Kingdom Hearts: Kingdom Hearts: Light Chaser

Discussion in 'Role-Playing Arena' started by Arch, Mar 25, 2017.

  1. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007

    Once everyone was outside Torrin cleared his throat and stepped forward. "This'll just take a sec, Thallasa. I just need to show the others something."

    "Oh? And what is that?"

    "Just something to even the odds a little." If they were really going to be splitting up again, he wanted the others to have a few more combat options available to them. "If you guys are all going to keep fighting there's a few new tricks you all will have to learn. One of which is something fairly standard and the other is a little trick I've come up with myself. First, the creation of a keyblade glider. Do not use this as your default mode of transportation unless you're planning to draw as much attention to yourself as possible and, yes, that is definitely what you don't want to do. Second, for those of you I've already taught, take the opportunity to stretch your skills a little further and for everyone else, this requires a little more...creativity. So just open your mind up to some new possibilities."

    Illiana, Tinarah, Chrono, Takehiko, Aria, and Glyde learned how to use a keyblade glider!
    Everyone learned a new keyblade weapon transformation!


    "Impressive technique. All settled then?" She asked once the lesson was over. Torrin nodded in response. "I'm aware that some of you wish to remain on this world and others wish to leave. All those accompanying me to find the next Princess of Heart should come with me now. The path to the next world is not far. Speak your farewells now if you desire and..." She looked over to Torrin who she knew for a fact wished to stay behind. "Good luck."

  2. Vladek515 Hollow Bastion Committee

    Mar 12, 2015

    Master Thallasa listened attentively to his explanation and nodded in understanding. His work had paid off it seemed, she didn't seem to condemn his actions even appreciating his trust in her. Thallasa had concerns regarding not everyone would exactly fall in line and she felt that in time most would but not all of them, he felt the same way most people would eventually fall in line, but the few trouble makers he would bring to heel, especially now that his actions had been sanctioned by Thallasa. As she patted him on the shoulder he nodded. "
    I'll keep my eyes on them, remind them of their duty if necessary, Master Thallasa." He said with a small smile on his face. "Thank you for your time and understanding."

    With the healing taken care off and a rather surprising exchange with Thallasa Boreas left for his room, if they were to move out today then he would take a part of his costume with him that he liked. The green cape, minus the high collar though that part he wasn't too fond off. He fastened the torn and singed cape to his normal outfit and used the activator to put on his armour, minus the helmet. With everyone busy among themselves Boreas remained quiet and sat down until Thallasa called for them to move out and meet her in the front if they were ready to go on with the business. Boreas filed out behind her immediately as he was ready to go where ever it was that duty required him to go.

    As Torrin joined them outside and said he needed to explain a new trick to them, first of he showed the other students how to make keyblade gliders. Then however came the keyblade transformations again, Torrin had taught him the trick back in the Dark Margins and was now teaching the others and Torrin seemed confident he was ready for another transformation. Boreas took a moment to think about it and then set his mind to the task. He summoned his keyblade and started working on the new transformation, lengthening the grip of his blade until it alone was like a staff reaching seven feet in length, at the tip of the staff the wing design merged with the cutting edge of the hook on his blade forming the blade with the guards twisting upwards to support and frame the blade, near the back of it a small hook formed completing his weapon. It was a weapon he was very familiar and skilled with as an infantryman and Boreas was glad that he could now use it in this war. It had taken him a while but he had transformed his keyblade into a Glaive-guisarme. He stepped away from the others to get enough free room to give his new weapon a few test swings, satisfied with the result of it, Boreas joined the others again, resting the butt of the glaive on the ground next to his feet and letting it lean lightly against his shoulder as he supported it with his hand.

    Boreas looked to Torrin and smiled. "
    Now this, my friend is something I can really work with. Thanks again for teaching me that trick." Master Thallasa said that those that wished to come with her ought to join her now. And those that wished to stay behind should do so, he knew that Torrin wanted to stay behind, Take had spoken up about the fact as well and Tinarah seemed to have the wish to stay as well. He wasn't sure where to go, on the one hand he didn't necessarily feel like he had to stay to clean up after the battle from last night and might be useful to Thallasa to keep everyone in line. On the other hand leaving would separate him from Torrin again, sure they had been separated last night during the battle but that was only for a short while and if Tinarah was going to stick, Boreas might be needed to bring Torrin back to his senses. Furthermore, Torrin might need a seasoned warrior at his side. "Master Thallasa, Torrin, I would prefer to remain behind, but should my duty require otherwise I would follow despite my own objections. Guide my blade to where it is needed most." Boreas asked their advice, the two of them both had ideas as to what sortof manpower they might need going forward, he would follow the path to where his duty would lead him.
  3. Aelin Best Waifu

    Jun 30, 2011
    British Columbia, Canada
    Tinarah lingered a little closer to Torrin than Thallasa since she planned to stay behind with him. Before they got ready to go, Torrin showed them all a few new tricks, something Tinarah found quite interesting. She struggled at first to get the keyblade transformation right, however after trying for quite some time, she managed to get her keyblade to transform into an instrument that she was less familiar with, a harp. While Tinarah didn't really know what the harp did, she didn't want to try it out when she could hurt people with it. It was better to not bother and just put it away.

    After they learned their transformations Thallasa was getting everyone ready to go, meanwhile Boreas stated his desire to stay behind as well. Tinarah shifted uncomfortably as he spoke, moving a little bit away from him. She wasn't fond of having to learn to deal with both of them at once, but she would do it anyways. Tinarah had decided that she wanted to finish what she started and didn't want to let Torrin win. If she backed off and left, changing her mind about this, than she was still cowering when she just wanted to stop cowering. So with chin held as high as she could manage, Tinarah pushed forward and stood her ground, ready to start with whatever they were to do now.
  4. Shiki my waifu is better than yours, thanks

    Jun 3, 2007
    The Future

    "I think I'm going. You are, too....right Aria?" Qamar looked at the girl. Torrin had just taught the others how to make a keyblade glider. He then taught them how to transform their keyblades. Qamar decided on something she figured would be pretty cool. She summoned forth her keyblade and gripped the handle with both hands. She then pulled apart the keyblade, revealing it having split into two. She spun them in her hands a moment and gripped them tightly. One had the main teeth of the blade and the other had the smaller, but equally deadly, part. She was satisfied, seeing as her keyblade was able to be split and be nearly identical. Save for the blade and tip, of course. She then merged the keyblade together again and sent it off. "I like this. I almost tried for a bow and arrow but...." she shrugged. "Didn't really care for ranged combat."

    Qamar looked up and saw Tinarah shuffle awkwardly closer to Torrin, not making a sound. Qamar glanced around and walked towards Tinarah, being mindful of the meowing cat. "You don't scare me, kitty." she mused, smiling as she leaned closer to Tinarah. "Good luck. I know you're strong. You are better than this." she spoke softly, giving Tinarah a pat on the shoulder before she wandered back to Master Thallasa.

    "Master Thallasa, I'll come with you. I need to leave this place behind. Torrin'll do a good job anyway, I'm confident of that." she thumbs upped Torrin. "But I have to ask, Master...where the heck are we going?"
    Last edited: May 7, 2018
  5. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007


    "Aria, Illiana, Qamar, and Glyde will come with me. It seems the rest of you have made up your mind." With nothing further to say, she led the way on around the mansion and stopped in front of nothing save for the city view atop the hill which Edna's home was situated on. If one narrowed their vision and focused on the space directly in front of Thallasa they would have seen the air quiver ever so slightly. The master held out her keyblade and the ripples in the air began to intensify radiating a gentle warmth to those in its vicinity.

    "After the Heartless were pushed back this hidden path revealed itself to me." A beam of light shot out from the tip of her keyblade and a column of light opened up before them. "Beyond is our destination and the next Princess of Heart."


    Torrin gave a short wave at the group when they began to head out and folded his arms. "Guess it's time to get to work."

    "This is terrible!" Edna shouted as she ran out from her home. "There's no heroes in the city!"

    "Wait what?"

    "Mr. Incredible, Elastigirl, and Frozone! They've all been captured by the Unforgivables!" Edna exclaimed. "I tried calling the other supers for help but there's been no answer!"

    "Of course...because why deal with one problem when two is more fun?" He ran a hand through his hair and looked over at the others. Complaining was going to get them nowhere and he supposed that they had already interfered in this world's affairs enough so what harm could interfering a little more do? "Alright Miss Mode, we're here and we're ready to help. How did they get captured?"

    The woman adjusted her glasses and looked around eyeing them quizzically. "Weren't there more of you?"

    "The others needed to leave in a hurry."

    "What of your costumes?"

    "Yeah...About that..."

    The short woman shook her head slowly. "Disappointing. No goodbyes! You ruined my creations! So rude." She scolded them. "The Unforgivables sprung a trap for them last night while they were dealing with the aftermath of the destruction."

    "Well where do we look?"

    "How should I know!? I am no a hero! I am an artist!"

    "Yes those costumes were great but that's not any help." Torrin scratched the back of his head and looked over at the rest of the group. "Given how the others operated, I'd assume just looking around the city would bring up some clues. They're not the most secretive bunch so they're bound to have left something behind to lead us to their theatrics.'s a big city. Anyone have a better idea?"


    The portal opened up to a wooden house with a roof made of straw. A small stream ran along the front of the house and several feet away was an empty pig pen. An elderly man carrying a bag slung over his shoulder was leaving his house when a column of light tore open before him. The man shouted in terror and fell backwards, yelping in pain as his leg twisted and his back struck the floor. From out of the portal stepped out the keyblade wielders. The old man cradled his wounded leg and stared at the group in shock. "Begone demons!" He cried out as he tried to scoot away from the group.

  6. Maka Albarn It's called love

    May 7, 2008
    Fairy Tail
    Aria said her goodbyes to the group, giving Tinarah a quick hug and a word of good luck, and telling Take he did a fantastic job putting the place back together. It was kind of weird moving forward with the people she wasn't the most comfortable around, or knew that well while leaving the ones she had grown attached to behind. She had to be able to adapt to changed like this though. She never expected the world to wait on her hand and foot to give her what she wanted.

    As she stepped forward though the portal, she jolted in surprise when an elderly man screamed at them and called them demons. He seemed to have twisted something too since he was struggling to get up.
    "Ah! I'm sorry!" Aria apologized quickly as she bowed her head in respect. "We didn't mean to startle you. We're not demons, we're..." She trailed off, realizing that no matter what she tried to explain, this guy probably wouldn't believe her. She wouldn't believe complete strangers either if they popped out of no where and scared the living daylights out her.

    "Here." She summoned her colorful keyblade and gently raised it above her head. "Cura!" With that, a glowing green light encircled the elderly man. Aria unsumoned her keyblade in a flash of light and walked up to the man, smiling softly as she extended a hand out to her. "There. All better? I'm so sorry we came in unannounced like that. Let me help you up." She then gradually extended a hand out to the man to get him off the ground and someplace more comfortable. That was, if he accepted her help at all after that grand entrance.
  7. cstar stay away from my waifu

    Dec 19, 2008

    As the group learned their new keyblade transformations and how to create gliders, Take was a little excited to have his own to use. It meant he wouldn't have to rely on someone else's when they needed to defend themselves. As they left, Take looked at the four who decided to leave and simply said, "Stay safe."

    Then Edna came running in about superheros being captured again. And if there was ever a specific expression Take had for "are you kidding me?" it was the one he was giving now. How did these people handle themselves without them being here to begin with? Or maybe.. they were part of a plot.

    Take took a step back to quickly get the words of players out of his head and he blinked and looked to Torrin and said,
    "Well, we could look for whereever the most recent robbery or explosion was. Or maybe just recent explosions. They really seem to like those. Then we could get a hint at least on something. Or uh... look at recent crime logs?" he looked a bit unsure and said, "I just think wandering aimlessly around the city might not be the most amazing idea."
  8. Aelin Best Waifu

    Jun 30, 2011
    British Columbia, Canada
    Nini hissed but at least didn't attack as Qamar approached. At least that was a start for the cat not attacking everyone near her, though she did seem to not like being restrained in Tinarah's arms as Qamar approached. Patting the cats head, Tinarah was more focused on controlling the cat than she was on what Qamar was saying. Tinarah gave her and Aria a wave goodbye and a small fake smile. She couldn't muster a real smile yet but she could at least offer something. When they left Tinarah was about to put Nini down, hoping the cat would behaved, when Edna came running in being as loud as ever. Tinarah could only imagine how bad that would go if Nini was on the ground being protective while Edna was around. They might end up having to rebuild the house again, and then all of Take's hard work would be for nothing.

    Tinarah stayed back and listened to the explanation of what was happening and looked concerned. So the Unforgivables were not yet completely dealt with after all. That could cause some bigger issues than they first thought. Letting out a bit of a sigh Tinarah prepared herself, putting her backpack on the ground and helping Nini inside so she would stay out of the way for a bit. The cat wasn't happy about it, but Tinarah knew she couldn't let her wander on her own, not with this much danger around. It was the last thing she had left from Mika, she would protect her.

    "If they are going around taking all the heroes, perhaps we just need to pretend to be heroes to draw them out. It could be as simple as going around and fixing everything that has happened since yesterday." While it was practically making themselves traps, they could at least control the situation more than if they were marching in on wherever this group made their layer and hoping for the best.
  9. LadyAzura Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 21, 2012
    Garreg Mach Monastery
    Illiana changed her bandages with the help of her creature charm. After changing her clothes, the creature went back to being a charm on her umbrella. She put on her bracelet and put her locket in her pocket. She walked outside to see everyone gathered around. She opened her umbrella to prevent any sunburns she might gain. The girl listened in as Torrin and Thallasa went into a discussion with the group. It had been decided that Torrin, Boreas, Tinarah, Chrono, and Take would stay behind while Thallasa, Aria, Glyde, Qamar, and Illiana would move on ahead. She nodded her head at Thallasa's instructions. Torrin had then proceeded to teach the group how to transform their keyblade into another weapon. Illiana closed her umbrella. She tossed it up into the air. "Aperta." Her umbrella had become her blade once more. She caught her blade and closed her eyes. She felt her keyblade change shape in her hand. Illiana opened her eyes and saw her blade was completely different. In her hands, twin fans decorated in white and light green and star at the end of it. She looked up and saw some trees just a few feet away from her. She looked back at her fans and back at the trees and an idea instantly popped into her head. Illiana opened up her fans and pulled them back. She jumped up and tossed the fans toward the trees. The fans cut through the trees and returned back to her hands. Placing one hand on her hip and using the other hand to fan herself with the fan, Illiana smiled a bit. "I can definitely get behind this." She closed her fans before returning them to its original state as Thallasa conjured up a portal. Illiana walked through the portal while giving out a small wave to the other group.

    As she walked through, she saw an elderly man in front of the group calling them demons. "Wouldn't be the first time somebody called me that. Been called worse. Though they would usually call me Miss Demon or something else along those lines." Illiana shrugged her shoulders. She watched as Aria helped the old man onto his feet. She had then apologized for the unexpected arrival. "Well let's see, a random strange portal appears and some strange being from another land walk out from it......I think that's immediate grounds for that reaction." She looked at the two as she spoke. She then yawned a little bit before she walked around the room. She kept walking around and then spoke up again. "So you got a name or something?" She looked at the old man as she asked.
  10. Shiki my waifu is better than yours, thanks

    Jun 3, 2007
    The Future

    Qamar followed along with the rest of the group and stepped through the portal. As soon as they made it to the other side, they had already scared an old man and Aria was on the scene. "Uh, we shouldn't really be using magic on somebody who just called us demons. He's probably gonna have a heart attack or something." she pointed out. Qamar didn't mind the name calling. She'd definitely been called much worse by this point. Illiana did what she did best and attempted to get the old man's name out of him. Qamar rolled her eyes and crossed her arms. She then prouced a bandage and looked around for some wood. She grabbed two sturdy looking sticks and walked to the old man, kneeling down. Qamar fastened the sticks to the sides of the man's legs and used the bandages to keep them steady. "Here, a splint. Be careful from now on."
  11. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007

    Admittedly, the plan to search for clues through a large city wasn't the greatest of plans but at least the other two were on the right track of what needed to be done. "Both ideas are better than mine. Alright, we're going with Tinarah's. My suit's been wrecked though so...anyone else who still has one should put them back on." Torrin spoke towards the others. "Once you guys suit up we'll use the gliders to catch some attention."

    "If anyone should be careful, it is us. I didn't know where we would end up but this was our fault." Thallasa directed to Qamar.

    The old man looked up at Aria, his leg feeling a little better after the spell she had cast and slowly stood up with her help, taking a limping step backward with the additional support of the splint. " aren't demons." The man took another step back to lean on the small wooden bridge that crossed over the stream in front of his house. "And you're certainly not like any servants of the Horned King I've ever seen." The old man looked down at his leg, knowing he was unfit to continue on his journey then looked at the group of travelers before him. "I am Pig-Keeper Dallben. I was on a journey to meet with my assistant but..." He looked down at his leg. "I'm afraid that's impossible now."

    He sighed in frustration. "Who are you strange folk? What is your purpose here?" He asked inquisitively.

  12. Vladek515 Hollow Bastion Committee

    Mar 12, 2015

    With his questions unanswered Boreas took it as a hint to simpl remain behind with Torrin then as he would have prefered. Not that Thallasa had been right about him having made up his mind, had either of them said otherwise he would have simply gone with the people that left. "
    Good luck out there." Boreas said to those who left. After the others had left Torrin told them to get to work, Edna interrupted with some bad news and Boreas simply listened, holding his Glaive in his hand. The heroes had all been taken out as they fell back and regrouped springing a trap on them as they worked. After the fight they had been given the other day it didn't surprise him that the villains went about it that way.

    He wasn't too surprised to hear of these developments if they had machinery to block out their magical powers, it didn't surprise him they had the resources to make all heroes disappear especially when taking them out while they were focusing on other matters entirely, now with a path forward being decided on Boreas listened to the plans put forward, Tinarah came with a surprisingly good plan, he liked it. It amused him that while the other day they objected to having a better plan than walking right into a trap and hoping for the best but right now they hardly had any alternative with the lack of information. It still amused him how attitudes had changed.

    Torrin decided on going with Tinarah's plan making Boreas smile, he wasn't too much of a fan of the costumes though but he still like the idea of just being the rabbit, flying over the city on his keyblade glider drawing out the villains. Boreas excused himself and put his suit back on including the high collar of his cloak. Beneath his suit he kept his normal clothes on and for now he just activated his armour over it, he'd de-activate it when they were in the city. Going back outside he formed up his Keyblade glider and mounted up looking to Torrin. "
    Ready and waiting. Let's draw some attention to ourselves." He said with a laugh deactivating his armour to reveal the costume, after being patched up he felt great and this sort of direct action plan was rather nice, even if it were a gamble, but he was confident at least in his own abilities to hold up, it wouldn't be the first sticky situation and he doubted it would be the last.
  13. Light-Rune Maven Seer

    Jan 8, 2012
    The Aetherial Sea

    It would be a lie to say that Chrys hadn't been even mildly surprised to hear her Master bring up the Mark of Mastery exam. At the same time, it would have to come sooner or later. It was as he said after all: five years had passed since her Master had found her. To really think about it was shocking. Time had flown in a way she never would have imagined it to. Standing here now with the others, she knew that objectively they would all need the abilites and privelages granted by the title of master if they wanted to agaisnt their true opponent, no matter how well they might be able to hold up against the other wielders.

    "Very well. I am ready to begin whenever you would have me do so Master."
  14. Shiki my waifu is better than yours, thanks

    Jun 3, 2007
    The Future

    Qamar watched the man for a second before he introduced himself. She stood up and dusted herself off. "I am Qamar." she started off. "We....we're hunting these dark creatures with big yellow eyes that skulk around and attack you relentlessly." She scratched her head and looked towards the bridge. She saw the man's house and admired it for only a moment before turning back to the Dallben. "Honestly, if you're alright, we can give you some support towards wherever your apprentice is. I mean, I don't mind you leaning on me..." she looked at Thallasa. "Aren't we going that way anyway?" she asked, pointing off away from the house to try and buy them some time.
  15. LadyAzura Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 21, 2012
    Garreg Mach Monastery
    Illiana looked over at the old man as he introduced himself. She was a little curious as the man said something about them being some king's servants. She went back to looking around the place as he continued to speak. He had then asked just who they were and what they were doing here. Before anyone else could speak, Qamar was the first of the group to speak up. She had then spoke of the heartless to Dallben. Illiana sighed a little bit. How about we not worry the old man more than he has to? Illiana looked back as Qamar had then offered to carry the man. She walked up and immediately spoke up. "He's already hurt as it is. If you carry him, it'll make it worse. So take a step back." She paused before continuing. "Besides, how can we go with him when we don't even know where we're heading? Did you even think about that?" Illiana placed a hand on her hip as she furrowed a bit while looking at the girl. Illiana was not even in the world for 5 minutes and she was already getting irritated.
  16. Aelin Best Waifu

    Jun 30, 2011
    British Columbia, Canada
    Tinarah was surprised that Torrin actually liked her idea. Though she supposed it was better to draw them out and fight them on their terms, then find where they were and face them on their home turf. That being said she did start to regret the idea when Torrin told them to put their outfits back on. While hers was not in perfect shape, it was at least still wearable. Mumbling something about being right back, Tinarah returned to her room and put on the too tight supersuit. It had to be at least at as tight as the clothing Mika had lent her, the only difference was that Mika's clothing showed more skin, but was more attractive looking. After getting her own outfit on, Tinarah looked down at Nini sitting there waiting, guarding the door. "You know Ms Mode should have made you an outfit. After all you are closer to a hero than I am. Protector of all, loved by everyone, bravest of us all. I can't imagine how you must be hurting right now."

    "Meow." Nini rubbed up against her leg but looked a little sad herself, almost to confirm that she was hurting as well. With a small sad smile, Tinarah bent down and picked the cat up, quickly scanning the room for something to use before ripping off a part of her left sleeve, so it matched the tattered and ripped right sleeve of her outfit, then tied the fabric around Nini's neck.

    "There you go, now you fit in. Come on lets get back out there." Taking the cat with her, Tinarah emerged to meet with the rest of the party.

    Upon approaching, Tinarah stood a bit awkwardly near the back.
    "Well I am ready to go whenever. Hopefully we can prepare enough to make this work to our advantage." Tinarah said quietly, but who was she to act like she knew what she was doing. Boreas and Torrin were both trained warriors, and she was just... well herself. Sure they went with her plan, but that didn't mean she actually knew what she was doing. She could pretend though, at the very least. She couldn't let herself cower again, she could face this. She had to face this, she had escaped that horrible place, she could at least pretend to hold her head high and not collapse after a mere moment of strength. She would never get stronger that way.
    Last edited: May 9, 2018
  17. Maka Albarn It's called love

    May 7, 2008
    Fairy Tail
    Aria could see that frustrations were rising, at least on Illiana’s side, and Qamar was “graceful” as ever with her social skills. Master Thallasa and Glyde were staying quiet. Aria scratched her head and then stepped by Illiana. “My name is Aria, this is Illiana. That’s our, uh, sort of teacher Master Thallasa, that’s Glyde, and you already met Qamar.”

    Introductions were out of the way, now it was probably time to state their business and purpose. Qamar already said what they did, but not quite exactly who they were. Aria glanced around to get a feel for this place. It wasn’t anything like the last world they just came from but more like her farm on Amerath if not a little less modern.

    She quietly went through a few terms in her head while chewing on the inside of her cheeks before looking to Dallben. “We’re sort of magicians. We wield magic with weapons of light to fight off dark creatures, as Qamar said. We only come to places where these creatures are around, or if anyone needs our help. We make sure everyone is safe and out of harm’s way.” She offered a smile. “But yeah, we are kind of strange folks in a strange land.” She decided to leave out the fact that why were looking for a princess of pure light. That seemed stranger than them fighting off monster and maybe sinister. Even if they were to explain that the princess was in danger and needed to go with them, Aria for sure wouldn’t trust them if someone came to her with information like that without any proof that they were good or bad.

    “I don’t see any odd dark creatures, but uh...” she looked to the sprained ankle now splinted. “Maybe we can help you out? You said you were going to meet up with your assistant. Or if there’s something else we can help you with, I’m sure we’ll be more than willing to offer our help. Right?” She asked the group as she looked over her shoulder at them. “I mean, we did cause your ankle to be twisted. I’d feel bad if we couldn’t do something for you.”
    Last edited: May 9, 2018
  18. cstar stay away from my waifu

    Dec 19, 2008

    Takehiko got back into his costume fairly quickly since he at least now knew how tight to expect it to be. As he walked back outside and waited, he saw Tinarah come out with her sleeve ripped... and saw Nini with the little costume. Take approached Tinarah with kind of a straight face going, and he stood in front of her for a second before reaching for Nini who looked surprised and shocked at the sudden intrusion, but let him pick her up as he started scritching her under the chin and he could barely hide a childlike grin behind his mask as he said, "Superkitty! She's ininivinsible. Her damage is catastrophic." he looked Tinarah dead in the eyes and said, "I think she's lookin fefine."

    He giggled a bit behind his mask as Nini purred from his petting.
  19. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007

    Torrin raised an eyebrow at Take's wonder at the cat's new bandana...cape thing. Nini certainly looked cuter but now was the time to stop procrastinating and get moving. The kid's cat puns were a little much but he was glad to see Take so happy. He sighed and ran his hand through his hair. "Alright, you've had your mewment. You're all ready. Let's go." Torrin called on his glider and hopped on it, bringing it alongside Boreas. "Take it easy since this is the first time you guys have had your own gliders. Boreas and I will take the lead."

    "Wait, that costume fits under your armor? ...Just how many layers are you wearing right now?" Torrin spoke quietly towards Boreas, shaking his head before taking to the skies with the rush of wind sending the tail end of his coat whipping about in the air.

    Dallben blinked in confusion at Qamar and Illiana as the girls spoke. "Why no. I haven't seen any dark creatures but I fear something terrible is to come." Dallben turned his attention towards Aria and though these young people were strangers to him, the way she spoke gave him a sense that they could be trusted. "If you could spare the time for a matter of great importance..."

    "Of course. We kept you from completing your task so it is our responsibility to finish it for you. What would you have us do, Dallben?" Thallasa spoke up.

    The man smiled and sat to rest on the porch of his home. "Thank you. My assistant is young and brash so I would wish for you to follow after him to keep an eye on the boy."

    "If I may ask, what is so important about this task? Why did you send him off on a journey?"

    "Hen Wen, the pig we are the keepers of, is an oracular pig. She has the power to reveal visions of the future or locate anything in this world. She had a vision of a powerful dark sorcerer known as the Horned King and that he would come for her to use her powers to locate the Black Cauldron, a crucible with immense dark power within it to summon an undead army to conquer the world." Dallben spoke grimly. "You must not let that happen. By keeping Hen Wen from his reach we can guarantee that the Horned King does not find the Black Cauldron."


    The Light Chaser looked up to the sky and pointed directly up. "Darkness continues to pull at the very fabric of this realm. Soon even the Realm of Sleep will not be enough to keep this world safe from the Heartless." An unnaturally dark cloud loomed overhead pulsating with each passing moment. The man lowered his hand and looked at his surrounding apprentices. "I estimate that particular batch of Heartless is already halfway through."

    "That's nuts!" Koa exclaimed.

    "So you want us to wait here to destroy them all?" Avra asked.

    "My, aren't you excitable Avra?" Zeno smirked.

    "There will be no need to wait. I can open a way in for them right now. Being wielders of the keyblade, the Heartless will naturally go for you first." The Light Chaser explained. "A few Heartless will be no problem for you but a steady stream of them should serve for an excellent means of growing in power."

    "So...we just fight? For how long?" Pagos looked up at his master.

    "As long as it takes." Without any further warning the Light Chaser snapped his fingers and a swarm of Heartless descended upon his students.

    • Enemies Remaining:
      20 Gargoyles (16AP)
      20 Air Pirates (12AP)
      20 Crimson Jazzes (20AP)
      40 Search Ghosts (12AP)

  20. Aelin Best Waifu

    Jun 30, 2011
    British Columbia, Canada
    Take came up and took Nini from her, playing with the cat for a moment. As Take started talking to Nini, it caught Tinarah off guard and she found herself laughing a little bit at the fact that Take was laughing at himself. She seemed a bit surprised and thrown off by the fact that she laughed as her hand went to her mouth. She was surprised to find herself laughing, she hadn't in months and it was a strange feeling. Even as Torrin tried to cut things short, he made a pun of his own, and Tinarah looked at him equally surprised as she smiled a bit at that, looking down after feeling a bit weird for smiling at Torrin.

    Apparently they needed to use the new gliders now, and Tinarah was a little unsure about everything. Looking at her keyblade, she held it out for a moment before finally tossing it out and waiting for it to return as a glider. The glider, surprisingly came to her, she had not expected it to work if she was being honest with herself. Still a little reluctant she climbed onto her glider, though unstable at first. Looking back, Tinarah hoped that Take would follow soon behind her so that if she fell behind, at least someone would know, and she trusted Take.