Kingdom Hearts: Kingdom Hearts: Light Chaser

Discussion in 'Role-Playing Arena' started by Arch, Mar 25, 2017.

  1. Vladek515 Hollow Bastion Committee

    Mar 12, 2015

    Boreas' accurate fire kept the heroes grouped up enough and his silver bolts coupled with her form and Darkwings smoke bought Tinarah enough time to dispatch the hats that controlled them, that left just Frozone that was coming for both him and Darkwing duck. He was getting near the top. Boreas took aim and fired a quick volley straight for the bowler hat that was controlling the hero, he might hurt him, but to Boreas this was kill or be killed, if he could save Frozone then fine but if not he would put him down. As Frozone got closer Boreas shifted his keyblade into it's Glaive-Guisarme form as Frozone came up he used the back end of the haft swinging at the knee, then swinging back around to cleave down with the blade towards the hat. Just for good measure Boreas charged his foe and went for an elbow to the bowler hat.
  2. CrownMoksha Decimo

    Jan 11, 2011
    On board the DenLiner
    There were others inside of the warehouse, but none of them looked like they had any intent to fight. Chrono flew down towards the entrance to cut off any escape they might try to take. A part of him wanted to laugh at Take 'embracing' the whole hero thin, evident by the chuckle that found its way out, but he also held back groaning. The downside of seeing all this after growing out of the phase in which he would take part in this. He only saw two of them and their shouts form earlier had mentioned a third. "Where's this Bowler Hat Guy you were talking about earlier?" Chrono had gotten off his glider by this point and reverted it to its usual keyblade shape and held it outstretched towards Xerek and Kronk by extension.
  3. LadyAzura Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 21, 2012
    Garreg Mach Monastery
    Illiana looked over to Thallasa as she had started going over the plan ahead. "Once we're at the castle we sit back and observe. We will look for any entrances we could sneak in through and where the guards are stationed. Naturally we will need at least one person to stay by our entry point to keep watch for anything that might come after those who go inside. Ideally we should avoid combat. We don't know the layout of the castle and getting outnumbered indoors would be terrible to say the least." She nodded her head in agreement. Before she could put her input on it. Taran had spoke up with concern filling his tone. "But we can't sit back for too long! Who knows what the Horned King could be doing to Hen Wen while we're just watching the castle!" Thallasa had immediately responded with a valid point to Taran. Illiana nodded before looking at the boy as he lowered his head and frowned. She then spoke up. "Don't start frowning. Remember what I said earlier. If you storm in, who knows what will happen to Miss Piggy? You need to calm down and think things through. Rome wasn't built in a day y'know." Illiana lifted her umbrella for a moment before setting it back down on her shoulder.
  4. Shiki my waifu is better than yours, thanks

    Jun 3, 2007
    The Future

    "But that begs the question..." Qamar said, holding onto the rocks. "Who will stay behind and keep watch? I can't imagine I would...I'd get antsy and honestly, I'm more fit for my brute strength." She pointed this out and looked at the rest of her group. "Illiana is a hybrid, Aria is good at healing. So that leaves...." she turned her gaze towards Glyde. "You." Her hand pointed at Glyde. "But, I suppose it's really up to Master Thallasa after all. I do want to hurry up before they do anything to Hen Wen."
  5. LadyAzura Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 21, 2012
    Garreg Mach Monastery
    Illiana looked over at Qamar as she asked who would be the one to stay behind. She had went over each person's strength. Illiana had tried to keep calm as Qamar spoke. After she listed off each person, she pointed to Glyde. After she gave her opinion on the whole thing, Illiana had decided to speak up immediately. "No. I'll stay behind. The way you said that just left a bitter taste in mouth but I'm not gonna start." Illiana closed her umbrella before placing the point of it on the ground. She looked over at Thallasa before speaking up again. "If it's alright with you, I would like to stay behind. I'll make sure to keep an eye for any sign of danger." Illiana put a hand on her hip as she brought up her idea. "Glyde has some offensive and defensive spells so that should be vital for you guys. I'm more of a 'make em disappear' kind of girl. If you do end up facing the Horned King, you'll need some of it. I can't do much in terms of defense." Illiana shrugged her shoulders before looking at Thallasa once more as she stated her argument.
  6. Shiki my waifu is better than yours, thanks

    Jun 3, 2007
    The Future

    "I...I'm sorry." Qamar sputtered out, not even sure what she said wrong this time. She slinked back and hung her head low, knowing she once again messed up. Not sure what to do this time, she looked onward at the castle, hoping things would go better from here. She certainly wasn't happy with herself as it was. Qamar turned to look at Illiana, hearing her explain Glyde's fighting style. Qamar got even more upset at herself because now, she almost gave the impression that Glyde was the least important. They were all important, so why wouldn't Illiana understand that? Qamar wasn't trying to say Illiana wasn't a good fighter, she was trying to say she was the best of all of them.

    So why couldn't Illiana just see that Qamar was trying to make amends?
  7. Light-Rune Maven Seer

    Jan 8, 2012
    The Aetherial Sea

    Chrys steeled her resolve as she stared up at the monstrous wave of heartless that confronted the group. It probably wasn't good that the master had to heal them already, but she in particular had been unlucky enough to take a nasty beating. It was needed, and this was still only training after all, though she had momentarily forgotten. The entire point was to improve, and there was nothing wrong with a quick pick me up before such a powerful group of opponents.

    Attempting to start off more defensively than before, Chrys took the opportunity to cast a stone spell, and being mildly surprised when it came out more powerful than before. Now imbued with Stonega, Chrys rushed in to begin the fight with a few basic attacks.
    HP: 120/120

    AP: 4/64
    MP: 27/40
    DP: 3/3

    Stonega - 5 turns
  8. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007

    Xerek froze in place and held is hands up after Chrono placed himself in Xerek's path. The man held his hands up and looked around at the others and smirked. "You fools. You think I'd have been able lead the most powerful organization of supervillains if I did not have a back up plan? Pull the lever Kronk!"

    "You got it boss man." Reaching for a large lever affixed to the wall, the muscular man gave it a sharp pull and...instantly broke the lever off of the wall. Kronk placed a finger to his chin and raised an eyebrow. "Huh. I thought that would go a lot worse. Sorry. I've uh. Been hitting the gym lately. Got a great deal on a monthly membership. You should go there. You're looking a little on the scrawny side."

    Smacking his palm to his face in frustration Xerek sighed. "No matter. I knew I couldn't trust you with a lever. That's why I only had one installed. But I have a backup to the backup! PUSH THE BUTTON, KRONK."

    "Sure thing. Let me just unlock that crazy thing you gave me and..." Kronk held up what Torrin recognized to be a phone and began pressing his thumb to the screen. "Nope. Didn't work. Give me a sec." He did it once more but nothing happened. "Wait. Lemme try again. Nope. Again. No. How about now? No? Oh darn it locked me out."

    "Try the pin number you imbecile."

    "Sheesh. No need to be rude. Okay. One...two...three...four! I'm in! Aw! It's so cute. Do you kids want to see my background? There's a picture here of Bucky the Squirrel and I–"

    "The button you fool! The button!"

    "Oh! Right! And here it is. Prepare to be amazed." There was a beep as Kronk pressed a big red button on the center of his screen. The sounds of chains swinging overhead could be heard followed by a rush of wind. A heavy cage crashed into the ground trapping Kronk where he stood.

    "How did you push the wrong button!? There was only ONE!"

    "Uh...wait. I think I've got it now. I'll just push it again and–" The second the phone beeped the cage, and Kronk in it, was flung straight into the ceiling by a large spring hidden underneath the floor. Kronk's phone was flung out of his hand and shattered when it hit the floor. As the man was flung off into the distance they could barely hear his voice scream in the sky, "BUCKY NOOOO!!!"

    Torrin raised an eyebrow, having been too intent on watching what was going on than acting, and looked at the others once the scene was over. "I wasn't expecting that. Alright so that just leaves Bowler Hat Guy, right?"

    Meanwhile, with Boreas and TInarah...

    Boreas had brought Frozone to the ground and destroyed the Helping Hat attached to this head before the Super could even attack him. Darkwing Duck moved in to stand over Frozone and looked back over at Boreas. "Good work Green Wonder!"

    "Ow my head...It feels like I got hit by the Megafist. And he hits harder than a train!" Mr. Incredible finally spoke. "What happened?" He asked Tinarah.

    "Last thing I remember is following after Mr. Incredible. He said he had a lead on some guys called the Unforgivables?" Machina added in.

    "MUST I DO EVERYTHING MYSELF?" A man's voice echoed overhead. The ground shook as a shadow crept over the landscape as a giant bowler hat at least twice the size of the warehouse stomped in on its massive mechanical legs. Atop the hat was a ghostly-looking slender man dressed in black.

    "Oh boy..." Mr. Incredible looked at Tinarah. "I don't think we're in any shape to fight that thing, kid. But I saw how you kids handled that last disaster. Think you're up to be the hero one more time?"

    Darkwing Duck, who was staring up at the giant hat while standing beside Boreas began to quiver and made a loud gulp. "I don't suppose you have uh...anything bigger than that there crossbow, do ya?"

    One more, with Torrin, Takehiko, and Chrono...

    Chrono had just finished tying up Xerek to prevent the man from making another escape when the group heard the commotion outside. When they stepped out Torrin wasn't even sure what to make of what he was seeing. "Why...why is it a giant hat? Who'd wear that? Ugh. Never mind. Let's take it down before it crushes the city!"


    • Mega Doris
      HP: 1,400 / 1,400
      Attack Power: 18
      Break Gauge: 0 / 100%

  9. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007

    An hour passed and the group arrived atop a rocky hill overlooking the main path into the castle. "This is it." Thunder echoed overhead. During their journey their eyes had adjusted to the darkening of their surroundings since even though it was still day the thick reddish clouds overhead obscured the sun and bathed the barren landscape in a dreary atmosphere. Thallasa could sense great darkness from within the castle but as she examined it she could not see any guards patrolling the area. No soldiers standing by. Not even a monster or dragon patrolling the skies. The lack of defenses made her wary. "Hm..."

    "Taran? Taran! Over here!" A man's voice could be heard down the side of the hill. A wrinkled hand stuck itself out from the shadows cast by an large rocky cliff nearby. The voice sounded familiar but she could not place to whom it belonged. Taran on the other hand seemed to recognize the voice and went running down the hill to go to the mysterious voice before Thallasa could warn him against it.

    She gave chase and when the others caught up with Taran the boy looked shocked. "Dallben! How are you here!?" Thallasa looked at the elder pig-keeper in confusion.

    "The Horned King came for me, boy. He knew I had been hiding Hen Wen and captured me! I only just managed to escape with my life but alas...poor Hen Wen is still inside."

    "Wasn't your leg injured? You were wearing a splint."

    "Indeed I was. The Horned King thought he could soften me up by healing my leg and threatened to break it once more if I refused to help him." Taran hugged Dallben in response and the man chuckled. "There there. It's alright lad."

    "Dallben I'm sorry. I tried! I really tried to keep her safe and I failed you." The boy looked down in shame.

    "Nonsense. The Horned King has yet to use her powers. I can show you the way I entered so you can rescue her." Dallben looked at the others. "Are you all sure you're up for this?"


    Pagos immediately activated his Snowstorm ability, causing the air around him to grow cold and as he stepped forward, ice crystals forming under his shoes, he held up his keyblade and cast a suped up Blizzaga spell that exploded deep within the Demon Plague. A hole was created momentarily in the Heartless swarm before it closed up. Realizing that was not enough he raised his keyblade and cast Stopga as well which, unfortunately, did nothing but cause the Plague's movement to slow for a short instant. "Hm. Not good. Koa can you cast some support magic? I believe we are in this for the long haul."

    Complying with the boy's words, Koa nodded and cast a Vielga spell over the majority of the party. Zeno frowned upon noticing he hadn't been skipped. "Oh I see how it is." Zeno placed a hand on his hip and shook his head disapprovingly at Koa before casting Aeroga on himself and Pagos just as Avra cast Stonega on herself.

    "Uh...s-sorry! I'll get you next time!"

    HP: 110/110
    AP: 4/54
    MP: 30/40

    HP: 135/135
    AP: 0/44
    MP: 27/40

    HP: 110/110
    AP: 4/54
    MP: 25/40

    HP: 115/115
    AP: 10/60
    MP: 18/40

    The Demon Plague circled around the keybladers and groups Neoshadows were shot out at them, being launched from one end of the Heartless storm before disappearing back into the other.

    • Demon Plague
      HP: 1,586 / 2,000
      Attack Power: 22
      Break Gauge: 30 / 130%

      Chrysanthemum was hit for 30 Damage! (90/120HP)
      Koa was hit for 38 Damage! (72/110HP)
      Avra was hit for 25 Damage! (110/135HP)
      Pagos was hit for 37 Damage! (73/110HP)
      Pagos's MP Rage activated!
      Zeno dodged the attack!

  10. cstar stay away from my waifu

    Dec 19, 2008

    Take was a little more amused than he probably should have been how this Kronk guy seemed to just do all of the work for them. A shame, he didn't seem like all that bad a guy. He kind of wanted to learn a little more about Bucky the Squirrel. But then as they seemed to wrap stuff up, there was a giant hat. When Torrin asked who would even wear a giant hat, he thought a little about it and snapped his fingers and said, "That giant heartless with the red eyes could. Anyway yeah, let's do this." The boy ran forward and quickly decided to go and use some magic this time. He cast one of the more recent spells he learned, Fatal, and let out a bit of a gasp as he felt himself be drained before he charged on in with a couple of broad slashing attacks.

    HP: 80/110
    AP: 16/56
    MP: 30/30

  11. CrownMoksha Decimo

    Jan 11, 2011
    On board the DenLiner
    One villain had been successfully detained and the other had removed himself from the equation in quite the amusing fashion to be honest. Moments like that were when he doubted one capabilities as a villain. The commotion outside had caught his attention as well as distracted his thoughts as he ran outside himself. His brain processed the sight of the it and more importantly, what was this guys obsession with bowler hats to begin with? One of the legs came crushing down and Chrono used that as his chance to attack with Vicinity Break as well as deal in a few extra hits of his own.

    HP: 85/85
    AP: 26/46
    MP: 30/30
  12. Aelin Best Waifu

    Jun 30, 2011
    British Columbia, Canada
    They didn't remember much but at least they seemed to be back to normal. That was a start she supposed. It was better than it not having worked at all. Tinarah opened her mouth to explain what she knew when a voice started yelling rather angrily before a shadow started to cover their area and Tinarah looked around to spot a giant one of those hats. It was at this point the hero's fled, claiming they didn't have enough energy to deal with it right now. Rolling her eyes, Tinarah summoned her keyblade to her. Some hero's they were, this was almost sad. Either way she wouldn't argue, she did want to prove that what she was taught didn't go to waste, now was as good a time as any.

    Spotting the others coming outside, Tinarah gave them a bit of a nod before running into the battle. She would give this everything she had, sliding into the area taking a series of hits to the hat, making a blitz of attacks before Turning and casting a blizzard spell on the hat to freeze it in place, finishing with another torrent of attacks. Once she finished she stepped back and tried to lay low for a moment before getting ready to attack again, or defend her allies if need be.

    Tinarah used Blizzard: 20AP + 5 from Black Mage + 15 from Magic Dance = 40 AP damage
    Tinarah used Blitz: 10 AP
    Tinarah Attacked: 52AP
    Total: 102 Damage

    HP: 75/75
    AP: 0/52
    MP: 20/30
    DP: 0/3
  13. Maka Albarn It's called love

    May 7, 2008
    Fairy Tail
    This was starting to remind Aria of when Quietus was around... There was a lack of two blood red moons in the sky though, and only an ominous feeling was in the air. She couldn't be afraid now. She already faced deadly things before, and this was going to be an occupational hazard from here on out. There was no cushy, somewhat quiet life on the farm anymore. She would constantly have to be on the go until all of the worlds and realms were peaceful and sound.

    She was just as weary as Master Thallasa. After meeting the Light Chaser, she knew that nothing was as it seems. So after seeing Dallben suddenly there, she was flabbergasted. And on high alert. How did he get there before them? Why was their no one jumping at them right now? Wouldn't this place be crawling with heartless or baddies?

    She glanced cautiously at Master Thallasa and then to... Hopefully it was real Dallben.
    "We're ready," she said with acting confidence. Still, this was really weird circumstances.
  14. Vladek515 Hollow Bastion Committee

    Mar 12, 2015

    Boreas made short work of the hero in front of him releasing him from the bowler hat's control. When Darkwing praised him for his work Boreas grinned. "
    Thanks, you're pretty great too." Boreas said they had liberated the heroes from the control of the hats. "Alright everyone, we get in there to support the others..." Then there was another voice from the sky, people around here really enjoyed litterally talking down to everyone here. Darkwing asked him whether he had anything bigger than the repeating crossbow. "I don't have a Ballista or Trebuchet if that's what you're asking, but this thing has some different more potent munitions." Boreas watched as the other came out of the warehouse to go on the attack. Take and Chrono lead the charge followed by Tinarah.

    Boreas shifted his attention, absent-mindedly shifting his blade into the crossbow again. "
    Alright everyone attack that thing. We need to bring it down right now before it lays waste to this city. Target the weakspots, joints in the legs, weaknesses in it's armour if it has any after all those tiny ones were flimsy perhaps this one is too. If we all focus on it we can break this thing! Show this pathetic villain our fury! Drag him out of that machine of his so we may end this!" Boreas shouted as he tried to inspire his fellows to spur them to greater feats of martial prowess. After that Boreas remaining standing on his rooftop took aim and fired a set of ice bolts that crashed into the mech as he channeled the Blizzara through his crossbow and then shifted the keyblade into his Glaive-Guisarme and followed Take and Chrono in the charge slashing and jabbing at exposed joints and parts of the legs.

    HP: 100
    AP: 0/48 + 10?
    MP: 23/30
    DP: 3

    Inspiring Presence
    Finisher Plus triggered
    Damage done: 58(AP) + 15(finisher plus) + 45(Blizzara) = 118
  15. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007

    Torrin felt a rush of additional power flow through him when he ran towards the others, feeling inspired to bring this machine down. "Let's break this bot." He aimed his keyblade and fired off a Blizzard spell before Warping in closer in the blink of an eye to stab his keyblade into the leg joint of the giant robot right beside Boreas. "Just like old times. Minus the giant hat robots and colorful villains." Torrin spoke as he leapt back then charged in with a powerful Blitz attack.

    "I am the terror that flaps in the night!" Torrin looked up to see Darkwing Duck firing off a smoke grenade into the robot's eye doing little more than annoy it.

    "Is he really doing this again?"

    "I am the ten gigabyte firmware update that hogs your bandwidth!" Darkwing shot a grappling hook at the giant hat and jumped at it. ""I am Darkwing Duck!" The hero shouted as he swung in to deliver a kick to the giant hat.

    HP: 160/160
    AP: 0/74 +10
    MP: 39/50
    DP: 5/5

    Darkwing Duck
    HP: 100/100
    AP: 10/40 +10
    MP: 20/30

    "You've made my Doris very angry! Get them!" The man atop the giant hat shouted as it dug one of its pointed metal legs into the ground and tore through the ground, sweeping up debris and striking almost everyone. "Witness Mega Doris's power! You cannot defeat the mighty hat!" As Bowler Hat Guy shouted the shattered pieces of robotic parts from the crates began to fly towards Mega Doris's body, fusing onto it and beginning to make repairs to its body.

    • Mega Doris
      HP: 921 / 1,400
      Attack Power: 18
      Break Gauge: 75 / 100%
      Regen: 4 Turns

      Torrin took 33 Damage! (127/160HP)
      Torrin's MP Rage activated!
      Chrono's Temporis Imitatio activated! Time Clone used Blitz!
      Tinarah took 45 Damage! Tinarah's Regen recovered 7 HP! (37/75HP)
      Takehiko was Critically Hit for 54 Damage! (26/110HP)
      Boreas took 33 Damage! (67/100HP)
      Darkwing Duck took 27 Damage! (73/100HP)
      Everyone recovered 5 MP from Invigorating Duet!

  16. cstar stay away from my waifu

    Dec 19, 2008

    "Doris? It's name is Doris? That's like... the least intimidating name I've ever heard. Oh no, watch out for Dor-"As soon as Take said that he was hit extremely hard and was winded. When he finally got himself up again he held up his keyblade and said, "Alright you oversized fancy piece of headware. You wanna fight? Come at me!" As he said he activated his paladin form and he began glowing and a shield appeared in one hand. He began banging it pretty hard to draw the attention yelling, "COME OOOOOOON."
  17. Aelin Best Waifu

    Jun 30, 2011
    British Columbia, Canada
    This was not going to go down easily and the creature was beating on Take quite badly. Tinarah held up her keyblade to defend an attack from herself but that didn't help much as she was macked backwards and fell on her back, knocking the wind out of her for a moment. Soon Tinarah managed to barely get up, taking a few deep breaths trying to get air back in her lunges before she stood tall again watching Take take a new form in order to deal with this thing. "I've got your back!" Tinarah called to him wanting to make sure that he was alright. No more death, that is what she promised herself. She had to hold herself to it, and that included with herself. Holding her keyblade out a green light shot into the sky then divided itself into two before falling on her, then on Take.

    Once they were both doing a little better health wise and Take started to pull attention to himself. While the creature was distracted she would need to make sure she dealt with the creature quickly. Take could only hold out for so long, and she didn't want to see him in too much danger. Tinarah ran in and began a full combo using all her strength into fighting as music swirled around her.
    "Look at me now Master Stamatis... Uncle Fost... What you did was not for nothing. And I will prove it to the yous in this realm too." She sent her thoughts out even though she knew that no one would be able to hear them. She still had to get it out there, for her own sake.
    Tinarah use Cure on herself and Take: +20 HP to self +35 to Take
    HP: 57/75
    AP: 0/52
    MP: 25/30
    DP: 0/3
  18. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007

    Thallasa nodded and scratched her chin, watching the old man curiously. "We're ready to move on."

    "Ah good. It's settled then." Dallben smiled and led the group towards the castle, bringing them down the rocky terrain and towards the side of the castle's shadow before they began making their ascent to reach a cracked stone wall. Dry thorny vines were broken off around what appeared to be a hole just large enough for them to slide in through. "Through here. I'm afraid I can't go any further. I'd only slow you down."

    "I was planning on leaving someone behind to keep an eye out but now Glyde here will have the additional task of looking after you. Don't worry. We'll get Hen Wen back safe." Thallas assured Dallben.

    "That's right! I promise I won't let you down again, Dallben." Taran added earnestly.

    "Of course. I know that, boy." The old man nodded at the boy who grinned childishly with renewed pride.

    "Alright. Everyone else, let's get moving." Thallasa spoke just before she turned to duck and slip her way through the hole in the castle wall and entered a dreary stone hallway. Torches lit the area leaving the air dry yet still cold. A foul stench of rot filled the air causing her nose to wrinkle and the woman to wave at the air in vain.

  19. Maka Albarn It's called love

    May 7, 2008
    Fairy Tail

    Aria gave Glyde a thumbs up before heading after Master Thallasa. She looked back to Illiana and Qamar, wondering how they were holding up. She knew they had it rough starting out, and she figured something happened while she was talking to Master Thallasa. Like a small disagreement or misunderstanding. She didn’t feel like bringing it up then unless they did.

    It was then she was met with the awful smell and covered her mouth with the collar of her shirt.
    “Ewww! It smells super grooooss... Uck, what is that?” She then looked around the place and cringed. “N-never mind, I probably don’t want to know.” The place was giving her the creeps, and she felt highly on guard. Speaking of which, she looked to Master Thallasa and dropped her voice so Taran didn’t hear but the Master could. “Something’s bothering me... how did Dallben get here before us? I didn’t see any other dragons fly ahead or any groups of monsters or whatever heading to the castle... unless we missed them somehow while we were fighting the heartless in the woods...”
  20. Shiki my waifu is better than yours, thanks

    Jun 3, 2007
    The Future

    Through all of this darkness, Qamar's eyes were more yellow than before. A lighter yellow and a small tinge of light came off of them that was only noticeable if one looked close enough. She knew of this affliction, but never really bothered to point it out to others since it almost never cropped up except when things got dark. She followed along silently before she saw Dallben again. It was rather odd to see him, but Qamar didn't quite question it yet. Though now that he lead them to the castle, she was wary.

    Qamar slipped through the crack, after sucking in a bit, she looked at Thallasa. "Master...I don't trust Dallben...that...that man...he seemed odd..." she commented quietly. Not to mention the fact that this place stank to the high heavens, but Qamar smelled worse. At least it wasn't a smell of....well...other things.