't we?" Five more fireballs appeared before her. Using one fluid motion from both fans, she sent the other five toward the thugs. Once the fireballs had hit its target, Illiana went in for the kill. She threw both her fans at the thugs. Once the fans had cut through the thugs, they returned to her hand as Illiana swung both fans down for one more strike, killing the thug that had hid behind the other five. She immediately back-sprung to avoid yet another incoming attack that was heading her way. Illiana had then put up her guard for any other foes that might be headed her way.

    Illiana activated Atmos' D-Link! Illiana used Fira! Illiana used Fira again! Illiana has taken out 6 thugs! Illiana used Dodge Roll! Illiana is now guarding!

    HP: 19/60
    MP: 14/30
    AP: 15/60
    DP: 3/3
  16. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007

    Dentro held out his hand to create a dark barrier that stopped the magical bolts shot from Boreas's crossbow and dropped it when he came running forth to attack. "Nice try but it ain't happening." Dentro twisted to the side to avoid the first stab and jumped up to land on Boreas's glaive. Just as Dentro was going to fire off a spell right into Boreas's chest Torrin cut at Dentro from the side knocking him away from Boreas. Torrin's blade cut deep into Dentro's chest and floored him several meters away only for Dentro to almost immediately jump back to his feet to brush himself off as if nothing happened. "Oooo that almost stung!" He grinned as the cut already started to seal itself shut with dark tendrils forming around the wound.

    "Well he's definitely gotten faster." Torrin directed towards Boreas. "And tougher. A hit like that would've killed him." He eyed the injury that had already faded away on Dentro and narrowed his eyes at their opponent. "You up for some old fashioned tactics? I go left. You go right."

    "Yo! I can hear you talking over there! All the strategizing in the world ain't gonna give you losers a win! Did you see the hit I took!? I shrugged it off! Face it. I'm too tough for you!"

    Ignoring Dentro, Torrin glanced over at Boreas. "Ready?"

  17. Maka Albarn It's called love

    May 7, 2008
    Fairy Tail
    "Keep going!" She called out to Qamar. She could see that the girl wasn't doing so hot, but there was nothing she could do to help at the moment. Illiana was holding her own fine, and even Taran was helping out. She went for another attack, taking some out with Vicinity Break.

    HP: 41/95
    AP: 8/(78) [+10 from Watera, +20 From D Link]
    MP: 5/30
    DP: 2/3

    Used Vicinity Break!

    Ability/D-Links Activated:
    Rainbow Glow Activated 2/3 Turns
    Master Choma's Link Activated 3/4 Turns
    Watera 2/3

    Enemies Defeated: 5
    Enemies Left: 9/40
  18. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007

    Thallasa noticed the students were really hurting and decided now was the time to finally heal them all. She casted Cure and the powerful green glow of her magic enveloped the girls bringing them back up to shape. As the master knocked out several more thugs the tide had sharply turned in their favor and before them were four of the Horned King's goons nervously holding their ground. Thallasa spun her keyblade and made it disappear, giving a small smirk. She motioned for the others to put an end to the fight so they could finally move on.

    HP: 122/200
    AP: 0/100
    MP: 15/90

    • Enemies Remaining:
      4 Thugs (20 AP)

      Aria took 18 Damage! (63/95HP)
      Illiana dodged! Counter Heal activated! (60/60HP)
      Qamar took 17 Damage! (36/70HP)
      Thallasa took 35 Damage! (87/200HP)

  19. Aelin Best Waifu

    Jun 30, 2011
    British Columbia, Canada

    This was bad, this was bad, this was so bad. Tinarah couldn't suppress the yelp of pain as it felt like her arms were going numb. She had to hold on, just a little longer, she couldn't let Chrono and Take down. Through watering eyes she saw that Chrono wasn't the only one on his last legs, it seemed to be Kefka was too. She was torn between healing her brother or trying to finish off Kefka. Chrono might survive another hit if she helped him, but he might not have to take another attack if she managed to take Kefka out. Take and Chrono seemed to be going all out, so perhaps she needed to as well.

    "Sorry." She softly commented as she looked towards Kefka from her brother. "I need to end this before it gets worse." Ice exploded from her as music surrounded her, intertwining between the shards of ice. Bursting forth was a terrible blast of energy and ice and music as it poured forth towards Kefka, bending around her companions. Ice lightly covered her own clothing and keyblade as the blast subsided and Tinarah fell to one knee panting. She was was getting tired. Her body wanted to give out but she couldn't just yet. Dizziness and nausea hit as Tinarah tried to get back up to her feet to make sure that Kefka was down before she let her body get the better of her.
    Tinarah used Blizzara doing 45 Damage + 15 for drive + 15 for the magic bullets = 75AP
    HP: 16/85
    AP: 0/58
    MP: 9/30
    DP: 0/3
  20. LadyAzura Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 21, 2012
    Garreg Mach Monastery
    Illiana had successfully dodged out of the way of the thug's attack. As she got back up she felt another healing light over her again. She looked over to see Thallasa finishing a spell. She nodded over to the Master. The girl took out her fans and a blue light had been emitting from the twin fans. "I'm getting pretty fed up. You guys need to be removed immediately." Illiana lifted her fans immediately, causing ice to rise from the ground from under two thugs. She turned around and closed her fans, shattering the ice and eliminating the two. Illiana immediately jumped, avoiding the last two thugs. She opened up her fans again and sent them flying toward the two. The fans flew their course and sliced through the last two thugs. Illiana landed back on her feet turning over to Thallasa. "I suggest we leave now unless you're prepared to continue fighting. In the meantime, maybe you can fill me in on anything I missed?" Illiana closed her fans and clipped them on to her belt.

    Illiana used Blizzara twice! Illiana took out two thugs!

    HP: 60/60
    MP: 0/30
    AP: 20/60
    DP: 3/3