Kingdom Hearts: Kingdom Hearts: Light Chaser

Discussion in 'Role-Playing Arena' started by Arch, Mar 25, 2017.

  1. cstar stay away from my waifu

    Dec 19, 2008

    Takehiko didn't necessarily like the messing of his hair but ignored it when Torrin made his pun. As they moved to head out, Take summoned out his keyblade and transformed it into a glider which ended up kind of resembling a biplane. It had a little spot in the front that was probably more efficient for placing a bag in it, but Take reached over and picked up Nini and placed her into it. She popped up with her paws up against the side and Take got on his glider. He looked back at Chrono and said, "Don't fall too far behind!" before Take took off.
    Last edited: May 9, 2018
  2. CrownMoksha Decimo

    Jan 11, 2011
    On board the DenLiner
    After chuckling at Aria's reaction to his yawn and his own eating of the pancakes Take had made, Chrono had gotten up and headed outside along side everyone else and was given a glider and keyblade transformation. It was cool to actually be able to do that now, even if there wouldn't be time to well practice.

    The group had decided that it would be best to bait out the super villains, which was fine and all, but they would have to pose as heroes by again putting on their costumes. As reluctant as he was in doing so, Chrono inevitably walked back to his room and doned on the costume once again. Chrono had stepped outside once again just in time to see Take holding up Nini, who for whatever reason was wearing a cape, as the former had giggled. That's right, Take giggled and it had completely surprised Chrono.

    "I'll be fine!" He replied to Take, tossing his keyblade up into the air and letting it fall down towards the ground in its glider form. He didn't think it'd be that simple, but it made things easy for him. Getting on board said glider, he flew off behind the others in a moderate pace. Last thing he wanted was to fall off from this height.
  3. Shiki my waifu is better than yours, thanks

    Jun 3, 2007
    The Future

    "Oh my god stop being so rude and just try to play nice, please. Offering aid is not the wrong choice." she stated to Illiana. "If you ain't got nothing nice to say, don't say it at all." She muttered that last part while she listened to Aria speak. She kept quiet in thought, wondering how they'd go about helping Dallben's apprentice. It was then that he mentioned a pig that could see futures and find the location of an object of great power. Qamar nodded and looked at everyone. "So we protect the pig and we keep things safe, eh? Sounds simple enough...." she spoke, scratching her arm. "Where are we supposed to find your apprentice? I think it'd be a good idea to get there as soon as possible."
  4. LadyAzura Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 21, 2012
    Garreg Mach Monastery
    Illiana looked at Qamar as she immediately spoke to her. "Oh my god stop being so rude and just try to play nice, please. Offering aid is not the wrong choice." She silently lifted up her right hand and had the hand mimic her words. "But it is the wrong choice if it causes them even more pain but hey! What do I know?" She shrugged her shoulders as the girl in front of her spoke up again. "If you ain't got nothing nice to say, don't say it at all." Illiana placed a hand on her chin as if she was pondering. After a few moments, she spoke. "It's funny how people who know me the least have the most to say. Very interesting. Well at least I can sort of promise you one thing......" She paused before a sarcastic smile showed up on her face. "The silent treatment! It works wonders! Oh! And by the way, it's: 'If you don't have'" She clapped her hands together and then looked Dallben before looking back at Thallasa as their conversation continued. The elderly man had asked them to watch over his apprentice and spoke about this pig that could foretell the future. Not only that but a cauldron with very special abilities. "A pig that can see the future and a pot that can call forth an undead army........Sounds like it's up our alley." She placed a hand on her hip and looked at Dallben. Qamar had then asked where they would be able to find his apprentice. "So here's my next question, where's Hen Wen now? And this black cauldron?" Illiana looked over at Dallben as he grimly spoke his warnings to the group. She went into the kitchen and took out some chamomile. She began brewing some tea. After pouring the finished tea into the mug, she gave it to Dallben. "Thought you might like some. It's chamomile." She placed it on the table before putting a hand on her hip, awaiting for the answers to their questions.
  5. Shiki my waifu is better than yours, thanks

    Jun 3, 2007
    The Future

    "Why is she like this..." Qamar asked, walking away from Illiana. She stood over by Aria and knelt to the ground, gripping her knees in frustration at Illiana. Why did she have to act like this? Was Illiana just not able to accept Qamar or something? Or maybe the girl was failing at socialization again. Both of them. Qamar always says the wrong things at the wrong time and Illiana just wants to have nothing to do with anything. In fact, from the looks of things, Qamar got the feeling that maybe Illiana just didn't want to be here at all. She probably wanted to find her brother again and try to get home. "Oh...." Qamar realized that maybe it wasn't Illiana who was at fault. It was all her fault for trying to tear the girl away from her family after a period of separation. Now she finally regretted the things she said back in the midst of things. Qamar never had any siblings, so the whole saving them and going back home thing is lost on her. She could at least sympathize with being unable to get somebody to realize the wrongs they've committed.

    Glaring up at Illiana, she saw the tea and sniffed the air. "Chamomile...? Where did you get it...? Did he have it....??" she was a little confused, all things considered, but it couldn't totally be out of the question. Shaking her head, Qamar looked up at Aria. "Ah...I messed up again..." she admitted. "I'm sorry..." she said, looking down at the ground. "I...It's kinda...hard sometimes..." she sighed, shaking her head once more. This wasn't the time to mope. She shot up, jumping a tiny bit and landing wobbly. "I think we can handle taking care of a pig. So long as she behaves." Qamar joked a little. "Leave it to us!"
  6. Maka Albarn It's called love

    May 7, 2008
    Fairy Tail
    The princess of heart was already missing the others. It seemed like everyone had bad people skills in this group. Resisting the urge to slap her forehead and rub her hand down her face in frustration, and breathed in and out slowly instead. She looked down at Qamar who seemed openly disheartened with the whole interaction, and then sprung back to life once more while Illiana was trying to keep herself busy. “Apologies,” Aria said to the pig keeper. “We’ve been on the road a while so some of us are on edge...” She rubbed the back of her neck nervously, hoping that if either two of the girls took offense to her words, they’d tell her AWAY from the guy. They were just seeming more and more incompetent to do any task that was asked of them with the way they were interacting amongst themselves, and showing their inability to work with a group. A small one at that.

    “But we’re willing to help,” Aria added in, gesturing to Qamar to show that she agreed with the girl in that sense. It seemed like this world had a dark force at work as well. The Horned King and a Black Cauldron able to summon the dead sounded the stuff of nightmares. The faster they could get on task, the quicker they could stop this from happening. And from their group from falling apart in front of the man.
  7. Vladek515 Hollow Bastion Committee

    Mar 12, 2015

    Boreas sat waiting patiently on his glider as the others returned. He had a good laugh when Take and Torrin made their puns, even if they were absolutely terrible, he didn't care too much if they judged him for laughing at the terrible puns. He didn't fully understand the first pun but it didn't stop him from laughing. He hadn't really noticed the cat before, and he probably would continue to steer clear of the small animal. As Torrin pulled up beside him telling the others that he himself and Torrin would be leading the charge and telling them to be careful.

    Before they took off Torrin looked at him questioningly asking how many layers he was wearing right that moment. He held up three fingers, after all he just wore his normal clothing beneath the super suit. "
    And Yes it does fit under my armour." Boreas said as he followed Torrin into the skies, holding position beside him, they were holding back to make sure all the others would be able to keep up with them. "Just like old times eh?" Boreas asked his friend as they soared through the air on their gliders, his cape fluttered in the wind behind him. Everything was different now, Torrin had noticably changed, and he had undoubtedly changed as well six years was a long time after all. He looked behind him at the others noticing the small seat for the cat in Take's glider. Everyone had their own variation of the glider his own brandishing the wing design of the blade, Take's looked rather odd to him but either way it worked. Boreas was ready for a fight and he scanned for any sign of the enemy.
  8. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007

    Torrin glanced over at the other three to make sure they were doing okay and, though Tinarah seemed nervous, they all seemed to be flying just fine. "I'll make keyblade masters of you yet." He spoke mostly to himself, his low tone of voice probably lost in the rush of wind as the quintet flew above the city skyline before Torrin directed them down to the streets below where pedestrians pointed and called them out excitedly as the soared above the streets.

    "Just like old times." Torrin repeated in agreement, looking straight ahead. "A lot less gloomy though." Torrin mused. He slowed down, knowing the others following them might get thrown off their gliders if they made a hard turn without any practice, and made a wide right turn around a skyscraper to continue flying over another street. He wasn't sure how long this would take but given all the attention they were getting he was certain at least one villain had to be watching. "Definitely a lot more pleasant than Ride the Wyvern. Maybe if there wasn't a war to worry about we would have grown up with better childhood games."

    "Why thank you...Illiana, correct?" Dallben took a sip of the tea and his expression softened. "There's nothing to apologize for. I'm just grateful you lot are going to look after my assistant for me." Dallben smiled up towards Aria. He pointed off towards the direction of his house was facing off into a tranquil forest. "My assistant, Taran, went in that direction."

    "We'll get right on that. Rest assured, we will make sure no harm comes to Hen Wen." The keyblade master motioned for the group to head out and once they were out of Dallben's line of sight Thallasa grabbed both Illiana and Qamar by their ear to drag them closer towards herself.

    "Get it together you two. I don't care what kind of personality clashes you two may have but we're on the same time and this petty bickering is unbefitting of keyblade wielders. Squabbling when there are life and death decisions around every corner is childish. I do not want to have to do this but if you prove incapable of controlling your emotions I will open a portal and shove you two back to the Council so your masters can babysit you." She released the two girls and folded her arms. "Am I understood?"

  9. Aelin Best Waifu

    Jun 30, 2011
    British Columbia, Canada
    It was difficult to get used to figuring out how to fly her glider. She was a bit wobbly and struggled to find the right balance, but at the very least she was able to keep herself on the glider and not go plummeting to the ground. She could only imagine how badly that would hurt. Instead of giving pointers or actually any instructions at all for the three of them who had never flown, Torrin continued to do what he did best since she had been back, especially after telling her story, and avoid all of them altogether. She supposed since Aria wasn't here to be distracted with, he found another way to keep himself occupied, talking to his friends more than he paid attention to how they were doing. Tinarah didn't know why she was so annoyed by this, but part of her way. Perhaps it was because she was finally trying to not just be terrified of him and avoid him, but now, that she perhaps needed a little help learning how to use the damned thing, he was avoiding her equally as much and she was left struggling to figure out how to keep her balance. It was like learning to ride a bike all over again, but this time there was no training wheels to keep her from falling, and the fall, instead of leading to a scraped knee, could lead to her death. Still she tried to just keep her head down and focus on learning, if he wasn't going to pay mind to them, she wouldn't ask for help, and she didn't want to ask Take or Chrono who were likely equally as unsure about flying.
  10. Shiki my waifu is better than yours, thanks

    Jun 3, 2007
    The Future

    At least Aria agreed with her and was talking about how they would do it. Dallben pointed them in the direction that Taran had went, with Thallasa motioning for them to go. Outside, Thallasa grabbed Qamar and Illiana by the ear, causing Qamar to grab at the woman's arm. "Owwwww." she whined, listening to what Thallasa said. She thought about what she said and being sent back to her Master was actually a terrible thing. He'd be way angrier than ever before and she didn't want to see that. She'd seen him mad, but she couldn't even imagine him after being sent back for something as small as this.

    "W...Well..." she started off, being let go. She rubbed her sore ear and looked at Illiana. "Honestly, Master Thallasa, I did say we should leave her brother behind...and that he was a lost cause..." she started off. "I'm lumping him and that Dentro guy together...since they are teammates and Dentro did......." she stopped, sighing. "But...maybe I shouldn't...I mean...maybe his mind can be changed...even if he did beat the crap out of Illiana..." Qamar looked at Illiana and took a deep breath. "Your brother will probably keep fighting us, sure, but that doesn't mean he can't be changed. Thinking back, I saw he almost wanted to join you once more. But he still hurt you, Illiana." she spoke, crossing her arms.

    "I know you don't want to talk about it. He's your brother and he's betrayed you. I won't push you to talk about it. Just please be a little nicer to us. We're on a team after all." she turned towards the forest and started to head off. "Taran!" she called, hoping the boy would hear her.
  11. Vladek515 Hollow Bastion Committee

    Mar 12, 2015

    Boreas remained seated on his glider, Torrin seemed to agree that it was like old times, just less gloomy. "
    That's cause we're not home. Things are just a lot brighter 'round here..." Boreas said, not slowing down to make the turn and pulling a little ahead of Torrin and the rest as he did. He enjoyed the speed of it and the wind rushing through his hair. He slowed down a little looking behind him to let the others catch up to him and then falling back into place by Torrin's side. Boreas chuckled at Torrin's remark about their childhood games. "Sure that game was dangerous, but it was our way, it was the most thrilling game we had, I mean it wasn't the only game we had, but definitely the best if I must say so myself." Boreas added with a smile. He looked behind him, Tinarah didn't seem to do too well maintaining her balance. "Tinarah spread your feet apart a little more, makes it easier to balance it out and makes your stand stronger. Chrono, bend your knees a little, makes controlling it easier." Boreas called back to them. He wasn't an expert on it and he hadn't really used the other forms of glider keeping to his jetbike, but he had picked up a thing or two on the others.
  12. CrownMoksha Decimo

    Jan 11, 2011
    On board the DenLiner
    With his glider being designed similar to a skateboard, least the way he saw it, it made things easier for him to get a general idea on how to ride it. Despite that similarity there was the clear differences in what he could do since he's never actually ridden one before. He had zero intentions to try to kick off the ground to pick off speed while he was in the sky, where touching the ground would probably mean that he had fallen from the sky and he didn't want that.

    Boreas had given them some advice that was helpful when Chrono put it to practice. Made things feel a bit easier to handle. Once settled, he looked up towards Boreas and Torrin. He still held many questions regarding him and did want to answers to at least some of them. Nothing was happening right now which made it seem like the best time to actually ask some of them. Chrono leaned forward slightly and fortunately his glider did speed up, albeit slowly. His approach to Torrin was in fact slow, but he did get there.

    "Yo Torrin, for someone who doesn't like secrets you sure have a lot of them. What's going in your head?"
  13. Light-Rune Maven Seer

    Jan 8, 2012
    The Aetherial Sea

    With a determined look on her face, Chrys summoned her weapon as she and her companions readied themselves for the upcoming battle. The first enemies that came toward her from the swarm of heartless were Search Ghost and Air Pirates. She blocked a punch from one of the more corporeal opponents before taking a slash at it. Unfortunately for her it managed to dodge the blow, but she recovered quickly by swiping to the side. While it was reeling from the blow she ducked underneath a nearby search ghost and grabbed it by its 'tail.' She proceeded to swing it towards her original target and slammed them into each-other. She repeatedly slammed the ghost around to hit multiple other opponents. Dazed as it was, it hardly had the presence of mind to fade from her grip.

    "Don't worry everyone," She started as her flail dissapated into black smoke. "...We've been training for this! We can handle it no problem!"

    Enemies Defeated:
    1 Search Ghost

    4 Air Pirates

    HP: 115/115
    AP: 2/62
    MP: 40/40
    DP: 3/3

    Enemies Remaining:
    20 Gargoyles

    16 Air Pirates
    20 Crimson Jazzes
    39 Search Ghosts
  14. Aelin Best Waifu

    Jun 30, 2011
    British Columbia, Canada
    As Tinarah stood there trying to figure out how to maintain balance, Boreas called out to her with some advice. As she tried the advice, Tinarah found out that it was actually working to some extent. As she spread her legs a little further apart, she found her balance a little more centered, enough so that she managed to close at least a little of the distance between her and the two males taking lead, or at least enough distance that she didn't feel like she was going to be left behind at any moment. And while Boreas still made her uncomfortable, at least it was helpful. "Um.. thank you." She told him a little timidly, not sure if he could hear her over the wind, but she could at least try. Just because his attitude bothered her, it didn't mean that she didn't want to at least try and be polite. After all she decided that she wouldn't let him win, so she would face them, mostly Torrin, but she needed to learn to face both of them. Being rude to Boreas would not help with the already damaged relationship that she seemed to have with the man, not from the time in the other realm, just their interactions in this realm.
  15. Maka Albarn It's called love

    May 7, 2008
    Fairy Tail
    Aria blinked as she watched Master Thallasa pretty much scold the two keyblade wielders like she was their mother. She whistled lowly and tucked her hands behind her back, nervously kicking at the ground as she looked away from the situation but kept her ears trained to hear what the master had to say. Once it was done, Qamar brought up some issues that Aria clearly missed while she was dealing with Quietus and the nightmare trying to murder her. She faced the others and frowned slightly. "Look, I don't know what happened when I was separated from you two, but I don't want you guys to fight or be sent away. What if the Light Chaser's apprentices show up again and we're too busy squabbling amongst ourselves? I’m pretty strong, but I can only do so much to defend myself. And another princess will be depending on us soon to get her to safety, and the last thing she needs to worry about is-"

    She was interrupted when Qamar went on ahead to look for Taran. She shook her head and then looked to Illiana. "
    Ya don't have to be nice to us. Just work with us a bit. I mean, I'm not even supposed to be out here with you guys... I'm the one that should be back at the castle."

    She rubbed the back of her neck and then looked to Master Thallasa.
    "So I guess we call out for Taran until we find him?" she asked, gesturing to Qamar who was already ahead of them.
  16. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007

    Torrin blinked at Boreas. "If I wanted thrilling I'd spar with you. Or Nora." He joked. Torrin kept quiet while Boreas offered a pointer towards Tinarah in keeping her balance and nodded in agreement. "On turns don't try to tug your glider in the direction you want to go, you'll only end up tiring yourself to move sluggishly. Lean into it. Don't be afraid to fall. Boreas and I should be able to react fast enough before any of you hurt yourselves." Keyword being "should".

    It seemed out of the blue but Chrono began to catch up to himself and Boreas and voiced a question that he assumed had a hint of suspicion and concern buried within. Unfortunately, the question was too vague for him to glean any real motivations behind his question. "Right now I'm concerned with you and your friends not hitting the pavement. I'm also weighing our options regarding an aerial battle on the off chance the Unforgivables have a way to engage us in the skies. I'm also planning on using any battles against said villains as a way to further gauge everyone else's abilities in case anyone needs to sit out heading into the heart of this world's darkness situation." Torrin answered plainly, feeling no need to dress up his response for the sake of sounding polite.


    When Zeno, Koa, Avra, and Pagos each launched a Fira spell at the Search Ghosts that came down to swarm them their spells combined into a massive fireball that shook the ground beneath them and decimated more than a dozen of the Heartless. "Goodness, look at them all go." Zeno stabbed his keyblade into the ground and clapped his hands together. "Good form Chrys! Keep that up and we'll be done in no time." As a Crimson Jazz began to charge up an attack he leapt at it and cut it down before moving on to destroy another.

    HP: 115/115
    AP: 14/54
    MP: 31/40

    HP: 95/95
    AP: 10/50
    MP: 21/30

    HP: 120/120
    AP: 6/42
    MP: 21/30

    HP: 105/105
    AP: 8/48
    MP: 31/40

    Heartless Defeated:
    2 Gargoyles
    6 Crimson Jazzes
    16 Search Ghosts

    • Chrysanthemum was critically hit for 36 Damage! (79/115HP)
      Zeno took 22 Damage! (93/155HP)
      Koa took 20 Damage! (75/95HP)
      Avra took 35 Damage! (85/120HP)
      Pagos took 25 Damage! (80/105HP)

      Enemies Remaining:
      18 Gargoyles (16AP)
      16 Air Pirates (12AP)
      14 Crimson Jazzes (20AP)
      23 Search Ghosts (12AP)

  17. Vladek515 Hollow Bastion Committee

    Mar 12, 2015

    Boreas checked again to see if they followed his advice and it seemed to help them a little bit. Chrono was even gaining on Torrin and him little by little. Tinarah even thanked him, but Boreas didn't respond to it. Torrin mentioned that if he had wanted thrilling he'd spar with him or Nora, Boreas had sparred a few times with Nora, she was an alright sparring partner, different from Torrin's style but still very skilled. In the years of Torrin's absence Boreas had stilled sparred here and there but less and less frequent as duties were taking up more of his time. "For me the sparring was just another form of training to be honest, although lately it has become more of a past-time for me. But it wasn't just another game for me like Ride the Wyvern." Boreas said.

    Chrono finally caught up to them and Boreas raised an eyebrow at the question raised. Considering what preceded it the question didn't seem very specificly formulated like Chrono wanted to know something but he could understand the problem with the hypocrisy, then again everyone was a hypocrit in one way or another. He listened to Torrin's answer explaining what was on his mind. An aerial battle would not be a very good idea, Boreas could easily handle himself on his glider, handle himself well, but with Chrono and Tinarah having trouble controlling their gliders that would make them easy pickings to tip the balance in the villains' favour. As for using the fighting against the villains to gauge their capabilities Boreas had full confidence in his abilities and didn't think he would have to sit out going into the darkness alongside his old friend. "
    I don't fancy our chances in an aerial battle, you and me could hold our own but I can't be sure that can be said of all..." Boreas said, if it came to that he'd tell those that weren't skilled enough to land to provide support from the ground or rooftops in the form of magic, but he hoped it wouldn't come to that even if he felt a lot better than the day before.
  18. Ego Imperium Twilight Town Denizen

    Jul 10, 2009
    I reject your reality, and substitute my own.

    Not for a lack of sociability, Glyde had remained in quiet observation of unfolding events. He had held away from the conversation with Dallben in the interest of keeping himself out from between the hostility between Qamar and Illiana; he had already done that once, and it hadn't made much difference. It wasn't until Thallasa had given the two a stern command to stop their arguing that Glyde inserted himself into the matter at hand.

    "Just to be sure," he spoke. "Might be a good idea to get a good description of what Taran looks like... in case we find him... well, without him responding to his name. Plus, then it's a little more difficult for someone to fool us."

  19. LadyAzura Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 21, 2012
    Garreg Mach Monastery
    Illiana felt a slight pinch at her ear. "Owowowow" She looked and saw the hand belong to Thallasa. As she pulled her and Qamar aside, she then spoke up. "Get it together you two. I don't care what kind of personality clashes you two may have but we're on the same time and this petty bickering is unbefitting of keyblade wielders. Squabbling when there are life and death decisions around every corner is childish. I do not want to have to do this but if you prove incapable of controlling your emotions I will open a portal and shove you two back to the Council so your masters can babysit you." Thallasa had then released their ears. Illiana rubbed her ear before whispering to herself. "Haven't had anyone aside from my parents do that since I was 10. Interesting." She looked back at Thallasa as she asked the two if they had understood.

    Qamar had then opened up her mouth. "
    Honestly, Master Thallasa, I did say we should leave her brother behind...and that he was a lost cause..." She paused as Illiana put a hand on her hip and rolled her eyes. Here we go.... Qamar had then resumed her words. "But...maybe I shouldn't...I mean...maybe his mind can be changed...even if he did beat the crap out of Illiana..." Illiana started shaking her head as she spoke to herself. "As if he had a say in that." Qamar had continued. "Your brother will probably keep fighting us, sure, but that doesn't mean he can't be changed. Thinking back, I saw he almost wanted to join you once more. But he still hurt you, Illiana." She was starting to get irritated but calmly spoke. "What do you know? Don't act as if you understand me. It still doesn't change the fact that you threatened my brother. I could barely make out who was where but I could definitely make out the voices at the time. That crossed too many lines." Her eyes had carried nothing but anger in her brown pools. She turned her head away. Qamar had continued once again. "I know you don't want to talk about it. He's your brother and he's betrayed you. I won't push you to talk about it. Just please be a little nicer to us. We're on a team after all." Qamar had then walked off after saying her piece.

    Again...what do you know? Disrespectful little girl. Who in the world walks off in the middle of a conversation?" She crossed her arms again before turning to Thallasa. "I'll do what I can to keep peace but if she thinks she can go around me and say she knows me, I'll send myself back to Atmos. I'm not dealing with some nosy, disrespectful little girl. I can promise you that Thallasa." With that, Illiana walked back to Dallben and told him that there was more tea in the kettle if he wanted more. She walked a little bit behind the rest of the group.

    Aria had then looked back at her and spoke. "
    Ya don't have to be nice to us. Just work with us a bit. I mean, I'm not even supposed to be out here with you guys... I'm the one that should be back at the castle." Illiana sighed before speaking. "Don't start talking like that. If Thallasa and the council thought it was okay to be here, then don't think about it and just keep going. As for the teamwork part, I'll do my best as far as peace goes but if I hear anybody go around saying they know how I feel or say anything about my personal matters....That's going out the window. I'm not gonna deal with people poking their nose where it doesn't belong."

    She kept walking as Qamar and Aria started looking for this Taran. Glyde had then brought up a point Illiana had actually kind of agreed with. "
    Might be a good idea to get a good description of what Taran looks like... in case we find him... well, without him responding to his name. Plus, then it's a little more difficult for someone to fool us." Illiana had then spoke up in response. "You know I actually sort of agree with you for once. Though as for the fooling part......" She paused and then continued. "Actually, not gonna say anything on that. Though we should kind of place a face to the name."
  20. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007

    "I doubt there are many boys with pigs roaming about these parts." Said Thallasa. "We don't need more details than that and the boy's name." She began to lead the way into the forest. "Illiana, Qamar, behave yourselves. No more warnings." The master repeated sternly before she continued on and answered Aria with a simple, "Yes. We'll just head down the most direct path and we should find tracks to direct us to Taran."

    Needless to say, the forest was exactly what one would expect of an average forest. Green, squirrels roaming about, leaves crunching underneath their shoes as they walked forth, and the occasional bird chirping in the branches above them. Thankfully, there were no Heartless anywhere to be seen. If they had not been told to stop an evil sorcerer from taking over the world with an undead army perhaps this might have even been a nice vacation spot. "Normally, I'd be against interfering with the natural order of a world but during times like these it's hard to tell what is and isn't natural anymore." The woman commented after several minutes of her silence. She opened her mouth to continue with her thoughts when angered shouts came from beyond the thicket.

    "Hold on you hairy little thief! Come back with my apple!" A boy's voice called out in the distance. "If you don't give it back you'll be sorry! I mean it!"