Kingdom Hearts: Kingdom Hearts: Light Chaser

Discussion in 'Role-Playing Arena' started by Arch, Mar 25, 2017.

  1. Aelin Best Waifu

    Jun 30, 2011
    British Columbia, Canada
    As Take responded to her, Tinarah bowed her head, trying to hide the tears she could feel pushing against the corners of her eyes. Tinarah did her best to hold them back. Did her best not to sound upset as he spoke. She wasn't upset at Take and wasn't mad at him for making her upset, she could just feel the pressure on herself and the consequences of what she was doing. "I... I don't know what I would do with that information. I guess. I am grasping at straws here Take. I am doing anything I can think of to try and make that Torrin less scary I guess. I don't want to live my life afraid of a man who most likely won't do anything to me, just because somewhere else, in another time he did do something to me. Maybe... Maybe if he loved Mika, maybe if he loved one of my only friends, truly loved her and cared, I could forgive him easier. I don't know. I would have asked her but I can't!" Take then asked if that was what she was doing to her brother, and Tinarah couldn't bring herself to even look at Take. Her eyes remained down and her hands almost shook slightly, causing her to grip on to her glider until her knuckles were white. "I'm sorry. Please...don't leave." She just needed someone there. Too many times did she melt down with Aria and see the girl unable to handle it all and shut down on her. The last thing Tinarah needed right now was to be alone. She needed to figure herself out, but she knew now that she couldn't do that on her own, and right now Take was the person that she could talk to, so she would. Maybe he would be of help, but just being there was enough. She had spent too much time alone with her own thoughts in the prison, now she just ached for company and companionship again. She hadn't had it for months, not truly, and before that years without seeing anyone near her age. Perhaps she was clinging on too much, but at least it was better than pushing everyone away again, or at least she hoped so.
  2. cstar stay away from my waifu

    Dec 19, 2008

    Listening to Tinarah explain that it was meant to make the other Torrin seem less scary was something Take couldn't necessarily relate to, but he at least understood where it was coming from. When she apologized he was a bit confused by that part, he wasn't sure there was anything she did that required apology. And so he told her that outright,
    "Hey, you don't need to apologize. Well, not to me at least, I don't know about Torrin or anything like that. And I'm not going anywhere." he rubbed his nose a bit and said, "When I get afraid of something, which doesn't happen often but you know, I try to remember that allowing it to be feared gives it power. So I try to think about it in a different way. I don't think imagining he's capable of love is going to help there. Maybe... I don't know. Imagine him as a guy being controlled by an angry goat. Well, unless you're afraid of goats..." he was quiet and thought about it before saying, "Naaa, I kid... you're not afraid of goats right?"
  3. Aelin Best Waifu

    Jun 30, 2011
    British Columbia, Canada
    "I know... I know that being afraid just means that I am letting him win. I didn't want that. I am trying to learn to not let it control me, but it is hard. I look at Torrin and I just can't help but see his face too." It was a hard thing for Tinarah to really explain how she felt about everything. She couldn't really make Take see things from her view. That being said as Take started to come up with some idea for her, Tinarah let out a bit of a snort of surprise and amusement. "I am messed up, but I am not that baaaaa-d." Tinarah replied attempting to make a joke of her own. Still after she said it, her eyes remained mostly down and sad. She was trying but there was only small sparks of life in her soul still. "I don't think imagining him controlled by a goat would help. But I want to learn to see Torrin differently. I don't want to see him as evil as I do, because listening to him earlier I can tell he isn't like that. I hoped staying, helping him here would help me get over things, but I don't know. We will see." Tinarah admitted.
  4. Vladek515 Hollow Bastion Committee

    Mar 12, 2015

    Boreas was flying along following Darkwing Duck through the city, he had missed the entirety of Tinarah asking about Mika and Torrin talking to Nini as he had forged on ahead of the others in pursuit of their feathery ally. Torrin was starting to catch up as were the others and because of the bowler hats that were mentioned he was reminded of something that was said in the tunnels between Take and Chrono. Take had mentioned something about listening in on Torrin and Thallasa to Chrono. Boreas hadn't followed the entirety of the conversation as he had been in the midst of battle but he still had to ask about it and right now they weren't in battle sure they were heading for one but that meant there was still time to inquire about it. "
    Torrin can you take over the lead for a minute I need to talk to someone." Boreas said to his friend as he started to fall to the rear of the line, he didn't look at Tinarah and Take that were deep in conversation, however he fell back to the rear of the group following Darkwing Duck and flew alongside Chrono that tailed the group on his hoverboard. Take may have been occupied, but Chrono wasn't and perhaps as a little justice in his eyes it was time to see if Chrono practiced what he preached. "Hey Chrono, I wanted to ask about something. The other day down in the tunnels in the middle of combat Take and you were talking about something, I heard something about Take overhearing Thallasa and Torrin talking, what was that all about?" Boreas asked, here was hoping that this wouldn't turn out like with his sister who he didn't get along too well with, at least they hadn't gotten off on the wrong foot and he didn't have to tell him that whatever this other realm version did weren't his actions.
  5. CrownMoksha Decimo

    Jan 11, 2011
    On board the DenLiner
    Chrono had been surprised to see that Boreas of all people had flown back to interact with him. Nothing against the guy, he seemed alright from the one prior interaction they have had, but he had assumed he'd stay in the front alongside Torrin. His question was a fair one, one he was hoping he wouldn't have to answer until he had either more information or a concrete answer. That was not the case. Denying anything was out of the question, especially after what he'd said to Torrin. Weighing his options and pondering the different ways this could go, Chrono sighed having picked a course of action. "I was hoping to avoid this until I had some more information, but I guess it can't be helped. He'd overheard them talking about the possibility of another pure light being in our group." A condensed very sure, but more questions were sure to follow. Just mentioning the fact that they could be another pure light would've sparked questions in itself.
  6. LadyAzura Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 21, 2012
    Garreg Mach Monastery
    Illiana looked over as Aria pointed the way to Thallasa. She then started to walk in that direction, taking the lead of the group. Illiana shrugged her shoulders before following behind her. As the group walked ahead, Qamar had ran up to Aria, striking up a conversation. She didn't really pay much attention as she walked. She began zoning out for a little bit before Qamar spoke out to her and Glyde. "Anybody want an energy bar?" Illiana immediately looked up at the trees before immediately jumping up to one of the branches. She continued her trek above in the trees. Walking and jumping from branch to branch, Illiana kept her eyes peeled for any sign of Thallasa.

    Qamar had then spoke up once again. "
    I believe we're nearly there." Illiana looked up ahead and immediately turned her head slightly while keeping her eyes forward. "Master, Client, and Piggy dead ahead." Illiana continued her trek through the branches as she inspected the ground. Faint footprints had been left along the path ahead of them. Some of the footprints had resembled one of a pig. "Now we're definitely on the right track...." Illiana jumped down from the branch she was on, opened up her umbrella again and continued the trek on foot.

  7. Light-Rune Maven Seer

    Jan 8, 2012
    The Aetherial Sea

    Though Chrys was struggling at the moment, she refuse to give up. Swiping more MP from an opponent, She used Cura on herself as well as on Avra, as she was still in quite a rough spot as well. Having done that, Chrys leaped forward to attack two Search Ghosts. One managed to dodge as she came at them with an overhead swing, but she spun back around and obliterated it rather swiftly to cut off any chance of counter attack.
    HP: 28/115
    MP: 3/40
    AP: 28/62(+10)
    DP: 3/3

    Water: 1 More Turn

    MP Haste: +1

    Enemies Defeated:
    2 Search Ghosts
  8. Vladek515 Hollow Bastion Committee

    Mar 12, 2015

    Boreas smiled a little Chrono knew he almost had no choice but to answer. So there was potentially another pure light in their group? Interesting. "Do you know how long ago that conversation took place or anything else about this supposed second pure light? And well at least you have the decency to ask about secrets rather than just listening in on something you weren't supposed to hear." Boreas said. He wasn't too sure about what this would all mean other than perhaps them having more pieces in the game against the Light Chaser, especially if the Light Chaser wasn't aware of those pieces. Sure it was still not entirely right that Torrin had to defend his every move in the eyes of some people. He remained on the rear of their formation with Chrono, he was at the very least willing to practice what he preached which was a good thing, perhaps his initial questions might lead to a rather nice conversation, he hardly knew anything about Chrono and it might help knowing what sort of person he was at the very least he didn't need to be yelled at the other day for not following instructions, which in Boreas' eyes a good thing, fewer people that needed to be yelled into the proper action and could actually follow instructions smoothed out their fights.
  9. CrownMoksha Decimo

    Jan 11, 2011
    On board the DenLiner
    "I think it was two days ago." Take had informed him about this yesterday, so the day before sounded like a reasonable assumption. Chrono held back a chuckle considering that he had considered eavesdropping in the event he spotted Thallssa and Torrin having a conversation away from everyone. He looked down to make sure that his footing had changed at all while speaking to Boreas, then looked back at him with one finger held up. "I haven't heard anything for certain, but I do have some guesses. If we use Aria as a base, then the other pure light could be either Illiana or Tinarah." Needless to say he didn't want it to end up being his sister. Raising another finger, Chrono continued. "Though if we removed gender being a requirement, then in addition to those two, myself, Take and Glyde are possible choices." Which also had its fair share of concerns if any of those three ended up being the second pure light.
  10. Ego Imperium Twilight Town Denizen

    Jul 10, 2009
    I reject your reality, and substitute my own.

    The Heartless, for the time, cleared from the area, the battling deescalated smoothly. In Glyde's perspective, it had been one of the more decisive engagements the party had had since the outset of their journeys. In his own mind, he could help but find an elusive satisfaction of a job well-done. In fact, he was absorbed into a tightened spirit to the point that he had all but forgotten that Master Thallasa and Taran had bolted off in chase of a kidnapped Hen Wen.

    The reminder of their mission there brought back to ground level swiftly. Not without his disappointment in the bittersweetness of their victory, he trudged on in pursuit of the Master, Pig Keeper's assistant, and, hopefully, the pig. "Hmmm..." he set his hand to a rumbling stomach. He held up the wrapped and sealed product Qamar had set in his hand. "I don't know what an 'energy bar' is," he said striding next to Qamar, "But it couldn't hurt to try one."

    With a bit of effort, he tore an opening in the package, and proceeded to take his first bit. A bit tough, but chewy at the same time; hints of sweet and salt. Not bad by any means, but certainly a taste to get used to. "Beats being hungry, that's for sure.

    "For a pig keeper's assistant, Taran doesn't seem to have much control over Hen Wen, does he? But then, maybe the Heartless are spooking her."

  11. Vladek515 Hollow Bastion Committee

    Mar 12, 2015

    Boreas listened to what Chrono had to say, so apparantly this was before the events of yesterday, which wasn't too much of a surprise given the fact Take had talked about it the other day. Which meant that they could have lost the second light the other day had things gone any different. He wasn't entirely certain about who could be this second pure light, having been taught about the princesses of heart the name to him discounted the option of it being Glyde, Take or Chrono himself. They had Illiana, Tinarah and Qamar with them, but having seen that picture she showed him, having seen the armour of one of the people in the picture being from his home he discounted her, just like Chrono had. He had been taught they were a Realm of Light 'problem' other than making sure all of them wouldn't fall in the wrong hands. So that left Tinarah and Illiana, both of which had been at significant risk the other day. "Hmmm, well I've been taught that it's mostly a Realm of Light issue but it was suggested that the gender was a requirement." Boreas said looking at Chrono. "So that would leave Tinarah or Illiana and I really wouldn't be too certain which of the two it ought to be...." Boreas had his issues with Tinarah but he couldn't let that cloud his judgement in this regard, there was still the possibility of it but... why then would she be sent to another Realm entirely, the Light Chaser was a cunning opponent, Boreas figured he'd know if he had his hands on one. "Now that I think of it, I'd honestly guess it's Illiana." Boreas said "The Light Chaser had Tinarah captured, he has shown skill and intelligence so far, he'd recognize it if she were one and not send her into some other Realm." Now that was still an assumption but based on previous evidence it at least made sense.
  12. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007

    "Warehouse up ahead!" Torrin called towards the others as he brought down his glider onto the roof of a building covered in graffiti overlooking a warehouse Darkwing Duck was intently watching with a pair of oversized binoculars. Torrin headed over to see Mr. Incredible hoisting a dozen large crates and moving them inside the warehouse while Elastigirl and Machina were sliding several more along a frozen path created by Frozone. Each hero was wearing a bowler hat with a glowing robotic eye in the center that covered their eyes.

    "Aha! Just as I suspected. They're using those mind-controlled heroes to bring in large boxes to hide inside and them ship themselves out of town where they'll make new identities for themselves and start their new lives as bakers. Diabolical! I almost wish I had thought of it myself."

    Torrin scratched the back of his head and blinked at Darkwing Duck in confusion. "It looks to me like they're moving stolen goods. Or...evil...lab equipment?"

    Darkwing laughed and placed his feathered hands on his hips. "Psh. As if a rookie would know better than a master detective such as myself."

    "You know what? Sure. You're right. You deduced their plan perfectly." Torrin folded his arms. "We have the numbers. We have our magic this time around. I say we take them by surprise and end this as quickly as possible. A few carefully placed strikes should destroy the hats. Once we have the other heroes on our side this should be easy."


    The vegetation grew drier and drier the further the group went until there was little else but thorny dead vines jutting out from the ground. Several of the vines looked to have been broken or severed. Beyond them Thallasa's voice called out, "Over here!"

    Past the thorns was a rocky hill that led to jagged crags overlooking a gloomy barren landscape covered in darkness. Ahead and below was a long winding path that connected the lands below to a foreboding castle in the distance. Thallasa was standing at the cliff's edge alongside Taran as two black dots, the dragons, disappeared heading towards the castle. "Those dragons got away with the pig. I couldn't leave the rest of you behind going after them." She explained.

    "I must get her out of there!" Taran looked at the others, his clothes torn from the thorns and his lip bloody.

    "Not go in there! Forget the piggy!" Gurgi came out from behind the group to walk up towards Taran.

    "What are you doing here?"

    "Gurgi come back to be your friend!" Gurgi went closer and took Taran's arm who immediately pulled it away from the small furry creature.

    "I promised Dallben I'd keep Hen Wen safe. I have to go. Now are you coming with me or not?" The boy's eyes were filled with determination as he spoke.

    "Me!?" Gurgi pointed at himself and shuffled back away from Taran and placed himself behind Aria. "Go in there!? Nonono! It's a terrible place!" He shook his head rapidly.

    The boy glared at him in frustration. "Just as I thought. You're no friend. You're just a miserable coward!" Taran began to walk away to head down the side of the cliff and stopped, reaching inside his tunic to pull out the apple from earlier. "Here. This is all you wanted." He spoke angrily tossing the apple at Gurgi's feet before storming off.

    Thallasa sighed but didn't seem too concerned for the saddened Gurgi. "We need to go after him." The master spoke once the spat was over.


    Avra returned the favor and cast Cura on Chrys. "We're almost done." She spoke mostly to herself as she struck down three Search Ghosts while her comrades began healing themselves to keep themselves in the battle. Zeno cast an explosive Fira destroying four more Search Ghosts that were a little too close to Avra causing her to turn and glare at the other Chaser.

    "Apologies! I get sloppy when I'm tired."

    "Whatever. Don't let it happen again."

    HP: 36/95
    AP: 2/50
    MP: 1/30

    HP: 41/105
    AP: 0/48
    MP: 1/40

    HP: 31/120
    AP: 6/42
    MP: 1/30

    HP: 40/115
    AP: 6/54
    MP: 12/40

    Heartless Defeated:
    8 Air Pirates (12AP)
    11 Search Ghost (12AP)

    • Chrysanthemum took 12 Damage! (31/115HP)
      Koa took 21 Damage! (15/95HP)
      Zeno took 15 Damage! (25/155HP)
      Avra took 15 Damage! (16/120HP)
      Pagos was critically hit for 26 Damage! (15/105HP)

      Enemies Remaining:
      8 Search Ghosts (12AP)
  13. LadyAzura Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 21, 2012
    Garreg Mach Monastery
    Illiana walked over to Thallasa and Taran as they were looking out past the jagged crags and path to a castle in front of them. Illiana looked up to see two dragons carrying the pig, Hen Wen. "Flying pig.....Greaatt. Now I gotta owe somebody 300 munny." She sighed a little bit before looking at the dragons again. She felt the handle of her umbrella grow a bit hot. Illiana looked over as she opened her hand a little. A small fire where her fingers were slowly die down."Interesting..." She whispered to herself as she immediately closed her hand around the handle as she looked back out at the dragons and pig, keeping her face as calm and cool as if nothing happened. She turned back to Taran as he spoke to Gurgi. The argument had started to escalate a little before Taran had walked off. Thallasa had then spoke up after the little spat was over and done with. "We need to go after him." Illiana started to walk of after Taran. "No need to say that twice."

    Following after Taran, Illiana rested her umbrella back on her shoulder. She rested her free hand on her chin for a moment before returning back to the handle. Illiana had walked up to Taran's side. After a few moments of silence, she decided to speak up. "
    So....How long have you been with Dallben? If we're gonna be rescuing Miss Piggy with ya, might as well break some ice." She continued walking along with Taran. "You're more than welcome to not answer. Not like anyone's gonna force you to." Illiana looked over at the boy as they continued walking.

  14. Shiki my waifu is better than yours, thanks

    Jun 3, 2007
    The Future

    Qamar followed along until she had heard Master Thallasa call for them. The group made their way and found themselves next to their Master as the pig was flown away. Taran had a small spat with Gurgi before he left, throwing the apple at the creature. Qamar looked between the two and saw Illiana wander off. Qamar wanted to give Gurgi some kind words, but the thing did try to take his apple. She put her hand on Gurgi's head and smiled. "Sorry." she said, hurrying after Illiana.

    Having been asked a question, Qamar tilted her head. It was an odd question, but it was certainly a way to try and steer things away from the previous subject. "I'm sure we'll be able to save Hen Wen and get back to Dallben safe and sound." she assured the boy, watching a rock fall down the cliff, plummeting down below.
  15. cstar stay away from my waifu

    Dec 19, 2008

    Takehiko wasn't exactly sure how to feel about her conclusions but he didn't feel it right to impose. He didn't really think there was anything he could do to help the way her thoughts seemed to force itself to connect to the other world and this one. The way she couldn't break out of that mentality of being afraid of one version of a person, and then having to work with the other version of the person. And trying to come to some sort of terms about it. Maybe she wouldn't, maybe she couldn't break out of the mentality that got planted in her from all that time.

    He could relate.

    As he pulled up near Torrin and listened to the exchange and subsequently Torrin's plan, Take looked over and said,
    "But there could be more hats nearby that reprogram them. More importantly, they could go after us. I think we need to find a way to lure out one of them, save them, and then plan to get the others." he looked among the group there and pointed towards Machina and said, "Maybe him first."
  16. CrownMoksha Decimo

    Jan 11, 2011
    On board the DenLiner
    While not completely ditching the idea of gender not being a requirement, hearing that in was did narrow things down a bit. The rest of what Boreas had said did make sense. The Light Chaser had taken a lot of by sending Tinarah to another realm if she was the second pure light. As for Iliiana, she didn't really have the attitude of one from what he's seen as well as his one interaction with him, but she was the last one on this current hypothesis. "That will just leave Illiana, which still seems odd to me."

    The conversation would have to be continued another time, hopefully with more information, as Torrin had spotted a warehouse up ahead. All of the missing heroes were there with those same bowler hats stop their heads.
    "Being taken by surprise or being outnumbered is nothing new to heroes, so I don't think it'll be quite that easy." Baiting one of them out was a better plan in comparison. "How would we go about luring them out. I don't think calling for help is gonna instantly get their attention."
  17. Aelin Best Waifu

    Jun 30, 2011
    British Columbia, Canada
    Before anymore conversation could be had, Torrin called out that he could see the warehouse up ahead. They had be be getting close then. As they grouped up more and observed what was going on below, they started planning. It seemed like the heroes were mind controlled, meaning they had to destroy the hats. But they didn't want to run in their and try and destroy the hats until the heroes were freed because heroes are trained to deal with numerous targets and it could get dangerous. So then the suggestion came of luring them out, but as far as Tinarah was aware they had very few ways of doing that safely either. Thinking about everything that they could do, Tinarah thought for a moment on her own as well.

    "How many of you can attack from a range?" Tinarah found herself asking as she looked around at the others She had a few things she could do from a range, but she could also give them the upper hand. "If I can get close enough I might be able to lull the enemies enough to make shots on them easier. If we spread out it will be hard to tell who is where. I can maybe even take out all the hats if I am lucky enough with a little bit of magic. All I would need is you guys to cover me while I got close enough and to be ready to jump in when the time is right." Tinarah even seemed to surprise herself speaking up with a plan, but Stamatis had always encouraged her to think for herself, claiming it was the best source of self defense.
  18. Maka Albarn It's called love

    May 7, 2008
    Fairy Tail
    As the scene unfolded before her, it was apparent they needed to move forward. However, she looked back at Gurgi looking a little lost and sad. Even though Taran was right, she understood what fears were like and went to him. She knelt in front of him on one knee and placed a hand on the creature's shoulder, smiling gently at him. "Your courage will come someday. We'll take care of Taran and get Hen Wen back." She carefully patted him on the shoulder and then stood, shuffling after the others. Even with the energy bar eaten, it only seemed to make her feel more awake but not strengthened in any way.

    She hung back with Master Thallasa while the others were leading the way, talking amongst themselves. She stayed quiet, fiddling with the ring on her finger as she glanced up at the scary looking castle ahead of them. She briefly wondered how everyone else was doing and how their original masters were doing as well. Everything seemed to become increasingly impossible with fighting the Light Chaser, and it didn't help she felt like she had a huge target on her back. They couldn't let him go through with his plans, but what advantage did they truly have over him if he was powerful enough to revert worlds from the darkness, send friends to other realms, and train incredibly strong keyblade wielders? She knew optimism only went so far.
  19. Vladek515 Hollow Bastion Committee

    Mar 12, 2015

    Boreas flew along with Chrono. "I'm just going off what I was taught and am not the most knowledgable on the subject, it's my best guess even if it's kind of strange." Boreas said, it had been a Realm of Light problem and the Realm of Darkness had some more pressing concerns than focus on the problems of the other Realm. As Torrin called for the warehouse up ahead he followed his lead and landed on the roof, rather unceremoniously dropped and jogged a little bit o stop himself and stopped by Torrin. The situation was analyzed and was rather amused by Darkwing Duck's analysis of the situation and Torrin just playing along not even arguing.

    Surprise and being outnumbered, makes more of a difference than you might think Chrono, heroes or not a good surprise attack has ended the life of many a hero as did being outnumbered. Sure our numerical advantage isn't much, but our targets are relatively fragile we should be able to get rid of them easily enough. Furthermore we ought to be wary of them re-assembling like they did down in the tunnels." Boreas said, then Tinarah came with a plan as well and just to make a point Boreas shifted his keyblade into the Repeating Crossbow and rested it on his shoulder. "I can cover you." Boreas said "If they're out of commision it would help taking care of this but if this goes all wrong, we're going in for a straight up fight." Boreas continued. "What do you think, Torrin?" He was prepared to go in head long into battle. "Also Darkwing, do you have anything to offer?" Boreas asked, it had been a hit and a miss with the Duck but he was willing to risk it as long as he didn't do anything rash to throw their plans out of the window.
  20. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007

    "I have my incredible intellect, an arsenal of the most advanced crime-fighting gadgets ever created, and I have mastered the art of making an entrance." Darkwing Duck pointed towards himself confidently as he responded to Boreas.

    Torrin rolled his eyes and scratched his chin while considering the alternatives the others brought up. "I don't know what effect your magic has on technology but I've seen the two interact before. So it's worth a shot if it makes rescuing them easier." Torrin nodded towards Tinarah. "I'm sure whatever's in those crates must be important to them. Smashing them up should be a quick way to grab the heroes' attention."

    "So we split in two groups and your group will take the villains from the other side while we have the zombie heroes distracted!"

    "Yes. That's actually what I was going to say. Guess he's not as dumb as he looks."

    "Hey! I heard that!"

    "Boreas, take Tinarah and Darkwing down below. Take, Chrono, and I will circle around and break into the warehouse on the other end once you've got their attention."


    Gurgi was left behind since the small creature was too afraid to follow after the group. "Aria, a word?" The master slowed her pace to bring herself to the back of the group while Taran stayed at the front speaking to Illiana. Once Aria fell back with her Thallasa lowered her voice to not be overheard by the others. "That bracelet of yours. I thought I noticed something off about it earlier but I wasn't sure until now. It has lost its protective power, hasn't it?"

    "I've known Dallben ever since I was a child. He found me abandoned as a baby." Taran's face grew somber as he led the way on and down onto the long path that would eventually take them to the gloomy castle in the distance. "I never knew my real parents." The boy only slightly cheered up at Qamar's reassurance that they would help him get Hen Wen back. "There were strange monsters back there. How did you all manage to get rid of them? I-I'm sorry I wasn't more help. I would have helped you fight if I could!" The boy spoke in a half-apologetic and half-eager tone.