Kingdom Hearts: Kingdom Hearts: Light Chaser

Discussion in 'Role-Playing Arena' started by Arch, Mar 25, 2017.

  1. Maka Albarn It's called love

    May 7, 2008
    Fairy Tail

    Aria didn’t stick around with Chrono and Tinarah after she gave the violin. She instead offered a thumbs up to the pair, and then followed after Mr. Incredible. They soon met the owner of the house, and the older teen was taken aback with how short she was. Aria thought she herself was small in stature... but that didn’t seem to be the case here.

    She quietly followed after the others, and was soon met by the gerogeous view of the place. “
    Whoa,” Aria breathed out as she turned around in slow circles to get a good look of the room. There were large spacious windows, and the wall behind them had interesting carvings on them. “I really like your... erm... abode Ms. Mode. It’s very nice.
  2. CrownMoksha Decimo

    Jan 11, 2011
    On board the DenLiner
    Needless to say Chrono was surprised by how rainbow coated the violin was. He'd seen her user her ability before, usually in the mist o combat and therefore no time to actually focus on the visual affects it had. The violin was indeed coated in the same rainbow light that typically covered them and beyond that, the violin itself was in mint condition. "No it's fine, I appreciate the effort." Chrono took hold of the violin once the rainbow bubble surrounding it had popped and rejoined the others as they walked further into the home.

    The smaller stature of Edna Mode was a shock, short lived, but a shock regardless. Chrono then realized that he still had Tinarah's violin in hand and looked to find his sister. Spotting and making his way over to where she was, he held out the violin and bow to her. "Sorry about that, I wanted to make sure that nothing happened to it until I could give it back to you."
  3. Aelin Best Waifu

    Jun 30, 2011
    British Columbia, Canada
    "We really aren't hero... Well they might be..." Tinarah tried to insist but looked to the others. They had all done far more than she had, they continued the fight against the Light Chaser while she had let so many people sacrafice their lives for her while she felt like she had gotten no further ahead in life. She certainly wouldn't call it being a hero. "Besides I don't even want to be a hero." She admitted in the end, but her protests seemed to fall on deaf ears as the woman who had been on the other side of the screen appeared to greet them.

    She lead them inside, the house itself was incredible but Tinarah wasn't as focused on that as she looked back towards the two apparent heroes, then to Master Thallasa. Was this really what they needed to be doing with their time? It didn't feel like they were being all that helpful just sitting around here, but that was what was insisted upon, much to Tinarah's displeasure. The only thing that made it a little bit better was that Chrono had come to bring her their mothers violin.
    "Thank you. I have missed this old thing. I wonder if it still plays as nicely as I remember." After being spoiled with the overly nice Violin that Stamatis got for her, she wondered if your mothers still held up. Either way it was still nice to have a piece of her mother with her.

    While it wasn't the time or place, Tinarah couldn't help but bring the violin up to her chin. "Mom I missed you so much." She whispered quietly as she closed her eyes and began to play, letting that part of her come alive again. That distant connection with her mom. She had learned to move on and let go, but a part of her still missed this. Chrono or Aria might have been able to tell, that over the years that Tinarah was gone, her skills only increased significantly when it came to playing the violin. And while she did notice this one was not as nice as her old one, it didn't bother her, just knowing it was her moms was enough.
  4. Shiki my waifu is better than yours, thanks

    Jun 3, 2007
    The Future

    While Qamar watched Aria describe and name each person, she ended up going on to talk with Tinarah and Chrono again. Thus, Qamar was back at step one all over again. Alone and not really having anybody to talk to. While they had now met Edna Mode, Qamar was just not interested in the house. "I've lived in a castle too long...these sorts of places have no affect on me." she commented, following Aria about. There was nobody else she cared to wander with, anyway. So she stuck to Aria for now.

    Though she did hear a violin getting played, Qamar saw it was Tinarah and just chalked it up to something else the girl did to help her calm down. That reminded Qamar about her meditation. And then she, somehow, remembered how tired Torrin looked. "Hey Aria...?" she started. "When we get back to a safe place with Torrin, we probably should make him...ya know, sleep?" she suggested. "The guy looks absolutely exhausted. I would be too if a blood curdling scream happened in my vicinity." she stated the last part, not knowing of the screams origin. "I wonder who made that scream anyway..."
  5. Maka Albarn It's called love

    May 7, 2008
    Fairy Tail

    Aria was caught off guard by the sudden notes of the violin, and looked to see that Tinarah was playing it. She smiled a bit, understanding a little that Tinarah needed this, but hoped their hosts didn’t mind the sudden seemingly randomness. No one could easily explain away tha the girl had been through a lot and coped in a different method than what one was used to... even if it seemed a bit distracting and out of place.

    She was then approached by Qamar again. This time, it was she was worried about the well-being of Torrin... the mention of him dealing with a blood-curdling scream made her confused a moment, and then Aria was reminded that indeed she herself woke up with a scream. She wasn’t ready to talk about it though, and now wasn’t the time to discuss it anyways. Aria didn’t know what she was dealing with or what was happening to her. And the people she could trust with the matter were on a recon mission or catching up on old times and memories at the moment. Plus, they had this magic inhibitor machine to deal with, and new people to interact with and get to know at the moment.

    Aria held back a sigh and glanced to Qamar. “
    I don’t think we can force Torrin to do anything, really,” she said with a shrug. “He doesn’t seem like the person who would be bossed around. I mean, we can suggest it, but at the end of the day it’s his choice. No matter how tired or worn out he is.

    She thought about how Torrin said he stayed close to her room anyways on purpose, but didn’t feel like to bring that up. Not with others accusing him and his guard of having an alternate motivate besides helping the realm of light.
  6. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007

    "If there are mines down here, let's make sure not to set them off. Last thing we need is to get caved in." He raised his keyblade higher to light the way farther ahead as the group walked on. "I don't even know if it was that clown who set up the device. It could've been someone else who wasn't on the rooftops. My guess is that whatever device they have set up isn't small considering the radius of effect it must have. I'm sure we won't miss it once we're in the same area."

    After another minute of walking they reached a fork in the tunnels, the tracks splitting left and right. Torrin stopped and sighed, first pointing his keyblade in the direction of the tunnel on the left then on the right to light. Neither seemed to be a dead end. Who knew how far these tunnels went? How long would it take for them to search them all? "Left. We're not splitting up now." He started walking again and glanced over at the others, eyeing the student from the Council that came along with them. "Adalric, right?" Torrin looked forward once more. "I'm not a fan of the roundabout way your people are having us go to reach the next Princess. I'm used to masters being a bit This kind of scheming feels too much like what I've seen when facing against the Light Chaser. Too many secrets."

    "Thank you darling." Edna spoke with a small smile on her face, walking forward quickly before she turned to get a good look at the rest of the group. "And what are their abilities?" She questioned.

    "They..." Master Thallasa stepped forward to answer for the students and looked over at them before returning her attention to Edna. "They can use magic."

    Edna sounded unimpressed, likely conjuring up images of performers pulling out rabbits from oversized top hats.

    "Not quite. They each can harness the power of the elements." Thallasa explained, purposefully leaving out the detail of the keyblade from the brief description.

    "I see..."
    Edna narrowed her eyes and held her hands up, using her fingers to frame each of the students in the rectangular space between her fingers. "Hm...yes..." She picked up a sketchbook and began to jot down notes on each of them, speaking aloud to herself with no regard to what the others thought.

    "The cloaked one...too timid! Soft! Lanky! We must make you bolder! And you! Boy with white hair...too boring! If your hair did not stick out everyone would have forgotten you by now! Yes! A majestic cape would go well with you."
    She scribbled down the notes quickly, making measurements of the bunch with just her eyes as they darted up at the group and back down at her sketchbook rapidly.

    "Too sweet. No one will take you seriously. What did you dye your hair with to get it to look so natural, darling? You must tell me what you used. Ah! Black. Yes..." Her eyes then shifted over towards Illiana. "Hm..." She paused and tapped her finger against her chin then glanced at Tinarah then Qamar. "Quite girl heavy, your group. I appreciate that but where are the dynamics?" On her paper, she jotted down 'the blonde is a musician' hastily. "Something green for the brunette...and for the one in much purple...whoever designed that outfit really should throw themselves into a fire I'm sure that would be more artful." She lowered her voice and mumbled to herself.

    "Uh. Don't worry about her. She always gets like this when designing new costumes." Mr. Incredible laughed nervously upon hearing how harsh Edna was being.

  7. Shiki my waifu is better than yours, thanks

    Jun 3, 2007
    The Future

    Qamar nodded to Aria. Of course they can't force him, she knew that. However, sleep deprivation is no funhouse. Qamar remembered not sleeping for 3 days straight as an experiment. It didn't end well and she ended up being forced to sleep. After that, she was careful and made sure she went to sleep at night. Though her regime after that was a lot more different and she was now waking up early to get exercise and meditation. "You're right, we really can't...but we can at least make thing safe enough so he can?" she suggested, shrugging.

    Edna wandered around and took their measurements with her eyes, jotting and sketching down notes. Edna made little comments about each of them. Qamar rolled her eyes at the comment that was made on her. "My mother's hair was purple..." she mumbled, not caring what Edna thought. It didn't matter in the end, anyway.
  8. Maka Albarn It's called love

    May 7, 2008
    Fairy Tail
    The girl made a face when Edna commented about her personality in a negative light and then scratched her head. Soon afterwards, Mr. Incredible tried to apologize for Edna’s behavior, which made her shrug her shoulders. “No feelings hurt here. It just adds to my current list of flaws.” She started to count them off on her fingers one by one, “Too reckless, too innocent, and now too sweet to the point where no one would take me seriously.” She puckered her lips in amusement and then shrugged once more. “I mean, it’s kinda true.

    She then took her braid in her hands and examined it a moment while trying to come up with a way to explain how it was. “
    Uh, well... I was kinda born with it? All I did was let it grow out. No colors added or anything.” She didn’t know what Edna meant by black, but that was the last color Aria would have thought of for... anything really. She wondered what Edna had in mind...
  9. Beucefilous Kingdom Keeper

    Apr 27, 2011
    Adalric listened as he accompanied the group into the tunnels. He knew that his master had asked him to make friends with them but...It was a little difficult to just insert oneself into an already existing group. In addition, two of the three he was with were the ones from the realm of darkness. He was having trouble finding anything to contribute to the conversation, so he was content just listening for the moment. He couldn't quite agree with Take's logic. Hide it in a bad hiding spot, so that no one would ever think to look there. While it made sense in theory, it seemed to be overthinking it quite a bit.

    Shortly afterwards, they came to a fork in pathways. It seemed these tunnels never ended. His head perked up as he heard Torrin speak his name.
    "Oh, yes?" He listened to the young master's concerns. "Well, discretion is the better part of valor. We can't beat the light chaser in a head on fight from what I've heard, so misdirection is essentially our only option at this point. From a purely strategic standpoint the best course of action would likely be to just get one of the princesses, Aria, for instance, and keep her in the council world for an indefinite amount of time. That way, he'd never get all seven and we could simply wait out the light chaser until he died of old age, as all do eventually. Though, obviously we can't simply imprison her. So this is likely our next best option. I understand your concern, but we haven't got a lot of alternatives."
  10. cstar stay away from my waifu

    Dec 19, 2008

    Take listened in on Adalric and Torrin's conversation while he kept his eyes looking around for anything suspicious. He noticed how Torrin just... was completely not okay with them having so many secrets. While Adalric seemed to think the best course of action was just to lock Aria away, knowing full well Aria would definitely not be cool with that. Take pondered what they said and spoke up, "Well, I don't think they keep secrets to be harmful about it. I think they do it to keep randoms like us from knowing all their tools of the trade when one of us could very well just end up giving that information over to the enemy. That... said. They clearly know who the Seven are, and aren't telling us even though there shouldn't be a harm in that at this point. I would have thought it'd just be the most effective to port a bunch of us to different worlds at once, and have some places that definitely have the princesses and we just bring them back with us."

    Takehiko held his hands behind his back and said, "But maybe there's a fatal flaw about that strategy I'm missing." he did turn to Torrin and pointed at him, "But ya know, for all your criticisms of them keeping secrets, you haven't exactly been an open book either. What happened to you after you basically dropped Aria off with us and dashed out of there?"
  11. Vladek515 Hollow Bastion Committee

    Mar 12, 2015

    Boreas listened to everyone doing their say. "I hate to point it out but I think we'd have bigger problems if we start setting off mines down here..." Boreas said, not elaborating further on what those problems might be, he didn't think it was necessary. He listened to the conversation about the secrets and one's opinion on roundabout ways to get this done. Boreas agreed, but more so because he was a soldier, he liked his orders clear and direct. Obviously there were secrets too and Boreas didn't always know the full story of the fight he was getting into, but his orders would still be clear, unclear instructions lead to grey areas, he didn't like grey areas, they left doubt and doubt lead to casualties.

    Boreas listened to the strategy as Adalric explained it. "
    You do realise that trying to play the waiting game is going to end up with you losing right? It gives the Light Chaser free reign to do as he pleases, all he has to do is let those students of his train and become more powerful, if they get on powerful enough there is no way you are going to stop them. It is only a delaying tactic and only useful when you intend to buy time for something else. And while the Council pointed out that we'd most likely be giving away the likely position of a potential target for them. It can be circumvented by splitting up as Take here suggested, but that leaves us vulnerable, we're already outgunned as it is no need to make it easier for them to pick us off, should we find a princess we'd have no way to defend them effectively if they come looking, atleast not on the world we found them. We simply number too few or lack the force necessary to utilise these strategies necessary. And even if we split to go for several worlds at once, the Light Chaser could do so too, I don't know what his students are like but I imagine they are rather capable, they could simply split enough to hit us across the board or simply pick us off group by group. Honestly I'd say we muster more people to our banner, get as many on our side as we can and fight it out, win by sheer weight of numbers, it ain't elegant but it gets the job done..."

    Take had a point Torrin wasn't exactly an open book either and he had his reasons just like the council had their reasons for it and everyone always thought their own reasons were more justified than those of others. Torrin felt he was in the right in keeping them in the dark, while the council also thought that and was questioning the other for doing so. Boreas figured that some of the secrecy had to do with the presence of two individuals from the Realm of Darkness, best not reveal everything that's going on right now. Boreas had been rather open as to who he was and why he was here but he hadn't exactly been waging a war against the Light Chaser for a year and he didn't exactly give rather detailed accounts of all his goings on anyways and there would be subjects he didn't discuss, but none had turned up yet. Boreas remained silent thinking it wouldn't be worth starting an argument on who was right and who was wrong, while they had a mission on their hands.
  12. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007

    Torrin nodded at Adalric's response. He wasn't too happy with the answer he got but it was a good one nonetheless. It just came down to a difference of opinion at this point. The light from Torrin's keyblade dimmed slightly. Soon they came across another junction where the paths diverged, this time splitting into three separate tunnels. Torrin narrowed his eyes and glared at the paths before them feeling that it would be next to impossible to find the inhibitor at this point. He stopped and listened to Take's comment on Torrin's own lack of transparency before being questioned on his whereabouts after dropping Aria off.

    "I made a short return trip to the edge of the Realm of Darkness to recover my strength. After one of my last battles with the Light Chaser left me injured and drained of a significant portion of my power, going back was the only way I could heal properly." He answered, touched a hand to his forehead to and closing his eyes for a moment to refocus. Just stay awake. The second the Magitek device is destroyed everything will go back to normal. He brushed a few strands of hair from his eyes and motioned towards the leftmost tunnel.

    "When I started this fight, I thought a war of attrition would have done the job but that strategy failed and by the time I realized it wouldn't work..." He trailed off. "If I could have done things over, I would have urged every keyblade master and their students to wage an all out assault against the Light Chaser. One battle. Quick and easy." As they walked a distant echo of gears being cranked could be heard down the tunnel. Torrin picked up his pace. The sound suddenly stopped. Then came ticking. And

    The path ahead was caved in and sitting in front of the rubble was a human-sized stuffed teddy bear with a wind-up key turning slowly in its back. Torrin blinked. He looked at the others then at the bear, raising an eyebrow. "Uh...that's...uh...okay?"

    Last edited: Mar 7, 2018
  13. cstar stay away from my waifu

    Dec 19, 2008

    Well, Torrin's reasoning made sense. But something felt off about it. He had no proof to say otherwise, but that trip he wouldn't have classified as a short trip considering between him dropping Aria off and them finally seeing him again, a full day had passed. Even ignoring the time it would have taken from them to bring Tinarah and Gero back, something seemed wrong about it. But he couldn't put a finger on it. He shook it off as paranoia, still wanting to believe this Torrin couldn't possibly be as bad as the other Torrin that Tinarah described.

    As they walked further into the tunnel and the sound of the gears turning, then music playing... Takehiko was confused nonetheless. When they walked closer only to find a windup bear, Take looked really confused and asked,
    "Is... the music coming from the stuffed bear? How is it doing that?" he approached cautiously, summoning his keyblade with his bad hand, before he suddenly gasped out and switched over to the other hand and maintained a keyblade's length away from the bear as he kept a careful and light footing, "I don't understand."
  14. Ego Imperium Twilight Town Denizen

    Jul 10, 2009
    I reject your reality, and substitute my own.
    "Okay...?" Glyde observed the small woman's process curiously. His first impression of her actively formed as he watched her jotting down notes and contemplating each of the new guests in her living room. Silently, Glyde pondered what she might be thinking of him. He hadn't exactly been vocal since arriving; beyond his comment on liking his cloak, he hadn't spoken a word since he entered the house. Further, he had scarcely carried himself in any meaningful sort of way... at least, as far as he could account for. Maybe Edna Mode could see something more than what he made clear?

    Then, it came. Like a dagger across the chest: too timid? All other commentary thrown aside, Glyde's mind narrowed onto this, singular quip. TIMID! Catching the trailing end of other responses to Edna Mode's analysis, Glyde pushed his way closer to her. "Timid, you say? Try 'cautious;' or 'pragmatic.' I'll be damned if I'm gonna be called timid."
  15. CrownMoksha Decimo

    Jan 11, 2011
    On board the DenLiner
    Not knowing to what extent in which she missed her violin, Chrono was surprised to see her start playing it right away. The surprised faded away shortly after he listened more intently into the song. The improvement was evident, like very evident given she was five years younger last time he's heard her play. "You've gotten better." He was impressed and he wasn't really hiding it at all.

    He was...surprised by what Edna had chosen to say about him and was both curious and concerned as to what else she had jotted down about him. He reached up and grabbed a strand of his hair, it being just long enough for him to look at it himself, did it stick out that much when compared to everything else? "Don't tell me she's going to give me something flashy." Mr Incredible words had lead to this concern forming. He already didn't want a suit to begin with, let alone something that might make him 'less forgettable' .
  16. Aelin Best Waifu

    Jun 30, 2011
    British Columbia, Canada
    While not many paid mind to her playing, her brother stood in front of her, listening to her play the entire time. She supposed in the time she was gone, not everything had changed, this... this felt the same. He had always listened to her play and encouraged it. The small woman that was walking around, Tinarah hardly noticed as she finished her song and held her violin at her side. "Thanks.... It has been a while since I played moms violin, but... I think she is still here, with it. I can feel her." Tinarah admitted. Her mind then flashed to the last time she spoke of her mother, such disdain as Torrin tried to convince her to get angry over everything that her mother had done, the fact her mother had gotten herself killed. Tinarah started feeling guilty about the fact she blamed so much on her mother.

    Taking a step back Tinarah as Chrono started to talk about the outfits. She would let him rejoin talking with his friends, meanwhile she still felt like she had a lot on her mind. Looking down she studied the blue violin for a while before she put it back in it's case. She itched to play more, but now wasn't the time or the place. Instead Tinarah summoned her keyblade to her and looked at it for a while, pondering if she would have done her mother proud, wondering if her mother would have been mad at all she had said about her. There was a sense of warmth though, Tinarah knew that deep down her mother could never be mad at her. She just now had to live a life that would make her mother proud. Her mother who was fearless and strong and creative. Intelegent, ambitious, and outgoing. Everything Tinarah wasn't. Still perhaps she had been given a chance to do something with her life. Given a chance to help other people when she lacked the strength to help herself. It was something she had to take, the reason that she was here even though she was nearly on deaths door just a couple days before. She wouldn't lose sight of that now.
  17. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007

    Suddenly the music stopped. "I think you should step back, Take. Before somethi-" A sinister sound mimicking laughter came from the bear. Before Torrin could pull Take away it was already too late. The bear a poof of stuffing harmlessly showering the group of four in its white fluff. "Um...that is not what I expected at all..." Torrin pulled a piece of cotton from his coat and stared at it for a long moment, not even sure what to make of it.

    The large window overlooking the city shattered suddenly. In jumped the man in the mask and a costumed woman wearing goggles. Immediately Mr. Incredible called out the woman's name by shouting, "Mezmerella!"

    "Long time no see, Mr. Incredible! Did you enjoy the party favors we left for you earlier?" The woman spoke with a grin on her face.

    "So you were involved as well! Looks like you missed the point of getting the drop on someone. You're outnumbered eight to two! It's jail time for you, Mezmerella. The same goes for everyone you're working with!" Mr. Incredible spoke smugly. "Find cover, Ms. Mode. This will be over before you know it."

    "Gah! You've brought villains into my home, Incredible! I knew should have had those security measures installed!" Edna shouted angrily as she took off leaving the room.

    "Actually, it's three against seven." The masked man spoke calmly, his blades already out in his hands.

    Mr. Incredible laughed. "See kids? This is what happens when you don't stay in school. Not only do you succumb to a life of crime you also become bad at counting!"

    "Oh are you so sure about that?" Mezmerella extended her hand and the spirals on her goggles started to spin. A wave of energy was released from her hand and struck Mr. Incredible but it did not even cause him to move a muscle. He appeared unfazed. Mr. Incredible turned stepped forward slowly and picked up the marble table sitting in the center as if it was nothing more than a paper weight. He then spun and threw it in the direction of the keyblade wielders.

  18. cstar stay away from my waifu

    Dec 19, 2008

    Takehiko certainly was not expecting an explosion, and when it happened, he went immediately to try and guard in time... only for it to poof out harmless stuffing. A little note seemed to floof out towards Take and the boy, still a bit on edge considering her could have very well just died there, grabbed the note and looked it over.

    "I bet you can't BEAR to wait for the next part of my plan."

    There was a long pause of silence before a small squeaky noise started coming out of the boy, and then he started full on laughing. Perhaps to Torrin, Boreas, and Adalric this was nothing, but Take had not laughed in years, and he had no real idea why he found this in particular so amusing. He let his keyblade disappear and the boy tried to contain the laughter, hiding his smile behind his broken hand as he turned towards the three, still letting out bits of laughter as he managed out, "O-Oh.. Oh no. Ya know. I bearly considered it was even a bom-aaahAAAA." Take started laughing again but even harder. His laugh was definitely echoing through the tunnels at this point.
  19. Maka Albarn It's called love

    May 7, 2008
    Fairy Tail
    The quiet, insulting moment was short-lived when the window suddenly shattered. Aria covered her head as shards of glass bounced off of her, and then she saw they were faced to face with the masked guy she saw earlier, and then someone new.

    You were on the roof fighting Torrin!" Aria declared, pointing a finger at the masked man. However, things suddenly took the turn for the worse. Mr. Incredible seemed fine one moment, and then got really quiet the next. "M-Mr. Incredible...?"

    Aria then saw him pick up the marble table and dropped down to a defense position. She summoned her keyblade, only then to realize all of her magic reserve was gone and there was no calling it back. "
    Look out!" she called. She then dodged rolled out of the way, jumping back to her feet with her keyblade in her hands. Whatever that lady did earlier to Mr. Incredible, it seemed to make him turn on them. "Snap out of it!" Aria yelled at the hero, even though she felt it would be useless at this point to try to call him back like that.

    She then turned to the new villainess, raising her keyblade and charging at her with might at the woman and started to swing at her.
  20. Aelin Best Waifu

    Jun 30, 2011
    British Columbia, Canada
    No sooner had her thoughts finished before there was a crashing sound as someone broke through the window. Thankfully Tinarah already had her keyblade out and readied it as she placed her violin down behind her. A woman followed the man, one that seemed to know Mr. Incredible, and from what she could tell they weren't on friendly terms. A quick test confirmed that her magic still wasn't working, it seemed like they would have to fight their way out of this one. But Mr. Incredible did a make a good point, the two were horribly outnumbered. The situation only got worse when Mr. Incredible threw a table at them. Tinarah managed to keep out of the way, thanks to her not standing around the bigger cluster of people talking, but now they had a pretty big issue.

    Alright no magic and Mr. Incredible working against them, Tinarah managed to figure out that it must have been the woman who had done that with whatever weird thing happened with her goggles moments before. Looking to Thallasa she got a nod of approval before Tinarah turned her attention towards the woman. She knew she had to be fast if she was to do anything, chances were the strange man and Mr. Incredible were made to protect this one, given she could somehow control people. Maybe if Tinarah was able to take her out, she could break the spell on Mr. Incredible... if that was actually what it was. Given that she couldn't use magic, it seemed weird to think this could be magic itself.

    As she charged, Aria seemed to join her, likely having the same idea as she did. Maybe between the two of them they could get the upper hand on the lady before it got too bad. They needed to deal with this quick. If she could do what she did to more people and she caught Master Thallasa with that spell, things could be really, really bad. She wasting no time Tinarah went to strike at the lady a few times, before leaving an opening for Aria to join her. She could only hope this would work.