Kingdom Hearts: Kingdom Hearts: Light Chaser

Discussion in 'Role-Playing Arena' started by Arch, Mar 25, 2017.

  1. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007

    The Horned King refused to go down without a fight and in his hands gathered green mist until it coalesced into flames which he threw at the party. A flame that hit Chrono was mostly absorbed by the Reflect spell Take had cast and exploded back on the Horned King while another flame collided right into one of Torrin's dark blades causing it to shatter harmlessly in front of him. Rather than attack Illiana or Tinarah the sorcerer went on to launch several spells at Take instead, knocking the boy over.

    • Tinarah dealt 55 Damage!
      Aria dealt 59 Damage!
      Chrono dealt 93 Damage!
      Takehiko dealt 15 Damage!
      Boreas dealt 138 Damage!
      Enzo dealt 55 Damage!
      Torrin dealt 620 Damage!

      Torrin was protected by Phantom Blade!
      Aria took 29 Damage! MP Rage activated!
      Chrono was Critically Hit for 18 Damage!
      Tinarah was protected by Take's Provoke!
      Takehiko took 40 Damage! MP Rage activated!
      Illiana was protected by Take's Provoke!
      Boreas took 29 Damage!
      Qamar dodged the attack!
      Enzo took 29 Damage!

      The Horned King
      HP: 4,672 / 6,660
      AP: 21
      DEF: 10
      BREAK GAUGE: 70 / 130%
      STATUS: Gravity, Poison

  2. cstar stay away from my waifu

    Dec 19, 2008

    He felt a little burst of pride upon seeing Reflect successfully protect Chrono as much as it did, but he didn't get to dwell on it very long since the sorcerer focused his attentions on Take and threw spells at him. He tried his best to block them but the relentlessness of the attacks made that kind of difficult and it resulted in one breaking through and the boy being thrown back and to the ground. Take caught himself during the fall so he didn't hit his head and he took a couple of breathes to keep himself collected and surveyed how everyone was doing. Everyone at that point seemed okay, but it was better to be safe than sorry. He was also starting to feel the attacks a lot more. Take pushed himself up and straightened himself up and instead of his usual yelling to provoke, the boy straightened himself out and changed his posture a bit as he began to glow a white aura and a shield appeared on his arm. Take pointed the keyblade straight at the Horned King while he was still in his direction from the magic attacks and seemed to gesture for him to keep on attacking. Then he rushed in quickly and took a good stab at him.

    Take activated Paladin Form and Attacked
    HP: 121/200
    MP: 26/28
    FOC: 28/28
    FLUX: 0/3
  3. Aelin Best Waifu

    Jun 30, 2011
    British Columbia, Canada
    Tinarah's eyes scanned those around her, assessing the damage. While she had this extra power flowing in her veins, she wanted to get some good use of it, but not at the expense of her friends. Despite Take taking a hit for her, he still managed to stay standing and strong. Good, she could focus on other things. Her magic was still going strong, so she would use that to her advantage as the ice that already wrapped around her blade seemed to expand and move and it joined at the tip before firing off at the Horned King. The music still danced and entwined with her every movement. The music itself took on two strands, a pale blue, and a pale green one that intertwined. The violin and piano working in perfect harmony. Small ribbons of this sound split off circling Torrin, Enzo and Chrono before absorbing into them, healing them from whatever was ailing them. Tinarah didn't however notice as one of those same strands circling her arm and keyblade seeped into her own body, her magic choosing itself to protect her as well like it knew that she wouldn't do it for herself.

    Knowing that there wasn't much else that she had to offer Tinarah did the only other thing she could think to do and get in closer than she was comfortable with to attack the Horned King. Her keyblade flashed bright golden light as she connected with the monster in front of her. She couldn't say that she really needed the light that then transfered to her. She had wished she could send it over to Take or someone, but she took what she got and backed away before she trapped herself in close quarters combat, something she knew she wouldn't be good at.

    Tinarah used Esunaza on Torrin, Enzo, Chrono, and herself. Tinarah used Blizzaga (plus drive form boost.) Tinarah attacked

    Tinarah's Info
    HP: 160/160
    MP: 74/90
    FOC: 3/15
    FLUX: 0/3

    STATUS: Cheer (1 Turn), Rainbow Glow (3 Turns), Inspiring Presence (3 Turns)
  4. Maka Albarn It's called love

    May 7, 2008
    Fairy Tail

    "Aw, but Kefka was entertaining!" Aria joked. "This guy is kind of boring in comparison." It was like the sorcerer heard what she said, for the next thing she knew, she was knocked by by a fireball. First hit of the fight for her. Aria clenched her teeth and rose to her feet, steadying herself as she held up her keyblade. She was out of fancy moves, but not so much out of magic. "Okay, time to raise some chaos." Aria pointed her keyblade at the Horned King, firing two Thundara spells one after the other towards her target, and then went in for a straight attack, retreating back when she made her hit and kept her eyes on her target ahead

    Aria's Info
    MP: 22/57
    FOC: 1/27
    FLUX: 3/3

    Aria used
    Thundara twice and attacked
    Last edited: Oct 8, 2018
  5. Shiki my waifu is better than yours, thanks

    Jun 3, 2007
    The Future

    "Torrin's a show off!" Qamar barked out towards the man. She turned back to hear Enzo return the pleasantries to Aria. "Your name's Enzo? Mine is Qamar." she commented, nodding at him. "Nice to meet somebody who isn't trying to kill us for once. We've already had enough death with this group, I'd rather not tack on another." she said, swinging her keyblade around. Darkness covered her keyblade as it broke into two halves into her hands. She held them to her side, glaring at the Horned King. Torrin ended up doing his thing and sliding up next to Aria. Qamar looked upon him and managed to see the Horned King attempt an attack. Qamar jumped straight up to dodge the attack, landing back down with a small spin. She gave a bow for her performance and looked upon her comrades. "Aria, you guys took down that clown right? I just remember him being annoying that one time..." she shrugged.

    Qamar launched herself towards the Horned King, performing 7 strikes to his body. She backed off, giving herself a moment to breathe before she gave him a drop kick to the head. She landed and immediately jumped back to Aria, Torrin, and Enzo. She stood there, breathing heavily and looking to Torrin. "Torrin, I gotta ask you first. You're Boreas' like, best friend right? Do you you think he'd be a good teacher on channeling my anger...?" she asked. "He just...he just seems to calm and in control of his anger. Especially back when he was fighting that Light Chaser student." She looked on to the man in question.

    Qamar ATTACKED and performed SONIC BLADE

    Qamar's Info
    HP: 92/120
    MP: 15/15
    FOC: 41/41
    FLUX: 3/3

    STATUS: Leafga (2 Turns), Cheer (1 Turn), Rainbow Glow (3 Turns), Inspiring Presence (3 Turns)
  6. Light-Rune Maven Seer

    Jan 8, 2012
    The Aetherial Sea

    Chrys held in a giggle at the woman's response to Zeno. She didn't want to be mean. It had been quite funny though. Stepping forward to spare her companion further suffering, Chrys gave a small curtsy sort of motion with the edge of her jacket. "Excuse us, ma'am. We're sorry to bother you, but we were curious and hoping you could answer a few of our questions."
  7. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007

    "Kefka talked too much. I don't do witty battle banter with my enemies." Torrin smirked. "But I guess it did feel good knocking that clown down." Torrin stepped back and channeled his darkness cast Dark Saberza on himself causing a black aura to form around his keyblade. He spun his keyblade and readied for an attack when Qamar came to him asking a strange question at an odd time. "Not a good time, but if you want an answer, ask him yourself. Boreas is less tolerant than I am about the whole beating around the bush thing." He answered simply. "Oh and..."

    He charged forth, leaping high into the air while performing a rapid double front flip as he brought his keyblade down on the Horned King. Midswing in the followup attack his keyblade vanished and a blade of darkness appeared in hand. It shattered upon cutting the Horned King but Torrin kept on his momentum, twirling a newly summoned sword and spinning to deliver a backhand blow then following up with a nigh-instantaneous upwards cut with another blade of darkness that appeared in his right hand. Torrin flipped backwards, landing on his hands and pushing off the ground to vault farther back while summoning his keyblade in midair as he landed by Aria and Qamar. "That is showing off. Though...I'm pretty rusty at all the flashy flippy stuff." He shrugged.

    HP: 100/130
    MP: 24/40
    FOC: 52/70
    FLUX: 1/5

    Torrin used Dark Saberza and Attacked!


    "Not funny." Zeno folded his arms and turned away from Chrysanthemum. "A man has his pride you know." He muttered to himself as he kicked aimlessly at the ground.

    The old woman nodded at Chrys and looked from her to Zeno then back at Chrys. "Oh I don't see what the harm of it is. So of course, child. May I ask for your names? My name is Lantana."

    "I'm Zeno and that's Chrysanthemum. Chrys for short." Zeno answered for her.

    "Zeno and...Chrys..?" The woman's eyes stayed on Chrysanthemum for some time, something clearly going on in her mind. Her left hand began to shake and she held it still with the other, taking in an unsteady breath. "I-I'm sorry. It just sounds so similar to that of my granddaughter's...I haven't seen her in a very long time."

    Zeno looked at Chrys and gave her a light nudge, wishing for her to press the subject as well as ask about why their master would visit this woman.

  8. CrownMoksha Decimo

    Jan 11, 2011
    On board the DenLiner
    Chrono instinctively went to protect himself when the flames headed towards him. Despite feeling the warmth of the flames on his arms, there was no actual impact. He gave Take a quick thumbs up before turning back to the battle at hand. Once again thanks to Tinarah the lingering pain had gone away and following Torrin's fancy display, he himself went in for the attack. It was pretty simple compared to what had occurred just before, but Chrono wasn't that athletic. The best he could manage was a leap in the air that caused a shockwave to occur right when he landed.

    Chrono used Meteor Crash and Attacked

    HP: 127/145
    MP: 35/35
    FOC: 26/50
    FLUX: 3/3
  9. Vladek515 Hollow Bastion Committee

    Mar 12, 2015

    As Boreas held his ground he noted that in the midst of the battle people still deemed it necessary to have some conversation that'd be better placed after this was all done. Luckily the Horned King was retaliating demanding their attention but still people carried on. As the fireball collided with Boreas, he gritted his teeth and let the heat of it spark his inner fire as the fire from the fireball dissipated a purple aura started to glow around Boreas, intensifying rapidly until it seemed as if the man was on fire. "
    Less talking more fighting!" Boreas shouted as he started to relentlessly attack the horned king with his glaive with jabs and slashes with the glaive he forged his anger into a hammer with which to smite his enemy forgoing defence for the attack as flames struck the Horned King following the impact of his glaive. As Boreas fell into the focussed anger onto his enemy he didn't pay heed to where some of the flames went that flew from him. Boreas was attempting to put the Horned King on the defence by pushing relentlessly.

    Boreas went to Glory and Ruin and ATTACKED
    Boreas's Info
    HP: 87/145
    MP: 30/30
    FOC: 18/33
    FLUX: 3/3

    STATUS: Cheer (1 Turn), Rainbow Glow (3 Turns), Inspiring Presence (3 Turns)​
  10. Light-Rune Maven Seer

    Jan 8, 2012
    The Aetherial Sea

    Chrys was nothing if not thoughtful. The mention of a name similar to hers immediately brought to mind the conversation with the master she had just yesterday. Chryssa. Suddenly Chrys felt that she had a pretty good idea of what was going on. Yet she could be wrong, it would hardly be the first time. So at Zeno's prompting, she continued.

    "Oh... Umm... well, I suppose, we were just a little curious as to why the Master has been visiting you. That is to say, the Light Chaser, the man in the black coat. If that's not too personal a question that is."

    That's right, she actually sucked at talking. Whoops.
  11. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007

    The Horned King grew angrier the greater the damage he received, his robe was now torn and shredded yet he continued to fight, ignoring the damage being done to his frail-looking body. In a puff of green smoke he disappeared and reappeared in front of Torrin, cutting his his arm with his pointed nails before teleporting back to the Cauldron where he launched off several more blasts of green fire at the group.

    • Takehiko dealt 87 Damage!
      Tinarah dealt 125 Damage!
      Aria dealt 115 Damage!
      Qamar dealt 175 Damage!
      Torrin dealt 320 Damage!
      Chrono dealt 128 Damage!
      Boreas dealt 113 Damage!
      Enzo's Poisonga dealt 20 Damage!

      Torrin took 17 Damage! MP Rage activated!
      Aria took 29 Damage! MP Rage activated!
      Chrono was protected by Takehiko's Good Karma!
      Tinarah took 29 Damage! Silence inflicted!
      Takehiko took 43 Damage! MP Rage activated! Imperil inflicted!
      Illiana took 30 Damage! Silence inflicted!
      Boreas dodged the brunt of the attack! Rasp inflicted!
      Qamar was protected by Takehiko's Good Karma!
      Enzo took 30 Damage! Slow inflicted!
      The party took 10 Damage from To Glory and Ruin's Explosive!

      The Horned King
      HP: 3,589 / 6,660
      AP: 21
      DEF: 10
      BREAK GAUGE: 115 / 130%
      STATUS: Gravity, Poison


    "Master?" The elderly woman blinked at Chrys and frowned. "I'm afraid I don't know a Mr. Chaser but there is a man who visits every day to buy flowers. He's quite friendly and leaves a generous tip each time even though he doesn't need to tip. Is that man your teacher? You are fortunate to have such a good man teaching you." Lantana spoke as she walked over towards a rosebush outside her shop and began to water it. "As for why he would visit me..." She trailed off and leaned down to gently place the watering can on the ground. The woman shrugged slightly and chuckled. "Though I can hardly imagine what he's been doing with all those dahlias he's been buying...he told me they were for a friend here. Though I imagine whoever he's giving them to must be leaving some of them outside with how many they're getting. I haven't seen any around town though...perhaps his friend might know more if you're looking for answers. You can't miss the flowers, no one else buys them so the red and white coloring will give them away."

  12. CrownMoksha Decimo

    Jan 11, 2011
    On board the DenLiner
    Luck had been on Chrono's side more so than usual as he managed to get off of that last attack unscathed. Now, this is where things felt off with some of the others. At a glance, they appeared to be fine, but something was telling him that something was wrong. It wasn't gut feeling like usual in these situations, his gut feeling never caused the keychain on his keyblade to start shaking as much as it was now. Chrono decided to try to figure out what was going on and just go with it.

    Focusing his thoughts on his keyblade, a surge of magic coursed through him as his sister's D-link was activated. Chrono turned towards the others and used said magic to cast Esunaga on Tinarah, Take and Illiana. "Hang in there you guys!" His keychain stopped its shaking following it which meant that was a strange way for his keyblade to alert him on the condition of his teammates.

    Chrono activated Tinarah's D Link and cast Esunaga on Tinarah, Take and Illiana

    HP: 117/145

    MP: 25/35
    FOC: 23/50
    FLUX: 2/3
  13. LadyAzura Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 21, 2012
    Garreg Mach Monastery
    Illiana felt her body get knocked back by the Horned King's attack. She stood back up and tried to stop, breathe, and think. She tried to cast a spell but nothing would emerge. "Damn...Bastard locked my magic...." Illiana took another deep breath before speaking out, her eyes still glued onto the enemy. "Somebody better have a plan cause we're gonna crash at this rate." Illiana took another moment to formulate a plan in her head. She had a least thought out her next move. "There's only so much you can do yourself....." She sighed before reaching a hand to her chest. "Oh well. Gotta do what's gotta be done. Hopefully you'll be useful." Illiana felt a presence surround her. In the next immediate moment, she felt her body get lighter and much easier to move. She grabbed her blade and jumped into the air. She rolled forward in mid-air, aiming at the Horned King. "Eat this you bag of bones!" Illiana descended down, feeling her body move so fast it was as if she was moving at the speed of sound. Her blade slashed through the King, hoping it did a number on him. She backspringed her way back to where she was before. As she stood up, she felt the magic within her flow through her body once more. She looked over to Chrono as he cheered on the three he had healed. Illiana gave him a two finger salute before looking back at the Horned King.

    Illiana activated the Solar Surfer D-Link!
    Illiana used Sky Dive!

    HP: 31/70
    MP: 27/40
    FOC: 15/28
    FLUX: 2/3
  14. Aelin Best Waifu

    Jun 30, 2011
    British Columbia, Canada
    A feeling of fear and emptiness washed over Tinarah, stronger than during most fights as she felt empty, completely empty. Inside she pawed for the magical energy that flowed through her and was coming up dry. Everyone was looking beat up and worn and she just wanted to help, but there wasn't much she could do, not when nothing was in there. She wasn't strong to do damage with just her keyblade. While Tinarah might have been pretty healthy she knew that just meant that she would have to watch her friends go down if she didn't act quickly. She had to try and do something. "Leave them alone!" She found herself shouting without thinking before acting. Charging forward Tinarah attacked the Horned King, putting her full force that she could behind the attack.

    Just as she did power filled her body again, looking back she noticed Chrono and gave him a small appreciative smile before looking around at her friends. She wasn't able to heal them a moment ago, but she could help them now. With one final burst of her magic, ice and music shot from her. The music notes manifesting in green light that swept around Aria, Take, Illiana, and Enzo. The violin and piano intertwining in a healing melody. Meanwhile the ice shot at the Horned King. She was sure it would piss him off, but she could use taking some heat off of her friends for a bit and let them recover. She couldn't do everything at once, but she would sure as hell try. The music and ice faded from around her but she still stood strong staring down the Horned King, not backing down.

    Tinarah used Attack, Blizzaga, and Curaza (Take, Aria, Illiana and Enzo)
    Tinarah's Info
    HP: 121/160
    MP: 62/90
    FOC: 3/15
    FLUX: 0/3

    STATUS: Rainbow Glow (1 Turns), Inspiring Presence (1 Turns),
  15. Shiki my waifu is better than yours, thanks

    Jun 3, 2007
    The Future

    Qamar nodded to Torrin. "Sorry, I'm bad at choosing the right time." she admitted, scratching her head. She crossed her arms and watched Torrin, rolling her eyes. In the moment, she suddenly felt her own darkness bubble up, wanting to be let out. She took a moment and closed her eyes, a tiny dark aura surrounding her and then disipating. She opened her eyes again to see Torrin returned. Suddenly, a burning could be felt on her body and she started to swipe at the dark flames. She looked over to see Boreas and heard him bark about them not talking and doing more fighting. Qamar nodded. She agreed with him on that one, knowing he was correct in the way he spoke. So she did just as he suggsted and jumped back to try and give her more room for momentum.

    Her eyes shifted down to see the little purple over-skirt thing she was wearing was now....brunt all over. The edges and the inner parts had now gotten small holes where flames peppered her. She sighed, knowing she wasn't actually hurt that much herself, but she had still lost a pretty big part of her outfit. "Guess I'll need to change, then." she shrugged, reaching up and tugging at her hairbow. She then wrapped the bow around her neck as the darkness poured out, changing her clothes and letting the hairbow grow in size. She was now in her Domination form, ready to strike.

    With incredible speed, Qamar was now launched at the Horned King. Along the way she transformed her blade into it's Rapier form. She skid to a halt in front of the Horned King before rapidly stabbing at him, feeling her own life sucked away in the process. Deciding that was enough, Qamar jumped back and found herself, standing nearby Boreas. Her eyes glanced over to him, watching him and noting how focused he was. "Scary." she muttered.

    Qamar went into DOMINATION and used PENETRATOR for 10 HITS (-50 HP)

    Qamar's Info
    HP: 47/120
    MP: 15/15
    FOC: 41/41
    FLUX: 0/3

    STATUS: Leafga (1 Turn), Rainbow Glow (2 Turns), Inspiring Presence (2 Turn
  16. Maka Albarn It's called love

    May 7, 2008
    Fairy Tail

    Aria couldn't agree more with Boreas' statement. As much as she missed everyone and missed talking to people in general without fear of being shut down, being prodded, or saying too much, there was a powerful enemy at hand. Boring, but powerful.

    Before she can jump in and do much, flames headed her way, singeing her skin.
    "Owowowowow!" One look to the soldier guy, and she could see the cause of the flames. That would be a problem... She patted her arms quickly to dose the flames before another attack rushed towards them. She caught a glimpse of the Sorcerer going straight for Torrin, stabbing at him before retreating back while she herself was thrown off guard and pushed back by the green smoke. Aria grunted as she crouched to one knee, trying to find the strength to keep going. She got hit hard that time and could feel it radiating through her being. Just as she was to force herself back up, light in the shape of music notes surrounded her and rejuvenated her energy once more. She looked to Tinarah and smiled a little. "Thank you!" she called to her friend.

    Aria summoned her keyblade once more, swinging it down in front of her. She closed her eyes as light enveloped her body, her hair floating upwards as her tunic rippled in the strange wind that seemed to surround the girl. The light became blinding before it disappeared all together, leaving Aria in a red like dress that looked like a red dawn.
    "My turn," she whispered quietly towards the Horned King. Her keyblade began to glow brightly as she zoomed towards the Horned King, attacking him with all her might.

    Aria's Info
    MP: 50/57
    FOC: 1/27
    FLUX: 0/3

    Aria went into First Dawn (Drive Form) and used
    Attacked with Light III
  17. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007

    Torrin touched his arm and narrowed his eyes at the bloody stain left over his torn coat sleeve. "Just a scratch." He muttered under his breath, wondering how much longer his favored coat would survive. The thought concerned him more than the wound inflicted on him as it was one of the only articles of clothing he had left from his home. A brilliant flash of light returned his attention to the battle. Aria had called upon her own inner strength and was now doing battle in a red dress that radiated a powerful warmth.

    It seemed like everyone had been putting their all into the fight and had been drawing on their powers to beat the Horned King back. The sorcerer was looking in rough shape and he had actually been forced back several steps back towards the Cauldron. "We've got him on the ropes! Don't let up!" Torrin called out towards the others as he closed the gap between the Horned King and himself with a leaping diagonal cut. Four black blades surrounded the Horned King, suspended in the air for a moment before launching themselves at the sorcerer just as Torrin unleashed a flurry of rapid blows from an Ars Arcanum. He continued the assault by leaping into the air and coming back crashing down with a Sky Dive before Dodge Rolling backwards out of harm's way now that the dark blades at his side had all been used up and could no longer shield him.

    HP: 73/130
    MP: 34/40
    FOC: 32/70
    FLUX: 1/5

    Torrin Attacked and used Ars Arcanum, Sky Dive, and Dodge Roll.

  18. Light-Rune Maven Seer

    Jan 8, 2012
    The Aetherial Sea

    "I see..." Chrys put her finger to her chin in thought. "I suppose that's all we can ask you then... except for maybe..." Chrys paused momentarily, considering Lantana's earlier reaction to just hearing her name. "I suppose this isn't really relevant, but I'm curious. I understand if this is something of a sore spot for you, but... you said my name was similar to your granddaughter's. Could you... tell me what hers was?" She awaited Lantana's answer anxiously.
  19. Vladek515 Hollow Bastion Committee

    Mar 12, 2015

    The others seemed to have heard him as Boreas didn't hear as much talking anymore not that he was focused too much on the others as his foe was before him, until he disappeared into the green missed and disappeared only to reappear again in front of him, Boreas dodged the swipe of the bony hands and spun through into a low cut with the Glaive. That's when he felt it his magical energies were burning up. The foul sorceror must have put a spell on him, the coward. He noticed from the corner of his eyes that someone was beside him but he didn't see who it was nor did he care too much. As Boreas shifted his blade back into the Pernach and lunged at the skeleton swinging repeatedly battering the skeletal Sorceror as the flames went were sent all around him, Boreas not paying heed to them he wanted to grind this skeleton to dust for his boisterous claim of immortality and he was going to even if it was the last thing he did as the heavy mace head crashed into the sorceror again and again. "
    Where is your immortality now?!" Boreas roared at his foe as the mace head crashed into a kneecap, followed by a strong boot to the ribcage.

    Boreas used Furious Charge and Attacked
    Boreas's Info
    HP: 72/145
    MP: 25/30
    FOC: 18/33
    FLUX: 0/3

    STATUS: Rasp (9 Turns) [5 MP lost per turn], Rainbow Glow (2 Turns), Inspiring Presence (2 Turns), To Glory and Ruin! (2 Turns)​
  20. cstar stay away from my waifu

    Dec 19, 2008

    Take was enjoying the surge of light he was managing to maintain and the way he was managing to protect the others. It still hurt when he got hit, but he knew he was going to be fine. Especially when Chrono and Tinarah tag teamed to heal everyone just in time. Take looked towards Tinarah and checked out the others to see how they were doing in terms of magic. Illiana looked like she wouldn't mind being topped off, and with how much magic the new guy seemed to be using, it didn't seem like he'd mind either. He raised his keyblade up into the air to share his magic with the three of them before lunging his sword at the Horned King once more.

    Take used MP Shower (Tinarah, Illiana, and Enzo) and attacked.

    HP: 133/200
    MP: 18/28
    FOC: 28/28
    FLUX: 0/3
    Last edited: Oct 15, 2018