Kingdom Hearts: Kingdom Hearts: Light Chaser

Discussion in 'Role-Playing Arena' started by Arch, Mar 25, 2017.

  1. Maka Albarn It's called love

    May 7, 2008
    Fairy Tail
    Aria looked at Master Thallasa with wide eyes and then held up her own arm with the bracelet on the wrist. She dropped her voice lowly too so she wouldn't interrupt the conversation ahead of them. "Y-yeah... I actually feel really out of it and I felt most of the hits. I mean, I felt hits before, but this time I could really feel it. It still won't come off though." She tugged at it to try to pull it off and then it tightened, refusing to budge from her wrist. "I think... It was because Torrin and I were hit with that blast from Quietus. Maybe the protective magic burned out..." She knew it was working before that blast. This was the first time it seemed to have lost its protective touch and now she was just as vulnerable as everyone else.
  2. Light-Rune Maven Seer

    Jan 8, 2012
    The Aetherial Sea

    "Thanks!" Chrys called to Avra as the soothing wave of a Cura washed over her. With the wave just about over, it made sense to try and wipe out the rest of the heartless in one fell swoop. Charging forwards, she bashed a Search Ghosts rather hard. It made quite a loud thud noise as its head became the target of quite a bit of force, and it drifted slowly to the ground rather dazed. She crushed it with an overhead swing before moving on to another target.

    She took out another five opponents in relatively short order, crushing them decisively. With that, only two Search Ghosts remained.
    Enemies Defeated:
    6 Search Ghosts

    MP Haste
    Water has ended

    HP: 31/ 115
    MP 4/40
    AP: 0/62+10
    DP: 3/3

    Enemies Remaining:
    2 Search Ghosts
  3. LadyAzura Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 21, 2012
    Garreg Mach Monastery
    Illiana listened as Taran had answered her question. "I've known Dallben ever since I was a child. He found me abandoned as a baby." She nodded her head before speaking a bit. "Interesting. And what about your parents?" Taran's face grew somber before his next sentence left his mouth. "I never knew my real parents." Illiana was a little surprised but spoke up. "Sorry to hear that." Taran, by the tone of his voice, had cheered up a little over Qamar's words. He had then asked about the heartless that had attacked the group earlier. "There were strange monsters back there. How did you all manage to get rid of them? I-I'm sorry I wasn't more help. I would have helped you fight if I could!" Illiana looked over at Taran before placing a hand on her chin to ponder how to word her next sentence. She then crossed her arms and spoke. "You don't need to worry about that. Whenever you see them, just run and hide. Let us take care of them. Just focus on getting back Miss Piggy." Illiana opened up her umbrella again as she rested it on her shoulder. After walking for a little bit, a question had popped into her head. She looked over at Taran once again. "Alright so humor me for a few seconds here but....Just who exactly is the Horned King?" She was a little curious. Obviously, the minute she heard the Horned part, she could piece together just what kind of king they exactly were. Though she thought it wouldn't hurt to get some more information about the king.
  4. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007

    Zeno brought down his keyblade to strike down one of the Search Ghosts while Koa leapt in to strike the final Heartless, destroying it in a single blow. "Excellent work! I say we've handled this battle quite easily!"

    "We are not the ones who nearly hit Avra with friendly fire." Pagos stated simply.

    "She's gotten over it. Right Avra?"

    "Mmngr..." Avra grumbled as she focused up at the contained darkness in the sky.

    "...Right." Zeno stepped away from Avra and towards Chrys.

    In the distance they could hear their master snap his fingers. A brilliant golden light enveloped the group healing their wounds and recharging their magical reserves. Overhead the barrier holding the darkness at bay began to weaken and fade.

    HP and MP have been fully restored!

    Koa gained 5 Levels!
    Pagos gained 4 Levels!
    Avra gained 4 Levels!
    Zeno gained 3 Levels!
    Chrysanthemum gained 2 Levels!
    Chrysanthemum gained a new Spell and 4 Spell Upgrades(up to 3rd Tier).

    Claim your rewards in the OOC Thread.
  5. Vladek515 Hollow Bastion Committee

    Mar 12, 2015

    Boreas listened to the newly formed plan taking some amusement about Torrin and Darkwings rivalry, Torrin didn't like the duck too much even less so when the Duck came up with the same plan that he had. They were to split into two groups Boreas didn't mind being teamed up with Tinarah too much, he'd work with anyone as long as they could pull their weight, hold their own and do their job. He was curious to see how well Darkwing would hold up in a fight, but it didn't matter too much. "Alright, sounds like a plan. Good luck out there." He said giving his friend a pat on the shoulder.

    Alright Darkwing, you and me will remain on this rooftop, as Tinarah goes down on the ground uses her magic to try and put them to sleep, then we'll take out the hats when they are asleep." Boreas said. "As we saw yesterday in the tunnels those hats may re-assemble and as Take pointed out we may need to deal with reinforcements. If this plan doesn't work we go in, full force make sure Tinarah has back up." Boreas held the repeating crossbow in both hands, resting it idly in his grip. The wing motif decorated the side of his crossbow, with the wing unfurling from the front of the weapon, it was the favourite aspect of his keyblade, the wing. "Alright since we all know what to do we'll get in position and get started, let's not keep them waiting." With that Boreas took up his position and took aim prepared to lay down a hail of fire should it come to it.
  6. CrownMoksha Decimo

    Jan 11, 2011
    On board the DenLiner
    With the majority of the others agreeing to the current plan, Chrono couldn't really do much about it besides go along with it as well. Least the plan in itself wasn't a bad one, there was still risk with what they were doing. "What's the plan for when we actually get in warehouse then?" Chrono had shot a look towards Torrin when he'd asked. Looking around and being wary of anything that might be waiting for them was a give, but if it was just filled with more crates we they supposed break those as well? Chrono doubted that and continued trying to figure out what could be inside the warehouse.
  7. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007

    "Why have you come, Usurper?" The Horned King spoke in a low voice that echoed in the dreary stone chamber.

    "Ah no need to be so formal your majesty." The man bowed low before the Horned King before stepping forward, his footsteps kicking up dust as he came closer. "Do you recall how I had arrived in this world? It appears that a party of adventurous youths have come from distant stars to, shall I say, foil your plots as naive heroes are ought to do."

    "And how would you know this?" The Horned King scratched his long pointed nails against the ancient cracked stone chair he sat in, his eyes glowing red in the darkness.

    "Do I sense suspicion? Oh I assure you that I have nothing but your best interests at heart."

    "Then I expect you to handle this lest I lose my patience in you. Do no forget your place." The dark sorcerer growled.

    "But of course. I shall deal with the matter personally with the utmost haste." The man bowed once more before leaving the Horned King's sight.


    Thallasa raised an eyebrow. "So that magic has its limits..." She scratched her chin and smiled. "That would mean that even the Light Chaser has limits to his abilities, great as they may be. This is good to hear." She nodded to herself. "Try not to jump in headfirst into danger." Thallasa cautioned. "I cannot keep an eye on you at every moment."

    "Okay..." Taran looked down dejectedly when he was told to run and hide instead of fighting. He wanted to feel useful and right now all he had done was rely on strangers for help. "The Horned King is a wicked sorcerer who's remained hidden in his castle for a long time. Dallben told me that the Horned King would use the Black Cauldron to raise an undead army. I've never seen the Horned King but I've heard he has dragons, bandits, and goblins under his command." Taran looked at Illiana and then at the clothes she wore, finally making an observation about the people he traveled with now.

    "Where are you and your friends from?" He said, realizing that none of his new companions were from around these parts.


    "Roger that, Green Wonder!" Darkwing Duck grinned. "I've taken the liberty of giving you all code names. Blondie over there is..." He paused for dramatic effect. "The Blonde Wonder!" Torrin raised an eyebrow and looked over at Boreas's group, wondering if Darkwing Duck was just going to apply that naming scheme to everyone in the group. He didn't bother to ask as he did not care enough to find out.

    Torrin returned his attention to Chrono and called for his glider. "The others lure the heroes out, we break in the warehouse, and we hit anyone left inside hard an fast. It's an aggressive plan but it'll work. If things somehow go downhill from there, Boreas and the others should have wrapped things up with the heroes by then and will back us up if we need it." He looked over at Boreas, Tinarah, and Darkwing. "Get to smashing. We'll move in once the heroes are out of the warehouse."

  8. LadyAzura Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 21, 2012
    Garreg Mach Monastery
    Illiana had looked over at Taran as he looked down in dejection. She sighed a little before speaking up. "Dallben told you to look after Miss Piggy right? So how can you look after her if something were to happen to you? Besides, we barely know the pig and yet you do. Everybody has a job to do and their own way to go about things. Don't think of it as you being useless or anything like that. Everyone in the world has something that only they can do. Something unique to them. You just have to find what is. Whether it's fighting or calming down a pig, you gotta figure out how you can fight or make your mark on the world." Illiana had her head facing front as she spoke, still holding her umbrella. "But hey, that's just my input on this." She shrugged her shoulders as continued walking.

    Taran had then went on to explaining just who the Horned King was. "The Horned King is a wicked sorcerer who's remained hidden in his castle for a long time. Dallben told me that the Horned King would use the Black Cauldron to raise an undead army. I've never seen the Horned King but I've heard he has dragons, bandits, and goblins under his command." Illiana listened and nodded her head as he explained. "An undead army....That definitely doesn't sound cliche. Oh well....Never dethroned a king before so...why not? The idea of it intrigues me." She looked over to Taran as he stared at her clothes. "What? Is there a stain on my clothes or something?" He then asked a question. "Where are you and your friends from?" Illiana had placed a finger on her cheek as she thought carefully about her next words before turning to the boy. "We're just some wandering adventurers who's just doing their best to help the weak and the innocent!" Illiana had made a fist and brought it to her chest as she expressively gave her answer. "Any other questions?" She looked over to Taran as she asked. Y'know....This kind of reminds me of...

    Hours had passed and those hours had turned into days then into weeks until three months had passed. The sound of an alarm had filled the room as if telling the two people residing there to wake up and start the day. The sun was slowly peeking out from the horizon. Her eyes had slowly started to flutter open. She picked up her head and saw the sunlight pouring in from the window. She removed the covers off her and turned off the alarm until the second one would ring. She changed out of her pajamas into a fresh change of clothes. The girl went into the mirror, brushed her hair, and tied it up into a ponytail. She went back into the room and grabbed a small satchel. She opened the door and carefully closed the door. After walking for a bit, the girl reached the lake that was nearby the training facilities. She sat down on a rock and took out stationary that was in her satchel as well as a pen. As she was writing, she could hear the sounds of leaves cracking. She immediately grabbed the wooden sword she would use for training. “Whoa Whoa! Easy there! Geez Illiana. I know you’re not too much of a morning person but no need to go attacking anyone about it.” The person chuckled a bit as Illiana lowered her sword. A sigh left her lips as she put the wooden sword back in its cloth sheath. “Don’t do that! What would’ve happened if that was an actual sword?!” Illiana sat down on the rock again as the person in front of her was chuckling. “Sorry sorry! I couldn’t help it! But good on you for keeping your guard up! Though don’t you think it’s a little too early for writing letters?” Illiana looked at the stationary in her hand before looking back at her roommate. “I thought I should start a little early today. Who knows if I’ll have time later to write. I thought you would still be asleep, Nina.” Nina scratched her head awkwardly as she chuckled a bit. “Unfortunately, I have a small meeting to go to today so that explains why I’m up so early when I could be in my nice...warm...cozy bed…..Man I hate being me sometimes.” Nina pouted slightly and crossed her arms as she turned her head away. Illiana chuckled a little before writing another sentence down on her paper. “You say that now but in actuality….you like being a Captain.” She continued writing before looking up at Nina. Nina smiled a little bit before chuckling. “Heheh...Yea you’re right. It has its rewards and consequences but I can’t say I hate it. Anyway……” Nina put her hands on her hips before continuing. “You little missie! You should get some more rest before you gotta report in for morning drills! I’m sure you’ll have time during lunch to finish! I don’t want you to lose rest over these letters alright?” Illiana nodded her head before responding. “I’m almost done! Besides, all mail gets sent out around lunch so I need to finish these now or I’ll never hear the end of it next month.” She went back to writing her letter as Nina sighed. “You must really care about your family…..Well I can’t stop you from writing but just make sure you’re not late to morning drills.” Nina smiled slightly as she rousled Illiana’s hair. “Can’t have you ruin your perfect attendance now can I? Besides, it’s my job as your mentor to help you become a great leader for this squad. You know…..” She paused before squatting down to meet Illiana’s eyes. “You can always come to me if you ever need anything or if you need to get something off your chest. I hope you know that.” Illiana looked at Nina for a few moments before smiling and nodding her head. “Y’know…..It doesn’t hurt to rely on someone. Though everybody has their own way of fighting their battles. Might not be in the traditional sense but it’s a way they have all on their own. Just remember that.” Nina rousled her hair once more before walking back to the building leaving Illiana to her letter-writing. She stops for a few moments before looking up at over at the lake. “3 more months…..Away from society and away from the problems it faces…….I better let them know. They’ll be worried sick if I don’t.” Illiana then went back to writing her letter. She had written in her letter that she would not be able to write too many letters since she would be doing some training in a remote location for the next three months.

    ~4 years have passed~

    Illiana continued walking alongside Taran as the fragment of her memory ran through her mind.
  9. Shiki my waifu is better than yours, thanks

    Jun 3, 2007
    The Future

    Qamar listened to Taran and felt sad. She knew too well what it was like to lose your parents at a young age. "It must be hard...losing both your parents... "she said. "I know that all too well. My deepest sympathy." Qamar nodded to the boy as they walked. She turned to look towards Aria to make sure she was okay, but it seemed like she was talking to Master Thallasa. Qamar shrugged and looked forward once more, listening to Taran some more.

    He asked how they defeated those creatures and she scratched her head. "Eh, it's a super long story...just know that we're here to save you and your piggy." she said, kicking another rock down the crevice below. Illiana explained everything a lot better anyway. Soon enough they were told who the Horned King was and Qamar chuckled. "Reminds me of some stuff from home." she muttered, hearing Taran ask where they're from. Suddenly, Illiana was super enthusiastic and Qamar tilted her head. "That's some sudden enthusiasm." she said, starting to laugh.

    "Ah, but I must ask, what'll we do once we get inside this castle anyway? I don't think they'd just let us waltz in, grab the pig, and walk out." she asked.
  10. Maka Albarn It's called love

    May 7, 2008
    Fairy Tail
    Aria rubbed the back of her head when Master Thallasa warned her not to dive head first into danger for now on. "I know, I'm learning to stay back when I can." But if her friends were in danger, and there was no choice, she would jump in a heartbeat. She would just have to be careful and pick when it would be best to intervene and when to let someone else handle it. "I don't need someone to keep an eye on me every moment though," Aria said with a small smile. The Princess of Heart knew it was not true though. Had she been any other warrior in the group, it wouldn't be the case. But since she was a pure of heart... that changed things.

    She thought to the communicator, and how she was missing someone's company right about now. If she wasn't so busy with a mission, she probably would have called him already. But he was probably busy as well. Aria caught bits and pieces of the conversations going on ahead and glanced at the castle once more. It sounded like they were going to head into the place with lots of darkness...

    Aria bit her lower lip. After facing death at least two times, she knew she couldn't stay lucky for long. But she was going to fight to the end, that was a given. She remembered how excited she was to go off into the worlds and team up with other keyblade wielders. Now the enthusiasm was lost. All she wanted was peace and to somehow help bring order once more in these troubled times.
  11. Aelin Best Waifu

    Jun 30, 2011
    British Columbia, Canada
    Listening to how things were going, Tinarah was actually quite surprised that they seemed to overall be agreeing to her plan. It might not work, but that was why she had back up, she was not going into this alone. Boreas, even though she wasn't a fan of her, she recognized him as valuable back up. He would know how to handle things if something went wrong better than anyone. And while Tinarah didn't know what Darkwing could do, she had no choice but to trust him to some extent at least.

    As they began to split off into their teams, Tinarah turned to Take, but then eyed her brother as well. She couldn't help but think of what Take had said to her earlier, so taking a deep breath she addressed both of them.
    "Good luck. Stay safe you two." She told them, glancing at Torrin momentarily before glancing away. "You as well." She tagged on a little forced but at least she was trying. Turning back to her own group though she thought of everything that needed done. She turned to Boreas who had already showed his ranged weapon. "Watch for me to get down their and ready, then do you think you can shoot the crates to get their attention and draw the hero's out while I prepare to try and put them to sleep. Once I have the song going I should be able to assist destroying the hats, but I can't have too much attention on me until after the effect starts." If she was swarmed the moment she destroyed the creates the entire plan would be out the window.

    After Boreas responded Tinarah started down towards the streets, quickly landing on the ground a few streets away and slipping threw allies until she was near the place, cloaked in shadows but ready to start her drive the moment that the moment she noticed Boreas shooting for the create. In the shadows she could only hope he noticed the slight nod of her head, telling him that she was ready to do this.
  12. Vladek515 Hollow Bastion Committee

    Mar 12, 2015

    The Green wonder? Well his cloak was green as was a good portion of his outfit and while he had dubbed himself the Emerald Herald this worked just as well, Darkwing didn't seem to be too great with names as he named Tinarah the blonde wonder, but it hardly mattered. The duck had his quirks but he was willing to at least agree to a plan and carry it out. Torrin told him to start smashing, but he had to wait for Tinarah to get into position. He just gave his friend a thumbs up, still taking aim and waiting for Tinarah to get in position. "
    Don't worry Tinarah, this thing here packs quite the punch, we'll keep them busy for as long as necessary." Boreas said. As Tinarah clambered down he waited within the shadows he caught her nod and he started to unleash hell with volleys of silver magical bolts, the bolts headed for the crates with Boreas firing quickly and as accurately as he could while keeping this firing rate up which wasn't as easy as it looked. The bolts left silver streaks as they headed for their targets after an opening volley he stopped for a moment. "HEY, UP HERE! SEE IF YOU HEROES CAN STAND UP TO THE WRATH OF THE GREEN WONDER!" Boreas shouted standing up to make himself more noticable, after that he kept firing to keep them grouped and heading for him.
  13. Aelin Best Waifu

    Jun 30, 2011
    British Columbia, Canada
    The sound of the first box being hit, followed by the shouting of Boreas was all that Tinarah needed. As things started to go down, the hero's started to rush out, Tinarah let herself unleash her drive form, music swirling around her as she smiled at the familiar melody of violin entwined with piano. She was strong, Stamatis had shown her that. It was time to live that out and not let five years worth of work go to waste. As she listened to the music, she willed it to change, into something softer, slower, and willed the music to reach out from beyond her own area towards those rushing from the building. A soft lullaby to put them to sleep as flames danced from her finger tips. Surveying the area around she gave Darkwing and Boreas one last glance as they kept the hero's attention, then let five blasts of flame burst from her figure tips, all aimed that the hats each one was wearing. Tinarah didn't stick around to see the result though, she was already ducking back into the ally, trying to switch positions since she now gave away her hiding spot. The music following her would be a clear indication but it was still lulling, so hopefully it would weaken or put to sleep anyone who attempted to follow her. Hopefully the blasts of fire worked, and the other group could start in. If not the three of them could be in huge trouble.
  14. CrownMoksha Decimo

    Jan 11, 2011
    On board the DenLiner
    A straightforward plan like that wasn't too surprising to hear. Chrono had called for his own glider having watched Torrin do so himself. "Good luck to you too." He watched as the other group had headed towards towards the streets, then took a seat on his glider. He thought it'd be best to get use to being on it, even if they weren't going anywhere right this second. He had sat there for a little bit, swinging his legs too and fro idlely just as he'd heard Boreas's shouts. "Looks like they've started." Chrono then glanced over towards the hat wearing heroes, waiting to see how they would respond.
    Last edited: Jun 3, 2018
  15. cstar stay away from my waifu

    Dec 19, 2008

    As the plan seemed to kick into place, Take also got on his glider and just kind of sat there and waited without much response, just in ready mode to go when they were told it would be best to head in. He still didn't know how he felt about this plan and he was worried they were gonna leave the warehouse and find Tinarah, Boreas, and the duck in those hats. He just hoped he was proven wrong. As he stared at the distraction he blinked in realization and looked over at Torrin and asked, "What if they want us to go in the warehouse and we get trapped? Remember the last time we followed their obvious lead and ended up the dolls exploding in our faces."
  16. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007

    The barrier holding back the plague of darkness above shattered and a swarm of Heartless descended upon the young Chasers, spinning around the group as the sheer mass of Heartless above them blotted out the sun leaving them in the shade. Upon closer inspection the Heartless swarm consisted not of regular Shadows but of their more powerful Neoshadow brethren. The very air itself began to reek with the stench of a heavy darkness. The Demon Plague surrounded the party.


    • Demon Plague
      HP: 2,000 / 2,000
      Attack Power: 22
      Break Gauge: 0 / 130%

  17. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007

    Thallasa smiled at Aria's comment. "Yes. I'm beginning to notice that you, as well as the others, are stronger than I estimated you would be. Despite the dangers you and your friends have faced, it seems to have kicked up some rapid development in all of you. Interesting indeed..." She scratched her chin and looked over towards Qamar, hearing the young woman's comment on what the plan would be when they arrived at the castle.

    "Once we're at the castle we sit back and observe. We will look for any entrances we could sneak in through and where the guards are stationed. Naturally we will need at least one person to stay by our entry point to keep watch for anything that might come after those who go inside. Ideally we should avoid combat. We don't know the layout of the castle and getting outnumbered indoors would be terrible to say the least."

    "But we can't sit back for too long!" Taran said with concern. "Who knows what the Horned King could be doing to Hen Wen while we're just watching the castle!"

    "What good would you be if you too got captured, or worse, because you were impatient? We need to err on the side of caution, Taran."

    The boy frowned but nodded in understanding. "Alright...if you think that's what's best." He glanced at the others, still looking unsure. "I trust you."


    Torrin watched as the others leapt into action. "Let's get DANGEROUS!" Darkwing Duck used his oversized gun to fire off two smoke grenades, destroying one crate each, providing Tinarah with some extra cover. As the crates were destroyed, sending shattered robotic parts flying into the air along with burnt pieces of fabric belonging to what were once bowler hats, Mr. Incredible, Elastigirl, Frozone, and Machina ran outside with Helping Hats obscuring their faces. Frozone, having heard Boreas's voice began to create an ice ramp for him to skate up to Boreas and Darkwing Duck on the rooftop.

    Mr. Incredible, Elastigirl, and Machina saw Tinarah through the smoke due to their Helping Hats being able to scan for her body temperature and ran right for the girl. They slowed down and grew disoriented when she entered her form. Though they did not fall asleep they were stunned long enough to be struck by her Fire spells, freeing them from being controlled. The three were too dazed to do anything but stand around, attempting to regain a bearing on their surroundings.

    Torrin nodded once the heroes were out of the warehouse. "Let's move! Just stick together and we'll be able to handle anything in there." Torrin assured Take after hearing the doubt in his voice and, without wasting another second, flew around the warehouse and hovered by the other end. He waited a moment to make sure Chrono and Take caught up with him before extending his hand ready to launch a Fire spell. He hesitated for a moment, hearing voices shouting inside.

    "Kronk you idiot! Why didn't you have the slaves stand guard like I told you to!? Now we have a bunch of brats"

    "It's not my fault Bowler Hat Guy made them so creepy, Xerek! I had to get them doing something since having them stand around gave me the heebie jeebies. Brrrr..."

    "You incompetent fool! No matter, my slaves will wrap this up before anyone else shows up."

    Having heard enough Torrin cast Firaga which blasted an opening in the upper portion of the wall for them to fly through.

  18. Aelin Best Waifu

    Jun 30, 2011
    British Columbia, Canada
    Around another corner, Tinarah stopped running and slipped down another ally on the corner of the area around the warehouse, looking on what she had done. From what she could see there was still Frozone, but between Darkwing and Boreas, they could deal with him. The others seemed dazed but she saw no sign of the hats left on them, so she started to sneak forward, heading for the confused heroes. While the music around her didn't make sneaking easy, there was enough going on that it would be a sufficient distraction. Approaching them Tinarah kept her keyblade on hand in case she was wrong but she hoped not. "Hey, are you guys okay? We should get out of here, regroup, then we need to help my friends." Tinarah tried to tell them as she looked towards the ally she originally struck from.
  19. cstar stay away from my waifu

    Dec 19, 2008

    As soon as a hole was blasted through the wall, Take was all on that like flies on glazed donuts. He jumped through the hole and taking after Torrin decided to have his glider vanish into his keyblade, and using his forward momentum Takehiko slashed in the direction of Xerek. Once he was standing upright he stood up straight and yelled, "Aha. You thought you could best us, but no one ever expects to be dealt justice by..." Take stared off as he tried to think of what his superhero name even would be.

    Kronk stared back at him while Take stood over Xerek and his response was to see if he could startle the guy by holding his hands out and yelling,

    Kronk blinked and rubbed his chin saying, "Bwam huh?" He snapped his fingers in approval and fingergunned at Take, "I like it. Superhero name with that onomatopoeia. I was expecting your name to be something like Falcon man or Keylord. But Bwam. It's got energy. I like it. I like it a lot..."

    Takehiko stared at the man before pointing the key at Kronk and saying,
    "Release the heroes from the hats!"
    "Weeeeell I uh. Can't do that Bwam."

    Take sighed a bit only to immediately be tripped down by Xerek. Take let out a yell in surprise as he landed flat on his back and Kronk grimaced a bit and commented, "Yikes."

  20. Maka Albarn It's called love

    May 7, 2008
    Fairy Tail
    "Master Thallasa knows what she's talking about," Aria assured. Even though she didn't know the master that well. They really didn't have much of a choice though. Their masters were kept behind for some weird reason, and she was sent in their place. Hopefully the plans would work and they could get the pig back soon.