Kingdom Hearts Keychain Keyholders

Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by Xaldin, Sep 23, 2007.

  1. Xaldin ITS OVER 9000!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Hey everyone, it seems as though those key chains were not from TGS at all, but a new item from Square-Enix. However according to the blog user, something was shown at the corner of the Gameshow in TGS (Not entirely sure if it was the Keyblades or something else.)

    Anyways, these Keyholders A.K.A Keyrings are set for a October release, for 1,995 yen ($17 approximately), we'll be sure to get more information as time passes.


    Source: Rakuten and FFKH Blog

    Edit: Also, just to add in a bit of information, as pointless as it may be, the trailer musics were different for each game, however none of them were new.

    Coded used an Orchestrated version of Simple and Clean
    358/2 Days used "Other Promise"
    Birth by Sleep: Used "Fate of the Unknown"
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Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by Xaldin, Sep 23, 2007.

    1. kitty_mckechnie
      So are they like keyrings or something?
    2. Speyeker
      I don't find the information on the trailer music pointless at all!

      It is a bit disheartening, though, that no new music was used. :(
    3. TwilightTreader
      I don't guess there's a place where we can find these new trailers right now, is there?
    4. axel8th
      I knew they we're gonna sell those! XD Off to SE's japan shop! (God, i'm offly happy today....i'm making my self sick!)

      *EDIT*Trust me, some idoit is probbaly uploading the trailers right now. The thing is, onced he does SE will find someway to delete it.
    5. Speyeker
      At the same time, it is a bit weird to see PS2-quality music playing alongside scenes from games on systems with sound chips inferior to that of the PS2's.
    6. Xaldin
      They had Simple and Clean Vocalized on the GBA, they find a way.
    7. Vex123
      wow, i REALLY want some keychains
    8. Mirai
      You've never played Tales of Phantasia on the SNES, have you? The intro song was really well done.
    9. genry-morgan
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    10. SoulSlayer
      Hmmm... only $17? Well, compared to the "charms" who are about the same size, they're very cheap. I might actually get one of those.
    11. Varnor
      interesting... Thanks for the news Xaldin
    12. SplitOverload
      I'd get it. Those two keyblades are the kewlest looking imo lawl.
    13. SoulSlayer
      Is that so...? Well, I think you're just a spam bot, so no, not interested.
    14. The Lone Wanderer
      The Lone Wanderer
      I just so want one of those keychains!