Kingdom Hearts: Kingdom Hearts: Light Chaser

Discussion in 'Role-Playing Arena' started by Arch, Mar 25, 2017.

  1. LadyAzura Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 21, 2012
    Garreg Mach Monastery
    Illiana sat down and waited for Taran to wake up. After several miutes, she heard groaning sounds. She turned to Taran and saw that he was waking up. "W-What happened?" Illiana stood up and walked over to the boy. "Finally awake." He rubbed the back of his head in pain as he looked at his surroundings. "We're trapped..." Illiana let out a sigh before crossing her arms. "Tell me something I don't know..." She walked around the room looking at the walls and ceiling. She let out another sigh before leaning against the wall. Taran had then stood up before letting out a sentence in a defeated tone. "I failed Dallben and Hen Wen..." He then looked at Illiana before talking to her. "I'm sorry I brought you into this. If I had just kept a better eye on Hen Wen you wouldn't be in this mess." She scoffed before letting out an annoyed sigh. She pushed herself off the wall before walking over to him. "Oh don't you dare start with that 'I'm a failure. It's my fault' speech. Don't start feeling sorry for yourself." She walked right up to Taran and grabbed him by his shirt. "Instead of feeling sorry for yourself, start helping me think of a way to get out of here. If you're expecting pity from me, you're not going to get it. If you want to give up, then that's fine by me. But if you really care about Dallben and Hen Wen, then stop the pity party and rescue them using your own strengths, with our help of course. Do you understand me?" Illiana let go of his shirt before walking around the room and checking for any cracks in the wall or any abnormalities. She then whispered to herself. "Alright...Now to find a way out..."
  2. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007

    Torrin remained close to the group, not so much for his own sake but more to keep the others covered. He made swift work of the Heartless with his two blades destroying them as they approached. "There's bound to be more here than what we're facing!" He spoke to the others. In a single strike Torrin had decided to hasten their victory by using his technique to cut down a group of Neoshadows and Darkballs before Warping back over towards the others. Torrin spun both of his blades around and aimed them at a group of Neoshadows before casting a Fire spell, launching a large fireball that exploded and destroyed several more Heartless. It was rare for him to unleash so much power so early during a fight but he had grown weary of wasting time and was growing impatient to regroup with the others. They needed to clean this mess now and he was going to move this along as quickly as possible.

    HP: 160/160
    AP: 2/76+10
    MP: 48/50
    DP: 5/5

    Heartless Defeated:
    10 Darkballs (5 with Shin-Zantetsuken, 2 with Combo Plusx2)
    15 Neoshadows (5 with Shin-Zantetsuken, 2 with Combo Plusx2)

    • Heartless Remaining:
      48 Darkballs (12AP)
      33 Neoshadows (16AP)

      Torrin took 30 Damage! (130/160HP)
      MP Rage activated!
      Chrono took 21 Damage! (64/85HP)
      Tinarah took 21 Damage! (37/80HP)
      Takehiko took 25 Damage! (95/120HP)
      MP Rage activated!
      Boreas took 25 Damage! (85/110HP)

  3. cstar stay away from my waifu

    Dec 19, 2008

    Takehiko felt a good hit from one of the heartless but he managed to still feel pretty good afterwards. He looked over and saw Tinarah and Chrono take the hit... less well. And as a result Take poked at a couple of the heartless focused on them to provoke them. Even slamming his keyblade a bit into the water to hear it splash and soak nothing. Then he got a couple of attacks in before standing on guard. He also threw more MP Tinarah's way.

    HP: 95/120
    AP: 24/42+10
    MP: 15/30
    DP: 0/3

    (provoke was used to protect Chrono and Tinarah)

    Heartless defeated:
    47 Darkballs (12AP)
    32 Neoshadows (16AP)
    Last edited: Jun 27, 2018
  4. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007

    Taran was shaken when Illiana spoke to him so harshly but nodded slightly in response, narrowing his eyes a bit as his eyes burned with a newfound resolve. "I'm not feeling sorry for myself! I'm fine!" He brushed his tunic over after she released him and crossed his arms, kicking at a pebble at the ground. "But I don't know how we'll get out of here."

    Just then, one of the stone slabs underneath them began to shift and a girlish grunt could be heard. Light shone through the crack in the floor and the stone slab was lifted and pushed upwards and flipped over revealing a hole that lead down further below. A girl poked her head out and a glowing yellow bauble floated up alongside her head illuminating the room. She looked left. She looked right. The girl frowned as she was not facing Taran or Illiana when she popped up. "Hm. I thought I heard a noise up here." As she readied herself to go back down from where she came she caught sight of the two and smiled brightly, her glowing bauble floating over to light up the space where the two stood. "Oh! Was that you?"

    "Y-yeah! Yes...I..."

    "You both are being held prisoner aren't you?"

    "Yes!" Taran spoke as his eyes followed the magical orb of light that circled himself and Illiana. "It lights up!"

    "I'm being held against my will too. And of course it does, it's magic!" She laughed and pulled herself up to stand in the room with the other two. "Oh I hate this place. I do hope there aren't any rats in here. N-not that I really mind them, you know. I'm princess Eilonwy. And you both are?"

    "Uh. I-I'm Taran." The boy nervously spoke, his hand reaching for the back of his neck as he shifted awkwardly in place.


    "He wasn't where we last left him." Thallasa answered Aria. "If he was in trouble there would be no reason for him to enter the castle so I have to assume he might have made his way around or he was captured. In either case, I needed to make sure you were alright before moving on to continue looking for him."

    Eventually the trio had arrived at a point where the whistling of the wind was at its loudest. The dark path continued on for who knows how long but as Thallasa held the torch over towards the cracked stone wall the flame swooshed and danced about. "Here." She said as she lowered the torch to look through the cracks in the wall. Sure enough, wind was blowing through from the other side of the wall. Once more she placed her hand on the wall to preform the same spell as before to cut a hole for them to escape from. In seconds she was able to push down the stone bricks in the wall causing it to crumble and gave them their way out. She stepped through and found that they were standing just a few feet away from a cliffside with a straight drop down to the jagged crags below. The rocky path before them traced around the castle's outer walls.

    "What now?" Fflam spoke up from behind the others.

    "Well we're not splitting up again. Come. Perhaps if we–"

    "Excuse me? Are you looking for someone?" A man addressed the group. Thallasa spun on her heel, dropping the torch and now holding her keyblade in both hands towards the man. "Goodness no! Don't hurt me! I'm only trying to assist you!" He threw up his hands into the air.

    Thallasa was confused how this stranger had gotten the jump on them and even though he appeared to be unarmed and unwilling to fight she kept her blade up. Already Fflam was sneaking off behind the other girls to keep his distance. "Who are you?"

    "Someone who would see the Horned King dead. A traveler of sorts." The man reached for his hat and took it off briefly as he bowed towards the group. "Ardyn Izunia, at your service, madam." He answered slyly. "I don't suppose you lost a pig recently? I saw one fleeing from the moat and headed east into the forest."

    Thallasa lowered her keyblade but said nothing to give him an answer. "Have you seen a boy around here? He would have been wearing a pin like mine." She pointed towards her communicator.

    "Oh? Why I can't say that I have..." He tapped a finger to his chin but then quickly snapped his fingers. "Ah! But I did come across this curious trinket that may have once resembled your broach. A pity though," he held up a smashed communicator, "it was already crushed when I happened upon it. Perhaps this boy you are seeking was careless."

  5. Aelin Best Waifu

    Jun 30, 2011
    British Columbia, Canada
    Tinarah grit her teeth against the onslaught of heartless attacks that were battering her. She looked around to see how everyone else was holding up, and while she was bloodied and hurt, everyone else was still standing strong. She felt selfish if she used the little bit of power that Take gifted just for her own sake. She needed to save it for when everyone else actually needed it. Taking a few deep breaths Tinarah found herself pushing through the pain, letting the lessons of older Torrin, pulse through her, along side her own heart beat. Letting the moves and attacks come on instinct. The pain was distracting enough for her not to be thinking quite right, and in all honesty she was starting to regret not having a rest. When things were happening and she felt the need to help, Tinarah often found herself forgetting about how ill her physical body still was, how much it still needed to recover. She would have to take the fight slow and let all the lessons from Master Stamatis and Torrin work through her, let the muscle memory guide her if she wanted to do anything efficiently, but mostly she needed to take up defense.
    HP: 37/80
    AP: 40/58+10
    MP: 16/30
    DP: 0/3

    Heartless Defeated:
    1 Darkball

    Heartless remaining:
    46 Darkballs (12AP)
    31 Neoshadows (16AP)
    Last edited: Jun 26, 2018
  6. CrownMoksha Decimo

    Jan 11, 2011
    On board the DenLiner
    During the onslaught of attacks from the heartless, three darkballs in particular had evidently made it their goal to single out Chrono in particular and collided into the keyblade wielder. One crashing into him was painful enough, but three at once packed one hell of a punch. Finding himself knocked onto his back, Chrono quick scrambled back to his feet and swatted away one of the darkballs lingering around him. In this time another one had bite him right on his shoulder, in which he clenched his teeth in pained, but stabbed his keyblade into the heartless. The last one itself had been struck down during its next attack. His fighting had grabbed the attention of a small group of neoshadows and Chrono did not want to deal with them right now. His keyblade was aimed right now them and he cast judgement upon them all.

    HP: 64/85
    AP: 28/54+10
    MP: 7/30
    DP: 3/3

    Heartless defeated:
    4 Darkballs (1 va Combo Plus)
    3 Neoshadows (Through the power of Judgement)
  7. Shiki my waifu is better than yours, thanks

    Jun 3, 2007
    The Future

    Qamar continued along, keeping quiet. She wasn't quite able to shake this feeling of impending dismay she felt. It was just like when she was fighting to save Adalric and she certainly was not going to let anyone else get killed for her. Qamar looked at their small group and sighed. There was Master Thallasa, the most skilled of their group. She wouldn't go down easily, so Qamar wasn't so worried about her. Illiana was strong too, but she was too stubborn. The only time she ever showed any other emotion than annoyance was when her brother appeared before her. Aria was just too nice for her own good. While the girl was strong, she still had a lot more to learn. It didn't help that Aria was probably the one person in this whole group that should be protected the most, no matter what. Glyde was the last of their group she'd ever think would be taken down, considering he seemed pretty good. But he was left alone and...well, it's possible.

    While she continued to think to herself, Qamar realized what she'd done in leaving Illiana alone. She regretted it deeply. Though could she truly be blamed? Her and Illiana do not have the best of relationships and Aria was probably the most important person in their group. Master Thallasa was preoccupied and considering their main task was to find and protect those with pure light, Qamar was still obligated to put that mission before Master Thallasa's orders.

    In the midst of her thinking, she watched Thallasa open up another way out and they were met with a path that had a steep cliff directly in front of them. Qamar stepped out and looked over the edge before she heard a voice. She turned and ran to stand next to Thallasa, pulling her own keyblade out as a man in a cloak with a rose scarf approached. While he explained herself, Fflam ran behind the group. Qamar kept her eyes on the man and kept her keyblade up, ready to strike if the man made any wrong moves. While Thallasa would lower hers, Qamar learned to never trust somebody who just happens to show up.

    "I don't trust him." she muttered.
  8. Maka Albarn It's called love

    May 7, 2008
    Fairy Tail
    Aria appreciated Qamar trying to help her out and nodded to her when she spoke to her. It was a relief when they finally made it out though, only to be faced to face with a cliff going straight down. It was then a voice spoke up which caught Aria off guard and she summoned her keyblade, dropping down to a defense stance with Master Thallasa and Qamar. She saw the man standing there, and speaking with a sort of charm that kind of put Aria off. The more he talked, the more she was having flashbacks of the conversations she had with the Light Chaser. He was nice, he gave her more than one reason to trust her, but she knew better and it turned out he told her many lies within the truth.

    She heard Qamar's comment and looked over at her before glancing back at the man. She didn't know how to tell Master Thallasa or Qamar about her own suspicions, but she decided to be a little bold and held her ground.
    "You asked us if we were looking for someone, and you have our friend's communicator. Glyde is anything but careless. I think you know something we don't, because all you could have known is that we were lost. Besides, we don't have a reason to trust you except on your word alone. I don't know about these guys, but I know I'm gonna need more than words to per-sway me to believe you."

    Master Thallasa:
  9. Vladek515 Hollow Bastion Committee

    Mar 12, 2015

    With Torrin not wasting time either and going at it fully these Heartless stood no chance and it made Boreas smile. The warning that more might be laying in wait for them elsewhere wasn't necessary for him, he didn't expect it any other way, why else would he have wanted to wait for everyone to recover. Either way it mattered little right now, with the enemies all around them they should worry about that right now. As the Heartless surged Boreas held his ground, he would not break he would not falter, their attacks hurt but he had been through much worse.

    Others didn't fare as well as he did, Tinarah seemed in trouble but Take was taking care of it trying to draw more attention to himself. Boreas drew on his friend's power and shifted his keyblade into the crossbow again and unleashed an intense barrage of lightning bolts, the bolts themselves giving off a slightly purple glow as they sailed through the darkness before slamming into a group of rather unfortunate neoshadows. The barrage of lightning bolts was followed up by a hail of regular ones the neoshadows stood no chance and were scythed down mercilessly by the withering firestorm. He then sent another hail of lightning bolts into the neoshadows followed with another volley to scythe the weakened neoshadows down. He then shifted his keyblade back into his glaive to cut down the two darkballs that were creeping up on him as he took out the neoshadows.

    HP: 85/110
    AP: 0/50+10
    MP: 8/30
    DP: 3/3
    Activated D-link with Torrin
    Boreas Twin-Cast Thundara

    Enemies killed:
    18 Neoshadows
    2 Darkballs
    Enemies left:
    40 Darkballs (12AP)
    10 Neoshadows (16AP)
  10. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007

    Torrin shifted his blade into its halberd form and performed a Sonic Blade attack, dashing through the Heartless with powerful thrusts of the pole-arm with the last of the attacks placing him back near the group. At the same time Boreas seemed intent on drawing on the power from their bond which made Torrin feel a little odd but did nothing to affect his performance in battle. "Good work, everyone! Keep it up and we'll be done with these things in no time!" With a spin of the halberd he launched off two more Fire spells that ripped through the last of the Neoshadows and several Darkballs.

    "Almost." He muttered under his breath. Torrin looked over his shoulder for a moment to see how the others were doing. Tinarah's fighting still still bothered him but she seemed to be using it to good effect and both Chrono and Take were proving how comfortable they were in the heat of battle. Then there was Boreas. His friend's explosive magical power was enough to make Torrin eager to spar with him again. Perhaps not now but later down the road...

    HP: 130/160
    AP: 0/76+10
    MP: 32/50
    DP: 5/5

    Heartless Defeated:
    11 Darkballs
    10 Neoshadows

    • Heartless Remaining:
      29 Darkballs (12AP)

      Torrin was critically hit for 36 Damage! (94/160HP)
      MP Rage activated!
      Chrono was protected by Takehiko! (64/85HP)
      Tinarah was protected by Takehiko! (37/80HP)
      Takehiko took 17 Damage! (78/120HP)
      Boreas took 24 Damage! (61/110HP)

  11. cstar stay away from my waifu

    Dec 19, 2008

    Takehiko got himself four more Darkballs for his trouble before throwing MP over in Boreas' direction realizing he was doing pretty well in terms of magic damage and yelled, "Hey Boreas, have this. Knock 'em dead!"

    HP: 78/120
    AP: 4/42+10
    MP: 5/30
    DP: 0/3

    MP Gift used for Boreas (+10MP)
    Heartless left:
    25 Darkballs (12AP)
    Last edited: Jun 27, 2018
  12. Vladek515 Hollow Bastion Committee

    Mar 12, 2015

    The Neo shadows retaliated for his veritable culling of their numbers. Their counter attack hurt, but Boreas weathered the assault. When Take supported him with more MP Boreas grinned with the comment. "
    Thanks Take, let me take care of that." With the new magical energies given to him Boreas lay down another withering barrage of Lightning bolts, strengthened by the dark power of Torrin. With all the Neoshadows destroyed by Torrin Boreas scythed down the Darkballs before him, after those were destroyed he let fly another salvo of magical bolts to take out even more Darkballs, Boreas was racking up quite the tally among the Heartless. After his withering fire there were only scattered remains of opposition. Easy enough to mop up.

    HP: 61/110
    AP: 0/50+10
    MP: 11/30
    DP: 3/3
    Enemies destroyed:
    15 Darkballs(9 with Thundara, 5 with AP 1 Combo Plus)
    Enemies Remaining:
    10 Darkballs​
  13. LadyAzura Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 21, 2012
    Garreg Mach Monastery
    Illiana continued to look around until Taran spoke up. She turned to him as he spoke. "I'm not feeling sorry for myself! I'm fine!" She looked into his eyes and they had held a new resolve. She let a slight grin after one look in his eyes. "Got him.." She whispered to herself before listening to Taran again. "But I don't know how we'll get out of here." She nodded her head before going back to inspecting the room. As she continued, one of the stone slabs had underneath the floor had shifted. A blonde girl had emerged from beneath the floor. She looked around the room, trying to inspect a noise she had heard. She turned to the two and proceeded to talk with Taran. A small light had been floating around her as she spoke to them. She had told the two that she was also imprisoned here. "Oh I hate this place. I do hope there aren't any rats in here. N-not that I really mind them, you know. I'm princess Eilonwy. And you both are?" Taran had nervously introduced himself, scratching the back of his neck. Illiana looked between the room before clearing her throat a bit to cover up a chuckle. Illiana put a hand on her hip before speaking. "Name's Illiana. How long have you been stuck in here?"
  14. Aelin Best Waifu

    Jun 30, 2011
    British Columbia, Canada
    They were almost done. One last post and they could do this, she just had to push a little harder. If she did that then maybe they could reduce the threat before it could hurt them more. Thanks to Take, Tinarah was able to hold her own a little bit longer. "Thanks Take." She told him as she tagged him out and jumped into combat, putting her full force into it. Swinging her keyblade around she swiped it into the heartless before ducking and dodging to the next one. One after another she took down heartless and even found herself glancing to Torrin for approval for a moment, like when she was training with him, and still thought he was good. As soon as she did she looked away a little awkward. She had caught him watching her too and wondered if he noticed the same thing she did, their base fighting styles were the same. Perhaps it was something to talk about later, but for now she owed Take for taking the hit for her, and needed to be able to take another hit for herself. She stepped back and cast cure, letting green light envelope her, Take, and Boreas, soothing their wounds.
    Tinarah Cured Boreas and Take for 35 hp and herself for 20 hp

    Tinarah took out 5 Darkballs

    HP: 57/80
    AP: 8/58+10
    MP: 17/30
    DP: 0/3

    Enemies Remaining:
    5 Darkballs
  15. CrownMoksha Decimo

    Jan 11, 2011
    On board the DenLiner
    The number of heartless had thinned out significantly compared to when they had started, partially thanks to Boreas and Torrin doing away with chunk after chunk of heartless. With the last group that had remained before them, Chrono went forth and deal a heavy blow with his keyblade. The blow failed the fell the heartless scourge, but they were noticeably weaken as a result. Seeing this, he followed suit with another attack to do away with the rest of them. Five consecutive strikes and they were gone, fading into wisps of darkness like all heartless tended to do. Chrono felt relief at this, more so due to seeing the green glow around Take from the corner of his eyes. That attack he'd taken for them looked liked it hurt prior. "How you holding up there?" He found himself asking his friend.

    Chrono used
    Vicinity Break

    HP: 64/85
    AP: 46/54 +10
    MP: 7/30
    DP: 3/3

    Heartless defeated:
    5 Darkballs (1 va Combo Plus)
  16. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007
    Tinarah, Chrono, Takehiko, and Boreas gained 1 Level!
    Tinarah, Chrono, and Takehiko gained 2 Spell Upgrades! (Up to Tier 2)
    Boreas gained 1 Spell Upgrade! (Up to Tier 2)
    Claim your rewards in the OOC Thread!


    Torrin called off his keyblade and rubbed his palms together once the battle was over. "There's still some things darker around here...but I can't pinpoint where they are." He commented as he looked around the area. The ground beneath them rippled and shifted but even as he readjusted his balance he could not see anything visibly change in the landscape before them. Torrin let out a low sigh and turned back towards the others. "Everyone holding up okay so far?"

    As he spoke a scrap of paper floated down towards them, its top half smoldering with purple embers.



    "Oh really? Come now little old me could not have possibly have harmed your dear friend. Glyde was it? Besides," after handing Thallasa the remains of Glyde's communicator he held up his hands, "I am completely unarmed for I am but a simple pacifist. If he is as capable as you say he is I am sure a mere pedestrian such as myself could do him any harm." The man lowered his hands and frowned at the women. "Perhaps you would like my assistance in locating your friend?"

    Thallasa narrowed her eyes. The man talked too much to be trusted but, for now, they had little to go off of other than the fact that Glyde was still in trouble...or worse off. "No thanks. We can manage on our own."

    "Of course." Ardyn bowed his head slightly. "Well then, I shall be off. Fair tidings, young travelers. And do be careful. The company in these parts is less than welcoming to strangers of this world such as yourselves."

    "Wait what did you sa–" Before she could finish her sentence Ardyn vanished in the blink of an eye as if he was never there in the first place. "It appears that this world is no stranger to travelers from other worlds." She commented, her eyes narrowed on the spot where the man had vanished. "There's no time to worry about him. We need to keep looking for Glyde and see if Illiana's made it out yet."

    Eilonwy scratched her chin and looked thought for a moment before answering Illiana's question. "Oh I don't know actually. A day or two. I've only just managed to get into these tunnels and they have been such a dreadful maze to navigate. Come along now. I don't think you want to be trapped here for another minute, do you?"

    "Of course not!" Taran quickly headed over towards Eilonwy as she started to descend into the dirt tunnels below, the only source of light being the floating glowing orb that hovered by the princess's shoulder.

    "It's nice to meet other people in this dreary place. Are you a knight? Is that why you've come here?" She addressed the question to Taran but the boy looked down and shook his head slowly.

    "No...but my friend Illiana is a great warrior and her friends are too!" Taran explained, ducking his head underneath a low-hanging wooden support beam as he followed Eilonwy deeper into the tunnels.

    "Oh? Is that so?" She looked back at Illiana quizzically and tilted her head. "She doesn't look like a knight to me...but she does look like she comes from nobility. Are you a princess where you come from?"

  17. Aelin Best Waifu

    Jun 30, 2011
    British Columbia, Canada
    "Yeah I am fine." Now that she had a chance to heal some of her wounds she was doing okay, not perfect but okay. The ground shifted and Tinarah struggled to keep balance. When she composed herself again she spotted something floating near Torrin, walking over and grabbing it, it resembled the reports that she started collecting earlier. Not trusting her legs to keep her up for much longer, knowing she needed a rest, Tinarah found herself a seat on the ground as she held up the journal page and began to read it to herself. This one sounded less familiar to her, but she could tell he had been training with Master Stamatis for a long time. What Tinarah did find odd however was the fact that from the sounds of it, Stamatis had more than one student. When she was training with him in the other realm, that Stamatis believed in the value of individual study. That being said she was well aware that her ability to interact with people suffered from that, but she still found the notion of him training multiple students at once a little odd. In the end it did leave her with a little bit of a smile though, thinking of her own send off with Master Stamatis and Uncle Fost, and she wished she had stayed long enough to become a master and echo the same light that the author spoke of seeing in the girls eyes.
  18. CrownMoksha Decimo

    Jan 11, 2011
    On board the DenLiner
    Chrono had given Torrin a thumbs up as his response, still letting his breath catch up to him. Physically he felt relative fine all things considered, despite the unsettling feeling being noticeable again with them not being in the heat of battle. Mid stretch Chrono had spotted the piece of paper that had fallen. Briefly considered the possibility that they were falling from the heartless, each time he'd spotted one of them it had been after any number of heartless had been dealt with. It was a start, but didn't account for where the heartless were getting these pieces in the first place. Especially in the condition they were in. He made his way over to Tinarah as she was reading the paper. "What's this one say?"
  19. cstar stay away from my waifu

    Dec 19, 2008

    Take was pretty sure this was the first time in a while that he made it through a fight like that without getting close to being knocked out. He considered that a success if anything. Even though the danger wasn't exactly gone he got a bit giddy with excitement and did his best to hide it and said, "Hey, we made it." and he held his fist out towards Chrono as if for a fist bump. Chrono returned it pretty casually and that made Take a bit more excited, then he decided to focus more on the page. He walked over casually to look at it and suddenly that excitement turned into a pit of embarrassment. He took a deep breath to calm himself down before asking, genuinely curious, "Y-yeah... what does it say? Actually... what have any of these... notes... been about?"
  20. Shiki my waifu is better than yours, thanks

    Jun 3, 2007
    The Future

    Qamar was glad that Aria was as suspicious of this man as she was. When he disappeared, Qamar kept her stance a moment before looking at Thallasa. "I suppose we ought to head onwards. But to where? Glyde's communicator was destroyed, so he's probably dead." Qamar stated bluntly. "There's nothing to do, there's nothing to bury....except for memories..." That last part was more directed at herself. She missed Adalric dearly, even if they were not best friends. It still hurt knowing he did what he did for her.

    "Sorry I...I'm just trying to say we should check out the entrance we left him at first...?" she suggested, clutching her keyblade. She was more upset that her bad feeling was starting to come true. The more they searched for Glyde, the more reasons they found for him to not exist anymore.