Kingdom Hearts: Kingdom Hearts: Light Chaser

Discussion in 'Role-Playing Arena' started by Arch, Mar 25, 2017.

  1. Maka Albarn It's called love

    May 7, 2008
    Fairy Tail
    As Aria reached a dead end, she realized she was on her own. Behind her was a balcony of sorts that overlooked a mote, and in front of her were several large men with deadly looking weapons. She held her keyblade tightly in one hand, her mind racing as she was trying to figure out some way out of this. As far as she knew, she was on her own in this situation. The last thing she wanted to do was fail Master Thallasa and lose Hen Wen back to the Horned King.

    An idea came into her mind. She knew that pigs couldn't fly, but maybe they could swim.

    Aria suddenly raised her keyblade above her head and shouted with all her might.
    "THUNDARA!" Lightening rained down from the skies, hitting the bandits closest to her and leaving the rest in confusion. Were they fighting a wizard? Aria then turned to Hen Wen and unsummoned her keyblade, taking off the collar around Hen Wen. "It's alright girl, that's it. You're going to have to swim. Ready?" Aria lifted up the pig to the edge, having to stand on her tiptoes a bit to reach over it. "Swim, Hen Wen!" Aria gave the pig a shove and sent the animal over the edge and heard a splash in the water below.

    Not being able to have enough time to scramble over the top and go after the creature, Aria hoped for the best for Hen Wen and then summoned her keyblade once more. The bandits had overcome their confusion and little scare and yelled as they raised their weapons to fight her. Aria growled under her breath and lifted up her keyblade, charging boldly at the bandits. She began swinging left and right, remembering her brief training sessions with Torrin a few nights ago. She blocked successfully, and counter-attacked like her life depended on it. She then transformed her keyblade into a spear, knocking back a few more before turning it into a bow and arrow and shooting at one that was scrambling up to get to her. Aria then shoved the doors to the balcony closed and locked it from the inside by pulling a board over it to stop them from opening it quickly. There wasn't time to take a breather though. With her heart racing, Aria took off down a hallway away from the ruckus, hoping that the others were successful in their missions.
  2. LadyAzura Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 21, 2012
    Garreg Mach Monastery
    Illiana watched on as the Horned King had entered the room. Hen Wen had then been dragged into the room. Before Illiana could think about her next move, Taran had immediately charged for Hen Wen. She sighed as she watched the others spring into action. "And this is why we come up with plans..." Illiana looked on as the rest went in after Taran. Thallasa had then faced her and Qamar. "Get Taran out of here! I'll try to hold them off for you!" She shrugged her shoulders before speaking. "You're the master...No need to tell me twice." Illiana jumped from the ledge the group was on and landed next to Taran. "Alrighty kid, you're coming with me." Illiana picked up Taran over her shoulder. Once Taran was secured, Illiana had begun to run off with the boy. Taran began to struggle. "Hey!! Easy back there! Stop struggling or you're gonna have to take an early nap." Illiana continued to run off with Taran as the others continued to hold off the Horned King's soldiers.
  3. Shiki my waifu is better than yours, thanks

    Jun 3, 2007
    The Future

    Since Illiana had Taran, Qamar watched Aria run in her own direction. Not wanting to leave Aria alone, Qamar tried her best to follow the girl. Getting sidetracked, Qamar was confronted with some men who glared her down, smirking at her and licking their lips. "Disgusting..." Qamar mumbled, holding her keyblade defensively. The men raced towards her, ready to cut her to pieces. Luckily, they were rather easily defeated by Qamar. Though she had to fight through this, she didn't exactly have to worry too much about them hurting her. She had more formal training than these men, so she was able to outsmart them. They got an A for tenacity, however.

    Qamar continued onward and heard a Thunder spell above her. "Aria!" she spoke out loud, finding the nearest stairs and climbing them. At the top, more bandits were lurking that needed disposing of. Qamar was able to stun them with her keyblade through a sneak attack. She shoved them down the stairs, not caring what happened. She watched them fall and she backed away, readying to run forward again. Just as she was building momentum, she ran straight into Aria, bumping hard into the girl. Qamar fell to the ground with the girl, dazed. "Augh....what the...." she shook her head and looked at Aria.

    "Aria, you're okay! Where...where's the pig, though? They didn't get her, did they?" she asked, moving to get back up. She helped Aria up. "I think I know where we can get to Illiana, she took Taran and ran off. I figured since they wanted the pig so bad, they'd harass you a lot more, so I followed you." she spoke, dusting herself off.
  4. Aelin Best Waifu

    Jun 30, 2011
    British Columbia, Canada
    Tinarah listened to everything that was being said, how it all happened. Tinarah had nothing to say about it for the time being, it wasn't her place to suggest how to handle the situation. She would leave the others to decide. That being said decisions didn't really get far, Torrin wanted to rest, and Take wanted to keep going. She could see where they were both coming from and Tinarah wasn't sure which one she actually sided with. Looking around the group however she thought she might be able to make a bit of a compromise. Holding her keyblade out she let the green light emit off of it before the glow mirrored on Take, Torrin, and Boreas. As it did all their scratches and bruises disappeared, leaving them clean and clear to go. "Perhaps not fully rested, but at least we are healthier now. And it might be best not to wait too long until the problem gets worse." Tinarah spoke softly, just a light suggestion that she half expected to be shot down, especially with her knowing her own state. She made sure everyone else was okay, and while she was not majorly hurting, she was not in as good of shape as everyone else, and her magic was nearly drained. It would be a waste however to have them worrying about her, when what was going on in this world was much more important.
  5. Light-Rune Maven Seer

    Jan 8, 2012
    The Aetherial Sea

    Chrys staggered to her feet. Having taken such a heavy blow, she quickly cast Curaga on herself as well as Koa, who wasn't doing all that great at the moment either. No one really was doing all that great at the moment, but they were getting close to defeating the enemy, so letting up too much now wasn't an option. Zeno and Avra were thinking along those lines it seemed, and the two seemed all fired up and ready to finish it off.

    "I'll prepare to hit it extra hard then!" Rather than throw the brunt of her force in now, Chrys instead raced forward to hit it with a relatively weak, mana draining blow before retreating again and setting up her guard. The next chance she got she would be unleashing a tremendous amount of force on her opponent.

    AP: 44/64
    Used MP Drain
    Used Curaga on Self and Koa
  6. Vladek515 Hollow Bastion Committee

    Mar 12, 2015

    Torrin and Darkwing finished the machine off and for a moment it looked like it would rise up once more but the super heroes of this world destroyed it for good. Boreas snorted when Darkwing complained. "
    It's a thankless job, Darkwing." Boreas said with a smile. Mr incredible gave them a compliment albeit a little back handed one. Boreas was still going to play along though. He put away his keyblade and joined Take and Tinarah that were talking to the heroes. Take asked how it had been possible for those super heroes to be overwhelmed that easily and it was something Boreas was interested in hearing too, the hats were rather flimsy after all, even taking them by surprise it would require several dozens of the flimsy things to get it done.

    As Boreas listened to the conversation he was thinking, it made sense heartless were a lot harder to fight without the keyblade. Torrin had an idea on how to solve it but according to him they ought to rest. "
    Alright so what is the plan to resolve this issue? What might lie at the core of all this?" Boreas inquired if they knew what they were up against then perhaps it'd be easier to convince the others to rest up for a little bit. As green light washed over him he looked around for the source of it and finding Tinarah was the source of it he gave an appreciative nod in her direction before turning back to Torrin. He trusted his friends judgement and clearly he had an idea of what might lie at the core of this all and if he figured rest would be beneficial it'd be fine, even if he himself wasn't in particular need of it.
  7. CrownMoksha Decimo

    Jan 11, 2011
    On board the DenLiner
    Outside of wondering why Torrin hadn't done all that sooner, Chrono looked to the Bowler Hat guy as the others talked about whether or not they should rest. As it stood right now he couldn't see how it was that they weren't done with all this. He looked over to Doris, who he could've sworn had made some sort of noise right as he'd said that. Okay, they would need to clean this all up, but that was a issue for a different time. Chrono had then walked up to the Bowler Hat guy. "What did you need these heroes for? It had to have been something more then just heavy lifting." While he may have been restrained by ElasticGirl, Chrono still remained cautious to some degree in the event he tried something.
  8. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007

    Torrin narrowed his eyes at Take for a moment, unsure of the kid's confidence. Things would only get more dangerous from here and the last thing he wanted was to lose another person on this mission. "Hm." He scratched his chin and though for a moment. Tinarah had taken the opportunity to heal them of their injuries and, though his magical reserves were not at 100% he was feeling a better about going with Take and Tinarah's wish to keep fighting. "I suppose we can move on. Tinarah's a more powerful mage than I thought. I'm impressed with the progress you guys have made to be honest."

    When Chrono went over to question the aptly named "Bowler Hat Guy" he opened his mouth to begin to answer and the other villain Elastigirl had tied up for the police, Xerek, shouted, "Don't tell them anything you idiot!" Bowler Hat Guy looked over at the villain and then back up at Chrono and then over at Elastigirl.

    "I'll talk! But only if you put in a good word for me!" Bowler Hat Guy pleaded and Elastigirl simply sighed and nodded very slightly in response.

    "Don't you dare, Yagoobian!" Xerek called out.

    "Shut it Xerek! No one likes a sore loser! It was all your fault this plan failed anyway! If you hadn't listened to that hooded woman and that clown none of this would have happened! We could have robbed banks but noooo you were seduced by magitek!" Bowler Hat Guy spat at Xerek. "We received schematics of the magitek device from a hooded woman. It was totally unrelated to our plans but Xerek thought he could use it for himself once the clown was out of the way since Kefka couldn't stop bragging about how much fun he'd have using it to mess with you brats."

    "You fool! Robbing banks!? Seriously!? I could have made billions with that device! This is why you were just a lackey!"

    "When we saw how tough the newcomers were we figured having a little extra muscle to keep you off our backs would be a good idea."

    Xerek sighed loudly. "He's lying! Doris had that idea! He actually suggested opening a fashion line consisting of nothing but bowler hats and capes would be a good idea!"

    "The Bowlcape Emporium was a great idea and you know it, Xerek!" Bowler Hat Guy sneered.

    "That's what you were going to call it!? That doesn't even make anything even remotely sounding like a word! Just take me to jail already. I don't want to be anywhere near that weirdo anymore!"

    Torrin scratched the back of his head and watched as the two villains kept arguing while going on and on over who was the bigger fool. The keyblade master shook his head and tried to ignore the argument. He turned to Boreas, returning his mind to the conversation at hand. "What might lie at the core of all this, you say?" Torrin chuckled. "Funny you should say that since that's where we'll be heading to next. We're heading right into the heart of this world. It'll be the only way to clear out the darkness plaguing this place."


    "Hey Zeno! Here's something to make up for earlier! And a little something for you too Pagos!" Koa cast Curaga on both of his comrades.

    "About time!" Zeno shouted while Pagos gave a silent wave at Koa in thanks. Koa had given nearly all the magic he had left to give but he did have one final trick up his arsenal to lay the beating on the Demon Plague. A flame swirled around his keyblade and Koa fired off an arc of magical fire at the Heartless, blasting a hole in the swarm with his Spellblade. Koa hunched over and took in a deep breath,

    HP: 29/110
    AP: 24/54
    MP: 0/40

    HP: 53/135
    AP: 4/44
    MP: 7/40

    HP: 51/110
    AP: 14/54
    MP: 5/40

    HP: 46/115
    AP: 20/60
    MP: 8/40

    • Demon Plague
      HP: 352 / 2,000
      Attack Power: 22
      Break Gauge: 35 / 130%

      Chrysanthemum took 7 Damage! (24/120HP)
      Koa took 25 Damage! (4/110HP)
      Avra took 26 Damage! (27/135HP)
      Pagos took 30 Damage! (21/110HP)
      Pagos's MP Rage activated!
      Zeno was hit for 30 Damage! (16/115HP)
      Zeno's MP Rage activated!
      Koa was Poisoned! Koa, Avra, Pagos, and Zeno took 15 damage! Koa was knocked out!

  9. Maka Albarn It's called love

    May 7, 2008
    Fairy Tail
    "ACK!" Aria smacked right into Qamar, falling on her bottom. The girl groaned and rubbed her head before shaking it and looking up to see Qamar offering her a hand. "No, they didn't get Hen Wen. I tossed her into the moat. I didn't have time to go after her, but I didn't want to risk them capturing her again if I held onto her." Aria said as she stood up and dusted herself off. "I dunno, maybe Gurgi will be hanging around somewhere and take care of her." The fact that Aria had the target they wanted made sense to why it was thought of Aria would need assistance, but it still left a bad taste in her mouth. The thoughts of Master Choma hiding the fact she was a princess of heart to protect her, and the Council wanting to lock her away, she didn't feel like she could ever be trusted to handle something completely on her own. Then again, it was good to have a helping hand... Even though help wasn't much needed now.

    "There was a lot of them, but I handled them alright," she finally said. The girl looked back behind her to where she left the door locked by the board, seeing that the bandits were getting anxious and trying to break through now. "Uuuuh, we need to keep moving. I don't know where, but away from all this mess." She then looked to a flight of dimly lit stairs heading downwards and gestured to Qamar. "Let's go, come on." And with that, Aria was off to hurry down the stairs before anyone could spot her.
  10. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007

    "Let me go! I can run too!" Taran grunted and against Illiana, kicking his legs in the air as he struggled to free himself from her grasp. "You don't need to carry me!" Up ahead the two could hear sounds of footsteps approaching from the very direction they were heading. The sounds of dogs barking echoed behind them as more of the Horned King's men chased after Illiana and Taran. The two were trapped in the hallway. "You're going to have to put me down if you're going to fight!" Bandits rounded a corner and came into view in front of them just as shouts behind them grew louder. Being trapped in a narrow hallway and being surrounded with no way out meant terrible odds for fighting, even if only so many enemies could come at them from once they would still be coming from two directions.

    Bandits began to close in on Taran and Illiana when the group of enemies in front of them were suddenly knocked over by an explosion of fire. Most were knocked out in the blast and those that weren't were writhing in pain. Standing before them was Master Thallasa with flames tracing around her fingers. She clapped her hands together and brushed off the fire from her palms. "Thank goodness you two are alright. I had to circle around after causing a distraction. Hurry! We need to get to Glyde! He's in deep trouble! We need to get moving now!" She spoke quickly, motioning for Illiana to follow after her.

    Meanwhile, as Aria and Qamar descended deeper into the castle the air grew colder and damp. The sounds of bandits and rabid dogs faded into the distance and the farther the two went they could start to hear the sound of a distant scream. The area they found themselves in had several cells, some filled only with rats and the occasional skeleton. "I'm a bard! I sing! I entertain! These are the hands of an artist!" They could faintly hear a frightened man's voice followed by the sound of a barking dog. The man yelped. Now look, you seem an intelligent gentleman to me. I had no idea I was tresspassing on this castle! I just happened to be passing." The bard spoke quickly. The sounds of the prisoner came from a stone cell with bars covering its small holes where one would have been able to look in from the dungeon area. A thick wooden door creaked open and one of the Horned King's men came out, dragging his starved dog by a chain.

    As the man left the bard called out in anger. "Do you realize who I am!? I shall sing of your dastardly deed! I am Fflewddur Fflam! Minstrel of minstrels! Balladier to the grandest courts in all the land!" The bandit was gone, having gone down the hall and vanishing out of sight.

  11. Maka Albarn It's called love

    May 7, 2008
    Fairy Tail
    Aria heard voices up ahead and suddenly ducked into the shadows. She pulled Qamar in with her and put a finger up to her lips while listening in on the conversation. It seemed very one-sided though and that someone was in need of help. Once the dog and the man went away, Aria nodded her head to Qamar that it was probably safe to go out and ventured carefully into the cell. "Hi there, I'm Aria. This is my friend Qamar. You look like you're in a pickle, so let's get you out of there." Aria pulled out a pocket knife from her bag and then went up to the bard, cutting away at the rope carefully. "We're kinda trespassing as well, but we're planning to bail as soon as we can regroup. We were on a rescue mission, but it kind of got crazy and now we're all split up. There we go." Aria freed one of the hands from the ropes and then started to work on the other one. "Looks like the Horned King is capturing all sorts of people today..."
  12. Aelin Best Waifu

    Jun 30, 2011
    British Columbia, Canada
    To have Torrin not only acknowledge her, but compliment her, Tinarah found herself a little baffled and embarrassed. "Well... you know, Master Stamatis taught me a lot about magic, he was really good at it." She informed him, though she wouldn't say he taught her everything, not when she had caught on to Torrin's fighting style a whole lot easier. Tinarah crossed one arm over the other one, holding onto her arm to hide one of the more nasty scratches on her arm that she wasn't able to heal for herself.

    On the side there was a conversation with the enemies about the plan, but Tinarah couldn't find herself all that interested in it. It made little sense to her and she wasn't going to do much with the information anyhow. Instead she chose to pay attention to the conversation between Torrin and Boreas.
    "You... can head to the heart of a world?" The concept seemed very strange to her. She had fought heartless on the world but never in the core. It made her wonder how that would even turn out.
  13. CrownMoksha Decimo

    Jan 11, 2011
    On board the DenLiner
    Chrono was pleasently surprised to see that the "Bowler Hat Guy" was actually willing to tell him about their plan. He was expecting things to be difficult, like what Xerek was trying to do. Thankfully Elastigirl had agreed to giving him a good word cause Chrono had no say in that. As the two bickered, Chrono made note of the key information that was slipped out. A Clown named Kefka, hooded woman and the magiteck. It all came back to the magikteck and he had no idea who the clown was, he'd imagined that even that would stick out in a world of heroes. Same with a hooded women.

    The rest of the argument had just left Chrono perplexed. The Bowlcape Emporium? Could that really be considered something a villain would do. Even taking into account that they had brainwashed heroes to help them, with that being the end goal? He made the smart move and choose not to dwell on that any further and walked away from the two. Just in time to hear Torrin mentioned 'the heart of the world'. "That's something we, rather, you can do?"
  14. Shiki my waifu is better than yours, thanks

    Jun 3, 2007
    The Future

    "I hope Hen Wen can swim." Qamar said, a little surprise that Aria tossed the pig. Though, usually, pigs knew how to swim...usually. Aria motioned for them to get out of the area as the sound of dogs and bandits grew louder from a nearby door. "Right." she spoke, following Aria down some rather creepy steps. The sounds of dogs and people faded away as cries for help could be heard. The two approached what seemed to be the prison area as rats fled. Bones were strewn about here and there from previous tenants. Qamar made a face of disgust, not understanding why you'd just keep bones laying about. They approached a stone cell that had bars covering holes. The sound of a man pleading and protesting could be heard.

    Qamar glanced at Aria, who put a finger to her lips to signal Qamar stay silent while they observed. Her eyes moved from Aria to the man in the cell who was fighting back a dog that, eventually, got pulled out by a bandit guard. Aria moved to go in the room, to which Qamar followed. Aria began her usual talking down and calming of new people, to which Qamar stood there, keeping an ear out for the sound of a dog or bandits. Once Aria freed one hand, she spoke about the Horned King capturing people.

    "Yeah, I'm surprised he hasn't captured a princess yet. He doesn't seem the type to have sired his own, after all." she said, crossing her arms. "So, Fflewddur, you're a bard, hm? You're much luckier than this guy." She nodded towards the remains of another bard. "We'll get you out of here. Aria's great at casting spells. You should have seen her earlier, kicking bandit butt and all." A smile spread across Qamar's face.
  15. cstar stay away from my waifu

    Dec 19, 2008

    Takehiko looked at Torrin skeptically after he mentioned them going to the heart of the world and he said."Wait. I don't understand. Was the keyhole not at the heart of the world? Is there just... other ways to get there? Are you using the wrong terms?" the boy looked over at the others and said, "And... ya know... what they said... would that be something safe to do? For us and for the heart of the world of course. I'm... concerned." he said concerned with the most monotone voice he'd probably ever had which probably accidentally pushed the fact he might not have been concerned.
  16. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007

    Torrin nodded in response to Tinarah and Chrono. "I've done it before. It's not pleasant but it's not complicated either." Torrin ran a hand through his hair and then stuffed his hands into his pockets, looking over at Take who asked a few questions. Torrin chewed on his cheek and his eyes shifted upwards as he tried to recall lessons he had once learned but never had anyone to recite them to in years. After a moment of racking his brain for answers he settled on the best answer for the situation. "It's more complicated than that. You sealing the keyhole kept anything new from entering this world from the outside, like Quietus. It's very much like locking a door to a house. The thing is, there were already Heartless within the house that slid further in. Now imagine the heart of a world being a basement. Basements are dark and that's fine because there's normally nothing dangerous there. But if Heartless get in there then it might as well be a playground for them where their power only grows. Now if the Heartless cause enough damage to the basement, the whole house collapses in on itself. Sealing the world from the darkness outside forced them down under and if we don't deal with them eventually the damage they do here will be irreversible."

    He took a deep breath before continuing. "Boreas and I would feel right at home in the core but the rest of you will need to wear something to protect yourselves from the heavy darkness. Luckily I anticipated this would eventually be necessary somewhere along the journey and I had Edna make some coats for everyone. She wasn't thrilled about the design but the material it's made from kept her interest." Torrin tossed long black coats and a pair of gloves at Take, Chrono, and Tinarah.

  17. Vladek515 Hollow Bastion Committee

    Mar 12, 2015

    Chrono asked the villains what they were up to and Boreas wasn't really interested in their plans too much, they weren't here for those plans. One thing was notable however... a woman in a dark robe provided them with the plans for the machine. Boreas turned to the villains. "Woman in a robe, what can you tell us about them? Ever seen them before, anthing more unusual about them than simply wearing robes? Did she mention where she showed up from? Just anything." Boreas asked, before Torrin explained what the next move forward was. Headed for the heart of this world? As Take, Chrono and Tinarah questioned whether it could be done, the rather monotone tone of Take making him raise an eyebrow. "Obviously it would be dangerous hence why Torrin wanted to make sure we were all in good shape before moving forward." Boreas said.

    Torrin explained why it was necessary with an interesting analogy, it was a sound analogy though and it all made sense. Torrin had been prepared for this occasion and mentioned that the two of them would feel right at home, Boreas was still going to wear his armour though, he also did that back home, up to the point it had pretty much become his second-skin. "
    Let's get to it then..." Boreas said, eager to go after getting the answers from the Villains there was hardly any reason to get to it right away then, it was a pressing matter and they didn't have anything else left to be done.
  18. cstar stay away from my waifu

    Dec 19, 2008

    Take listened to Torrin's explanation trying to remember what he was telling him and at least understand. He was pretty sure he got it only because of the basement analogy otherwise he might have just pretended to understand. After catching the cloak and the glove he looked at it a little confused as to how to put it on. And he didn't know how layered he wanted to be. So he got himself out of his costume fairly quickly (his clothes were beneath it) and he put on the coat and the gloves and kept readjusting it since no matter what it just felt just a bit too big for him.
    "I feel like I'm about to start reflecting on my life choices while staring down sadly at a city in the rain." the boy looked at his cloak a bit longer, still readjusting before looking over at the others with a raised eyebrow, "Too specific? I don't know but if they get the job done they get the job done." He tried putting the hood up but it covered over his eyes way too far so he threw it back mumbling a bit before acknowledging Boreas' question as he thought, "Is it not someone we've already dealt with? A woman in a cloak? Maybe we should keep a lookout just in case. What color was the cloak? This color?"
  19. Maka Albarn It's called love

    May 7, 2008
    Fairy Tail
    There was no way Qamar could have seen what Aria has done earlier. Still, it was nice that someone believed in her somewhat. Or maybe they were just trying to flatter her. The only one so far who openly said she was capable was Master Thallasa, and Aria knew Master Thallasa seen her fight before making that statement. So it was more believable. Everyone else had just tried to protect her or hold her back... but she wasn’t there now. She was here, and she was handling herself with what was thrown at her.

    She smiled a bit and then freed the other hand before slipping her pocket knife back into her bag. “There you go...” She stepped back to give the bard some space. Now that they had someone else on their hands to get out of here, Aria wondered if it was really that wise to try to attempt another rescue mission with Fflewddur with them. After all, he said he was an artist earlier. She didn’t want to drag anyone else into this conflict. “I guess the others are going to have to wait,” Aria muttered to herself. “Let’s get you out of here.” She then looked to Qamar. “After that, we’ll figure out what to do next. Unless only one of us should help him out of here while the other goes back for Taran, Illiana, and Master Thallasa?”
  20. LadyAzura Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 21, 2012
    Garreg Mach Monastery
    Illiana rolled her eyes as Taran continued his attempts to escape. "You don't have to carry me!!" Illiana could faintly hear dogs barking along with the sounds of footsteps. "...Not good..." Taran had then spoke up again. "You're going to have to put me down if you're going to fight!" Illiana knew he was right though she still wanted to find another way out of their situation. "Dammit..." Illiana had then put down Taran and immediately took out her keyblade. She raised an arm in front of Taran as if to keep the enemies away from him. As the bandits grew closer and closer, Illiana was trying her hardest to think of a plan.

    All of a sudden, an explosion of fire had eliminated the bandits. She looked around to find the source of that fire. She looked over to see Master Thallasa. "
    And here I thought I might need to start praying." She shrugged her shoulders as the Master ran over to the two. "Thank goodness you two are alright. I had to circle around after causing a distraction. Hurry! We need to get to Glyde! He's in deep trouble! We need to get moving now!" Thallasa had brushed the fire off her hands as she spoke to the two. Illiana nodded her head as Thallasa explained the situation. She turned her head to Taran and grabbed his hand. "If you don't want to be carried then start running!!" Illiana started running after Thallasa, dragging Taran behind her.