Kingdom Hearts: Kingdom Hearts: Light Chaser

Discussion in 'Role-Playing Arena' started by Arch, Mar 25, 2017.

  1. Light-Rune Maven Seer

    Jan 8, 2012
    The Aetherial Sea

    It seemed upon further inspection that what Pagos said was true. It was hard to realize at first since the damage had already been building over time, but the enemies attacks were indeed getting stronger.

    "He means that the Heartless are starting to do more damage, Zeno." Trying to think quickly, Chrys cast Cura on herself and Avra, since they seemed to be the ones in most need of it an the moment. She cut through two more Crimson Jazzes before hitting a third with an MP drain to siphon off some MP. Having done all she could for the moment, Chrys put up her guard, relying on the extra strength from her Watera spell to augment her defenses.
    Enemies Defeated:
    2 Crimson Jazzes

    Enemies Remaining:
    9 Gargoyles
    8 Air Pirates
    1 Crimson Jazz
    22 Search Ghosts

    MP Haste: +1 MP
    MP Drain: + 5 MP
    Water: 2 More Turns

    Avra's HP: 42/120

    HP: 49/115
    MP: 7/40
    AP: 12/62(+10)
    DP: 3/3
  2. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007

    "I'd appreciate that." Torrin answered Boreas before they returned their attention to Darkwing Duck.

    "Come to think of it, I did see a few costumed fellas wearing bowler hats headed to an abandoned warehouse." Darkwing shrugged at Boreas. "Must be hard times for heroes to have to resort to wearing poor headgear and live in creepy warehouses."

    Remembering that their group had come across robotic hats earlier, Torrin had a feeling that this had to be connected to the Unforgivables. "And what color were their outfits?"

    "The big guy was wearing blue and let me tell you that he could not pull off the hat look. Neither could his friends. I mean if you're going to wear matching hats why not wear matching outfits too?"

    Torrin sighed. "Well I suppose that solves our problem. The bad guys probably knew better than to keep using that tower. More robohats. Well I guess we'll see what's up with that gimmick." He ran his hand through his hair. "Alright, can you take us to where they were?"

    "From the sound of your broody voice this must be serious." Darkwing Duck seemed to grow excited at the prospect of adventure.

    "What? This is my normal–"

    "Let's get DANGEROUS." The costumed duck pulled out an oversized pistol and fired it off into the distance and a grappling hook shot out making the hero zip off onto the roof of another building as he led the way, jumping and grappling from rooftop to rooftop.

    • Glyde was critically hit for 34 Damage! (51/85HP)
      Illiana took 27 Damage! (4/60HP)
      Illiana's MP Rage activated!
      Aria took 28 Damage! (18/90HP)
      Qamar took 19 Damage! (26/65HP)

      Enemies Remaining:
      22 Gargoyles (16AP)


    "Thanks Chrys! I needed that!" Koa heard Avra call out which reminded him that he still had some of his own magic left to spare.

    Koa cast Cura on himself. "Ah...much better." The keyblader rubbed his shoulder feeling some of the soreness of his body fade away after having healed himself up. The Heartless numbers were dwindling and at this rate he was sure they'd pull out a hard fought victory. "We've got this in the bag! Just a little more!" He shouted excitedly, spinning his keyblade as he leapt over Chrysanthemum and struck down a Gargoyle hovering over her. "They may have gotten stronger but they're still no match for us."

    "That's exactly the kind of thought I had in mind." Avra charged in front of Koa and destroyed another Gargoyle with a spinning cut. "Let's finish this already!"

    HP: 42/95
    AP: 2/50
    MP: 1/30

    HP: 54/105
    AP: 4/48
    MP: 21/40

    HP: 42/120
    AP: 6/42
    MP: 11/30

    HP: 45/115
    AP: 6/54
    MP: 31/40

    Heartless Defeated:
    9 Gargoyles (16AP)
    1 Crimson Jazz (20AP)
    1 Search Ghost (12AP)

    • Chrysanthemum was critically hit for 36 Damage! (13/115HP)
      Zeno took 20 Damage! (25/155HP)
      Koa took 21 Damage! (21/95HP)
      Avra took 26 Damage! (16/120HP)
      Pagos took 28 Damage! (26/105HP)

      Enemies Remaining:
      8 Air Pirates (12AP)
      21 Search Ghosts (12AP)

  3. cstar stay away from my waifu

    Dec 19, 2008

    As the duck began grapple hooking his way away, Take blinked and looked over and said,"Oh. Oh! Are we heading out then?" the boy summoned out his keyblade again just in time for Nini to let out a growl before biting Torrin in the leg. Takehiko looked at the cat confused and then the others and asked, "I was just keeping watch, I was certain I heard most of that conversation. Ya know, with the storm and the hats and something about Torrin's broody voice, what did you do to Nini while I was turned around?" he dropped his keyblade and it transformed into the glider, but he didn't jump on it to leave yet cause he wanted to confirm that was indeed the plan.
  4. Maka Albarn It's called love

    May 7, 2008
    Fairy Tail
    Aria was forced to cast another Cura spell on everyone since more than half of the party was dying. Literally. Or close near death. All Aria could do left since she used her fun abilities and whatnot was fight off two of the heartless since her creator was a dumb-dumb and didn't put enough AP. MISTAKES WERE MADE. Oh yeah, there's Blitz+, let's use that and overkill a heartless.

    HP: 33/90 (+15 from Cura)
    AP: 12/44
    MP: 30/(60)(+30)
    DP: 1/3

    Drive Form First Dawn, Activated (Last Turn. You're on your own, losers)
    Used Blitz+

    Cast Cura on Whole Party through Drive Form

    Rainbow Glow Activated (1/3)

    Enemies Remaining:
    19 Gargoyles (16AP)
  5. Vladek515 Hollow Bastion Committee

    Mar 12, 2015

    Torrin wanted him to take care of the Duck, which was fine by him, he didn't seem too troublesome. And while the usefulness of the feathery individual remained to be seen, Torrin wanted to keep an eye on him. It then proved that his questions provided a clue and probably the best lead they had so far, their opponents had fallen back and regrouped to another location. With Torrin asking more into it it seemed that this little encounter was turning into something fruitful as the Duck poked fun at Torrin Boreas chuckled at his friends expense, the Duck certainly was an excentric individual being more concerned about their dress than what they were doing but as Darkwing started showing the way Boreas started following the Duck hearing Take ask if they were gonna head out, not seeing the cat haning from Torrin's leg annoyed at being ignored. "
    Yes, come on we're burning sunshine here." He said as he leaped off the building, not breaking his stride forming his glider beneath him, falling onto it and immediately following the duck that swung through the city.
  6. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007

    "That'd actually hurt a little if you were bigger and if I was wearing shorts." Torrin mused at Nini. He knelt down and picked up the small black cat and whispered, "I'm sorry about Mika. Really." He gave the cat a pat on the head, wishing the small creature could understand his words or understand the depth of his guilt but instead the cat just meowed and seemed to be grateful to finally be acknowledged by him again after all this time.

    "She probably smelled the...scent of dog on me." He lied. Watching Boreas take the lead Torrin decided that now was not the time to get left behind. "Let's get moving." Torrin opened his coat to place Nini in the inner pocket where to keep her safe. He summoned his keyblade and hopped on before speeding off after Boreas and Darkwing Duck.

  7. Shiki my waifu is better than yours, thanks

    Jun 3, 2007
    The Future

    First things first, Qamar was smacked up by the Gargoyles yet again. Thankfully, Aria was able to heal her up a bit. Though, she did notice that Illiana was a bit more damaged than the rest of them. Not even hesitating, Qamar raised her keyblade towards Illiana. "Cura!" she called, casting her own healing magic. It wouldn't do much, but at least Illiana would probably not get conked out. Her keyblade had reformed into it's normal state by now, so Qamar gripped it in her right hand and looked around at the remaining Gargoyles.

    Qamar thrusted her keyblade and destroyed 2 Gargoyles with Sonic Blade. She ended up tripping over her own feet while trying to use the last of her ability. Standing back up, she wiped her face off and dusted herself. Gargoyle's approached her while her blade then dealt with 3 of them. A final Gargoyle decided to just peace out of this fight to live another day. The injured Gargoyle looked frightened, but Qamar decided to reserve herself and stayed back.

    HP: 41/65(+15 from Aria's Cura)
    AP: 10/58
    MP: 10/30
    DP: 3/3

    Cast Cura on Illiana!
    Combo Plus scared a Gargoyle!
    Sonic Blade killed 2.

    Enemies Defeated:

    6 Gargoyles

    Enemies Remaining:
    13 Gargoyles (16AP)​
  8. Aelin Best Waifu

    Jun 30, 2011
    British Columbia, Canada
    Keeping watch off to the side, something of interest was brought up in the conversation with the duck person. Costume people heading into a warehouse. The bowler hat thing seemed weird and off at first, but everything else could be of some help. Even the hats, Torrin brought up something that actually made sense with the hats that they were wearing. Turning away from her watch Tinarah thought to listen in to the rest of the conversation as it seemed that the duck was ready to head out already, in fact he ran off without them. Tinarah prepared to follow but Nini reacting to Torrin caught her attention.

    Torrin tried to make an excuse for why Nini was mad, but Tinarah just watched him for a minute, listening to him apologize about Mika before taking off, nearly running off it seemed. Summoning her glider, Tinarah rushing to catch up with Torrin. Pulling up beside him, Tinarah willed herself to look over at Torrin as she finally spoke.
    "You were in love with her weren't you? That is why Nini seems to always want your attention." She had learned enough and seen enough about the mirror realm to know that while motives might not always cross over, feelings, or connections did. She knew that from Stamtatis. She wondered if it was the same for Torrin. It shouldn't have been any of her business, but Mika had been one of Tinarah's closest friends and she just couldn't stop from wondering about it.
    Last edited: May 25, 2018
  9. cstar stay away from my waifu

    Dec 19, 2008

    Takehiko dropped the glider off the edge and jumped onto it to follow after the other's. He managed to catch up in time just to hear Tinarah's comment about a... 'her'? It took him a bit longer than he probably out to have to realize she was talking about Mika. That's when he realized... when would Torrin have come into contact with a dog to get a dog smell? Once the lies broke from there he was a little confused and he said,"How could he love Mika? He barely knew her. When they met he kept referring to her as the redhead. I don't think he knew her name until she... well..." the boy looked at the direction the duck was going to make sure they didn't lose him and he shrugged, "Doesn't add up for me. Is this another evil Torrin thing?"
  10. Ego Imperium Twilight Town Denizen

    Jul 10, 2009
    I reject your reality, and substitute my own.

    The fighting there appeared to be near an end. Going for broke, Glyde opened with a Shot fired at a Gargoyle as he closed in to deliver a quick follow up strike from his Keyblade. Then near enough to two more, he struck both defeating blows. He then turned and cast Ruin, dispatching another two.

    AP: 4/44
    HP: 51/85
    MP: 3/30
    DP: 3/3
    Used Shoot. No shots remaining for battle.
    Cast Ruin.

    ((I remember it being said a while back that I was permitted to chain Shots with AP attacks)).

    Enemies Defeated: 5 Gargoyles
    Enemies Remaing: 8 Gargoyles (16AP)​
  11. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007

    Torrin looked over at Tinarah, narrowing his eyes at the girl for presuming so much. Even the mention of Mika to him had crossed a line. "No." He responded curtly. At least that much wasn't a lie. As strongly as he once felt for her, things never went that far and since then he had become a much different person. "Take's right. I barely knew her." She didn't have the right to know nor did she have the right to pry into his past. Regardless of what she saw in the other realm, this was none of her concern. Torrin looked forward again, speeding up to catch up with Boreas as the group closed the gap between them and Darkwing Duck.

    • Glyde took 26 Damage! (40/85HP)
      Illiana took 21 Damage! (13/60HP)
      Illiana's MP Rage activated!
      Aria took 18 Damage! (15/90HP)
      Qamar took 19 Damage! (22/65HP)

      Enemies Remaining:
      8 Gargoyles (16AP)

  12. cstar stay away from my waifu

    Dec 19, 2008

    Despite thinking that his line of logic was probably more realistic, the way Torrin seemed to take that whole exchange felt off to Take. He looked over at Tinarah and almost wanted to apologize for scaring away the conversation, but there was always the possibility it would have ended the same way, regardless of whether she said anything. He looked up at Torrin and sped up a bit only to catch up to Tinarah's speed as he said to her, "You know, I would have believed it up until the point he took off ahead. His reaction is more a... ak... akin? Akin. Akin to when a kid breaks something and doesn't wanna get caught so they hide. Well, not.. exactly like that... I just.. I just mean flight reaction. It's a flight reaction." he looked over at her and spoke, hoping Torrin didn't hear, "We're barely getting him to open about anything and you're asking about his..." he looked confused by which phrase to use and asked, "Sex life? Love life? Intimate relationships? Help?"
  13. Maka Albarn It's called love

    May 7, 2008
    Fairy Tail
    There were only a handful left. They could do this. Aria felt close to falling short, but she had to prove she could keep herself in good fighting spirits. She couldn't be locked up in the castle for not being able to handle herself, not now. Even though her Drive Form was now gone, and the chance to do more damage with other magic was gone, she could still pack a punch somewhere. Raising her keyblade above her head, she cast a Thundura on three targets and slashed them down.

    Thundura on Gargoyles, reducing three to 12AP, thus killing 3 off with Thundura and NO MORE.

    HP: 15/90
    AP: 8/44
    MP: 22/30
    DP: 0/3

    Defeated 3 Gargoyles reduced to 12AP through a Thundura spell

    Enemies Remaining:
    5 Gargoyles (16AP)
    Last edited: May 27, 2018
  14. LadyAzura Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 21, 2012
    Garreg Mach Monastery
    Illiana had gotten knocked back by several gargoyles. She took a moment to get back onto her feet. She brought her fans back together to reform her blade. "I've had enough!! You're starting to waste my time and breath!!" Illiana charged up to three of the five remaining gargoyles. Cutting through each one, she ran her blade across each gargoyle, reducing them to nothing but smoke. She then snuck up on another gargoyle before running her keyblade through the heartless' chest. Illiana stood in front of the last gargoyle, just a few feet away as she lifted her blade to point at the heartless. Ice had begun to gather around her blade, charging up for a spell casting. She smirked for a moment before casting her spell. "Freeze!" Her ice spell immediately shot from her keyblade and over to the gargoyle, turning into nothing more than a block of ice. Illiana walked up to it before poking it with one finger, immediately shattering the ice.

    HP: 13/60
    MP: 3/30
    AP: 8/56
    DP: 3/3

    Used Combo Plus and Casted Blizzara

    Defeated 5 Gargoyles

    All heartless have been eliminated!

    Illiana had put away her blade for now as it turned back to its form of disguise. She opened up her umbrella and reached into it, grabbing a teacup filled with chamomile tea. She took a couple sips of it before turning to the group. "
    Alright. Now that that's done and over with. We need to get to Thallasa. Can't exactly do our job if our client and his pig is nowhere to be seen." Taking another sip of her tea, she looked around the area to get a small idea of which direction Thallasa went. Illiana finished up her tea and dropped it back into her umbrella. She lifted it up and turned back to the other three. "Anybody got any idea as to which way she went? Rather not go on a wild goose chase."

  15. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007
    Aria gained 3 Levels! Aria gained an Ability!
    Illiana, Qamar, and Glyde gained 2 Levels! Illiana gained an Ability!

    Claim your rewards in the OOC Thread!

  16. Maka Albarn It's called love

    May 7, 2008
    Fairy Tail
    And it was over. Aria could say she was impressed by the way Illiana took out the last few. Everyone, including Aria herself, was a little beat up except Glyde. They got the job done and that’s all that mattered. “Way to go everyone,” Aria said with a thumbs up and a small smile. It was strange, she was feeling a little more tired after a fight than before. Was it because the protection on the charm bracelet worn off?

    She then raised an eyebrow at Illiana when she randomly brought tea out, but coming to find out this was how the older girl coped with things, Aria wasn’t complaining. “That way,” Aria answered Illiana’s question, pointing to the tree line. “Let’s go, we don’t have any time to waste.” With that, the princess of heart took the lead, heading towards where she saw Master Thallasa disappeared last. There was a task to focus on at hand with Hen Wen being snatched by literal dragons after they were entrusted by Dallbin to keep an eye on them. That, and Aria was doing her best to keep a level head.

    With mostly unfamiliar faces and no protection magic anymore, Aria wanted to get to the master as quick as possible. She knew all three, but she didn’t know them as she did Take, Torrin, and Tinarah... she was starting to miss them already. Them, and Master Choma as well. Even with the brief encounters and little time to talk, Aria felt like she could trust Torrin as well since he helped her on more than one occasion in recent events when she needed help. Take was nice and opened up to her when she needed a friend after learning about Mika’s untimely demise, and although she changed recently, Tinarah has been around Aria since she was training under Master Choma and she felt a special connection to the girl. She figured the others would come in time... at least she hoped so. She felt like she got off the wrong foot with Glyde, Illiana was unpredictable and Aria wasn’t sure if Illiana even liked her, and although Qamar opened up to her, Aria wasn’t quite sure what to make of her yet... things would work out though, Aria liked to believe.
    Last edited: May 27, 2018
  17. Shiki my waifu is better than yours, thanks

    Jun 3, 2007
    The Future

    Qamar wiped a bit of blood off her cheek from the final attack unleashed upon her. She glanced about and saw Illiana sip on tea after their battle. It seemed that the girl had got upset at the heartless and needed to calm down. Shrugging, Qamar sat against a tree a moment before Aria wandered along the treeline. Following behind, Qamar could see that the last battle had actually taken a toll on the girl. Qamar wasn't used to this since, as long as she'd seen her, Aria seemed pretty much okay at all times. Thinking it'd be a good idea, Qamar caught up with her and pulled out a small energy bar.

    "'re looking a little tired, so...I was thinking this would help." she said, offering the bar. "I mean, you did a lot of healing back there, so you went crazy with your abilities. I kinda of just...well, I did what I do best and that was beating things up." She said this and punched at the air. "Though you did very good for what it's worth."

    Qamar looked behind her at Illiana and Glyde. "Anybody want an energy bar?" she called, holding up two more for the others. Without waiting for a reply, she turned and walked to each of them, placing the bar into their hands before turning back around. Qamar ran forward, taking the lead now. "I believe we're nearly there."
  18. Maka Albarn It's called love

    May 7, 2008
    Fairy Tail
    The princess of heart was surprised when Qamar noticed her lack of energy and smiled a little as she took the bar in her hand. “Thanks... you did well too. Don’t sell yourself short.” She nudged Qamar’s shoulder with hers and then opened the wrapper, downing the bar as fast and efficient as she could without choking. They were on the move, but if Illiana had a tea break, a little snack break wouldn’t hurt. She put the wrapper in her ultimate bag and then continued onward, hoping that Master Thallasa has everything in control on that side.
  19. Aelin Best Waifu

    Jun 30, 2011
    British Columbia, Canada
    While Tinarah didn't quite know what she expected, she did know that it wasn't what the reaction that she got. Torrin seemed to take great offense to it and ran off. Tinarah turned back to Take who pulled up beside her. She stared at him for a long moment before thinking of what to say. "I suppose you can say it is an evil Torrin thing.... I mean he was married to her in that realm, but I do also know that some of the emotional things carry over. And you see how Nini acts with him but how he tends to avoid her. There has to be something, I am not sure exactly what it is, but that is why I asked." Tinarah tried to defend herself as she looked over at Torrin. "Honestly... I hoped he would say yes. I mean the other Torrin killed Mika for helping me and maybe if he loved Mika here then I could believe that the other Torrin did at least love her at some point. I don't know. I might not be making sense. I feel like nothing I say makes sense anymore. I was just curious and maybe it was a mistake trying to talk to him. It has been hard for both of us." Tinarah pointed out. She felt like she made a mistake trying to talk to him. She clearly made a mistake with her words and it was not making things easier between the two of them.
  20. cstar stay away from my waifu

    Dec 19, 2008

    Takehiko listened to Tinarah's explanation and felt a bit caught up to speed. He did notice what was going on with Nini but he assumed it had something more to do with him not liking cats but Nini liking him. As she explained the second half, however, the boy bit his lip and thought about what she said and replied, "I know everyone else has been over this already, but I think you really need to start thinking of Torrin here and Torrin there as two different people." he steered the glider a bit to avoid a couple of obstacles before saying, "I don't know what you've gone through, at all, but that sounds like an unbelievable amount of pressure to put on Torrin for something he didn't do." he rested his hands a bit and glanced in Tinarah's direction, "Maybe that Torrin didn't love Mika. Maybe this one did. Who cares? If this Torrin doesn't love her, and that one did, what are you going to do with that information? Is that going to make you humanize the other Torrin? If they both didn't love her is it going to make this Torrin more of a monster to you?" the boy adjusted his mask a bit and then put more focus on driving again, "I'm just worried you might be comparing and contrasting too much. I hope you're not doing that to your brother."