Kingdom Hearts: Kingdom Hearts: Light Chaser

Discussion in 'Role-Playing Arena' started by Arch, Mar 25, 2017.

  1. Vladek515 Hollow Bastion Committee

    Mar 12, 2015

    They damaged the machine quite a bit in their first charge, they could take this machine down. As the machine dug the rocks through the ground Boreas rammed on the activator and have the armour form up around him. The debris flying his way bounced pinged off his armour. However some debris was big enough to still leave its mark on him. Take after being hit by some particularly large chunks of debris seemed to go into a battle rage, just like he had the day before except it seemed a lot more contained than his unbridled rage.

    Torrin joined him fighting side by side and told him it was just like old times. "
    Yeah... it is just like old times." Boreas said, since Torrin had left he had fought beside many a comrade, it was nice that his oldest friend wasn't gone like some of his other comrades. Boreas forced himself to focus on the fight and not go down that rabbit hole, he was in battle and he needed to focus. Boreas decided to target the same spots he had before first with a powerful overhead slash, slamming the blade onto armour plates hoping to force the hole bigger, before swirling back around shifting his keyblade into the crossbow, taking aim with and firing another ice bolt into the weakened spot freezing the components, before shifting back to his Glaive-guisarme again and slashing at the frozen components to shatter the ice and more parts of the machine.

    HP: 67/100
    AP: 0/48 + 10
    MP: 21/30
    DP: 3


    Damage Done: 58(AP) + 45(Blizzara) + 30(Blitz+) + 15 (Finisher Plus) = 148​
  2. CrownMoksha Decimo

    Jan 11, 2011
    On board the DenLiner
    He had actually named the giant bowler hat he was currently attacking them in. Chrono found that to be very odd and borderline disturbing. Well not as odd as the strange phenomena happening that allowed him to dodge the attack meant for him. It would be a bit helpful if this occurred more or at the very least he had some idea as to what was going on. However being a question for another time, those thoughts were pushed to the back of Chrono's mind while he went back to focusing on the battle.

    His keyblade glowed as a barrage of magic flew towards the hat. It was his first time using Ruin and he assumed he was using it right. Said tactic worked for every other spell he's used so far. Chrono followed this up by attack again with his keyblade.

    HP: 85/85
    AP: 16/46
    MP: 15/30
    DP: 3/3

    Cast Ruin - 18 Damage
    Attacked - 30 Damage
    Total - 48 Damage
  3. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007

    He rolled backwards on recovering from the attack dealt to him before brushing off his coat of dirt. Torrin threw his keyblade at Mega Doris and when it reappeared in his hand he struck at it leg again. His eyes shifted over towards Boreas but Torrin said nothing more to him, having sensed an uneasiness about his tone and instead resigned himself to focusing on the battle. Torrin raised an eyebrow when he saw Take losing it after having taken a severe-looking blow. "Keep your head on straight!" Torrin warned Take.

    HP: 127/160
    AP: 24/74+10
    MP: 49/50
    DP: 5/5

    Darkwing Duck
    HP: 73/100
    AP: 10/40+10
    MP: 25/30

    • Mega Doris
      HP: 583 / 1,400
      Attack Power: 18
      Break Gauge: 80 / 100%
      Regen: 3 Turns

      Torrin took No Damage! (127/160HP)
      Chrono's took 30 Damage! (55/85HP)
      Tinarah took 36 Damage! Tinarah's Regen recovered 7 HP! (28/75HP)
      Takehiko was Critically Hit for 44 Damage! (17/110HP) Bad Karma stored 20 Damage!
      Boreas took No Damage! (67/100HP)
      Darkwing Duck took No Damage! (73/100HP)
      Everyone recovered 5 MP from Invigorating Duet!

  4. LadyAzura Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 21, 2012
    Garreg Mach Monastery
    Illiana watched the display in front of her as Dallben had appeared before Taran. She found it to be a little odd how Dallben had just suddenly appear, here of all places. The timing couldn't have been just a coincidence. She decided to keep her mouth shut for the time being. As Dallben and Taran continued talking, Illiana looked around the wall Dallben had led them to. She looked over to Thallasa as she revealed her current plan. Glyde was to be left behind with Dallben while the others would proceed into the castle to rescue Hen Wen. She looked over as Thallasa, Taran, Aria, and Qamar went on ahead. Illiana looked behind her once more before going on ahead.

    As she walked along, she held her nose as a foul scent wafted through the air. She wasn't going to ask about the smell nor make a comment. She reached into her umbrella and pulled out a nose clip and instantly clipped it to her nose. She continued walking along as Aria and Qamar made their comments about Dallben. They both basically addressed her questions so she had decided not to say anything. She just looked around her surroundings.

  5. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007

    Thallasa scratched her chin and motioned for them to keep walking. "Hm." She lowered her voice before speaking up about her own thoughts on Dallben. "We don't know if the Horned King has other means of bringing him here. Dallben's story checks out but he did act quite differently than when we last saw him." She pointed at the communicator still pinned to her shirt. "That was why I slipped one of these in Glyde's hand before we separated. He'll be fine and if he needs help, he'll be able to reach me at a moment's notice." The master assured Aria and Qamar.

    "I think I hear something!" Taran spoke in a hushed whisper having wandered ahead of the others. As they walked further into the castle the sounds of voices could be heard echoing through the stone halls. The closer they got to the source of the sounds the more distinct it became until it was apparent that they were the sounds of drunken celebration. Taran stood by an open door while he crouched down. The hall came to an abrupt end with only a few stone bricks laid past the door. Likely this had been a walkway above the grand hall before the path crumbled many years ago. Now the door led to a thirty foot drop down into a hall that reeked of alcohol that was filled with at least fifty armed bandits, two dragons perched atop a rusted chandelier, and a dozen hungry wolves chomping down on scraps of meat tossed aside by their masters.

    "Those must be the Horned King's minions. No doubt celebrating their capture of Hen Wen." Thallasa spoke softly. "I don't see any way around them and I don't think we should risk a fight."

  6. Aelin Best Waifu

    Jun 30, 2011
    British Columbia, Canada
    The creature wasn't laying off either her or Take. Tinarah cringed, not at her own pain, but at how much Take was getting hurt and her inability to help him as much as she wanted to. Gritting her teeth she looked to the creature and then back to Take. "Hold on!" Tinarah called out to Take as she readied another cure spell, the same effect that guided it before, repeating as the green light shot into the air and then divided itself between her and Take. She was not doing much better than Take, but at least it was a little better in some ways. "Please don't get yourself killed like that." Tinarah muttered under her breath before she turned back to the guy on the giant hat like thing. Having already used a gift she liked to believe was from Stamatis, Tinarah turned and used something from Choma as well. "Grant me your strength." She whispered before there was a slight orange-ish glow around her for a moment as she connected with Choma. With the new power flowing through her, she put her all into the attacks again, doing as much as she could to the monster before it had a chance to do any more damage to her.
    Tinarah cast Cure on herself and Take
    Tinarah used D-link with Choma
    Tinarah attacked for 52 + 10 (Inspiring Rage) + 20 (D-link) = 82 Damage

    HP: 48/75
    AP: 0/52
    MP: 15/30
    DP: 0/3

    Take used Provoke to protect Tinarah and Chrono
    Take holds Bad Karma

    HP: 52/110
    AP: 28/38
    MP: 30/30
    DP: 3/3​
  7. CrownMoksha Decimo

    Jan 11, 2011
    On board the DenLiner

    This time he was not as fortunate to somehow dodge the attack meant for him and took the full brute of the attack aimed at him. He was knocked back, still standing, but a little winded. By comparison there was no room for him to be complaining, Take had taken two heavy hits and was still standing. "Hang in there, we've almost finished it." They weren't the only ones taking heavy hits. That hat had certainly taken its fair share of damage as well and. Chrono allowed some magic flow into his keyblade, coating the blade in water before he went off to attack the giant hat once again.

    HP: 55/85
    AP: 26/46
    MP: 5 /30
    DP: 3/3

    Damage Done: 20 + 6 (Water) + 10 (Inspiring Rage) = 36 AP
    Water casted on himself
  8. Light-Rune Maven Seer

    Jan 8, 2012
    The Aetherial Sea

    Seeing that her companions had put up their own defense, Chrys continued her assualt on the Demon Plague. She also found herself shaking her head at her friends' antics.

    "Oh come on Zeno, we can only do so much at once!" She fired the comment his way in a relatively good natured way as the battle continued.
    AP: 4/64

  9. Shiki my waifu is better than yours, thanks

    Jun 3, 2007
    The Future

    Qamar followed along and stopped when Thallasa spoke about the men below. She knelt down and sniffed the air, scrunching her face at the strong scent of alcohol. "Disgusting...they don't even have anything good..." she muttered, scanning the room and noticing very few paths along the wall. There was one that looked to lead across the entire room, but it was rather rundown looking. Placing a hand to her chin, Qamar spoke. "We could try to cross, but uh...." she noticed the dragons across the room. "Maybe we ought to wait here and see what happens? Maybe they'll bring Hen Wen out for all we know."
  10. Maka Albarn It's called love

    May 7, 2008
    Fairy Tail
    "And then what?" Aria whispered to Qamar as she kept her voice low. "I mean that group of heartless earlier nearly wiped us all out. And I don't know about you guys, but I don't feel up to my full strength. There's more enemies here than back there..." She then made a face at herself. "Yeesh, now I'm sounding like a pessimistic..." Shaking her head slightly, she snapped out of it. "We wait, but what do we do after we wait? Hope they bring out Hen Wen? And then try to take them on if something happens...?" She didn't like their prospects, but if they had to fight, Aria was willing to put her all into it.
  11. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007

    Thallasa scratched her chin thoughtfully. "Even if they did bring Hen Wen out, we shouldn't engage. There's too many of them."

    "But what if they hurt her? We can't leave her!" Taran looked back down at the hall and his eyes widened when a dark smoke began to materialize at the front of the hall. A cold wind blew through the room and immediately the room went silent. A loud crack of thunder echoed within the hall and a heavy air of darkness filled the room. When the smoke disappeared the a tall horned figure in a dark red robe remained. The figure said nothing and went to sit at the throne at the front end of the hall, its glowing red eyes fixed in a permanent glare.

    A small green goblin wearing a purple hood ran up to the figure that could only be the Horned King and spoke in a trembling submissive voice. "It is so good to see you again master! We were just celebrating and..." The Horned King began tapping his long pointed nails against the armrest of the throne appearing to be uninterested. "O-of course! Right away, master! BRING IN THE PIG!" At the goblin's command a bandit appeared from at the other end of the hall dragging a squealing Hen Wen by a leash.

    "No! Hen Wen!" Taran leaned a little too far forward and slipped, falling down onto the hallway below before scrambling over towards Hen Wen. The bandits rose and many of them drew weapons. Thallasa cursed under her breath.

    "Taran you fool!" She spoke in an angered whispered. "Change of plans. Get the boy and his pig out of there!" Thallasa summoned her keyblade and then jumped down into the crowd, landing on top of a table.

    "Intruders!" The Horned King hissed and at his words the bandits began to close in on Taran and Thallasa, ready to kill.


    "Of course! I know that!" Zeno called out in response as he leapt and cleaved at the Demon Plague. He assumed he made a dent in the swarm since his blade destroyed several Neoshadows but there were so many that it appeared to hardly make a difference. He cast another Blizzaga just as two more large ice crystals from Pagos were fired off and the resulting explosion of ice caused tiny particles of ice to rain down, glinting in the faint light they found themselves in. "Utter beauty." Zeno commented. "A shame we cannot sit back and appreciate it."

    HP: 72/110
    AP: 4/54
    MP: 30/40

    HP: 110/135
    AP: 0/44
    MP: 27/40

    HP: 73/110
    AP: 4/54
    MP: 5/40

    HP: 115/115
    AP: 10/60
    MP: 8/40

    A column of Heartless sprung upwards into the sky, breaking away from the main body of the Demon Plague and came crashing down on the group, knocking them over.

    • Demon Plague
      HP: 772 / 2,000
      Attack Power: 22
      Break Gauge: 30 / 130%

      Chrysanthemum was hit for 38 Damage! (52/120HP)
      Koa was hit for 37 Damage! (35/110HP)
      Avra was hit for 40 Damage! (70/135HP)
      Pagos was hit for 37 Damage! (36/110HP)
      Pagos's MP Rage activated!
      Zeno was hit for 37 Damage! (78/115HP)
      Zeno's MP Rage activated!
      Avra, Pagos, and Zeno were Poisoned! They took 15 damage!

  12. Shiki my waifu is better than yours, thanks

    Jun 3, 2007
    The Future

    Just as Qamar thought, they brought the pig out. But not before they were treated to the sight of the Horned King. At least, that's who Qamar thought it was, all things considered. She watched the King walk forward and sit on his throne as some creature came and summoned forward the pig. Taran then got upset and ruined their chance at silently watching. The King yelled out and the bandits sprang into action, grabbing their weapons and lurching towards Thallasa and Taran.

    "Action!" Qamar yelled, jumping down. "Weeeeeeeee~" she went, stepping on three bandits' head and causing them to stagger. She ended up squishing one down to the ground and smiled. She moved back to stand beside the pig and Taran, keyblade at her side. "So how do you wanna do this, Master?" she asked Thallasa. "You grab the boy and I grab the pig?"
  13. Vladek515 Hollow Bastion Committee

    Mar 12, 2015

    Torrin said nothing and mercifully Boreas himself escaped the vengeance of the great machine, Take however didn't seem to fare so well, the kid was hit hard, but he was tough as nails as even after being beaten down that hard, the kid got back up. Tinarah was already on the job of making sure Take didn't go down. As Torrin cast his eyes his way, Boreas looked back, smiled a little and nodded. Just like old times... the words played through his mind, the two of them had backed each other up time and again, lending a hand in a fight. "
    Just a little more! One final push! Give it your all!" Boreas shouted as he drew on Torrin's power, shifting his keyblade once more into the crossbow and fired a frozen bolt at the great machine, the bolt itself seemed to glow more intensely strengthen by Torrin's magical power, before changing it back once more to the glaive-guisarme and hacking away at the weakened frozen components of the big mechanical hat. This machine wasn't looking in too good a shape.

    HP: 67/100
    AP: 0/48(+10)
    MP: 19/30
    DP: 3/3

    Boreas used a D-link with Torrin
    Damage done: 58(AP) + 15(Finisher plus) + 55(Blizzara + D-link) = 128
    Last edited: Jun 14, 2018
  14. Maka Albarn It's called love

    May 7, 2008
    Fairy Tail
    Aria dropped down by Qamar with a super hero landing, summoning her keyblade to her hand. “Just pick one!” Aria exclaimed as she stood back up and knocked back some bandits heading her way. The andrenalin was pumping through her heart right about now, and she knew Master Choma would be having a panic attack right about now seeing her put herself in harm’s way like this.

    She then spied Hen Wen freaking out from all the chaos and trying to get away from the bandit.
    “Okay, I’ll pick first. I’m getting Hen Wen!” With that, Aria dodgerolled on the floor to avoid more baddies heading her way, going straight toward the one holding the pig hostage. Before he could raise a weapon, Aria yelled furiously and bombarded herself against the man with the keyblade in her hand to throw him off balance.

    She then picked up Hen Wen in her arm, realizing that this wasn’t a light kitty she could easily carry.
    “Oof, don’t worry, I got ya,” she assured the poor creature as she adjusted her in one arm and kept the keyblade in the other. She then wrapped the leash around her hand, keeping it in mind to get it off Hen Wen later. Hearing their enemies cry out in frustration and become incredibly louder, Aria cringed and held the pig close as she looked around for a way out. Seeing an opening, she gripped Hen Wen tightly under one arm. “And cue my exit....” With that, she bolted, swinging her keyblade at anyone who got too close and ran out of the throne room as fast as she could.
  15. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007

    Torrin watched as Darkwing Duck struck at the giant robot with all he had, even firing off more grenades in the machine's glowing red eye and as dents began to show in Mega Doris's armor and the damage built up faster than it could repair itself Torrin saw his opening to bring the machine down permanently. He loosed off another Blizzard spell which cut straight through its metallic shell then gripped his keyblade with both hands. The blade extended and transformed into a greatsword. "Good night, Hat." Torrin's blade glowed with dark energy and in an instant he vanished and reappeared on the opposite side of the robot having delivered a devastating cut from his ultimate technique. He called off his keyblade and turned around just at the same moment the giant hat's body began to crash down to the ground after having just had two of its legs severed from Torrin's attack.

    "D-Doris no! Get up! You can't be defeated! You're supposed to be invincible! Get up!" Bowler Hat Guy shouted desperately as he fell to his knees atop Mega Doris. The red light at its center began to glow brighter and its two remaining limbs began to force to robot back up. "Yes! That's it! Rise and fix yourself Doris! So long as your core is intact you can never be destroyed!"

    "Oh come on I gave it all I had!" Torrin growled but before he could summon his keyblade freezing cold rays of ice rained down and crystallized around Doris's metal legs, pinning the robot down. Frozone skated overhead and gave the keybladers a thumbs up as he skated by.

    Machina and Mr. Incredible charged ahead from behind Tinarah and Chrono and leapt into the air. Machina stabbed his blades into one leg and Mr. Incredible smashed his fists into the other shattering the frozen legs. "Now Elastigirl!" Just as he spoke a manhole cover shot past him and pierced through the center of the hat's eye after having been slingshotted by Elastigirl. The sound of gears whirring and coming to a stop cold be heard from within Doris and the light in its eye was extinguished leaving a useless pile of junk underneath the lanky man.

    "No! Doris!" Bowler Hat Guy, realizing he had been bested turned to run but the villain barely managed to took two steps when his legs were frozen in place as Frozone made another pass before the hero came down to come to a skidding stop beside Mr. Incredible and Elastigirl.

    "Hmph. Show offs." Darkwing complained, folding his arms.

    "Sorry for the wait, kids. We needed to catch our breath and you guys held your own. For being homeless upstarts you kids put up one heck of a fight!"

    Chrono, Tinarah, and Takehiko gained 4 Levels! They each gained an Ability!
    Boreas gained 3 Levels! Boreas gained an Ability!
    Torrin gained 1 Level!
    Post in the OOC Thread to collect your rewards!
  16. Aelin Best Waifu

    Jun 30, 2011
    British Columbia, Canada
    Tinarah watched as Torrin helped finish off the hat, thinking about how her own style echoed his in some ways, even with younger Torrin. That didn't even bother her this time, not as the creature that they were fighting was finally down, the heroes stepping in to help. Tinarah turned and walked over to Take and Chrono, looking towards them. "Here. Feel better." Tinarah said as she used a little more of her magic to heal them both before finally just relaxing and breathing slowly, trying to catch her breath. She put away her keyblade and looked over to Torrin. Did he notice her fighting as she did his? That being said she knew what she was looking for, he probably didn't even want to look in her direction, not that it was a bad thing. It was a lot easier to not deal with him than to actually deal him.

    Mr. Incredible walked up to compliment them but Tinarah just looked at him for a long moment.
    "We do what we have to in order to help people." She stated again, backing off examining her outfit that was more torn again, then looking around for Nini, to make sure that she was okay. "Is that everyone? Is the town safe or is there more of them?" Tinarah asked, too tired to look for herself. She was feeling the fight now, she had forgotten how out of shape she was. The adrenaline was wearing off so she was feeling a bit tired, but she would keep going if need be.
  17. cstar stay away from my waifu

    Dec 19, 2008

    As the fight seemed to round out and end, Take felt his shield shaking as if it was ready to burst, instead of taking the chance of having it blow up in his face the boy dropped the aura and the light around him stopped it's glow and the shield disappeared. He took a few breaths in to calm himself down from being in his provoking state and felt a haling aura wash over him as Tinarah healed him. He looked towards her and simply gave her a thumbs up in thanks for that moment as he listened to the other heroes speak. Take massaged his shoulder a bit and said, "We're getting used to it at least..." he looked his way over towards the villains to make sure they were still in check before looking back at the other three, "What happened to you guys anyway? Would have thought you'd be able to take on a couple of small floating hats. At least you could yesterday."
  18. Light-Rune Maven Seer

    Jan 8, 2012
    The Aetherial Sea

    Chrys found herself briefly enjoying the same sight as Zeno before she charged back into the fray. She dashed past the Demon Plague with a single, slightly weaker blow before casting yet another spell.


    Crystals of light materialized around her, doing little damage to the heartless overall, but healing her slightly in the process. It was a very useful spell for her type of combat. She landed on the other side of the arena and quickly did a 180, facing the monstrosity that was their opponent once more.

    "Next!" She shouted with an oddly enthusiastic sort of vibe. Perhaps she just wanted to keep up the nice chain of banter they all had managed to get going.

    AP: 14/64
    Cast Sparkra
    Last edited: Jun 21, 2018
  19. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007

    "You'd think that wouldn't you? But ever since those freaky monsters showed up we've been having a hard time dealing with them!" Frozen answered Take.

    "I wanted to help them so I tagged along. I hoped I could make up for what I did under that clown's control but..." Machina looked down sullenly.

    "Hey it's not your fault, kid." Mr. Incredible placed his large hand on Machina's shoulder. "Last night the four of us were fighting the remnants of those monsters that showed up yesterday. We thought we had a handle of the situation but more just kept coming."

    "I think...I think they're coming from within the world. Something feels wrong about it."

    "Either way none of our powers were doing much good against them. But those weird weapons of yours seem to deal with them just fine." Frozone added in.

    "I managed to finish apprehending the bad guys and you guys are just talking? How very heroic of you leaving me to clean up your mess again." Elastigirl's legs stretched downward into view first as she teased the other heroes and the rest of her soon followed as she snapped back to her normal proportions.

    "Busted." Frozone snicked but when Elastigirl turned to give him a glare he looked away and whistled nervously.

    Mr. Incredible faked a laugh and scratched the back of his head, taking on a softer tone when speaking to Elastigirl. "Yeah uh...sorry. We were just telling the kids here about how we ended up in this mess."


    Torrin folded his arms and glanced over at the remains of the giant hat robot. "Looks like we're not done yet but from the sounds of it, going in to solve this problem won't be easy. We'll need to be at full strength."


    As Thallasa knocked out a bandit that leapt at her the woman turned over towards Qamar and Illiana. "Get Taran out of here! I'll try to hold them off for you!" She shouted at the girls. As she spoke, she could hear her communicator go off and Glyde's frantic voice come from the other side. "Master Thallasa come quick! I need–" His voice was cut off and followed by static. A sense of desperation filled the master as she called upon her magic, raining thunder down through the ceiling to slow down the approaching bandits.

    Meanwhile, as Aria ran she found herself being chased out through a door that led out to a balcony overlooking a moat and, beyond, a dead forest. Maces, axes, and swords were now aimed as the Horned King's men began to approach her. Hen Wen squealed in fear and backed up behind the girl, tugging at the leash still attached to her neck.


    Koa, Avra, and Pagos healed themselves. Zeno, noticing that Pagos had been struck hard and was falling behind gave the boy an extra dose of Curing to keep the youngest Chaser standing. "Keep going! We're making it angry so we must be making progress!"

    "Now you're talking!" Avra called out in agreement.

    HP: 60/110
    AP: 14/54
    MP: 20/40

    HP: 80/135
    AP: 4/44
    MP: 17/40

    HP: 71/110
    AP: 14/54
    MP: 0/40

    HP: 63/115
    AP: 20/60
    MP: 3/40

    Rays of light began to filter through holes in the Heartless swarm. It had begun to thin yet the Demon Plague grew more desperate as the fight dragged on, continuing to shoot streams of Neoshadows at the group. Chrysanthemum was flung backwards at least thirty feet after having received the worst of it.

    • Demon Plague
      HP: 552 / 2,000
      Attack Power: 22
      Break Gauge: 35 / 130%

      Chrysanthemum was critically hit for 51 Damage! (6/120HP)
      Koa took 41 Damage! (19/110HP)
      Avra took 37 Damage! (43/135HP)
      Pagos took 30 Damage! (41/110HP)
      Pagos's MP Rage activated!
      Zeno was hit for 27 Damage! (36/115HP)
      Zeno's MP Rage activated!
      Koa was Poisoned! Koa, Avra, Pagos, and Zeno took 15 damage!

  20. cstar stay away from my waifu

    Dec 19, 2008

    Takehiko listened to the conversation intently, he was pretty sure he finally understood what was going on, but did that mean the hats were a type of heartless or something. When Torrin mentioned them needing to be at full strength, Take shook his head and said,"I can't imagine rest would give us much of an advantage, I think it'd just give them a chance to make more of these things. I think we should go now and risk it just a bit. We're no where near how tired and out of resources we were yesterday and the day before. We could do it." He tried to show how confident he was by doing a thumbs up but he started thinking he looked lame so he stopped and looked away and dropped his hand, "As long as I don't play as risky as I did back there, I should be fine. I was worried that shield would explode for a minute."