Kingdom Hearts: Kingdom Hearts: Light Chaser

Discussion in 'Role-Playing Arena' started by Arch, Mar 25, 2017.

  1. Shiki my waifu is better than yours, thanks

    Jun 3, 2007
    The Future

    Qamar quite enjoyed causing both of them to jump a little. She smiled thinking about it and clasped her hands behind her back. “That sucks that the bracelet’s still there.” she commented. Making the bracelet angry was certainly what he did, or at least that’s what Qamar felt he did. “Aw, that’s okay, but don’t forget about that. I’ve been itching to spar with somebody else lately. Nobody else is as fun…” she sighed.

    Once she turned to leave, she heard the voice of an older gentleman speak. Qamar froze and turned to see a man she had only heard of and seen paintings of. A man she had no idea was still alive until very recently. Apparently he knew Aria as Qamar saw the girl call him grandpa and run to hug him.

    He finally introduced him as the Master of Masters. When he bowed his head to Qamar, she immediately returned that bow, lower than she had ever bowed to a Master. When he spoke again, she looked up and listened to him. Was it really that long since there were other students before Qamar and Adalric? She wondered to herself as Master Gero mentioned food.

    “I was...I was actually waiting for Master Kide to wake up…” she stated, scratching her head. “He likes to wake up last….”

    She watched the group converse more as she started to wonder a few things. Crossing her arms, she tapped her chin and looked between Aria and Torrin. Being near Aria caused Qamar to squirm a little on the inside. It was like she was pure light. Pure and full of hope and love. The fact Qamar found her near Torrin and looking very happy confirmed it. Then there was Torrin and the fact he was from the Realm of Darkness. A Master of the keyblade, at that.

    Once the two in question left, she commented about the two towards Boreas and Choma. “Don’t those two seem to be rather chummy? Like they really like each other?” she said, shrugging. “Maybe I’m looking into it too hard. It was nice to see you Master Choma.” Qamar gave a bow to Choma and nodded at Boreas as she left.

    Qamar hurried down these stars and ran across the Main Hall towards the kitchen. She ran downstairs and gathered together ingredients. Instead of eating what was prepared already, she created a breakfast for herself and her Master from scratched. This was something she always did. She woke up, trained, and then would eat breakfast with her Master as they discussed the days activities. Some days Master Kide would be awake already or not want her to eat with him as he had special duties to attend to early.

    She placed domes over the food and placed the plates on a tray. She carried a pitcher of orange juice and two glasses along with silverware, peper and salt, and napkins. She was ready and left the kitchen, hurrying back upstairs and running to the west wings. She passed by a few rooms before she stopped at one door and took a breath. Knocking, she smiled to herself. “I’m coming in, please have pants on this time.” she said. “Because I’m not going to wait.”

    The door creaked as she walked into Master Kide’s room. She worked her way towards his table and chairs and began to set the table. She soon sat in front of her plate and rested her arm on the table. “Why didn’t you tell me Master Gero would be here this morning?” she asked her Master. “Oh and I made you your favorite make up for yesterday.” she spoke as he lifted the dome to his plate.

    She looked down at her plate...pankcakes and 2 eggs. Along with wheat toast and one pad of butter on the pancakes. No syrup, of course. She nodded at Kide before she blurted out the next sentence.

    “I didn’t tell you yesterday, but while I meditated today I decided to tell you. Before I even learned about Torrin being from the Realm of Darkness….I could just TELL he was from there. Like I knew him or something. But I’ve never met him before. It just made something deep down swell up and want to burst out and it scares me because it’s been getting harder and harder to keep that thing inside and I don’t want to hurt anybody.” she blabbed.
  2. Aelin Best Waifu

    Jun 30, 2011
    British Columbia, Canada
    Tinarah had fully planned to carry her plate, but when Nini jumped in her arms, she was more happy to just cuddle with the cat as they went to leave the room. Sparing Chrono a glance, Tinarah didn't particularly feel bad for walking away with Take, she still was trying to work through everything that she had thought of her brother, trying to figure out what was true, and what wasn't. How much of what she experienced was real in some sense. Chrono had felt real, he wasn't an illusion of her mind as he actually picked her up, and she couldn't imagine it having been the Chrono of that realm if it wasn't something already existing in the Chrono of this realms heart. After all, though there wasn't much cross over between people, aside from Torrin from who she met where, what she saw in them, she had a sense that part of their hearts, part of their thoughts crossed between the two realms. Even Torrin, though fighting for different things, when he found her, his spirit for what he was doing, it felt familiar, though his war was different than the one that he fought here.

    Walking from the room, Nini purring in her arms as she stroked the small cat, Take turned and asked about what happened. She knew she would have to explain it all eventually, perhaps it was best to try to say something at least before she was overwhelmed with people searching for answers.
    "I... don't mind trying to share." She told him before continuing. "It actually wasn't all bad though. The Light Chaser... He said he was sending me back, but instead I found myself in another place. I was on a bridge... and long story short I got thrown off." Tinarah started to glaze over the parts that were particularly painful, only sharing the basic details that she didn't mind talking about. She didn't mean to withhold information, she was simply finding it hard to talk about.

    "Anyways I somehow survived that without injury... another one of the Light Chasers tricks perhaps. I awoke in a town that was being taken by darkness. A kid had found me and brought me into his home. We managed to run, but he didn't make it over the gap, I did. That is where I met Uncle Fost. He tried to help return me to you guys but when we found Choma... Well he was still a student. So Uncle Fost brought me to Master Stamatis and he confirmed I was in another time line. In the past." Tinarah also decided to skip the part that she lost her keyblade, that wasn't relevant to what had happened to her and why she came back like this... well not yet at least, but she hadn't thought ahead to her escape. "Master Stamatis trained me for the next five years to be strong enough to send myself home. Uncle Fost would stop by and visit sometimes." Tinarah had a sad smile on her face, fond memories of those years in peace before she tried to go home. The smile dropped however as she had to continue her story.

    "When it was time to go home, I tried, but I didn't end up in my own time. I think... I was in the future and the world was dark. Torrin found me and he brought me to Mika. Apparently most of our friends had died as well as masters in some war between the light and the dark. I offered to help him fight and he trained me a bit. I didn't realize they were fighting for the darkness. When I realized that and questioned him he locked me away. Mika tried to help me escape but...." Tinarah sounded near tears as she paused for a moment, stopping petting the cat for a moment. "Torrin found us. He killed Mika and locked me away again. That is when I met Gero. I don't know how long I was down there, but enough I decided I wouldn't let Torrin do to me what he tried to do to all of you and I stopped eating. He confronted me, and my keyblade returned to me. I stalled him long enough to free Gero, and he opened a portal for us... It turned out we were in another realm altogether." Tinarah started to walk again her head down a bit now, unsure of what Take was thinking now based on the story. "Atmos said only two days have passed since I went missing, but I was there for over five years." She told him though he likely gathered all that from her story.
  3. cstar stay away from my waifu

    Dec 19, 2008
    There was a lot to process in the story, a couple names she spoke with familiarity that he didn't know. Well, he probably knew more names than some people. He happened to recognize the name Stamatis, he remembered the strangeness of how they met in frozen time when a storm seemed to be approaching Atmos' world. But besides that, he didn't know who Fost or Gero were. As she explained her training for five years with Stamatis, he could tell she spoke about it almost bittersweet really. Then she began speaking about the future, the world being dark. About Torrin working with the darkness, killing Mika, before the escape. Hearing Mika's name made him visibly react, more than he probably should have cause he didn't want to bring it up now of all times, but he didn't really know when the best time would be... so the boy tried to slip it in without directly saying it.

    Take was quiet to put together his thoughts for a moment before speaking,
    "After I had gone back to check on Atmos when we were in Atlantis, Nini had come up to Torrin and I in distress and I followed her to where she was leading and she brought me to the docks. A soldier was there and all he had was your violin, and he said a keyblade wielder had taken you. I assume now it was someone working with the Light Chaser... since then all we've done is travel to another world and Aria was brought back to us by Torrin." Takehiko went quiet again before he stopped at turned to her, "I don't know how things got to that future, or even what events happen in that future, but right in this moment Torrin's been helpful, probably more than harmful. I can keep an eye on him with you through that perspective because I don't know him very well. But I won't let a future like that happen, not when I can help it." he tried smiling at her reassuringly, it wasn't exactly a big smile or anything, but it was certainly more of a smile than he usually gave. Tinarah might now know that though, what with only having known her for the equivalent of a day. But Take still felt wrong about it, and reached for his hand again to try and rub his wrist, but his cast wouldn't allow it. Take just stopped smiling after a bit before he continued leading her towards the kitchen.
  4. CrownMoksha Decimo

    Jan 11, 2011
    On board the DenLiner

    Chrono returned the nod that he had received from Take as he walked off with his sister. It was only the second day that he's seen her and getting used to the fact that she was suddenly older was still a work in progress. Chrono walked over to Master Atmos's door and gave it a quick couple of knocks. "Master Atmos, I have a favor to ask." Hopefully she had something that Tinarah could wear or magic up some clothing. Seeing as this was outside his realm of expertise, any one of those methods of getting clothing would've been suitable as far as he was concerned.
  5. Ego Imperium Twilight Town Denizen

    Jul 10, 2009
    I reject your reality, and substitute my own.
    "Heh. Yeah." Glyde snorted lightly at Illiana's final comment to himself and Adalric. "Nothing suspicious about me at all. As straightforward and honest as they come," he mused in a hushed tone. "If only."

    She'll be surprised when--
    That's a pretty big if. They'll start asking questions.
    I'm not the one any of these Masters are interested in. Won't have to give them much more than a first name, if that.

    "Wait, what?" He snapped out of his own thoughts and looked around at the now near-empty bedroom. Aria and Torrin had, clearly, taken their leave while he made his request for breakfast. Illiana, too, had just vanished from sight around the corner of the doorway. He stared, awkwardly, at Adalric, who had since been silent. He glanced around the room one more time, and drew in a deep, calming breath. "You look like someone that has a bit much on his hands right now," he said, with a slight inflection of inquisition. "And don't seem thrilled to have anyone in tow. My offer to help with meal delivery stands, if it's needed. But I won't bother you until then."

    He edged around Adalric, backing out from the room and into the hallway. He looked in both directions, catching sight of Illiana as she climbed out a window. "Umm... I guess... send for me; or I'll find you; or not. Man, this is a weird morning." He turned towards the open window, and ran towards it. He had never been much for tree climbing; not for lack of wanting, of course; there weren't too many good trees to climb where he had been from. Haphazardly, he found his way over and down with a tumbling landing. "Oof." He jogged, eventually catching up to Illiana. "You're certainly one to chide people for being suspicious. You do know there are things called doors... and stairs, right? Or do you simply prefer the scenic route?"
  6. Aelin Best Waifu

    Jun 30, 2011
    British Columbia, Canada
    "Neither will I." Tinarah said following behind Take. "I plan to go back." She admitted to him. This was her brothers friend, she probably shouldn't be telling him stuff that she hadn't planned to tell her own brother, but Tinarah just needed to talk to someone and he was here and easy enough to talk to. "Don't tell Chrono yet.... But I think... I need to get stronger, then I will send myself back, protect that realm and stop that future. I promised A that his sacrifice wouldn't be in vain. I won't let any of their sacrifices be for nothing." She didn't really know why she was telling him all this, and she probably wouldn't tell anyone else yet, but it felt good to get it off her chest. It had been far too long since she had a friend. Even with Mika in the other realm, Tinarah never took the time to be friends with her, nor was she given it with all the training that she had to do.

    After saying her bit, she continued to follow Take, the last bit of the short distance to the kitchen to drop off her plate. Since he was carrying it for her, Tinarah hung in the background scratching Nini. As she stood and watched Tinarah looked at Take's hand. In an effort to not make everything about herself, she spoke up for a moment, trying to make conversation.
    "So what happened to your hand?" She asked having noticed him seeming to rub at the cast.
  7. Vladek515 Hollow Bastion Committee

    Mar 12, 2015
    Boreas didn't pay too much attention to what Gero said but when the master mentioned privacy he already knew what was going to happen. The introduction told Boreas nothing he didn't already know about. "Yeah, it is..." Boreas said, he felt happy for her. While Torrin didn't finish his question Boreas could hazard a guess as to what he wanted to know and it was a question Boreas couldn't simply answer. Boreas was about to follow Torrin taking his leave when Gero stepped in and told Torrin he was going to have to come with him, he met Torrin's questioning gaze with a shrug as Boreas didn't know what the man wanted from him. Maybe it had to do with that other version Tinarah had mentioned but that was merely speculation. Boreas was curious as to why he wanted to speak to Torrin alone, Aria was easily answered, that presumably pertained to the nightmares. Torrin had been the first to respond and he had rescued her from the Light Chaser, meanwhile Boreas had simply been a small cog in the machine to get Gero here, he had served his purpose and that was the end of it, Boreas felt a saddened to be sidelined, but he tried to take pride in having done what was needed of him.

    As Qamar, Choma and himself were left standing he looked to Qamar who made a remark regarding the two of them, that they seemed to like each other. Boreas shrugged. "
    I don't know really, but you're right they do seemingly get along rather well... I guess we just gotta wait and see what happens there." Boreas said, perhaps Qamar was a lot more adjusted to pick that sort of thing up, Boreas never had been good at the sort of thing, Boreas simply returned the nod as Qamar ran off leaving him with Master Choma. "Master Choma, I should have done this earlier but the apparant urgency of the situation lead to me deciding it could wait, but I am Boreas Thessalian, as master Gero hinted at I am from the Realm of Darkness, just like Torrin, I look forward to fighting alongside you." Boreas said offering his hand. "You probably have more important duties to attend to, but would you join me for breakfast? I feel like whatever is to be discussed between the three of them may take a while." If the master declined, he'd just take his leave and find himself something to eat and perhaps someone to keep him company.
  8. Light-Rune Maven Seer

    Jan 8, 2012
    The Aetherial Sea

    "I know things didn't go too well with the willow, but..." Chrys trailed off as she began to climb up after Avra. A part of her wanted to just try to talk to the princess, still clinging to the hope that someone out in the universe would understand them and their goal. However, that hope was becoming increasingly futile. Even if the princess listened to them, they wouldn't be able to hide the fact that they had fought and defeated the willow, not for long. Learning of the tree's defeat and possibly of it's disapproval of them, the princess would have very little reason to trust them.

    "Never mind..." She had already nearly screwed up the battle for them, she didn't need to screw this up for them as well. Talking was something she felt was a surefire way to accomplish just such a mistake. So instead she remained quiet, following her fellow apprentices up into the higher branches of the Willow tree. She was vaguely worried about their climbing it so soon after it's defeat, but she figured that was something else to stay silent about.
  9. cstar stay away from my waifu

    Dec 19, 2008
    When Tinarah said she wanted to go back to that place, he was almost shocked. He knew that she probably had emotional investment wherever that was after being there for... five years in her time. But he still didn't know why someone would want to go back to a place like that if it caused them so much pain. He tried not to think about it too much for his own sake more so than hers. When he got the dish put in it's proper place and Tinarah asked about his hand. He was thrown off, since he hadn't expected it, but eventually looked to it and said, "Oh, in the last world we went to things got a little... intense. A cannon fell on it when I was pinned down. It seems to be healing up pretty quickly though, which is odd, but I'm not gonna complain too much. It's my dominant hand and I'm not liking being a righty right now." he tried flexing his hand a bit but it hurt, so he stopped.
  10. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007

    Minutes passed by in silence between the two young women as they waited atop the tree. Eventually in the distance they could see a canoe rowing up the river in their direction. "I think that's her." Avra spoke. Since they were hidden in the shade of the branches and leaves of the willow the girl would not have seen them as she approached.

    "Grandmother Willow! I'm back. I need to talk to you." The girl stepped in front of the ancient tree and tilted her head to the side, raising an eyebrow when she received no response. "Grandmother Willow? It's me, Pocahontas! ...Grandmother Willow?" She pressed her palm to the tree and frowned, unsure of what had happened. She could tell that her guardian was still there but was asleep.

    Avra leaned down farther to get a better view of the Princess of Heart but she ended up brushing up against some leaves and rustling them. "Shi-"

    Alarmed that someone was watching her Pocahontas looked up and glared into the branches of Grandmother Willow. "Who's there!?"

    Gero looked back at Aria and Torrin, barely nodding in response when Aria asked if he had been told about her nightmares. "It started again, has it?"

    "She woke up with scratches on her arms and some bruises. No offense but I didn't really trust your castle's security so I just...kind of stayed by her door in case the Light Chaser came for her again." Gero's eyes narrowed on hearing Torrin say this and once they had traveled far enough into the second floor he stopped walking knowing no one would hear them now.

    Gero reached for one of Aria's arms and looked it over though he saw nothing. Torrin cleared his throat. "I healed them but they were there. I wouldn't waste your time with this if there wasn't something serious going on here." Torrin explained.

    Once more the old man nodded but kept quiet for the time being. He scratched his chin and stepped back. Still, he said nothing as he contemplated over the meaning of this. Nearly a full minute passed while Gero thoughtfully rubbed his chin and tapped a finger against his cane with his finger. Eventually, Torrin grew annoyed and folded his arm, tapping his foot against the floor. "Sooo...any ideas?" He impatiently asked.

    "Patience, boy. An occurrence like this has never happened before. I cannot simply conjure up a reason or solution on a whim. There were no intruders last night as I would have known if there was."

    "Well if it's not that then maybe it's something in her dreams. Maybe if she went to sleep and I entered her dreams-"

    "You will do no such thing." Gero interrupted, slamming his cane down. "There are still other causes that you have not even considered. How could you have been named a master when you are so quick to jump to conclusions?" Gero now looked Torrin hard in the eye walking over towards him. "What were your real reasons for being around Aria? Beings from the Realm of Darkness do not simply decide to protect the light. I have seen firsthand what kind of horrors you are capable of delivering and kindness is not in your nature."

    Despite being clearly taken aback Torrin held his ground. "I understand Tinarah being confused but you're supposed to be some grand master or something. You know that what you saw wasn't me. That was someone else!"

    "You will have nothing to do with the Seven. Take your soldier with you and return from whence you came. We have no need of you. Ever since your 'war' with the Light Chaser began you have done nothing but participate in a losing battle that caused more collateral damage than anything else." By now Gero was just inches away from Torrin and threatening him with his cane by pressing it up against his chin.

    "What the hell!? What's wrong with you old man? I've been trying to help from the start."

    "That is how it started then too." Gero spoke lowly.

    "I don't even know what you're talking about! Look, either you drop that cane or I drop you."


    Choma extended his hand to give Boreas a firm handshake. "It's good to have you on the team then, Boreas." After releasing his hand Choma looked up to the stairs where Aria and Torrin had been led then back at the young man. "Well the only business I had just left which means my schedule is free. I suppose I could use something to eat." He added. Though he worried about what had happened with Aria that needed Master Gero's attention but there was no better hands for her to be in.

    Curious, having never actually met someone from the Realm of Darkness besides Torrin, Choma thought to ask what was going on over in the other realm. "What's the status with the Realm of Darkness, currently?" He asked as he began heading towards the kitchen. "Even with the Council's help, if the Light Chaser makes a move against your people things could get a lot uglier."


    By the time Qamar had barged into his room after giving him a warning Kide was already drying his hands on a towel after having just washed them. "You could have just knocked and told me to meet you in the kitchen." Kide sighed. "Well no use complaining now. Smells good." He took a seat at the table and, looking at his student making an effort to appease him, he relented. "I was a little harsh on you yesterday, Qamar. I apologize for that. There's a project I've been working on for quite some time now and it's been slow and tedious work. Even though you were wrong to behave so harshly towards our guests, I should not have lost my temper. That kind of behavior does not befit a master of my stature." He looked at the breakfast she had brought him and smiled slightly. "Thank you. And I did not know Master Gero would be making an appearance this morning. I suppose he's in better condition than yesterday."

    When Qamar started mentioning something about being able to tell that Torrin was from the Realm of Darkness and that caused him to pause. "I haven't met him but I'd assume it would have something to do with him being next in line to the throne. Perhaps members of the royal family over there must be teeming with darkness. More so than you are. Maybe you just sensed it because of your training and your own talent with darkness." He speculated. "Darkness is not inherently evil, Qamar. Just as the light is not inherently good. It all depends on how you use it. If you don't want to hurt anyone, don't. You have it within you to make that choice."


    Aster had been rubbing her reddened cheek after having been slapped quite hard by Atmos. "If you weren't my sister that would have been a fist. Don't you dare hide anything like this from me again." Atmos huffed.

    Then a knock came to her door. "What!?" She responded a little too angrily. Realizing that it had been Chrono who had asked for her help she immediately felt guilty. She took one quick glance over at her sister, glaring at her, before going to answer the door.

    "Sorry about that. I was having a heated debate with my sister over what to have for breakfast. What is it, Chrono?" She spoke in a much softer tone.

    Last edited: Feb 17, 2018
  11. Aelin Best Waifu

    Jun 30, 2011
    British Columbia, Canada
    Frowning Tinarah watched him try to move his hand and not have too much success in it. She lifted her own hands, placing them in such a position that she would play violin. "Yeah... I would hate losing the use of one of my hands. Sorry that happened." If she was there could she have even stopped it? When she was twelve probably not, perhaps now... but how many other people were around. There was no use feeling guilty about it, and surprisingly she didn't feel as guilty as she thought she would. Being around people her age and friends again had been confusing to say the least. She had thought when she got back things would go back to the way they were when she left, but Tinarah hadn't seen Mika or Aria since coming back. She had spent the most time talking to a boy she didn't talk to before much, and hadn't said a word to her old master. On top of that with the meltdowns she wasn't doing too well on this whole adjusting and going back thing.

    "Did anyone get my violin back? I honestly don't remember much of yesterday... but I remember Stamatis came... then the Light Chaser. I think he might have hurt Master Stamatis, and I want to see him, but he always played piano with me so I want to play him one of our favourite songs." Tinarah explained. "Though maybe... Did Master Choma worry about me?" She asked. She worried he didn't even notice, after all he hadn't been her master that long, but if he had noticed and worried about her, maybe she should visit him first, after all he remembered her, Stamatis just had a feeling he might know her. It hurt to think about. She wanted to go back to where she knew she was loved and cared for, but right now her mind was still filled with questions and doubts. She tried to keep the worry off her face as they turned from the kitchen, focusing on Nini instead to keep herself occupied. Maybe Take wouldn't notice, or wouldn't care, but it was better than facing her own thoughts. The facts of what happened scared her, some parts hard to talk about, but what was worse than that was the thoughts and doubts in her own mind, since none of those were facts. She had nothing concrete to hold onto and that was what tended to push her further back into herself, close herself to others. While talking with Take now, she knew she was already down that path, and didn't know if it was better that way. If she was just going to leave again, perhaps she shouldn't open herself up to others only to hurt them.
  12. Maka Albarn It's called love

    May 7, 2008
    Fairy Tail
    Aria was caught in a middle of a dispute it seemed. Although it seemed pretty one-sided to her to be honest. She was stunned to learn that Torrin had been hanging around her room throughout the night, given the fact she was pretty much left to freely roam in the other world with the others. Then again, he seemed more paranoid this time around than the time he took her from the Light Chaser and dropped her off with her friends. Something about the Light Chaser making Torrin and his small group to fall in a trap he set up...

    When Grandpa Gero and Torrin started to threaten each other, Aria inhaled sharply between her teeth. It was time to step in. “
    Whoa, whoa! Okay, calm down everyone,” Aria tried to coax. She stepped up to the middle between the two that were arguing, gently taking the cane in her hand and lowering it gently while looking up at the older man. “It’s okay, Grandpa Gero... it’s okay...” She didn’t know what happened to him in the years that he was absent, but it seemed to have left a bitter taste in his mouth towards Torrin. Something about another him... Aria didn’t understand it, but she was going to do her best to defuse the situation.

    There’s no need for cane throwing or dropping-down old people,” she said to Torrin as she glanced over at him and then back to the elderly man. “And there’s no need to throw people out of the castle suddenly.” She sighed out and rubbed the back of her neck, feeling a little frustrated for being out of the loop of things. “L-Look, Grandpa Gero... I don’t know what happened... when you were gone. And I don’t know much about Torrin and his situation... but this Torrin that I’ve gotten to know for the little bit I have hasn’t hurt anyone. He saved me. The Light Chaser had me and made me believe that if I left a world I was stuck in a sleeping state that it would collapse because of my light... The Light Chaser also told me Tinarah was returned safely to my friends, which was an absolute lie. And this all happened... almost three days ago.”

    She clenched her fist as she raised her hand and looked down at the bracelet. “
    But Torrin went to face the Light Chaser to get Tinarah back. And when he found me, he brought me back to my friends, even when I was scared the Light Chaser’s words were true. From what I understand, him and Atmos put their lives on the line to save just one person, even though that mission seemed impossible. The Torrin here has been going above and beyond for us... and when he found you and Tinarah, him and his friend protected you two when the trap fell in place...

    Aria was now standing between the two so they wouldn’t go at each other’s throats while she was talking. Her eyes soften as she looked to the elderly man and she carefully took one of his hands and held it for a moment. “
    Whatever this Other Torrin did... shouldn’t reflect on the one standing before us now...

    She squeezed Grandpa Gero’s hand and let go before turning to face Torrin. “
    We’re all worn out. We’re tired... we’ve been through a lot we don’t understand right now. We can either learn from each other and get stronger,” she said as she looked back to her old mentor, “or keep fighting with one another and get weaker...

    She looked to her arms and stroked the healed skin, then back up to Gero. “
    Something the Light Chaser told me really bothered me... that he wants to find a way to be rid of all the darkness in the worlds and in people’s hearts.” She pressed her hand to her chest and fell silent for a moment. “What if... that causes more destruction than somehow finding a balance? Like how the daylight and night time take turns rotating, or how people use the shade to cool off on a hot summer’s day... or needing complete darkness to see a meteor shower.

    Aria shook her head with a nervous smile. “
    I don’t know. Maybe I’m being silly... but I believe if we work together, we can figure out a way to understand the Light Chaser’s powers and his reasons why he is doing what he’s doing. And we need Torrin’s understanding of the darkness to see how, and if possible, Darkness could coexist with the Light...

    She let her arms drop and looked to the floor. “.
    ..I’m really scared right now too,” she admitted. “I don’t... I don’t understand about this whole thing about being a princess of heart. If I’m a princess of heart, a being of pure light, why am I having nightmares about this dark creature? Why is it suddenly appearing and able to physically hurt me but no one else can sense its pressence? I mean, it’s lashed out at me before, but I never ended up with marks or scratches... maybe if I understand why darkness has to be in the worlds along with the light, maybe I’ll find the tools to stop it and conquer it...

    Last edited: Feb 17, 2018
  13. cstar stay away from my waifu

    Dec 19, 2008
    "Your violin? Yes, actually. When I had found it I carried it around for a bit, but I eventually gave it to Chrono. I... didn't think it was right for me to hold onto it. Especially since Chrono was so worried about you. But yes." Take nodded to her before continuing, "And Choma was worried about you." he didn't elaborate there, because he remembered Choma actually being more focused on Aria being alive and Mika being dead. But he wasn't exactly lying. He noted something that Tinarah said and managed to hold back a chuckle as he spoke, "Of course Stamatis would be into music. He was talking a lot about taking in a moment and meditating and music always seemed like something meditation-like to people. I don't know though, not really a music person myself. But, that sounds like it'd work." he thought about it a minute before looking at her, "Don't worry about becoming readjusted immediately, okay?" he rubbed the back of his head and said, "I don't... like to admit this. But, I still haven't adjusted to the ways of life outside of my homeworld. And it's been over a month for me. If you miss what you've called home for five years, that's okay. I'd love to hear any fun stories you had with Stamatis and uncle Frost if we ever get the time and you ever want to tell them."
  14. Vladek515 Hollow Bastion Committee

    Mar 12, 2015

    Boreas returned the firm handshake he received from Choma, looking the man in the eyes as he did. "
    Thank you for having me." Boreas said following Choma's gaze, then gave him a knowing look, when the Master said he had nothing else to do really Boreas was a little bit surprised as he had been waiting outside of Tinarah's room presumably to speak with her. Then again he had delegated the task of looking after the girl to her brother and another one of the students. He followed Master Choma to the kitchen and listened to the question he was asked. "While we are prepared to fight, because of the everlooming threat of the Heartless the opening up of another front in the war especially in a surprise attack means we may not be able to hold our own. However thanks to Master Atmos' accidental appearance we have received a warning, but we can only be so prepared, I have already seen first hand that the Light Chaser is a good strategist, he'll hit us where it hurts, cripple us and then sweep everything else away. How he'll go about it I don't know, I can't imagine the seven of them will take the field against an army, I hope it will not come to it..." Boreas said starting to sound worried about his home, his family that were stil back there all the people there. "I'm not sure if you were informed but the Light Chaser attacked us when we were at your castle, I was told to get out of there I don't know how much damage was done..." Boreas figured just telling him right now, lest the man returned home to find it ruined.
  15. CrownMoksha Decimo

    Jan 11, 2011
    On board the DenLiner

    Chrono was caught off guard by the initial response he was given. When the door opened and Master Atmos had responded in a tone bearing a stark contrast to the one before, Chrono peaked past Master Atmos and noticed the hint of red on the cheek of her sister. Quite the debate then. He could've commented on how he didn't know she had a sister, but it wasn't a big deal or anything like that. "Do you have any...spare clothes that Tinarah could wear?" At no point did he ever think he'd be asking someone that.
  16. Shiki my waifu is better than yours, thanks

    Jun 3, 2007
    The Future

    She listened to her Master before she finally took a bite of toast. Qamar knew that there was darkness on her heart. Her own father saw to it that it was developed. Honed to be used for himself with no worry about what would happen to her. Sure she wasn't going to hurt anybody with it, but she knew it was there and it was tempting to use it .

    "Maybe I should stick around Torrin. If I stay near him, I might learn some things." She said this and pulled a picture out of her pocket. "After all, my mom had a lot of darkness too. She told me not to hurt people with my own...I just want to..want to know why she had darkness."

    Qamar ate her food without another word. Once she finally finished, she stood up and gathered the dishes. Sighing, she put the picture back in her pocket. "Did you ever figure out who the man in the photo could be? My dad said it was my uncle but mom acted like he was more special than that." She spoke to Kide. Heck, Qamar looked like she could be the man's kid. But she couldn't be that guys daughter. Her mom would have just told her so if he was.

    "In any case, Master Kide...when will you and the Council decide if Adalric and I are ready to be Master's? We've been training a long time so I figured we might be ready by now..." she asked, looking over at Kide.
    Last edited: Feb 19, 2018
  17. LadyAzura Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 21, 2012
    Garreg Mach Monastery
    Illiana continued walking as she heard footsteps come closer. She immediately grabbed her keyblade and pointed it behind her as she turned. When she turned around, in front of her blade was Glyde. She sighed as she lowered her blade. "You're certainly one to chide people for being suspicious. You do know there are things called doors....and stairs, right? Or do you simply prefer the scenic route?" Illiana put her hands on her hips before responding to Glyde. "And you do know that you shouldn't come running up behind people? Unless you want to get your head taken off. Besides, I'm not gonna walk down any stairs with these wedges on." Illiana paused for a moment before continuing. "Aren't you supposed to be eating breakfast or something?" She continued walking as she asked. She crossed her arms before continuing to speak. "Is there something you needed or do you intend to keep following me around?" Illiana stopped and looked back at Glyde. Several moments pass before Illiana sighed and then broke the silence. "Well do whatever you want. I'm not gonna tell you how to live your life." Illiana jumped onto another tree branch. She waved at Glyde before taking off into the trees.
  18. Ego Imperium Twilight Town Denizen

    Jul 10, 2009
    I reject your reality, and substitute my own.
    "Jeez. No need to be so aggravated." Glyde continued along, trailing behind Illiana a slightly wider distance; having been greeted by the business end of her Keyblade had left him both shaken and considerate to what he assumed was her personal space. "Breakfast is a bit of a ways from being ready... I mean, I've only just put my request in. The guy that took it seemed a bit taken aback by, well, everything from the broken door and on... Didn't seem too wanting of my company." Not wanting to be caught out on his own, he darted into the wood, walking beneath where Illiana was tree-hopping.

    "I figure I might as well be in company; you know, rather than sulking about on my own like a lost, stray pup; you, as I recall, were the one that told me to stop having such a pity party."
    He paused, taking in the moment of silence that followed his comment. "And you just happened to be the only other person left converse with at the moment." As he spoke, he thought to how the last time he had followed Illiana had landed him behind bars. "So, I take it that jumping out of windows and climbing trees in wedges must be a less arduous undertaking than going down a set of stairs?"
  19. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007

    Torrin took in a deep breath and stepped back to calm down when Aria began to speak on his behalf. "Thanks Aria." Torrin whispered towards the girl. He had not felt that he done much to deserve her standing up and taking his side. He crossed his arms and looked down just listening to what she said about working together and even though this girl had a heart of light the way she spoke about the darkness, the way she made it sound like a necessity rather than something to be afraid of. She seemed to have this romanticized view of it when all he had seen come from it was pain. Even so, he couldn't help but feel good about what she said.

    "Sometimes you are too innocent for your own good, child." Gero spoke once Aria had finished her speech seemingly calmer now. "The circumstances of your birth were...quite unusual. I never thought much of it at the time...but I still do not know how it could have affected you like this. Your heart is free of darkness, that much is true."

    "As I said, if you just let me enter her-"

    "Have you not had time to think? You want to rid her of whatever dark force is plaguing her with what? Your own darkness. Do not be so foolish."

    "So then you'll do it? Because you haven't offered so far." Torrin was clearly annoyed.

    "It's not as simple as going in and slaying some Heartless. The amount of damage that could be done to her if anything goes wrong is too great to risk without knowing if her dreams are the source." Gero looked at Aria and shook his head. "I am sorry. Until I know more, anything I do to you could only result in more harm."

    "Then you expect her to just deal with it while you sit around and think about it for eternity? No wonder why your people haven't stepped in to fight the Light Chaser. That's all you're good for. Well I'd like to see you worry a problem away." His annoyance soon went back into anger.


    "Then it seems like asking the denizens of the Realm of Darkness for aid is out of the question. Your people have enough on their plate without adding this mess to it." Choma stated simply. "I know next to nothing about this Light Chaser and yet it seems that in the time we've begun our search it seems that he's been active for a long could he have acted for so long without us being aware? Did the Council turn a blind eye?" He sighed and shook his head unsure of what to think about it. "And my castle was damaged, you say? That's fine. So long as everyone made it out safely. It's just a castle."

    As they neared the kitchen voices could be heard. The voices of Takehiko and Tinarah. Choma smiled slightly on seeing the two talking. "It's good to see you up and about, Tinarah. Are you feeling better?" Still...seeing her like this was strange to him. Before coming here he only remembered her as a child barely taller than his waist. He had no idea how to approach the subject of what happened while she was away but, more importantly, he knew he could not just undo what had happened.

  20. Maka Albarn It's called love

    May 7, 2008
    Fairy Tail
    Aria was relieved that things to see more calmer now, only to amp up again when Torrin threw in some arguments. Aria held back a sigh and instead pinched the bridge of her nose, listening to both bickering back and forth. "Okay, okay!" She raised her hand up in the air, trying to get them to stop. "Again, please. Stop fighting," she pleaded to the two of them. She looked to Torrin and smiled a little. "We don't know how light and darkness can coexist yet, given how corrupted the two sides can be... I mean, I've seen the heartless side with someone in the last world we visited, and I'm seeing the Light Chaser's side with it a bit. I can see why Grandpa Gero is hesitant."

    She breathed out and rubbed her temples with her fingers. Processing all of this at once was giving her a headache. "
    For the longest time, my nightmares were just something written off as a childhood nightmare I'd grow out of. Aunt Anja said it's been around since I was an infant. Well, I'm seventeen, and it's still here. And just today, it physically manifested itself... As scary as it is, I agree, this needs more research."

    Aria pressed her lips together and chewed the inside of her cheeks. "
    I don't want this to hurt anyone else... Whatever is going on. And I don't think dream travel is possible? Or even safe. What if my light hurts you badly, Torrin? Or almost kills you... Or what if you hurt me on accident? We'll just have to take this one dream at a time."

    She remembered something else in her nightmares and looked down at her bracelet. "
    There's one more thing... Every time the dark creature is about to try to end me the last couple of dreams... Or keeps tormenting me... There's this voice that's been talking to me. A woman. There's this blinding light, and she seems to scare away the monster. Which is what happened last night... But when I woke up this time, that's when it manifested itself. I was in my room, but it was dark... There was no light at all. And it turned out I didn't wake up at all. But my dreams only started picking up recently, and the voice only started to come after I was with the Light Chaser and he gave me this." She held up her wrist for Gero to look at the golden chain.