Kingdom Hearts: Kingdom Hearts: Light Chaser

Discussion in 'Role-Playing Arena' started by Arch, Mar 25, 2017.

  1. Light-Rune Maven Seer

    Jan 8, 2012
    The Aetherial Sea

    Upon Dentro's prompt, Chrys leaped from her glider and quickly descended to the ground, her glider vanishing as she recalled it. She landed to the rather unflattering taunt launched by Aria. As if Chrys's wish for the girl to have free will and make her own choice was a dimwitted thing to hesitate over. Then again, if this was her repayment she supposed it must have been. Aria had likely developed quite the cynicism for her attempts at kindness by now, Chrys was the villain by default, after all. Her retorts were cut short though as Tinarah abruptly cut in.

    "Just leave us alone already! Why are you so insistent on tormenting us?"

    At first, Chrys just stared at the girl. It did take a moment to process just who it was of course, but even once it had registered, she wasn't even curious as to why. She wasn't all that shocked by the fact the Master hadn't told her exactly what would happen to Tinarah either. At the moment more than anything, she was more focused on a feeling that suddenly seemed to encompass her entire being...

    She felt mocked.

    "That's Cute." Her voice felt so irrevocably different then. Almost wrong, yet somehow not quite wrong yet. She ignored it. "As if you're the ones being tormented here." She looked over at Koa and Illiana having their confrontation only feet away, only to find her gaze turning back to Tinarah with a glare. "As if you're the ones... just trying to help. Trying desperately to do something you believe will help everyone. Only to be repaid with hateful words and flashing blades. Any words of a peaceful resolution being empty traps... being spat upon and glared at by the people who are supposed to understand." She shook her head. "Why am I wasting my breath on you? I learned a long time ago that words do no good."

    Hearing the silence that had developed between brother and sister, Chrys turned her attention to Koa instead. It was an avenue of action where she figured her words would be far more productive. "I find myself agreeing with your sister: this is all a petty squabble among children. I know we all spoke of our reasons for staying together, but..." Chrys summoned Forgotten Flower in reverse grip as she prepared for the upcoming fight. "...I wouldn't hate you for backing out now, while you still have someone on the outside that cares for you."
  2. CrownMoksha Decimo

    Jan 11, 2011
    On board the DenLiner
    Chrono had been all set to go once Qamar had seemingly calmed down. Learning about what had caused this panic attack of hers wasn't a big deal. With everything looking the way that it did, he just wanted get off of this world as quickly as possible. If this was a repeat of what happened on Eventide Town, there was little that they could do. That mindset followed Chrono until they had managed to regroup with Torrin, who actually said that there was a way to save this world which meant that they had to stall for time. Easy enough had it not been for the group of Chaster that had landed before them.

    Chrono could feel his fist instinctively tighten upon laying eyes on Dentro. Even if he hadn't taken the princess and ditched them back on Atlantis, Chrono still didn't like him at all. To see him right now was less than ideal. He stood by Tinarah, keeping an eye on the girl who had summoned her keyblade.
    "Tinarah, let's go! Boreas and Illiana can hold them off." Contary to his words, Chrono himself had made not efforts to move away. He wasn't going anywhere until he knew for a fact that his sister had left the scene as well.
  3. Shiki my waifu is better than yours, thanks

    Jun 3, 2007
    The Future

    The keyglider skidded to a halt and Qamar returned it almost immediately after her comrades got off. She ran forward and heard Torrin start to tell everyone where to go. Qamar was having none of it. She already knew what was going on and what they needed to do. After all, the world was lost and there was nothing that could be done. She stood by Torrin and glared up to him. "You know there's no saving this world. I've seen it with my own eyes, once the darkness is let in, it's never going away." she said this and put a hand to her chest. "I've done it plenty of times, so I know full and well there's no way to fix a world with a keyhole opened to darkness."

    Qamar wandered the halls of the castle late one night, finding herself in the wing with her Masters. She stopped walking, a daze coming over her. Her bare feet, now dirty from walking all night, slapped the floor hard. Her feet slid as she reached shakily for Kidemonas' door. Ever since she arrived, she barely slept and had nightmares every time her eyes closed. The only time she felt safe was when she was in Master Kidemonas' room, reading a book or just sitting there.

    It had been a short 3 weeks for the Masters, but for her it felt like months. Only 3 weeks after arriving and she barely was able to hold her keyblade without dropping it and trying to run away. Tonight, she just wanted to sleep without nightmares. Her hand touched the door and she knocked upon it, hoping it wasn't too late.

    Looking up from the scribblings of magic symbols scrawled across the pages of a thick book, Kide raised an eyebrow upon hearing a knock on his door. He shut the book and placed it to the side of his desk and, with the single motion of his finger, unlocked the door and made it swing open without ever having to leave his chair. "Qamar? What are you doing up?"

    Her eyes blinked and she stood there a moment in her PJs, remembering that that was a thing Kide did. She walked in and shut the door back, lowering her head. "Sor...sorry I...interrupted I just...I can't sleep and I"m just so tired I...can..can I sleep in here...?" she asked. "If...if only a moment I just...need some good sleep..."

    "So long as you don't snore. I'm not using it tonight. Too busy." He turned to head back to work but hesitated, tapping his fingers against his desk. "Hm." He looked over at Qamar once more. "Do you wish to speak of what's troubling you?"

    Qamar walked towards the bed but stopped when he asked what was troubling her. She continued and sat on the bed, grabbing his pillow and holding it to her chest. She thought for a moment and closed her eyes, enjoying how peaceful she already felt being in the room. "I a lot on my mind I's only been a few months since father and....d...destroyed..." she stopped herself, choking in tears. Her keyblade popped up on the bed and caused her to kick it in frustration, slamming it against the wall. It stuck straight out.

    Kide stood up and pried her keyblade free from the wall, sighing at the hole left behind. "Look, what happened wasn't your fault. You were pushed into a corner and reacted like any kid would in your position. That world's barrier was already weak. It would have likely fallen to darkness later on even if you weren't there."

    She massaged her foot and kept staring at the ground. Kide was right, but he was talking about the most recent one. She looked up at him, tears threatening to leave her eyes. "I'm not talking about Grandma's world." she said, standing up and glaring into his eyes. "I destroyed way more worlds and none of them are my fault, okay?!" Her words spurted out before she knew it and she realized what she said by the look on his face. She then ran off towards the other end of the room.

    "I know none of it was your fault." Kide responded, turning to fully face her. "Guilt will do you no good. You didn't mean to harm anyone. You were used. This is one of the reasons why you are here now. To hone your skills so that no one will ever use you again."

    Qamar stopped and listened to Kide. His words reached her and she slowly turned around, tears falling down her face. She then ran back to him and hugged him. She hugged him tightly and cried into him, clearly not wanting to let go. "It hurts....I...I hurt a lot of people...they're all gone...Granny..." she sniffled.

    "No one is ever gone so long as you remember them and hold them close to your heart." Kidemonas spoke quietly, patting Qamar on her head in an attempt to calm her down. "That's what I was taught when I was younger than you and I've learned since then, that those words are truer than one would think. Just...keep that in mind, Qamar."

    Her eyes opened after hearing his words. She looked back up to him and nodded. "I...I will..." she said. "You are my Master now...after all." she said this and let out a small laugh.

    Her eyes had fallen down a moment as the memory faded back into her mind, easing the headache she had just a little bit. "In any case, wasting our time on heartless just isn't gonna fix this. We have to find Master Thallasa." she said. "Without her, we can't leave. She knows where to go, after all."

    Turning back to the Light Chasers, she scoffed. "Love that they all have keyblades. Means they must of been comrades, huh?" she asked, glancing at Torrin. "Honestly..." she sighed. "I can't fight this, can I?" she asked, looking around. She saw Aria and immediately knew what she could do. "Torrin. Trust me on this one. I'll protect Aria. Okay? I promise. If I don't, you can chew me out later." she said, walking off towards Aria and Take. She raised a hand meekly and cleared her throat. "I'm here to help? What's the plan?" she asked.
  4. Vladek515 Hollow Bastion Committee

    Mar 12, 2015

    Tinarah didn't think they could fight it, but they at the very least had to try. As Torrin was assigning everyone a task someone showed up, someone that Torrin apparantly knew and judging from the sound of it this was one of the apprentices of the Light Chaser, when Torrin told him it'd be a nice change for him to fight another keyblade wielder, Boreas grinned wickedly. "Gladly, Torrin." He responded, the first person to join his opponent claimed it was for the good of all worlds. "We're not gonna hand her over, if you want her you'll have to step over my dead body. You claim to do this for the good of all worlds, but I believe you'd be better of claiming for all worlds in the Realm of Light and that is what I take issue with." Boreas said he looked at his foes, disgust clear on his face.

    As Torrin told Aria and Take to fall in with him Aria wished them good luck, although before that she did mention that they should have kept her while they had the chance, while true you don't relinquish important pieces of your plan to the enemy, still hardly the time or the place to taunt them with it. Tinarah however decided exactly now was the time to ignore instructions given, in a situation where everyone needed to carry out their tasks, Boreas missed his soldiers in this moment, they would carry out the orders without hesitation. Sure he knew it was asking a lot here and there seemed to be something more going on that Tinarah had a personal stake in the past but now was not the time for revenge. "
    Tinarah! You have been instructed to fend of the Heartless, it has become your assigned duty so get to it. This is hardly the time for personal vendettas, unless you want to doom this world get to it! Illiana, Adalric and I will take care of this. Take and Torrin will look after Aria now move, before I make you move!" Boreas barked, his tone unforgiving.

    Illiana felt the same way and also ordered Tinarah to get going. She explained one of them was her brother... oh dear even more personal stakes, but she seemed rather agitated at this brother of hers. Good, she could use that anger in the fight. Then the girl, who he could only assume was Chrysanteum as Dentro had called her, spoke up. "
    You claim you get persecuted for wanting to help. You want to help? Be my guest there are plenty of heartless to go around. No your simple timing here shows you for what you are vultures, scavengers you chose this exact moment to show up knowing you would find us scattered, making for easy pickings and capturing Aria, instead of actually helping by fighting the heartless. You claim to want to help but your actions do not reflect your words." Boreas spat.

    "Qamar, you aren't going to save this world with that attitude. Just like Tinarah you have been given your orders so carry them out! Torrin didn't give those instructions for no reason, as you can see Thallasa is clearly already trying to work on something and we have to buy time so fight for all that you are worth!" Boreas barked as he summoned his keyblade. "This goes for all of you the man was crystal clear you all have your instructions you know what to do so do it. It's the best plan we have for saving this world, cause I doubt these clowns got a better plan! NOW EVERYONE CARRY OUT YOUR ORDERS NO BUTS! JUST DO IT!" He bellowed, he was losing his patience with all these people. Boreas took up a guarded stance, activating his keyblade armour for the fight.
  5. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007

    Once Takehiko jumped onto the glider Torrin let out a small sight of annoyance when he saw Tinarah stay behind to challenge the Chasers. He didn't have the time to force Tinarah into listening and hoped Chrono would talk some sense into her before more people got hurt. Thankfully, Boreas got himself involved as well. If there was anything he could count on, it was Boreas's sense of duty. Some things never change. As the glider began to rise Qamar approached him saying something about giving up and just leaving the world to fall.

    "I've seen worlds fall. Too many. What I do know is that we can slow it down by taking out as many Heartless as possible. The three of us will find Thallasa. She's on her way to look for the keyhole." He didn't bother to waste time addressing her want to protect Aria. There was nothing Qamar could do that he couldn't do unless her plan was just to run away. He had little faith that Thallasa could even find the keyhole but that didn't matter. All that mattered was believing that there was even the slightest chance to save one world. Just one world.

    "Just focus on the Heartless!" Torrin shouted as he took Take and Aria up into the air. "Alright...damn...they're only spreading." He muttered once they were in the air, looking down at the swarms of Heartless pouring out into the city. The clouds overhead only continued to darken casting the world in a gloomy shadow. Torrin tapped on his communicator but only the sound of static came from the other end. "No good. We're going to have to land somewhere so I can do this the old fashioned way." Picking out the tallest building in the skyline, Torrin sped over knowing that it would at least give them some breathing room before Heartless appeared and tried to corner them.

    "Look around, Illiana. Our home was almost destroyed because of darkness. How long do you think it'll be before it's in danger again? That day I left because the Light Chaser gave me the chance to get the power to help stop this from coming back and destroying it! I'm doing all of this for our family." Koa held up his keyblade to show his sister, finally looking her in the eye as he spoke with a deep conviction in his voice. "The Light Chaser gave me this. He was also there that day...Illiana, he was the reason our home was not destroyed. I couldn't reveal myself to you until now because if I had, I would have had nothing to show for my disappearance! But now we have four Princesses of Heart. Once we have all seven not only will we be able to wipe out the darkness but we'll be able to restore those which have been lost! There's just no downside here!"

    Heartless Remaining:
    400 Shadows
    130 Darkballs
    80 Neoshadows
    130 Yellow Operas
    130 Red Nocturnes
    130 Blue Rhapsodies

  6. Light-Rune Maven Seer

    Jan 8, 2012
    The Aetherial Sea

    "Your observation is quite biased, you have no idea what we have been doing until now." Yet again she spoke as if the opinions of their opponents could be swayed. "Tinarah..." Chrys spoke as she took a battle stance. "Please get out of the way. I don't know what the Master did to you and I won't pretend for even a second that I can fully condone it. But I'm not asking you to leave Aria to us; I'm just asking you to walk away from this fight." In the background, Koa seemed to have made his choice.

    "I know I have no right to ask anything of you... I was there when it happened after all, even if I didn't know what was going to happen. I still don't really." Chrys frowned to herself at that. "But this fight... there's just no time to argue over all this right now." She slashed at a stray heartless that rose from the ground, keeping it from interrupting. "But none of us are going to back down from this, even if it's completely pointless, even if we could normally sit and work it all out. There just isn't time." This was going to happen, no matter what any of them did.

    "The truth is, win or lose doesn't matter right now. So long as we make this quick."
    Last edited: Apr 13, 2018
  7. Aelin Best Waifu

    Jun 30, 2011
    British Columbia, Canada
    Was the girl mocking her? Or did she really believe that what they were doing was right. Did she really think that this was the right way to go? Did what the Light Chaser do to her and Aria not show that he wasn't good? "Just trying to help? You are just trying to help, that was why you were holding Aria with you despite her wanting to be with her friends. That is why you guys kidnapped me, sent me into a realm to convince me my brother betrayed my trust and tried to kill me. Threw me into a time where most people I would know wouldn't be alive. Let me make a connection and learn from a man only to use it against us later, after sending me to what could have very easily been my doom if it wasn't for Gero. Sewing seeds of distrust so bad that I can barely look at half my own friends. And when Gero saved me, brought me back, he tracked me and tried to kill two of three people that meant everything to me! He attacked them and thanked me for the help. And you call that doing the right thing? If you do then there is something seriously twisted with you." Tinarah stated her eyes watering as she stared down the girl.

    Boreas and Illiana both started to yell at her about her orders and she flinched away from them. Clearly the yelling got to her and she was kind of shying away from them. The nicest words that she heard out of everyone was from the same girl that she was just yelling at, begging her to get out of the way of this fight. But they were right her fight was not with these two, though she did have hell out for Koa, but right now they had to save the world.
    "Fine. Fine." There was tears sliding down her face, whether it was from what she was yelling at Chrys about, or if it was from the yelling from Illiana and Boreas, it wasn't quite clear, but shaking off and walking a healthy distance from her brother, Tinarah started to deal with the issue at hand, the heartless that were swarming the world. She had to save this world, and because she was upset and annoyed, the people still came first because if she couldn't fight to make things better for others she couldn't fight at all.
    HP: 75/75
    AP: 52
    MP: 30/30
    DP: 1/3
    Heartless Defeated:

    3 Neoshadows
    5 Shadows

    Heartless Remaining:
    395 Shadows
    130 Darkballs
    77 Neoshadows
    130 Yellow Operas
    130 Red Nocturnes
    130 Blue Rhapsodies
  8. Maka Albarn It's called love

    May 7, 2008
    Fairy Tail
    Aria glanced back in time to see Chrys jump into the situation with the other Light Chaser students. She felt a twinge of sadness, remembering their short time together while Aria was with the Light Chaser. The girl knew there was no way she was going to go willingly with LC’s plan any time soon, and leaving now was the best choice. She was stunned that Qamar offered to protect her in Torrin’s place, which didn’t seem very logical, but it was nice she supposed. They were off though, and Aria held onto Torrin as they took off into the rocky turbulence.

    They weren’t up in the air for long though, and soon they had to make a landing on one of the tallest buildings. Aria got off the glider as soon as it reached the top of the building and gazed warily at the darkening sky. This was giving her all sorts of anxiety remembering how she almost fell completely into darkness the first time, and how her nightmare monster made the darkness all the more sinister. She then ventured close to the edge, and blinked rapidly against the high winds. “I’m not seeing much of anything!” She called out to Torrin. “Except the swirling vortexes of terror.”

  9. cstar stay away from my waifu

    Dec 19, 2008

    Take looked at the events that were transpiring with much confusion and a twinge of fear over everything. I mean, on top of darkness appearing, the Light Chaser's pupils seemed to show up out of nowhere for Aria. He was ready to fight them as much as fighting the heartless at this rate, but Torrin was calling the shots mainly since Thallasa wasn't here, and because of that he was a bit surprised his name was called to go with Aria. But then he remembered Torrin was going to split them into groups before the chasers even arrived, so he went with it, and once Aria had gotten on the glider he joined as well.

    He looked among the destruction to see any signs of anything, but even Aria already commented on it, and he hated to be redundant. He looked around at the world and asked
    , "So how are we supposed to go about finding Thallasa if she's searching for something that barely anyone has ever seen? What if she's stuck there?"
  10. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007

    "Swirling vortexes of terror?" Torrin repeated with an amused tone. "That's definitely one way to put it. I always just thought of them as doom clouds." He slowed the glider down and looked around their surroundings and even though the darkness had not been hindering his sight, Thallasa was nowhere to be seen in the skies or on the ground. A strong bust of wind knocked the glider backwards but Torrin quickly regained balance before the other two were at risk of flying off.

    "I'm going to have to set us down on that building." He pointed at a tower that stood above the rest. "My communicator might not work but there's something that might." Torrin began to bring them down towards the roof of the tower, giving the two the signal to hop off once he was low enough before returning his keyblade back to its base state. "I doubt she's stuck anywhere. I've yet to find a path that the keyblade can't open up." Torrin stepped over to the edge of the tower, watching as Operas, Nocturnes, and Rhapsodies began to fly up along the tower towards them.

    "Great...lets clear some of these things out first!" Torrin cast Thundaga from his keyblade and bolts of lightning struck nearly a dozen Red Nocturnes. A swarm of Yellow Operas rose up and were quickly struck down by Torrin, finishing each off in a rapid series single blows.

    HP: 160/160
    AP: 0/72
    MP: 42/50

    Heartless Defeated:
    30 Yellow Operas
    11 Red Nocturnes

    Heartless Remaining:
    395 Shadows
    130 Darkballs
    77 Neoshadows
    100 Yellow Operas
    119 Red Nocturnes
    130 Blue Rhapsodies

  11. Maka Albarn It's called love

    May 7, 2008
    Fairy Tail
    "Doom clouds work too!" Aria then scrunched her eyebrows in concern when Torrin said he couldn't connect with Master Thallasa via the communicators. She hopped on the roof as prompted to do, standing there anxiously as she wondered what they were going to do next. "What are you planning to do?" But her question would have to wait, because a swarm of heartless was heading up to them.

    It was then the Light Chaser's words and the time she spent with him crept back into her thoughts. She remembered the LC's words about her not being able to leave Sleeping Eventide because she would attract the darkness and cause the world to collapse on itself. She wondered if his words held some weight and her light was attracting the darkness towards them. She frowned at the thought and summoned her keyblade, holding it with both hands. "
    Clear out the Heartless, figure out what to do next, got it!" She charged at the ones that were popping up from over the edge and onto the roof, immediately using her Sonic Blade to take at least seven of them out rapidly. The rest of her strength, she divided it up to try to take out as many as possible. It wasn't impressive like Torrin's strength. It felt like she was barely making a dent in the numbers. Nevertheless, she remembered the Demon Tower and how difficult that was. And now they had their magic and full strength back.

    We can do this. We can win.

    HP: 80/80
    AP: 0/40
    MP: 30/30

    Uses Sonic Blade

    Blue Rhapsodies 6
    Yellow Operas 5
    Red Nocturnes 6
    = 17 Heartless Taken out

    95 Yellow Operas
    113 Red Nocturnes
    124 Blue Rhapsodies

  12. cstar stay away from my waifu

    Dec 19, 2008

    Take really didn't have much to contribute here besides hitting the floaty elemental heartless so that's what he did, he kept checking back to make sure Chasers weren't coming for Aria but otherwise he couldn't do much that was exciting.

    HP: 100/100
    AP: 0/34
    MP: 30/30

    Blue Rhapsodies 4
    Yellow Operas 2
    Red Nocturnes 2
    = 8 Heartless Taken out

    93 Yellow Operas
    111 Red Nocturnes
    120 Blue Rhapsodies
  13. LadyAzura Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 21, 2012
    Garreg Mach Monastery
    Illiana couldn't believe what she was hearing. She could barely understand. Her home? Destroyed? "What in the world are you talking about? Did your time away make you forget? The only darkness that was in range that day was when you fell into that weird portal. No other place was affected." Illiana recalled the events and reached back into her memory. She paused before continuing. "Whatever that Light Chaser is telling you is completely wrong. Nothing has happened to our home since that war ended five years ago." Koa immediately held a keyblade in his hand. Her eyes couldn't believe what she was seeing. "H-how did you get that?! Koa!!" Illiana looked into Koa's eyes and saw a resolve in them but saw something else there. She couldn't exactly decipher what it was. She took a deep breath before speaking to her little brother. "There is a downside!!! Don't be blind Little Brother!! There's a balance for everything in this realm and including the realm of darkness! You can't have one without the other. If you take away all darkness....." She paused. "You'll only set that light up to be tainted once more. Don't you remember what we learned at home at all? Without darkness, there can't be light and without light, there can't be darkness! The balance has to stay in place." Illiana's eyes never left Koa's eyes. Just what exactly has the Light Chaser been feeding these people? "The princesses of light will get hurt! And for what? The delusional fantasy of some lunatic who calls himself the Light Chaser?! Open your eyes Koa! He's fooling you!! And that goes for you two as well!" She immediately looked at Dentro and Chrys before looking back at her brother. "I...I won't let my brother be part of some lunatic's delusional plan......" She clenched her fists as she started to tremble. She immediately turned her head down before shouting. "I didn't come out of hiding to lose my little brother again!!!!!!!!!!!" As hard as she tried, she couldn't hold back the single tear that left her eyes. "Koa....Let's just go home. Let the balance fix itself. We can go back home to Mom, Dad, to everybody. Please......Please....Say you'll come back home with me...." Illiana looked back up at her little brother, fists still clenched, with tears threatening to spill out from her sad eyes.
  14. Light-Rune Maven Seer

    Jan 8, 2012
    The Aetherial Sea

    Chrys found herself thinking that Tinarah's answer...

    Was incredibly short-sighted.

    Not because she thought what the girl was saying was wrong exactly, It was just that it assumed far too much. That was something that several worlds had a saying in common about. So Chrys was with the Light Chaser. That apparently meant that, despite what she had just said, she totally went about doing things like kicking puppies and stealing candy from babies. That she inherently twisted enough to think such things were somehow right. That she condoned everything the master may or may not have done without question. Not to say she didn't believe what Tinarah had said about what the Light Chaser had done to her; it was certainly possible. That didn't mean she was going to take the girl's words without a grain of salt though. It was fairly easy for people to develop misconceptions. People lied sometimes. The Light Chaser was one of them of course, he had proven that to her not all that long ago. Though he had also been totally up front with her about it, which was quite the twist. However, if she couldn't trust the master, then who was she supposed to trust exactly?


    The thought was almost laughable. The minute she had met Torrin, her life only descended further into a war-torn hell. It didn't take her long at all to figure out that she wouldn't be able to get many words in before a blade was aimed at her throat. From the moment he had met these other people he had pointed at the Master's group, her included, and told them "shoot." So they did. Sure, now they had the council on their side or whatever, but it's not as if they needed a reason. They did what Torrin told them too. They had never even met her before, but they were willing to hurt or even kill her if it meant the fulfillment of what they believed was right. So how was that different than what the Chasers were doing? It wasn't. Not really. They were each holding up to their beliefs of what was right, no matter the cost. So now that someone from the group that was working for the guy who had never done anything but try to hurt her, who would have hurt her in his place had she not been ordered away, had apparently gotten hurt herself... Chrys was supposed to just tuck tail and run? Switch to their side begging for forgiveness? It was a pity play; a guilt trip. The master had actually saved her life, tried to help her and gave a compelling reason to do so. These cretins were just going to tell her she was stupid and wrong and beat her up for it.

    Screw them.

    It was a short-sighted answer for a person who clearly hadn't grown up at all in spite of her apparent time travel. Because it only took into account what a single person did to her and shared the blame amidst them all, regardless of what their actual opinions on his actions might be or even their motivation for following him. She was not blind to the Light Chaser's misdeeds, but he had shown her kindness and she had made friends that she felt might be worthy of trust among the ranks of his students as well. People fought for what they truly believed in until the bitter end. Neither group was an exception. They didn't know her reasons... and she didn't know theirs.

    She voiced none of this. It would be useless.

    Other than Aria, Illiana was the only one at current gaining any sort of respect from her at the moment. She was at least trying to actually convince Koa. Show something other than a scathing and hateful glare. Even she seemed to be under the impression they were brain-washed or some such notion, though.

    "I'm sorry miss, but we don't have much time for talking at the moment. This will have to wait." She didn't want to actively discourage her from trying after all. It would only be hypocritical of her to be mad at the others for not bothering with negotiation and cut off Illiana's own attempts at a peaceful solution. Besides, she knew what it was like to lose a brother; to be missing an important and loved member of your family. She sighed as the world continued to crumble around them, the exasperated puff of air a symbol of her regret at the fact. But they really didn't have time to discuss it. Heck, Chrys had already spent far too long just thinking about it. She took turned her head to Boreas with her body staying in profile to him. "Tinirah's gone now, so..."

    She raised her closer, empty arm to him, flexing the hand in a universal motion of 'bring it.'

    "Are you going to kill the big bad villains, or aren't you?"

    She pondered momentarily how predictable his response would be. It mattered not. Chrys could continue being friendly with her friends.

    She refused to continue being a pushover to the likes of these, though.
  15. Shiki my waifu is better than yours, thanks

    Jun 3, 2007
    The Future

    Qamar clenched her fists when Torrin flew off. She didn'tt like his answer, but what could she do? Qamar wanted to do more than always kill heartless and let others go do important things. She wanted to be more a part of the group and the fact that Torrin refused to even let her help angered her more. She eventually started to walk off when she heard Boreas barking orders at them. "This isn't an army!" she called out to him as she rushed towards heartless and started to slay them. They were just shadows, so they were easy to take down. She stopped and heard Tinarah go off on the blonde Chaser. Qamar saw the tears on Tinarah's face and she wanted to help her somehow.

    Before she knew it, her feet had carried her over to be near Tinarah as she continued to fight the Shadows that were appearing. "Tinarah, are you okay?" she asked, glancing over to her. "I'm not the best person, but...if you wanna get something off your chest, you can talk to me, okay?" she offered. "I'm always willing to listen...I learned how much just having somebody to talk to about your problems help."

    HP: 50
    AP: 0/58
    MP: 30

    Heartless Defeated:
    38 Shadows (29+9 extra from combo plus)

    Heartless Remaining:
    357 Shadows
    130 Darkballs
    77 Neoshadows
    93Yellow Operas
    111 Red Nocturnes
    120 Blue Rhapsodies

  16. CrownMoksha Decimo

    Jan 11, 2011
    On board the DenLiner
    Throughout the whole little back and forth between Tinarah and Chrys, Chrono hadn't done much beyond swat away any stray heartless that had approached him and make sure that no one had tried to attack while it was going on. From where he was standing he was able to hear what being said clearly and well didn't know what to make of it. There had only been one of the Light Chaser's apprentices that he's interacted with and that was Dentro, who'd he'd would want to punch regardless of his alignment. Meaning there wasn't much Chrono could say or feel regarding what Chrys said. It didn't make much sense to him and he just attributed it to personal reason. Everyone had them and they never quite put anyone in the right.

    With Tinarah backing off, Chrono no longer had any reason to stick around and backed off as well. This allowed him to focus more attention on the heartless around them and start dealing with them.

    Heartless Defeated
    Shadows - 10

    HP: 80/80
    AP: 20/40
    MP: 30/30
    DP: 3/3
  17. Vladek515 Hollow Bastion Committee

    Mar 12, 2015

    Boreas heard something about there be no downsides to their plan, he wanted to argue but really the rage coursing through him and the sheer frustration at the seeming lack of comprehension skills that now was not the time to argue with orders and disobeying them. And then there was this girl claiming his observation was biased because he didn't know what they had been doing before. It didn't matter at all what they had been doing before. Tinarah didn't seem to be handling his yelling too well but she had to understand now was not the time for this. He didn't care at all whatsoever that his observation was biased, they turned up at a moment like this and dare claim his observation was biased. He felt more rage bubbling up. Oh he had an idea of what they had been doing alright but it was far too late for words. Illiana seemed to disagree and wanted answers from her brother. Boreas didn't share the sentiment, he had no use for words. The only thing his opponent was right about was the fact that neither was going to back down. They couldn't work this out, he wasn't going to allow them to destroy his home while he still drew breath.

    Qamar yelled something at him about it not being the army and Boreas would have told her it would have been a lot less rage inducing if they all just did as they were asked so he didn't need to yell at them to get going and doing their part. His opponent wanted to make this quick and while on the one hand he wanted to just end her as quickly as possible if he had to he would drag this all out for as long as humanly possible. He knew that being tired wasn't going to help but he knew his battlefield experience was going to be an advantage for him. Even before Chrys challenged him Boreas slowly started to close the distance between himself and Chrys, picking up speed as he did his face hidden beneath the helmet of his armour. They either backed down and went their seperate ways or fought, there was no other solution to this not in his eyes. Handing over Aria was out of the question and he had no reason to disuade his opponent for he didn't know them, she was the enemy and enemies were fought. As he had closed the distance he opened up with a quick lunging strike, putting his strength at the last part, he stepped back his blade swiping in a guarding semi-circle from straight up, moving clockwise away, following with an aggressive swipe from left to right not making a full swipe, bringing his blade back around, over his own head and mirroring the strike stepping in to deal
    an overhead strike and then stepping back again, creating some distance between himself and his opponent, he was looking for a specific kind of opening as he kept up a defensive stance, the rage still coursing through his veins. Deep down he could respect Chrys a little for fighting what she believed in even if that made them opponents.

    Last edited: Apr 15, 2018
  18. Aelin Best Waifu

    Jun 30, 2011
    British Columbia, Canada
    Left fighting on her own, Tinarah couldn't help but think about the girl that she was facing before. She was pretty sure that it was the same girl that had been helping head the attack against Torrin in the other realm. For that there was some respect for her. On top of that Chrys was the only one not to yell at her to leave and spoke nicely. She was probably just misguided and Tinarah could honestly understand why. When she was first brought to the Light Chaser after nearly drowning he made himself sound like the hero and Tinarah was finding it hard to find faults with him besides the fact that she was told to have a problem with him. Though when Aria wanted to leave but she wasn't allowed, that was the first hint. Everything that happened to her after that, it just confirmed that he was bad, especially when he tried to kill Gero and Master Stamatis. She couldn't trust him. But if Chrys only ever saw the side that seemed like a hero at first, Tinarah didn't blame her for trusting him, just hopefully her story would make her think. Probably not, but she hoped.

    As she was fighting, Qamar approached again. So apparently now she was worth acknowledging her existence, even though ten minutes ago it didn't matter and her conversation with Take was more important than the fact Tinarah was already trying to talk to him. She was annoyed with Qamar for that, and hurt, more hurt then anything else, but she was hurt by everything at this moment. Talking to one of the people who hurt her wouldn't help. Unable to really tell her to go away or be rude in that aspect, Tinarah just chose to ignore Qamar, moving away from her as she continued to fight. Giving herself a little distance and hopefully that was good enough for Qamar to take the hint. Perhaps after she blew off some steam then she could be more social.
    HP: 75/75
    AP: 0/52
    MP: 30/30
    DP: 1/3
    Heartless Defeated:

    3 Neoshadows
    5 Shadows

    Heartless Remaining:
    342 Shadows
    130 Darkballs
    74 Neoshadows
    93Yellow Operas
    111 Red Nocturnes
    120 Blue Rhapsodies
  19. Ego Imperium Twilight Town Denizen

    Jul 10, 2009
    I reject your reality, and substitute my own.

    "Dammit!" Glyde huffed, skimming through nearby alleyways, dodging pools of darkness as he ran. "Dammit! Dammit! Dammit! Not again!" The city would be torn asunder, dragged into the Darkness if nothing could be done to stop it. Thrice, now, he had borne witness to the felling of a world. And thrice, then it seemed, the weight of the loss would fall upon his shoulders. That's why he was cutting through the backstreets. Something about Thallasa and a keyhole. But where could either have been? The underground seemed like a sensible starting point, but he needed to find a way down that didn't involve backtracking.

    What was happening among the others, he hadn't the slightest idea; amid the chaos of Light Chasers and Heartless, he had managed handily to get himself separated from the rest. All he had really gotten out of it before he had been dispersed was that finding the Master and the Keyhole was pivotal.
    "Master Thallasa?" He called out, hopeful that he'd receive a response, yet knowing he probably wouldn't. If I get left behind here...
  20. Light-Rune Maven Seer

    Jan 8, 2012
    The Aetherial Sea

    Boreas swung his blade with well-practiced motions. It was quite clear to Chrys that he had quite a bit of training. But she was no slouch either. The first few blows were relatively easy to dodge, though the overhead strike had to be blocked. It had a substantial amount of force behind it, but her blade held firm as she braced it with both hands. The enemy soldier leaped backward, creating a fair amount of distance. With no direct projectile forms of magic, there was no way for her to mid-leap while his guard was lowered. However, she had learned quite well by now that her caution and hesitance to use her other magic in battle often became a liability. With her new mana regenerative abilities, there was no real reason to hold back with them.

    Casting Aerora on herself to increase her speed, Chrys dashed forward while flipping her keyblade into a normal grip. Wielding it like one would a battle-ax, she made a large sweeping motion low to the ground in an attempt to knock him off his feet. Continuing the sweep into a full circle, Chrys came back around and delivered a solid thrust forward to his position.