Kingdom Hearts: Kingdom Hearts: Light Chaser

Discussion in 'Role-Playing Arena' started by Arch, Mar 25, 2017.

  1. cstar stay away from my waifu

    Dec 19, 2008

    Take had been pretty convinced the second the hand went up it was going to be a show. It may have been context clues since it wasn't like something he was used to. But when he saw Tinarah react he had quickly tried to follow after her but got a bit lost in the shuffle of the crowd freaking out. It wasn't until things seemed to be under control he was able to catch up at the tail end of whatever Tinarah was whispering about and watched Chrono and say his piece. Take looked at the machines and asked quietly at first, "You think the Light Chaser would be interested in something like this? I mean they look cool and effective at defense but I mean." Take cleared his throat and pointed to himself and said intentionally being a little vain, "I look cool and am effective at defense." he paused a moment and said a bit louder, "These don't look particularly amazing for anything on the offense. And they don't look very maneuverable either. What would a benefit for this be unless you're taking on something just as big and also not as manu-" he paused a second and stared a long time at them before clicking his fingers against a rail and asked, "Hm... do you think they're fireproof?"
  2. Krowley Moderator

    Jun 18, 2008

    He watched as everyone introduced themselves, coming up with his own conclusion as how to

    "I see you're quite the commander. You have my utmost respect for all you must have accomplished to get where you are. My name is Enzo," Enzo said with a gracious bow. "And while I understand we are your captors, may I just say that I have never laid eyes on a creature more beautiful." He tried his best to make sure his eyes aligned with her to avoid any suspicions. He flashed a loving grin as he smiled at her. "The aroma that comes off you is intoxicating. The smell of war with the scent of metal and iron. But underneath there are hints of citrus. Like a dagger that was used on the field and in the scullery. I wish to learn all I can of you ms. Nora... I wish to earn your favor and your admiration. As you have already won mine..."

    Though he embellished a bit, there were hints of her aura that seemed captivating to him.
  3. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007

    Nora narrowed her eyes at Qamar when the girl introduced herself. "Zalam? That name–"

    "Sounds familiar...come to think of it... I don't think I ever knew her family name. She never once mentioned it. Hm..."

    "So the Onyx Company Captain's long lost daughter finally returns. Huh. Thought you'd be dead. Well at least that idiot didn't waste too many resources looking for you." She mused, though said nothing more on it as a matter of greater interest presented itself immediately after Qamar introduced herself. Her cousin had brought not one but two Princesses of Heart to their doorstep, the radiance of their hearts instantly apparent to her. "What the hell!?" She exclaimed in surprise. "Why would you ever bring two of the brightest beacons over here!? WHY?"

    "We'll answer to Joch. Not you."

    "Torrin you idiot. We don't have time for your stupid games. We're at war in case you've forgotten. Just what–" Her eyebrow twitched at the sound of a man flirting with her? She snapped her head in Enzo's direction and marched over to the smooth talker to grab him by the collar. The insolence! Who did he think he was talking to her so boldly? "Dagger huh? Do you want to feel what a real dagger is like when I remove your tongue, you worm?"

    "Easy Nora. Don't break him. I've only got one Enzo and I can't afford to replace him."

    Nora glared at Enzo for a moment longer and shoved him back, wiping her hands on her shirt afterwards. "Hmph. Wouldn't have been sporting anyway." She grumbled. "None of you are under arrest yet. Considering that you all seem to be Torrin's guests I don't have much choice but to allow you to use the castle as sanctuary. But only Torrin and Boreas will be permitted an audience with the King as most of you are outsiders or...commoners." She spoke condescendingly.

    "I'll have you know I am a princess you rude boor!" Eilonwy finally snapped which elicited a small smile from Nora.

    "And Taran over there is a package deal with her. And Aria is no commoner." With what dwindling influence he could tell he still had he wasn't sure if he could force Nora to let the others in to meet the King as well but even if he couldn't he was sure they would find better uses of their time while on Orphic Coast. Torrin turned towards Aria and whispered, "Sorry about the family. They're...probably all going to be like this. Except my father and the King. Maybe."

    "You should work on whispering quieter, Torrin." Nora sneered in a mock whisper.

    The ice around the crowd began to melt, not even leaving so much as a puddle in its wake, as CEO Angus raised his hands to adjust his tie and prepared to continue with his speech. "That's an interesting weapon you've got there." A deep voice came from beside Tinarah. "Judging by the way you kids just acted I'd say you're not on their side, are you?" Turning to look for the source of the voice would have resulted in seeing just more of the crowd standing in anticipation of Angus's speech. "That look you have towards Angus seems genuine enough for me."

    "I've seen what blades like that are capable of so I won't ask if you're combat ready. Your types seem to travel in packs." A large muscular man in a black jacket brushed past Tinarah. "Follow me if you're ready to do more than stand around looking stupid." He remained still just long enough to catch a glimpse of his scarred face before the stranger began to walk through the crowd, heading for the streets and continuing on until he reached a dark alley where he waited, arms folded to reveal the black tattoos decorating his arms.

  4. Shiki my waifu is better than yours, thanks

    Jun 3, 2007
    The Future

    Qamar's ears perked up after Nora and Torrin spoke like they had heard her last name before. Come to think of it, Torrin had never heard it before and neither had Boreas, so perhaps that was the missing key. Nora continued to talk of a captain of some company having searched for his long lost daughter. "Onyx Company? Captain? Where can I meet him?"she blurted out after Enzo's...theatrics. "Please, I need to see him...I..." she clenched her fists. It was then that Nora mentioned she was a commoner. Qamar shook her head and frowned. "I can't be a other said she was part of the aristocracy...that's what she told me...." she whispered with a defeated look. Whether or not her mother truly was, was something she had to figure out for herself. Or perhaps they could help her once they had gotten to her father. He'd have a family crest from her mother's since, according to her mother, he had been chosen to marry her all those years ago. He'd have the family crest now, too. Even if her mother refused to keep her old name.
  5. Krowley Moderator

    Jun 18, 2008
    "Aww, you do care!" Enzo smiled at Torrin before being shoved back against the wall. His shoulder blades hit the back of the wall, causing him to let out a small wince of pain before looking back at Nora. He was called worse than commoner before and never let class get in his way after the events of a fire. An old man showed him that a hindered life could still be bold, and thus always spoke his mind. Even if the situation need not call for such a moment. He kept a hand in his pocket as he addressed her again.

    "And if you wanted my tongue Ms. Nora, I could offer it to you in a much more pleasing fashion," he smiled, rubbing the back of his shoulder. "Along with any other parts you may wish to..." he cleared his throat quietly. "Acquire."
  6. Aelin Best Waifu

    Jun 30, 2011
    British Columbia, Canada
    As Chrono run up, Tinarah knew that he was right and she desummoned her keyblade. She knew it was stupid and she could cause a scene, but Tinarah found herself momentarily distracted. Finally she tore her eyes away just as Take walked up to them. "I don't know Take. I am just... I am scared. I know I shouldn't be. We are going towards our mark of mastery, I should have a better handle on things, but I don't. We just have to be prepared for anything. Maybe he won't use them, but what if Ardyn arms others with it. Those don't look easy to beat." She pointed out. Their keyblades would only do so much against a thick layer of metal.

    As they spoke there was another voice beside her. Turning Tinarah stared up at the larger man who observed them. She didn't know what to think of the man who was judging them already, trying to decide if he could be trusted. He seemed to be doing the same for them already, and he seemed to know about the keyblade. Tinarah turned and eyed her team for a moment trying to judge what they might be thinking what they should do. There wasn't much else to do however so she shrugged and followed, keeping an eye on him in the large crowd. Luckily he was large enough for her to see easily.
    "Just who are you anyways?" She asked as she got closer.
  7. Vladek515 Hollow Bastion Committee

    Mar 12, 2015

    Boreas raised an eyebrow at Enzo's theatrics, at first he seemed to not do anything idiotic it didn't take long for Boreas to change his opinion and sigh beneath his helmet and feared for the worst. Nora and Torrin seemed to recognise Qamar's last name, it didn't ring a bell for Boreas but apparently her father was a Captain too, he had heard of the Onyx company but never served alongside them, much less knew who their commanding officer was. Nora demanded to know why they had brought two of the brightest beacons out here, Torrin however didn't feel like disclosing that to Nora and only wanted to speak to his majesty, at the very least they were on the same page in that regard, no need to argue with Nora about this as it would only waste time and efforton trying to reason with her. Boreas figured that it would just be himself and Torrin gaining an audience, despite it Torrin still tried to reason with Nora on the subject after Eilonwy objected rather amusingly.

    Qamar seemed desperate to gain information about her father or wanting to meet him, while also trying to parry the accusation of not being a commoner, if what was said was true she may have held more political weight than first assumed however the damage done by leaving couldn't be underestimated and Boreas wasn't entirely sure what to make of the whole situation. Either way for now to him they were mere unsubstansiated claims and wouldn't change much in her being sidelined for the audience of the King. Enzo then proceeded to not pay heed to Nora's warnings and press on with his charms. "
    Enzo, cut it out. This is hardly the time or the place for this." Boreas said sharply before turning to Torrin. "Not to mean any disrespect but while there are those among our group that aren't commoners, they're still outsiders... even if they hail from here, I mean some might even say that by being gone for six years you are an outsider yourself, you just have a different position within this society that grant you a certain amount of leniency in these regards." Boreas told his friend, Nora hadn't just objected because they were commoners but also because they were outsiders, something that had gone unnoticed when the attention had been drawn to the accusation of being a commoner.
  8. Light-Rune Maven Seer

    Jan 8, 2012
    The Aetherial Sea

    As Stopwatch (or Chrono or whatever) listed off Gigas' known technological achievements, Chrys noticed a severe lack of mentioned weaponry. However, she remained skeptical. A corporation with a monopoly on technology that abused that right to issue death threats, but not manufacture weapons? It seemed... unrealistic. Before she could begin to discuss it with the others, the timer ran out. She waited patiently as the crowd began to whisper, and the results were.... explosive. The sudden and violent arrival of a dark follower prompted her to summon her keyblade alongside Tinarah, just as everyone was trapped by a barrier of ice. However, she couldn't help but feel confused. Was this a trap for civilians? Was Gigas so confident in their might and actively malevolent in their intent that they would begin an abrupt and violent takeover, rather than bank on the trust they had built over the years?

    Her thoughts took an entirely new turn when she saw where the ice wall had come from. Her former comrade didn't look to shocked to see her. Didn't look too worried either. Why should he? Surely the master had found out and told them, and she was sure he already had the perfect plan in place.

    She felt the sudden urge to hurl.

    Still, something was off. If the Light Chaser's apprentices were involved in the Expo too, then it didn't make sense for this to be a trap: they were too devoted to light to intentionally sacrifice a bunch of random civilians to a heartless. Then again, considering all that had happened, that might be naive of her to consider. Still, there was the distinct possibility that...

    The heartless was rather abruptly eliminated. By a weapon.


    Chrys couldn't help but feel slightly validated as she dismissed her keyblade. The others however, did not share in her satisfaction. Rightfully so. As they were talking it out, a suspicious stranger appeared and... Tinarah began following him.

    "I guess we're doing this then." Part of her wanted to stay and listen to the speech, wanting to see if they would explain anything about it and try to determine any possible weaknesses. She wasn't going to turn her back on a mission she had assigned herself, though. Especially considering the possibility that Tinarah could be walking into a trap. So she followed after her.

    "Should we really just be following the first random guy on the street who talks to us?"
    Last edited: Feb 20, 2019
  9. CrownMoksha Decimo

    Jan 11, 2011
    On board the DenLiner
    "The Light Chaser might not be interested in these weapons, but he might be helping them in some way." Giant walls of ice trapping the crowd, the massive heartless that briefly appeared above them. Chrono may have been gone for three years, but he wasn't expecting that much to change during that time (even though he wasn't attributing the heartless or wall of ice with Gigas). The mech alone was already pushing what he was expecting to see from Gigas. Not to mention that as much as he would like to be the "model big brother" and just ease his sister's fears, there was no way he would be able to do that. The mark of mastery was never really a priority for him, still isn't, and not to mention easing her fears would mean easing his own anxieties that was progressively getting worse based off the events that had just transpired.

    From the moment that the man had started speaking to them, Chrono had been looking at him with a raised brow. He knew a lot, more than one should know without him being somewhat worried, but unlike Ardyn he made no mentioning of his father which that alone was good enough for Chrono to not want immediately nothing to do with him.
    "No, but i'd rather follow someone who seems willing to help us than stay at that presentation any longer." The man let them to another alley, which he wasn't too thrilled about the idea of walking back into one, but he could deal with it for the time being. "I take it you have something against Gigas as well?" He didn't really know what else to say and just went with the first thing that came to mind.
  10. Maka Albarn It's called love

    May 7, 2008
    Fairy Tail
    Aria didn't take the commoner comment to heart like everyone else seemed to have had. She shrugged her shoulders. Nora already didn't seem like a pleasant person to be around though and so she scooted closer to Torrin. It seemed like Qamar had her heart set on another mission in mind all of the sudden, and things were starting to become a little confusing to Aria... All she knew was she was considered not only a commoner, but an outsider as well, which was far worse of a crime it seemed. She stayed silent, not knowing what to say or really do with herself at the moment since there really wasn't much she could do to contribute to anything for now.
  11. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007

    Nora folded her arms and rolled her eyes at Qamar. "There are more important things going on here than whatever's happened with you. If it'll get you off my back then I'll tell you what little I know. Your father doesn't even live here. I think he used to hold some land up north. If he isn't out on the battlefield he'll probably be there." She turned over towards Enzo, her face going red in anger, and would have raised her keyblade against him if Boreas had not said something. Still, she wished to unleash her pent up anger regardless but with a deep breath she managed to calm down just enough to hold it back for now.

    "Boreas, you have a point but we're here for a more important matter. Outsiders or not, our business here is more important than the damn war. The Realms are in danger and trying to get under our skin by insulting my friends is just wasting time."

    "We're not going to drop everything just because you think you still have a place here. If you think the problems of the Realm of Light are any concern of ours then you must have lost your mind over there!"

    Torrin's hand twitched. He looked over at Aria who had moved closer towards him and returned his attention back towards his cousin. In his mind he played out a scenario where he would have called on his keyblade and knocked Nora out for being so stubborn that she refused to do anything but insult him and his friends. His eyes shifted over towards the guards around him and even though he knew they could force their way to the throne room he would have a hell of a time trying to convince his uncle of anything if the first thing he had done on his arrival was to knock out the King's daughter. "Dammit Nora we're going to have to be on the same side if we're going to save our people."

    "Our people? What right do you have to claim that you care about anyone other than yourself? You stopped giving a damn about the rest of us the day your mother–" A loud smack rung out in the courtyard as Nora fell backwards barely catching herself with her hands. She looked back up at Torrin with a look of confusion, blood dripping from her lip from the punch he had dealt her. She had gone too far and Torrin snapped. The guards had raised their weapons but Nora held up her hand to stop them from doing anything.

    "That will be enough squabbling between you two children for today." A low rumble of a voice spoke. A dark power stepped forth in the form a massive imposing man clad in a dark suit of armor, his majestic cape flowing behind him as he approached the group. The guards immediately dropped to one knee, lowering their heads in respect, and Nora stared at the man in shock unable to form a single word. The man walked by Nora without a word and stopped directly in front of Torrin, towering over him. His piercing eyes examined him for a moment before shifting over to look at the Princess of Heart by his side. "A pleasure to meet you, Princess." He lowered his head in a slight bow towards Aria then looked over at Eilonwy to do the same. "And you as well."

    "U-uncle Joch..." Torrin was at a loss for words. Like Nora he hadn't expected his uncle to leave the castle to greet them out here. "How did–"

    "Do you really believe I could not sense your arrival? I have already sent word to your father." He spoke calmly as his gaze then shifted over towards Boreas. "You have done well, Son of Phaedrus."

    "I am Joch Tredecim," he announced to the group, "King of the Realm of Darkness and Sovereign of the Night. My daughter is headstrong and brash but her heart is in the right place." Nora folded her arms and turned away when her father spoke of her. "Now what is this I have heard of a threat to the Realms?" Before Torrin could respond Joch shook his head at him. "No. I wish to hear it from your party. We have much else to discuss later. Save your words for then, Torrin."


    "Who am I?" The man repeated. "The name's Gladiolus. Gladio for short." He answered Tinarah, stepping forwards towards the group to reveal himself. "You're damn right I have something against Gigas. Ever since I got here I've taken notice of the trouble these guys are up to. The thing is, they're backed by some strong kids with the same kind of weapons you have. They're tough enough to give me a run for my munny." He folded his arms. "I'm not from around here but I figured that I might as well lend a hand to cracking some skulls of those who deserve it. And Gigas? They deserve it. Those mechs their building are based off tech I've seen before and it never leads to any good."

    "I know that Angus guy is planning a takeover of this place with those mechs." Gladio looked at the keybladers and lowered his arms to his sides. "So what kind of bone do you guys have to pick with Gigas? Sounds like you're not a fan of them either."

  12. LadyAzura Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 21, 2012
    Garreg Mach Monastery
    Illiana looked around her as the wall of ice surrounded her. She looked over only to see Tinarah spring into action with keyblade in hand. She looked behind her and then in front of her in shock. "Wait. Wha-.." She paused before shouting. "Hey!!! Get back here!!!!" This was simply not her day. Once the wall came down and the enemy was gone, a stranger had then walked over, having caught wind of Tinarah's little outburst. Illiana had then sighed before face-palming. "So much for not drawing attention..." Illiana sighed again as soon as Tinarah followed the stranger. "If someone told her once, then someone else is gonna kidnap her 100 more times for her to learn....." She took a moment to take a couple deep breaths. "Just remember it could be worse.....I could probably be dealing with the matter of due paperwork.......Actually.......No......Don't feel like dealing with putting that other name on the paperwork and explaining it to the association." Illiana looked over at the stranger and the group as they started following him.

    She caught up to them looking over to Tinarah and then talking to her in a hushed tone. "
    Listen...I get it....12 year old suddenly turned 18....Though that doesn't excuse for not learning something called 'common-" Illiana looked ahead and stopped mid-sentence as the stranger revealed his name. Illiana went silent for a few moments as she listened to Gladio as he explained the Gigas and the chasers that were backing that CEO. Illiana was the first to speak up. "We're basically dealing with stolen tech." She folded her arms before a smirk crept on her face. "Can't say I haven't dealt with something like this but that's not to say I don't welcome it." Gladio had then asked as to what brought them to the Gigas. "As far as you know, we're not from around here either. As for the Gigas, just a little detour. I can safely say one of us isn't a big fan. As long as it doesn't get in my way, it's nothing more than a squeaky toy." Illiana then put a hand on her hip and dropped the other to her side. "As for the CEO's new security guards, a new plan will need to be made. And no, striking them head-on in anger isn't a plan. It's just stupid." She turned her head a bit to addressed the group. "How about we start by getting out of the alleyway that screams 'We're definitely not up to no good'?" She folded her arms again.
  13. Aelin Best Waifu

    Jun 30, 2011
    British Columbia, Canada
    Well that attitude changed fast, Illiana backed off of her as Gladio said his name. Tinarah rolled her eyes as the girl went from assuming the worst, to not caring as much. When Gladio asked about what their issue was with Gigas, Tinarah wanted to go on a list of what that was, she knew that she shouldn't. She didn't know how much the council was watching, but Tinarah wanted more than anything, to become a master. If she went into everything then they would just think she is whining again. "Those kids you were talking about, we aren't a fan of them ourselves. And the company has something that would be beneficial to our purpose." She stated. "And I don't want to see those things take over our- this lovely city," Tinarah tried to correct herself before it became too obvious that she was from here. This man didn't need to know it, and Illiana seemed to be keeping it under wraps herself.
  14. CrownMoksha Decimo

    Jan 11, 2011
    On board the DenLiner
    That bud of anxiety had bloomed into a small flower at the thought of Gigas using those mechs to take over. The mental image of those mechs going around, mowing down anything that got in their way infuriated him and despite his efforts to not make that a visible fact, it didn't do much to keep him from tightly clenching his fist. He waited till he could relax his hands before throwing in his own answer to Gladio's question. "A lot, some more personal than the other, but what the company has is would be our current issue with them." Chrono had muttered that one part under his breath then looked glance to Illiana. "She has a point, is there anywhere else we can go to discuss this?"
  15. Light-Rune Maven Seer

    Jan 8, 2012
    The Aetherial Sea

    Chrys rolled her eyes and sighed at Illiana's... everything. Sure, she hadn't wanted to just up and follow a random stranger, but she supposed she could see why Tinarah had done it. They had limited options, and it wasn't as if Illiana had to follow... Chrys would actually have really preferred if Illiana hadn't followed. Such behavior seemed as though it would be nothing but a hindrance to any mission she went on. It begged the question of how she had made it this far. It was far stranger though, that Stopwatch had agreed, considering... "Oh goddess of wisdom..." She began in a clearly sarcastic and mocking tone. "Where would you have us go? Perhaps back to the stadium to discuss our hostile intent with the masses? Or maybe the nearest ice cream parlor where any schmuck wearing a stupid hat could hear us whilst taking our orders? Nay, surely you meant we should head to Sir Gladiolus's secret underground lair, where he has accumulated various trophies of victory and cutting edge custom gadgetry acquired with his millions upon millions of dollars in local currency." She pointed over to a nearby manhole. "To the Rat Cave!"

    She actually hoped they would go in, to an extent, because Illiana had probably attracted far more attention shouting about how they should stop doing suspicious activities in an alley than them doing suspicious activities in an alley had.

    Admittedly, the bickering and the sarcasm were also probably not helping them avoid discovery.

    "Returning to more important matters, might I ask if among those 'kids' you mentioned were a girl with long blonde hair like mine and a set of armor? Perhaps a male with short brown hair wearing a suit?"

    Last edited: Feb 22, 2019
  16. Shiki my waifu is better than yours, thanks

    Jun 3, 2007
    The Future

    Qamar scrunched her face when Nora mentioned her father holding land to the north. Qamar wanted to run off and find him, but she knew that was not her mission today. Shaking her head, she straightened her face and soon Nora and Torrin were bickering. Right before she mentioned what happened to Torrin's mother, Nora had been punched. Looking to Torrin, Qamar shook her head. While it felt kind of satisfying to see that, she wondered what happened to his mother. Did Torrin's mother also die? If so, that was a pain she knew all too well and understood why he punched her. As if on cue, a deep voice echoed and everyone began to kneel. Qamar followed suit and knelt, being introduced to the King.

    She stood again as he addressed them and she nodded. He requested to hear what this threat was and she tried to keep things simple. "Your majesty, there is a man known as the Light Chaser who aims to dispel all darkness. " she spoke, not sure if there was more to tell.
  17. Vladek515 Hollow Bastion Committee

    Mar 12, 2015

    Nora threw Qamar a bone and gave her whatever she knew of Qamar's father. Torrin didn't seem to agree with him regarding the outsiders and Boreas had to give him the point of being here on an important matter. "Torrin hasn't lost his mind, I'm afraid..." Boreas chimed in against Nora, who tread on some territory he knew was off-limits with Torrin, and he wasn't surprised when Torrin lashed out. As the King approached Boreas instantly fell to his knee following the example of the Royal guard and lowered his head. He didn't rise as the King looked at Torrin and greeted the two princesses, as the King turned to him and praised him he felt sadness wash over him. He wondered what his father would say to him for all he had done, all he had achieved following in his footsteps. "Your words honour me, your Majesty." Boreas said with a int of sadness. "Although I wish we returned under better circumstances." Qamar filled in some of the blanks explaining the Light Chaser. "As my associate explained a storm is gathering in the Realm of Light, a storm that will come our way, this Light Chaser doesn't just wish to dispell the Darkness, he wishes to destroy it entirely." Boreas said building on what Qamar had said leaving out that the Council was mounting a defence against this and how said defense was faring so far.
  18. Maka Albarn It's called love

    May 7, 2008
    Fairy Tail
    When a new person stepped into view, Aria stood to attention right away. Their presence seemed to demand it, and one look of the guards Boreas, and Qamar dropping down was proof to Aria enough that this guy seemed rather important. Aria was taken aback a bit when the man addressed her as a princess right away and she felt the need to curtsy in respect to the man before her. He soon introduced himself as the king of the realm of darkness and it all made sense why his presence seemed intimidating after all. He ask what threat was happening to the realms and Qamar spoke up. Boreas seemed to fill in the rest of the explanation.

    "We need a place for Eilonwy to be safe," Aria began, gesturing to the other princess of heart. "The Light Chaser as we mentioned is gathering the princess of hearts, probably part of his plan to rid the worlds of darkness completely. And we believe this is the one of the safest place for her to be. Oh, and her friend Taran needs to stay with her too... They're kind of a package deal. Anyways... Worlds have been disappearing too. To darkness. The Light Chaser brought back one world, I saw it with my own eyes... I don't know if he can bring back the other worlds or not... He can also open up portals to different realms we never seen or heard of. He placed one of our friends there. She went in as a child of about twelve years old, and three days later came out as an almost eighteen year old... This Light Chaser isn't someone to trifle with. He has nearly taken out a few of the Light Council masters, and other masters have disappeared off the map... In other words, the Light Chaser is very bad news..."
    Last edited: Feb 24, 2019
  19. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007

    "I see." The king gave a solemn nod as he took in this new information. "This Light Chaser sounds like a powerful foe but other than holding a few tricks up his sleeve I have not seen, that kind of strength does not sound like something I have not triumphed over before." Joch noticed that Torrin, who had been one of the few who hadn't bowed besides Aria, did not look entirely convinced to which Joch gave a confident smirk. " have never experienced the full weight of the presence of the King's Order, have you? No, otherwise you would have never doubted my ability to protect this realm. In the past two decades I have only had to call on that sacred power only once and in doing so this entire realm quaked with the power I unleashed. You would have felt it had you not left your home."

    With a wave of his hand he commanded the guards to rise to their feet. "As for giving both the princess and her friend sanctuary, I shall take it into consideration."

    "There's one other thing." Torrin said. "Our people are lacking in armor and we're going to need some high grade Orichalcum to make it."

    "Is that the reason why you came? The Council needed a loan for its soldiers and they believed you were the best way to manipulate me into assisting them?" Joch narrowed his eyes. "Hm. Very well. It will be another matter to deliberate on. For now, Nora shall find suitable quarters for our potential two guests. The rest of you are free to go about as you please so long as you stay away from the restricted areas and the front lines." Joch gave one final glance to Torrin and turned around to make his leave with Nora, Eilonwy, and Taran in tow.

    "Well that went about as well as I could expect." Torrin muttered under his breath as he watched his uncle and cousin leave. He let out a sigh of relief. "It'll probably be a few hours before he makes a decision so if you guys want to explore, go on ahead. There's a few places of interest around here I can point out...the best bakery in the kingdom is here, as is the best smith, leather workers, artificers, chemists, and mages. Though I suppose none of that would be of any use to you guys unless you're loaded with Gil or political influence..." Torrin scratched the back of his head.

    "I need to get to the blacksmith." He glanced over at Aria. "Do you want to meet the most short-tempered man in the realm? Don't worry he's got a heart of gold...or ice depending on the day. He's old and is probably the only person who'll be more annoyed that I wrecked some armor than vanished for six years."

    "Hm..." Gladio narrowed his eyes at Tinarah, catching her slip of the tongue but made nothing of it deciding to leave it be. "Right. We can head out to my secret base." He responded to Chrono. "And as for any others like you," He looked at Chrys, "I haven't seen a girl matching that description yet but it wouldn't surprise me if she was here. As for the other one? Yeah. Gave me the pleasure of learning his name too. Koa. Koa Salamander if I heard him right." Gladio folded his arms and stood still, not making a move to go anywhere and stared at the keybladers for a long moment.

    "What? Did you think I was serious? I don't have a secret base. I've been living on a day to day basis and moving around too much to have a secret base. Now if you kids have any bright ideas on where to lay low for a while then I'm all ears. Otherwise this inconspicuous alleyway will have to do. No glamor to it but it'll get the job done."

  20. Aelin Best Waifu

    Jun 30, 2011
    British Columbia, Canada
    So Koa was here. Tinarah gave Illiana a look to check if she was alright. She said she would be able to handle it, but Tinarah still couldn't help but worry a bit as she turned back to Gladio and his wry comments. "There is no secret base, but I know somewhere a bit further from town square where we can lay low and talk." She mainly wanted to get out of hiding in alleyways. She had enough bad experiences with them that it didn't bring her any comfort to stay and chat in one. It would also give her, and possibly Chrono, the advantage on the situation if this man turned out to be not who he lead on to be. If he was enemy more than a friend. Bringing conversations to a place of their choosing gave them at least some control over the situation. "I am guessing that there is security patrolling all area's and it is a matter of time before they look down this ally and find our chat suspicious, follow me and I can take us somewhere further away." Tinarah offered, waiting to see if everyone would follow before leading the way.